Landscaping the site: basic rules of landscape design, photo of DIY landscaping ideas, site planning

Review author: Terrari School of Design

A person always strives to be surrounded by comfort in the home and beauty in the local area. Land development includes: installation of a drainage system, relief planning, construction of paths, arrangement of places for leisure and recreation, landscaping, creation of architectural objects, building decorative complexes, planting a garden.

An important component in the improvement of a site is its landscaping. This is a photo of the landscaping of the site. Neat garden beds, beautiful flower beds, ornamental plants and trees are attributes of the landscaping of the site. The area for landscaping can be of any size and topography.

What is included in the landscaping project

A territory improvement project is, first of all, a set of developed projects for engineering networks and structures, which to a large extent ensure a comfortable stay on the territory.

The improvement project includes:

  • vertical layout project; drainage system design (depending on the characteristics of the soil and topography, drainage may be more or less complex, or it may turn out that there is no need for it); stormwater system design; design of an automatic watering system (if necessary); lighting system design; road and path network project; landscaping plan, where all engineering and technical communications are marked, as well as retaining walls, fences, and MAFs.
  • vertical layout project;
  • drainage system design (depending on the characteristics of the soil and topography, drainage may be more or less complex, or it may turn out that there is no need for it);
  • stormwater system design;
  • design of an automatic watering system (if necessary);
  • lighting system design;
  • road and path network project;
  • landscaping plan, where all engineering and technical communications are marked, as well as retaining walls, fences, and MAFs.

Often the concept of landscaping also includes landscaping. And although this is a separate stage in the work, these are the trends. And this is understandable. The customer strives to obtain a completely landscaped area, ready for use. In such cases, a landscaping and landscaping project is developed. A dendroplane with an explanatory note is added to the package of documents.

Reconstruction activities on site

In some cases, customers ask to restore the territory where there is any damage. The client's requirements may also affect restoration work related to plantings.

In this case, a preliminary project is also drawn up indicating the scope of restoration work on the site. In particular, this may concern the uprooting of stumps, the elimination of old trees and the complete clearing of the territory.

For the reconstruction of the territory where there are already green spaces, an estimate is also drawn up and the terms of the contract are agreed upon.
The specialists of the Hortus studio approach all these issues professionally, taking into account the engineering and technical nuances of the estate. Therefore, we provide a guarantee for all types of work performed. Our landscaping projects are not only aesthetic, but also practical. Next Previous

What is the difference between a landscaping project and a landscape project?

Landscape design can be defined as a constructive, aesthetic, artistic and architectural principle of organizing space. A landscape design project for a particular area includes:

  • The concept and its rationale
  • Improvement project
  • Landscaping project.

Therefore, if you read in an advertisement about the provision of landscaping services, you should understand that there is no talk of creating a unique design for the site. You will receive competently laid and installed utility networks, high-quality paved paths, trees planted at your choice, but nothing more.

plans landscaping within the framework of landscape project ideas. A group of specialists from various fields is involved in the development - agronomists, builders, dendrologists, designers. Therefore, in our company, the landscaping plan is the result of an individual and creative approach to organizing the space of the territory.

Procedure for site development

Landscaping of the garden plot is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The territory is cleared (unnecessary buildings are dismantled, trees and stumps are uprooted, bushes are replanted).
  2. Next, all necessary communications are carried out.
  3. Main and secondary paths and platforms are laid out. With their help, a landscape pattern is created.
  4. Plants are being planted.
  5. Decorative elements are being placed.

Important: if the paths when landscaping the dacha are fenced with borders, this will give the design originality.

Development of a landscaping project

The best option is when architects and landscape designers work in tandem. Coordination of actions allows you to significantly optimize labor costs and financial costs when implementing projects. A unified water supply and drainage system, drainage system, and power supply system are being created. Project implementation timeframes are reduced. But such fruitful interaction is possible only at the beginning of site development. It also happens the other way around - the territory has already been developed, built up and planted, and the owners now have the opportunity and desire to improve their garden plot.

We carry out landscaping of a wide variety of areas - private cottages within the city and beyond, dachas, penthouses, luxury villages, local areas, city and municipal property (schools, kindergartens, sanatoriums), private commercial properties, etc. Regardless of the type of property , the social significance of objects, the area of ​​territory that needs improvement, we always follow the once and for all established algorithm for developing a plan for improving the territory and its implementation, and always from the standpoint of landscape design.

General scheme for developing a landscaping plan:

  • The first, fundamental step is to study the site.
  • Next, the research results are compared with the customer’s wishes to determine the possibility of their implementation.
  • A concept is developed in the form of preliminary designs, and they are discussed with the customer.
  • A task for developing a landscaping project is formed and approved, and a layout plan is drawn up.
  • After this, groups of specialists are engaged in the development of utility networks and structures (calculations, drawings, diagrams).
  • In parallel, work is underway to compile a dendroplane.
  • The results of the specialists' developments are combined on a landscaping plan (the basis is a layout drawing), which reflects all the nuances of the planned work and which is the main document for the further implementation of the planned activities.

The above sequence of work is for an undeveloped and uninhabited area. If it is necessary to improve the developed territory, some of the listed points may be omitted, some may be supplemented, but, in general, the work algorithm remains unchanged.

Original ideas for landscape design of the territory of a country house

When landscaping a personal plot, it is worth considering bright accents; reservoirs, ponds and fountains look good, next to which there are flower beds and alpine slides.

Attention : if there is a small lake on the site, this area should be given special attention. This will make the area liven up and become more attractive.

If the area has uneven terrain, you can create spectacular garden decorations. For example, platforms or terraces are formed on hills.

Various decorative elements will give the site a luxurious and noble appearance. Garden figurines are a good choice. When choosing them, the following are taken into account:

  • general style . Here you can buy or make your own themed figurines for your chosen direction. Then the design will be harmonious;
  • resistance to negative factors . When purchasing figurines, it is important to consider that they will be exposed to direct sunlight, frost, and rain. Their quality must be such that they do not deteriorate in the first year of operation;
  • coloring . If the area is monochrome, decorations in natural or neutral shades are also chosen. In bright gardens you can install colorful and multi-colored figures.

Attention: when choosing garden decorative elements, attention is paid to their dimensions. They should be proportional to the size of the site. For small areas, low figures are chosen.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that it is quite easy to do a harmonious landscaping of a personal plot with your own hands. The main thing is to show imagination, use creative thinking and not be afraid to experiment. Having studied all the requirements for landscaping the local area, you can make the landscape design stylish, functional and easy to use. Well-thought-out landscaping of the yard will emphasize the status of its owners, their impeccable taste and the architectural style of the buildings.

Regulatory documents in the development of an improvement plan

Regulatory documents define the framework for the creative activities of owners and designers. Compliance with them guarantees the quality, reliability and durability of the work performed.

In its activities it is always guided by the following regulatory documents:

  • SNiP III-10-75. “Improvement of territories” - rules for work on improvement of territories and areas for housing, cultural, domestic, industrial purposes.
  • SNiP 2.07.01-89*. "Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements.”
  • Gosstroy of Russia. Standard indicators of material consumption. Collection. “Greening. Protective forest plantations. Perennial fruit plantings." 2000
  • State elemental estimate standards for construction work. GESN-2001. Collection No. 47. “Greening. Protective forest plantations." State Committee of the Russian Federation for Construction and Housing and Communal Services (Gosstroy of Russia). 2001
  • The government of Moscow. Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of Moscow. Methodology for determining the cost of work on visual landscape analysis. MRR- “Pricing system in the project complex.” 2002

At any time you can order a landscaping project for the site or get a free consultation from M.Art. To do this, fill out the feedback form in the column on the right and our representative will contact you as soon as possible.

The project to prepare for the development of the territory is divided into several key stages:

  • clearing the site of debris, unnecessary elements, structures or buildings; ideal in this case would be an area with clean earth cover;
  • then, using special equipment or manually, the terrain is planned close to the final form;
  • until construction and planting have begun, all necessary hidden communications are laid;
  • if the site is located in a lowland, there is a risk of water accumulation during irrigation or rain; drainage systems and storm drains do an excellent job of this task, directing the flow of water in the right direction.

When designing production facilities, at the customer’s request, we develop a project for landscaping the territory, and are also ready to carry it out when launching new equipment.

An important step is the actual construction of the landscape. It is important to understand here that you should not save too much on materials and plants. The final cost from such savings will decrease slightly, but the quality and durability, especially of decorative elements, will suffer significantly. At the final stage of territory development, the following operations are performed:

  • laying paths and blind areas adjacent to existing sites;
  • small architectural forms in the form of arches, flowerpots, bridges or statues will help diversify the landscape;
  • organization of automatic watering of the territory;
  • At the final stage, landscaping with trees, shrubs and lawns takes place according to the planting plan.

Designed and implemented at a high quality level, the landscape of a country house becomes a harmonious continuation of its interior. The best time for arrangement is autumn. During this period, it is optimal to plan the terrain; after planning, the soil will be compacted over the winter, which means it will not sag at the wrong time. If you plan to import soil, you need to make sure that it will be free of construction waste and other components unusual for soil. If old trees remain in an area that is being raised in level, they may die from the measles neck falling asleep; this can be prevented if you do not fill up new soil around the trees.

Small forms are perfect for decorating a suburban area. These are statues, gazebos, artificial stones or other elements at the request of the owner. They will add some sophistication and style to any garden or yard.

A backyard or garden with a decorative pond looks good. Of course, for normal functioning, constant care is required, but its presence will be fully appreciated by guests and the owners of the estate. The GENPROEKT company has many years of experience in the design, construction and improvement of country houses quickly and inexpensively.

Our company guarantees competent design of landscaping and landscaping of both private and public areas of any complexity. This will allow the customer to calculate the time and all financial costs. When creating an exclusive project, we take into account landscape fashion trends and the preferences of each client. Thanks to well-thought-out solutions, it is possible to give the site uniqueness and avoid problems during its operation in the future.

We are ready to implement any large-scale projects and solve environmental problems, both within the metropolis and beyond. Their development takes into account modern technologies and new methods for designing landscaping and landscaping, as well as the use of current materials. Particular attention is paid to environmental requirements. Projects completed in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents undergo a full range of approvals, including from the Departments of Natural Resources, local authorities and other authorities.

Before starting work on the project, our specialists conduct a site survey, obtain the necessary initial data, and study the customer’s requirements and wishes. Several sketches with possible landscaping and landscaping options are presented for consideration. Only after their approval, work begins on project documentation, which will be prepared within the agreed time frame.

Decorating a fence and creating flower beds

After the lawn grass is planted, you can begin decorating the fence. If there is no fence, then you can make a hedge from bushes. One of the ways to give a fence a noble, unique look is to decorate it vertically.

You can plant ivy, hops, grapes, honeysuckle, and lemongrass near the fence. You can plant fruit trees or ornamental shrubs. Flower beds and flower beds will perfectly decorate the area and delight the eye with a variety of colors.

Cascading flower beds look great. These are flower pots stacked on top of each other. You need to choose flowers for flower beds taking into account the flowering period of the plants, and also decide on the shape of the flower beds.

The boundaries of the flower beds can be marked with stones or a wooden border can be made. A border of flowers, which can border both a flower bed and paths in the garden, will also look beautiful.

For flower borders they usually use: tagetes, ageratum, cineraria, celosia, alyssum, zinnia, which are annual plants or perennials: catnip, alpine aster, chives, speedwell.

You can make an alpine slide; this composition includes several decorative elements. A flower bed made from a log, in which a depression is made, soil is poured and flowers are planted, will look great. You can hang a flower pot in the gazebo or on the veranda.

offers various types of projects:

  • Design of comprehensive landscaping of territories and land plots
  • Design of compensatory landscaping
  • Design of reconstruction and major repairs of garden and park areas
  • Integrated design of rights of way for railways and highways, engineering communications, technical areas
  • Design of landscaping and landscaping of squares, city streets, as well as various recreation areas
  • Floral decoration design

The design of any object involves the use of small architectural forms, street furniture, lighting, including architectural and artistic lighting, fencing, including decorative ones. For engineering support of the facility, the necessary communications (water supply, sewerage, electricity supply) are designed. An obligatory component of our project is a section of activities to provide orientation and pastime for low-mobility groups of the population with disabilities.

Each project is provided with an individual approach, which allows, as a result of its implementation, to transform an abandoned site into a work of landscape art.

The social significance of territorial improvement projects is growing every day. There are studies by Russian scientists in this area. They are confident that the social health of the nation directly depends on this component of human existence. In Soviet times, especially when the post-war reconstruction of the country was underway, the majority of the country's population was only worried about the availability of housing, they were interested in square meters and functionality. Only a few wanted to see it as aesthetically pleasing and tried to do something about it. Standard or minimalism reigned almost everywhere.

Today the situation has changed radically, all progressive humanity strives to preserve the ecology of private and urban areas, which is facilitated by targeted work on the arrangement and landscaping of territories, as well as their aesthetics and external beauty. Such actions require strict adherence to sanitary and hygienic standards, and most importantly, the world around us, in which we move almost every day, takes on a beautiful, well-groomed appearance.

Designing the improvement of the territory involves carrying out a wide range of measures to give the territory aesthetics; in addition, if all necessary requirements are met, the environment will become safer and will have a beneficial effect on the mental health and mood of the people living on it.

An important point in landscaping local areas is attention to those who live there, regardless of their age. That is, there should be children's and sports grounds, benches for rest, workout, etc. It is convenient when the local area or park area is divided into zones - for toddlers, for school-age children, for active sports or, conversely, for board games. The boundaries between these areas are most often green spaces that provide shade, coolness and an additional (or even the main) aesthetic effect.

What should be on the playground for the little ones? The classic set includes a sandbox, a house, swings and slides. For older children, entire towns are built, where climbing walls, stairs and other sports elements are added to the main set. Teenagers prefer to spend time on the move, so they need areas equipped for skateboarding, rollerblading, sports cars, etc. We must not forget about the older generation, who are increasingly interested in Norwegian walking, cycling and various exercise equipment.

Confident steps towards beauty and comfort

If a question arises concerning the development of the territory, first of all it is necessary to assess the scale of the work and competently draw up a plan for landscaping and landscaping. Work can be carried out in one or two directions at once:

  • directly on the arrangement of buildings; to change the landscape and plant greenery near houses or a private plot.

Such work includes the use of small architectural forms (sculptures, etc.), equipping children's playgrounds and recreation areas, as well as the use of natural green architecture in the developed area. Landscape landscaping near houses is done artificially using natural materials and various types of tree plantings. The landscaping and improvement project is based on the following types of work:

  1. Drawing up a cartogram of the surface of the earthen covering, compaction and removal of soil.
  2. Plan of paths, driveways and their laying, paving with paving slabs.
  3. Equipment with stairs, fences, retaining walls.
  4. Landscaping of the adjacent territory, carrying out landscaping work;
  5. Placement and arrangement of parking lots.
  6. Placement of equipment for sports and children's playgrounds, as well as places for walking dogs and other animals.
  7. Placement of small architectural forms and places for rest, installation of trash cans, benches, bridges, gazebos, etc.

Landscaping design is always based on the General Development Plan. It is very appropriate to develop these two plans simultaneously to save time and resources for everyone involved in the project. Projects for small architectural forms, ponds, gardens are carried out strictly on an individual basis.

The landscaping and landscaping project at the first stage of design is a specially prepared general sketch, then during the work process many working drawings appear, according to which work will be carried out in the future. The project includes:

  • careful study of all necessary elements of the project, taking into account the general development plan;
  • list of materials used;
  • color design solution;
  • necessary small accessories.

The green architecture layout includes:

  • decision on the design of the terrain, taking into account its characteristic features;
  • direction of slopes;
  • solution for organizing water flow (ditches, wells, drainage, etc.)

All project documentation begins to be developed after the approval of the work plan, immediately after which the main activities begin to improve the buildings and surrounding areas. Our future depends on the decisions made, including the improvement of the places where we live; this is everyone’s personal contribution to the architecture of their hometowns.

An integral and important part of landscape design is the landscaping of the territory on which it is produced. As a rule, such work is carried out at the final stage, but landscaping design must be done at the very beginning, when a general plan is developed. After all, work on horizontal soil leveling directly depends on the location of future flower beds and lawns.

Only professionals in the field of landscape design can carry out the best design of landscaping on a site, since there are many nuances in this matter that may seem insignificant to non-specialists. Having gone to the site, a company employee will inspect the territory, identify relief features that can be used and mark areas of land that should be reshaped. They will take into account the direction of the prevailing winds and determine the composition of the soil. Based on the information collected, a plan diagram will be created on which the designer will place various elements included in the overall landscaping concept.

Explanatory note

After all future elements are included in the drawing, an explanatory note is drawn up.

It should indicate:

  • List of consumables.
  • A complete package of design documentation.
  • List of upcoming works on the site.
  • Description of the chemical and biological uniqueness of the soil.
  • Description of the natural economic situation within the site.
  • Indication of the full scope of work, including drafting.

After the explanatory note has been prepared, an estimate of all work is drawn up. Thus, landscape design includes landscaping work based on existing standards.

Development of horizontal landscaping projects

Landscaping design consists of choosing a location for various plants, shrubs and trees, as well as arranging large areas of the territory with grass. The whole process can be divided into several stages:

  • Choosing a place to place lawns, which can be seeded or roll-type. In the first case, it is necessary to calculate the amount of work to remove weeds, dig up the soil and plant plants. For the second option, additional leveling of the ground under the flooring is necessary;
  • Plan for landscaping and arrangement of flower beds on the site. These elements may consist of annuals or perennials. Such islands of bright colors can add colorful touches to the overall design;
  • Selection of design options for natural relief features. The slopes of a small hill can be used to create on its basis a wonderful alpine slide or rock garden, which will become a special highlight of the site;
  • Improvement of reservoirs located on the site. Plants around a small pond or fast stream should not only complement the composition, but also strengthen their banks with their roots. Sometimes, pseudo-reservoirs are created in the form of a dried-up riverbed, the banks of which are decorated with stones and mosses;
  • Next, landscaping is designed by planting deciduous or coniferous shrubs. In this case, the direction of the winds is taken into account, since such plants are able to protect soils from erosion with their lush foliage
  • Lastly, it is planned to plant different types of trees;

Planting a lawn

An integral part of modern site design is the creation of green lawns. A green grass lawn creates a beautiful general background of the site; in addition, it improves the microclimate, increases air humidity, and reduces noise levels.

The lawn can be meadow, garden and sports. In order to sow lawn grass you will need: a fan-type rake, as well as a shovel, and a wheelbarrow.

You will need a roller or heavy pipe to compact the soil, a tape measure for measuring, pegs with thin rope and lawn grass seeds. First you need to drive in pegs and stretch the rope to mark the boundaries of the future green lawn.

The designated area must be cleared of trash and weeds. To completely remove weeds (along with the roots), a herbicide is used, which is sprayed on the leaves, and after the weed dies, it is removed along with the roots.

An important point is to level the area so that the lawn looks harmonious and the moisture is evenly distributed over the lawn. Next, you should remove the fertile layer of soil, fill the area with gravel or broken bricks and compact it, cover it with sand or gravel and compact it again. Cover with fertile soil that was removed earlier. In order for the grass to grow well, mineral fertilizers must be added to the soil.

Before sowing, you need to walk through the top layer of soil with a fan rake, making shallow grooves. The seeds need to be poured into a large container and mixed well. Then, distribute the seeds over the surface in a proportion of forty grams per square meter.

The process of planting a lawn is completed by watering. In order not to wash away the seeds and not create puddles, watering should be fine. For this, a special nozzle on the hose is used.

Vertical landscaping plan

Designing landscaping of this type is not only about choosing the place where its elements will be located. After all, in order for plants to be positioned in a horizontal plane, they need support. In this capacity, the walls of buildings located on the site or fences can be used, or specially made structures made of wood, plastic or metal. This landscaping plan, in addition to external aesthetics, performs a number of useful functions:

  • Divides the total space of the site into several zones. In a similar way, for example, you can separate the beds from the children's play area;
  • Emphasizes the aesthetic individuality of the selected area;
  • Provides protection from sun rays. A bench near the wall of the gazebo, securely covered with leaves of climbing plants, located on the sunny side, will become a favorite rest for the owners of the site on a hot summer day.

Contact our company and qualified employees will develop landscaping projects quickly, efficiently and at an affordable price.

Landscaping of the site

First, you need to remove old buildings, if any, and uproot unnecessary trees and shrubs. Then lay the paths.

Landscaping the area in front of the house can be started by laying out the front garden. Plan in advance what flowers and shrubs will grow in the front garden. First of all, you need to plant fruit trees so that in two or three years you will have a harvest.

Think about the garden design in advance, that is, where and what fruit trees will grow. Plan where and what ornamental trees and shrubs will grow, the location of flower beds and vegetable beds.

Decorating the yard of a private house

  1. Determine the style of the patio . Choose the one that you like, that would please you in any weather and at any time of the year.
  2. Think about a fence . A high fence made of brick or stone is good, but expensive. Some people opt for the grid. The reason for this is not only the low price, but also the fact that the neighbors can see all the beauty created by the hands of the owner.
  3. Landscaping is also an important stage in the design of a personal plot. Don’t rush to plant bushes and trees right away, think about the paths first. Remember that communications must also be located somewhere and be accessible. After all, nothing is eternal.
  4. And now about the decoration . A variety of figurines, a gazebo, flowerpots, fountains and much more will add originality, beauty and grace to your yard.
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