Landscaping Tips for Beginners

Landscape design can work wonders. You probably have a question: how can an inanimate plot of land, planted with plants, strewn with stones and decorative elements, create something? Very simple. Go to a city park or visit the main attraction of a city. What a pleasant atmosphere there. What feelings does such a place give you? Most likely, very pleasant and warm. Isn't this a miracle? Place, shapes, colors can convey so many feelings and emotions, tell about their creator, his life and interests. Famous and sought-after designers are so imbued with the idea that they are able to create truly impressive objects of landscape art.

Landscape design of a site is the creation of beauty and harmony around your home

Tips for Newbies

Russian universities train certified design specialists. But design is not science, but creativity. Creativity, as everyone knows, is unique and unique in its manifestations. In other words, every person who creates landscape objects contributes a drop of their own, unique and one-of-a-kind soul. Only by listening to the prompts of their subconscious, famous designers created historical architectural compositions that have survived to this day. But they were not recognized immediately; time had to pass. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid to take the initiative in arranging your site. Sometimes, the most extraordinary and strange decisions create a unique atmosphere of the territory and reveal the true beauty of the human soul.

It takes a lot of work to create a practical place for the whole family to relax

In order to learn the basic lessons of landscape design, advance preparation is required. At this stage, it is necessary to take time to study reference books, manuals and magazines dedicated to the design of suburban areas and their gardens. Fortunately, the Internet is generous as always. In these books you will find tips from designers who will share secrets with you, show you the most common mistakes of beginners, and direct your aspirations in the right direction.

Always start small and realize your ideas slowly, enjoying the process itself, and not just its result

Of course, nothing can replace live communication with a person. But if you find a suitable book written by a competent author, you will absorb the makings of a true landscape master.

A good garden design has several compositional centers that attract attention. It can be anything - a tree, bush, pond or bench

Usually two or three books read within a week inspire the newly minted creator to such an extent that he immediately runs to the nearest gardening supply store and buys everything he thinks he needs. Starting from decorative elements and ending with flowers and trees. This is strictly prohibited. Rushing will not lead to success; you will only forget what little you have learned. First you need to figure out the order, following which you will be able to choose the right material for the fence and gazebo. The further choice of elements of small architectural forms, trees, flowers and plants depends on this.

Start your path to your dream garden with one small flower bed or mixborder

Go out into the garden when you have time and desire, work and don’t try to do everything at once and in one day

See alsoDesign of gazebos in different styles.


Online education provides enormous opportunities to people around the world. The landscape design course from SHAD specialists is available to residents of Moscow, Krasnodar, Kazan, Voronezh, and Perm. To start learning, all you need is a laptop and an Internet connection. At school, you can regulate the pace of studying the material - from the most measured (once a week) to an intense daily load.

Webinars on garden design are conducted online, this allows you to immediately ask questions, chat live with the teacher and get a dose of inspiration. After each lesson, students do homework in AutoCad, Photoshop and pass a knowledge test. This eliminates shortcomings and gaps in the material.

Judging by the reviews, the majority of SHAD graduates achieved their goals: they mastered a new profession, implemented plans for their own summer cottage, and improved their design skills. Students' work will help them become familiar with the learning outcomes and understand whether the curriculum meets the objectives. SHAD is included in the TOP 10 best online landscape design courses according to site users.

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Basic principles of landscape design

  1. The first thing you need to do is analyze the backyard territory and understand the topography of the site. Further development largely depends on this.
  2. Dividing land into zones. This includes marking on the plan of the recreation area, garden (vegetable garden) and small architectural forms.
  3. Marking of garden paths. They should provide ease of movement between zones, taking into account the width of the aisles.
  4. Determination of the general composition of zones and architectural forms. At this stage, the choice of building material, its color and shape occurs, as well as the determination of the color of the paths and the material for their manufacture.
  5. Selection of green spaces and flowers. At this stage, varieties of trees (their shapes) and flowers are selected, as well as the territorial location of mixborders and alpine slides.

Consider scale and visualization to accommodate plant growth

An important point in landscape design is the size of the plot. The arrangement of flower arrangements, as well as the choice of location for planting trees, depends on them. In a small area, there is a need to visually enlarge it. This effect can be achieved by different methods. One of them is the correct selection of the color of the fence and asymmetrical planting of coniferous trees along it. Here you need to understand that the square or rectangular shape of the fence creates some kind of frame. To remove them, the fence is painted in light colors, and the trees are planted in groups of 4-5 in a row.

Each element of the garden should fit organically into the overall landscape composition

Trees must be purchased at least half a meter higher than the fence. Due to this, a visual expansion is created.

Conifer hedge

If you want to add depth to your hedge, plant trees in a staggered pattern.

They also arrange alpine slides, which can be supplemented with multi-colored stones. A good idea to expand the territory would be to install a medium-height slide with a stream. And at the foot of the stream, a small pond is dug, along the banks of which a moisture-loving fern can be planted. If we talk about the recreation area behind the house, then such an object is best placed near the fence. A climbing carpet of ivy is allowed onto the fence. Such a cascade of architectural forms will create a perspective effect, that is, an external observer, when contemplating this beauty, will feel the depth of space, richness and volume.

Against the backdrop of a perfectly trimmed lawn, a path made of concrete slabs, the area around which is covered with small pebbles, looks good

The article mentions small architectural forms. They can also be found on the Internet under the abbreviated name MAF. For a person unfamiliar with this concept, below are the main elements of the MAF involved in landscape design.

  • Terraces, verandas and gazebos.
  • Trellis, pergolas and arches.
  • Garden fences, mixborders, fountains and sculptures.
  • Ponds, streams and bridges across them.
  • Other decorations, ranging from free-standing vases with flowers to garden gnomes.

Wooden bridge over a dry stream

Beautiful decoration of a blind fence

In addition, every person living in the city meets MAF every day. These are bus stops, telephone booths, city and park benches and many other elements.

See alsoLandscape design of a site on a slope


The Geekbrains Landscape Design Course is a combination of effective distance learning techniques, the latest trending information, and design experts. During 12 months of training, students master all the necessary skills for independent work on projects: site analysis, zoning, arrangement of ornamental plants. Reinforce materials on four hands-on projects.

Studying at Geekbrains involves not only listening to lectures and doing homework, but also participating in master classes and gaining useful connections. Individual work with a mentor is not like mechanically practicing the material; the expert will suggest areas of growth and correct mistakes.

A professional landscape designer cannot do without knowledge of special programs, so the online university places emphasis on learning Autodesk AutoCAD, SketchUp, Graphisoft ArchiCAD, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign. Upon completion of the course at Geekbrains, students receive a diploma, assistance in preparing a portfolio and resume, and a job guarantee.

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Terraces, gazebos and pergolas

These structures play the same role in the landscape design of the land. They are built to create a relaxation area, do your favorite things and just have a good time. Their distinctive features are their location relative to the country house, as well as their design.

Outdoor terrace with gazebo and grill area

Pergola came to our country from abroad. Its historical homeland is Italy. The design of this object is simple: four or six support beams are topped by horizontal partitions on the roof. Most often it is made of wood, less often of metal.

Corner pergola made of wood with a sofa for private relaxation

It is undesirable to use metal, as it gets very hot in the sun and can damage the plants entwining its elements.

Climbing plants are used to create shade in the space under the pergola. It is preferable to choose densely creeping grapes. It grows without flowering, but has a non-uniform leaf shade (from dark green to burgundy and even red). The space under the pergola is equipped with garden furniture that is resistant to precipitation. Also, in some cases, you can place a swimming pool under it. This solution is convenient in very hot climates.

Climbing plants can hide anything, anywhere

On an open terrace it is practical to use rattan furniture with removable cushions

A place to relax can be arranged either on a stone-paved platform or on a wooden platform

The construction of a terrace implies its location near the house, or rather, it is attached to it. The main difference between such a structure and a veranda is its open placement. That is, there is no canopy or one wall. This characterizes the building as a purely summer recreation option. If you plan to use the terrace in winter, then it is made with sliding glass doors, which is very convenient. But then it will no longer be a terrace, but a combined veranda.

Original terrace with a seating area inside

Closed gazebo for winter recreation

The construction of a gazebo implies the presence of garden furniture, a fireplace and a barbecue.

When installing a gazebo, you need to pay attention to the presence of a leeward side. If there is one, then one wall needs to be made blank, or vines should be planted.

The blank wall of the gazebo is placed on the leeward side

See alsoCreating a flower garden is one of the forms of creative self-expression

Profession Landscape designer from the Skillbox platform

⏳ Duration of training – 14 months.

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