How to build a firewood shed for a summer house - step-by-step instructions and ideas for inspiration

Almost all owners of country houses keep firewood reserves on their plots. They can be stored in different ways. Most often, woodsheds are created - special structures for storing natural fuel.

Free-standing firewood sheds with a pitched roof:

With a gable roof:

Photos of various firewood burners integrated into the wall:

Firewood: why we need it and where to store it

To organize a good rest, it is advisable to have firewood, but for heating it is simply necessary. Still, country life most often focuses on them. There are several arguments in favor of this heating method:

1. lack of electrical and gas communications in the area where the dacha is located,

2. heating with wood is one of the more accessible and cheaper heating methods,

3. firewood is a necessary attribute of a real bathhouse, therefore lovers of the ancient method of rejuvenation always have the necessary supply of firewood,

4. live fire is always beautiful and adds coziness to the room.

A live fire will add coziness to the room

All these arguments contribute to the fact that heating a country house with wood is becoming one of the most popular methods.

But you can’t buy an armful of three lozins in a supermarket, and where is this super store if you are in the middle of a summer cottage? Therefore, they stock up on firewood for a long time and store it on the site for long-term storage. But not all wood is good for a fire; freshly cut trees generally need to dry well, therefore, you need not only to have a place for storage, but to create conditions for the firewood to dry sufficiently.

A woodcutter at the dacha will solve the problem of storing firewood

For these purposes, woodsheds for summer cottages are built on a country plot. These specially constructed structures must meet the following requirements:

1. the design must allow for the placement of a large volume of firewood for storage; when neatly packaged, it must be easily accessible for use;

2. when storing firewood, there must be a constant flow of fresh air necessary to dry the raw materials;

The woodshed must have good ventilation

3. The woodshed must have a canopy that well covers the firewood from precipitation;

4. During construction, try to erect obstacles in the path of sunlight. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, wood changes its structure and subsequently burns very quickly under the influence of fire, which is undesirable for a stove;

Try to protect the firewood from direct sunlight

5. The design of the firewood shed must fit into the landscape created on the territory of the dacha, not introduce disproportions and not disrupt the harmony of the space.

Polycarbonate canopies and why they are better

A fairly new material for the construction of temporary structures is polycarbonate. It became available relatively recently and has the ideal combination of price and quality. It will be more profitable to make a canopy from such material for several reasons:

  1. Availability of material. 1 square meter of polycarbonate will cost the owner 120 rubles. Let's take a sheet with a reserve and a little thicker - it will cost 170 rubles. Compared to metal, it is a little cheaper, and if you consider that polycarbonate does not need to be painted or treated with anti-corrosion mixtures, the price will be completely low.
  2. Absolute resistance to corrosion. Water, sunlight, acids, alkalis - all this will not affect the structure of the material, polycarbonate will be like new for many years.
  3. Ease. Light weight brings many benefits. Firstly, it is very convenient to transport; you can even bring it by car. Mounting on the roof is even more convenient. If you choose calm weather, even one person can easily perform the installation. One sheet will weigh several kilograms, it lifts easily and does not overload the roof sheathing, so you can install much thinner supporting elements.
  4. Flexibility. If you want to create an extraordinary roof, then polycarbonate is the best option. You can even twist it into a ram's horn, as it is elastic and flexible, unlike any other roofing material that cannot be bent.

The construction process is a little more complicated than in the manufacture of the structures described above, but there is nothing supernatural. Metal supports 45x45 centimeters are installed (preferably with concrete), then the top is tied to which the arched frame is already attached. The only difficulty is the transverse lathing on each sheet of polycarbonate, but it can be done every 80-90 centimeters. Arched profiles are attached to the transverse lathing, into which a polycarbonate sheet is installed. They eliminate possible leaks during heavy rains, and also additionally compact the sheets.

We looked at the most profitable and simple designs of canopies that you can make at your dacha with your own hands, but if you wish, they can become not just a roof under which you can hide firewood, but also full-fledged decorations of your yard. To prevent firewood and other materials that will be under the canopy from getting wet during a strong thunderstorm, you need to make the roof slopes a little longer so that the angle from the end of the roofing material to the beginning of the firewood is at least 45%. The lower the warehouse is, the “cozier” it will be inside, but the less firewood will fit in it - take this into account in advance.

Drovniks: design features

It is correct to begin the construction of a firewood warehouse by drawing up a plan and determining the configuration of the structure. According to the peculiarities of placement and orientation relative to the main building on a summer cottage, woodsheds differ into two types: free-standing and adjacent to the building. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Woodshed leaning against a building

This simplest design is carried out close to the dacha building. In this case, the house, most often wooden, serves as one of the walls.

Woodshed leaning against a building

It is worth noting that this is the most unfortunate type of structure. The disadvantages of this building are:

  • High level of fire danger.
  • Firewood and logs, as a rule, are habitats for all kinds of bugs, ticks and other living creatures. To protect the building from unreliable neighbors, it is necessary to impregnate the woodshed with special compounds or protect the house directly from the firewood storage with some kind of obstacle, for example, a metal sheet.

When placing such a structure near the house, it is better to place it on the northern dacha side or in an area of ​​frequent winds. In this case, the woodshed for the dacha will insulate the country house.

This type of woodshed is recommended to be located on the north side of the house

A structure leaning against a building does not always decorate it and fit harmoniously into the surrounding landscape. If your firewood shed is not one of the beautiful structures, install it on the side less accessible to prying eyes.

The woodcutter should fit organically into the style of the dacha


This simplest design is not distinguished by any special architectural frills. It consists of four supports with a floor installed and raised above the ground, simple walls and a roof.

Firewood storage shed

Freestanding design

A separate firewood warehouse is a higher quality structure. It serves to store a significant amount of logs and is built in compliance with special rules according to a outlined plan.

Free-standing structure for storing firewood

Portable woodcutter

It is an elegant, beautiful design that is used to move firewood in small batches to the burning site. The material can be used wood, metal. The specially made forged structure looks beautiful. The main requirements for it:

1. Be easy.

2. Fits beautifully into the design of the premises.

3. Be convenient for moving firewood.

Elegant forged wood burner


A forged firewood can be made very worthy in terms of aesthetics. To develop its attractiveness, you can use paints and garden decorative elements, such as lighting or various figures.

This is a portable modification. She is quite elegant. It is used to move a small amount of firewood to the combustion source. Forged versions are usually made of metal. There are also wooden products. Such products can be purchased at special retail outlets. You can make a personal order taking into account your tastes and wishes.

The main requirements for the forged version are:

  1. Ease.
  2. Harmonious fit into the design.
  3. Ease of moving firewood.

Other metal options

Woodsheds combined with barbecue:

Round firewood boxes:

Choosing the size of the firewood

Before you start arranging a place to store firewood, pay attention to how much fuel you plan to store. If you plan to occasionally light a barbecue fire in a warm company and feed your friendly company with aromatic, according to all the rules of hospitality, grilled shish kebab, and you don’t even have room for a fireplace in your dacha, but you will need some firewood. You will build a small woodshed for your dacha, place all your wood supplies in it and use them in small portions on the farm.

Small firewood shed for the dacha

It’s a different matter if the family plans to come to the dacha in winter, heat the entire house with a stove or using a specially equipped fireplace and warm up by a cozy fire. Here you can no longer limit yourself to an armful of firewood. You need a lot of wood, which will be stored close to the house in a dry condition and with free access.

Woodshed for a large amount of firewood

Regardless of how much firewood you have or should have, it is advisable to have all of your wood supplies under the roof. When choosing the size of the warehouse, calculate the amount of wood available, provide for the stock that may be required or, conversely, you can purchase in the near future. Sometimes an approximate calculation of how much volume you want to store is enough; it will be decisive for determining the dimensions of the storage.

In order for the construction to be successful and there is no need to redesign the structure, sketch out the simplest sketch of the woodshed and calculate its dimensions. He will help you decide on the location on the site and calculate the required volume of building materials.

Scheme of a simple wood shed for a summer cottage

According to the second method of determining the dimensions of the storage facility, the owners simply start from the amount of building materials that the owner has free access to on the site and can use to carry out construction work. The method is budgetary and unreliable. It does not always help to place all wood reserves into storage.

Plan of a covered wood shed

How we work

The production of a firewood shed here is identical to the stages of construction of a separate version. If you have the necessary materials (slate, boards, etc.), the firewood parameters are determined based on the material parameters. The stacking of firewood in it is carried out in such a way that the wood is dried naturally, and the logs stacked in rows fix each other.

There is a misconception that the presence of a floor in a woodshed is not necessary. In its absence, there will be no natural air flow, moisture will accumulate below, and the lower layers of firewood will become damp. Having created a high-quality floor once, it can be replaced after 15 years. And the firewood is always guaranteed to be dry.

Frame firewood for a bathhouse. This is the most functional option. It is lightweight and provides high-quality air current. Such a building is well ventilated, keeping it cool inside, ensuring a quick release of moisture accumulating there. But wood does not lose its qualities.

The following configuration is acceptable here: the woodshed is not completely finished, and the cladding of one or two walls is made from a wooden lattice. Outwardly, it will look like a gazebo, and often this option is suitable for a wood burner for an (outdoor) fireplace.

If you often visit your dacha in winter, then you need to create a defense for the firewood in the form of wooden shutters.

Often, in order to save money, wooden frames are upholstered with metal. In reality this is impractical. Due to metal sheets, proper ventilation is not achieved and a greenhouse effect is formed. Therefore, it is better not to skimp here and build the entire firewood shed from wood .

Two walls can be left open. Be sure to provide ventilation slots in the board finishing.

Design options for free-standing firewood sheds that support the style of the house and site. Beautiful woodsheds:

With partial painting of surfaces.

Entourage - black color. Although the design itself is extremely simple.

Stages of work:

  1. Digging beams into the ground. They are required for the frame. They are poured with concrete and compacted powerfully.
  2. The frame is carefully treated with a moisture protection agent.
  3. Rafters are created from boards. They are also treated with a protective agent.
  4. To obtain a high-quality functional roof, apply a layer of roofing felt. Place the slate overlapping it. The slate should extend 20 cm beyond the edges of the walls.

Instead of slate or in combination with it, you can use ondulin. For their installation, nails with wide heads are used.

The floor is made according to the following principle: bricks, roofing felt and logs are placed at a certain distance from each other. A good floor is made from boards placed tightly together.

To develop the rigidity of the building, braces are created along the side walls.

There is a small nuance here - the accumulation of water on the roof of the woodshed after rains, its flow down. It is necessary to make an allotment for her. A great option here is a drainage ditch.

This woodshed can be given the same tones as other buildings on the site, and can be varnished without changing the color of the wood.

Photos of wood and timber loggers:

Choosing a location on the site

When choosing a place where you plan to install a woodshed for your dacha, be guided by its size and for what purpose the firewood is supposed to be used.

When choosing a site-wide woodshed, listen to the advice of avid summer residents:

1. If, after all, the main thing you need firewood for is delicious, aromatic kebabs, place the storage in the area of ​​the site that is closer to the grill. This does not mean that it is in close proximity. The distance between the firewood and the barbecue should be significant; no spark should reach the wood storage area.

The woodshed is located near the barbecue

2. The woodshed should not be placed in the middle of the site. As a rule, this is not an architectural form to be proud of. A corner closer to home - these are its main landmarks.

3. Also, the structure is sometimes large in size and casts a significant shadow. When placing, please note that a certain part of the site in this case cannot be considered as a place for planting green spaces due to the limited supply of sunlight, which is so necessary for greenery.

4. When placing the woodshed, take into account the need for a free approach to the structure and the presence of high-quality coverage on the path. The weather will not always be favorable to you; a wall of rain or piles of snow should not make going for firewood very difficult.

A paved stone path will provide access to the woodshed in any weather

5. The woodcutter will occupy an area where no trees will be planted. You can simply select a piece of insufficiently fertile land for its location.

6. Firewood used to heat a summer house or cook barbecue must be protected from moisture not only from that which pours from above. Do not place the woodshed at the bottom of an area where rainwater accumulates. In this case, it may be flooded during excessive precipitation. Difficulties will arise if you need to get to the surface during rain along paths flooded with moisture.

The coating will prevent moisture from accumulating in the woodshed

7. It is better to locate the woodshed in an area accessible to vehicle access. In this case, there will be no great difficulties in carrying and storing firewood. To reduce construction time and make it easier for the woodshedder to carry out work, select a flat area or carry out work to level it.

The area for firewood should be level

Based on the tips given, you can easily find a place on your garden plot to build a firewood shed for your summer cottage.


The stacking method will require a wall for support, a house, barn or garage. Without a supporting wall, the structure will not be stable and will soon fall apart.

When folding in parallel rows, it is worth sloping towards the support post or wall for greater structural integrity.

The easiest way is to take the thicker edges of the firewood and stack them on the outside. Or another method is to place slats under the ends of the stumps. Alternatively, you can use separate woodpiles.

The process of laying firewood on a woodpile with your own hands is no longer routine, but creative; many people perform so-called dot paintings, using a variety of sizes and colors of stumps, thereby decorating their yard.

Design selection

When choosing a building in which firewood supplies will be stored, be sure to provide a roof that will protect the supplies from precipitation and sunlight. If you intend to build a free-standing structure, there are several projects for the construction of such a building:

1. A woodshed can be a structure with a roof and three walls.

Woodshed with a roof and three walls

2. A storage area for firewood can be made of a gazebo with a door, which can be entered as needed and stocked with the necessary supplies.

Woodshed for a closed summer cottage

3. Firewood can be stored in a real full-fledged barn. In this case, the frame must be made of boards attached with a gap for ventilation of the room.

If a barn is chosen as storage, you can build a larger building and provide space for gardening equipment and tools.

Woodshed with room for equipment

Household block with woodshed

This building combines separate compartments for storing household equipment and firewood. Accordingly, the part for storing equipment should be more protected from bad weather and uninvited guests. Partially, the degree of protection depends on what kind of equipment will be stored - for power tools you need good waterproofing, but for wheelbarrows, hoses and shovels, a normal roof and the absence of strong humidity are sufficient.

Since a large supply of fuel is usually stored in a woodshed attached to a utility block (or built together with it), a foundation will be required. For it, you can use monolithic supports, block or piles. If there are wooden ridges (butt parts of large trunks, at least 0.7...1 m in diameter), they can be used as supports. To do this, the ridges are cleared of bark and possible damage (rot, fungus, blue stains), impregnated with an antiseptic (for example, waste motor oil) and coated with molten bitumen. For greater safety, you can make a second layer of waterproofing - after hot coating with bitumen, wrap it in roofing felt.

Approximate plan of the foundation for a utility block with a firewood shed

An example of a utility room with a woodshed

Please note that the part where the tools are stored has a solid sheathing, and the side and rear walls of the woodshed are sheathed “staggered”

An example of a frame design on columnar supports. The woodshed is located on the left

The construction principle is the same as for a conventional free-standing storage facility:

  • organization of foundation supports (preferably on a previously prepared site with gravel/crushed stone/sand filling and compaction);
  • fastening racks to supports using studs, mortgages or fastening profiles;
  • assembly of transverse and longitudinal frame elements;
  • arrangement of the rafter system;
  • wall cladding (solid for the utility block, sparse for the woodshed). Part of the sheathing can be replaced with crosses or several beams packed transversely (parallel to the ground);
  • roof installation (waterproofing, roofing material);
  • hanging the door on the utility block.

The video will help you figure out how to build a firewood shed with your own hands.

Please note that the utility unit does not have to be designed for storing useful things. There may be a summer toilet or shower, even a summer kitchen or a place to spend the night

Drovnik: where to buy?

The retail chain offers a large number of warehouse projects for storing firewood. These beautiful designs can be purchased on the Internet, the cost of construction is considerable. But you will acquire a multifunctional design that will decorate your site. Often buildings are put up for sale on the Internet, which are a real barn with a door and a wood shed under one roof.

Sample of a finished firewood log for a summer residence

Extension for firewood. Making an extension for firewood

It is good if the local area is asphalted or tiled. Then the lower rows of the wood supply will remain dry. For better ventilation, install several bricks or cinder blocks at the corners of the future base as supports.

Place a piece of plywood or a storage pallet on them. There may be several of them, depending on the amount of firewood. For strength, fasten the pallets together with metal staples or steel wire. Make holes in the bottom.

The elevation can be made of a wooden or metal frame covered with dense waterproofing material (roofing felt). To ensure that the woodpile is stable, secure it at the ends with two pairs of poles, nailing them to the base. Stack the logs parallel to each other. With the thicker end towards the retaining wall.

A woodpile folded like a cage will be much more stable. Each subsequent row is folded perpendicular to the bottom one. Round timber or lumps, split into two halves, are placed along the edges. This is the simplest type of wood burner. Even a teenager can handle its device.

If conditions and your abilities allow, the frame is made more durable. Dig four metal pipes or beams into the ground to a depth of 30 cm. These will be the racks. We fill them around the circumference with crushed stone and compact them.

Treat the part of the timber in contact with the ground with antiseptic impregnation to protect it from rotting. Sheathe the racks on two or three sides - at your discretion. This is the so-called “harness”. A floorboard (25 mm) or slats or polycarbonate sheets are suitable for it.

For fastening we use screws or nails, two on each side. The main thing is that there is a gap between the sheets or boards for free air ventilation. This way the wood won't get damp.

A roof made of any available roofing material is attached to the corners on top. There's a trick here. We make the rear pillars higher by 20-30 cm. This way we will get a roof with a slope along which water will roll without spoiling our firewood. The floor is laid on long boards (logs) placed on columns of bricks or cinder blocks.

They are laid on top with a base covering made of boards of larger diameter so that the floor is not pressed down by the weight of the woodpile. If there is not much firewood, plywood can be used as a base. There should be several block or brick supports under the joists.

Lay out the bottom row of the stack with meter-long firewood. When everything is ready, coat the wooden parts of your masterpiece with an antiseptic on the first layer, and after drying, paint with a pest additive or polyurethane varnish.

It is important to take one more precaution. If the house near which you are building a log storage is wooden, you need to think about how to protect it from wood bugs and dampness. To do this, leave space between the wall and the logs for ventilation.

Protect the section of the wall in the desired location from bark beetles with a steel sheet

To do this, leave space between the wall and the logs for ventilation. Protect the section of the wall in the desired location from bark beetles with a steel sheet.


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I came across a woodshed near the house, the frame of which was welded from angle iron. This design is not afraid of dampness; there is no need to be afraid that it will be overturned by a strong wind. However, the cost of material and welding work is much higher than the costs of the designs described above.

Drovnik: construction features

Most often, wood is used as building materials for firewood storage. This is understandable and explainable. But other sheet materials that can withstand precipitation well are quite acceptable.

When constructing a structure, it is not recommended to use metal sheets. This structure will heat up under the influence of sunlight and contribute to the formation of a greenhouse effect inside the structure, which is undesirable when storing firewood.

Classic wooden firewood

Professionals advise that when constructing walls, specially leave gaps in the structure, which will serve to ventilate firewood measuring 10 mm or more.

The firewood shed is covered with a roof, which is covered with ordinary roofing materials: slate sheet, polycarbonate, ondulin or polycarbonate.

Stages of woodpile construction

Before starting work, the wood must be treated with an antiseptic and well soaked in drying oil. Iron must be cleaned of rust and coated with a primer.

The construction of a country woodshed is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Installation of supports. Steel or wooden supports are immersed in pre-dug holes and carefully leveled. For this purpose, supports and braces are used. Concrete mortar is poured into the hole or broken brick mixed with sand is poured. Concrete needs at least 5 days to harden. If stone backfill is used, then construction can continue immediately after compacting it.
  2. Making the top and bottom trim. These structures will be the base for the floor and roof of the woodpile. Steel pipes are held together by welding. The wooden beam is inserted into the grooves of the supports and fixed with nails.
  3. Pallet assembly. It is made from timber, which is nailed to the bottom trim at intervals of 10-15 cm. To prevent the pallet from sagging, it is advisable to place bricks under it, covered with roofing felt on top.
  4. Roof arrangement. It is best to make a simple lean-to structure. The roofing material is laid on a sheathing made of timber or steel pipe. To prevent water from flowing in, the roof slopes must be moved 30-40 cm beyond the edges of the woodshed.
  5. Sheathing the frame with slats, carrying out minor finishing work, installing windows and doors. You can store garden tools and other property in a closed woodpile.

The final stage of building a woodpile is decorating and painting it. If you have time, desire and imagination, it can be turned into a real fairy-tale tower.

Woodshed: do it yourself

The place for storing firewood is not distinguished by the presence of complex structural elements; it is entirely within the power of an owner who has basic knowledge of construction and the desire to work independently on a personal plot.

The entire construction process can be divided into several stages. To begin with, don’t be lazy, sketch out a basic plan, determine the dimensions, and calculate the amount of building materials needed.

Free-standing woodshed - canopy in the country: we build it with our own hands

Below is an option for constructing a separate building structure among the site. Six logs are used as load-bearing structures, three on each side.

A simple woodcutter for a log cottage

Construction stages:

1. Mark a construction site on the site. Mark the location of the corner and intermediate logs. Dig holes for supports measuring at least 30 by 30 cm and up to half a meter deep. Pour at least 15 cm of crushed stone into the prepared holes and compact it.

Dig holes for logs

2. Logs must be deepened by at least a quarter of a meter. Treat the tree with an antiseptic before installing it in the ground. Wrap it in roofing felt. Strengthen the supports with rubble stone or concrete. This will give the structure the necessary strength and protect the structure from destruction under gusts of wind and the mass of snow that has fallen in winter.

Treat the ends of the logs

3. The length of the logs that will be located at the rear of the building must be approximately at least 3 cm longer than those located in front of the building to obtain a pitched roof.

4. Install transverse joists, they will be the basis for the future floor. Attach them to supporting logs. In order to prevent direct contact of logs with the ground, the transverse structure must be above ground level at a distance of more than 10 cm. Provide air flow from below and prevent contact of wood with soil moisture.

Installed cross beams

5. Lay the floorboards on the joists in increments of up to 2 cm, which will provide the necessary air flow for ventilation. Fastening can be done using nails. It is better to fasten the boards with wood screws and tighten them with a screwdriver.

Installing floorboards on joists

6. Start building the frame. To do this, cover the woodshed on three sides with boards in increments of up to 15 cm. As a budget option, a mesh structure similar to a chain-link, but stiffer, is used. Aesthetically, this building will not be attractive, but it will serve its purpose as a firewood keeper.

7. Building a roof is not particularly difficult. To begin, install three rafters on the firewood frame; they will form the basis for the supporting roof system. Place five cross logs on top. Cover the resulting structure with roofing material. These can be sheets of slate, corrugated sheets, roofing felt or ondulin. Slate and roofing felt are fastened with ordinary nails. For ondulin or corrugated sheets, use special screws.

Roof design options for woodshed

8. Instead of five logs, you can cover the top with shingles, roofing felt and ordinary roofing materials. It will be no worse in terms of durability and aesthetics.

9. In order to give an aesthetic appearance to the structure, the wood is coated with varnish or paint for exterior use.

Finally, coat the wood with varnish.

When building a wood warehouse, it is necessary to take into account some features. They will increase the service life of the structure and reliably protect the firewood from atmospheric influences:

1. The roof of the building must have a slope so that snow slides off it naturally and any remaining water is removed.

Woodshed with a sloping roof

2. In order for the roof to protect the firewood, it must protrude beyond the dimensions of the shed by at least 25 cm.

3. Be sure to include a floor in the design of the firewood storage. This is the only way to protect the wood from moisture and ensure natural ventilation of the storage area. A distance of at least 10 cm must be maintained between the floor and the ground.

The raised floor will protect the firewood from moisture

4. The walls and floor are made of wooden structures with clearance for ventilation.

5. To impart strength and durability to the structure, before construction, all materials must be treated with protective and antiseptic compounds.

To decorate a woodshed for a summer residence, you can use wood carvings. The structure covered with climbing plants looks beautiful. Sometimes there are garden sculptures and benches nearby. A drainage system is provided to drain melt and rainwater.

Carved woodshed for a summer residence

Woodshed adjacent to the house: we build it with our own hands

The construction of a woodshed for a summer cottage adjacent to the main building is not particularly different. It is carried out according to the already presented algorithm. The structure must have gaps for ventilation. Use conventional roofing materials to cover the roof.

Plan of the woodshed adjacent to the house

During construction, you need to take into account your nuances:

1. The woodshed is closely adjacent to the house, so it is necessary to take measures to prevent water from flowing onto the firewood from the roof.

2. The convenience and advantages of building on the north side have already been discussed. In this case, the firewood will insulate the house and protect the structure from sunlight.

3. Be sure to provide a floor in the firewood shed to prevent soil moisture from entering.

Woodshed for a summer house with a floor

4. You can install closing shutter doors, which will give the structure a presentable look, cover the woodpile, and additionally protect it from moisture.

It is convenient to install a woodshed on a terrace or gazebo adjacent to the house. Beautifully stacked firewood will add an ethnic flavor to the building, and will be stored in a convenient and accessible place. Agree, you go out onto the veranda, in a specially designated place you see a beautifully stacked woodpile and understand that you are in a place that respects ancient traditions.

Woodshed adjacent to the gazebo

Unusual woodsheds in the country and features of their construction

It is not necessary to use a special building to store firewood. Existing buildings can meet these requirements; remnants of building structures that were not used during the construction of the dacha are allowed to be used.

Firewood from barrels

Sometimes a dacha plot resembles a warehouse of building structures that were purchased just in case and for the time being clog up the dacha farm. If your dacha turns out to be littered with old barrels or you have the opportunity to purchase them, you can take your chance and build a real colorful structure out of barrels on the site.

Original firewood for a summer cottage made from barrels

Construction can be completed in a few days. To do this, you just need to knock out the bottoms of the container and place the barrels on top of each other. Secure them in this state. Carefully place the firewood in the barrels themselves.

Woodshed from a former rabbitry

Sometimes there are unnecessary buildings on the site that are no longer needed or used by anyone. These include rabbit hutches. A few steps are required to use existing animal cages for storage. All necessary work can be collected in several stages:

1. Remove the doors and clear the opening of any obstacles.

2. Repair the roof and strengthen it.

3. Upholster the building with a metal frame or fix the old one. You can use metal mesh for finishing.

Rabbit woodcutter

Such a structure will not require large investments, and the structure will fit well into the small size of the summer cottage.

How to make a woodshed from pallets?

Pallets, which are frames made from boards, are an ideal building material for storing firewood. Making them is not difficult even for novice builders. All work comes down to the construction of a cubic structure of five pallets. By installing the cube on a stand and building a roof, you will get a full-fledged barn. You can combine several cubes connected to each other under one roof.

Woodsheds for the garden made from pallets

Firewood from rings for a well

If you have rings remaining from the construction of the well, you can lay them horizontally and fasten them all together. The design is not original, but has the right to life. You can make such a woodshed if you don’t want to spend money on a serious construction and there are no special complaints about its appearance.

The rings for the well will make an excellent firewood for the dacha

Using the tips offered in the article and following the recommendations, you will build a woodshed for your summer cottage for any volume of wood and perfectly protect the existing firewood from sunlight and precipitation.

Ideas in photo format

Unusual design - Finnish woodshed Drawing of a small woodshed for one rad of logs This is as easy as pie to make. And you can bring a beautiful firewood rack into the house. Just a hut for firewood)) Lightweight design for a small amount of wood These triangular structures are also firewood sheds Two concreted logs near the wall. That's the whole device

Option for a large rectangular woodshed with a gable roof

The large overhang of the roof will protect from rain. The main thing is that the wind does not tear off the roof. Interesting and stylish: can be placed near the fireplace or stove

The log makes a beautiful firewood box, but it costs...

Metal frame. There is not enough rigidity (slopes), so everything went wrong. This is an option with boards fixed like blinds

All of these models are easy to build, some are just modifications of those described above. We hope it’s easier for you to now build a woodshed with your own hands.

Photo gallery - woodsheds for the garden

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Photos of sheds for firewood

Beautiful sheds for firewood are not necessarily the result of the work of professionals. With some imagination, you can create very interesting models with your own hands.

The most impressive option is the one with forged parts.

However, a simple change in the shape of the walls also makes an impression.

The woodshed can be made from wood in an equally intricate shape.

A small canopy of an original shape can be built in a couple of hours.

In ecological farming, the canopy is made in the same style.

Where to put a woodshed in the country

The most convenient place is near a recreation area, a bathhouse or a summer kitchen, so that you don’t have to go far to get firewood. The woodshed should not interfere with movement around the site, reduce the illumination of the plantings, or create discomfort for viewing the surrounding beauty.

The site should not be located next to a body of water - the air contains a lot of water vapor. Do not store wood in a basement or underground where there is poor ventilation and a high risk of fire.

It is also undesirable to attach the storage unit close to the wall of a wooden house. Such proximity can lead to rapid infestation of structures with woodworms, since a large number of pests nest in firewood. A gap of at least 20 cm or a sheet of metal placed between the wall and the woodshed will solve the problem.

But if the storage cannot be organized closer to the gazebo or summer kitchen, we suggest making a special lightweight stretcher. For production, durable fabric, wood, plywood, wire, and rope are used. The bottom and walls of the future carrier are cut out in such a way that it is possible to stack a certain amount of firewood. Handles are attached for convenience. You will be able to bring a large armful of logs in your hands in one go.

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