авто из Япониии г. Москва, ул. Южнопортовая 5, офис 220. Бизнес центр Золотое кольцо. Метро Кожуховская.
Where are the 10 best botanical gardens in the world?
Kew, Sans Souci, Versailles: six of the most beautiful gardens in Europe
Modern botanical gardens are not just outstanding collections of plants, they are real masterpieces of landscape gardening
Layout of a summer cottage - schemes for competent zoning and beautiful landscape design (250 photo ideas)
Rules for planning a plot Often the ideas in the minds of future owners of a land plot do not correspond to
Section styles - features of the main styles for sections and a description of their features (145 photos)
Many people come to the dacha to work and relax. And in order to work and
Layout of a rectangular plot of 25 acres with a bath house and a vegetable garden
A plot of 25 acres is a considerable area. Therefore, owners immediately lose the desire to give up
bench, landscape design
What is needed for a site landscape design project
Any owner of a modern suburban area wants to see a corner of coziness and comfort on it. But
How to arrange a summer cottage with your own hands: ideas, options, tips
November 5, 2018 Dacha Alisa Chekorskaya The arrangement of a dacha or land plot will always depend
Black bugs on indoor plants. How to protect your favorite houseplants from pests
A person who breeds indoor plants must be prepared for the fact that his favorites
Classification of garden paths from landscape design masters
Designing and creating a road and path network is an important part of the estate creation process. Road and path network
Weed killers - 18 proven ways to get rid of weeds in your garden or plot forever
Weeds are terrible annoying plants that not only spoil the appearance of beds and plants,
Decorative pebbles in the garden - paths and small forms to decorate your site
Decorative pebbles in the garden - paths and small forms to decorate your site
Pebbles - smooth round pebbles polished by the sea, are today a very popular material for gardening.
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