Scarecrow for the garden - 140 photos and videos describing creative ideas and tips on how to make a scarecrow with your own hands

Previously, a scarecrow for a garden or vegetable garden was considered a reliable and only protection against the barbarism of birds. In modern times, it is more of an additional decoration for the landscape design of any site. But in some cases it is also used to protect against annoying birds.

The scarecrow is most often made by hand by the owners of the plots, then it has a special charm and unique appearance.

As for the material for the garden scarecrow, it can be found on any site in the form of unnecessary things left over after any work. Buying a scarecrow is also possible, but is it worth spending money on something that can be assembled from improvised means?

In the photo of the scarecrow in the garden you will see many options for making such decorative details. Many people know or guess how to create a scarecrow with their own hands, but there are also those for whom the process causes certain difficulties.

Next, we will look in detail at the functions of a scarecrow in the garden and making it yourself.

How to make a stuffed animal correctly?

The basic algorithm for how to make a scarecrow for a garden is as follows:

  • Step 1: You need to create a base for the stuffed animal.
  • Step 2: The basis of the model should be formed.
  • Step 3: Making the scarecrow's head.
  • Step 4: Dress up the model.
  • Step 5: Add human facial features to the stuffed animal using paints and available materials.
  • Step 6: Braid the hair.

Cheerful watchman

But not all summer residents like scary or shapeless figures in a beautiful vegetable garden. I want something special and beautiful. There are options for stuffed animals in this case too. A cheerful stuffed animal looks especially attractive for a dacha. Such a figurine in the garden gives a good mood. If you decorate it beautifully, it will also serve as a decoration for your garden or vegetable garden. How to make a stuffed animal that is fun to be with?

First of all, you should make and design the head. In this case, a round cardboard hat box will do. Shiny buttons are sewn on instead of eyes; instead of a nose, a piece of plastic of any shape is glued on. You can embroider an ear-to-ear smile using coarse twine.

Another reliable way is to draw a smile using a marker (it will not fade in the sun). The finished head must be covered with adhesive plastic film to prevent moisture from getting on the materials. Straw is glued to the crown, and an old straw Panama hat is placed on top. Decorated with shiny large buttons, rags, feathers. The end result is such a funny head.

Then you can fantasize with the costume. Attach two sticks crosswise to create right angles. A bag filled with straw is hung on them along a perpendicular stick. The straw is still wrapped around the cross stick. You want the straw to hang from the scarecrow's arms.


To create the model's head, you will need to use an object that has a spherical shape. The following items are suitable for this:

  • ball;
  • bucket that has become unusable.
  • tights that curl into a ball;
  • a bag filled with straw;
  • empty five-liter bottle;
  • flower pot;
  • pumpkin or other large vegetable.


To create the scarecrow's hands, you will need to take gloves, which will need to be filled with cotton wool or straw. These gloves will then need to be secured to the cross pole.

To create the model’s legs, you will need to fasten shorts, trousers, trousers under the clothes and attach shoes to them that no one wears anymore.

How to create noise around a scarecrow

To make the scarecrow make noise, light but hard objects are hung on it.

Classics of the genre - tin cans. In the wind they bang against each other and create noise that frightens the birds. Plastic or iron lids from cans and bottles are also suitable for this purpose. They need to be hung in the form of a garland and tied to the scarecrow’s hands.

You can also attach rustling plastic bags to the figure.


But to make the stuffed animal pleasing to the eye, you need to make the stuffed animal carefully. You should not put torn clothes on him that no one needs anymore.

Dress up your stuffed animal brightly, with a certain charm. In this case, it will not only frighten the birds who want to feast on the harvest from your garden or garden, but will also become a real decoration of your site, bringing pleasure when looking at it.

What kind of scarecrow scares away birds

Birds are quite smart creatures. As soon as one of them dares to sit on the scarecrow, she will immediately understand that it is not moving and will inform her relatives about the safety of the figure. Therefore, in order for the scarecrow to work as intended, it must:

  • Had bright colors in clothes;
  • Could swing or rotate;
  • It made sounds;
  • It sparkled.

The scarecrow can be decorated with pieces of mirrors or CDs rotating in the wind, and sunglasses will also shine. You can use foil and candy wrappers to create a hairstyle for a garden guard.

Accessories scarecrow

In order for your stuffed animal to acquire its own personality, you will need to complement the image with accessories. The main thing is to create a general plan in your head, which you will strive for.

The following decorations can make the scarecrow attractive:
  • all kinds of hats;
  • objects that have repellent properties: make noise when the wind blows, move from time to time, have shine;
  • objects that suggest the type of activity of the image.

What materials are used in production

Experienced hunters use a variety of materials to create decoys that exactly match their ideas about the best option. We will list the most popular options, and also tell you about the technology for making duck scarecrows for hunting with your own hands.

From plywood

Perhaps, it is from plywood that making stuffed geese for hunting with your own hands takes the least amount of time. Even a teenager who knows how to work with the simplest tools can cope with this task.

However, they are also the least durable. Plywood, in contact with water, absorbs moisture, which is why after each hunt the stuffed animals must be thoroughly dried. But even then, they usually last only a few seasons. If you forget to dry them, the stuffed animals will quickly begin to rot and become covered with mold - you will have to make new ones.

So, to work you will need:

  • plywood;
  • a simple pencil or pen;
  • sandpaper;
  • hacksaw with fine teeth;
  • drying oil,
  • oil paints,
  • tassel,
  • several bars with a cross section of about 2 centimeters and a length of 20-25 cm,
  • petrol.

When all the materials and tools are at hand, you can start working:

  1. To begin, draw several silhouettes of ducks on the plywood with a pencil. It is desirable that they be different - one has an elongated neck, the other, on the contrary, is ruffled, the third swims relaxedly in clear water in complete safety.
  2. Using a hacksaw, carefully cut out the finished figures.
  3. Sand the edges with sandpaper so that they are smooth and do not hurt your hand when working with them.
  4. Cover the plywood with hot drying oil and let it dry.
  5. Paint the stuffed animals with oil paints - try to give them the most realistic look.
  6. The paint will have a noticeable shine after it dries. To remove shine, wipe the stuffed animals with a rag lightly moistened with gasoline.
  7. Attach the prepared pegs to the stuffed animals. You can make them removable so that finished products take up less space during transportation.

Blue color brings fear

The available photos of a scarecrow in the garden will help you choose the desired image of a garden protector

It has been suggested that birds become wary when they see the color blue. In this case, it makes sense to add blue elements to the image of your stuffed animal.

Thus, a scarecrow dressed in blue will protect your area much more reliably than if it did not have similar shades.

To protect the resident of your garden, you will need to provide a plastic bag or umbrella that will preserve its integrity.

What are birds afraid of?

When creating a garden scarecrow, you should take into account that it must be truly scary for feathered lovers of berries and vegetables. But what should be done to achieve this? The garden scarecrow is made taking into account the fact that birds are afraid of:

  1. Shiny moving objects.
  2. Pops and rustling sounds.
  3. Birds of prey.
  4. Bird corpses.
  5. Of blue color.

All these things pose a real frightening threat to birds. If you make a stuffed animal with your own hands, taking into account all the subtleties, the winged thieves will fly away and stop visiting the dacha. Another option is allowed - to use the corpse of a bird for intimidation. It can be attached to one end of a stick and the other driven into the ground. You can hang the carcass of a dead bird on a tree. Then the feathered pests will avoid the garden. Another option is to make a garden dummy of a dead bird. Attach it higher so that it is clearly visible from all sides.

Drawing for making a simple garden scarecrow

But this version of a monster for a dacha looks very unattractive. Yes, and it is short-lived. A do-it-yourself scarecrow for the garden, made from waste materials, fabric, and old clothes, looks much more interesting.

Making a straw scarecrow

Let's prepare the materials that we will subsequently need to create the stuffed animal:

  • a couple of cuttings;
  • several screws;
  • a bag filled with old hay or straw;
  • leg-split;
  • hat;
  • markers;
  • thick wire that will be needed to secure the cap;
  • trousers and shirt.

Seventh stage

Let's give our scarecrow a menacing look. A scarecrow for the garden will pose a threat to birds if it makes unpleasant sounds and has a shine.

The scarecrow will not be static if elements are attached to its belt that will flutter and rustle. Cans that used to store canned food, plastic bottle caps, and old CDs are suitable for this purpose.

Garden man

There is another beautiful and ultra-modern stylized craft for the garden. This is the "Garden Dude" scarecrow. The doll is suitable for those who have a high creative sense of beauty. And the garden guard brings considerable benefits. The master class shows how to make a stuffed animal:

  1. Initially, the “dude” face is made. To do this, a pattern is applied to rough fabric: a smile from the full mouth, eyes, nose.
  2. In order to make the eyes and nose, pieces of suede are sewn on. The smile is embroidered with woolen threads.
  3. Next, a piece of fabric with an embroidered face is stitched. A small linen bag comes out. It is stuffed with synthetic wool. Hair is made from woolen threads on the top of the head.

  4. A circle is cut out of faux burlap, a round piece of foam is laid on top, which is covered with a smaller circle of faux burlap. All layers are sewn together. The edges are pulled to create randomly protruding threads.
  5. The finished hat is sewn to the head.
  6. Hands are sewn from thick fabric according to the pattern.
  7. The collar for the scarecrow is also specially sewn. A circle is cut out of burlap; sharp rays cut through. Then multi-colored bells are attached to each ray using a strong thread.
  8. A hiking shirt for the garden “dude” is made separately. This requires a piece of burlap. The shirt is cut out at random; stitched along the edges.

    Clothing option for a garden scarecrow

  9. Colored shiny patches are sewn onto a simple outfit.
  10. A bag is sewn from a shiny wide strip of fabric. For the bottom you can use camouflage fabric. One edge of the bag is pulled to make threads. Sew on the ribbons.
  11. The body, an oblong bag, is attached to a wooden cross. A padding polyester is wrapped around the crossbar, and a strip of fabric is placed on top. Everything is stitched well. The “dude” hands are put on.

  12. All that remains is to attach the head and dress the scarecrow. A cheerful, original garden man emerges.

To make a scarecrow for your dacha, you can get creative. Coming up with original stuffed animals is not that difficult.

Fantasy is the basis of the scarecrow

You can easily create an original scarecrow. To do this, you just need to show a little of your imagination and then you will get a magnificent product that will perform the functions you need.

In this case, the scarecrow will become your faithful friend, who will decorate the area and protect your rich harvest, which the birds will “claim”.

Photo of a scarecrow in the garden


Category: Garden

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