Do-it-yourself scarecrow costume: what does a scarecrow costume consist of?

Since ancient times, the eternal problem of people working on the land has been birds destroying crops. The field is huge, you can’t really run across it, chasing away the hungry crows. After some time, people came up with a universal way to scare away unwanted guests from their site: they took a stick and made the likeness of a person, which began to scare the birds.

But a straw effigy is not an ideal option, because birds quickly notice the lack of movement, which means the effigy is not real. Today, the creation of a scarecrow is not used to scare away birds, but rather to decorate a plot of land. Making a stuffed animal with your own hands is the simplest thing, but then it will become beautiful.

But the idea of ​​a garden scarecrow can be used not only in the field, but also when sewing a children’s costume, for example, for a matinee. This will not only save money, but will also provide a wonderful chance to spend fun time with your child.

Necessary materials

To make a costume you will need old and worn things. The worse their condition, the better for the image, so do not rush to throw away things that have not been needed for a long time.

An old shirt that can be additionally cut or stained, jeans, preferably large, some kind of hat, straw, acrylic paints and a good mood are ideal, without it nothing will work!

Advice! Involve your child in making the costume and be sure to praise him, then you will kill two birds with one stone: you will make the costume and improve your relationship with your child.

Not a scarecrow, but a beauty

It is worth saying that garden dwellers such as scarecrows are not always used for their intended purpose; they often act as decoration for the area.
Therefore, below I will briefly tell you how to make a garden scarecrow that will lift your spirits. A bag or an old but durable pillowcase is suitable for the body, and thick white material for the head. Great legs will come from children's tights, and hands from gloves. For padding, you should use a material that dries quickly, such as padding polyester or dry hay. Don't forget to give your new friend a beautiful waist. Clothes can also be selected from an old wardrobe. The main thing is that it is the right size, otherwise all grace will be lost.

In general, making a stuffed animal for the dacha with your own hands is very interesting, so be sure to involve children in this process if you have them. This will be a good basis for learning handicrafts.

To prevent the painted face from being washed away by the rain, it is worth making an applique from scraps or embroidering from thick threads. Don’t neglect buttons either, because they can be very beautiful. Wool threads are perfect for hair. It is also a good idea to decorate your head with a headdress. It is advisable to give a new friend accessories in the form of flowers, ribbons, bows, old beads, and so on.

What does the Scarecrow costume consist of?

There is nothing complicated about the “ingredients” of the costume. The main desire. On the head of the stuffed animal there is usually a straw hat, damaged by the beaks of birds. Then a huge checkered shirt, maybe a jacket, with straw sticking out of the sleeves.

On his feet are long pants and unsightly boots.

Important! Don't be afraid to look funny or awkward in this costume, that's what it's made for.

The basis

First, you need to ruin a large plaid shirt even more, make it careless and untidy: cut it, stain it with paint, you can sew on patches and multi-colored pockets. To make the costume look even more believable, you can take a small pillow and tuck it under your shirt. And the child will like this idea.

You can wear a raincoat or jacket on top of the shirt; even burlap will do. A good addition would be bright scarves sticking out of pockets sloppily.


You will have to struggle a little with the hat, because not every house has a large straw hat. But that’s not a problem either.

You can take a regular summer Panama hat or something similar and cover it thickly with straw, but it still looks casual and funny.

Advice! To make everything look natural, it is better to tuck the child’s hair under a hat.


Everything is clear with the upper body. We put large pants on the child’s legs, which must be gathered into an “accordion” at the bottom; you can tie them with a clothesline, additionally securing the pillow.

Soda scarecrow

Of course, I lied a little in the subtitle, but to be honest, we’ll make a garden scarecrow out of plastic bottles.
A three-liter “tub”, “dressed” in nylon, is suitable for the head. The nose can be made from cork, a piece of foam rubber or cotton wool, which should also be covered with the same material. It’s enough to carefully draw the remaining elements of the face, so that it’s scary to look at, don’t forget that this creature is a garden scarecrow. Let's prepare the arms and legs in advance, which are assembled from several bottles inserted into each other. For hands and feet, we use containers cut into strips to make them rustle louder. The same technology, by the way, can be used to create hair.

Now let's move on to the body. To do this, we cut large plastic scales and attach them to a five-liter bottle. All that remains is to connect all the parts of the body to each other. All elements can be sewn with fishing line or strong thread, and also secured with a stapler. By the way, you can also use metal drink cans. So you've learned how to make a garden scarecrow from something that usually goes straight into the trash.

An effective scarecrow

Superstitious people say that in ancient times, a garden scarecrow served both to scare away birds and to protect crops and homes from misfortunes.

If you sincerely believe in the power of thought and the effect of visualization, then you can decorate this work with original elements symbolizing your desires.

For example, on the head of a stuffed animal you can place a wreath of flowers for health or a vase of fruits symbolizing prosperity. And to attract love and mutual understanding into your life, you can make a couple of cute scarecrows.

But there is no need to blindly rely on the magical power of scarecrows, because their main task is to protect the crop from feathered pests . If the scarecrow will be used for this purpose, then in the process of creating it it is worth using elements that will definitely scare away birds. These include:

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  • moving mechanisms.
  • blue materials.
  • loud bells, coins and other little things that make sounds.
  • shiny things.

We've included blue here because it's a good bird repellent. It is rarely found in nature, and birds consider it aggressive.

In order for the garden scarecrow to rumble and make noise all the time, you need to attach bells, rustling ribbons, jars, pots and other light elements to it, then in the wind they will actively move, making loud sounds .

Alone in the field is not a warrior or little tricks

The main mission of the scarecrow is to evoke fear and awe in overly arrogant birds (especially crows, blackbirds, sparrows) that hunt for fresh harvest. Most of all they love berries and sunflowers. Therefore, roughly speaking, “this device” should be placed as close as possible to the protected bushes. But it turns out that homestead watchmen do not always cope with their task effectively. If they stand motionless and do not have an obviously intimidating appearance, then the birds quickly get used to their neighbors and can even climb onto their shoulder or head.

When asking the question “How to make a stuffed animal for the dacha?”, it is worth remembering: a design that consists of crossed sticks with clothes thrown over them is almost useless. It needs to be modernized. For this we may need: scraps of fabric, small bells, rakes, weather vanes, aluminum drink cans and even balloons (filled with air). Below we will consider one of the manufacturing options, and you, dear readers, can easily add something of your own.

So, we will need a perch slightly larger than the average human height (2 meters is enough). About 30 cm will go into the ground when digging in. Although you can attach the garden scarecrow differently (nailing it to a fence, planting it on the roof of a greenhouse). It is better to use a light rake – a “comb”. Their rods sway slightly if the breeze blows. They are also convenient for hanging scary decorations on. Using a simple nail, we nail them to the base, leaving 25-30 cm for the symbolic head and neck. We dress at our discretion, but it’s better to wear it brightly. You can put a cap on the top of your head and hang a weather vane above it.

Now about the means of defense. Bells, aluminum cans tied together (first make additional holes in them with a nail or a drill) or ordinary balls are simply tied to what serves as a crossbar and hands at the same time.

But this is not the only option for making a garden scarecrow. Let's look at one more, probably the most budget-friendly one.

Process of creation

The basis

This is the first thing you need to create a garden scarecrow. The simplest base is made of wooden blocks, which are fastened together with a cross. One of the most common options for a stuffed animal , cloak or burlap with a matching head placed on a base


A simple head is made from an old ball that can be wrapped in fabric, a face drawn on, and a hat or cap placed on it. Also suitable for this part of the body is a small bag filled with things, a pumpkin and other round-shaped objects.

But you can choose a more complicated option— making a stuffed animal’s head from a couple of circles of fabric. You need to cut out two circles of thick fabric, suitable in size, sew them and fill them with soft material. The mouth is embroidered with threads, and the eyes, eyebrows and eyelashes are painted with acrylic paints. For greater realism, it is better to make the nose from padding polyester covered with fabric.

To add volume to the body of the garden scarecrow, it is stuffed with straw or the sticks are wrapped in old rags.

Even from a well-stuffed scarecrow, the contents fall out in a gusty wind, so you need to sew up the edges of the legs and sleeves . And in order for his hands and feet to appear, it is better to choose shoes and a pair of gloves for him.

Some nuances

In order for a creation to have not only frightening, but also aesthetic qualities, it is worth considering its appearance. Jeans stuffed with rags are suitable for realistic legs. It’s easier to make a body from a shirt stuffed with old rags. To make the head look natural, make it from white material, giving it the necessary shape.

In order for it to be an original garden decoration, you need to remember the little things , such as a headdress, jewelry, facial expression and other attributes. To create facial details, buttons, pieces of multi-colored fabric, eyes from toys, etc. are suitable. Flowers or buckets in the hands of the scarecrow will help add style and character.

Master class on creating a stuffed crow

Scarecrows for crows in the form of animals, cartoon characters or fairy-tale characters , as well as figures in motion, are interesting. It is important that the created masterpiece has repellent properties and can decorate the garden plot.

A rook or crow costume for a scarecrow can easily replace a real bird , which will best scare crows, starlings and sparrows, and this is a proven way to save the harvest.

For such a costume you will need a pole with a crossbar, polystyrene foam, rods, black fabric, short trousers, a nylon stocking, bright socks, tow, thread, marker, glue, rope and pins.

First you need to cut a large square out of black material, cut a hole in the center and put the scarecrow on the pole. The edges of the fabric must be cut into small ribbons. The material on the crossbar should be positioned so that triangles form on both sides.

To increase the volume of the crow figure, you can stuff it with nitron , and the edges will need to be stitched with threads up to the slits. Next, pieces of tow are tied along the edges of the crossbar, which imitate bird wings. Moreover, the longer the tow, the more noticeable it flutters in the wind.

Trousers and socks are also stuffed with nitron and sewn together. Then the trousers need to be sewn to the body and rods. For the paws, you can use foam, which is cut to shape and glued to the socks. For loudness, you can tie iron cans to the rods with twine.

The head is made from a black stocking stuffed with nitron. The eyes and nose can be made from foam plastic and glued with instant glue. The pupils are drawn with a black marker, and for the forelock a piece of tow is used, which is glued to the top of the head.

The finished bird is put on a pole and secured with twine.

There are some tricks that are better to follow so that the garden scarecrow is both a garden decoration and fulfills its direct function:

DIY scarecrow

The most delicious prey for birds is the ripening crop in the garden.
Flocks of different birds can devastate trees in a matter of hours. To protect their garden from impudent creatures, people have been making garden scarecrows that look like a straw scarecrow since ancient times. This, of course, is not a 100% method of protection, since birds, watching the scarecrow, quickly realize that it is not moving.

Nowadays, the scarecrow in the garden is still a relevant invention, but often serves other functions. The scarecrow is used to decorate a plot of land . It is enough to put in a little effort and add some imagination to make a scarecrow with your own hands.

Options for garden scarecrows

There are an endless number of ideas for creating exclusive versions of the garden scarecrow. You can choose some of these options to create your own stuffed animal, but it’s better to use them for inspiration and come up with something of your own.

Photo gallery: defenders of gardens and vegetable gardens

Video: ideas for creating creative “guards” of the ripening harvest

It’s very easy to create a scarecrow for your garden, so you can show your imagination and make it unique, working according to your own “patterns”. And let it be as it is said in these lines: “...our scarecrow is no longer a stuffed animal, not a doll or a mummer, but a faithful, good friend!”

Master class “The Garden Scarecrow”

Tatyana Viktorovna Konstantinova

Master class “The Garden Scarecrow”

Vegetable garden on the window , growing plants, plays a great role in the cognitive development of children, in nurturing an ecological culture and correct behavior in nature. Promotes the development of curiosity and observation in children, and this helps to better understand plant life.

In our vegetable garden , onions and oats, garlic and dill have settled on the window. Carrots and beets on the warm windowsill released their leaves. The bean has stretched out long tendrils. Children participated with interest in planting, caring for the plants, watering and spraying them. Observing the growth of garden , we keep a calendar of observations.

Our Garden Scarecrow keeps order in ; the cheerful little man has taken root with us and is a member of our team.

It is made of nylon, there is filling inside, the nose and ears are bandaged. Hair – cut into “noodles”


She glued her hair, eyes, and embroidered her mouth. She attached the head to the bottle, stretched the rope with which the head was tied into the holes for the arms, pulled them out with a hook, and tied them at the back. I poured salt into the bottle for stability and inserted a stick - my hands.

All that remains is to put a shirt on our gardener , make cuts along the edges of the fabric, sew on buttons, and finally a panama hat made from newspaper. Ready for work.

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