Ornamental shrubs: names, photos and descriptions (catalog)

Dwarf deciduous shrubs are great for a small garden. Their small size makes them ideal for planting in rock gardens. Get acquainted with interesting types and varieties of miniature shrubs that will not take up too much space in the garden.

Low shrubs are often used to decorate ridges, hedges, borders and garden paths. Compact shrubby perennials look especially original in rock gardens and rock gardens. Although, by and large, such plants will look good in any flower garden, regardless of its topography.

Some low-growing shrubs are popular among gardeners due to their lush flowering, others because of the unusual color of the foliage. Many plants are completely undemanding and therefore can be used in the decoration of gardens located in the middle zone without any problems.

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Perennial ornamental shrubs

Let's start with the most popular perennial species, which have won the hearts of gardeners from different regions of Russia.

Park roses

During flowering, park roses are covered with lush double flowers of various shades. In everyday life, this is a very unpretentious plant that is suitable even for beginners.

Photo: pervocvet-shop.ru


The honeysuckle bush is densely covered with small leathery leaves that form a lush, dense crown. In summer it grows with small flowers with a delicate and delicate aroma. Honeysuckle is frost-resistant and not at all capricious.

Photo: kartoska.ru


The evergreen coniferous shrub is very often used in gardening and landscaping. It fills the air with the characteristic aroma of pine needles. And besides, there are dwarf and tall varieties - for any green composition.

Photo: successful garden63.rf

Japanese maple

This ornamental shrub received its name for the characteristic shape of its fan-shaped leaves of bright green color. In autumn the shade changes to scarlet or even almost black. Japanese maple grows slowly and requires little pruning.

Photo: subscribe.ru


Common hazel shrubs attract attention with beautiful serrated leaves, which acquire a spectacular crimson hue in autumn. Hazel needs good lighting and space.

Photo: oryol.vsesorta.ru

What are variegated shrubs and what are their features?

Variegated (variegated) shrubs, in essence, are artificially bred varieties of ordinary bush crops that have received characteristics from their parent plants. Variegated foliage has more than one color on the leaf blade.

The pattern can be uniform, with all the leaves the same, or random, with variations between leaves on different branches. Variegated foliage can sometimes be a natural tendency of the species, but can occasionally be the result of rare genetic mutations. Thanks to the magic of selection, these plant species can be reproduced and crossed to obtain the ornamental characteristics of shrubs.

Amazing leaf colors make variegated bushes more decorative and popular among landscape designers.

Variegated shrubs can be divided into two groups - evergreen and deciduous. To the group of evergreens it is also worth adding several coniferous shrubs with variegated needles.

The most frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

If you constantly worry about unexpected seasonal frosts or live in harsher regions, these options are for you!


Barberry easily endures winters without shelter, and even if it freezes slightly, it recovers itself in the spring. Closer to summer, it is covered with cute small flowers, which then turn into fragrant berries.

Photo: pahls.com

Canadian roses

Not many people know, but Canadian roses are real record holders for cold resistance. The shrub tolerates frosts even down to -45 degrees, and also easily recovers on its own.

Photo: domashniecvety.ru


Hydrangea combines a lot of pleasant benefits. It easily tolerates not only frosts, but also lack of light and high soil moisture. In addition, hydrangea can rightfully be called one of the most beautiful flowering shrubs.

Photo: zen.yandex.ru


Juniper is regularly used in the design of hedges. Some of its species are not at all afraid of cold, moisture and shade, and moreover, they rather suffer from too bright scorching sun.

Photo: floraldreams.ru


Depending on the type, mock orange consistently pleases with snow-white or pale pink flowers. It is very resistant to frost and shade, but it must be watered regularly.

Photo: astrussia.com

Chubushnik (75 photos): types, planting and care

Flowering ornamental shrubs

There are a lot of flowering shrubs among the ornamental shrubs, and for this section we have selected the most interesting and spectacular of them.


Weigela is covered with spectacular purple bells by the end of spring, and remains so until the first cold weather. The shrub does not tolerate frosts well, but it loves shade.

Photo: lk-clover.rf


Cotoneaster always pleases with its very long flowering, which lasts almost the entire spring. It is suitable for creating hedges, and is also valued in folk medicine.

Photo: ogorod.ru


Garden azalea can be quite capricious, but its beauty fully pays for it. The most common varieties are those with white, pink and purple flowers.

Photo: proprikol.ru


Depending on the species, magnolia can be a tree or a shrub. Its huge flowers are known for their bright and strong scent. And in the fall the plant is covered with beautiful dark fruits, which remain even in winter.

Photo: goodfon.ru


Under natural conditions, the thorn stretches high and grows up to 3 meters. But in the garden it tolerates haircuts well, so it can even be shaped for a hedge. Sloe flowers are small, but there are a lot of them and they are very fragrant.

Photo: okora7.blogspot.com

Shrubs for hedges: names, photos and descriptions (catalog)

Where to plant plants with unusual leaf colors?

In the garden, shrubs with colored foliage need to be given a well-lit place, since in the shade their leaves lose color and turn green. It is important to take into account one more point: at dusk and in cloudy weather, purple-leaved plants seem to dissolve, almost disappearing from view. If they are planted at a distance, then a so-called failure is formed in this place - a dark spot. Plants with light foliage in such conditions, on the contrary, are visible very well, so they can be safely planted in the far corners of the garden.

Evergreen ornamental shrubs

Evergreen shrubs readily delight with their beauty all year round. We recommend paying attention to these varieties!


Boxwood is a landscaping classic among landscape designers. It takes root well, is not afraid of wind and drafts, feels great in the shade or in unfavorable soil, and also forms well when pruned.

Photo: ru.useful-plants.net

Mahonia holly

An interesting and unusual plant immediately attracts attention with its intricate carved leaves. And in the spring the bush becomes overgrown with the same bizarre spikelet inflorescences.

Photo: photokonkursy.ru


Most likely, you know this shrub under the name strawberry tree. And its fruits really resemble strawberries, only they are larger and tasteless. Arbutus grows slowly and decorates the area for years.

Photo: fcomfort.ru


It is a heat-loving, evergreen and low-growing shrub that branches heavily. Dark green leaves form a lush, dense crown. During flowering, the buds cover the greenery almost completely.

Photo: cveti-sad.ru


This amazing plant amazes with its original inflorescences, which resemble multi-colored dust brushes. Callistemon blooms in summer, its leaves smell pleasant, and it adapts perfectly to any conditions.

Photo: geographylists.com

The most unpretentious ornamental shrubs

Not all plants lend themselves easily and immediately to beginners. But we have selected the most unpretentious shrubs that anyone can handle!


And in particular - white derain with its beautiful two-color leaves. This shrub is also beautiful in the fall, when it turns rich burgundy. Derain takes root in almost any conditions and soil.

Photo: yandex.ru


White and pink snowberry are easily recognized by the characteristic large fruits that cover it in the fall. With age, the shrub grows up to 1.5 meters, and almost twice as wide.

Photo: postila.ru


Shrub cinquefoil can be very different - very miniature or impressive and spreading. The shades and shape of the inflorescences differ, but all varieties are united by excellent immunity, light-loving nature and resistance to drought.

Photo: belvedor.com


Deytsia is notable for its complete indifference to the type of soil on which it grows. The main thing is that there is no stagnation of moisture. In addition, the plant feels equally at home in the sun or in the shade, but by winter the branches need to be bent to the ground.

Photo: distano.ru


Bladderwort is a very versatile garden shrub. It is not afraid of frost or lack of sun, and is also quite resistant to diseases and parasites. There are different types - with golden or purple foliage.

Photo: plantmania.ru

What to plant along the fence: the best plants

The best ornamental shrubs for the Moscow region

These beautiful ornamental species thrive in the changeable climate of the Moscow region. So feel free to choose options for your dacha!

European forsythia

The bright yellow flowers bloom in early spring and will brighten up the area just after the dark, gray winter. Forsythia grows well in width, but does not tolerate excess moisture at the roots.

Photo: oir.mobi

Spiraea Wangutta

The shrub thrives in changeable conditions, and even in large cities. Spirea blooms with lush snow-white inflorescences, and in favorable weather in good seasons - even twice a year.

Photo: spb.tiu.ru

Louiseania triloba

This shrub is good any time because it is covered in delicate pink flowers in spring, and by fall the foliage turns a bright orange hue. Louiseania loves good light and needs protection from strong winds.

Photo: pro-orehi.ru

Japanese quince

The culture attracts with very beautiful bright flowers in all shades of pink, orange or white. By mid-autumn it bears fruit. Despite its exotic origin, this quince thrives in the Moscow region, both on wet and sandy soils.

Photo: kurskaya-obl.tiu.ru

General recommendations for caring for bush flowers

The perennial bush flowers on our list are easy to care for. They, like other plantings, need regular watering and weed removal. When growing Roses, special attention is paid to pruning. Both formative and health-improving activities are carried out.

Don't forget about fertilizing. Each type of crop needs certain substances, then flowering and development will be as abundant and healthy as possible.

Properly selected perennial bush flowers will give a good mood, decorate the area, and create incredible compositions. Choose what you like best to get a truly satisfying result.

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