Do-it-yourself fireplace log holder 300 photos, step-by-step instructions

firewood holder photo

What could be better than spending a winter evening by the fireplace? The flame will warm you with natural warmth, and the cozy crackling of logs will add comfort and create a unique atmosphere. The only problem is that at some point you will have to go outside to get firewood. And most likely, they will need to be dried first, so it is much more convenient to have a supply of firewood on hand so that it will last at least for the evening.

There is a solution - make a firewood rack for the fireplace with your own hands , it’s not that difficult. Of course, there are two options: buy or make it yourself. You can look at the prices for accessories for fireplaces in the catalogs of online stores, after which you will most likely choose the second option. Now think about what exactly you need - a stationary firewood stand or a portable one, and, of course, how it will fit with the overall design of the room. Here are homemade firewood holders for fireplaces and stoves . There are interesting ideas for racks made from water pipes and simple wooden structures, and no complex projects, everyone can do them all with their own hands.

Carrying firewood in five minutes: a simple device

The Homius editors continue the series of publications with the hashtag #BetteratHome. We are constantly looking for interesting and useful ideas that you can implement in your home and apartment during the period of forced self-isolation.

Those who are waiting out this difficult time at the dacha or in a private house will certainly not be bored, because there is always a lot to do, and in addition, there are plenty of opportunities to do preparations for planting, ongoing repairs or even construction. You can flood the bathhouse or even barbecue in the fresh air or smoke food.

For all this you will need firewood, and you will have to carry it to the place of work, which is not always convenient. Traditionally, an armful of firewood is carried in front of you, pressed to your chest, but it stains your clothes and forces you to significantly strain your back. Meanwhile, folk craftsmen have long come up with a lot of devices for carrying flammable material, which make the task easier.

We found the simplest and most convenient one from the author of the “Home Craftsman” channel, and the beauty is that the device can be made in literally five minutes, and its manufacture does not require any special materials or tools.

What you need for carrying: materials and tools

So, you probably have what you need to make the carrier, and you don’t even need to run to the store.

PHOTO: .comYou will need a regular clothesline. Choose a woven one made from synthetic thread; it is almost impossible to break. An ordinary plastic thin rope will quickly fray, as will a cotton cord, which also tends to stretch PHOTO: .com The second necessary part is a piece of durable plastic pipe. If you don't have one, a shovel handle or even a metal piece of pipe will do.

The only tools you will need are a drill and a saw or a grinder to cut the required section from the pipe.

How to assemble a baby carrier: time it

If we talk about simple and ingenious, then this device fits these concepts perfectly. And you will spend only a few minutes making it.

PHOTO: .comMeasure three meters of rope and cut it. A large and strong man will need a longer rope, but, for example, a woman who can only carry three or four logs can limit herself to 2.5 m. The length of the rope will determine the carrying volume and, therefore, the capacity of the material PHOTO: .

comThe ends of the rope must be burned so that it does not unravel during operation PHOTO: .com Now you need to work with the pipe or handle. You will need a piece approximately 30–35 cm long. Saw it off and carefully remove burrs from the edges PHOTO: .com Now, at a distance of 5 cm from the edges, you need to make through holes in the pipe/handle.

The author used a large cone drill for this, but you can use a regular one. The main thing is that it is possible to thread a rope into the resulting holes. PHOTO: .com Thread both ends of the rope through the prepared holes and tie them with knots to secure them to the carrying handle. Actually, that’s all, the carrier is ready.

A handle with a rope loop is the whole device

How long did this process take you? About 5 minutes, taking into account the time spent on drilling, no more.

How to use a rope carrier

Looking at the result obtained, it is not so easy to imagine how to use this device. But believe me, you will understand everything the first time.

PHOTO: .com Place a loop of rope on the floor or ground next to the woodpile. The handle should be on one side - and the bend of the loop should be on the other PHOTO: .com Place the firewood in the center of the loop in a pile, and then lift the handle and the free end of the loop and thread the handle through the rope.

The loop will be fixed at the tip of the handle and will tighten the logs PHOTO: .com Now you can lift the entire bunch and freely carry it, like a string bag, by the comfortable handle.

If you need a lot of firewood at once, you can make a couple of such carries, then, using the same amount of firewood on both sides, you will get a balance that will relieve excess stress on your back muscles

Remember that you should not lift any weights from the ground with a jerk; it is better to squat down a little and use the strength of your legs to lift the ligament. Even a woman and a child can use this carrier. For people of small stature and weak physical strength, you need to adjust the loop to the permissible volume of transported fuel.

This is the simplest possible option for carrying firewood, but there are also more technologically advanced models, the production of which will take you longer. Here, for example, is a rigid carrier made from the same water pipes:

The author’s idea of ​​carrying a bag is not new; this kind, perhaps not so comfortable and not with plastic handles, was used in villages for carrying hay. Use the experience of generations and bring something of your own to it!

And we are waiting for your comments and your own ideas about devices for summer cottages!

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Materials for production

In most cases, the floor and walls are made of wood, and the roof is made of slate. Sometimes the woodshed is built entirely from a new material - polycarbonate - leaving gaps so that the logs can be ventilated. Before building a building, stock up on the following elements:

  • floor frame (boards);
  • walls (support columns);
  • slats;
  • frame for mounting columns;
  • roof rafters;
  • visor;
  • roofing material;
  • covering the roof, floor, walls.

Forged firewood logs look gorgeous. They are usually small in size, but you are unlikely to be able to make them yourself. Forged structures are bought ready-made in specialized stores or ordered from craftsmen. They are very comfortable and fit perfectly into any yard.

Types of structures

The woodshed can be placed in different ways: as a separate building or attached to the wall of a barn or residential building. If you prefer the second option, then choose the northern wall for construction. The structure, located in this way, will insulate the building and protect the logs from the harmful effects of sunlight.


a roving that stands alone has more decorating options. It can be designed as a separate shed and, in addition to wood, equipment can be stored there. Another option is a gazebo with a door, but most often there are buildings with three walls.

A firewood box is a small product in the form of baskets for carrying logs. The best place for them is in a secluded corner near the fireplace or next to the grill. You can make a firewood rack yourself; forged products are particularly beautiful and elegant.

Option #1 – fabric or leather carrier

You need to choose a thick fabric, you can also use old unnecessary clothes. We cut out a couple of rectangles from the fabric - 50/80 cm. If the material is very durable, you can get by with a piece of fabric in one layer; we sew two panels for greater strength. We determine the center of the canvas based on the width; a piece is cut out in the center according to the size of a man’s hand (on average 15/15 cm). The same length is cut in width on the other side.

The resulting protruding strips of fabric will serve as carrying handles; they need to be folded in half and sewn to the fabric, leaving space on the sides unsewn. The result should be handles with side holes, into which you then need to insert strong sticks made of plastic or wood. The result is a convenient carrying for firewood. A more expensive option is to use leather instead of thick fabric; this type of carrying is more practical and will last longer. Today, baby carrier sewing services are also offered online.

To make a carrier, you need to choose thick fabric, not necessarily new. This could be an old coat, jacket, or a piece of canvas. If you have an unwanted old leather jacket, use it to create a durable carrier

We cut out a firewood carrier and securely sew the handles to the main fabric. Since the cutout for the hands is quite large, you can use sticks of different diameters, the main thing is that they are comfortable to hold in your hand

Why are firewood logs needed?

Many people believe that firewood holders installed next to the fireplace perform a purely decorative function, and therefore consider them an optional element. However, they were originally intended for a completely different purpose - the final drying of firewood before loading it into the combustion chamber.

Decorative and functional portable firewood rack.

No matter what conditions the firewood is stored outdoors, before using it, it must be at room temperature for at least a day. At this time, excess moisture evaporates from the logs, due to which the heat transfer from their combustion increases significantly.

Thus, each subsequent batch of firewood is usually brought into the room and placed in the woodshed immediately after placing already dried logs in the oven (fireplace).

Fireplace with niches for drying wood.

Therefore, manufacturers of metal stoves and fireplaces provide special niches for drying firewood in many of their models.

But in order for the wood to quickly reach the optimal state of residual moisture indoors, it is also necessary to create the correct storage conditions for it outdoors.

A woodpile set up near the house.

Therefore, chopped firewood is placed in a woodpile. It will be best if the firewood is in a ventilated shed. But if this is not possible, a firewood shed is set up for the woodpile, which should also be ventilated. Its side walls must be left open. Well, if such a structure is installed along the wall of a house or outbuilding, then a distance of at least 50 mm must be provided between the surface of the wall and the firewood. Of course, an outdoor firewood shed must have a roof so that water and snow minimally fall on the surface of the wood.

If the firewood box is installed in that part of the yard where no ground covering has been created, that is, on open soil, then it is recommended to raise the bottom layer of firewood by 100÷150 mm so that ground moisture does not penetrate into the wood. To do this, a shelf is installed in the lower part of the building or a layer of moisture-resistant material is laid out.

Storage against the wall

This kind of construction is carried out if they want to insulate a house or barn with a woodcutter. If you build it near the northern wall, the logs will be well ventilated, but the southern one will not be a great option. In this case, the logs will turn out to be loose due to exposure to sunlight. The construction stages coincide with the construction of a free-standing firewood shed.

Pay special attention to the roof. It must be on a slope. People who believe that gender is not at all necessary for this design are mistaken. Experts assure that this is a very important and necessary element of the building. The absence of a floor leads to rotting of the logs.

What are firewood racks made of?

Firewood racks installed outdoors can be made of either wood or metal.

However, we should not forget that wood and metal have completely different physical characteristics. When the temperature changes, condensation forms on metal parts, and firewood can absorb this moisture. Therefore, it is best to build an outdoor firewood shed from wood. You can, in principle, use both of these materials, but arrange the structure so that the firewood does not come into contact with the metal.

A wooden firewood box is the optimal solution for storing fuel in the yard.

Wood stands installed indoors, directly next to the stove or fireplace, on the contrary, are best made of metal. This material takes on the air temperature and will help the wood dry out quickly. Since the firewood box is installed near the heating device, the metal will warm up above the general room temperature, which will also be beneficial when drying the firewood.

Prices for firewood makers Vesuvius

Drovnitsa Vesuvius

Metal firewood rack.

Another good option is firewood racks built into the wall, that is, built during the construction of a brick fireplace, or later built in the form of a plasterboard structure made of fire-resistant gypsum board

Firewood holders built into the wall on both sides of the fireplace ensure that a large supply of well-dried firewood is always at hand.

Niches built into the wall near the stove or fireplace, as a rule, have a large volume, which allows you to dry a lot of fuel at once. As it is used, reserves are gradually replenished. Fresh wood will bring a healthy forest aroma into the room, which will last constantly and be renewed after each new batch of firewood.

Firewood basket woven from willow vine

Another material that is often used for making firewood boxes is willow branches, from which baskets of various shapes are woven. The convenience of such stands lies in their low weight. So, taking a basket, you can go to the yard to get firewood from the woodpile, and then, without moving it, install a stand near the fireplace, avoiding soiling the floor.

Candlesticks made from aluminum cans

In case the power goes out at your dacha, the battery in the lantern runs out, or the kerosene in the lamp runs out, you should always have candles on hand. Of course, this is both romance and a pleasant aroma, but you can also arrange candles in practical candlesticks, which you can now not only put on the table, but also hang somewhere nearby. Believe me, during dinner in the gazebo or on the veranda in the evening, such decorative elements will be very useful to you. You can make them very simply, having on hand a knife or scissors, an awl or nail, and thread for organizing hangers.

From ropes and a shovel handle

This design is as simple as possible. To make a carrier you need:

  1. Take an unnecessary shovel handle, divide it in half, step back a little from the edge and drill a few holes.
  2. Thread thick linen twine into the holes and tie well.
  3. If you suddenly do not have the necessary materials, then you can use rubber timing belts from the car.

The device is simple (wooden handles and rope grip), but effective.

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