Beautiful DIY tire pond: step-by-step instructions for beginners and photos for inspiration

A pond in the garden will please the eye, and the constant murmur of water definitely has a calming effect on a person. Anyone can acquire a similar element of landscape design if they have the desire and time.

There are many design options, differing according to various criteria, including the final cost. A tire pond will cost practically nothing, and its appearance will be no worse than store-bought analogues. Let's look at its creation step by step and related issues that arise during work.

The second life of a car tire in your garden plot

Why are car tires good for creating a pond?

Any pond on a personal plot will not only serve as decoration, but will also become a favorite place for a pleasant pastime. On summer days, being near water will be a real salvation from the heat. Many people populate the pond with fish and strange plants, which adds its own flavor. One simple solution is to build a pond from unnecessary car tires.

Advantages of this option:

  • durability and structural strength (rubber can last for decades);
  • the ability to make a pond of any size;
  • rubber resistance to frost and ultraviolet radiation;
  • the presence of rigid sidewalls eliminates the need to build walls;
  • flexibility of the material for coloring and decoration;
  • ease of tire installation.

A significant advantage is that there is no need to spend money on purchasing building materials - the tires are taken as ownerless ones and must be disposed of. They are not damaged during transportation, but they bend well. And this allows you to change their shape (for example, make an oval pond).

Despite the fact that rubber is not considered an environmentally friendly material, it does not emit harmful substances into the air. Moreover, there is surface waterproofing. Therefore, such a pond can be safely used as an aquarium.


It's good if you can find a tractor tire. It is large and looks like a miniature swimming pool. When you do this, be sure to remember to drain. Otherwise we forgot to do it and it was hard to change the water. My husband put crucian carp there, and they lived like that for almost a whole year.

The main thing is the idea, and the rest will work out. They make whatever they can out of tires. This pond is a great idea, especially for those who have a small plot and just want freshness in the summer. Still, even a little one lifts your spirits in the heat!

As a temporary option, we made such a pond for fish. We have the most unpretentious aquarium guppies. They were afraid that the rubber would release some kind of chemical carcinogen and the fish might die. But they lived cheerfully and happily in this reservoir until the fall. And they even produced offspring more than once, which suggests that this type of pool is quite suitable for undemanding fish.

If you follow simple recommendations during construction, you can easily complete the task in 2–3 days. And next to the attractive pond, install benches, a table and other attributes for relaxation. For children, build a swing from small tires. This area will become a favorite place for the whole family.


Photo: do-it-yourself options for decorating a tire pond at your dacha

A picturesque water oasis in the countryside

The bottom reservoir of the waterfall is made of tire

For such a mini-pond you can always find mseto on the site

Plants in tubs can also serve as decoration for a pond

A pond with beautiful fish always attracts attention

An easy-to-execute option with a minimum of decor - stone lining

Cascade type waterfall, where water falls from the upper bowl to the lower one

The stone decor completely hides the tires and creates a natural design

A combined pond consisting of several tires of different sizes

A pond decorated with various garden figures looks beautiful

What tires can be used and how to prepare them for work

The tire manufacturing process does not require compliance with a complex technological process. But not all tires are suitable for crafts. More precisely, the choice of tires depends on the future decor.

If in the process of creating a craft you need to cut tires, then for the work you need to select old tires without a metal frame. If solid tires will be used in the work, then you need to take tires with a metal cord.

The process of preparing material for crafts consists of several steps:

  • Inspecting tires for defects.
  • Dividing them into functional groups, whole tires for the manufacture of main parts, damaged ones - for small parts and decorations.
  • Treat tires with soapy water and thoroughly dry.

After such preparation, you can begin the manufacturing process, but first, let's look at the most popular DIY garden ideas for garden decor.

What tires are needed for a pond?

To understand which tire you should take, you should first decide on the dimensions of the future design. If there is a small pond, then a standard passenger car tire will do. But for a large-scale reservoir you will need something more impressive - from a truck (for example, a tractor or KamAZ).

Choose the tire size depending on the planned dimensions of the pond

If you don’t have used tires in your garage, you can get them at any tire shop. There they sell them at a bargain price or give them away for free. For large tires, it is recommended to contact a car service center. Often car owners offer what you need for a purely symbolic price.

Tires cannot be used in their original form. They are first cleaned of dirt and the top part of the rubber is cut off. To do this, use a sharp tool or a jigsaw turned on at low speed. If you work with a hacksaw, it will take longer.

Cut off the top of the tire

Step-by-step instructions for working with photos

It will be easier if you divide your workflow into stages and carry them out sequentially. The first step is to decide on the location of the pond.

Selecting a location

Here are some professional tips for choosing a pond site:

  • There should be no exposure to direct sunlight. It is ideal to place the object in partial shade . In the sun, the plants will begin to wither, and the water will begin to bloom.
  • An open area blown by winds is not suitable. But being located next to bushes and trees is not the best option. Then you will have to constantly clean the water from falling leaves and other plant debris.
  • It is optimal to make a pond next to a free area where you can arrange a recreation area.

It is better to place the pond so that it is visible from a distance from different points in the garden and immediately attracts the attention of others. If you are planning a small pond, then it is better to place it in a depression - when viewed from above, it looks more impressive.

For the pond, select a place that is clearly visible from afar

It is equally important to consider a number of additional factors:

  • the area of ​​the personal plot (if the plot is too large, then choose a prominent place to get a better view);
  • the shape of the allotment (preferably, it should be rectangular);
  • the expected scale of decoration (if decorated with lighting or supplemented with a cascade or fountain, a larger area will be needed);
  • soil structure (loose with close groundwater is not suitable).

Digging a pit

First, clear the area of ​​debris and weeds. Next, start digging a pit where you will lay the tire. To determine the size of the hole, measure the diameter of the wheel and add a few centimeters to the resulting figure. Then the tire does not deform when inserted.

Dig a pit of such a size that the tire fits freely in it.

When digging, remember to use a level to get a level bottom. Otherwise, the structure will be inclined, which is not particularly aesthetically pleasing.

You can deepen the tire completely or by a third of the width. The main thing is that the rubber edge remains on the outside. Then the rain will not fill the tank.

Tire waterproofing

Before installing a tire in the hole, level the bottom and fill in a layer of sand about 15 cm thick. It should be free of any solid inclusions that could damage the integrity of the waterproof lining of the pond. Otherwise, water leakage will occur and the structure will have to be disassembled to replace the insulation. After this, compact the surface thoroughly.

The next step is to lay the rubber base. Be sure to check its evenness using a level. Then they move on to waterproofing the tires from the inside using PVC oilcloth. To prevent it from tearing, lay out several layers.

Place the film inside the tire and level it

If possible, then take a stronger and more durable material instead of film:

  • liquid rubber;
  • liquid glass;
  • polyurethane mastic.

Lay out the polyethylene so that it protrudes on the surface of the earth beyond the boundaries of the reservoir (approximately 0.5 m). This is done to prevent slipping. Then cut off the excess and hide it under the tire.

Tuck the protruding edges of the waterproofing material under the tire

After completing the waterproofing work, pour water from a hose into the resulting container, which will help the film take the appropriate shape. And to fix the material, place boulders on the bottom. To prevent vibration and tire slipping, sprinkle the sides of the pit with sand or fine crushed stone . This will also serve as protection against weeds. Now all that remains is the decor.

To prevent the tire from moving, sprinkle it with sand or gravel

Pond decoration

To create an exclusive pond, don’t be afraid to get creative. But many prefer to act in standard directions. Here are some decor options:

  • Unusual plants are planted at the bottom of the pond. You can buy them in specialized stores already in containers.
  • Along the perimeter of the pond, tubs with flowers and other vegetation are placed. By rearranging them it is possible to change the design.
  • Brightly colored fish are placed in the water. The following varieties are suitable for this: golden orpha, mirror carps, shubunkina, comet, minnow.
  • They create compositions from natural materials. Usually stones of different sizes are used.

It is unlikely that a small reservoir can be filled with fish. True, aquarium goldfish are quite suitable. But even without living creatures, a rubber pond can be adequately decorated in other ways. An environment made of Siberian iris will look impressive. You can float decorative ducks or artificial water lilies along the surface of the water. The rubber is covered with boulders or sand tiles. It would be nice to install an alpine slide nearby, which will also create shading.

The simplest option for decorating a pond is lining it with stones

To admire your creation in the dark, it is recommended to install lighting in the form of solar-powered garden lamps.

At night, the glowing pond will not go unnoticed

Often large tires are decorated as a swimming pool. Such a splint should be strengthened more securely to avoid shifting. The shore area is tiled for safe movement with bare feet. The climbing ladder is made of wooden boards. Additionally, you will need to install a pump for filtering and replacing water.

A rubber pool can be decorated with stones, but only smooth ones, so as not to injure swimmers

What decorative options for tire ponds exist:

  • a combination of different-sized tires in contact with each other;
  • erection of a log or plank bridge over the pond (for beauty or as a continuation of the garden path);
  • placing a large tire on the bottom, a small one on top - you get two ponds with a spout (the latter can be a drainage system from the roof or a homemade waterfall).

Decorative well

Not knowing where to put your used tires, use them to decorate your area. Craftsmen make real masterpieces out of them - garden sculptures, flower beds, fountains. But this requires a certain skill, whereas even a teenager can make a decorative well for a garden from wheels. After all, they are used entirely; nothing has to be cut out.

In addition to several tires of the same diameter, to make it you will need several bars or thin logs, pieces of reinforcement, wooden pegs, remnants of roofing materials and some crushed stone. And for decoration - weather-resistant paints.

An interesting decorative element for a dachaSource

If you are wondering how to make a decorative well from tires, a step-by-step diagram will help you easily implement this idea:

First you need to choose a place for it in the yard.

The first tire is installed on the platform and secured from displacement with pegs driven into the ground close to the inner diameter of the tire. Then the remaining cylinders are placed on it to the required height of the well, carefully aligning them vertically.

For greater plausibility, you can cut off the side of the top tireSource

Strengthening the structure.

On the sides of the well, roof racks and gates made of thin logs or timber are installed. They can be dug into the ground and concreted, attached to the walls with bolts, or paired holes can be cut in the top tires and posts inserted into them. The upper ends of the racks are connected by a horizontal jumper for stability.

Roof installation.

The roof can be made single-pitch or gable. To do this, two triangular trusses are made from bars, each is attached to racks and connected by crossbars. As a roofing material, you can use corrugated sheets, slate, herringbone boards, as in the photo, as well as reeds or straw - the choice depends on the designer’s plan and the surrounding landscape.

Gable roof design for a wellSource


When deciding how to make a decorative tire well look like a real one, it is advisable to equip it with a collar with a handle and a bucket. The easiest way to make a gate is from rebar and cutting a log, drilling a through hole in it. The long end of the reinforcement is bent down and to the side, forming a handle. A chain or rope is wound around the collar, and a bucket is attached to it.

Before painting tires, it is advisable to degrease them with acetone or gasoline. It is most convenient to paint with aerosol paint from a can. First, complete painting is done in two layers, and after they dry, a pattern is applied, imitating brick or stonework. Although the choice of pattern or ornament is limited only by your imagination.

Caring for a tire pond

To extend the life of an artificial reservoir, proper care is required. This means the following activities:

  • regularly purify water from contaminants;
  • disinfect the pond using special reagents, which prevents flowering;
  • the water is drained from the tire for the winter, and the structure itself is covered with polyethylene or other covering material.

If you plan to look at a beautiful pond for more than one season, then consider a water drainage/supply and filtration system. To do this, it is advisable to install polypropylene pipes at the bottom of the pond.

When using a filter, the pond will retain its pristine freshness for a long time

To prevent water flowing from the reservoir from eroding the shore, create drainage in the form of a drain pipe located next to the object.

How can you decorate a pond?

A tire pond will take on a complete look if you decorate it. All kinds of toys can be placed around: animals, plants, mushrooms and so on. It would also be a good idea to add aquatic vegetation into it - for example, decorative water lilies. If desired, you can also breed fish inside.

Flowers planted next to a pond also look good. They will definitely change the appearance of the pond beyond recognition, making it somewhat wild, but more natural. Well, we already wrote about the alpine slide above.

Beautifully designed tire pond

You can decorate such a pond in different ways. Just use your imagination and you will definitely come up with something original and interesting.

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