How to make a toilet in a country house with a toilet, types of toilets for a country house

Sufficient attention should be paid to choosing a country toilet for an outdoor toilet. It is recommended to focus not only on the cost of the product and the material of manufacture, but also on the type of toilet, ease of care and maintenance.

Owners can purchase a factory-made stall with a ready-made toilet or build it themselves.

Depending on the construction skills of the craftsman and the availability of consumables, you can create a product from wood, galvanized steel, or even from an old chair.

Below we will analyze this issue in detail, tell you everything about toilets for country toilets, select the optimal material and type, and also find out how you can make a toilet seat with your own hands.


A toilet for a country closet can be bought at any plumbing store, or you can build a structure with your own hands. Knowing how to use tools and having some skills, you can make an aesthetic and reliable toilet that will differ little from the factory model. Country toilets can be made in the form of a podium, pedestal or throne.

External features do not affect the functionality of the structure, but the method of its installation, as well as ease of use, depends on the model.

A separate toilet building has a number of advantages, which often determines its construction. The most important advantage of an outdoor toilet is that it is a place where compost accumulates. Thanks to this, the productivity of the garden plot improves. Another feature of an autonomous room is the unloading of the toilet located inside the country house. A country house does not always have a connection to the central sewer system, so the owners have to dig a cesspool, which has to be pumped out from time to time.

A huge advantage of a toilet building is that there is no need to constantly enter the house while residents are working in the garden or relaxing by the pool. And if the owners are confused by the appearance of the toilet, then you can show a little imagination and make it a decoration for your summer cottage. The operational properties of an outdoor toilet allow it to be installed anywhere, since country houses do not require the installation of an “elbow”, which is designed to retain water.

A bathroom located on a summer cottage has the following disadvantages:

  • the need to constantly go outside if there is no second toilet in the house;
  • lack of heating, which will be necessary in the cold season;
  • the appearance of the structure, because it is often a modest wooden or brick building.

Distinctive features

  • First of all, it must be said that almost all such products are created without an elbow, which serves as a water seal. Taking this into account, the waste goes directly into the septic tank or cesspool, but unpleasant odors also come from there, unless special compounds or substances are used.
  • Also, such structures do not have water tanks. This usually reduces the price of the product greatly, but there is no possibility of flushing. This is done so that with constant use it does not clog the hole too quickly.
  • Considering that such products are located in unheated rooms, they are created using frost-resistant material that will not lose its properties at low or high temperatures. At the same time, some manufacturers create not only the toilet itself, but also a stand for it or an entire cabinet. Such designs are perfect if a regular bucket is used for the toilet.
  • Considering all the features of such systems, it is very important to immediately think about comfort. For everyone, this moment is purely individual, but a warm toilet seat for a summer house will suit almost any person.

Advice! There are several basic designs of such products. They can differ radically from each other and be equipped with their own additions. Given this, the choice should be made based on personal preferences.


An outdoor toilet can be made from various materials and have different shapes. Country models can be made from several materials.

  • Tree. Wooden models, as a rule, have the shape of a wide seat, which is installed on a hill. A hinged lid is mounted on top of the toilet seat, designed to protect the room from unpleasant odors.
  • Plastic. Plastic models come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Plastic is a strong, wear-resistant and durable material that has an affordable price. Often, a plastic toilet costs more than a wooden version, since the highest quality PVC is used in its manufacture.

  • Ceramics. Ceramic products are comfortable and attractive in appearance. A ceramic toilet can be installed even in an unheated building, provided that it has a strong and reliable foundation. Ceramics have a lot of weight, which wood is unable to withstand.
  • Metal. A metal toilet is usually made by hand. To do this, use thick metal sheets or old buckets. Metal has many advantages over other materials, although it is inferior in external parameters.


Modern manufacturers of sanitary equipment produce a variety of models of country toilets, which have different weights, compositions and designs. A peat, cesspool or chemical toilet is most often installed at a summer cottage. No less popular are the dry closet and powder closet. It is standard for a dacha to build a bathroom, which is installed on a cesspool. This design requires a deep hole and foundation so that the bathroom does not sag over time.

A peat toilet implies the presence of peat in the cesspool, which allows you to absorb liquid waste and accumulate solid waste, which, in combination with compost, can become a good fertilizer. A peat garden toilet is convenient because it can easily be used without water, and due to the peat it does not evaporate unpleasant odors.

Increasingly, summer residents are purchasing a dry toilet as an outdoor toilet, which allows them to avoid constructing a separate building on the site. This portable toilet is quite durable, easy to clean and does not absorb odors. However, at high temperatures, the plastic from which the bathroom is made emits a specific odor, and the lining begins to crack.

The chemical bathroom, which is a small closed structure, is in great demand. The advantage of such a closet is that waste products are completely dissolved in a special tank within 24 hours. The powder closet is suitable for location in an area that does not have a cesspool. Inside the toilet there is a toilet bowl, under which there is a waste container.

This type of closet is convenient and simple, but requires regular self-cleaning of the container with sewage.


Special porcelain models for dachas are smaller in size than apartment options and do not have a drain tank. They also do not have a bottom; they are designed to be installed above a septic tank. The hole in the bottom of the toilet should be wide so that sewage can easily fall into the hole and it is easy to clean.

An example is the “Dachny” model toilet shown in the photo. It has a seat, a lid, and it is possible to supply water for flushing.


You can also buy a plastic toilet for a country toilet. They are lightweight, durable, and easy to wash and remove to clean the pit (septic tank). They look neat, and there is a large selection of colors and shapes on sale.

Such models can be either with or without a bottom. To install above a septic tank, you need a model without a bottom, or you can cut it out.

However, a problem arises with installing such a toilet for a country toilet on a plastic septic tank in the form of a barrel. The difficulty is that the toilet is usually oval-shaped, and the opening of the barrel is round.

For installation you will need additional materials:

  • mastic - automotive or silicone,
  • galvanized metal sheet,
  • boards.

For installation, the metal sheet is rolled into a cone, one base of which corresponds to the size of the hole in the barrel, and the other to the size of the toilet bowl. The cone is placed into the hole of the barrel with one end, and the other end is fixed to the base of the floor. The joint between the cone and the plastic barrel is covered with mastic. Next, lay the wooden floor. They put a toilet on it and outline it with chalk. This hole needs to be cut out, for example, with a jigsaw.

Next, a strip about 20 cm wide is cut out of a metal sheet and the edges of the hole are trimmed with it. Install the plastic toilet, firmly attaching it to the wooden floor. The joints are covered with mastic.

Electric dry closet

A more expensive and complex type of electric dry closet is connected to a 220 V network. Electricity is necessary to operate the compressor, which dries up solid waste. Liquid waste is disposed of into the sewer system. Ventilation also runs on electricity.

This type of dry closet does not require any liquids or reagents. Dried solid waste can be composted.

With your own hands

You can make the simplest wooden version of a toilet with a plastic seat yourself. To do this, you will need a toilet seat from a regular toilet and a board. If the toilet does not yet have a floor, then half is covered with boards, then a horizontal beam is installed at a height of 40 cm from the floor and boards are nailed from it to the floor and horizontally to create a kind of “counter”. A hole is cut out to fit the size of the toilet seat and the seat is secured. This option is more hygienic than the traditional hole in the floor, and the plastic seats are easy to clean and disinfect.

You can use an unnecessary but durable chair for the toilet. This is more of a temporary option, but if you use a chair of an unusual shape, the bathroom will turn out to be quite creative. The seat is removed, thick plywood is placed in its place and a hole is cut out. You can screw a plastic toilet seat on top. The legs of the chair are covered with plastic or plywood. The chair legs are attached to the floor using metal corners.

Another cheap option is to use a metal pipe. It should be galvanized and have a diameter of 30-35 cm. The height of the pipe is about 40 cm. The upper part is cut with metal scissors in the form of petals. Next, a seat is cut out of thick (from 8 mm) plywood and secured to the pipe. The resulting structure is installed above the pit. You can roll the pipe for such a toilet yourself, then it is better to make it oval.


Special porcelain models for dachas are smaller in size than apartment options and do not have a drain tank. They also do not have a bottom; they are designed to be installed above a septic tank. The hole in the bottom of the toilet should be wide so that sewage can easily fall into the hole and it is easy to clean.

An example is the “Dachny” model toilet shown in the photo. It has a seat, a lid, and it is possible to supply water for flushing.

Attention! Even the country version of the toilet is quite heavy, so it can only be installed on a concrete base.

Criteria for choosing a toilet for a summer residence

First, we need to decide what exactly a country toilet should be. To do this, consider a number of selection criteria.

Country toilets for outdoor toilets

  1. As a rule, a country toilet for an outdoor toilet should not be something too intricate. Here you can do without modern devices of wall-hung toilets, installations, motion sensors and other delights. All this is good for your house or apartment, but at the dacha it is of no use. Therefore, one of the selection criteria is simplicity of design.
  2. The model also should not be too expensive, you leave your area unattended in winter, and in order not to get insomnia, worrying about how your toilet is doing, you should not purchase expensive models if you cannot provide them with proper safety.
  3. The equipment must be operated without liquid, that is, without draining. Otherwise, the cesspool, which undoubtedly accompanies country toilets, will fill up very quickly.
  4. Installing the toilet should be as simple as possible, because periodically it will have to be dismantled to clean the cesspool. To prevent this process from being delayed, there is no need to complicate the design.

Having decided on the main criteria, let's talk about how to choose a toilet for a country toilet.


Tips for a more competent choice of country toilet.

A country toilet should not have a flush, unless, of course, you plan to connect it to a centralized water supply and sewerage system. The device also should not be a complex, “sophisticated” design. Ideally, a toilet for a summer house would be basic, simple, functional, and easy to install and dismantle if necessary. Periodic dismantling of the device is necessary to clean the cesspool.

You should not install an overly expensive toilet model in your seasonal dacha. Such luxury in a short-term summer residence is completely unjustified and is unlikely to pay for itself. In addition, it is no secret that in autumn and winter, thieves often rule in dacha settlements: you should not give them another reason to break into your home.

It is best to purchase a toilet with a wide base. Such a model will be stable and reliable, and will eliminate the need to additionally purchase and install toilet seats.

The video shows recommendations for choosing:

When choosing a ready-made toilet stall, make sure that the structure has a window above the front door. This window will act as a source of lighting and will also serve for ventilation.

In the summer, at the dacha it is more convenient and hygienic to use a separate cabin. If the toilet is installed inside, this can create a lot of inconvenience in the heat due to smell, flies and other troubles. But no one forbids having two toilets: an indoor one for winter and bad weather, and a summer one: for guests and hot weather. If you are organizing get-togethers with neighbors and guests at your dacha, then a separate cabin in the garden will be very convenient: guests will not have to enter the house every time they need to visit the toilet.

How to build a country toilet with a toilet

  • Types of toilets in the country
  • Choosing a place to build a toilet
  • Building a country toilet with a toilet with your own hands
  • Making and installing a toilet with your own hands
  • Homemade toilet made of galvanized steel
  • Installation of a plastic toilet

It is advisable to start building a country house with a toilet. Carrying out construction work independently or the work of a construction team will not be comfortable if the site does not have the amenities a person needs, where there is a neat country toilet and a washbasin with soap.

Diagram of the design of different types of drain tanks.

A toilet built outside the house is considered not the best option, especially if people will live at the dacha in winter. Even for purely summer cottages, they choose the option of installing a warm toilet located inside the house and having a reliable septic tank. And during the construction work, it will be possible to rent or buy a compact plastic cubicle - a dry closet. However, it is still worth building a free-standing country toilet with your own hands. Just look at the reverse side of this ordinary, but necessary for comfortable living object.

Using a country toilet you can obtain a small amount of valuable organic fertilizer called compost. The toilet is convenient when receiving guests outside. They won't have to run into the house to do this. An outdoor toilet helps relieve the load on the home toilet when a large number of people live in the country.

A neat wooden building with a thoughtful design can decorate the surrounding landscape. The internal arrangement of this facility must be made as convenient as possible, especially for the toilet.

Choosing a place to build a toilet

Before you start building a toilet in your dacha with your own hands, you need to think about the location of the future strategic facility. Naturally, the toilet should not be on public display in the center of the garden. It is best, on the contrary, to build it in the farthest corner of the dacha plot so that there is still a meter of free space left to the rear and side borders of the territory.

If there is a well or borehole on your and your neighbor’s territory, the distance from them to the toilet should be at least 25 meters.

If there are slopes and uneven areas in the area, the toilet should be located below the well or well. The toilet should not emit unpleasant odors, so when constructing it, it is necessary to take into account the direction of the winds. If the construction of this facility is planned with a cesspool, which will need to be cleaned using a sewer truck, you need to think about the arrival of this vehicle.

Building a country toilet with a toilet with your own hands

Installing a toilet in a country house begins with digging a cesspool and building a foundation. To do this you will need the following materials and tools:

Scheme for installing a toilet using the open method.

  • shovel;
  • brick;
  • concrete solution;
  • wooden beam;
  • profile pipe;
  • clamps;
  • welding machine;
  • edged board;
  • nails and screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer.

The pit should be the same size as the toilet itself. It is better to combine the cesspool and the foundation into a tank, on the walls of which the structure itself will be installed. The foundation for the toilet can be made of brick or concrete.

After the hole has been dug, you can begin building the foundation. It can be made from a profile pipe or wooden beam, attaching them to the foundation using clamps, anchors or welding. Once the base is built, you can begin assembling the structure itself. Even if the toilet is built of wood, it is better to make the frame for it from a profile pipe. Vertical carriers must intersect with the sheathing at least 3 times. This will give the toilet the necessary strength. For the structure itself, you can use timber 8x8 cm or thicker. In addition to the base of the toilet, you will need 6 more units of timber of the required length.

After installing the vertical structure, you can begin to create the sheathing for the sheathing. A mounting rail, for example, 20x40 or 10x40 mm, depending on the type of cladding, is suitable for this. It is recommended to use edged boards, which have a rather attractive appearance and are easy to install. The board is placed on the sheathing horizontally or vertically and secured to the supporting structure with screws or nails. After constructing the outer part of the toilet, you can begin to build the inner part.

Making and installing a toilet with your own hands

The simplest option for arranging a toilet in a country house is to install a so-called counter. Its height usually varies between 30-50 cm to make it comfortable to sit on. In its upper part you need to make an oval hole, onto which a simple plastic circle with a lid will be installed. Such a toilet usually looks quite aesthetically pleasing, but it does not always meet all the needs of summer residents.

If a wooden building is located above a cesspool, care must be taken about ventilation. A ventilation pipe made of plastic or metal should be installed outside the toilet. The pipe should have a height of 3-4 meters and a diameter of about 10 cm. Unpleasant odors from the toilet will be discharged outside and will not bother the residents of the house.

Homemade toilet made of galvanized steel

Craftsmen are constantly looking for ways to make a light and comfortable toilet with their own hands from scrap materials. Here you can consider the option of building this facility from galvanized steel. To do this you will need the following materials and tools:

  • galvanized steel sheets;
  • plywood;
  • plastic circle for the toilet;
  • jigsaw;
  • Bulgarian.

To manufacture such a structure, it is necessary to make an oval cylinder with a cross-section of 30x35 cm from a galvanized steel sheet with a height reserve. The top of the structure is cut in the shape of a chamomile. A seat of the required configuration is cut out of plywood 1 cm thick. The seat is fixed on a metal daisy. After this, the structure is installed on a wooden base in the toilet above a cesspool or reservoir for receiving feces.

To make a seat of sufficient strength, it is recommended to use plywood sheets approximately 8-10 millimeters thick to ensure stability of the structure. To prevent contact of the contents of cesspools with flies, attach a plastic toilet circle with a lid to the plywood seat and make a suitable lid with your own hands. Some experts consider galvanized steel not strong enough to build a toilet and advise replacing it with stainless steel.

Peat dry toilet

The cleanest option is a peat dry closet. It is a toilet in the form of a container, and not over a cesspool, which is convenient when there is no sewerage system or septic tank.

After each visit, the contents of the container are sprinkled with peat using a special mechanism located where a regular toilet has a cistern. Therefore, this option is also called powder-closet. Peat absorbs moisture and odor and accelerates the decomposition of waste.

A peat dry closet can be small, slightly larger than a standard toilet, or large, with a large container that can have wheels for easy transportation.

It is easy to install such a toilet; you just need to assemble it from separate blocks. It is convenient, there is no smell, but it is not very cheap, and in addition, you will have to buy peat from time to time. You can make such a toilet yourself; for this you can use containers with a volume of 10 liters or more with replaceable liners made of plastic bags.

Important! For a peat dry closet it is necessary to install a ventilation pipe.

Installation and arrangement

Let's consider the option of arranging a toilet and restroom made of wood. In this case, a wide step acts as a seat. To do this you need to put in a minimum of effort.

Drawing of a wooden toilet for a summer house

Detailed instructions:

  1. Half of the floor area is covered with boards.
  2. A beam is mounted in the middle at a height of 0.4 m. This will be the top of the step.
  3. The vertical gap between the floor surface and the crossbar is decorated with boards.
  4. The upper part is clogged with boards and an oval hole is made in the center for mounting the toilet lid.

To reduce the unpleasant odor, you need to install a ventilation pipe about 3 m long above the cesspool.

To make the structure more durable, it is better to coat it with special impregnations. Since wood can be destroyed by moisture, strong temperature changes and fungus.


If the cesspool is the first option, then installation of the toilet will be elementary: You just need to install the toilet on the existing flooring and attach it to the floor using screws.

It is recommended to use rubber seals during installation, which will secure the device more securely and softly and will prevent it from swinging later.

To prevent the smell in the toilet from being too annoying, it is advisable to provide ventilation. To install it, a pipe made of asbestos or plastic is usually used. The diameter of the ventilation pipe should be 10 cm and the length should be about 3 m. It will also be interesting to learn more about how to use an electric dry closet.

Attention: if the toilet is located near a residential building, position the end of the ventilation pipe so that it is higher than the dwelling. Otherwise, there is a risk that unpleasant odors will waft through open windows directly into the house.


If you decide to use a barrel under the cesspool, then before installing the toilet, you will need an adapter - a kind of cone made of a sheet of galvanized iron. It is needed in order to limit the diameter of waste falling into the barrel, since otherwise the soil around it may be contaminated. The cone must be made carefully and installed, carefully sealing all cracks and joints.

Popular models

A potential buyer should pay attention to the following garden toilets:

  1. "Oskol" Ceramic toilet with a hole for connecting a water hose. Cost: 2.3 thousand rubles.
  2. Piteco 505. Peat toilet in a plastic frost-resistant case with a storage tank with a capacity of 44 liters. Cost: 5.3 thousand rubles.
  3. Sinderella. An electric dry closet from a Norwegian company, in which waste is burned. Cost: 22 thousand rubles.
  4. Danfo. A toilet from a Swiss company in which waste is not processed in any way, but is automatically packaged in biodegradable polymer film. All packages are collected in a large bag, which is then removed and burned. Cost: 45 thousand rubles.
  5. Mulltoa Biolit 25. Plastic toilet with a storage tank in which waste is mixed and dried by a compressor. Cost: 65 thousand rubles. The Mulltoa Biolit 65 model is equipped with a chopper and costs 100 thousand rubles.

Of interest are Thetford portable chemical toilets from a manufacturer from the Netherlands. The waste in them is decomposed by special reagents. The model with the smallest drive costs only 2.7 thousand rubles.


Once you have acquired a toilet at your dacha, you should not forget about the need to regularly clean this facility. We will find out what stages of cleaning work need to be taken.

Firstly, each time you need to first make sure that cleaning is really necessary. The process is not the most pleasant, so it is logical to carry it out when there is a real need for it.

Prepare all the necessary tools and equipment needed to successfully complete the job. Clean the pit using either mechanical or chemical methods. If you use the second option, the need to dismantle and subsequently install the toilet is eliminated.

If you have never performed such work and do not want to undertake it (which is not surprising), it is best to call a sewage disposal service, whose workers will clean it professionally, quickly and at a time convenient for you.

We looked at the features of arranging a country toilet with a toilet. As you can see, it is quite possible to have amenities in your dacha comparable to those of a city apartment. Modern manufacturers and high-tech materials give buyers the opportunity to equip their dacha in the most comfortable and, at the same time, inexpensive way.

SANITA LUXE Next (with microlift, duroplast)

Sanita Luxe Next is a floor-mounted compact toilet made of sanitary porcelain. Designed for placement in apartments, cafes, offices. It has a composite design; the drain tank can be replaced if broken. The set includes a seat and a cover made of Duroplast. This material is easy to clean and does not accumulate unpleasant odors. The drain mechanism is highly durable and durable.

SANITA LUXE Next (with microlift, duroplast)


  • price
  • All necessary fasteners included
  • appearance
  • high quality Duroplast seat
  • reliable and durable drain mechanism

Features of using a toilet in the cold season

Owners of comfortable apartments think little about the functionality of the toilet. They know that there is a flush button on the tank and a sewer pipe - all this works flawlessly and constantly. But the summer resident understands that the shutter in winter requires constant drainage of water. Otherwise, the plumbing will burst in cold weather. It is easy to drain the water from the washbasin - the water seal is removed and the liquid is removed.

Several options for improving a country street toilet

A simple “house of thoughtfulness” with a drafty roof and doors is an atavism. Today, many summer residents build quite comfortable toilets with a toilet, water drain, and washbasin.

When equipping the facility, sewerage pipes are additionally installed. The tie-in is organized into the highway of the house. With the right choice of pipes and connectors, the costs will not be high and the work will not be complicated. For the winter, the structure is dismantled or preserved by draining water.

If there is a drainage system, it is not a hose that is placed in the hole in the toilet water seal, but a thin tube, the end of which is lowered into the sewer outlet pipe. The tube is not pinched; it drains excess water continuously, which prevents the development of bacteria inside the water seal. In this case, the process of cleaning the toilet takes less time.

Electric dry closet

A more expensive and complex type of electric dry closet is connected to a 220 V network. Electricity is necessary to operate the compressor, which dries up solid waste. Liquid waste is disposed of into the sewer system. Ventilation also runs on electricity.

This type of dry closet does not require any liquids or reagents. Dried solid waste can be composted.

Ideas for toilets for a summer house

Let's look at some interesting ideas for arranging a toilet in a country house with a toilet:

Corrugated toilet

Wooden toilet combined with utility room

Some owners combine two toilets in the building: for gentlemen and ladies

You can build a toilet for your dacha with a toilet with your own hands. Moreover, there will be many options, including using improvised means. This can be a regular cesspool or a septic tank with a high degree of purification. It all depends on your desire. Today, toilets with additional cleaning are popular to prevent environmental pollution.

Well-known manufacturers and reviews

The modern plumbing market is replete with a wide selection of outdoor toilets. Many manufacturers are focused on producing models of closets that imply the absence of a sewerage system or septic tank. Thanks to this, any buyer can choose a product that is ideal for a specific toilet.

Top best manufacturers of outdoor toilets.

  • "Kirov Ceramics" is a Russian manufacturer producing ceramic sanitary products. All brand products are produced on modern equipment and using high-quality materials. Thanks to its serious attitude to business, Kirov Ceramics is in great demand among Russian buyers.

  • Oskol Ceramics is a Russian manufacturer that uses the latest Italian equipment to produce products. All products are made from high-quality and environmentally friendly materials and have a modern design. “Oskol Ceramics” is popular among people who value the reliability and style of the goods they purchase.

  • Colombo is a Ukrainian company specializing in the production of high-quality and reliable sanitary ceramics. The brand's products are distinguished by their stylish design, practicality and affordability. Buyers respond positively to Colombo products, noting their high quality and reasonable price.
  • Cersanit is a Polish manufacturer that sells comprehensive products for bathrooms. Cersanit factories are equipped with modern equipment, and only high-quality and safe raw materials are used in production. Toilets of this brand are intended not only for their intended use, but also for decorating a toilet building.



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Tips for a more competent choice of country toilet.

A country toilet should not have a flush, unless, of course, you plan to connect it to a centralized water supply and sewerage system. The device also should not be a complex, “sophisticated” design. Ideally, a toilet for a summer house would be basic, simple, functional, and easy to install and dismantle if necessary. Periodic dismantling of the device is necessary to clean the cesspool.

You should not install an overly expensive toilet model in your seasonal dacha. Such luxury in a short-term summer residence is completely unjustified and is unlikely to pay for itself. In addition, it is no secret that in autumn and winter, thieves often rule in dacha settlements: you should not give them another reason to break into your home.

It is best to purchase a toilet with a wide base. Such a model will be stable and reliable, and will eliminate the need to additionally purchase and install toilet seats.

The video shows recommendations for choosing:

When choosing a ready-made toilet stall, make sure that the structure has a window above the front door. This window will act as a source of lighting and will also serve for ventilation.

In the summer, at the dacha it is more convenient and hygienic to use a separate cabin. If the toilet is installed inside, this can create a lot of inconvenience in the heat due to smell, flies and other troubles. But no one forbids having two toilets: an indoor one for winter and bad weather, and a summer one: for guests and hot weather. If you are organizing get-togethers with neighbors and guests at your dacha, then a separate cabin in the garden will be very convenient: guests will not have to enter the house every time they need to visit the toilet.

Budgeting references

When starting work, you need to draw up an estimate that takes into account all costs. Doing basic operations yourself allows you to significantly optimize your budget, but you will still have to buy materials. A table containing estimated prices will help you at this stage.

Using the information provided in it, you can predict at least the order of the amount you will need.

SeparationDuring the waste disposal process, wastewater is separated into liquid and solid fractions: solid faeces are then removed for composting, and the liquid is filtered in a special unit.
ThermalThe system requires about 5 kW of power to operate, so the toilet can only be installed in houses with a good power supply. During disposal, waste is burned to ash, and moisture evaporates through a special condenser.
CryogenicFecal matter entering the dry closet is frozen, which allows you to destroy almost all microorganisms and get rid of the unpleasant odor. The downside is that the operation of the system depends on the presence of voltage in the network, so I would not recommend such a device for a private home.
MaterialUnit/capacityEstimated cost, rubles
Sewer pipe for external works 110 mm1 linear m125 — 200
Sewer pipe for interior work 50 mm1 linear m75 — 150
Metal-plastic water pipe 16 mm1 linear m70 — 120
Storage container for septic tank1 m318000
Septic tank TANK-11.2 m319500 — 22000
Waterproofing impregnation for wood10 l800 — 1500
Penetrating primer with antiseptic5 l250 — 500
Waterproofing mastic5 kg1200 — 1700
Tile adhesive CM 925 kg220 — 400
Grout for tiles5 kg600 – 1200
Budget tilesm245 — 90
Mid-level tilesm2250 -500
PVC lining for wall claddingm2150 -250
Wooden beam for framePanel 6 m80 — 200
Galvanized steel profilePanel 3 m150 — 350
Sink Rosa StandardPC.850 — 950
Compact toilet SantekPC.3100 — 3500
Dry toilet Thetford Porta Potti Qube 145PC.4000 — 4500
Biolan dry toilet (separation)PC.26500 and above.
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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