The best landscape design ideas for the garden: design rules, styles, composition and advice from professionals

Our article is about creating landscape design on a personal plot. Various design styles, methods of decorating various elements and life hacks for cozy landscaping of the territory are analyzed. It won’t be difficult to understand the intricacies of landscape design, and our article will help with this. And if you decide to invite a designer to arrange the site, you will be able to communicate with him on the same wavelength and make your own changes to the project.

Landscape design of a modern summer cottage

It will help to effectively use the local area by dividing it into functional zones. And create a cozy atmosphere where you will want to spend a lot of time. Design – you can tackle the project yourself or hire a professional who will create a 3D model, guided by the client’s wishes and the geographical features of the provided object.

Basic principles and objectives of landscape design

Landscape design of the yard includes 3 areas - architecture, design and construction. The finished project must correspond to the character of the home owners, their priorities and principles:

  • simplicity - all elements used should be perceived simply;
  • convenience - every object, plant or decoration should have a practical value - create an atmosphere, perform a functional role or inspire;
  • beauty - a harmonious combination of details creates a complete picture with its own atmosphere;
  • plants - plant only species that are compatible with each other;
  • A smooth transition is important, from low objects in front to high objects in the back.

The main thing is to create a single composition where the elements will complement each other like puzzles. Match the color, size and position with the others. 3 rules will help you in your work:

  1. Do not use massive structures.
  2. Hide fences from view.
  3. Choose small trees. Ornamental shrubs and small plants are better suited.

Owners decide for themselves how to use the recommendations, because each project is individual. For example, you want to build a fence for security and its appearance does not bother your household. Or make the central object a tall oak tree that already exists in the yard.

Important! Arranging a local area requires knowledge of engineering, biology, basic design and computer technology. To create a beautiful, practical and functional composition that will last for years to come.

Garden figures, buildings, alpine slides

Buildings are usually created solely for practical purposes. It could be:

  • alcove;
  • bath;
  • brick kitchen with stove;
  • playground;
  • barn.

A capital summer kitchen with an outdoor fireplace will require a lot of effort and financial investment

All buildings are made in the same style; it is possible to combine several different styles, but very carefully.

There may be various fences separating the vegetable garden from the garden, the dining room from the playground. They are preferably light and not bulky, since their function is to zone the territory, and not to hide individual places.

Any thing can become an artistic element of the garden. The main thing is that it fits organically into the overall appearance

Decorative sculptures and other similar elements should harmonize well with the surrounding background. A dragon can hide in a flowerbed, elves can live under a tree.

If there are hills in the garden, it is easy to create alpine slides from them, laying them out with beautiful stones and decorating them with a variety of plants. A rock garden can be made out of the blue. To do this, in the fall, a mound of broken bricks and gravel is poured, with a thick layer of fertile soil on top. Several large stones are dug into it, with smaller ones on top. The height should be about a meter - by spring the slide will “sit down” and become a little lower.

Flowers and shrubs are best placed in groups

Flowers for alpine hills are chosen to be unpretentious, with similar requirements for soil composition, light, and watering. What plants can be used:

  • rosettes - they look great, but they are difficult to care for (mazhetniki, levisia, juvenilia, orostachis);
  • bulbous and tuberous - bloom in early spring (white flowers, crocuses, galanthus);
  • ground cover - form a dense carpet when they grow (St. John's wort, yarrow, thyme, daisy, alpine strawberry).

Sedum, lumbago, gubastik, edelweiss, and saxifrage are often used.

Stones are an obligatory attribute of an alpine hill, symbolizing a mountain peak, the slopes of which are planted with low-growing shrubs and herbaceous plants

See alsoDesign features and choice of materials. What else to consider when choosing a porch design?

Basic landscape design styles

The design of a garden made by yourself should be made in the same style, all decorative elements, from large to small, are selected for it. It is not necessary to choose only one; you can combine 2 with each other if they are able to “neighborhood”.

Classic style

French or regular. It clearly shows how man controls nature: straight paths, strict forms of bushes, space and soft shades. The central object is often a fountain or garden gazebo. This landscape style is suitable for large areas of 15 acres or more. Strict symmetry in the arrangement of objects, trimmed trees and bushes, paved roads. There is order and clear lines everywhere.


Every detail is chosen wisely, strict lines, a harmonious combination of neutral shades with bright ones. The opportunity to combine luxury in a holiday destination with modern technology. Minimalism in terms of decoration, functionality and strict forms. Tennis court, swimming pool, symbolism. Such a garden is more reminiscent of a room on the street; the main attention is paid to the individual taste of the owner and his hobbies. The central point is the house, with open space radiating from it.


It is built on a combination of two forces “Yin - Yang”, like stone with water, bright with dark and low with high. Moreover, there is a minimum of additional elements, as if two opposites can coexist quite peacefully with each other, creating a strict, but cozy atmosphere in its own way. This type of courtyard design for a private house is often shown in historical films about China's past.

Country style (rustic)

The most popular of the styles, suitable for relaxing in the country - simple, relaxed and natural. Opens up space for the imagination to realize any creative ideas. Homemade elements from stones, barrels, wooden logs and other materials. No restrictions.

English (landscape)

Opposite to the classics, the English style is reminiscent of noble estates of past centuries and helps to make the site cozy. No strict forms, only “reasonable” intervention, mainly related to the creation of a perfectly even lawn and many flower beds. Vertical gardening with planting climbing plants along the facade and perimeter of the fence. An integral part of the composition is a pond.


Create a mini version of an exotic garden in the yard, beautiful dachas like a corner of Brazil. Handmade accessories of bizarre shapes, a riot of colors, sunny corners and bold combinations of decor. Wooden paths slightly raised above ground level, hedges, large stones, sand and colorful plants. A fence made of poles can be used to allocate space for a vegetable garden.


Juicy and practical modern design, suitable even for small plots of 2-3 acres. A variety of shades - red, terracotta and yellow, a lot of sun. A secluded patio with fencing, mosaic elements in the design, stone or tiled areas, flower beds - carpets. A circular pool will be the centerpiece.


Smooth lines, clearly defined forms, repeating the curves of oriental patterns. Lush vegetation, flower gardens, beautiful fountains and ponds. Like an oasis in the middle of the desert, equally generous with its abundance. A place of leisurely relaxation, small ponds, birds singing, water murmuring and flowers fragrant. A piece of paradise, separated by a stone wall from the world.


A beautiful garden, decorated in this style as simple as possible, where laconicism is compensated by expressive geometry with asymmetrical lines. Natural stone, concrete, metal and other smooth textures are used. The main plantings are green, with bright elements for contrast. Lighting includes LED flashlights and glow strips.


This type of landscape design for a summer cottage was created in England in the 16th century, combining local nature with a subtle hint of Eastern culture. Therefore, adherents of free style value nature, leaving maximum naturalness in the design. Smooth forms of all elements - ponds, meadows, flower beds. When laying paths around the site, you need to discover new pictures with every movement.

Provençal (French country)

It combines the rigor of the classics and the embodiment of creative ideas. Broken lines, handmade decorations, long vines, chaotic placement of flowers in large clay pots. The most popular finishing material is red brick. Climbing roses or other similar plants are often used. The main thing is to create a light atmosphere with a touch of romanticism for a country house.


Picturesque and easy to maintain style. A site on a slope is good, either create it artificially or use a natural one. The key elements are stones, plants of various shapes and contrasts. There are many streams, mini-waterfalls, stone flower beds, winding paths. Interspersed with lilac and purple shades on a green, white or silver background. Associations with mountainous areas are created.


Make a summer cottage in this style, guided by the rule: “Simplicity, but attention to detail,” where many design elements are asymmetrical in shape, but are combined with each other, creating a complete picture. The presence of water is mandatory; it serves as the main element for philosophical reflection and the coming of harmony with oneself. A beautiful pond with clear water, stones around, trees and bushes, some small building nearby - a clear example of the Japanese style.

High tech

A new design direction includes minimalism with the functionality of the details used. Based on high technology. The main thing is to create comfort with minimal resources. The materials used are glass, metal and plastic, small plants – mostly shrubs, and decorative lighting. Strict division of space into zones.

Choosing a suitable color palette

A correctly selected color palette will completely transform even a very simple, low-budget summer house project.

In the garden you should strive to use harmonious color combinations

The entire range of design elements is divided into groups:

  • Details of the natural environment. Trees, bushes, hills, paths, stones, streams - everything that nature has created. What you plan to leave will affect the color palette of the area. Naturally, natural colors directly depend on the time of year.
  • Architecture. The house and its extensions - veranda, bathhouse, garage, terrace, greenhouses, canopies, bridges. Elements of buildings should be well combined in color with the facade of the house. You can paint all the elements with the same paint, but it is better when one of the structures is the main “color spot”, the focal point. Usually such an object becomes a house.
  • Social and decorative details. Reservoirs, green spaces, flower beds, alpine slides - everything that was made on site independently or with the help of a designer. Using various methods of working with colors and shades, a unique “carpet” is created from ornamental plants, which will delight its owners from spring to late autumn.
  • Other elements. These are deckings, paths, platforms, sculptures, platforms, swings. The color scheme plays an important role. With its help, they mask various imperfections in space, visually enlarge the territory, and give it a special shape.

It is important to consider that natural tones will change depending on the time of year

The accent spot is most often a residential building, around which the entire concept of designing a summer cottage is built.

The color palette in the evening can be easily adjusted using specially selected lighting. It is divided into functional and decorative. Paths, individual flower beds, steps, and fountains are highlighted with light.

See alsoHow to design a summer cottage plot of 6 acres

How to visually increase the area of ​​the site?

When choosing summer cottage ideas for a small plot, you should abandon the tendency of gigantomania. No large buildings, but distribute existing ones throughout the yard, masking them with bushes or alternating them with free spaces as a recreation area. Instead of many, there are several plantings that look harmonious. Replace large trees with low-growing fruit trees, do not put a blank fence around the yard, otherwise it will be uncomfortable, cramped and gloomy inside.

Smoothed shapes and smooth lines visually increase the space. Paths winding between flower beds highlight distant corners with bright colors. Do not overdo objects, leaving empty spaces.

Dividing the site into zones and sections

Carrying out the arrangement of a summer cottage inexpensively includes dividing the territory into several places that have a functional load:

  • front door - comes from the gate / gate, where people come or cars arrive, occupies 6% of the territory;
  • recreation area - 10-14% of space;
  • household - a garage, greenhouses, bathhouse, etc.;
  • playground - area for children's entertainment;
  • gardening - 75%, if the owners are engaged in this.

The number of zones and their purpose are discussed at the project development stage. Several can be combined to save space, others can be removed or added.

Making designs using waste materials

Figurines made from improvised means or unnecessary things look very cute at the dacha. Old furniture decorated to resemble a flower shelf also .

What seems like trash at first glance can easily be turned into a wonderful interior detail by using a little imagination. It is difficult for a home-grown designer to immediately come up with something or implement his ideas. Then tips from experienced craftsmen and photos of their work can help.

What will we use?

We will need:

  • plastic bottles, large and small;
  • old dishes (kettles, pots);
  • tires
  • boxes, etc.

For crafts, you need to stock up on multi-colored paint and glue. And, of course, you need to be patient!

Organizing space: secrets of composition

When designing the landscape design of a garden plot with your own hands, you need to take into account the details:

  1. Natural relief – do not radically change natural “mistakes”, but play with them, so that unevenness turns from annoying hindrance into a source of inspiration.
  2. Soil type - affects the choice of plants to be planted.
  3. Location, cardinal directions - some plants love the Sun, others prefer shade. When arranging a recreation area, you need to protect it from gusts of wind, and the house from drafts. Regulate sunlight activity, doing more or less as needed.
  4. The size of the territory - the larger it is, the greater the scope for imagination.
  5. Stylistic preferences - after studying all design styles, choose the best one for yourself.

How to make a single composition - select all elements, from large to small, in a general style, so that they complement the picture and seem part of the whole. Shape, location, even color matters.

Outdoor dining

If you make a real open-air dining room, you will have an excellent opportunity to dine with the whole family in the fresh air, or arrange evening gatherings with friends. It is better to choose portable, foldable furniture so that it can be easily removed for the winter or in case of rain.

Rattan furniture is ideal for an open area; it does not get wet from the rain, and comfortable soft pillows can be brought home

It is advisable to pave the space for the dining room with stone and paving slabs so that the furniture does not constantly go deep into the ground and is sufficiently stable. You can purchase a table into which a special large umbrella is inserted - then it will be convenient to eat outdoors both when it rains and on a sunny day. If the umbrella is not installed on a table, but nearby, it should be securely secured with weights in case of strong winds.

A canopy in the form of a wooden or metal frame, on which decorative plants climb, performing the function of a kind of awning, looks original. This setting is perfect for a romantic or family dinner.

See alsoWhat should be the design of the veranda?

Decorative elements: how to decorate a relief site

Do-it-yourself landscape design of a garden plot includes the selection of small details for decoration. By installing thematic sculptures, creating lighting and other elements, the owners create the atmosphere.

The most interesting of the decorative elements:

  • Garden fireplace - you can make a classic one or replace it with a barbecue stove, combining the heating system with an outdoor cooking area.

  • Lighting with individual illumination of plants will create a mysterious, romantic or warm atmosphere of the chosen place.

  • Sculptures demonstrate the taste of the owners, their values ​​and priorities. For example, garden gnomes, heroes of antiquity or the work of an amateur.

  • Alpine slide is a mountain landscape depicted in miniature.

  • Stones are a natural object. You can process them into a different shape and place them on the territory.

There's no need to hang themed decorations like a Halloween pumpkin or a Christmas tree. All decorative elements must be neutral.

Territory lighting

A competent lighting system makes the area accessible and safe at night. It can be utilitarian and decorative; it helps to create a special atmosphere in the garden due to the difference in light and shadow. You can highlight individual elements, for example, a fountain or figures. Install lamps for areas and take care of lighting the paths so that the entire area is clearly visible at night.

Benches and swings

Arrange recreation areas to spend more time outdoors. Place benches in the shade under the trees, hang hammocks and install swings. There are adult swings - elegant models for several people with soft seats. A couple of portable stools are also useful for gardening. It is more convenient to dig beds and plant plants while sitting.

Garden bridges on the site

They look beautiful even in places where there is no water. You can install a bridge in the center of a large flower bed or throw it across the “bed” of a dry stream made of flowers or stones. They are usually made of wood with railings for safe passage. The size depends on the width of the obstacle.

Sculptures and figurines

Figurines for the garden can be original supports for outdoor vases or a source of light like gnomes with lanterns. A place without grass can be easily hidden under a mushroom bench. Such elements enliven the atmosphere, adding originality.

Types of practical use of figures:

  • emphasize important points in the composition;
  • create a complete image, which is useful for large areas.

Cute things also look good in small areas. Animals, gnomes, fairy-tale characters - any will do, the main thing is to adhere to the general idea of ​​the design style.

Alpine coaster

Looks good on real slopes. You need to decorate them with granite, limestone or slate - use only natural stones. Fill the remaining crevices with earth, sand and humus. Then dot it randomly with plants. A small waterfall will be an effective addition to the composition.

Fencing for flower beds

In addition to borders, wickerwork, miniature picket fences, factory-made paving stones, bamboo, wooden panels made to resemble bricks, forged trellises, etc. are used to fence flower beds. It is possible to beautifully decorate a personal plot, preventing flowers from growing beyond the boundaries of the flower bed and at the same time not blocking their beauty. The selected type of partitions is used for all similar objects.

Flower beds made of stones

Original compositions emerge from cobblestones of different sizes and pebbles. Craftsmen make stylish fences from them, giving the stone the desired shape. They build decorative streams or lay down soil, preventing weeds from germinating. Stones of similar shades look beautiful, complementing the decoration of the paths.

Relaxation area with fireplace or barbecue

Lovers of barbecue or barbecue in nature must organize a special place for this purpose. Some install a portable grill, others build an entire Russian stove, around which a platform is made of stone and brick.

For outdoor recreation, a separate place is allocated where you can place benches, a hammock, a barbecue or a gazebo.

A hearth with a steadily burning flame will be a good addition to a garden of any style.

There is also a variety of furniture for this area - wooden or wrought iron benches, rattan wicker chairs, plastic tables, chairs. Here you can place a whole dining group, soft sofas with removable covers that are easy to wash.

In cases where the open hearth has the shape of a circle, the area around it is preferably round. If finances and space allow, they build a major garden kitchen.

See also: DIY country decor from scrap materials

What are viewpoints and what are they for?

The design project for the site of a country house takes into account viewpoints - places from where the entire landscape picture is visible.

The view point is the center from where the full view opens. As soon as a person changes the zone, the point also changes, but the landscape canvas remains unchanged. You should select one central point from which all the others will be visible. Check how they fit together and add them to the plan.

Construction stages

Arrangement of a summer cottage includes 7 stages, which should be performed in the specified order:

  • drawing up a project based on the collected information;
  • layout - schematic placement of key objects;
  • earthworks;
  • paving paths - laying and decorating with materials;
  • installation of drainage systems;
  • landscaping;
  • lawn planting.

The duration of the work depends on the area of ​​the territory, the complexity of the plan and the number of workers. The exact date is announced by specialists after the project has been agreed upon with the customer.

Landscape design of a private house on 6 acres

6 acres (600 sq.m.) is enough for landscape design, including the arrangement of all key areas of the territory. Multi-level terraces and vertical flower beds will save space, and instead of large trees it is better to plant small fruit trees.

The plan shows the location of all objects.

They indicate the boundaries of the territory, communications - gas, electrical cables, water supply and sewerage. Trees should not be planted near utility lines.

Landscape design of a house on 10 acres

A visual diagram of the landscape design of a country house of 10 acres displays the location of current objects and those that are planned to be installed.

Scheme with corners of cultivated land for planting or setting up flower beds.

There is a gazebo in the center, a swimming pool and other elements connected by paths.

If there is enough space, you can recreate a mini version of a river with banks and a bridge, a cozy garden, install a gazebo and a swimming pool.

How to plan the design of the area near your house

  1. It is necessary to note the most accurate dimensions and shape of the site.
  2. Draw on the plan all buildings, structures, and other objects that already exist - a house, a bathhouse, a garage, a barn, etc.
  3. Draw all the buildings you want to make. This is a gazebo, a dog house, etc.
  4. Divide the space into segments. In each of them you need to place certain elements of the design project - this will make it easier to fit everything in.
  5. Indicate all the trees growing in the dacha, draw up a diagram of where new ones will be planted, taking into account the distance to the buildings.
  6. Mark on the plan where the engineering systems for watering the beds, water supply to the pond, lighting, etc. are located.

Garden landscaping plan

After drawing up the plan, you should “scout the area” - determine what kind of soil is on the site, how deep the groundwater is, and whether drainage is necessary. The hilly area can be leveled or left as is.

What zones can there be at the dacha.

  • Living area - house, garage, terrace, summer kitchen, shower, toilet.
  • Utility room - there will be a shed with tools and a room for animals and birds.
  • A place to relax is a tea house or gazebo in the quietest, most cozy corner of the dacha.
  • A garden with a vegetable garden - you can leave just a couple of beds with herbs, a few fruit trees.

The front garden is the calling card of the garden plot; its design should be associated with the general concept of landscape design

The utility area contains sheds, a bathhouse, a cellar and a well.

See alsoDesign of gazebos in different styles.

Landscape design of a country house of 12 acres or more

A large area gives scope to the imagination to create landscape design with your own hands.

Apply any style and freely place several large objects without fear of cluttering the space.

Place large trees at the edge of the garden with your own hands, along the fence line, or form a small grove.

Interior of a site with a pond

Artificial ponds of any size decorate the landscape design of a summer cottage. Ponds, pools, fountains can create uniquely beautiful compositions. Different bodies of water perform practical or aesthetic functions on the site. You can swim in the pool and breed crucian carp in the pond. A small oblong lake, with a bridge across it, is simply pleasing to the eye or used for irrigation.

Every garden must have a water component.

What types of ponds are there for summer cottages?

  • ponds;
  • swimming pools;
  • circulating rivers;
  • fountains;
  • water mills;
  • artificial waterfalls.

You can create a corner of wild nature near the water, decorating it with forest trees, soft mosses, and herbs.

See alsoHow to use roses in landscape design

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