Aronia chokeberry: beneficial properties, photos, planting and care

Botanical description of chokeberry

Chokeberry (Latin name Aronia melanocarpa) was first described as a crop characteristic of the vast expanses of North America. North American Indians used its pulp to treat colds, preparing decoctions and medicinal potions. Over time, it spread to the European continent and other parts of the world, where it gained popularity due to its decorative and medicinal qualities.

Rowan grows in the form of a bush and belongs to the Rosaceae family. The fruits are small dark, almost black berries. The healing properties of the pulp are preserved not only when fresh, but also when frozen, dried, or crushed to a powdery state. In cooking, berries are used in the preparation of juices, purees, syrups, jellies, jams, wine, tea, since when usually consumed fresh they cause significant dry mouth.

History of crop cultivation

Chokeberry, known as chokeberry or, in common parlance, chokeberry, actually has nothing in common with rowan, they are different genera of the same family. The entire physiognomic appearance, composition of chemical elements and environmental requirements distinguish the chokeberry from the common rowan. Aronia was identified as a separate genus already in 1935.

Chokeberry, called chokeberry, has nothing in common with mountain ash, except for similar fruits

Chokeberry historically grew along the banks of rivers and lakes in eastern North America, where at least 20 varieties of the shrub can be found. In Europe, chokeberry was bred as an ornamental crop until the 19th century, and only I.V. Michurin noticed the unpretentiousness of chokeberry. He developed a subspecies of chokeberry - chokeberry Michurin, which was obtained by crossing chokeberry and rowan trees themselves.

Thanks to the selection work of I.V. Michurin and the natural unpretentiousness of chokeberry itself, the culture has spread massively to various corners of the globe. Chokeberry is successfully grown in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, the Baltic states and Belarus. On the territory of Russia it is found in the undergrowth and forest edges, most widely distributed in the Volga region, the Central region and the North Caucasus, grown in the Urals and Siberia. It is cultivated on an industrial scale in Altai.

Chemical composition

Chokeberry berries have a rich chemical composition, contain a lot of nutrients, but are low in calories. 30 grams of chokeberry fruit contains:

  • protein - 2 grams;
  • fat - 0 grams;
  • carbohydrates - 12 grams;
  • dietary fiber - 2 grams;
  • vitamin C - 10% of the daily requirement;
  • vitamin K - 5% daily value;
  • manganese - 9% daily value;
  • calories - 13 kcal.

In addition, other essential microelements were found in mountain ash berries: folate, iron, vitamins A, E. Antioxidants, which protect healthy cells of the body from the harmful effects of free radicals, are of particular medicinal value.

The peculiar dark blue or black color of the berries is due to the high concentration of anthocyanins.

What beneficial substances does it contain?

Any researcher who is at least somewhat familiar with the chemical composition of berries will tell you that most of them (especially those with rich colors and tart flavor) contain rich reserves of anthocyanins. These substances are a natural water-soluble pigment that protects the human body from free radicals. It is thanks to anthocyanins that blueberries, blackberries, cranberries and many other berries are considered one of the most beneficial for humans. But few people know that chokeberry contains about 5 times more anthocyanins than any other dark berries. And the antioxidant abilities of chokeberries are several times greater than those of pomegranates, strawberries, cherries, and even goji berries, which have been praised in recent years. No fruit grown in temperate climates contains more antioxidants and flavonoids than chokeberry. And 100 g of fresh berries contain from 560 to 1059 mg of anthocyanins.

But the list of useful components of chokeberry does not end there. Chemists have found no less useful substances in its composition, such as blue maldivine, caffeic acid, delphinin, epicatechin and many other compounds. In order not to break the tongue with complex names, which, we guess, mean nothing to many, let’s say that thanks to these components, chokeberry berries have antibacterial, antiviral, and anticancer properties. They prevent herpes, Crohn's disease, high cholesterol, some diseases of the liver, stomach, eyes, blood, and also improve overall well-being.

Another argument in favor of chokeberry is its rich vitamin composition. Some call this berry a natural multivitamin. It contains ascorbic acid, vitamins B, . It is a good source of iron, copper, manganese, boron, selenium, fluorine, potassium, molybdenum and iodine.

By the way, plants common on sea coasts contain several times more iodine.

Types and varieties of chokeberry

Nero. The species was bred by German botanists to give the plant frost resistance and maintain growth in shaded areas. The leaves are shiny and dark green. The color of the foliage changes in autumn, becoming red-yellowish. The fruits are voluminous, almost twice the size of berries of other varieties, collected in voluminous clusters. It is characterized by a high content of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.

Viking - selected in Finland. High-yielding, fairly frost-resistant species. The foliage is polished, rich green. The fruits have a glossy surface and are slightly larger in size than black currants.

Black-eyed. A very unassuming variety, immune to low temperatures, diseases and parasitic organisms. It is especially loved by bees for its high honey-producing qualities. The berries are quite large, up to 1 cm in diameter. The taste of the pulp, unlike other varieties, is less tart.

Hugin. It is the result of Swedish selection. Very beautiful, popular among landscape designers due to its exceptional decorative effect and high frost resistance. The bushy tree is quite tall, can reach up to two meters, which creates difficulties when pruning. In the summer-spring period, the shiny leaves are distinguished by a dark green color, which changes to rich red in the fall. The fruits are shiny and large.

Varieties from:

  • Poland - Egerta, Dabrovice, Kutno, Nova Ves, Galicianka;
  • Russia - Michurina, Sibirskaya;
  • Finland - Belder, Karhumäki, Hakkia;
  • Belarus - Venisa, Nadzeya;
  • Denmark - Aron.

Aronia – medicinal raw materials

For chokeberry, the medicinal raw materials are leaves and fruits in fresh and dried form.

Ripe fruits contain up to 10% sugars, more than 1% organic acids, up to 1% pectin and up to 18-20% dry matter. The fruits of chokeberry from 3 to 30% cover the daily human need for vitamins (C, E, B1, B2, B6, B9, K, P, E, PP), macro- and microelements in the form of salts of molybdenum, manganese, copper, iron , boron, fluorine. The iodine content in chokeberries is higher than in gooseberries, raspberries, and strawberries. The fruits contain significant amounts of anthocyanins, leukoanthocyanins, and catechins. Chokeberry is distinguished by its maximum calcium content, ahead of such crops as black currants and oranges. The fruits contain more than 4%, and the leaves contain up to 1.5% of flavonoids, including rutin, quercetin, and hesperidin. The chemical composition of the fruit emphasizes the value of chokeberry as a medicinal and food crop.

Chokeberry or Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa)

Medicinal properties and contraindications of chokeberry

The use of chokeberry berries gives a pronounced antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. These qualities protect tissue cells from the harmful effects of adverse external and internal factors.

Antioxidant Power

The antioxidant content in chokeberry berries is higher than in red berries. Being active substances, they protect organ cells from the effects of free radicals. A high concentration of the latter can cause pathological oxidative stress, leading to the development of severe cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Aronia chokeberry fruits are rich in polyphenols. A number of chemical studies have proven the ability of antioxidants isolated from chokeberry pulp to suppress the activity of free radicals.

In one of the experiments studying the properties of the plant, it was proven that an infusion of chokeberry berries for 24 hours reduces the manifestations of oxidative stress during treatment with antipsychotic drugs. The unique medicinal qualities of rowan antioxidants are the ability to reduce signs of inflammation, slow down, and sometimes stop, the development of bacterial and cancer cells.

Antitumor properties

Chokeberry berries protect against the development of cancer. A study of patient analyzes has proven that chokeberry anthocyanins stop the growth of altered cells in colon cancer. During the study, each patient received 50 mg of chokeberry berry tincture, and after 24 hours, a 60% slowdown in the growth of diseased cells was observed.

Similar experiments were carried out with the participation of women diagnosed with breast cancer. A similar result was obtained - a significant decrease in the concentration of superoxide free radicals was recorded in blood samples.

Oncologists plan to further study the effect of chokeberry berries on the growth and development of malignant tumors. The results give hope for the creation of an effective antitumor agent.

Positive effect on the heart

The antioxidants in berries have a beneficial effect on overall heart function, especially in the presence of metabolic syndrome. In this condition, the content of cholesterol and triglycerides increases, which increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

To study the therapeutic effect of chokeberry berries on the heart, an experiment was conducted: for two months, 38 patients with metabolic syndrome received 300 ml of chokeberry tincture. As a result, it was revealed that all study participants had significantly reduced levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL cholesterol.

Later, a similar observation was carried out: a group of 25 patients with metabolic syndrome received 300 mg of chokeberry extract for two months. The same positive results were obtained, plus a decrease in blood pressure was recorded.

Based on preliminary analyses, scientists have drawn conclusions that confirm that chokeberry berries need further study; it is important to study their effect on the human body.

Maintaining immunity

The fruits of chokeberry have a beneficial effect on the body's protective functions and help stabilize the immune system. Medical experiments have confirmed that chokeberry infusion has a stable antibacterial effect on E. coli, a waxy bacillus that causes stomach diseases. Under its influence, pathogenic bacteria lose their ability to synthesize a protective biological membrane.

A fairly long-term study was conducted with the participation of residents of 6 nursing homes. They were asked to take 156 ml or 89 ml of chokeberry juice daily for three months. In 55% and 38% of participants, respectively, a decrease in the manifestations of infectious diseases of the urinary system was recorded.

The active components of chokeberry pulp inhibit the release of substances that can generate an inflammatory process - tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-ɑ) and interleukin 6 (IL-6). This indicates that rowan significantly reduces inflammation and stimulates the immune system.

It is important to note the antiviral effect of berries. It is observed due to the fact that chokeberry contains ellagic acid and myricetin, which can counteract influenza viruses.

Use in the food industry

The fruits of black rowan are slightly larger than those of red ones; they are tart, bitter and hard. Great for making jams, juices, and pie fillings. In addition, they make excellent wine and other alcoholic drinks, and are suitable as toppings for yoghurts and desserts (both fresh and dried berries). In cooking they are used as a natural dye.

Rowan jam

Cover the washed and slightly dried berries with sugar in a 1:1 ratio and leave until juice forms (overnight). Cook over low heat for about an hour. Afterwards, puree the mixture until it becomes a homogeneous puree and bring to a boil again. Place into jars and close tightly.


Fill approximately a third of the vessel with clean chokeberry berries. Pour in sugar syrup mixed with alcohol. Seal and leave for 3 months, shaking off the vessel from time to time. Strain before use.

Planting and caring for chokeberry

Determining a landing site

Chokeberry prefers moist soils, with natural protective qualities. The root system of the bush is located close to the surface and needs moisture. You should not plant the plant in lowlands, enclosed areas, or soils subject to waterlogging of the top layer and freezing. It is necessary to evaluate the surrounding features to avoid damage to flowers and fruit ovaries. The trees should not be used as a seal between trees, as they love sunlight.

Aronia chokeberry is a fairly unpretentious crop provided it is kept moderately moist. Grows well on any type of soil, except waterlogged, high-salt, rocky, and gristly soils. Planting on soils with a gley horizon is undesirable. The waterproofness of the soil prevents the normal development of rowan bushes.


You should not get carried away with such a delicacy if you have problems with blood clots or blood clotting. Also contraindications for chokeberry are stomach problems, namely gastritis, ulcers. Insufficient blood supply to the heart, i.e. ischemia. This also includes those who suffer from varicose veins.

In this case, you need to be very careful when eating the treat. In addition, this product affects blood pressure levels. He lowers this figure. So think about it if you need to avoid such an effect. Finally, people with allergies are at risk. And some may even have individual intolerance.

Best time to plant

Experienced summer residents recommend planting chokeberries in open ground in the fall - at the end of September or in the first days of October. Planting is allowed in the spring, in the last days of April. For planting, choose a sunny area, preferably with loamy neutral soil. These measures will help the plant bloom in full force and produce a high yield. Planting on sandy, acidic, dry soils is allowed. It is important to avoid saline soil. The rhizomes spread up to 50-60 cm in depth, so it is possible to select a site with close groundwater. Quite often the plant is used to create a hedge.

Spring planting

When purchasing a seedling, pay attention to its rhizome. The root system should be developed, strong, with two or three branches. Healthy root shoots reach a length of 25 - 30 cm. Do not choose plants with dry, weathered, damaged roots - they will take a very long time to adapt, develop slowly, and may die. The inner part of the bark should be green - this is the main sign that the plant is alive. Brown color indicates that the seedling will die in a fairly short time. Before planting, all dry, damaged, unhealthy parts of the rhizome and stems are removed. The roots of the plant are immersed in water for 48-72 hours to become saturated with water. This procedure will make them flexible. You can immerse them in a clay mash.

For planting chokeberry, choose a cloudy day or evening. If you want your chokeberry to grow as a single plant, plant it at least three meters away from other shrubs and trees. This way the tree will be illuminated by the sun from all sides, making care and pruning much easier. The hole for planting is prepared quite large - the depth and diameter should be approximately 50 cm. If the soil is not fertile enough, the dug part is mixed with charcoal (300g), humus (bucket), superphosphate (150g). 1/3 of the hole is filled with the resulting mixture, the next layer - up to half of the hole - is the nutrient layer. Next, 10 liters of water are poured into the pit. After complete absorption of water, a seedling is placed in the center of the hole. It is important to ensure that the root collar is 1.5 - 2 cm above the soil level. The roots of the plant are carefully straightened, the hole is filled with the prepared earthen mixture. The soil around the trunk becomes slightly compacted. Finally, 10 liters of water are poured under the bush. The stems of the planted bush are cut to 15-20 cm, retaining 4-5 buds.

Autumn planting

In autumn, chokeberry is planted in open ground according to the same rules as in spring. But still, autumn planting of rowan bushes is better than spring planting. This is explained by the fact that the soil around the seedling is well compacted in winter. With the arrival of spring, the plant quickly enters the active growth phase.

Caring for chokeberry is quite simple. To ensure high yields, it is necessary to observe some subtleties specific to each time of year.

How to propagate?

Aronia is propagated by two main methods: seed and vegetative.

Of the vegetative methods for Aronia, the following are acceptable:

  1. cuttings
  2. root stepchildren (mature bushes constantly release them)
  3. layering
  4. dividing the bush (the most labor-intensive method and painful for the plant)
  5. vaccination.

The algorithms of these methods are quite well known and do not differ in any special features.

The seed method is rarely used in private gardens, but in industrial gardening it is used constantly. It is convenient because to obtain a large number of seedlings you do not need to have a large mother garden, which reduces costs. It is also important in this case that the varietal characteristics are preserved.

The process consists of the following steps:

  1. Mash the berries, rinse in water, mix with sand and put them to germination for 3 months in a room with a low temperature for stratification. This is usually done in February-March.
  2. When the seeds have hatched, they are sown in prepared soil outside, in furrows. The emerging seedlings are periodically thinned out until a distance of 10 cm is formed between the sprouts. At this stage, it is necessary to monitor the soil moisture and periodically feed the young. For the winter, cover with several layers of lutrasil.
  3. Seedlings for transplanting will be ready by the end of summer 2 years. Place in designated places.


Rowan bushes in the spring are subject to mandatory sanitary and shaping pruning. The surface of the tree from the root collar to the first skeletal branch of the lower tier of greenery is treated with lime. All manipulations should be carried out in the last week of March or the first week of April. Preventive measures make it possible to eliminate parasites and pathogenic microbes that survived after winter under the bark, in the soil around the trunk. When weeds appear, from about May, the plant is regularly weeded. In the spring, chokeberry must be fertilized with a nitrogen-containing compound.


Gardeners devote quite a lot of time to chokeberry in the summer due to the appearance of a large number of insect pests and the activation of pathogenic microorganisms. It is important to regularly inspect the plants to ensure their healthy condition and pay attention to the appearance of the first signs of damage. If such are detected, timely treatment of the plant is necessary. Means and methods for treating rowan are selected depending on the problem.

Chokeberry tolerates dry soil well. But if the summer heat lasts for a long time, drought sets in, then regular watering is required. After watering, be sure to loosen the soil and remove weeds.

Price of seedlings

Half a meter bushes will empty your wallet by at least three hundred rubles. Some nurseries charge about five hundred for the most popular varieties. Of course, the price also depends on the age of the plant. The larger and stronger the seedling, the higher its price.


Full ripening of chokeberry berries occurs at the end of August. Harvesting begins only after the first frost. New seedlings are being planted in open ground. Previously planted plants are prepared for the coming winter. When the dormant period begins, shrubs need sanitary pruning and preventive antiparasitic treatment. This destroys all pathogenic microorganisms and insect pests in the bark of the plant trunk and on the ground near the trunk. Young seedlings are planted high, and the trunk circle is generously sprinkled with dried leaves. Additional shelters for adult specimens are not needed.

Processing chokeberry

Preventive treatment of bushes of any age is necessary to prevent diseases and the appearance of parasitic insects on surfaces. Treatment with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture is carried out in early spring, before the leaf buds bloom. After the last leaves fall, the period of autumn processing begins. Instead of Bordeaux composition, you can use a 7% urea solution, which additionally acts as a fertilizer. It is important to use the same product for treating rowan in spring and autumn.

Watering chokeberry

The initial growing season is the period in which it is important to ensure regular watering. Of course, chokeberry needs water during heat and drought, during fruit formation. Grooves are prepared around the plant at a distance of 30-40 cm from the trunk, into which water is poured. The desired volume of water for each bush is 20-30 liters per watering.

After complete absorption of water by the soil, loosening of the upper soil layer is carried out at a depth of 6-8 cm. Over the entire summer, approximately 5 loosenings will be needed. After collecting all the berry clusters, the area around the trunk is loosened and generously covered with mulch - manure, compost, peat.

Aronia chokeberry fertilizer

Proper, timely fertilizing ensures a bountiful harvest. A one-time spring feeding is sufficient if the soil in the garden is rich in mineral and nutritional components. In this case, 50 grams of ammonium nitrate are added to each plant, and the tree trunk area is enriched with organic fertilizers - compost, manure, humus.

If the soil is depleted, fertilizing will be needed in early June. Prepare one of the nutritional compositions (the dosage corresponds to one rowan bush):

  1. 10 liters of poultry manure solution (10 parts water, 1 part litter).
  2. 1 bucket of mullein (5 parts water, 1 part cow dung).

Autumn fertilizing is carried out after the entire berry harvest has been harvested. To do this, add 100 grams of superphosphate and 500 grams of wood ash to each plant.

Pruning chokeberry

Spring pruning

The first pruning at the level of 15-20 cm is necessary for seedlings in the first spring after planting in open ground. After a year, new shoots appear from the rowan, from which several of the largest are selected, and the rest are cut to the ground. A year later, several new, powerful shoots are added to last year’s stronger shoots and leveled in height, and the rest are cut off in the same way. The chokeberry is considered formed when there are about 10 such shoots, that is, it will take 3-4 years to form.

Regular thinning of the shrub crown is necessary to provide sunlight to all parts of the plant. The formation of flowering buds and the setting of berries occurs only on those branches where the sun's rays penetrate. Pruning for thinning coincides with sanitary pruning. Branches and shoots that interfere with others are eliminated and grow inside the bush. All diseased, dried out, broken parts must be removed.

Each branch produces a large number of fruits until it reaches eight years. Old branches must be removed, leaving one developed basal shoot. Gardeners recommend replacing 2-3 branches annually, trying not to increase the volume of the base of the bush. By following this advice, you can avoid the development of pathogenic microorganisms and parasitic insects in stumps.

Anti-aging pruning is needed for old, tired plants. To do this, all branches are deleted without exception. When young shoots appear, a new bush is formed according to already familiar rules.

Autumn pruning

In the autumn, only sanitary pruning is carried out in case of urgent need:

  • if branches are damaged during harvesting;
  • when signs of the disease are detected.

If you notice that the crown is becoming very thick, then you can thin it out at any time, with the exception of the winter period. Such procedures make rowan more hardy.

It is important to remember that pruning for the purpose of formation or rejuvenation is carried out only in the spring! It is mandatory to treat the cuts with garden varnish.


The shrub reproduces both by the generative parts of the plant: root suckers, green and lignified cuttings, dividing the bush, grafting, and vegetatively, that is, by seeds. The most commonly used method is seed and propagation by cuttings.

Propagation by seeds

Chokeberry seeds are extracted from ripe fruits by grinding them through a sieve. Then they are lowered into water to remove any remaining pulp.

Seeds for planting are extracted from chokeberry fruits

Before planting, it is necessary to carry out pre-sowing preparation of seeds - stratification. To do this, the washed seeds are placed in a container with calcined river sand (proportion 1:3), and then placed in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator. The sand in which the seeds are located must be kept moist at all times. The complexity of the method is that the seeds may hatch ahead of time, then their temperature must be lowered to 0 ºC .

The landing process is carried out as follows:

  1. The seeds are planted at the end of April in furrows 6–8 cm deep, after which they are sealed and covered with any mulching material.
  2. After the seedlings have two true leaves, they are thinned out, leaving 3 cm between the seedlings.
  3. When the seedling has 4–5 leaves, thin out the plantings so that there is at least 6 cm between seedlings.
  4. Next spring, the final thinning is carried out, during which the distance between young plants should be about 10 cm.
  5. By the fall of the second year, the plants are ready to be transplanted to a permanent location.

During the growing process, the bed with seedlings is regularly loosened, watered, and weeds, which are the main competitors of young plantings in the fight for nutrients, are removed. Once (in spring), future planting material is fertilized by watering with slurry.

Generative reproduction

Reproduction of any plant by a generative method (parts of shoots, root shoots, tendrils, dividing a bush) is one of the keys to success. With generative propagation, in most cases, all the characteristics of the mother plant are preserved, but with seed propagation, this is extremely rare.

Propagation by cuttings can be carried out in two ways, depending on the type of cuttings being harvested.

Table: requirements for planting chokeberry by cuttings

Lignified cuttingsGreen cuttings
Requirements for cuttingsCuttings 15–20 cm long (5–6 buds), cut from the middle part of well-ripened shoots from two- or four-year-old branches. The upper cut is oblique on the bud, the lower straight - just under the eye. Cuttings 10–15 cm long from the apical parts of shoots. The lower leaves are removed completely, the top 2-3 leaves are shortened by a third. Several cuts are made on the bark at the bottom of the cutting, and one at the top (under the bud).
Procurement timeSecond half of SeptemberJune
Substrate requirementsA layer of coarse washed river sand 10–15 cm, base of clean loose soilA mixture of garden soil with compost and wood ash
Environmental requirementsOptimum temperature 20 °C, constant humidity
Planting and rooting processPlanting in a cold greenhouse. The landing angle to the soil surface is 45º. The distance between cuttings is at least 10–12 cm. Planting in a cold greenhouse. Before planting, the cuttings are dipped into root formation stimulants (for example, Kornevin) for 8 hours. The landing angle to the soil surface is 45º. The distance between cuttings is at least 4 cm.
Caring for cuttingsConstant moderate soil moisture, loosening the soil, thoroughly weeding, hilling seedlings as necessary
TransferThe cuttings are planted in open ground after ten days, in permanent places in the fall of the second year.

Root suckers

Aronia chokeberry is a crop that actively produces root shoots that can be used to propagate the plant.

The root shoots are separated with a sharp shovel from the mother plant along with the root system. The shoots are pruned so that 2–4 buds remain on them.

Caring for such planting material is no different from caring for any other seedlings: from time to time it is necessary to loosen the soil, keep the tree trunk clean and carry out regular watering.


The procedure is carried out in the spring, the soil under the plant is dug up to a depth of approximately 15–20 cm. For propagation, strong, healthy shoots from the previous year are selected, which are bent to the ground and secured with pins. The top of the shoot is pinched. Caring for future cuttings is the same as for an adult plant: weeding, timely watering.

To obtain layering, shoots are bent to the ground and secured with pins

When new shoots from the layer reach a length of 12 cm, they must be sprinkled with humus. The procedure is repeated several times as it grows. It is recommended to separate and replant the daughter plant next spring.

Dividing the bush

Aronia chokeberry is characterized by a superficial root system; the highest concentration of roots is observed at a depth of about 0.6 m in the tree trunk circle. In April, the plant is dug up and divided so that each new plant has young roots and several new shoots. In this case, it is recommended to remove mature shoots, and the places where roots and stems are cut must be treated with crushed coal.

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Planting is carried out in pre-prepared holes, at the bottom of which a mixture of humus and superphosphate is placed. Each new specimen of chokeberry should be no closer than 2 m to another. In general, the procedures for planting and caring for divisions do not differ from caring for seedlings.


Chokeberry grafting is carried out in the spring, before sap flow begins. Young seedlings of mountain ash are used as a rootstock. A split is made on the scion at the cut site with a sharp knife. The scion shoot is cut wedge-shaped, after which the cut points are combined as closely as possible and tightly wrapped with elastic material.

Experts recommend wrapping the fusion site with plastic film to create a greenhouse effect. After about 30 days, the film is removed.

Video: chokeberry grafting


Aronia fruits ripen in the first weeks of September, sometimes they can ripen a little earlier - at the end of August. Ripe berries become thick black in color and acquire a dark gray, slightly bluish coating, similar to wax. If the fruits are going to be processed in the near future, you can remove them without shields. If you plan to store the berries for a long time, it is better to collect them with scutes, without injuring the ringlet at the base. Usually they are placed in boxes of no more than 8 kg.

For two months, rowan can be stored at temperatures up to 10°C, air humidity 80-85%. Frozen berries are stored throughout the winter. Rowan can be dried in an oven or oven at a temperature of 50-60°C. Dried fruits are placed in tightly sealed containers. After freezing or drying, the pulp loses its excessive astringency, becomes sweet and retains its medicinal properties.

General information

Aronia chokeberry is a perennial, winter-hardy shrub 2.5-3m high. The shrub has a compact shape in the first years of its life. If the crown is not formed, then in the future it will acquire significant dimensions and an unkempt appearance. Chokeberry is rapidly gaining crown mass due to active branching, so thinning pruning is required.

The roots of chokeberry do not go deep into the ground, they are located below the surface of the soil and often produce young shoots. Young shoots are burgundy. In autumn, the bush turns completely burgundy-red, which is very attractive to decorators.

The chokeberry leaf is simple, arranged alternately. The outer side of the leaf blade is shiny, green, and the inner side has a white-gray fluff.

Chokeberry blooms in spring. Spectacular flowering. White small flowers are collected in large inflorescences. They have a wonderful smell and are good honey plants.

The berries are black, with a dense texture, and have an astringent effect. Covered with a waxy coating, collected in a brush. Wild chokeberry has much smaller berries than cultivated varieties. However, the medicinal properties of both forms are equally high.

The berries ripen in August-September, but true connoisseurs of this crop prefer to pick the fruits after the first night frosts. In this case, the berry softens a little, becomes less viscous and sweeter.

The berries are used in the preparation of preserves, jams, compotes, wine drinks, and in cooking. The beneficial properties of the fruits are not lost; they are also frozen and dried.

Diseases of chokeberry

The plant may be infected from neighboring trees and other inhabitants of the garden. It is important to begin timely sanitization at the first signs of disease.

Peripheral wood rot

The defeat develops due to the close proximity of honey mushrooms. For treatment, the bush is completely sprayed with 1% Bordeaux solution or another antifungal agent. In case of severe damage, it is better to dig up the tree along with the entire root system and destroy it to avoid the spread of rot in the garden.

Fruit rot - moniliosis

The fruits of an infected plant lose color, become soft, and then mummify. Whitish tubercles containing fungal spores appear on the berries. The first thing to do when lesions are detected is to spray the bush with copper oxychloride or Bordeaux mixture. If diseased berries are not collected but left on the tree, in the spring they will infect young peduncles and fruit ovaries.

Septoria spot

If oblong brown spots with dark edging appear on the leaves of rowan in mid-summer, this means that the plant is affected by septoria blotch. The contents of the spots dry out and fall out, the integrity of the leaf is compromised. For prevention, it is necessary to regularly collect fallen leaves and treat the bush with Bordeaux mixture in spring and autumn. The diseased plant and the surface around its trunk are treated with copper oxychloride or Abiga-pik.


Combweed is a fungal disease that attacks weakened plants. Most often this occurs against the background of root rot. The fungus looks like a thin leathery plate of light gray or white color. The branches on which the parasite appeared are pruned and destroyed. In spring and autumn, rowan is treated with Abiga-pik, Bordeaux solution or copper oxychloride to prevent the development of the disease.

Sometimes chokeberry is infected with more rare diseases:

  • bacterial necrosis - bark cancer;
  • verticillium;
  • viral ring spot;
  • brown spotting;
  • rust.

Application of fruits

It is not always possible to buy chokeberry berries on store shelves or at the market. The easiest way to purchase rowan is in organic food stores or online. In everyday life it is used for making juices, jams, syrups, purees, wines, and tea.

You can add chokeberry berries to your usual diet in various versions:

  1. Can be eaten raw. Some people like to eat berries fresh or dried. This method can cause dry mouth, so not everyone likes it.
  2. In the form of juices and smoothies. Chokeberry goes well with pineapples, apples, and strawberries. Combined juices have a concentrated vitamin composition, refresh and heal the body.
  3. In flour products. Rowan berries are widely used as an additive in pies, muffins, rolls, cakes, and cookies.
  4. In desserts, jam. To prepare sweet dessert dishes and jam, rowan berries are ground with sugar and honey.
  5. In drinks. Chokeberry berries are part of tea collections, wine bouquets, and are even included in some types of coffee.
  6. As part of dietary supplements. Manufacturers produce drugs in the form of powders or capsules. The capsules contain a composition obtained from extract or freeze-dried berries of chokeberry. Recommendations for use are indicated in the instructions for the product. Most often, powdered additives are added to yoghurts, juices, smoothies, and drinks.

In order to study the effect of chokeberry on the cardiovascular system, subjects were offered 300 mg of fruit extract throughout the day.
This dosage did not cause any unpleasant symptoms. Considering that chokeberry has a high concentration of biologically active components, before you start eating it, it is better to consult with your doctor or nutritionist. They will tell you how to gradually introduce berries into your diet and what dosage to take for therapeutic or preventive purposes. They will determine whether it is necessary to take concentrated mono-compositions or whether it is necessary to combine rowan with other food products. In any case, chokeberry berries will be useful to all family members, regardless of age. They can be added to dishes and drinks in fresh form or in powder form, or taken in capsule form.

How to preserve the beneficial properties of berries

Black rowan syrup

Not everyone can eat 50-100 g of raw fruits because of their specific taste. After consumption, your mouth may feel dry. Adding sugar and other fruits (apples, oranges, sea buckthorn) will help make them tastier. You can make jam, jams, and liqueurs from chokeberry berries.

There are many recipes for cooking, but during the cooking process most of the vitamins and other useful substances are destroyed and their value decreases. Therefore, for treatment it is better to use other, gentle methods of preparation. They will allow you to be treated throughout the year.

Storing fresh berries

Storing fresh fruits

If there is a room with a temperature of 0-10 ° C and a humidity of 75-85%, you can prepare the berries and store them fresh for several months. To do this, bunches with whole fruits are carefully selected. Place them in cardboard boxes or clean plastic boxes so that air can pass between them.

Drying berries and leaves

Dried berries are ready for storage

The most common way to store chokeberry fruits and leaves is drying. The finished raw material retains the main amount of vitamins and biologically active substances.

But they need to be dried properly. There are several drying methods:

  • outdoors
  • in the oven
  • in a special electric dryer

Raw fruits are not washed before drying. This can lead to their rotting. Dried berries should be washed before use. Only whole ripe achenes are selected.

  • You can dry it in the fresh air by laying it out in a thin layer on wooden pallets, hanging it in bunches or stringing it on a thread.

Dried chokeberry

The disadvantage of this method is the long cooking time. Considering that the fruits ripen in the fall, when it is cold outside, they will have to be dried indoors. It is necessary to ensure a flow of fresh air to the raw materials and stir it periodically.

If it is possible to dry the berries in the fresh air, look for a place where they are not exposed to direct sunlight. Before storing raw materials, it is better to dry them in the oven for 15 minutes. They are put indoors at night and taken outside during the day.

  • Oven drying will reduce processing time , but requires constant supervision

Using the oven, scatter the berries in one row onto clean, dry baking sheets.

  1. Set the minimum temperature (40°C). Do not close the doors completely so that the steam escapes and the berries are not very hot
  2. After half an hour, raise the temperature to 60°C. Stir the fruits carefully so that they heat evenly and do not stick to the baking sheet.
  3. Do not allow the berries to change color

Juice does not release from the prepared berries when pressed. A red or brown color indicates that they are overdried.

Drying chokeberries in an electric dryer

  • Using an electric dryer for vegetables and fruits is the easiest and safest method for harvesting raw materials. Set the temperature to 50 degrees and leave for 3 hours. Then reduce it to 45°C, wait until the fruits become completely dry

Ready berries lose their astringency and become tastier.

Store dried chokeberry fruits and leaves in paper bags or cotton bags. The maximum shelf life is 2 years.


Freezing chokeberry

It is convenient to store chokeberry berries in the freezer. The main part of useful and medicinal substances is preserved in them.

They sort through the raw materials, removing stalks, leaves and damaged berries. It is not necessary to wash them, but you can if they were not collected from your own garden. In this case, the fruits are dried so that they are not wet.

Place the berries in a thin layer in containers and place in the freezer. There is no need to close tightly at first to prevent them from becoming covered in ice. Freezing takes about 2 hours.

When the fruits are completely frozen, they are transferred to trays or bags with an airtight zipper. They can be stored frozen for a year or more.

Gentle canning

Chokeberry, ground with sugar

If the chokeberry berries no longer fit in the freezer and you don’t want to dry them, you can use a well-known preservative – sugar.

Grind with sugar in a 1:1 ratio, after grinding in a meat grinder or using a blender. Add half the sugar, stir and let it brew for about 15 minutes. Then add the rest and mix again.

Place in sterile jars. Cover with a 1 cm thick layer of sugar on top. Store in the refrigerator until spring.


Jars of compote

For the winter, it is recommended to prepare a healthy and tasty restorative drink from large and healthy berries:

  1. The fruits are picked and washed
  2. Leave for 2-3 days, changing the water every 6-8 hours
  3. Place the berries in sterile jars, pour boiling water over them, cover with a lid and wait 5 minutes.
  4. Drain the water, boil it and pour it in again for 5 minutes
  5. Repeat the process a third time
  6. Roll up the jars hermetically, turn them over and wrap them
  7. A day later they are taken out for storage.

Soaked chokeberry

Soaked chokeberry

Chokeberry, prepared in marinade, retains all its healing properties, while acquiring an original refreshing taste. Use only glass jars or enamel dishes. To prepare the marinade, you need the following components:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • cloves, cinnamon

All ingredients are mixed and brought to a boil. After the marinade has cooled completely, pour in the prepared berries and cover loosely. Keep at room temperature for 3-4 days.

Then they are tightly closed (jars with plastic lids) and transferred to the basement or other cool place. Store until spring. Make sure that the marinade covers the berries.


Chokeberry tincture

To prepare, you need 2 kg of fresh fruits (it is advisable to harvest them after the first frost), 1 liter of alcohol or high-quality vodka.

  1. Take the berries, wash them, remove the damaged ones, put them in a jar 2/3 full
  2. Fill with alcohol and close tightly
  3. Install in a cool dark place for 30 days
  4. Then you need to strain the tincture through several layers of gauze.

After this, it can be consumed, but only in small doses. It can be mixed with honey or added sugar. Used to treat the gastrointestinal tract, joints, and inflammatory processes.


Chokeberry juice

To prepare juice, use a juicer or squeeze the previously prepared puree through cheesecloth. Dilute in equal parts with water.

Drink after meals. The first signs of improvement are noticeable after a week of regular use.

Aronia infusion

Aronia infusion

Indications for the use of fruit infusion may include high blood pressure and weakened immunity.

For preparation:

  • Add 3 tablespoons of dried berries
  • Pour two cups of boiling water
  • They insist for a day

Drink half a glass of the decoction 3 times a day, half an hour before meals.

Leaf tea


Used as a choleretic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent. It perfectly strengthens the immune system, relieves swelling, and heals the liver. Compresses are used for rashes and skin allergies.

To prepare, pour 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves into a glass of boiling water. Leave for up to an hour. You can use a thermos. For treatment you need to drink 50 ml 3 times a day before meals.


Chokeberry syrup

To quickly process the fruits, a delicious syrup is prepared from them. Use this recipe:

  • Chokeberry berries – 2.5 kg
  • Citric acid – 25 grams (2 teaspoons)
  • Cherry or currant leaves – 500 g
  • Water – 4 liters
  • Sugar – 1 kg per liter of infusion

The berries are poured into a large container with boiling water, in which citric acid has previously been diluted and cherry or currant leaves have been boiled. They wrap them up and wait for a day. Then you need to drain the infusion, add sugar and cook for 10 minutes, stirring. Pour chokeberry sugar syrup into jars and seal tightly.

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