planting clematis
Varieties of clematis (100 photos) by pruning groups with names and descriptions
Clematis is a perennial climbing plant that is widely used for vertical gardening. The culture is characterized by undemanding
Presentation “Light-loving, shade-loving and shade-tolerant plants”
It is quite difficult to improve shady places in the garden. The fact is that it is known comparatively
how and why leaves change color in autumn
6 Shrubs That Will Keep Your Garden Vibrant in Autumn
"It's a sad time! Ouch charm! Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me - I love the lush nature
Indoor flowers - photos and names, catalog of the best indoor plants
Calamondin A perennial tree of the oral family from East Asia, bred by crossing a kumquat with a mandarin orange.
Out of competition: beautiful flowering ornamental shrubs for garden decoration
In recent years, yoshta has become increasingly popular. Don't you know her yet?
alpine meadow plants
Plants suitable for alpine slides (photos and names)
A well-designed rocky flower bed, imitating a rocky mountain slope in the Alps, will become the hallmark of your
Garden lily (120 photos): how to plant bulbs in spring, planting rules, care in open ground, what a garden lily looks like
October 26, 2018 Flowers Lukinova Natalya Even just looking at photographs of lily flowers, you can
general information
Catharanthus (60 photos): types, planting, care and cultivation
Catharanthus is an evergreen flower and originates from the Kutraceae family. Despite the high
When to dig up gladioli bulbs in the fall and where to store them until spring
The main school flowers, gladioli, have bloomed, and now we have to dig up the corms and properly
New varieties of hydrangea, hybrid, for shady places, low
Modern breeders have developed many beautiful varieties of hydrangea. Its lush bushes attract with their beauty, grace,
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