Scarecrow for the garden: how to make a great scarecrow with your own hands. 65 photos of creative ideas

During the ripening of various crops in dachas and gardens, it often happens that birds want to feast on them. And to combat this problem, a scarecrow is most often made, which should scare away birds from the crop. Today on we will talk about making a scarecrow with your own hands.

So, to create a scarecrow in your garden, you don’t need to go shopping for specific materials, since everything you need is most likely on your site. You will also need a little imagination and some skills in creating crafts.

To create a scarecrow you need:

  • Even sticks of different lengths, or, if available, shovel handles.
  • A long nail, and therefore a hammer.
  • Clothes, old, that no one wears anymore.
  • A couple of buttons.
  • A bag with straw inside.

DIY garden scarecrow: master class

Connect two cuttings, or sticks, depending on what you found, crosswise. You will need a long nail to attach the sticks. In general, this will be the basis for creating a garden scarecrow.

The second stage is creating the head, for this you need to take a plastic bag with straw inside. Next, pull old children's tights or a pillowcase over the bag. The end result is something that resembles a head, but you need to make a scarecrow with eyes, that's what the buttons are for. You also need a nose; here a piece of any rag will come in handy. And you can easily make lips from a terry flap.

Creepy and frightening photos (33 photos)

Next, the head should be fixed at the end of a long stick.

Next you need to find an old dress, jacket or even a skirt, which must be secured to a cross stick. To make the scarecrow look more believable, you can put a cap or a Panama hat, or a scarf on your head.

You can also involve children in the work of creating a scarecrow, and then your garden will be guarded by some fairy-tale character. To create it, you will need all the same materials, but the manufacturing process will change slightly.

Start with the head, make an even outline that will be the face of the stuffed animal. To do this, you need to take a strong piece of material, place a basin on top and trace it. Next, you need to cut out two such contours, one of which will be the face; there, with an ordinary pencil, you should mark the places of the eyes, mouth and nose.

The mouth can be embroidered with a thick thread, the eyes can be sewn on using a darker fabric, and the ears and nose should be made from the same fabric for believability. Next, the contours need to be sewn together, and the free space needs to be filled with padding polyester.

It is also recommended to attach hair to the head; a bunch of thick threads are suitable for this. You can put a hat on your head, or you can make one yourself, say, from a bag.

Next you need to make hands and a shirt, you don’t have to take an old and worn one, but make a new one from burlap, you can do the same with the pants.

And finally, all the manufactured elements of the scarecrow need to be secured to the cuttings.

Watch this useful video: Do-it-yourself scarecrow for the garden

Garden scarecrow, photo:

Unusual garden scarecrow, photo

Do-it-yourself scarecrow for the garden, photo

DIY stuffed animal made from plastic bottles for the garden

Some summer residents began to make a scarecrow using ordinary plastic bottles. It must be said that the effect of such stuffed animals is much better, since they can make sounds in windy weather, and also shine, both day and night.

To create a scarecrow from plastic bottles you need to find:

  1. A certain number of plastic bottles, different sizes and colors.
  2. Rubber bands that need to be used to strengthen the structure.
  3. Bottle caps.
  4. Wire.
  5. Definitely Shiloh.
  6. Scissors and a knife, as well as a stapler, may come in handy.

To make legs you will need up to six bottles, rub for each one. For hands you need approximately the same number of bottles. In each of the containers you need to make holes through which the elastic will pass and secure your guard.

You can use an old water tank as a body. A five-liter bottle is also suitable for the head, to which it would be tedious to attach a face. In order for the stuffed animal to make a lot of sound, you need to make a skirt out of caps.

The process of creating a garden scarecrow will not take much time, but it will scare away birds from your garden harvest, thereby keeping it intact.

How to protect strawberries and cherries from birds, video


Wednesday, July 20, 2011 20:43 + in quote book Scarecrow is a garden doll whose purpose is to scare away uninvited feathered guests from the garden. History is silent about when the first scarecrow appeared, but there is a version that its predecessor was a pagan ritual doll, which, in order to fulfill the desires of people, had to be sacrificed, like, for example, straw Maslenitsa. Such dolls were also amulets, but they could not be kept in the house, since these dolls belonged to the world of spirits, so they were placed in the backyard of the house, in the gardens. Thus, the first garden scarecrows arose. The scarecrow is a real symbol of homestead farming. Traditionally, people made garden scarecrows from scrap materials. The simplest scarecrow is made simply: take a long stick onto which a crossbar is placed. Then this cross is dressed in worn clothes, stuffed with straw, and a bucket is put on instead of a head. However, birds have long figured out such tricks, so summer residents have to improve their garden guards. Sometimes these experiments produce real works of art - with faces, in designer clothes, and even automated ones. The Garden Scarecrow Museum has been opened in the village of Preobrazhenskoye, Ivanovo region. Artists of both past and present centuries depict the scarecrow as traditional and usually good-natured. James Wells Champney Making the Scarecrow. 1880 Jill Keller-Peters The Garden Keeper. Mark Keathley Finishing Touches. Scarecrow In the outskirts, behind the barns of rich men, it stands, my dear, for eleven centuries. Under the shaggy hat is a club head. Empty sleeves flapping in the wind like a cross. Starnovka - pure gold! - His checkmen are filled, To the great envy of the neighboring villages... He, the garden, is plowed, - There is already quinoa, And clay is indicated, - Yes, it’s not a problem! The scarecrow doesn’t have much to do... But is a vegetable garden really such a treasure? - People would be scared! Ivan Bunin 1907 Deborah Moore The Scarecrow. Dmitry Filatov Scarecrow 2010 Andrew Wyeth Dodges Ridge. 1947 Scarecrow In autumn, winter, spring, summer, dressed in an old shirt. In dry and wet weather. The scarecrow is standing in the garden. His hat is on one side. It's in the wind all day. He sings a song, doesn’t get bored, and the raven regularly chases. Go out into the garden, my friend. The scarecrow will wink at you, As if he will say: “This is my home” - And he will wave his sleeve funny. Author under the name frensis Pietro Annigoni The Scarecrow. Anastasia Kachina Scarecrow in the garden 2010 Keith Kochenour The Scarecrow. Gene Amondson A Day Late. Stupid scarecrow The warm rain is drizzling, rustling in the leaves of the garden. The ball gets wet at the goal. The garden field is getting wet. Why are you standing there, scarecrow? Why are you sad, stupid? One - hand, two - hand, Scatter the clouds. Stand up on one leg and get a rainbow from the sky! V.A. Stepanov Igor Sidorov Dzhigit. Igor Sidorov Motherhood. Igor Sidorov Ogorodny. Scarecrow Scarecrow Scarecrow crows: -Fly away from the field! But they didn’t fly away, but sat on his hat. The birds were not afraid of him, They wanted to make friends with him, Because our Scarecrow turned out to be very cute. Valentina Masalova Ivan Anchukov Order Bearer. Stanislav Plutenko Scarecrow of Time 1993 Scarecrow Dressed up as a scarecrow In our garden: Scarecrow dressed up in the latest fashion. A new vest and a piece of a T-shirt, and a colorful shirt sticking out from under the sweatshirt. Under the red panties you can see trousers with stripes, and on top of the vest two ties are worn. One foot is in a galosh, the other wears a felt boot, and a polka dot cap is placed on his head. And dressed great! And the shoes are cool! They just don’t invite him to visit for some reason. People call the scarecrow Scarecrow... At least the scarecrow is dressed in the latest fashion! Andrey Usachev Norman Rockwell The Scarecrow. 1936 Author unknown All hallows' day. Vladimir Chumakov Scarecrow. 2005 I am a scarecrow, I am a scarecrow I am a scarecrow, I am a scarecrow Incomprehensible, I am desecrated and tainted by fate. To frighten crows is my destiny, To be frightened by the reflection, And still stand, stand idle, Without any movement. And still stand without personal affairs, without unnecessary movement. I stand and wave my sleeve, toothless mouth grinning, What if a random Don Quixote pierces me with a spear. Suddenly, confused with a mill, the Mad Don Quixote will pierce you. With the arrow of Eros, that spear will break my heart, And let the boar laugh, Let him die of envy. The bean will turn green and die of envy. When the rains don't let up, it's time to go to the barn. If only I could wash the kettle and lie down in the hay - that would be heaven! But everyone has forgotten about me, I stand alone in the garden, and bask in the thought of spring, and again I wait for the prince. Let him come on a horse, “I love you!” - he will say, And we will stand back to back to scare the crows. Kira Malygina George Rose-Innes The Scarecrow. Elena Shumakova. Scarecrow. Anna Gorbach Scarecrow 2010 Angela Morgan Scarecrow One. Scarecrow I was crucified like a god doll - To scare away cowardly crows from the fields; But the hay-flesh rots under the torn toga, In which I am terribly funny... With Cain's grin, the boys throw stones, aiming with a sniper - in the face... Even though I have long been accustomed to spitting and kicking, but the Color of Evil has blossomed like a rotten fire in the inside!.. In I accumulate grievances in the well of memory - After all, I can’t hide from stones: But it’s strange - if I’m a soulless idol, Then why does it hurt me so terribly? , And not voracious devil-crows!.. © Author under the nickname Ael Dororo [Radio-Active], 2011 Asya Bukova Garden scarecrow (stained glass). Vladimir Dianov Scarecrow. 1996 Author unknown Scarecrow.

Categories:Thematic selections of paintings

garden scarecrow

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Video ideas for garden scarecrow

Why were birds afraid of stuffed animals in the old days, but not today? It turns out that the first scarecrows did not appear for the purpose of scaring away birds. They were amulets that helped protect crops from evil spirits, and the family from outside witchcraft. Over time, the witchcraft purpose of garden dolls was forgotten, and the role of a guard remained, who must protect the berries from bird raids. And a scarecrow can really do an excellent job of this role if, when creating it, you take into account the objects that birds are especially afraid of and incorporate them into the design of the figure.

Scarecrow as a target

If you need to make a scarecrow for the garden that will not only scare birds, but also catch bullets, arrows or stones, then first of all it makes sense to think about the safety of yourself and others:

  • Firstly, the scarecrow must be located so that there are no properties, automobile or travel routes behind it;
  • Secondly, during shooting, if the weapon is traumatic or firearms, it is better to install an iron sheet with a thickness of 4-16 at the back of the scarecrow;
  • Thirdly, to create a sound effect, you can attach metal elements to the scarecrow - lids from a pot, bucket, mug (but in this case it is recommended to shoot away from the object so as not to become a victim of a ricochet).

Is it worth it to properly dress a target scarecrow? This is at personal discretion.

The main thing is that after shooting it can still scare away birds. Therefore, before testing your shooting skills, it is recommended to remove all useful attachments from the decoy.

What are birds afraid of?

So, before we make a garden scarecrow, let’s decide what birds are afraid of:

In nature, the blue color is quite rare, so birds do not have time to get used to it and prefer to avoid places where this color is present.

The blue color in the scarecrow's clothing increases its effectiveness as a guard

  • Noise, cod, loud sounds

For birds, noise and crackling mean danger. But if these are city “residents,” then they have already gotten used to the noise and do not react to moving cars or loud music, because they have managed to understand that this noise does not pose any threat to existence.

  • Shiny and moving objects

Shiny objects frighten them with glare when they begin to move in the wind. The same applies to suspended strips of magnetic tape, film, etc. They are frightened not by the movement itself, but by the fact that the object that is moving is unfamiliar. For example, the owner may be moving around the garden, but they will continue the feast because they understand that the person is too low or far away, which means there is no threat to life.

A smiling scarecrow will greet you in the garden

  • Birds of prey or their dead brothers

Ornithologists believe that of all the methods of control, the most effective will be the use of specially trained birds of prey, which drive “trifles” from the trees, and peck some of them. The second option is to hang the killed bird on a high stick so that it can be seen from all sides of the site. For birds, a killed relative is the clearest signal that there is no need to “pry your nose” here.

A cute miracle for the garden

Scarecrow and its universal purpose

It's hard to imagine how much folklore has been devoted to the scarecrow since the Middle Ages. Nowadays, when people gravitate more towards the supermarket instead of the garden, the scarecrow has been lost from sight.

It is becoming less and less common in private plots. Like, since a dacha is a place of rest, then why waste energy on all sorts of structures in vain.

However, the scarecrow on the site performs different jobs:

  • Scare away voracious birds;
  • Serves as a target for shooting;
  • Decorates the landscape itself.

And if a country house is located in a wild area, then the thematic character is able to at least temporarily drive away wild animals - hares, wild boars, foxes.

This property seems like nothing until the gardener discovers the remains of cabbage heads or fluff and feathers from chickens torn to shreds. That's when you have to torture your mind in search of a humane solution.

What is better - a trap or a stuffed animal? Of course, the latter, because it certainly won’t cause your own or your neighbors’ pets to suffer.

And one more important point. The scarecrow is a kind of garden statue. It has been used by man since pagan times. Therefore, nothing prevents you from using the appropriate symbol for persuasion.

For example, by placing a wreath of wild fruit on a scarecrow, the scarecrow becomes a symbol of the harvest. A stuffed animal with a flower wreath is important for beauty and health. With horns, a shield and a sword, the thematic hero is akin to a defender. If you want to attract love, you can even make two scarecrows of different genders.

Also, instead of a human head, someone makes a crow's face with a beak or an animal's face. Perhaps this result justifies itself more in preventing gluttony on the part of birds.

Scarecrow Kuzya made of fabric

A bird on the shoulder, or better yet, on the head, will help the stuffed animal scare away birds

For Kuzi you will need:

  1. An old shirt and pants. Let at least one thing be blue.
  2. Hat/cap, gloves.
  3. A pole, about 2 meters high, and a shorter crossbar (about a meter).
  4. A cloth bag from which the head will be created.
  5. Nitron or straw for stuffing.
  6. Sewing pins or needle and thread.
  7. Markers.
  8. Leg-split.
  9. Two CDs.
  10. A stuffed bird, a dead crow, or a balloon.
  1. We create the frame of the future scarecrow: we nail a crossbar to a pole at a height of 1.7 m. It will serve as the basis for the shoulders and arms.
  2. We construct the head: we stuff nitron or straw into a white fabric bag (today they are used to pack shoes, spare parts for plumbing, etc.) to give the shape of the head. If you don’t have a bag, make one from an old pillowcase, sewing it together with stitches around the perimeter.
  3. Place the finished head on the top of the pole and pull the edge of the bag (they are sold with ropes). If the head is made of a pillowcase, tie the edge to the pole with twine.
  4. Create a face with markers. They, unlike felt-tip pens, do not fade from the sun and do not peel off in the rain.
  5. Use nitron threads (you can use ropes, straw, etc.) to create a head of hair and attach it to the top of your head with pins or sew it on.
  6. Place the shirt on the crossbar and pin it.
  7. Stuff the sleeves and interior with straw. Sew or pin the edges of the sleeves and shirt so that the filling does not come out.
  8. Stuff old gloves with nitron and sew them to the edges of the shirt sleeves.
  9. Thread a rope through the discs and tie its top edge to the gloves. Let them toss and turn and scare the birds with their shine.
  10. Stuff your pants with straw so that most of it is on the legs. Tighten the edges of the legs with twine and sew the top to the shirt. There is no need to fix the bottom of your pants. Let them flutter freely in gusts of wind and create the impression of a moving figure.
  11. Place a hat on your head, and place a dead crow (if you find it somewhere) or a stuffed bird on top.
  12. If the crows are not found, attach an inflated balloon to your cap. Just leave a little thread at the end so that any breeze causes the ball to swing.

How to draw a stuffed animal or scarecrow

Want to learn how to draw a scarecrow or scarecrow? This lesson describes in detail how to draw a stuffed animal with a pencil step by step, the result is a cute drawing that will appeal to both adults and children. Let's try! This is what we get in the end.

First we need the base of the scarecrow, its reference lines. Let's draw the letter T so that it occupies most of the sheet. Don't forget to leave some space at the top.

Just above the intersection of the two lines, draw the head of the stuffed animal. We will have it in the form of a neat circle.

Now our scarecrow needs to draw a shirt. This is very easy to do - draw the sleeves on the side and connect them with a rectangle.

Stuffed Dusya made from plastic bags

The larger the packages from which the scarecrow costume is created, the more noise and movement they will create.

To create the beautiful Dusya you will need:

  1. A stocking or piece of flesh-colored tights.
  2. Plastic trash bags (or regular bags).
  3. Tin cans for beer or drinks.
  4. Twine, pins, thread and needle.
  5. Nitron.
  6. Black tow.
  7. Colored markers.
  8. Scotch.
  9. A pole, about 2 meters high, and a shorter crossbar (about a meter).
  1. See point 1 in the previous master class.
  2. We create the head from a nylon stocking, which we stuff with thread, nitron, scraps of fabric, etc. (but not straw, because it will stick out in many places and pierce the nylon).
  3. Place the head on the top of the pole and secure the bottom with twine.
  4. We draw the face with colored markers and sew on the eyebrows using black tow.
  5. We create hair from tow and fix it on the top of the head with threads or pins.
  6. We create a bow from the bag and attach it to the top of the head. It is desirable that the package be blue.
  7. We make the sleeves: we put plastic garbage bags on the crossbar so that the open edge is towards the sides, and the glued edge is towards the center. (When we put the bag on, the glued edge in the center will break through with a crossbar). We wrap tape around the edge to secure the bag to the frame. Let the second edge flutter and scare the birds.
  8. We put a T-shirt or a short-sleeved blouse on Dusya.
  9. We fill the T-shirt with nitron.
  10. For the skirt you will need plastic bags in two colors (preferably one is blue). First, we tape the long petticoat to the pole, creating it directly on the pole. The second tier - a short skirt - is secured with tape on top of the first. The fuller the skirts are, the better they will move in the wind.
  11. We give Dusya the iron cans tied with twine into her hand, and let her rattle them, scaring the birds.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Topic: “Doll”. Goals: To teach children to sculpt a doll from plasticine, using techniques: straight and circular rolling, pinching, smoothing. Continue to learn how to complement the product with details (hands made of matches, ox.

Summary of a lesson in modeling with design elements “The Fox and the Gingerbread Man”. Program content: 1) Remember the names of fairy tales where the fox is found; activated

Lesson structure:1. Organizational stage.2. Preparatory stage · Creation of a game situation and introduction to the topic of the lesson ·.

Summary of a lesson on speech development with design elements (Lego set). Designed for middle preschool age.


Scarecrow "Karkusha"

Karkusha is a scarecrow that can be used to replace a living bird that you don’t want to kill. The silhouette of a crow will scare, if not crows, then sparrows and starlings.

Scaring birds with a bird is the surest way

For Karkusha you will need:

  1. Black fabric (polyester).
  2. Children's shorts/breeches in black.
  3. Black and yellow knee socks.
  4. Black nylon stocking.
  5. Styrofoam.
  6. Black tow or linen.
  7. Black nitron.
  8. Glue, twine, thread, pins.
  9. The marker is black.
  10. Rods.
  11. Pole with crossbar.
  1. This is a smaller scarecrow than Kuzya and Dusya, so a pole 1.5 m long and a crossbar half a meter long are enough.
  2. We cut out a square from the fabric, the side of which is 50 cm. We cut a hole in the center to put it on the pole, and cut all the edges with ribbons, the length of which is about 5 cm.
  3. We put the fabric on the crossbar so that there are triangles at the front and back.
  4. To give the figure volume, we stuff it inside with nitron, and stitch the edges (up to the cut ribbons) with threads or secure them with pins.
  5. At the edges of the crossbar we tie bunches of tow or flax, which will imitate bird wings. The longer the tow, the better it will flutter.
  6. We create the head from a black stocking, stuffing it with black nitron. We put it on the pole and secure it with twine.
  7. Cut out eyes from foam plastic and glue them on.
  8. Cut out the nose from the foam and glue it (the glue must be quick-setting!).
  9. Draw the pupils in the whites of the eyes with a black marker.
  10. We create a forelock from tow and glue it to the top of the head.
  11. At the level of a meter, we tie a bunch of rods to a pole on which Karkusha will sit.
  12. We stuff children's shorts and socks with nitron and sew the socks to the legs.
  13. We sew the shorts to the body and the bars so that it appears that the scarecrow is sitting.
  14. We cut out the paws from foam plastic and glue them to the socks.
  15. We tie iron cans to the rods with long threads.

We hope that these three scarecrows, having appeared on your site, will save your crops from bird attacks.

Step-by-step instructions for drawing a stuffed animal

1. Scarecrows are often supported by two pieces of wood arranged in a crossbar shape. To draw this, start by drawing a pair of straight, horizontal, parallel lines. Enclose the ends of the lines using short, curved lines. Then draw another set of straight, parallel lines perpendicular to the first. Trace the top of these lines with a short line.

2. Draw a short, straight, diagonal line at the top of the crossbar. Enclose the space underneath using a curved line. Notice how the figure curves inward just below the straight line. This outlines the head of the stuffed animal.

3. Erase the guide lines from the head as well as the top of the crossbar.

4. Outline the scarecrow's jacket. On each side of the vertical beam, use long, curved lines to enclose the sides of the "L" shapes.


5. Draw the scarecrow's hat. Draw a curved line across the top of the head and use an additional line to enclose the bell above it. Then draw another curved line through the hat to separate the brim from the body of the hat.

6. Erase the guide lines from the hat and jacket.

7. Draw another line across the hat, creating a stripe. Draw short lines coming from under the hat, showing the straw hair. Draw more straw sticking out from the ends of the sleeves. Draw circles and irregular squares on the jacket to indicate repairs and corrections. Draw a few short lines along the edges of these shapes to form stitches. Finally, draw the tufts of grass underneath the scarecrow using short, curved lines.

8. Erase any remaining guide lines.

9. Detail the face using two shaded circles for the eyes, an inverted rounded triangle for the nose, and a U-shaped line for the mouth. Add finishing details to the garment by drawing a collar on each side of the jacket using two curved lines that meet at a triangular point. Draw a small inverted triangle under the head and draw a straight line from its tip to the bottom of the stuffed animal.

10. Paint your scarecrow and let it scare the crows.


DIY children's crafts in summer

In the summer, many children like to relax with their grandmother in the village, at the dacha. To preserve interesting impressions from your summer holiday, you can make this country still life with your children.

DIY country still life

Materials and tools

■ Colored, corrugated, packaging cardboard

■ Colored, white, corrugated paper

■ PVA glue, glue stick

Cut out a circle with a diameter of J 3 cm from white paper and draw a scarecrow's face on it.

2. Take a strip of yellow paper 5 cm wide and make frequent deep cuts on it - this will be the scarecrow's hair. Stick them on your head.

3. Cut 2 narrow strips of 12 and 20 cm long from packaging cardboard and glue them in the form of a cross. Glue the scarecrow's head to the top of the vertical strip.

4. Take the remaining yellow paper with cuts and stick it on the ends of the cross in the places where the hands should be (Fig. 1).


Modeling of objects (on a frame) with design elements

Educational: draw an analogy with other types of creative activity (construction). Continue to learn how to sculpt based on a literary work.

Developmental: develop a sense of form, observation.

Educational: to cultivate interest in reflecting impressions of the surrounding life.

Preliminary work: constructing little men from parts (from sticks, tubes, matches, strips of paper). Conversation about the seasons. Looking at images of the garden scarecrow in children's books.

Materials, tools, equipment: plasticine, stacks, cocktail tubes or toothpicks, buttons, beads, scissors, cloth and paper napkins, oilcloths, rotary disk for demonstrating the sculpting method. A scarecrow prepared by a teacher to show children and explain how to work.

1. Organizational moment. Introduction to the game situation.

The teacher reads to the children the first part of G.M. Tsyferov’s fairy tale “The Scarecrow”:

2. Difficulty in a game situation. Getting out of a problem in a game situation

In order to find out who we will sculpt today, I suggest you guess the riddle? Ready?

The freak is sitting on a stick,

He doesn’t take anything from the garden himself.

The teacher asks if any of the children have seen a real scarecrow, what it looked like, why and in what way it was made.

1. The birds fell asleep in the garden, and the kittens went to bed. And the scarecrow jumped up and began to sing. (During the verse, we squat or lie on the floor with our hands under our cheeks. We sleep.) Chorus: I stand swinging all night, I’m wearing a hat and jacket. (We stand with our arms to the sides, feet shoulder-width apart. We sway left and right, lifting our right leg and then our left from the floor.)

I wave my arms like this, (We wave our arms back and forth.) I shake my leg like this. (Shaking our legs.) 2. The fish fell asleep in the pond, the frogs went to bed. And the scarecrow jumped up

and began to sing.. Chorus 3. The children fell asleep a long time ago, The toys went to bed. And the scarecrow jumped up and began to sing. Chorus

4. Gaining new knowledge

Summary of the lesson. Reflection

At the end of the lesson, children transfer the molded scarecrows mounted on “beds” (plasticine bars) to the common “vegetable garden” and the “Sad Scarecrows” exhibition is set up.


But to make the stuffed animal pleasing to the eye, you need to make the stuffed animal carefully. You should not put torn clothes on him that no one needs anymore.

Dress up your stuffed animal brightly, with a certain charm. In this case, it will not only frighten the birds who want to feast on the harvest from your garden or garden, but will also become a real decoration of your site, bringing pleasure when looking at it.

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