Scarecrow in the garden - necessary protection from birds or unusual decor for a country plot (photo + video)

Scarecrow and its universal purpose

It's hard to imagine how much folklore has been devoted to the scarecrow since the Middle Ages. Nowadays, when people gravitate more towards the supermarket instead of the garden, the scarecrow has been lost from sight.

It is becoming less and less common in private plots. Like, since a dacha is a place of rest, then why waste energy on all sorts of structures in vain.

However, the scarecrow on the site performs different jobs:

  • Scare away voracious birds;
  • Serves as a target for shooting;
  • Decorates the landscape itself.

And if a country house is located in a wild area, then the thematic character is able to at least temporarily drive away wild animals - hares, wild boars, foxes.

This property seems like nothing until the gardener discovers the remains of cabbage heads or fluff and feathers from chickens torn to shreds. That's when you have to torture your mind in search of a humane solution.

What is better - a trap or a stuffed animal? Of course, the latter, because it certainly won’t cause your own or your neighbors’ pets to suffer.

And one more important point. The scarecrow is a kind of garden statue. It has been used by man since pagan times. Therefore, nothing prevents you from using the appropriate symbol for persuasion.

For example, by placing a wreath of wild fruit on a scarecrow, the scarecrow becomes a symbol of the harvest. A stuffed animal with a flower wreath is important for beauty and health. With horns, a shield and a sword, the thematic hero is akin to a defender. If you want to attract love, you can even make two scarecrows of different genders.

Also, instead of a human head, someone makes a crow's face with a beak or an animal's face. Perhaps this result justifies itself more in preventing gluttony on the part of birds.

A big scarecrow is a very necessary thing, thanks to which you can make good money at any stage of the game, as well as provide yourself with everything you need to craft armor, weapons and many other professions. Its area is 4 times larger than that of the small one. If you seriously decide to engage in trade in regional goods, you will again not be able to do without a scarecrow, because... The packs must be stored somewhere until there is a sufficient quantity for transportation.

Unlike the small scarecrow, to get the big one you will have to complete a rather long and terribly dreary chain of quests. But there is no escape from this, so we will tell you in detail how this is done to make it easier for you.

Eastern Continent (Nuian and Elves)

First of all, you need to complete the quest for the small scarecrow, but we won’t dwell on this in detail, because... it will take you barely half an hour to do everything. You will also need a Merchant Certificate, which is sold by NPCs (Craft Materials) for 50 silver.

As you complete the quest chain, you will have to create trade cargo. This is done on special machines. Each type of cargo requires machines from a specific location. After creation, the pack will automatically appear behind the character’s back.

When the small scarecrow is received, you need to take the quest “Home, Sweet Home” in the Gwynedar Forest location (for elves) or “Home, Sweet Home” on the Solrid Peninsula (Nuiana), completing them is simple, but you will have to wander a lot.

After this, following the quest “To the Consortium Base” you have to go to the Lilliot Hills to see Merchant Esher, turn in the quest to him, and take the next one. At this stage, it is worth including on the map the display of the machines with which the packs are created, as well as Transport hubs (public transport stops).

Now you need to get 100 strawberries. The simplest thing is to buy, but you can also grow it, it will take 3 hours and you need to plant 30-35 bushes, because You will be able to collect 3-4 berries from each. When the raw materials are received, in the Solrid Peninsula location you make a pack with Solrid strawberry jam. A mark will appear on the map - the cargo must be delivered there (Gwynedar Forest). In order to save time, we recommend using stagecoaches. In this case, the departure point is Riverton, then a transfer at Windylow, and you need to get off at the entrance to the Gwynedar Forest, after which you will have to walk the rest of the way. The quest will be counted when approaching the desired point. You hand over the cargo to an NPC and receive gold or DZ (Delphic stars) as a reward.

The next quest will require 50 Quill Feathers. You probably won’t want to bother with growing beans for food (18 hours), and then the geese themselves (another 4 hours), so it’s better to buy them at auction. After that, create a pack with “Guinedar Goose Feather” and drag it to the mark on the map. Here the distance is also quite large, so it is better to use an airship and do the rest of the journey on your own two feet. The quest will be completed when you approach the desired point. After that, you hand over the NPC pack again, choose a reward, and take on the next quest. As a reward for it, you will receive a donkey, which will help you transport the packs much faster, albeit one at a time. It's best to grow it right away.

Now you will need 90 “Stone” to create 30 “Stone Block”, and after that - Liliot building blocks (you will need to get to the Liliot Hills location). We sit on the donkey and drag the cargo to Marianhold, where it must be handed over in the same way as the previous ones.

To complete the next task, you need to grow or buy 100 Narcissus (it takes 1 hour to grow, you need to plant 35 bushes). Then you go to the “Land of Talking Stones” and make a pack with “Pale Yellow Dye”. And here comes the most difficult part - this cargo must be transported across the sea to the enemy mainland and delivered there. This means, at a minimum, you will need a ship (the simplest thing is to build a trimaran or a harpoon boat). If you don’t have your own swimming device, then you can ask someone from the guild to come with you and help. In any case, you should not sail alone, otherwise you can easily become a victim of pirates or players of the enemy faction.

Destination – Ost-Terra, Peninsula of Dawns. After completing the quest you will be given a “Pumpkin Head”.

How to install Big Scarecrow

You will need 1 load of construction wood and 3g. The small scarecrow must be demolished. Then pick up his recipe from the mailbox. Next, you go to the workbench, select the “Screens and Hedges” section and craft the Drawing: “Scarecrow with a Pumpkin Head” (it will cost 25 EP).

Once a location is chosen, set up a scarecrow, then go to the nearest carpenter's bench and craft a Load of Construction Wood. Take it to the scarecrow and that's it, the construction process will be completed.

Western Continent (Harnians and Ferre)

First you need to get a small scarecrow. Then, depending on your race, you take on the quest Home Sweet Home in the Rainbow Sands location or the quest of the same name in the Falconry Plateau location. To work with trade cargo, purchase a Trader's Certificate from any seller of craft materials. You turn in the quest, having walked a fair distance, you get the next one. You will be sent to Tiger Ridge to the NPC Trader Saul. You come, pass the quest, and get the next one. Now, for convenience, you need to enable the display of stations and public transport stops on the map (this will significantly reduce travel time between locations with a pack on your back).

Buy or grow 50 "Turmeric". It grows for 4 hours, from one bush you get 3-4 units of resource, it is enough to plant 15 bushes. From the obtained raw materials you make a load of turmeric (location Rainbow Field) and deliver it to the place marked on the map. Already when approaching the place, the quest will be counted as completed, all that remains is to turn in the NPC pack, receiving in return DM or gold.

To complete the next task you need 200 vata, you can grow it yourself (you plant cotton, 25 bushes, it grows for 2 hours, each yields 9-10 vata) or buy it (it will cost 1.5-1.8g). We go to the ferre location and create a pack of cotton wool. We take him to the indicated place, hand over to the NPC, and receive a reward.

We take and turn in the next quest, as a reward for which we receive a donkey, on which we can transport trade cargo faster, be sure to grow it right away.

A new quest and a new task, which will require 30 stone blocks to complete. They are used to make a load of hewn stone. It must be taken to the Peninsula of Dawns and handed over in the same way as the previous ones.

To complete the next quest you will need 15 bananas, it is easier to buy them because... It takes 26 hours to grow a tree and another 14 hours for the fruit to ripen again, with each tree producing an average of 3 bananas at a time. You go to the Mahadevi location, there you make a load of bananas.

This cargo must be taken to the Solrid Peninsula (this is an enemy continent, so you need to sail with someone so as not to become easy prey for players of another faction or pirates). Even the simplest ship will do. As a reward for this quest you will receive a "Pumpkin Head". That's it, you can build a scarecrow (how to do this is described in the first half of the article).

We would like to point out that it’s easier to buy the ingredients, and if you don’t have enough gold, our store will always help you with this. Here you can buy gold in Archage (AA)

at attractive prices and fast delivery, 100% gold quality guarantee.

Making a scarecrow

There is nothing complicated about constructing a stuffed animal. It is enough to make a cross, and then put clothes and a hat on it.

But such a stuffed animal will not frighten the birds for long, so it is recommended to supplement it with:

  • A light bag - to imitate a head;
  • Straw-filled tights - to imitate arms and legs;
  • Gloves – to imitate hands.

With these parts you can already draw facial features, supply the scarecrow with various hanging items: for example, if the object has hands, then they can already hold a stick, a pitchfork and many other objects.

  • A DIY mailbox is a beautiful decoration and a useful addition to a suburban area
  • A house for children is a place where a fairy tale becomes reality, we create it ourselves

  • Bridges for a dacha - a picturesque element of the landscape in a suburban area

Someone tries to make a scarecrow, resorting to improvised objects - a mop and a hanger. The latter is a load-bearing element for clothing, while the former serves as a vertical stand.

An even more original option is a scarecrow made from a mannequin. If designed correctly, it can take even the neighbors by surprise.


Decorating a suburban area is easy. This requires ingenuity and a little patience. We have given you some options for creating little people from available materials.

Sat down to rest after excavation work

The video in this article will provide you with additional materials. Garden dolls made from nylon tights, old rugs, used clothes and other unnecessary things will require minimal investment and will bring a lot of pleasure to both children and adults.


Scarecrow as a target

If you need to make a scarecrow for the garden that will not only scare birds, but also catch bullets, arrows or stones, then first of all it makes sense to think about the safety of yourself and others:

  • Firstly, the scarecrow must be located so that there are no properties, automobile or travel routes behind it;
  • Secondly, during shooting, if the weapon is traumatic or firearms, it is better to install an iron sheet with a thickness of 4-16 at the back of the scarecrow;
  • Thirdly, to create a sound effect, you can attach metal elements to the scarecrow - lids from a pot, bucket, mug (but in this case it is recommended to shoot away from the object so as not to become a victim of a ricochet).

Is it worth it to properly dress a target scarecrow? This is at personal discretion.

The main thing is that after shooting it can still scare away birds. Therefore, before testing your shooting skills, it is recommended to remove all useful attachments from the decoy.

Piglets from pots

We read interesting and detailed material: Fun crafts for the garden: figurines from pots

From pots for growing flowers you can create any figures for the garden. You can fasten with universal construction glue or glue for plastic (if the pots are plastic). It is better to paint garden crafts with plastic or acrylic paint.


How to make a scarecrow shine

Clothes have a small number of sparkling objects - buttons and zippers. But the scarecrow can always be supplemented with thematic attributes:

  • Sunglasses;
  • CDs on a rope;
  • Small mirrors;
  • Cassette film;
  • Foil (candy, cigarette and tea wrappers).

Some of the listed products are used as independent accessories, while others can imitate hair.

Garden monster

Sometimes you want to forget joyful images and push away from the gloomy ones, because many of us have watched movies about animated scarecrows or garden monsters.

DIY concrete garden figures

This kind of fantasy makes us create quite exclusive images, for example, like our next figure, for the production of which a metal frame, fabric, papier-mâché and a lot of paper were used. A few days of preparation and creation, and before you is a real horror masterpiece that will scare a lot of people, especially if it is slightly modernized.

How to make a scarecrow move

In thousands of photos of a scarecrow in the garden, only one thing is observed - an immobilized structure. But every tenth model is actually not so dead.

In order for the scarecrow to be periodically manipulated by the wind, the following “mechanisms” must be observed:

  • Make a rotating stand (holes for bearings are drilled at the ends of two poles, after which the poles are connected through an internal rod);
  • Attach propellers from plastic bottles or a garland hung with scraps of fabric to the ends of the “arms”.

It is better to combine all the above mechanisms in one design at the same time, so that the scarecrow “moves” during weak and strong winds.

Wooden garden figures

Such a grandfather made from logs can be planted on a log, stump, barrel, tires stacked on top of each other. The figure for the garden is made in the same way as the previous ones - we fasten the pieces of logs with nails.

A good goat made from logs! Send him to graze on the lawn or any flat area in the garden.

Three little pigs made from pieces of logs and branches. They look great.

Grandfather Mazai saves the bunnies - but it’s a good picture! We knock down large parts of the figures with nails, and glue small ones (for example, eyes, noses of bunnies) with wood glue.

Musicians made from logs are a whole ensemble.

Flower man on a ladder made of polished round bars.

How to make a scarecrow make noise

This task is not as difficult as the previous one, since even the slightest breeze is enough to create the desired effect.

And you will need the following things for this:

  • Several plastic bags;
  • A garland for hands with a dozen or two ropes hung with different objects.

The lighter the latter weigh, the better they hit each other. At the same time, they must be firm.

For this reason, it is recommended to select for a noisy effect:

  • Plastic and metal covers;
  • Nuts and bolts;
  • Metal links;
  • Beads, chokers, etc.

It is desirable that the listed elements have a clear geometric shape so that after beating they can return to their original position.

This requirement does not apply except to cellophane bags, which rustle well due to their flexible and thin walls.

In general, farmers and gardeners are accustomed to driving sticks and rods into the ground and putting aluminum cans on them to create noise.

There is an alternative to hanging crosses with hanging CDs. They are light and bright. But if there is a scarecrow on the site, then it is not at all a sin to decorate it with an appropriate frame.

Then the thematic hero will definitely delight the eyes of his owners and serve as a “horror story” for unwanted guests.

Cute Scarecrow to guard the garden

You can involve your household in the creative process - and literally the next day the brave Scarecrow will scatter all the crows in the garden. He is a little like the hero of Baum’s “The Land of Oz,” but our children are more familiar with the Scarecrow from Volkov’s books - he is stupid, but very kind.

The daring, smiling Scarecrow is a real decoration for any garden

So, the order of work. First of all, we design the head. To make the contour of the face even, place a basin or large dish on a piece of thick light-colored material (burlap) and outline it.

Cut out two identical circles for the head. One of them is the face. Using a simple pencil we mark the places where the eyes, nose, and mouth will be located.

On light-colored fabric, the eyes, mouth and nose are more visible

We embroider the mouth with stitches using thick woolen thread.

We cut out the eyes from dark fabric and sew them on, not forgetting to decorate the eyelashes. We make the ears and nose match the complexion - it will be more natural. We sew two circles, stuff them with padding polyester, sew on the hair (several thick woolen threads) - the head is ready.

For eyes you can use pieces of fabric, felt, buttons, corks

A necessary touch is a hat made from a bag.

The hat not only completes the appearance, but also reveals the character traits of our hero

We cut out and sew the arms. We cut out the collar and decorate it with bells. From burlap we make a shirt, pants and a fashionable shoulder bag.

Patches are traditional elements on the clothes of a garden scarecrow

We cover the crosspiece of two beams with padding polyester, attach the head, arms, and outfit. The Scarecrow is ready with a smile to disperse berry thieves around the clock, although can such a kind garden scarecrow disperse someone?

The colors of the shirt, pants, hat can be changed to brighter ones

How can you scare a bird?

Before installing a scarecrow in your garden, you should find out what birds are really afraid of, and how you can use this to create a scarecrow with your own hands. Below are the main facts that can scare birds:

  • Blue color. It is not found very often in nature, and birds do not develop a habit of it. They try to avoid areas where there is too much blue.
  • Noise, crackling, loud sounds. All of the above is a signal for birds about danger. Alas, birds that live in megacities manage to get used to cars, loud music, and understand that this kind of noise and hum does not pose a particular danger.
  • Shiny moving objects. When objects move, they create glare, which causes fear in birds. Suspended strips of magnetic tape or film will work well in this capacity. Birds are wary of an unfamiliar moving object, but movement as such is not scary to them. For example, they will ignore a person who passes by, as he is moving far below and poses no threat.

Moving shiny objects are a danger signal for birds

Alive or dead. According to ornithologists, the most effective method of combating small birds is birds of prey, which are trained specifically to protect plantings. They can easily drive away uninvited guests, and may even peck some of them. A dead bird hung in such a way that it can be seen from all sides also works effectively. This warning makes it clear that it is better to avoid this place.


To create the model's head, you will need to use an object that has a spherical shape. The following items are suitable for this:

  • ball;
  • bucket that has become unusable.
  • tights that curl into a ball;
  • a bag filled with straw;
  • empty five-liter bottle;
  • flower pot;
  • pumpkin or other large vegetable.


To create the scarecrow's hands, you will need to take gloves, which will need to be filled with cotton wool or straw. These gloves will then need to be secured to the cross pole.

To create the model’s legs, you will need to fasten shorts, trousers, trousers under the clothes and attach shoes to them that no one wears anymore.

Cheerful watchman

But not all summer residents like scary or shapeless figures in a beautiful vegetable garden.

I want something special and beautiful. There are options for stuffed animals in this case too. A cheerful stuffed animal looks especially attractive for a dacha.

Such a figurine in the garden gives a good mood. If you decorate it beautifully, it will also serve as a decoration for your garden or vegetable garden. How to make a stuffed animal that is fun to be with?

First of all, you should make and design the head.

In this case, a round cardboard hat box will do. Shiny buttons are sewn on instead of eyes; instead of a nose, a piece of plastic of any shape is glued on. You can embroider an ear-to-ear smile using coarse twine.

Another reliable way is to draw a smile using a marker (it will not fade in the sun). The finished head must be covered with adhesive plastic film to prevent moisture from getting on the materials.

Straw is glued to the crown, and an old straw Panama hat is placed on top. Decorated with shiny large buttons, rags, feathers. The end result is such a funny head.

Then you can fantasize with the costume. Attach two sticks crosswise to create right angles. A bag filled with straw is hung on them along a perpendicular stick. The straw is still wrapped around the cross stick. You want the straw to hang from the scarecrow's arms.

Now they dress the doll. Bulky T-shirts, jackets, and jeans are suitable.

It is appropriate to sew on them multi-colored large beads, patches, buttons, and decorative flowers. It is important that the clothing on the scarecrow hangs loose and is light. Then, when the breeze blows, it will flutter, creating the illusion of movement.

This option of clothing for a stuffed animal is possible. Next, the head is attached. It can be glued or tied, nailed to a wooden neck. The scarecrow for the dacha is ready, you can place it among the sunflowers or strawberry beds.

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