DIY crafts from plastic bottles: 140 photo ideas and tips for use in landscape design

Plastic bottles with a variety of designs, capacities and colors are used as a practical, easy to process and inexpensive material for creativity, in the process of which you can create decorative and useful things.

When choosing the best ideas for decorating a summer house or summer cottage, it is better to familiarize yourself in advance with a wide variety of photos of crafts made from plastic bottles, choose the most suitable ones and implement them, decorating individual zones and the entire territory.

Garden and country decor from plastic bottles

Plastic, from which bottles for storing and selling food products are made, has long become a common material for crafts of various formats, small trinkets and volumetric compositions, convenient and practical storage systems.

Using the developments and ideas of modern craftsmen with golden hands, it is possible to make unusual and attractive designs for decorating a summer cottage, garden and local area, the cottage itself and other buildings, with significant budget savings.

Tools for the garden

Containers of mineral and carbonated water are suitable for use in the garden to facilitate the work performed.


By securely fixing a bottle with many small holes on the side plane to the hose, you get a water sprayer.


Making beds

Beds with fences are easier to care for. At the same time, they become a decoration of the site if they are made of multi-colored plastic bottles connected into a continuous ribbon using wire. For reliability, they are filled with sand, earth or small pebbles before installation.

Fencing beds

Miniature greenhouse

When planting seedlings of zucchini, squash, watermelons, and pumpkins in the spring, it is necessary to provide them with protection from possible night cold snaps. A plastic bottle without a lid becomes a convenient local greenhouse.

Miniature greenhouse

Shrub fencing

After planting shrubs, there is a need for a fence that will provide convenient maintenance and prevent branches from touching the ground surface. You can use the option with plastic bottles of the same volume with cut off bottoms. Forming a circle, they are inserted into one another and fixed in several places with arcs.

Shrub fencing

Getting to know the options for turning waste material into useful products for the garden allows you to independently generate your own ideas and put them into practice.

Hot tropics: palm trees and butterflies

Soft bottle plastic is easily processed and cut with scissors, which helps to create quite large and voluminous compositions from it; brown bottles with a cut neck, strung one after another on a metal rod will become an excellent palm tree trunk.

Tropical beauty leaves are cut from light and dark green bottles, and using multi-colored plastic you can make brightly colored birds of paradise and butterflies, large and small, of all shapes and sizes.

And in your spare time, you can always do handicrafts, especially in winter. Therefore, we recommend that you visit this section where you can find a huge selection of ready-made instructions and master classes for adults and children.

Bright flower arrangements

Unusual and original flowers made of plastic will decorate the territory of the dacha; such crafts for the garden and vegetable garden require special perseverance; the plastic itself is processed using a stationery knife and scissors, a soldering iron and a simple lighter.

Soft plastic materials are used to make roses with lush buds, delicate lilies of the valley and crocuses, unusual and large tulips, amazing peonies and never-fading daffodils, water lilies for the pond and other flowers.

Flowers: how to make an open bud

Buds of daisies, roses, bells and lilies of the valley - with all this you can decorate your garden space without much effort. Large flowers made from five-liter plastic bottles look great. To get started, you need to prepare the bottoms of the bottles, scissors, and acrylic paint. The step-by-step process looks like this:

  1. Bottle bottoms must be cut along lines that are clearly visible. The incision is not made all the way, leaving 2-3 cm in the middle.
  2. From each petal you need to cut 1-2 thin strips and curl them beautifully towards the center.
  3. Fire is used to give the flower its shape. You can take matches or a lighter: bring the bottom of the bottle to the fire and turn it in the desired direction. The bottle begins to melt, taking on a different shape.
  4. At the final stage, the product must be painted with acrylic. You can use a brush or a foam sponge - this will prevent streaks from being visible.

The photo shows that such products are suitable for decorating flat surfaces. You can decorate the fence with plastic flowers, place them in the garden near the house, and also equip the tiled path with them.

Animals and birds from bottles

With the involvement of children of different ages, you can create interesting decorations; such children's crafts from plastic bottles are easy to make and can be used for site decoration.

An organized children's corner on the site can be decorated with unusual piglets used as flower pots; famous cartoon and fairy-tale characters, the Frog Princess and the Stork, penguins and baby elephants can be made from bottles.

Donkey: DIY decorative figure

Continuing the animal theme, you can make a donkey out of bottles. It can be installed near a fruit tree, setting up a hive for bees there. If desired, the donkey can be used as a flowerbed by attaching a cart made of wooden branches to its back.

The body is made from a five-liter container, the front and hind legs are made from kefir or milk containers. The animal's face can be made from a keg bottle of beer or kvass. The ears are made of plastic or cardboard. The entire donkey is covered with gray spray paint, a braid is attached to its muzzle, a cut bottle with soil is hung on the side and a flower is grown there. Another simple DIY option is to use polyurethane foam in combination with bottles.

Practical curtains for the garden

Simple and uncomplicated step-by-step instructions on how to make crafts help to realize any idea, because from plastic bottles you can make not only decorative, but also practical crafts that will definitely find a place in the country house.

Dense and hard bottoms from identical bottles are easy to process and connect using fasteners, creating an amazing and openwork curtain, it is difficult to damage and is easy to use in a summer cottage or in the garden.

How many people - so many ideas

DIY garden figures made from tires are often found in the courtyards of estates and even large cities.

Now we want to say the main thing. You are not limited by anything except your imagination and creative thinking: garden figures made of metal, empty pots, old dishes, toys - and what not you will find.

DIY concrete garden figures are frequent inhabitants of fairy-tale courtyards.

Experiment and don’t be afraid of anything - this recipe has given many interesting and even important results during the history of human development, and work and creativity will make you truly happy people.

Start small, try your hand at different techniques, and over time you will understand that nothing is impossible, you will find your own material and technique, style, and, perhaps, people will start talking about you as a new self-taught sculptor, whose work will be used as an example others and post on design forums.

By gradually improving your skills, you can discover the true Master within yourself.

Most of those who make money today by making exclusive garden sculptures started out this way, without having the slightest idea about painting or sculpture, or what about sculpture – banal modeling.

What is important here is not academic knowledge (although it will not be superfluous), but the desire to create, the desire to feel like a child again, the desire to give people moments of joy from contemplating your work.

Creativity knows no boundaries, as does the feeling of happiness from its implementation.

Important! Even if you don’t find much talent in yourself, you can definitely make primitive, but beautiful and non-trivial things. The main thing is to try, start, and then you will see, in any case, all you will lose is a few hours, empty bottles and old newspapers.

Lamps and lampshades for outdoors

Denser plastic, used for the manufacture of large bottles, is suitable for creating amazing and original lampshades of various shapes and configurations for street lamps or garden lanterns.

A simple and understandable master class will help you master a simple technique for processing bottle plastic using a regular soldering iron, thanks to which you can form different configurations of crafts, complex geometries for creating unusual crafts.


A funny hedgehog placed near a flower bed, under a tree, or on the porch of a garden house will attract attention. It can be made using a three-liter plastic bottle and gray bags

The table shows the stages of making this animal.

Stage numberDescriptionPhoto
1.Pour cement into the bottle or fill it with soil, pebbles, sand. The neck is wrapped with tape to give shape.

2.Strips 50 mm wide are cut out of gray bags. They are wrapped with them, fixed with glue, and on top with tape, the future face of the hedgehog

3.Fold two strips in half and cut the fringe with scissors

4.They are attached to the body, starting from the wide end. Part of the abdomen container remains free

5.Repeat the operation until the beginning of the muzzle, which remains without “needles”

6.For the back part, the strip is rolled into a cylinder and fixed with glue

7.On a sheet of black self-adhesive film, draw a circle the size of the hedgehog’s nose. Add allowances of 5 mm

8.After cutting along the edge, incisions are made and the nose is fixed.

9.Cut out parts for the eyes from white and black oilcloth and glue them on

10.For the ears, a 40 x 40 mm square is glued diagonally, having first removed the protective layer. Round the top corner

11.After gluing the ears, the hedgehog is ready

You can engage in exciting creativity with your children, developing their artistic abilities. This craft is available to beginner craftsmen who want to make original decorations for the garden.

Practical crafts from plastic bottles of different capacities

Practical products include hanging flower pots that help decorate the walls of residential and outbuildings located on the territory of the dacha, the internal and external surfaces of fences.

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Crafts made with your own hands from plastic bottle caps are easy to make; if you collect consumables, these products will complement the overall composition and help you make full use of available materials and your own imagination.

Thanks to the wear-resistant properties of plastic, practical crafts are created from it, which will serve for a long time to decorate the yard and garden, the local area and the house itself and will allow you to improve your skills.

Materials required for work

Organizing the workplace is the first task facing the master. High-quality lighting and a convenient place will allow the master to carry out his work with benefit and pleasure. In addition, for work you need to prepare the following set:

  1. Durable glue.
  2. Sharp scissors or utility knife.
  3. Awl.
  4. Primer.
  5. Acrylic lacquer.
  6. For flower pots you will need expanded clay and soil.
  7. Filler in the form of sand or gravel.
  8. Paints (you can use gouache or acrylic paints).
  9. Decorative elements for creating fairy-tale characters (decoration of playgrounds and sandboxes).

Instructions for quality work will also come in handy. To create panels from lids, you will need diagrams drawn up yourself, or download ready-made plan diagrams.

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