English style garden: creating an English garden with your own hands

English garden landscape design is necessary to create a natural, quiet and cozy place. Its key feature is naturalness, it provokes thought and invites relaxation. It is possible to embody the English style in landscape design. But you need to carefully approach the selection of colors, materials, decorative elements, plants and other things.

Design of a summer cottage in English style

Garden decor in English style

English style in garden landscape design

Tradition and modernity: English style in landscape design

The English style in landscape design is currently very common. It also has another name - landscape. It was loved by designers due to its combination of simplicity and elegance. It has already been noted that an important distinguishing feature of landscape design in the English style is neat lines and the naturalness of the elements used. When choosing this image for your own garden, you should take into account many details. After all, English landscape design involves the use of classic plants for this style, which are suitable only for a certain climate and soil.

Another important feature is the use of deliberate asymmetry when planting plants and fruit crops. The main thing is to make transitions smoothly.

Country house in English style

Beautiful landscape design in English style

Design of a summer cottage in English style

Landscape design in the English style helps to move back to the era of old England. Your garden can become a place where creative people can find inspiration. A quiet and cozy island away from the city noise. The garden literally envelops you in harmony and immerses you in tranquility.

The English style is old-fashioned and craving for antiquity. Such a garden can erase all boundaries between wild nature and modernity. This combination is what makes this image popular.

Garden decor in English style

English style in garden landscape design

Country house in English style

See alsoEnglish interior

Recreation areas

Even a small area looks larger if it is divided into several recreation areas. Formal zoning can be created using walkways and patios or gazebos. If you plan your route wisely, you can arrange it so that a walk through your garden resembles an exciting tour. It will have everything: gazebos dressed in vines, flower arrangements, benches hidden in secluded corners, and those surprises that you yourself decide to arrange for your guests.

The details you need to create the right atmosphere

There are certain details, the use of which is mandatory if you want your garden to be in the English style. The elements are as follows.

See alsoHow to design a summer cottage plot of 6 acres

Walls of flowers and low hedges

This will create a visual maze effect that will create a sense of mystery every time you move forward through the garden. Very lush borders should not be used.

See also: DIY garden decor

The presence of several types of greenery in the base

In the English style, when creating a garden, you are not allowed to plant whatever you want. It is recommended to limit yourself to a maximum of three types. For variety, choose different tones. The result will be an abundance of colors, not types.

Beautiful landscape design in English style

Design of a summer cottage in English style

Garden decor in English style

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Using the same elements when decorating the house and everything that surrounds it

This will help unite it and the garden, making them one. In this case, it is recommended to focus on a combination of textures, which should be selected wisely. The garden should become an integral part of the house, and it, in turn, should look like a continuation of the external environment.

See alsoHow to use roses in landscape design

Strong flowering of annuals

They can bloom for 5 months. Therefore, they should be planted in the garden, preferably in the central part of the flowerbed, along its edges, not far from the paths. An important feature of an English-style garden is the presence of bright, rich spots and a basic calm background.

English style in garden landscape design

Country house in English style

Beautiful landscape design in English style

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Unearthly charm

Your garden should become such a “decoration” that it is impossible to pass by indifferently. He invites you to come in, take a walk and linger for a while in his green “embraces.” The cottage garden gives the impression of incredible abundance. The arches and gates are decorated with vines. The gazebos are covered with roses. The flower beds are overflowing with bright flowers and greenery. Delphiniums, hollyhocks, irises, hydrangeas, catnip and carnations are all flowers that can be part of your future garden. In fact, such a garden should reflect your character and personality. And all this must be done in limited space.

What plants will decorate English landscape design?

Adding a little casualness can be achieved by layering all the greenery. This planting consists of placing the tallest species at the rear, followed by medium-sized ones and only then small ones. It is important to choose the right color scheme. You can’t combine cold and warm shades. It is recommended to use only one group.

The English style is famous for its use of romantic, old-fashioned flowers. And if your site is located in a dry climate, you need to make sure in advance that they have enough water. English style includes the use of roses, mallow, peonies, foxgloves, and daylilies.

For the intermediate level, lavender, hosta and catnip are great options. They have a soft color, which will create a contrast between rich annuals and perennials.

In addition to flowers, it is customary to plant trees in English landscape design. The most suitable are yew and hornbeam; it is also worth choosing oriental thuja. They are used to create topiary figures; they lend themselves well to molding and are easy to cut.

Design of a summer cottage in English style

Garden decor in English style

English style in garden landscape design

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Multi-colored flower beds

The main composition of any garden is a bright flower garden of perennials. Choose different plants to create a whimsical combination of many shades and shapes. Combine spring, summer and autumn flowers. The most preferable for the middle zone are begonias, delphiniums, dahlias, carnations, lilies, hydrangeas, petunias, daisies, cornflowers, peonies and other plants.

Design and decor

An English garden needs special design. It has several important features that must be present when creating such an image. The required elements include forged grilles, panels made of dark wood and located on the walls. The most preferred design details of the English style are presented in the table.

Country house in English style

Beautiful landscape design in English style

Design of a summer cottage in English style

Design and decor with English notes
Material used Decorative elements Shades
Brick, limestone. You can use straw and cobblestones. Benches, wicker fences, round baskets reminiscent of a swarm of bees, antique wheelbarrows. Gray in delicate tones, soft pink, olive, any shades of green, pale cream.

Garden decor in English style

English style in garden landscape design

It has already been noted that it is important to create a site that would be a complete reflection of the natural environment. Therefore, it is recommended to use natural materials in decoration. If you plan to place a fence, then make it no more than 1 meter high and construct it from willow branches. Baskets that resemble bee hives will add a little rustic flair to the area. They are quite practical and roomy.

The British don't like to get rid of old things. They often restore them and find new purposes for them, actively using them for design and decoration. Grandma's old car will fit perfectly into the English style. You can take large tin cans and restore them to add antiquity. They are used instead of pots, planting plants in them and placing them around the perimeter.

Country house in English style

Beautiful landscape design in English style

See also Garden design 4 acres. How to arrange a small area with your own hands?

Signs of a cottage garden

The main distinguishing feature of an English cottage garden is ease of design combined with a clear structure . In such gardens, natural plants and colors , and garden paths lead directly to flower-lined lawns . The front part is topped with an arch, and behind it opens an orchard and a “wild” landscape that requires almost no maintenance.

In the cottage garden you can find homemade furniture, small gazebos and sculptures. Although a cottage garden does not require frequent maintenance, it will take a lot of time to create it, planting plants, and making garden decorations and exterior items. You should find a harmonious combination that will allow you to form a single concept that creates homeliness in an open space. To do this, you need to follow some general principles of its formation.

How to create an English-style garden with your own hands

To bring the English style to your site, you need to follow a few simple steps.

  1. No more than 3 types of plants should be planted. It was noted above that it is not worth planting all the flowers in a row. It is better to choose some varieties and add volume to the perimeter due to their quantity, rather than the variety of species.
  2. Combine contrasting shades. For English landscape design, it is important to correctly combine and use color schemes. Combine red peonies with pink foxgloves. Daylilies in yellow and lemon shades go well with purple and violet alliums.
  3. Set boundaries. To install a green fence and build paths, it is worth adding bird feeders placed around the perimeter and houses for pigeons. They will make the composition holistic and fit perfectly into the overall design of the site. To divide it into separate parts, use forged gratings that will not block the entire view, but will still cope with the task.
  4. Select furniture. To create an English style on the site, it is proposed to abandon the use of the usual green and gray shades. It is better to repaint all the furniture in bright colors. This will give the garden a positive and joyful look even when the plants are not blooming. It is important that the furniture on the site is decorated in an antique style. The older it looks, the better.
  5. Particular attention is paid to the internal appearance. If there are pillars and columns on the site, climbing plants must be entwined around them. This way you can achieve the effect that the structures are floating above the ground. Landscaping in this image involves the use of statues and stylized ruins. It is required to place them throughout the site.
  6. A combination of sun and shade. A plot stylized in this way can combine hydrangea, which is thermophilic, which is why it should be planted near the northern wall, and succulents that adore sunlight. This way you can create a cozy area on the site for snacks and relaxing rest.

See alsoHow to decorate a summer cottage

"Organized" chaos

The first cottage gardens were really created “in haste”; their owners wanted to develop the occupied plots as quickly as possible. But later, in such careless naturalness and eclecticism, it was possible to see a special attractiveness. This is how the concept of “controlled” chaos arose, which formed the basis for the creation of new gardens.

  • English garden rules. Part I. Classical principles

    Many of the gardens and parks of this country were created several centuries and even a thousand years ago, and are still admired today. Perhaps the first association that comes to mind when talking about England is lawn, garden, landscape.

The history of the landscape style

England is considered the most “garden” European country. She made a great contribution to world culture. The first park areas in the vicinity of London were typical, as in other parts of the planet at that time. The Romans settled them in their villas. And in the Middle Ages, apothecary gardens were made in monastery courtyards, and small flower beds in the form of a family coat of arms were made in castles.

In the 17th Art. Among the English, the fashion for Dutch and French gardens, which were distinguished by their straightforwardness and geometric shapes, spread. Some bushes were even decorated to resemble an ancient god or animal.

Design Rules

  • No sharp corners. The main rule is naturalness. The relief and shape of the reservoir are left natural, and the paths are designed as freely as possible, without clear lines, of a more winding type.
  • The shape of the plants is not licked. Of course, they are given a more accurate shape, but no figures are made from them.
  • The color scheme is maintained in calm shades without aggressive paints.
  • Plants are selected based on the area. They should be recognizable, not exotic.
  • Materials for construction are chosen of natural origin. Plastic is prohibited. It is allowed to use the forging method in the design of lamps and gazebos.

Don't forget about edible crops

Perhaps the main conflict of the modern gardener is the imbalance between the desire to grow something beautiful and something edible. Flowers, green crops and vegetables need a lot of sun, but in a traditional garden these crops are not usually planted in one place. In an English cottage garden, dill happily coexists with cloves, and chard looks advantageous against the backdrop of daylilies. The ideal option, combining food for the body and soul, is considered to be beans grown under “wigwams” put together from boards, which they can freely entwine.

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