Chaise lounge for a summer house - stylish outdoor recreation (17 photos)

A dacha today is not six acres and a panel house. For many in the 21st century, a country estate has become a place of comfortable relaxation - from the noise and bustle of the city, from the panel-brick landscape and exhaust fumes.

Lawns and flower beds, alpine hills and barbecue areas are confidently reclaiming living space from potato plantations and greenhouses. And if there are garden beds, it is only as a pleasant hobby, and not out of food necessity.

Nowadays, most summer residents, based on their own preferences and capabilities, set up a separate relaxation zone. There will be no problems with the equipment of such a platform - just put a few sun loungers on which you can relax and unwind, enjoy the singing of birds and the beauty of nature, read a book or sunbathe.

To help with your choice, the editors of the YaNashla website have prepared for you a rating of the best sun loungers for 2022.

Wooden sun loungers

Any sun loungers and chaise lounges that are made of wood must be additionally impregnated with various water-repellent agents so that the products are maximally protected from possible rotting under the influence of various factors.

Most often, wooden sun loungers are presented in two types: made entirely of wood / sun loungers, in which only the frame itself is wooden.

In the second case, most often the seat itself is covered with good quality fabric.

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Today you can even make a custom-made chaise lounge so that it has a wooden seat, but with an additional fabric covering on top for a feeling of complete comfort.

Operating rules

Sun loungers are designed for air and sunbathing in the warm season. It is not permitted to use the products for other purposes. You should also follow simple recommendations:

  • repair broken sunbeds in a timely manner;
  • do not allow children to jump on sun loungers;
  • observe the load mode recommended by the manufacturer (permissible user weight);
  • after resting, rinse the product from sand and, if possible, put it in the shade;
  • For the winter, it is recommended to put the sun loungers in a closed, warm room with constant humidity.

In the online store you can buy an inexpensive sun lounger for your dacha or a luxurious sun lounger for your daily relaxation in the garden. Receiving detailed advice on the range of products is available by calling any of the telephone numbers listed on the website.

Metal sun loungers

In various construction hypermarkets today you can find folding sun loungers made of metal. This option is more functional, but is not environmentally friendly.

In this case, in any case, the seat itself will be made of leather or, for example, fabric, but definitely not metal for convenience.

Popular plastic: pros and cons

Every year, inexpensive plastic sun loungers for summer cottages, which almost everyone can afford, are becoming more and more in demand. Most often, such sun loungers are purchased complete with a special mattress and a removable cover.

When purchasing, you should definitely pay attention to the fact that all accessories that you will purchase additionally are protected as much as possible from getting wet, since a significant disadvantage of this type of sun loungers is that since they are used in conjunction with fabric mattresses and covers, often swell.

Manufacturing materials

The quality and price of garden furniture depends on the chosen material. The most common types of chaise lounges for summer cottages are wooden, metal and plastic. To create a unique design for a garden corner, exquisite rattan models or stationary structures made from several types of materials are often used.


These models have a presentable appearance, are pleasant to the touch and are quite durable. Most often they are made from species with a dense structure (solid robinia, maple, larch). To extend its service life, the wood is treated with a water-repellent compound. If the base of the product is not made of textile material, then for convenience it is better to purchase a soft cover for the chaise lounge.


Such sunbeds are distinguished by their high strength, reliability, functionality and practicality. The frame of the sun lounger is mainly made of metal, which is then covered with fabric. Thanks to the metal base, such products can be easily upgraded and adapted to maximum transformation. Models made of durable aluminum or stainless steel and covered with textiles are durable, stable, and can withstand heavy weight.


The most common and inexpensive sun loungers are made of durable, colored plastic. They are indispensable for placement next to the pool, as they are not afraid of water and mold, and are easy to clean and dry. The service life of such sun loungers is shorter than the previous ones, but the cost is much lower. Plastic sun loungers often come with removable covers or a mattress for a more comfortable stay.

Artificial rattan

This modern material is resistant to moisture and ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes and fungal damage. Light wicker chairs add colonial chic to the design of a summer cottage. The shape of such sun loungers and garden lounge chairs can be very diverse. They often come with tables included.

From combined materials

You can often find products that beautifully combine two or more types of materials. For example, metal goes well with fabric or plastic, and artificial rattan harmonizes with wood, glass, stone and textiles.

Who chooses textiles?

This material is not widely known in Russia today, but despite this, it already has its admirers who have managed to appreciate its high quality, as well as the pleasant sensations that arise instantly upon contact with the skin.

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The main advantages of textiles are:

  • drying speed;
  • resistance to various types of pollution;
  • strength of the material.


This indicator is considered the basis for outdoor furniture, since it is exposed to the influence of the external environment for a long time. The materials from which these items are made must be light and easy to care for, stable and durable.

Spectacular and neat plastic lounger, with anatomical curves of the body Source

Popularity of rattan furniture

Gradually, material such as rattan is becoming more and more popular in the country. It is distinguished today by the highest environmental friendliness indicators, which undoubtedly wins more and more love among buyers.

In addition to this main advantage, one can also separately note the protection from water, the aesthetics of this material and its high strength.

Recently, models of sun loungers made from various materials at the same time are often chosen. They also have their advantages, for example, the comfortable seat is made of fabric and the back of the lounger is made of rattan.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the choice of a specific material depends solely on your financial capabilities and personal preferences.

A chaise lounge for a country area is not a piece of furniture that you buy for the rest of your life, so you have the opportunity to try different options and eventually settle on the one that you like the most.

Relaxation is an integral component of summer pastime at the dacha, and each of us dreams of making it the most memorable. During the hot summer months, everyone, without exception, is visited by the desire to bask in the shade of spreading trees and immerse themselves in the world of fictional characters, reading a new bestseller or time-tested classics, or, on the contrary, to take sunbathing on a sultry afternoon.


  1. A chaise longue is an essential attribute of garden design video
  2. What is a sun lounger?
  3. Main characteristics of the sun lounger
  4. Practicality is the main quality parameter. Chaise lounge material
  5. From plastic to rattan. The most unusual designs

A chaise longue is an essential attribute of garden design.

That is why it is worth thinking through the design of your summer cottage in advance, so that subsequently not the slightest flaw could spoil the impressions of your vacation. Any successful design requires an optimal and harmonious combination of interior items, and it is not surprising that furniture plays an important role in garden design. In this article we will talk about one of the necessary elements of garden furniture - a chaise longue.

What dictates such a high need for a sun lounger? The answer is not so complicated and lies on the surface. As for relaxation, in the summer it mainly takes place in the fresh air, and who among us has not dreamed of lying down in the open air and relaxing, admiring the surrounding harmony? A chaise longue for a summer house will be a faithful assistant in making this dream come true, provided that it is selected correctly, but, firstly, you need to understand what a chaise lounge is.

What is a sun lounger?

The foreign concept of “chaise longue” came into use several centuries ago, when the French desire to relax comfortably grew into the invention of the “long chair,” because this is how the phrase “chaise longue” is translated. The British also did not stand aside and made their own changes to the new invention, which led to the fact that the “longue” turned into a “lounge”, and the “long chair” acquired its modern design.

Today, an integral attribute of country cottages and dachas is a lightweight mobile chair with an elongated seat and a rounded back, which can be easily transformed. Thanks to the peculiarities of its design, the chaise longue will not take up much space, and its light weight will allow you to move it to any corner of your cozy landscape world.

Today, manufacturers of furniture for gardening and relaxation offer a wide range of both sun loungers and their modifications - sun loungers, which are not much different from their predecessors. The choice of a suitable model largely depends on the design features of your summer cottage, as well as on the characteristics of a particular model, which, of course, you need to pay attention to first.

Main characteristics of the sun lounger

So, what are these main parameters and characteristics of a sun lounger?

1. The first thing you need to pay attention to when buying a sun lounger is the degree of its transformation. A full-fledged chaise lounge must take at least three positions: lying, semi-lying and sitting positions, and many models are characterized by additional equipment for adjusting the position of the legs;

2. The design features of high-quality sun loungers include fastenings that are easy to use, and in order to avoid unnecessary movements while on vacation, it is recommended to choose designs in which the fastenings are located within easy reach for manual adjustment from a reclining position;

3. Doctors advise giving preference to designs designed taking into account the natural curves of the human body, which is an ideal way to relax the musculoskeletal system and relieve tension accumulated throughout the day;

4.A successful addition to the sun loungers is a detail that represents a visor. It is advisable to choose sun loungers with a detachable visor;

5.Modern models of sun loungers, which will appeal to the most demanding consumers, are equipped with a vibration massage effect. Rocking chairs, complemented by electronic or inertial control, are also a modern delight;

6.If you plan to frequently move your country interior item, it is recommended to choose models that are easy to assemble and move.

Practicality is the main quality parameter. Chaise lounge material

When choosing a chaise longue for your dacha, you should not forget about such a characteristic as practicality. It is an integral quality of any garden furniture, and the chaise longue in this case is no exception. Practicality directly depends on the material used to make the lounger.

When choosing a material, we must not forget about the stylistic design of your summer cottage or country residence, because a chaise longue, being an element of a garden interior, must fit harmoniously into the overall compositional solution. Based on these postulates, it can be argued that in a garden plot with wooden buildings, as well as in any picturesque natural environment, wooden sun loungers will look ideal, the material for which should be made of durable wood and treated with special impregnating materials that protect the sun lounger from exposure sunlight, moisture and rot.

From plastic to rattan. The most unusual designs

An ideal alternative to wooden sun loungers would be rattan sun loungers. Rattan is an environmentally friendly and non-toxic material that is initially adapted to close interaction with a humid environment, and despite the fact that rattan is essentially an analogue of wood, due to its porous structure it successfully resists the harmful effects of mold and mildew. In terms of appearance, rattan looks much more refined and stylish than wooden sun loungers, and the elegant weaving characteristic of such products will successfully complement the landscape design of your site.

Manufacturers of garden furniture are also offering new original rattan hanging lounge chairs that meet the technological features of modern design. The hanging chaise lounge model is represented by a steel frame, an awning and a mattress made of moisture-resistant material. The suspended part of such sun loungers is fixed at one point, which makes the swinging trajectory the most comfortable.

The most practical and neutral material is plastic, and a plastic chaise lounge is considered the most economical option for a summer residence. The plastic sun loungers come complete with pillows and a sun lounger mattress with removable covers and soft filling.

The most modern option is considered to be rocking chairs, which can turn relaxation into a truly serene process. However, when purchasing such products, it is important to know that they have different types of support. Modern modifications of sun loungers are available with both stationary and swinging support.

The first type of loungers are equipped with a special electronic mechanism that is configured for vibration mode. The advantage of such models is the reliability of fixing parts, but it is especially important to pay attention to the quality of the built-in electronic mechanisms. It is important to note that for the functioning of electronics, timely replacement of batteries is necessary.

In chaise lounges of the second type, the rocking process is ensured by support, which makes them the most self-sufficient model.

Author: Sergey and Svetlana Khudentsov


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