Do-it-yourself drinking bowl for chickens: winter and summer



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Sunday, February 05, 2022 04:41 + to quote book
Heated drinking bowls are relevant for poultry houses that are not heated in winter. Water can freeze in sub-zero temperatures, and the chickens will be left without water.

You can, of course, bring the container in after each meal and take it out with fresh, slightly warmed water for a new one. And this is the last option if there is no electricity in the chicken coop (you can use various long-lasting candles, but an open fire in a poultry house is very dangerous).

If there is electricity, then we will show you how to easily and simply make a warm drinking bowl yourself, and in several options, and in winter your chickens will always be provided with clean and fresh drink.

Do-it-yourself winter drinking bowl from an ordinary light bulb

We found this idea on the website (photo from the same place). The principle is very simple: an ordinary incandescent lamp is installed in a metal box. A small hole is left at the top of the box. Next, the drinker is placed on this box. ur-svoimi-rukami_7-300×150.jpg 300w" w /> ur-svoimi-rukami_6-300×210.jpg 300w" w />

The heat coming from the light bulb prevents the water from freezing. No way to make a box? Then here's a simpler option: r-svoimi-rukami_11-300×223.jpg 300w" w />

The light bulb is mounted inside a cinder block (or foam block) and a drinking bowl is placed on it.

There is also an option from a gift tin box. The principle is the same: r-svoimi-rukami_10-300×178.jpg 300w" w /> Mounted cartridge ur-svoimi-rukami_9-229×300.jpg 229w" w />

Drinker for winter: option with heating cable

To heat the water in the drinking bowl, you can use a heating cable, which is used when installing heated floors. Such a cable can be bought in hardware stores and they sell it there by the meter. r-svoimi-rukami_13-300×173.jpg 300w" w />

We wrap the drinking bowl container (in the case in the photo above it is a nipple one), thoroughly insulate all connections and connect it to the network. r-svoimi-rukami_15-212×300.jpg 212w" w /> Heating the vacuum drinker with a heating cable

Using a heating cable you can easily provide automatic heating. For this purpose, a special unit is purchased that regulates switching on and off. When the water cools to a certain temperature, the cable will begin to heat it to the optimal temperature. This is an expensive option, but is applicable for large numbers of chickens.

Non-freezing drinking bowl

It sounds pretentious, of course, because unheated water will still freeze at sub-zero temperatures, but there is still a method. It is especially relevant in cold weather, when the temperature outside is about -10 degrees.

The need to construct a winter waterer for chickens with your own hands arises with the onset of frost. And the lower the air temperature, the colder the water in the drinking bowls. Up to complete freezing. To prevent this, the container must be insulated. If the climate region is relatively warm, you can use polystyrene foam and straw. Or other materials that provide thermal insulation. In areas where winter temperatures drop to -15 degrees, this is no longer enough.

Chicken drinking bowl | Water doesn't freeze

The drinking bowl for chickens can be anything, everyone chooses according to their means. But every chicken waterer becomes a problem for the farmer in winter, when the temperature drops and the water freezes. The owner has to break out the ice every day or carry the chicken drinking bowl into a warm place and defrost it.
For 7 years, this is exactly what we did every winter! Tired of it! The idea came up to heat the water using an incandescent light bulb. And as always, it turned out that the wheel had already been invented by someone before us

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