When and how does cabbage bloom? Growing cabbage for seeds

Cabbage is one of the most popular and sought-after types of vegetable crops, found in almost every garden plot. However, not all gardeners can get not only a high-quality, but also a large harvest. To achieve this result, you need to know some of the subtleties and features of planting, as well as growing in open ground conditions.

Botanical description

Cabbage is a biennial vegetable crop belonging to the cruciferous plant species. It has thick, slightly greenish foliage that fits tightly together, resulting in the leaves creating a spherical head of cabbage.

White cabbage contains many useful and valuable substances, which is why it is so popular.

The plant has a low branched stem on which there are a large number of leaves. In the first year, the leaves fit tightly to each other, forming a head of cabbage. In the second year of growth, flowering shoots grow, the height of which can be about 1.5 m. It is on these shoots that the formation of fruits occurs in the form of pods containing seeds inside.

White cabbage is a light-loving and cold-resistant plant. In order for full flowering and further ripening of fruits to occur, it is necessary to ensure a daylight hours of at least 13 hours.

Taking into account the region in which cabbage will be grown, it is necessary to select early or mid-season varieties. In this case, the heads of cabbage ripen no earlier than after 70-75 days or longer.

A little about the plant

Cabbage, as a representative of the Cruciferous family, has a two-year growing season (annual forms are also found) and reproduces by seeds. In the first year of sowing, the apical bud of the plant - a head of cabbage - is formed, and in the second year tall peduncles (up to 1.5 meters in length) grow from it. The inflorescence is a cluster of small yellow (rarely cream and white) flowers, with four petals arranged crosswise. When cabbage blooms, the buds closest to the stem bloom first, followed by all the others. The fruits of the flowering are pods (up to 10 cm) containing seed material: spherical grains from yellow to dark brown, about 2 mm in length.

In nature, the relatives of cabbage have not yet been identified. According to the hypothesis of E. Sinskaya, the origin of this vegetable is in the Mediterranean region (coast). At the same time, scientist G. Japaridze believes that the spread of cabbage began in the Colchis lowland of Georgia, because it is in this area that the diversity of similar plants called “kezhera” is concentrated. Be that as it may, it is known that the ancient Egyptians enterprisingly cultivated cabbage, and later their technology was adopted by the Greeks and Romans. Today, this crop is cultivated throughout the world, with the exception of deserts and the extreme regions of the North.

Features of cultivation

To grow cabbage and harvest a rich harvest, you need to follow a few simple conditions. It is important to ensure correct and timely watering, set a suitable temperature regime and remember the need for timely fertilizing.

If seedlings are planted in boxes, diving must be carried out.

Soil and crop rotation requirements

Cabbage can easily be grown in different types of soil. The exception is crushed stone and light sand, because they do not retain valuable moisture well enough. The ideal soil for cabbage is fertile loam with a light texture, as well as low-lying peat bogs. These types of soil retain moisture well and at the same time allow air to pass through perfectly.

The optimal acidity indicator is pH 6.5-7.0. If there are acidic soils on the site, liming is required every 4-6 years. To do this, during the autumn digging of the site, additional dolomite flour is added taking into account the following proportions - per 10 square meters. m 5 kg (fluff lime is perfect).

It is not recommended to replant white cabbage in one area and grow it in areas where cruciferous vegetables grew last season. This can be done no earlier than 3 years later. If you do not observe correct crop rotation or plant related crops nearby, the rapid spread of diseases inherent to this type of plant occurs.

It is recommended to plant cabbage in areas where legumes, lilies and nightshades grew last season.

Lighting and temperature conditions

Cabbage has high demands on light and does not tolerate even slight shading. Choose an area for it that is completely open and there are no tall plants, bushes or trees nearby. If the crop experiences a lack of light, active growth of foliage begins, but the heads of cabbage may remain completely unformed.

To reap a large harvest, provide cabbage with about 17 hours of daylight.

This type of garden crop is one of the cold-resistant plants. However, the level of resistance to low temperatures depends on the specific variety, as well as the stage of development at which the crop is located. When +2...+3 degrees Celsius is established, seed growth begins. For rapid and active emergence of seedlings, a constant temperature of +18 degrees is required.

Young seedlings grow well at 12-14 degrees. If the seedlings successfully go through the hardening period and take root, after transplanting into open ground, they can withstand temperatures of about -7 degrees. And it tolerates short frosts calmly.

To ensure the successful development of an adult plant, the ideal temperature is considered to be within 15-25 degrees. In the southern territories of Russia, when cabbage is planted, at high temperatures the plants begin to wither. Ripe heads of cabbage are able to safely tolerate light frosts within the range of -3...-7 degrees. But this will directly depend on the specific variety.

Select a variety based on the area in which it will be grown.

Humidity requirements

For growing cabbage, the optimal soil moisture level is about 80%, air humidity is 55-75%. If you plan to store cabbage for a long time in the winter, make sure that the soil moisture at the onset of the second growing season is approximately 70-75%. If the plant experiences a lack of moisture, development deteriorates and the formation of heads of cabbage does not begin.

Other features:

  • The rate and frequency of irrigation is adjusted taking into account the amount of precipitation. It is worth maintaining the soil constantly in this state so that a taken lump of soil can be rolled out between your palms and formed into a ball. When the soil begins to crumble a lot, it’s time to water.
  • Cabbage is very demanding when it comes to moisture levels, but overwatering should not be allowed. An excess as a result can provoke the rapid spread of fungal diseases and cause cracking of heads of cabbage.
  • After watering, loosen the soil, which is very important when planting plants on heavy types of soil.
  • Combine loosening with hilling. 14 days after planting, perform the first hilling. If late varieties are planted, perform this procedure a little later - approximately 20-25 days after transplanting into open ground. Then perform hilling every 14-16 days until the leaves close.

Varieties and hybrids for every taste and color

There are varieties of ornamental cabbage that reach one and a half meters and resemble mini palm trees. Neighboring them are completely different plants of low-growing varieties, forming a lush rosette of multi-colored leaves. In group plantings they resemble huge roses scattered on the ground. As a rule, the central part of such plants is not green, but soft cream, violet or purple. Moreover, in moderate frosts (down to –8°C), the colors only become more saturated. Japanese breeders are very fond of low-growing varieties of ornamental cabbage. They developed most hybrids with smooth, crinkled, fringed or feathery leaves.

Our material will help you decide on the choice of “cabbage decoration” for your plot

  • The best varieties and types of ornamental cabbage (photos and descriptions)

    Decorative cabbage for every taste - head and leaf forms.

Site preparation

How good the harvest will be depends directly on the correct preparation of the site for plant replanting. You can purchase a ready-made universal substrate at any garden store or make it yourself. In the latter case, mix humus with turf soil in equal quantities, then add ash taking into account the following proportions - 1 tbsp per 10 kg of soil. ash.

Ash is an excellent source of valuable elements and becomes an effective preventative against blackleg.

When preparing the substrate, do not use soil from the area where cabbage or other types of cruciferous vegetables were previously grown.

Cabbage white beauty

Of the entire cruciferous family, white cabbage is preferred by the majority of Russian residents. Other types are consumed to a much lesser extent: red cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, kohlrabi, Savoy, Brussels sprouts and Beijing sprouts. This predilection of compatriots is inexplicable, since it was found that red and savoy cabbage, like some other varieties, are much higher in the composition of useful substances. Perhaps it's all about tradition. Even in the ancient sources of Kievan Rus (1076), white cabbage is described as an everyday food. Since ancient times, Russian gardeners have been recognized as masters of its cultivation.

To obtain good yields of white cabbage, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to determining the planting site. Early varieties (“golden hectare”, “Iunskaya”, “gift”) are best grown in heated and elevated areas, cultivated sandy loam and light loamy soils. For mid-season varieties (“Nadezhda”, “Sibiryachka”, “Volgogradskaya”), squat places with medium loamy soil and drained peat soils are allocated. For late varieties of cabbage (“Kharkov winter”, “Snow White”, “zavodskaya”), soddy-podzolic, loamy, medium loamy and lowland peat soils are more suitable.

White cabbage, like most species of the cruciferous family, blooms in the second year of the growing season, subject to the necessary measures.

Seeds and seedlings

The future harvest directly depends on which seeds are chosen. First you need to decide whether you need juicy and early white cabbage for preparing fresh salads or late cabbage, which will be stored for a long time in the winter. This is the main and most important selection criterion.

Before planting seeds, they must be properly prepared. Regular care of seedlings will produce strong and healthy plants.

Seed preparation

Before you start planting seeds, prepare them properly. Disinfect the seed material, which will help avoid viral or bacterial infections.

The disinfection procedure is very simple and follows the following scheme:

  • warm the seeds in hot water (approximately +55 degrees) for 20-25 minutes;
  • cool in boiled and cold water - about 4-6 minutes;
  • Treat the seeds with a growth stimulator - leave in the solution for several hours.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Before planting seeds, it is recommended to harden them, which will increase resistance to various diseases. However, it is worth considering the fact that there are some varieties whose seeds cannot be soaked. That is why first study the information provided on the packaging.

Once all preparatory procedures are completed, you can begin the planting process:

  • place the seed in the ground, deepen it a little, but no more than 2 cm;
  • Water well; when sprouts appear, moisten the soil again;
  • cover the soil with film, which will retain moisture;
  • Before emergence, store the seed material at a temperature of approximately +18... +22 degrees.

Watch the video on how to grow strong, healthy cabbage seedlings:

Picking seedlings

After 15-20 days, from the moment the first shoots appear, in the phase of formation of a full leaf, cabbage can be picked. This is a procedure for planting seedlings in separate containers of a larger area.

If possible, pick seedlings in separate cassettes or pots, especially if early and late varieties are grown. Cardboard juice bags also work well, but first make a few holes in the bottom.

Picking cabbage seedlings proceeds approximately according to the following scheme:

  • 40-50 minutes before picking, water the seedlings well;
  • take the sprout along with the old soil;
  • shorten the root by a third;
  • deepen the seedlings by 2 cm and compact them slightly, but not too hard so as not to injure the root.

Transplanting seedlings into the ground

You can replant seedlings when the plants have:

  • the early variety has 4-6 full leaves, the plant height should be approximately 14-22 cm;
  • A mid-season or late variety has 4-5 full leaves, the height of the cabbage is about 16-20 cm.

In central Russia, try to transplant seedlings as early as possible, when the threat of frost has completely passed. The ideal time is considered to be the end of April and the beginning of May. Late varieties - from mid to late May. Replant mid-season varieties a little later - from the end of May until June.

Planting of seedlings is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • prepare the area in advance;
  • adhere to this planting pattern - 50x40 cm;
  • do not thicken the planting too much, as cabbage is large in size and needs space and enough light;
  • plant seedlings at a depth no more than up to the first full leaf;
  • during planting, make sure that young leaves, which are the growth point of plants, do not end up underground;
  • plant seedlings in the evening or during cloudy weather;
  • After planting, water the plants, but not too much.

Benefits and harms

All types of cabbage contain a lot of useful substances. These include vitamins of various groups, macro- and microelements, minerals (read more about the chemical composition and KBJU of cabbage here). The benefits of eating this vegetable have been proven by nutritionists and doctors. Moreover, cabbage is shown not only in raw form, but also in stewed and boiled form.

Despite the full range of beneficial properties of cabbage, there are also contraindications. Basically, they relate to various diseases.

List of diseases when cabbage will be harmful: all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Especially:

  • increased stomach acidity;
  • intestinal cramps;
  • ulcer;
  • kidney diseases of all types;
  • high blood pressure;
  • period after operations;
  • for problems with the respiratory system.

When you can eat white cabbage, but with restrictions:

  • with strong belching;
  • for hypertension;
  • for diseases of the pancreas;
  • for diseases of the thyroid gland.
  1. Fetus. Despite the undoubted benefits of cabbage, the fruit cannot always be eaten if there is intestinal irritation or problems with the kidneys and liver. If you regularly experience health problems, then you should not eat cabbage in its pure, unprocessed form. You should not overuse this vegetable, as cabbage promotes the secretion of gastric juice.
  2. Juice. Cabbage juice is indispensable for colds. It can be mixed with lingonberries. Brine is recommended for use by everyone who suffers from vitamin deficiency. But cabbage juice is not recommended for people suffering from peptic ulcers, colitis, or kidney problems.
  3. Leaves. The leaves are recommended not just for consumption, but also as compresses. Applying a cabbage leaf with honey to the chest for lactostasis is considered effective in folk medicine (you can learn more about the use of cabbage with honey for coughs, migraines, fever, burns and bruises here). In general, during lactation, the consumption of cabbage should be limited, since it affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and its normal functioning determines how well the lactation process will proceed. Read more about the use of cabbage leaves in folk medicine in this material.

Read more about indications and contraindications for eating white cabbage here.

Seedless growing method: sowing cabbage seeds in open ground

If you use this method, you can harvest the crop about 11-15 days earlier. The planting technology is very simple and does not require any special skills, just follow the following procedure:

  • Pre-carefully prepare the site for planting;
  • with special attention choose the area where you plan to plant cabbage, since providing protection from diseases and pests will be much more difficult than when planting in a greenhouse;
  • first thoroughly clean the soil of weeds and various roots;
  • treat the seeds and harden them;
  • place 3-4 seeds in one hole - it is important that the soil is soft, moist and sprinkled with peat;
  • When the first shoots appear, thin out the plants and leave the strongest ones.

Cabbage grown according to this scheme grows hardened and produces a large harvest.

Collecting seeds

Full ripening of cabbage seeds occurs in 1.5-2 months and does not occur simultaneously on the bushes. The seed plants are harvested when their pods take on a yellowish-waxy color and the grains acquire a rich light brown or dark brown color. Flowering stems are broken off, combined into bunches and hung in a dry, ventilated room for final ripening. At the same time, fabric material or paper is placed under them so that the delicate grains from the opened pods are not damaged.

It is not recommended to keep the pods on the stem longer than expected; they open up and are lost. If they are collected in a wet state, then the extracted seeds must be dried separately. From the bursting pods, the cabbage seed material is collected in paper bags and kept in a cool and dry place. Depending on the variety, from 25 to 150 grams of seeds are collected from one seed plant, and a supply of material for 3-4 years is prepared from one harvest.

Caring for white cabbage

After planting the sprouts in open ground, monitor the development of the crops and begin restoring seedlings that were damaged during transplantation. If a period of persistent drought has begun, shade the cabbage with agrofibre or newspaper during the first few days.

During the first 1-2 weeks, plants require increased watering, which improves the survival rate of seedlings in a new area.

When warm weather sets in, remove the non-woven covering material. Further care consists of regularly moistening the soil, loosening it, adding nutrients to the soil, and treating it against pest attacks and various types of diseases.

Loosening and hilling

It is required to regularly carry out hilling and loosening of the soil. Such a simple procedure as loosening helps improve soil aeration and facilitates the penetration of oxygen and moisture into the cabbage root system. After heavy rains or watering, treat the rows.

Loosening allows you to destroy the dense soil crust. As a result, the cabbage roots will receive the necessary amount of oxygen.


Until the seedlings are completely rooted, they need a lot of moisture. Water every two days, especially in hot, dry weather. If the weather is cloudy, water the cabbage once every 7 days.

Moisten the soil in the evening, use cold water, and first leave it in the sun so that it has time to warm up during the day. Then be sure to loosen the rows and at the same time hill up the bushes.

It will make watering cabbage much easier if you cover the area with peat and humus mulch (a layer of about 5 cm). These materials help prevent moisture evaporation and prevent new weeds from growing.


Approximately 7-8 days after transplanting the seedlings to a permanent location, the first feeding is carried out. To prepare the nutrient mixture, dissolve ammonium nitrate (20 g) in water (10 l), add superphosphate (40 g). You can use any potash fertilizer. The resulting composition is enough to treat approximately 100 plants.

Carry out the second feeding 12-14 days after the first. Use organic types of fertilizers - for example, mullein infusion is perfect. To do this, take mullein (1 l) and fill it with water (10 l). Leave the mixture for 5-6 days so that the composition is well infused. Before fertilizing, dilute the prepared infusion with water in a ratio of 1:10.

In the video you can learn about caring for white cabbage during the growing season - how to water, feed and control pests:

During pregnancy

You need to carefully consume this vegetable during pregnancy, especially in its raw form. Cabbage can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract, which is not at all beneficial for pregnant women. It is best to eat boiled cabbage, steamed without adding salt or spices.

We talked more about whether you can eat cabbage during pregnancy here.

How does cabbage reproduce?

Cabbage can be propagated in several ways - sowing seeds for seedlings or growing their stalks. Each method has its pros and cons, which you should know about before using it.

How to collect seeds?

To collect seeds, you should not use material from the first cabbage arrow that appears, especially if this is the first growing season. Such seeds will not produce good seedlings and do not retain the properties of a certain type. When growing seedlings from this type of seed, you should not count on the appearance of heads of cabbage.

To get high-quality seeds, you should adhere to several rules:

  • in the second year of plant growth, you can collect high-quality seeds;
  • choose strong specimens without symptoms of disease - these are queen cells;
  • Before the first frost, remove them from the soil along with the roots, do not shake off the soil;
  • before storing, leave 3-4 covering leaves on the heads of cabbage;
  • pollinate the plant with ash, dip the roots in a clay mash;
  • store at a temperature of about 1-2 degrees;
  • in March or April, cut out the stalk (should be cone-shaped) so that the upper bud remains intact, the length of the petioles should be 3-4 cm;
  • transfer to humus (must be moist), you can also use peat;
  • at the end of April, plant the mother plant in the ground - place the stumps at a slight angle and deepen them all the way to the head of cabbage;
  • between seed plants of different varieties, leave a distance of at least 0.5 m, otherwise there is a risk of cross-pollination;
  • the beds need simple care - watering, weeding, loosening, fertilizing twice with nitrogen types of fertilizers;
  • When the pods ripen and begin to dry, collect seed material.

Growing cabbage from stalks

Some gardeners can get several harvests from one plant per season. But this is only possible in areas where there is a warm climate and when using early ripening cabbage honeycombs.

After harvesting the fruits (for example, in June), after the head of cabbage has been cut, do not pull out the stalks. After a while, small heads of cabbage will begin to form in the axils of the leaves. You need to thin them out, leaving no more than two small heads of cabbage on one stalk.

Do not pick off the lower leaves remaining from old heads of cabbage, as this allows for better moisture retention. Then standard care is required - watering, weeding, loosening and fertilizing. Already in early autumn it will be possible to harvest a new crop. On average, the weight of the fetus is about 0.5 kg.

Selection and preservation of queen cells

It will not be possible to grow cabbage in the garden like potatoes or pumpkins; summer residents are beginning to master the technology of growing it by purchasing ready-made seedlings. In order to independently obtain planting material for this ancient crop, it is necessary to take care of the preliminary selection and preservation of its mother plants (parent plants).

Selection principles:

  • plants intended for queen cells should be planted later than the stated planting dates: by the end of the season, the heads of cabbage should be slightly unripe;
  • Strong forks should be selected, with a short stalk and a small mass of outer leaves;
  • for obtaining seeds, the most suitable plants are those grown not by seedlings, but by direct planting in the ground, since they have a well-developed root system and increased immunity;
  • It is better to dig up the heads of cabbage selected for seeds before the first frost arrives;
  • The queen cells are removed from the garden bed along with the roots and a lump of earth.

When storing queen cells, a certain temperature regime and active ventilation of the room are strictly observed; it is at this time that the complete formation of generative organs occurs. When affected by rot and other diseases, the heads of cabbage are cleaned and dusted with chalk or slaked lime.

Harvesting and storing cabbage

When the temperature drops to -2 degrees, begin harvesting. You shouldn’t delay harvesting too much, as severe frosts will reduce the keeping quality of the heads of cabbage.

Dig up the fruits immediately with the roots, and then sort the heads. Put the injured fruits aside, because they need to be consumed as early as possible. Leave all high-quality heads of cabbage under a canopy for one day, after which cut off the head of cabbage and leave about 2 cm of the stalk. Then send the cabbage for long-term storage.

A basement or cellar is ideal for harvesting. In such a room there is constantly humid air, and the temperature is around +5 degrees. The ideal temperature for long-term storage of cabbage is considered to be -1...+1 degrees, and humidity levels should be within 95%.

Before storing fruits for long-term storage, put things in order in the basement - whitewash the walls with lime, install exhaust ventilation. For storage, place vegetables in pre-prepared wooden boxes or other containers. It is very important that the cabbage does not lie on the floor, otherwise it will quickly begin to deteriorate.

List of dishes that can be prepared

You can prepare a lot of healthy and tasty dishes from ordinary cabbage.

  1. Soups:
  2. cabbage soup;
  3. borsch;
  4. with dumplings;
  5. with pasta and stew;
  6. cream soup.
  7. Stews:
      cabbage with meat;
  8. with Chiken;
  9. with canned food;
  10. with zucchini;
  11. with carrots and tomatoes.
  12. Pies: small pies with cabbage or large “cabbage dumplings”.
  13. Salads:
  14. with meat and peas;
  15. the vinaigrette.

Cabbage is good as a side dish; it is useful when pickled along with lingonberries. Cabbage soup is healthy and suitable as food for children.

Other growing methods

Not only gardeners, but also specialists are searching for new methods of growing cabbage, actively using them in practice. At the same time, some of them can significantly simplify the process of caring for cabbage. It also becomes possible to get an excellent harvest under conditions of limited watering.

Care and cultivation in a greenhouse

Bulk or natural soil can be used in greenhouses. The thickness of the arable layer is at least 30 cm. Enrich the soil with humus at the rate of 12 kg per 1 sq. m. m. It is important that the soil has a light texture. To obtain greater looseness of the soil, you can add chopped straw or sawdust.

If there is not enough sunlight in the greenhouse, install additional lamps. When the first shoots appear, light the seedlings for a week, then add additional light for 7-9 hours.

When watering, make sure that the soil does not dry out or become too waterlogged. In closed ground conditions, the air humidity level should be in the range of 80-82%. Make sure that the soil moisture is about 75%; to increase the indicator, irrigate using the sprinkling method. Ventilation will help lower the readings.

Timely application of fertilizers is important. Try to adhere to the following scheme (the amount of fertilizer is calculated per 1 sq. m):

  • 7-10 days after planting the seedlings, fertilize with ammonium nitrate (12 g), superphosphate (24 g), potassium sulfate (14 g), dissolved in plain water (10 l);
  • When the heads begin to form, use ammonium nitrate (22 g), superphosphate (35 g), potassium sulfate (18 g) for fertilizer, dissolved in plain water (10 l).

You can also fertilize with complex types of mineral fertilizers - for example, azofoska or nitroammofoska. Biostimulants will accelerate the development and growth of roots and improve the plant's receipt of nutrients.

Growing under plastic bottles

Plastic bottles can be used as an individual type of shelter for sprouts when grown in open ground conditions. This method helps accelerate the appearance of the first shoots, provides protection from pest attacks and allows you to retain heat and valuable moisture.

If you plan to grow cabbage using this method, follow the following procedure:

  • cut off the bottom of the plastic bottle, leave the cap on top;
  • sow the seed material, then cover it with a bottle, deepening it into the ground by about 3-3.5 cm;
  • sprinkle some soil around the bottle;
  • for watering, unscrew the cap and pour in water;
  • periodically ventilate the seedlings by opening the lid;
  • When the plants grow and the leaves touch the bottle, remove it.

Growing cabbage without watering

It is simply impossible to grow cabbage without watering at all. But you can use certain agricultural techniques to maintain an optimal level of soil moisture and reduce the amount of water consumed.

For this purpose, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • in the fall, carry out deep tillage of the soil, leaving large tubercles, which allows you to create conditions for retaining snow;
  • carry out surface loosening of the soil in early spring, which prevents moisture from being drawn up through the capillaries and its subsequent evaporation;
  • do not carry out deep cultivation of the soil to prevent the appearance of a soil crust, resort to surface loosening;
  • use the seedless method of growing cabbage, which allows the plants to form a stronger root system that will absorb moisture much better.

Use not only the tips above, but also select cabbage varieties that have a high degree of drought resistance - for example, Bronko, Mozharskaya, etc.

Growing under mulch film

One of the most effective and simple methods for protecting cabbage is the use of plastic film. For mulching, not only transparent, but also black film can be used, depending on the season.

The black film ensures faster soil warming and moisture retention, while at the same time all weeds die under it. In this case, follow the following sequence of actions:

  • pre-prepare the beds for planting cabbage - approximately 2-3 weeks before the planned planting of seedlings, this time is enough for the soil to warm up well;
  • Place a film on top of the bed, in which, taking into account the planting pattern, make cross-shaped or round slots (the seedlings will be planted in these holes);
  • After replanting, the plants require simple care - watering at the root, fertilizing, treatment against pests and diseases.

In summer it is better to use transparent film. Don’t forget to perforate the film in advance, and then lay it on pre-watered beds, carefully securing it between the rows of cabbage. This type of mulching allows you to protect plants from weeds and retain valuable moisture in the ground.

Cabbage diseases with photos

Cabbage can be affected by a disease that develops rapidly. If the gardener in this case does not take all the necessary measures to combat it as soon as possible, then he may be left without a harvest at all.


This fungal disease poses the greatest danger to this crop. It affects early-ripening varieties of cauliflower and white cabbage, while plant infection occurs even at the seedling stage. Affected plants develop growths on the root system that contribute to disruption of their nutrition. Because of this, the seedlings experience a lag in development, while they do not form ovaries. Diseased bushes must be dug up and destroyed along with the earthen lump, and the resulting hole must be sprinkled with a layer of lime. This disease affects only representatives of the Cabbage family, so other crops can be safely grown in this area.


Very often, cabbage seedlings or young bushes planted in open soil are affected by black leg. This fungal disease affects the root collar at the base of the stem. As the disease progresses, the affected parts of the plant become black, they become thinner and rot, the growth of the cabbage becomes slower and, in the end, it dies. The affected seedlings will die in any case, so there is no point in planting them in the garden. If diseased plants died from blackleg while growing in a garden bed, then the soil on it must be replaced, since it can no longer be used for growing cabbage. For preventive purposes, the seed material and soil should be treated before sowing. To treat seeding material, use garnosan (follow the instructions), and in order to treat 100 seeds, 0.4 grams of the product will be enough, and Tiram (TMTD) (50%) should be added to the soil; 50 is taken per 1 square meter of plot gram.

Downy mildew (peronospora)

As a rule, the causative agents of this disease are present in the seed; therefore, it is not recommended to neglect its pre-sowing preparation. The disease begins to actively develop in damp weather; spots of a pale yellow-red color appear on the outer foliage of the bushes. Over time, the leaf blades turn yellow and die. For preventive purposes, seed material is treated with Planriz or Tiram before sowing. Some gardeners instead immerse the seeds in hot (about 50 degrees) water, where they should remain for 20 to 25 minutes. If pre-sowing preparation was not carried out or it turned out to be ineffective, the bushes should be sprayed with a decoction of garlic. To prepare it, 1 bucket of water must be combined with 75 grams of chopped garlic, after 12 hours the mixture is heated over a fire until boiling, and then cooled, after which the broth will be ready for use. If this measure turns out to be ineffective, the cabbage should be sprayed with a solution of Fitosporin-M (2–3%). Repeated treatment, if necessary, is carried out after 15–20 days. However, it should be remembered that spraying with a fungicidal preparation cannot be carried out after the head of cabbage has set, otherwise there is a high probability that poison will accumulate in the foliage.

Gray and white rot

The development of white rot occurs when the weather outside is damp and cool. In the affected bushes, mucusing of the outer leaf plates is observed, while white cotton-like mycelium with black sclerotia, the size of which is 1–30 millimeters, is formed between them. An infected head of cabbage in storage begins to rot, and the disease spreads to other heads of cabbage located nearby. During storage, symptoms of gray rot also appear. Thus, on the surface of the petioles of the lower leaf blades, fluffy mold with beads of black dots forms. To protect cabbage from these diseases, it is necessary to: disinfect the seed before sowing, adhere to the agrotechnical rules of this crop, clean and disinfect the storage facilities before planting the heads, store them properly, conduct systematic inspections of the forks, and also, if necessary, clean the affected areas.

Fusarium wilt (cabbage yellowing)

This disease occurs due to the Fusarium fungus. Yellowing occurs even in the seedling period, and very often 20 to 25 percent of all seedlings die. In affected plants, the leaf blades lose turgor, and yellow lesions appear on their surface. In areas of yellowing, leaves develop more slowly, and the affected foliage dies. All diseased bushes should be removed from the soil and destroyed, and the soil should be replaced or steamed. In order to get rid of the fungus, it is necessary to carry out preventive soil treatment on the site in the fall and spring with a solution of copper sulfate (5 grams of product per 1 bucket of water).


The development of this fungal disease occurs with sudden changes in temperature (for example, from 4 to 24 degrees), air humidity (from 45 to 100 percent), and soil acidity (pH 4.5–8). In a diseased plant, the root collar is affected, which turns yellow, dries out and dies. The root system of a diseased bush becomes like a sponge. As the disease progresses, the cabbage dies. Bushes become infected in open soil, and the development of the disease does not stop in storage. For preventive purposes, before planting seedlings in open soil, the area must be treated with copper oxychloride or a product containing it.

Almost everything about cabbage diseases.

Diseases and pests of white cabbage, prevention

Like any other garden crop, cabbage can be attacked by insect pests and various types of diseases. To avoid having to carry out treatment with dangerous chemicals and toxic drugs, it is necessary to periodically apply preventive measures.

It is enough for the plant to provide proper and regular care and timely treatment using safe biological preparations.

What may bother cabbage:

  • Most often, cabbage suffers from black leg and root rot. To prevent this problem, treat the seedlings with drugs such as Rizoplanoma or Trichodermina. Use the products strictly according to the instructions given on the packaging. These drugs reliably protect the roots of the plant from bacteria that provoke the disease itself.
  • Another common problem is slugs and cruciferous flea beetles. To prevent pest attacks, sprinkle plants with a product such as Intavir.
  • The cruciferous bug poses a great threat to cabbage. To prevent its appearance, make sure that such types of weeds as shepherd's purse, field grass, and sverbiga do not appear in the garden.

As food for various animals

Cabbage can be fed to goats, sheep, and cows. This vegetable is enjoyed by rodents - rats, guinea pigs. Rabbits love it; for them it is a real delicacy. But cats and dogs rarely perceive cabbage as food. Although some domestic animals eat it with meat and in stewed form. Also, cats can sometimes allow themselves to chew on a cabbage leaf.

Read how and to which animals cabbage can be given in a separate article.

Subtleties of growing in regions

Taking into account the region in which this vegetable crop is planned to be grown, there are rules and recommendations for planting and further care. It is very important to choose the right variety that will allow you to get a large and high-quality harvest.

In outskirts of Moscow

A peculiarity of the climate of the Moscow region is the predominance of cloudy weather and not a large number of sunny days. Cabbage is a cold-resistant crop, but unstable weather in the spring can cause certain problems during its early growth.

In this region, it is recommended to use the seedling method. The option of planting seeds directly in open ground cannot be ruled out, but then it will be necessary to provide additional shelter for the seedlings until stable warm weather is established. The technology of warm beds can also be used. Particular attention should be paid to watering, since in the Moscow region there is little rainfall in the summer.

Choose early, mid-season and mid-late varieties. Late varieties are not suitable, as the fruits may not have time to fully ripen. Hybrids that have proven themselves well when grown in a given region are also perfect.

In Siberia

Siberia has a harsh climate, so sowing seeds directly into the ground is not suitable. The seedling method is more successful.

Summer is very short, so you should not choose varieties that have a long growing season. Mid-season and mid-late varieties are perfect, allowing you to get an excellent harvest in this region.

In the Urals

The Urals have an unstable climate; sudden temperature changes often occur. Even in May, large temperature changes can occur - very hot during the day, freezing at night. Snow may fall as early as October.

Growing seedlings is carried out only at home, in warm beds or greenhouses. After transplanting seedlings into open ground, the beds must be covered with thick spunbond, which will protect the plants from pests and cold weather.

Growing white cabbage does not cause any particular problems. The most important thing is to choose the right variety, taking into account the region of residence and not to forget about the rules of agricultural technology. Proper and regular care will allow you to get a large harvest of tasty and healthy cabbage.



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Myths and facts

  1. If you eat cabbage, your breasts will be larger. Eating cabbage cannot affect breast size, because... Breast size is determined genetically. But cabbage is really good for breast health (does cabbage make breasts grow?).
  2. Cabbage contains more calcium than milk. The rate of absorption of calcium by the human body from dairy products is 32%, from cabbage it can reach 65%.
  3. Cabbage contains anti-cancer substances. Cabbage may be a cancer preventative because... contains glucocinolates, which promote the appearance of bioactive compounds that stimulate a family of enzymes that remove carcinogens.

Characteristics of culture

The crop is distinguished by a variety of forms and varieties with a wide range of ripening periods - from 90 to 250 days. Early ripening varieties (90-120 days from the moment of germination) are used in salads and for preparing first and second courses. Mid-ripening (120-150 days) and mid-late (140-160 days) varieties are recommended for use for fermentation. Late-ripening varieties (over 160 days) are suitable for pickling after a short period (2 months) of storage, but generally they are left for long-term, fresh storage until June of next year.

Heads of cabbage also differ in external characteristics:

  • early ripening - loose, medium-sized, weighing 0.8-2.5 kg;
  • mid-season - medium density, from 2.2 to 7.5 kg;
  • late-ripening - dense, weighing 2.4-3.6 kg, with a slight bitterness, which disappears during long-term storage.

Cabbage is a cold-resistant plant; in the seedling and head formation phase, it tolerates short-term cold snaps down to -7 °C. The optimal temperature for the development of adult plants is 17-20 °C; at air temperatures below 5 °C and above 30 °C, growth stops; in the heat, heads of cabbage form poorly.

Community of little green men

White cabbage, cabbage, Brássica olerácea is one of the most popular vegetable crops, which is cultivated even in Siberia.

White cabbage, like other forms of cabbage, comes from wild species native to the Mediterranean regions of Western Europe and North Africa.

Types and varieties of white cabbage

White cabbage, cabbage (Brássica olerácea)

A biennial cross-pollinating plant that is grown as an annual crop. In the first year, the apical bud, growing strongly, forms a head of various shapes; in the second year, the plants produce a branched flowering stem up to 2 m high. The inflorescences are long racemes (up to 70 cm), four-petaled flowers, yellow or white. Seeds do not ripen simultaneously: their mass ripening occurs 70–80 days after flowering. The fruit is a long pod (6–14 cm), the seeds are small. Seed germination lasts up to 4-5 years.

Popular varieties of white cabbage:

Currently, there are a large number of varieties and hybrids of different ripeness groups. Heads of cabbage come in various shapes, sizes and densities.

All varieties and hybrids of white cabbage are divided into ripeness groups: early-, mid- and late-ripening. Early-ripening varieties of cabbage are suitable for fresh consumption in the summer, while late and mid-ripening varieties are processed and stored in the winter.

'Albatross F1' is a late-ripening, resistant variety of domestic selection, the head is round, white-yellow, weighing up to 2.5 kg with good taste. The variety has good keeping quality.

'Aros F1' - late-ripening, oval, yellowish head, weighing up to 2 kg, good taste.

'Belorusskaya 455' - medium late, round, white.

'Blizzard' - medium late, rounded head, white-yellow.

'Zarya MS' is an early ripening, small, light yellow head, weighing up to 2 kg with a good taste. The variety comes from the Czech Republic.

'Zimovka 1474' is late-ripening and has good keeping quality. Domestic selection variety.

'Cossack F1' is early ripening and resistant to cracking.

'Latima F1' is a late-ripening head of cabbage weighing up to 2.5 kg with good taste and high density, suitable for long-term storage. German variety.

'Moskovskaya late 15' - late-ripening, round head weighing up to 4.5 kg, average density. Recommended for fermentation.

'Gift' - medium late, round head weighing up to 4 kg or more. Good keeping quality.

Varieties and hybrids of cabbage recommended for planting by the SEARCH agricultural company:

Early (90-110 days after full germination)


The head of cabbage is round in shape, weighing 1.1-1.2 kg, with a small internal stump, and a thin internal structure, dense, with excellent taste. A hybrid with amicable ripening and resistant to cracking of heads of cabbage.

- Head of cabbage is round in shape, weighing 1.5-2 kg, with excellent internal structure. The outer stump and the inner stump are short. The hybrid is easy to ripen, resistant to cracking, transportable, adaptable to environmental conditions and produces stable yields.

- A round-shaped head of cabbage weighing 1.2-1.5 kg, with a small internal stump, dense, with excellent taste. The hybrid is characterized by uniform yield formation, is resistant to cracking of heads of cabbage, and is well transportable.

Maid of Honor
- A round-shaped head of cabbage, weighing 1.6-1.8 kg, with an excellent internal structure. The outer stump is of average length 6-8 cm, the inner one is short 5-6 cm. The hybrid is resistant to cracking.

Medium (from planting seedlings to harvesting - 85-90 days)

-. The head is medium, round in shape, dense, weighing 2-3 kg, with excellent internal structure, white when cut. The hybrid is friendly in ripening, resistant to Fusarium wilt and thrips, and is used for fermentation and processing.


The head of cabbage is medium-sized, rounded-flat to round, weighing from 2.7-3.4 kg, with good to excellent taste. Recommended for fresh use and pickling.


The head of cabbage is medium-sized, rounded-flat to round, weighing from 2.6-3.9 kg, with good to excellent taste. Recommended for fresh use and for fermentation.

Medium late (ripens 115-130 days (up to 145) after planting seedlings)

- The head of cabbage is round-flat, weighing 3.5-5.5 kg, with good internal structure. It is distinguished by uniform harvest formation and high resistance of heads of cabbage to cracking.

- A round-flat head of cabbage weighing 3.0-5.0 kg with excellent taste. The hybrid is resistant to cracking of heads of cabbage and a range of diseases. Intended for fresh use, fermentation and storage until March.

- Hybrid is friendly in maturation, resistant to cracking, transportable. The head of cabbage is of medium size, weighing 3.2-3.7 kg, round in shape, with excellent internal structure. Used for fresh consumption, pickling and storage for 3-4 months.


— The head of cabbage is medium-sized, round in shape, very dense, weighing 2.8-3.6 kg, with an excellent internal structure, covered with 2 covering leaves. Productivity 7.5-11.9 kg/m2. The hybrid is completely resistant to physiological disturbance in the form of necrosis of the inner leaves of the head of cabbage on all plants (blackness inside the head of cabbage) and to Fusarium wilt. Suitable for fermentation.


The period from planting seedlings to harvesting is 135 – 145 days. The head of cabbage is medium-sized, rounded-flat, weighing from 3.5 to 6 kg, dense, with good to excellent taste. It is resistant to low temperatures. Recommended for fresh use, pickling and short-term storage.

Late (From planting seedlings to harvesting 130-145 days)

- Head of cabbage of medium size, round in shape, very dense, weighing 3.5-4 kg, with excellent internal structure, covered with 2 covering leaves. Productivity 10.0-12.0 kg/m2. The hybrid is completely resistant to physiological disturbance in the form of necrosis of the inner leaves of the head of cabbage on all plants (blackness inside the head of cabbage) and to Fusarium wilt.

- Head of cabbage of medium size, round in shape, very dense, weighing 3.0-3.6 kg, with excellent internal structure, covered with 2 covering leaves. The hybrid is completely resistant to physiological disturbance in the form of necrosis of the inner leaves of the head of cabbage on all plants (blackness inside the head of cabbage) and to Fusarium wilt.

- Medium-sized dense round head of cabbage weighing 2.5-3 kg with excellent taste. The hybrid is resistant to a range of diseases. Recommended for fresh consumption before the new harvest.

- Head of cabbage weighing 2-3 kg, dense with excellent taste. The hybrid is resistant to a range of diseases. Recommended for fermentation from the moment of harvesting until the end of the storage period. Fermented products have a pleasant sour taste, aromatic, normally white color, firm consistency. It is also recommended for fresh consumption before the new harvest.

- The head is dense, round, white when cut, weighing 3.4-4.0 kg, with excellent taste. The hybrid is resistant to Fusarium wilt. Recommended for fresh consumption before the new harvest.


The head of cabbage is round, weighing 2-3 kg, very dense, with good taste. The variety is distinguished by the resistance of heads of cabbage to cracking, transportability and high shelf life. Recommended for long-term storage.

In plots next to cabbage, other representatives of the Brassica family should not be sown: radishes, radishes, turnips, since they share common pests and diseases.

Caring for white cabbage

Cabbage is a fairly cold-resistant vegetable; it does not tolerate heat well (optimal temperature is + 15...+20 ° C).

Cabbage is demanding on soil conditions: moist soils, without stagnant water, fairly fertile, with a high humus content. It is believed that floodplain soils are best suited for growing cabbage.

Cabbage responds well to frequent loosening, but it should be watered rarely but generously.

Dates for sowing cabbage seeds for seedlings: The time for sowing seeds of early-ripening varieties and hybrids when growing seedlings is the 2-3rd decade of March, late-ripening - the 1st decade of April, mid-ripening and mid-late - the 3rd decade of April. The optimal time for planting seedlings in the Non-Chernozem zone for early cabbage: 1st decade of May, for middle and mid-late 2-3rd decade of May; for the late 3rd ten days of May – 1st ten days of June.

Planting white cabbage

Cabbage is grown in seedlings. Cabbage seedlings are quite cold-resistant and can tolerate temperatures as low as –3 °C.

Growing white cabbage seedlings

To disinfect cabbage seeds before sowing, they should be heated in water at a temperature of +48...+50°C for 20 minutes. Then the seeds are dried until they flow, and sowing begins.

Cabbage seeds, pre-soaked in warm water and placed in the cold, germinate even at 0°C. Sowing of seeds is carried out in containers or seedling cassettes with moist and light soil. The sowing pattern is 5x5 cm, the seed placement depth is 1-1.2 cm. After sowing, the soil is compacted. Cabbage seeds germinate and develop quickly. Favorable soil temperature +18...+20°C and sufficient soil moisture will ensure the emergence of cabbage seedlings within 3-4 days. At lower temperatures, the time of emergence of seedlings is delayed by 5-7 days.

On days 7-12 after emergence, plants begin to form true leaves; the first leaves develop slowly, then subsequent ones form much faster. Seedlings of late-ripening cabbage develop more slowly than seedlings of the early-ripening group. In general, the average age of seedlings suitable for planting should be 30-40 days. During this period, it should form 5-6 true leaves and a developed root system.

Planting white cabbage seedlings

Ready cabbage seedlings are planted in cloudy weather or at the end of the afternoon according to the pattern 60x50-60 cm 70x25-35 cm in well-watered holes or ridges. When planting, plants are buried in the ground up to the first true leaf, and the wet soil on top is mulched with dry peat. In the first 3-4 days after planting, the plants especially need watering, and in active sun - shading. The regrowth of the damaged root system in cabbage seedlings without pots lasts about two weeks.

Development of white cabbage plants after planting in the ground

After the slow growth of plants during the adaptation period, a phase of maximum growth of the leaf rosette and root system begins. A cabbage plant is then formed when its leaf rosette reaches its maximum diameter, which is specific to each variety or hybrid.

The process of head formation begins before the leaves of the rosette reach their maximum size. In this case, the apical leaves of plants successively move from a more or less vertical position to a curved position above the growth point. Then the apical bud, crowning the growth point, begins to grow due to the slowing down of the leaves from it with the accelerated formation of new ones, and upon reaching 7-8 cm in diameter, it acquires a shape similar to that characteristic of the head of cabbage at the time of harvesting. This phase is defined as the beginning of head formation.

As the green covering leaves move away from the head of cabbage, it acquires a white color (“bleaches”) and becomes slightly shiny before harvesting. But even after this, the heads of cabbage continue to increase in size.

Harvesting white cabbage

Heads of cabbage begin to be harvested as soon as they reach the shape and size characteristic of the planted variety or hybrid. If there is a delay in harvesting, a large loss of harvest occurs due to cracking of the heads of cabbage and the spread of diseases that actively manifest themselves at the end of the growing season. They are also activated by heavy rainfall after a long drought and untimely watering.

Diseases and pests of cabbage

Successful cultivation of white cabbage depends in part on preventative measures and effective protection against diseases and pests.

Clubroot is a very dangerous cabbage disease. The clubroot pathogen causes the formation of growths on roots of various shapes. In adult plants, clubroot causes severe inhibition of growth and development. The leaves become lethargic, turn yellow, the heads of cabbage are underdeveloped, and with early and severe infection they do not set at all, because affected roots do not provide the above-ground mass with water and nutrients.

Measures to combat clubroot - when growing cabbage, it is important to return cabbage plants to their original place no earlier than after 5-7 years. Liming the soil helps reduce the intensity of disease development.

Vascular bacteriosis affects cabbage at all stages of development and manifests itself in the withering of leaves, the veins of which darken. The massive development of vascular bacteriosis is facilitated by warm, humid weather during the growing season. At a temperature of +25–30°C, symptoms appear 10–12 days after infection. The most favorable conditions for the development of the disease occur when the days are warm and the nights are cool. Hydathodes (specialized stomata of the upper layer of the leaf) with excess moisture form droplets of moisture at the edge of the leaf, through which bacteria penetrate into the plant. The infection is also transmitted through infected seeds and can persist in the soil for several years.

Measures to combat vascular bacteriosis are not to create conditions conducive to the occurrence of infection: ensure good drainage, carry out regular pest control and avoid injury to plants.

Fusarium is found everywhere, but causes the greatest harm in areas with a relatively warm climate. The fungus causes one-sided yellowing of leaves. In a transverse section, a light brown or brown color of the vessels is visible through the petiole or stump. In appearance, the manifestation of fusarium is similar to the symptoms of clubroot or vascular bacteriosis of cabbage. The severity of this disease increases in hot, dry years. The death of most plants is possible.

Measures to combat fusarium are compliance with crop rotation, which significantly reduces the risk of infection. Grow resistant hybrids in infected areas.

Blackleg - Olpidium and Pythium fungi infect plants from the beginning of seed germination to the phase of 2-3 true leaves. In this case, the root part of the stem turns brown, rots and the plant dies. Adult seedlings are attacked by the fungus Rhizoctonia solani. Affected plants usually do not die, but develop worse and take longer to take root after planting in open ground. Pathogens remain in the soil and accumulate during continuous cultivation of seedlings.

Measures to combat blackleg - the most important thing is to maintain an optimal watering regime, avoiding waterlogging.

Cruciferous flea beetles - depressions and holes appear on cabbage leaves, severely damaged leaves dry out.

Measures to combat cruciferous flea beetles - destruction of weeds, early planting of cabbage, planting cabbage on a cloudy day. Frequent, light watering using the sprinkling method is useful, since flea beetles multiply quickly in dry and hot conditions.

Cabbage fly - from mid-May to the end of June, lays eggs on the ground near the stem or on the stem itself, from which larvae emerge after 6-7 days. They eat the roots, make tunnels in them and destroy the plant. Most of all, the cabbage fly harms early cabbage planted in the ground.

Measures to combat cabbage fly - insecticidal pre-sowing seed treatment effectively reduces the risk of damage by the pest. When planting seedlings, granular pesticides can be applied. The use of covering material prevents the development of the pest population.

Aphids are small sucking insects of gray-green color. During the period of mass reproduction, it feeds on the sap of leaves, which causes the plant to stop growing and the leaves to become deformed. Aphids inhabit the underside of leaves. It reproduces especially quickly in warm weather. The pest serves as a source for secondary infections.

Measures to combat aphids are to carry out timely treatments against cruciferous weeds and get rid of plant debris.

Snails and slugs are polyphagous pests that damage not only the above-ground but also the underground parts of plants. Their appearance is recognized by the eaten leaves and by the traces left behind - silvery, drying mucus.

Measures to combat snails and slugs - the destruction of pests is carried out manually.

Cabbage white butterfly - a white butterfly with black spots on its wings lays eggs on the underside of leaves, from which caterpillars hatch. Caterpillars gnaw holes in leaves and heads of cabbage.

Measures to combat cabbage whites - the main control is aimed at exterminating the caterpillars, which are effectively removed by insecticides by hand, and are also easy prey for birds and insect riders.

Cabbage cutworm is a gray moth. She also lays eggs on the underside of the leaf, and the green caterpillars that emerge from them eat through the leaves and heads of cabbage, leaving a dark green discharge.

Measures to combat the cabbage cutworm - the main fight is aimed at exterminating the caterpillars, which are effectively removed with insecticides.

Application in medicine

Cabbage is an ancient medicinal product that was highly valued in Ancient Greece and Rome, and of course cabbage was especially valued in Rus'. It is known that chopped fresh cabbage and its juice have an effective antibacterial effect. Sauerkraut brine improves digestion, promotes the separation of bile, and has a mild laxative effect. Fresh and dried extract of white cabbage is effective in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers, enteritis, colitis, skin diseases, and cardiosclerosis.

The outer leaves of early green cabbage contain folic acid, which is necessary for normal hematopoiesis and metabolic processes. For people with blood diseases, cabbage or its juice is recommended in its raw form.


Breeders from many countries have contributed to the development of new types of ornamental cabbage. Hybrids of Dutch and Japanese origin are popular in the Russian Federation. Typically, after planting, it takes 120–130 days to form a full-fledged rosette.


This is a compact-sized ornamental cabbage with corrugated leaves. "Princess" has a dense rosette that lasts until frost. The plant is not tall, reaching a height of no more than 35 centimeters. The main feature of the variety: two-color leaves. The lower leaves are green, and the upper ones can be purple, red, yellow, etc.


This hybrid variety is considered one of the most beautiful varieties of ornamental cabbage. It has a strong trunk with serrated leaves located on it. The socket does not deteriorate due to this feature, because no water gets into it. The ornamental cabbage bush is quite frost-resistant, and the hybrid is also resistant to rot. In autumn, when it’s cold, the leaves of the rosette turn from green to red.

Bright autumn

This variety is similar to the “Princess” variety, but has a more compact rosette. "Bright Autumn" easily adapts after transplantation. She is not afraid of several transplants in one season. It can be grown as a houseplant. Is it possible to eat ornamental cabbage of this variety? Yes, it is edible.


This cabbage variety has a small height (from 20 to 30 centimeters). Its leaves are colored as if with a gradient. On one leaf it can vary from burgundy to pink. The variety itself may have rosettes of different colors. On sale there are seeds with purple, yellow, red colors, etc. The leaves are cut and look like they are corrugated.

Autumn medley

Ornamental cabbage does not grow tall. Its usual height is about 20 centimeters. Its rosette looks like a fancy flower. It is quite loose, with a green tint around the edges. Closer to the center of the rosette, the leaves turn red and yellow.


The rosette of this variety reaches 40 centimeters. The elongated leaves with sharp edges make the variety particularly decorative. There is a fringe along their edge. Closer to the center of the head of cabbage, the leaves become crimson, and the edges are green with red streaks.

Lace mosaic

This variety of ornamental cabbage is larger than the previous ones. Ornamental cabbage can stretch up to 60 centimeters in height. The lace mosaic has a monochromatic leaf color and corrugated edges. The outer leaves are green, and the central ones can be blue, red or yellow. Often they also have bright inclusions throughout the sheet. The shape of the lace mosaic resembles a peony.

Kai and Gerda

This variety of cabbage is considered frost-resistant. It can survive frosts down to 10–15 degrees below zero. The biennial grows up to 70 centimeters in height. The leaves of the bush have a purple or green tint. They have excellent taste and are used for preparing first courses and salads.


This is a beautiful hybrid variety with several stems extending from the stalk. Each stem extends up to 45 centimeters. At the end there is a rosette, similar in shape to a rose. The decorative cabbage flower is unusual and looks impressive in a flower bed. Several shades are combined in one rosette. Combinations of pink, cream and green rosettes look most interesting in a flowerbed.

Russian circle

The perennial is quite compact. It reaches a height of no more than 30 centimeters. The head of cabbage is loose and shaped like a rose. The leaves have a rounded shape and bright veins.

Useful properties of white cabbage

White cabbage is a valuable food product with high taste qualities. Its value lies in the combination of basic nutrients: nitrogenous compounds and carbohydrates, mineral salts and vitamins. The leaves that form the head of cabbage are eaten; they contain sugar, starch, dietary fiber, a little protein, a large amount of minerals, organic acids, enzymes and vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, PP, and K that are beneficial for the human body. , P, E, anti-ulcer vitamin U, carotene, choline, inositol and other biologically active substances that suppress the growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria or cause their death.

16 amino acids were found in cabbage. Rich in mineral salts, organic acids, and vitamins, it plays an important role in the rational nutrition of the population. The dry matter content in white cabbage ranges from 6.1 to 11.6%. According to the groups of ripeness of varieties, it is: for early ripening from 6.1 to 7.5%, for mid-ripening - 7.3-7.7%, for mid-late - 7.8-8.9% and for late-ripening - 9.0-11.6 %. Cabbage contains organic acids: malic, gluconic, succinic, chlorogenic, ferulic, caffeic, tartronic, formic, etc. Among them, citric acid predominates, which plays an important role in metabolism. The total content of free acids in cabbage is 0.05–0.5% (translated into malic acid).

Cabbage is the most important source of mineral salts, in mg per 100 g of raw material: sodium - 18, potassium - 185-230, calcium - 48-70, magnesium - 16, phosphorus - 31, iron - 1.0-1.2, sulfur – 75 and other macro-, micro-, ultra-microelements. The sum of ash elements is 0.6–0.8%. These substances play an important role in normal human nutrition. They improve digestion, metabolism, cardiovascular activity and actively influence other processes. Potassium salts accelerate the release of fluid from the body and improve the functioning of the heart muscle. Calcium salts are used to create bone tissue, iron salts are involved in hematopoiesis, and manganese salts are involved in metabolism.

This culture contains the optimal amount of sulfur and chlorine, which cleanse the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Cabbage also contains iodine. It helps remove cholesterol from the body and helps prevent atherosclerosis, so cabbage is recommended for obesity and diabetes. The stump is also a valuable part of cabbage. The concentration of vitamin C in it is three times greater than in cabbage leaves. In terms of energy value, white cabbage is inferior to many vegetables and contains 28 kcal or 117 kJ per 100 g of product.

Preventing cabbage cracking

In favorable temperature and humidity conditions, cabbage heads quite often ripen before harvest time. If their growth is not stopped at this point, they may crack.

To avoid this problem, ready-made heads of cabbage, if the harvest time has not yet arrived, need to be bent to one side several times to disrupt the root system or slightly cut into the roots with a shovel. This will sharply reduce the availability of nutrients and stop the growth of cabbage, and consequently, the cracking of heads of cabbage.

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