Do-it-yourself playground: how to make a playground?

Summer is a “small life”, the time when many families fly to warmer climes to bask in the sun, breathe in the sea air and gain strength for winter, but in addition to warm countries, sometimes and in most cases, especially residents of big cities, move to live in suburban dachas and country houses so that their children can breathe fresh air, walk in the yard and spend less time watching TV.

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Without a doubt, adults will always find something to do on their property in their free time, but their children sometimes think that being in the fresh air, in silence, away from the noise and bustle will be a whole test for them, they will be bored and uninterested , but as they say: “There is always a way out!” So that your children do not get bored and spend their holidays as fun and interesting as possible, in this article we will tell you how you can build a small playground for them, which will not take a lot of money and time, and your children will spend their time in the yard all day long, playing with or without friends.

We will offer you options for a playground that you can easily make with your own hands.

If you believe that one of the most important tasks as a parent is to develop the creativity and imagination of your children, then you can create a chalkboard cover with your own hands and your children can draw, take notes and make notes in your yard. Why sit in a stuffy room if the weather is beautiful outside! By the way, you can please not only your children with such a craft, but also use this composition for chalkboards in the kitchen to write down a recipe or reminder.

"Chalkboard Coating"

You will need: for 1 cup of paint (latex, acrylic or any other), add 2 tablespoons of joint compound, which is usually used for grouting seams between tiles).

Children's sports grounds

The most important thing is to thoroughly stir this composition to get rid of lumps and make the resulting mass homogeneous.

We cover the selected surface with this composition in several layers with intermediate drying. The surface may be an old book with thick sheets, a leather notebook, or a cutting board. After the solution dries, any surface will turn into a “graphite” board. You and your children can even design an appliqué on their clothes, on which it is then convenient to write various inscriptions and even draw with crayons (for example, make an imitation of a tie on a T-shirt and paint it). You can paint the first layer of paint without this composition, but only with paint and then apply the composition.

Types of MAF by plant use and manufacturing materials

Types of wooden pergolas

Small architectural forms for the garden come with plants without them.

Among the MAFs that require the mandatory use of vegetation are arches, pergolas and trellises. This category also includes flowerpots, bosquets (planted in a certain sequence and trimmed shrubs and trees that form “green rooms”) and trellises (supports with climbing vegetation).

Small architectural forms can be made from different materials: concrete, wood, metal, natural stone, brick, plastic, etc.

These materials have their pros and cons.

Everything about heating, insulation and installation -

MAF made of wood

Wooden MAFs are the most popular in landscape decoration. Wood has undoubted advantages: environmental friendliness, strength, lightness, ease of processing and maintenance, low cost.

In most cases, wood is used to create the following elements of garden architecture:

  • buildings in the recreation area (gazebos, terraces, patios, garden furniture, benches, swings, etc.);
  • structures for vines (arches, trellises, trellises, pergolas);
  • sculptures, figurines;
  • houses for animals and birds (feeders, booths, birdhouses, etc.).

These and many other small architectural forms can be made from wood yourself. The simplest option is a flowerbed in the form of a cart. To make such a flower bed, you will need a minimum set of tools for working with wood:

Tools for making MAF from wood.

  • saw;
  • jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • ruler;
  • square;
  • pencil.

It is not at all necessary to specifically buy wood. The material can be unnecessary wooden products: boxes, shovel handles, barrels, etc. You can also use a used old cart. To do this, it is enough to treat the wood with antiseptics, paint or varnish. You can fill the soil and plant flowers directly in it, or you can put wooden barrels with flowers in it. Metal cans instead of wooden barrels will look interesting.

A decorative garden cart can serve not only as a flowerbed, but also as a beautiful wood storage area next to the barbecue.

MAF made of concrete

Among the advantages of this material are strength, durability, low maintenance and elegant appearance. At the same time, MAFs made of concrete also have their disadvantages: heavy weight, high cost, custom-made (in most cases), inappropriateness in some styles. On personal plots you can find the following small architectural forms made of concrete:

  • flowerpots;
  • drinking bowls and bird feeders;
  • fountains, grottoes, bridges, arches;
  • benches;
  • sculptures.

Decorative fountain made of concrete.

You can still try to make some simple MAFs from concrete yourself. To do this you will need:

  • concrete mixer;
  • welding machine;
  • water supply hose;
  • shovel;
  • wheelbarrow;
  • buckets;
  • access to water and electricity;
  • cement M300 or M400;
  • sand;
  • fittings

Let's start making, for example, a garden sculpture from concrete:

  1. Weld a frame from reinforcement, most accurately conveying the shape of the desired sculpture. You can make a hollow or monolithic sculpture. To create a hollow sculpture, the frame must be wrapped with a fine metal mesh.
  2. Prepare a concrete solution in the following proportion: 1 cement + 2 sand + a small amount of PVA glue + water. The consistency of the solution should be thick enough, suitable for modeling.
  3. Start adding the solution in layers. Each subsequent layer must be applied after the previous one has set. When making the last layer, try to convey the smallest details of the sculpture.
  4. After the sculpture has dried, you can begin painting it.
  5. Place the figure in the desired position. A monolithic sculpture weighs several times more than a hollow one, so special devices may be required.

MAF made of metal

Scheme of an arch for flowers made from reinforcement.

Advantages of metal MAFs: reasonable cost, light weight, attractive appearance (especially if it is forged), durability with proper care, the ability to make some designs yourself.

Most often made of metal:

  • buildings in the recreation area (canopies, gazebos, benches, swings and garden furniture);
  • sculptures (forged and cast);
  • arches, pergolas, bridges, trellises;
  • trash cans, lanterns.

It is quite possible to create some garden structures from metal with your own hands, however, you cannot do without a good welding machine.

MAF from other materials

Sometimes you can find landscape architectural forms made of plastic, glass or natural stone. These materials are less popular, but they can also add originality to the garden plot. When creating MAF from plastic, you can even use unnecessary plastic bottles. MAFs made of natural stone most often have a purely decorative function. It can be as simple as beautiful boulders decorating a rock garden, or sculptures carved from stone. Glass elements and figures will fit perfectly into an unusual garden in a high-tech style. It is not easy to make an MAF from glass yourself: it is a complex technology that requires special skills and equipment. The material for making MAF can be old car tires. You can use them to make various figures, flower beds, garden furniture, and playgrounds for children. All this can be done with your own hands. For this you will need:

  • old car tires;
  • jigsaw or grinder;
  • electric drill;
  • knife;
  • pliers;
  • wire cutters;
  • paints of different colors.

In making such MAFs with your own hands, it’s enough just to show your imagination; just make an accurate marking of the future figure before cutting the tire and then make a pattern based on it.

Construction of a children's playground on the site: what you need to know before starting work

If you want your child not only to play in the area, but also to develop physically, run, jump, you can give the future corner a sporty atmosphere - install a horizontal bar, pull a rope, make a climbing frame, install a trampoline, hang a hand-made basketball hoop, a little Below we will describe how it can be done.

Playground ideas

First of all, think about what you want to see in the children's corner. Do not forget to take into account the developmental features of the future playground.

All family members, primarily future main users, can be involved in the process of “construction” and arrangement. The child will feel needed, and joint work will unite your family and instill in your children useful and necessary skills that will be useful to him in life - as well as a love of work.

Today on sale you can find and choose various standard modular houses for the play area for every taste and budget, but if the corner is made by your own hands from natural materials it will be more profitable for you, firstly - the price of the issue, and secondly, you can build a house yourself according to your design and to your taste, taking into account the wishes of your child.

A standard set of small buildings for a playground on a country plot includes: a sandbox, a children’s playhouse, swings, stairs, a basketball hoop if you decide to “add a little sport,” various stone shapes that can be painted to suit your theme, etc.

In any case, the place for the playground must be sufficiently landscaped and, if possible, removed from the roadway so that dust does not get into the adjacent roadway, including for the safety of your child, avoid places where there are dangerous communications, switchboards, gas pipelines, etc. .P. A shady place in a corner of the garden is best.

Garden decor

How to create a landscape design for a yard? In this case, it is recommended to pre-distribute the garden area into several zones. This will create the most comfortable garden space.

For example, a small area should have a seating area and a place for cooking. Particular attention should be paid to the lunch group. To decorate it, choose high-quality garden furniture. It can be located in a spacious gazebo or under a small tent.

On spacious garden plots you can place a small artificial pond with a fountain. As a decoration, a combined bridge made of wooden and forged parts is placed next to it.

Along the edges of the reservoir there is a cascade of stones of different shapes and sizes. Decorative sources of color are installed along the entire perimeter of the territory.

In the corner parts of the garden you can place a cozy seating area in the form of a gazebo. As decoration, climbing species of vegetation are planted along the entire perimeter of the structure.

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A stone grill is used to decorate the cooking area. This element will add a piece of warmth and comfort to the garden environment.

The size of the structure depends on the personal preferences of the customer. In spacious areas you can create a summer veranda. It will allow you to cook and eat food in one place.

In addition, the design includes a comfortable seating area. The design of architectural forms is selected based on the chosen stylistic direction.

Wood products - simple architectural forms for the play area

Crafts made from stumps, logs, boards, everything that remains from construction of various forms, can be used in the design of a children's playground. Use your imagination, and with great interest you will be able to build excellent seats, for example, from stumps, or build supports for a table, the tabletop of which can be put together from boards left over from the sandbox, or lay a sheet of plywood. Such furniture will be an excellent addition to the children's play area, where children can have a snack in the open air or play board games.

Wood products

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As an option, you can make sports equipment, for example, place a log horizontally, steps along the edges can be made from stumps, the main thing is to securely fasten all the parts so that your child can overcome it without fear.

From the remains of wood you can easily create ladders, horizontal bars and labyrinths. To do this, logs should be cut and dug into the ground, arranging them in the required order and, if necessary, fastening them together with staples. If you wish, you can decorate the building and make it more attractive to children.

What are small architectural forms?

This type of decor represents outdoor items. They are used to create aesthetic design and create a comfortable environment.

What items are garden decorations? These include:

  • Fences for flower beds;
  • Unusual sculptures;
  • Benches and benches;
  • Plant hedge;
  • Pedestal;
  • Flower beds and flower beds of different shapes and sizes.

What applies to children's architectural forms? They include the following items:

  • Swing;
  • Gorki;
  • Swedish walls;
  • Horizontal bars;
  • Sandbox;
  • Bridges;
  • Labyrinth.

Architectural forms for playgrounds are made of durable metal alloys that can withstand constant load. The size of the items directly depends on the area of ​​the garden area.

Urban complexes of architectural forms are distinguished by their complexity and versatility. They are intended for different age categories of children. Modern technologies make it possible to create unusual forms of gazebos, swings and slides for descent.

“DIY basketball hoop”

You can also install a basketball hoop so that children can play with the ball and practice. To do this, you need to take a piece of metal-plastic pipe, drill holes on both sides and tie everything together with wire. Insulate the tightened rings with electrical tape. Attach to the corner, which will then be attached to the place you have chosen for the basketball hoop. We take nylon threads, approximately 2 meters long, and begin to tie the threads together to form a network. The basketball hoop is ready.

Basketball stand

Interesting ideas for decorating a play corner at the dacha

The wildlife that is on your site can also become part of the game for children:

For example, a children's playground can be fenced with flower beds made of stumps and logs, having carved out the inner part, filled with soil and planted flowers. Such flower beds can be built in the shape of a train or some animal. And the child can help you decorate them and thereby be involved in a very important matter for himself - the arrangement of his territory.

A beautiful corner for entertainment

You can also recreate the figures of fairy-tale characters, people, animals and equipment, which means your area will sparkle with bright colors and crafts, which will add its own individuality and originality to your suburban area, and children will play and take pictures against their background.

Making such figures on your site will bring great pleasure both in the process of creating them and in the process of playing. And your child will no longer be bored spending his summer holidays outside the city; he will ask you to return to “his little children’s corner”, in the creation of which he contributed a part of himself.

How to make a sandbox in a children's corner

It is very simple to build, and children's joy will know no bounds. First of all, you must have enough sand. If this problem is resolved, select a suitable location for the form. A place that is too shaded is not suitable for it: it will be damp. But it won’t be comfortable to play in the sun either.


Next, you should take care of the frame, which will limit the sand capacity. It is made from:

  • small diameter logs;
  • boards fastened along the perimeter of the form with corners;
  • vertically buried stump cuts.

Advice. If you have planned a large sandbox, divide it into 2-3 zones.

For a structure that will be exposed to direct sunlight at least a little during the day, a canopy is needed. You can make it in a prefabricated version and remove it for the winter. The simplest canopy consists of an awning, which is stretched between 4 high stakes. Shelter is also necessary for the sand itself. According to sanitary standards, it must be covered whenever no one is playing in the sandbox.

Advice. It is more interesting to play with sand if there is water at hand. It is not necessary to run a water supply to the children's corner. You can place or dig a plastic basin or similar form nearby and simply fill it with water on occasion.

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