Layout of a plot of 4 acres: choosing the essentials, nuances of the functional use of land

Layout of a plot of 4 acres with a house and a bathhouse

A well-chosen design is undoubtedly one of the key factors that the owner of any plot of land should rely on: both large and with an area of ​​4 acres.

Plot of 4 acres with a remote bathhouse Source

An equally important element that influences the location of objects: bathhouses, gazebos, ancillary buildings, are legislative rules. In particular:

  • SNiP 2.08.01-89 and SP 131.13330.2012 – development of the individual housing construction project.
  • SNiP 30-02-97 – location of objects and minimum indentations.
  • SP42.13330.2011 and SP 53.1333.2011 - are used for construction on plots of land of a category not related to individual housing construction (SNT, agricultural purposes).
  • Land use rules regulating the correct placement of buildings and green spaces.
  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation No. 17, clause 7.4 - distance and height relative to neighboring buildings.
  • SanPiN – regulates the conditions necessary to comply with sanitary and epidemiological standards.
  • Fire distances from boundaries and neighboring buildings.

Greenery and water - style and elegance of a small area Source

Important! In Moscow, the rules of MSK-SGSN 1.01-99 apply, in the Moscow region - TSN 30-303-2000.

Due to the large list of regulatory documents, site planning is a very complex matter. For example, a bathhouse should be located at least 8 m from a residential building, and at least 1 m from the property line.

Preliminary stage - planning

Before you start arranging your summer cottage, it is worth studying the recommendations of experts regarding the layout. This will allow you to use the area most rationally, avoiding the fact that everything will be located chaotically, inconveniently, and ugly.

The design of a summer cottage is based on the identification of characteristic zones

So, first of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the set of building codes and regulations (SNIP). From there you can glean useful information, for example, about the recommended distances between buildings, fences, and plantings. For example, experts advise placing the garage closer to the gate.

Main types of summer cottage layouts

Another important point is the type of soil: it affects what green spaces will take root in the summer cottage. When the soil is initially not sufficiently enriched with organic matter, most likely you will have to additionally fertilize it and import black soil. The side of the world where the site is located, the level of natural light are important, firstly, when choosing plants, and secondly, determining the location of buildings.

Site planning is a creative process, depending on the flight of fancy and your wishes, but you need to follow generally accepted standards to avoid common mistakes

It is imperative to provide for the arrangement of a drainage system, especially if the dacha plot is located in a lowland. It will drain excess water from the home and, as a result, the soil will not subsidence, it will be possible to avoid washing away the foundation of the building, and the entire landscape will remain in its original form.

Expert advice on decorating a small space

Design of an area of ​​4 acres Source
When planning and designing a site of 4 acres, pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Try to “dissolve” the outer fence. It is best to hide it behind hanging plants or replace it with a hedge.
  • Give the view part of the yard maximum free space.
  • A geometrically correct shape, broken by diagonal flower beds and paths, looks much more impressive.
  • Place a pool, gazebo or playground in the corners. The main thing is that they do not remain empty.
  • Use a multi-level layout or vertical gardening method.
  • If possible, concentrate all non-residential buildings under one roof.
  • When creating flower beds and lawns, use a common color palette. Try to avoid massive trees and plantings.
  • Pay attention to the color shade: cold – visually expands, warm – adds coziness.
  • Try to ensure that the landscape design on 4 acres combines various materials and textures.

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in landscaping work on sites.

Beautiful vegetable garden at the dacha: how to properly arrange the beds?

There are a lot of ideas for placing beds in the garden; examples can be seen in the photo below. But we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the tips for designing beds in the vegetable garden; thanks to them, the harvest will please you more:

Place plantings with low plants from north to south; Level the soil before planting. If the soil has a slope, then plants are planted across the slope to increase the efficiency of irrigation; Try to make the beds the same in length and width (3-4 m in length, width no more than 45 cm). Firstly, it looks beautiful, and secondly, such a bed is convenient to treat from weeds. The shape of the beds can be any: circle, rectangle, square, trapezoid, wavy, etc.

It is only important that it is easy for you to process them; The beds are made high and low: the advantage of high (bulk) beds is that they serve as additional protection from rodents; Study the material about the correct proximity of plants in the beds.

Competent zoning

A place for evening gatherings in a small garden Source
When zoning a plot of 4 acres, pay attention to the presence or absence of separate zones intended for different purposes:

  • The front door is a zone visible only to those who enter your site. No more than 10% of the territory is allocated to it; the main purpose is a decorative function. If space allows, organize a flower garden, otherwise, use climbing plants.
  • A recreation area is a place where family leisure time and meetings with friends will be spent.
  • Garden/vegetable garden – it is impossible to imagine a garden without greenery.
  • Household – ancillary buildings (bathhouse, garage, septic tank, well).
  • Playroom - an area intended for children's games.

Options for combining individual sections are not excluded. For example, a garage wall can be used as the wall of a gazebo or children's playground. The versatility of green spaces allows them to be used in any of the above zones.

Advice! At the first stage of zoning a plot of 4 acres, draw them on paper. This will allow you to combine or separate individual zones. By considering several options, you will get the one that is the best choice for your needs.

Lounge area of ​​a miniature country garden Source
High fences are not used in the zoning of a land plot of 4 acres. It is more functional to divide the territory into separate sections using hedges, a sidewalk, a small oblong flower bed, a decorative fence or border.

A place that anyone entering your yard can see Source

It is possible to visually increase the space of a miniature plot with a forged fence with openwork inserts. An alternative to it would be a wooden picket fence, a rare wattle fence - the main thing is that the fence is not continuous.

No. 6. Organization of flower beds

We move on from tricks and tricks to competent territory planning. It’s hard to imagine a garden or summer cottage without a flower garden, especially since there is room for it even in the tiniest space. There are many options for organizing a flower bed in a small area:

  • the classic method, suitable for plots of any size, is to lay out flower beds or place flowerpots near the entrance to the house, and they do not have to be symmetrical;
  • The cascade principle involves placing low-growing plants and flowers in the foreground, then higher, and so on until the tallest tree or shrub, which becomes the center of the composition. Such a flower garden will take up little space, but will greatly decorate the area and allow the eye to glide not only along the plane, but also upward;
  • A great idea for a small summer cottage is roof landscaping, but, alas, it is not used often here. The roofs of buildings can be used for planting lawns or small plants. The practice is common in Europe, where even the roofs of large multi-storey buildings are greened in this way. It looks great, and in a small area this technique will create the desired multi-level effect;
  • flower beds do not necessarily (and sometimes are undesirable) have to be of strict, familiar forms - winding lines and irregular shapes are welcome. There are no requirements for flowerpots and flowerpots - they can be either quite familiar or non-standard. To create them, literally anything that can hold its shape and soil is suitable: old tires, barrels, basins, bathtubs, wooden boxes, plastic bottles, logs, carts, etc. Such flower beds look interesting and unusual; with minimal investment they can decorate the area and even become its highlight;
  • Flower beds and mixborders along garden paths will also be appropriate on any site.

Which buildings (or areas) should not intersect or be passable?

Special attention concerns the territorial location and arrangement of some zones. For example, it is advisable to move the area intended for flower beds away from the area organized for active children's games. One wrong throw of the ball can ruin months of work on growing a particular plant.

Interior of a small garden Source

Decoration of a miniature garden Source

A similar situation concerns the barbecue area. Your child himself will not be delighted with playing in the smoke from the barbecue that is being cooked next door. It is recommended that the location of the septic tank and well be separated into a special space, fenced or zoned for safety.

Saturation of green spaces Source

Due to the small area, some areas will have to be made passable. Organize the layout in such a way as to minimize the listed recommendations and create an option that will be optimally convenient for you and your family.

Layout of a Vegetable Garden for Planting Vegetables - Secrets of a Successful Harvest

I am pleased to offer you, dear readers, the best ideas for a summer cottage. Well, today we will talk about planning a garden for planting vegetables - this is a very important stage on which the future harvest depends.

In this material we will look at tips and examples on how to set up beds for vegetables, what standards exist, and get acquainted with the best practices of practicing gardeners.

An example of a complex vegetable garden layout

Growing a good harvest in your garden is the cherished dream of every vegetable grower. Indeed, in order to correctly calculate the number of crops planted at the dacha, to plan and place everything correctly, certain knowledge is required, as well as experience that is gained over the years.

Features of landscape design of a plot of 4 acres

Creating a holistic picture that brings warmth and comfort to the overall atmosphere is typical for both large and small plots of 4 acres. Landscaping can be done in such a small area in a variety of ways.

Arrangement of a place for a child with your own hands Source


The ideas and photos of the inside of the courtyard presented on the Internet can be done independently. The main and primary task when planning 5 acres is to distribute it into zones. Then, according to the plan, the breakdown is carried out.

There are 3 ways to divide a site, which is done using a scale grid:

  1. Rectangular.
  2. Diagonal.
  3. Circular.

The layout of the territory is carried out in relation to the facade of the house. The first method is easy to implement in practice. The lines of the garden, flower beds, and paths are laid parallel or perpendicular to the facade.

The diagonal method allows you to visually expand the boundaries of the site. The lines to the house are drawn at an angle of 45. This breakdown suggests many fresh solutions. The circular layout is the most labor-intensive, but as the photos show, such courtyards look the most comfortable and seem much larger than standard rectangles.

A good result is obtained by combining dividing methods, for example, a circle with a rectangle. To fully realize your wishes, you will need to develop more than one planning example.

East style

Landscape of the plot in the Japanese style Source
The Japanese atmosphere is ideally combined with small plots. Style means a minimum of excess and maximum value to any space. The beauty and originality of the East remain at the same level. The distinctive features of such a landscape are:

  • Dwarf trees, moss, evergreens.
  • Miniature ponds.
  • Rock garden.
  • Hedges.

Japan on four hundred square meters Source

Advice! It is recommended to emphasize the style by constructing a model of a pagoda or a Japanese lantern assembled from stone.

Let's make the garden comfortable

A miniature garden can look bigger if you follow some rules when arranging it.

Even a beginner can build a stylish garden at the dacha with his own hands if he pays attention to our advice

Vertical layout

Today, various methods of vertical arrangement of garden space near private houses have been invented and are widely used. Compositions such as rock gardens, rock gardens, and multi-tiered flower beds look good in the corner of a plot if it is small. Then you can see the single picture that the garden represents from afar. To create additional space in which you can plant flowers and other plants, use:

  • car tires, from which you can create flower beds of various heights and configurations;
  • flower beds, which are made on the basis of an old chest of drawers or cabinet - each flower bed is in a separate drawer;
  • multi-tiered flower beds, which are created from bricks, filling the base with crushed stone;
  • pots or other containers with soil mounted on the base wall;
  • racks, each shelf of which represents a bed.

You can come up with many more options for how to master the vertical space of the site. It’s worth putting in a little effort, looking at our photos and finding your own solution.

Pots in the garden version

Hanging flower beds are one of the options for decorating a small area. They are created from car tires, metal semicircular spheres, and clay pots. To hang a flower pot, you need to make holes in it and secure it under the roof of the veranda or terrace. Also, such flower beds are fixed on posts with special holders. Such flower beds with bright flowers look very impressive.

Hanging gardens can also be used to grow herbs or berries, making elegant beds that add beauty to the garden. Arugula, spinach, parsley, and cilantro are grown in such containers. Garden strawberries give a good harvest if planted in the same way. Check out interesting solutions in a similar style from our photographs.

Seasonal riot of greenery

Those who have a small plot should think about a mobile option for garden design. In order to improve the space, you will need several pots with plants that can be placed both outdoors and at home. You should immediately consider the size of the pots, taking into account the fact that the plants will become larger. In addition, for such a garden it is better to use heavy clay pots so that they are not susceptible to gusts of wind. A mobile garden has many advantages:

  • You can install plants in the garden in different ways, each time changing the perception of the composition;
  • to change the look of the garden, you can change the plants - for example, bring some of them into the house, and place in the yard only those that best suit your mood;
  • You can choose inhabitants for the garden from heat-loving plants, because they can spend the winter period under the roof.

Palace style

A small garden decorated in a palace style Source
The opinion that the style of palace luxury is inherent only in large areas is erroneous. 4 acres is enough to create a harmonious and clear garden of a given direction. For this you will need:

  • Evenly trimmed lawns and bushes of the same type.
  • Flower beds in the form of geometrically regular figures.
  • Plantings growing from stone tubs.
  • Straight stone sidewalks.
  • Metal arches decorated with blooming roses.
  • 2-3 symmetrically located benches.

Important! Do not use rich colors and a lot of decorations.

Decoration options

First of all, the decorative elements must be in harmony with each other and correspond to a single style solution. To decorate the site, various types of ponds, decorative figures, vases and flowerpots are used. You can always come up with something original.

Almost no site is complete without a pond. It can have both an aesthetic meaning: to delight us with its beauty, and a purely utilitarian one - from there you can take water for irrigation. You can buy a pond ready-made or make it yourself

It is important to think in advance about the shape of the reservoir and the design of the surrounding area. In addition to the pond, you can arrange a fountain, river, or artificial waterfall on the site

You can throw an easy bridge over a pond or river.

Details will help to add zest to your garden: an unusually shaped flowerpot, a pot, decorated in the same style, an arch or a decorative gate. Now at any construction market you can easily find a variety of figurines for decorating your garden. These can be gnomes, various animals, other sculptures

It’s just important not to overdo it with the number of such figures.

Many gardeners use improvised materials to decorate their gardens - car tires, bottles, natural materials such as wood and pine cones. This design can look very interesting; in addition, it does not require material investments and allows you to use your creative potential.

Flowers and plants for a small area

To select plantings for a garden of 4 acres, you should adhere to the properties of the plants. Most of them should be fast-growing. This will allow you to fill the garden with greenery in the shortest possible time.

Fencing based on the principle of visually increasing space Source

Entrance group made in oriental style Source

It is advisable to distribute the benefits of plants according to the seasons. This will prevent the formation of gray “bald patches” in a small space. Also, they should not belong to an aggressive group, that is, they should not pretend to be “neighbors.” As an example, here are several representatives of the flora that fit the listed criteria:

  • Thuja occidentalis.
  • Barberry Thunberg.
  • Hydrangea paniculata.
  • Dwarf lilac.
  • Day-lily.
  • Dwarf spruces.
  • Climbing rose.
  • Chubushnik (garden jasmine).

How to arrange a small area?

All owners of small local areas need to remember such a thing as zoning. Thanks to zoning, the owner of the dacha will be able to correctly distribute all resources, highlight the main elements and successfully arrange the secondary ones. You need to choose plants taking into account factors such as ease of care, unpretentiousness, size and flowering period. This must be taken into account in order to create a beautiful panorama that pleases the eye all year round.

4 acres will be fully visible from any point, so you can’t miss a single detail, as it will be difficult to fix anything later. Small properties are more of a plus than a minus, as they are easier to care for. The design of the garden must be done as soon as all construction work and renovation of the house are completed . The exterior of all buildings should be harmoniously combined with the decoration of the local garden.

Finishing house facades with modern materials: photos, design

Garden compositions are best in harmony with the general decor of a summer cottage if the materials of the building facades and the fencing of the territory are similar in style and color. Natural materials are the best option for decorating a garden, but they have one drawback - they are expensive. But modern manufacturers of building and finishing materials have made stone, wood, and metal more accessible to consumers.

The result can be a wonderful relaxation area.

In such an area it will be possible not only to relax in comfort, but also to spend quality time.

Today, owners of private houses choose the following materials for finishing external walls.

  1. Coated metal panels are a reliable, durable and versatile material that will help you create a unique design.
  2. Fiber cement textured panels - made of cement, imitate brick and natural stone.
  3. Wooden panels are a budget option, ideal for decorating walls in country houses.

When starting to plan the arrangement of your summer cottage, you need to take into account all the nuances.

Other types of finishing materials do not lose their relevance: decorative plaster, clinker tiles, porcelain stoneware and siding. The roof is covered with metal tiles, asbestos-cement slate, ondulin and corrugated sheeting.

At the very beginning, when planning your entire home, you will have to take into account the landscape horizon around the future home.

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