Do-it-yourself terracing of slopes on a summer cottage

Principles of terracing

Regarding the principles of terracing, experts recommend:

  • make surface storm drains when arranging terraces on slopes;
  • think in advance about how cars will enter the yard;
  • consider whether any objects will be located on the terrace in order to include them in the plan drawing in advance.

Advice : it is best to begin work in spring or autumn, when the earth is easy to dig and compact.

Additional recommendations

When choosing a certain material, you should also use it for the construction of inter-level structures, which will ensure the integrity and harmony of the site. Don’t forget about the lighting, which will make evening walks more comfortable, which is also achieved by the arrangement of benches and gazebos in the garden area. Floristry will also be appropriate, when planning which you need to take into account the location of the slopes in relation to the cardinal points. The northern side of the site, for example, should be decorated with moisture-loving plants that prefer a location in the shade, while the southern side should be decorated with flowers and herbs that can confidently withstand drought and exposure to high temperatures.

Options and methods for terracing a site with a slope allow you to turn the most daring design solutions into reality, giving it uniqueness and attractiveness. In addition, compliance with all the rules and requirements for performing the work will allow you to carry out your plans with your own hands, without the need to spend money on the services of workers.



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The process of arranging a terrace on a slope

The installation of terraces on a site with a slope is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Marking is done with stakes.
  2. Points located at the same level along the first peg are marked.
  3. Additional stakes are placed at these points to form an even horizontal line.
  4. Then you need to go down to the next peg and build the same pattern.
  5. The remaining lines are built using the same technology.
  6. Next, a terrace is formed.
  7. It is strengthened with a retaining wall or vegetation with a reinforced layer.
  8. Making terraces on slopes.

Types of terraces

Before starting to develop the slope, it is necessary to decide which terraces will be built. There are several varieties depending on the angle of inclination and the purpose of landscape design.

The following types of terraces are distinguished:

  • Ridge - built with a plot slope of 0.02−0.12°. To create terraces, horizontal shafts up to 40 cm high are poured. The width of the platforms does not exceed half a meter; most often grapes are grown on them.
  • Trench - used with a slope of 0.09−0.18°. To arrange the terrace, trenches are dug, and the earth taken from them is used to construct shafts.
  • Stepped - they are built with a slope of up to 0.25°, the width of the formed platforms is up to three meters. Not only grapes and vegetables are grown on such terraces, but also fruit trees. Stepped terraces are recognized as the most reliable and aesthetically pleasing; they fit perfectly into the overall design of the site.
  • Ditch - suitable for areas with a slope angle of 0.1° to 1.0°. Terraces are formed by mounding earth from ditches that serve to drain storm water.

After a detailed study of the types of terraces, even beginners can choose the most suitable option for their site; To make your choice easier, you can watch a video on the Internet with a detailed description of terracing technology.

Retaining wall forms

Designers prefer complex forms of retaining walls. Because curved and broken walls look more impressive. In addition, they are characterized by higher strength. Their only drawback is the high consumption of building materials.

Concrete walls

When arranging them, it is taken into account that:

  • the structure is balanced by horizontal movements of the soil under its own weight;
  • to properly distribute the load on the wall, its lower level is made in the form of a wedge.


When installing them, the following requirements are met:

  • the width of the base is equal to one fourth of its height;
  • the thickness of the top edge must be at least 10 cm;
  • the walls are buried 70 cm into the ground;
  • The formwork is installed along a curved contour.


Their construction allows you to save on building materials:

  • the width of the trench is equal to the width of the horizontal slab;
  • depth - 60 cm. The pit is half filled with gravel and compacted with a vibrating plate;
  • the vertical slab is reinforced, since it bears heavy loads.

Stone walls

Organically combines with any landscape. When constructing them, it is recommended to use the classic offset masonry scheme.


Their main advantages include:

  • original appearance;
  • mobility. The structure can be dismantled at any time or modified if desired;
  • a simple construction process - stones are simply laid in a beautiful order inside the metal gabions.

Tip: to save on buying stones, you can mark any construction debris in the center of the structure, which can then be easily hidden by massive cobblestones.

Stone or brick masonry

When constructing stone or brick retaining walls, it is worth considering:

  • if the wall consists of only 8 rows, the masonry is made in half a brick;
  • bricks or stones are buried 20 cm into the ground;
  • when forcing high walls, it is recommended to strengthen them with pilasters;
  • Reinforcement is carried out every 5 rows.

Features of an uneven area

It is almost impossible to competently design a site without preliminary design.
The level of complexity of slope development work directly depends on the angle of inclination. Small differences in heights can be completed with your own hands; it is better to entrust the plan for strengthening a slope with a large angle to specialists. Familiarization with the characteristic features of inclined relief will help you navigate when drawing up a site development project:

  • The soil of the slope is subject to increased exposure to atmospheric phenomena, so there is a risk of erosion or landslides.
  • The microclimate of the site is determined by the direction of the slope relative to the cardinal points. The southern part is characterized by an excess of natural light; here it is optimal to plant heat-loving plants and worry about quality watering. It is preferable to decorate the northern section of the slope with flora, which does not require a large flow of light and tolerates excess moisture well.

  • There are differences in microclimate and at different slope levels. The upper part of the site is more exposed to wind and sun, so the soil dries out quickly. The lower sector is characterized by moisture accumulation, less air movement and lower temperatures.
  • Thoughtful geoplasticity of the soil will help to properly design the site. Sometimes it is necessary to level the slope by removing a layer of soil in one place and adding it in another. Such actions are taken to raise low-lying soil with high humidity.

The choice of material for geoplastics and slope strengthening depends on the subsequent use of the site. If we are talking about the construction or design of terraces, it is allowed to fill the bottom layer with construction waste. Gravel and crushed stone are used in the middle layer; sand is added when soil moisture is high. For landscaping, the top layer is formed from fertile soil.

Strengthening terrace slopes without supporting mesh

Terraces on a site with a slope can also be made using primitive technology without the use of a retaining mesh. Then high-strength geotextiles are used instead. The order of work in this case is as follows:

  1. The soil is removed by 20-50 cm.
  2. The trench is covered with geotextiles and secured with staples at the joints.
  3. Crushed stone or gravel is poured onto the geotextile, and soil is placed on top.
  4. Afterwards, the slope is sown with lawn or any ground cover.
  5. This method is suitable for not too steep slopes. If their slope exceeds 70 degrees, it is recommended to use geomats instead of geotextiles.

Preparatory work on a site with a slope

It is important to correctly carry out all stages of preparatory work on a suburban area. To create a comfortable and beautiful summer cottage, you will need to strengthen the slopes, create terraces, and think through an irrigation and drainage system.

When developing a landscape design for a site on a slope, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the soil, the angle of inclination and its location. The most favorable is the southern slope. This arrangement allows you to easily grow vegetables and fruits, arrange gazebos and recreation areas.

The northern slopes are much worse in terms of creating a beautiful area surrounded by greenery and flowers. Throughout the day, the site remains in the shade, which significantly reduces its attractiveness. In addition, due to the lack of sun, the ground becomes cold and damp, which can negatively affect already equipped terraces.


When arranging a terrace on a slope, you should carefully consider how to decorate it. For this purpose: flowers, cereals, decorative deciduous shrubs, trees are used.

Plants suitable for terraces

When decorating terraces with plants, preference should be given to:

  • girl's grapes;
  • clematis;
  • verbena;
  • begonias;
  • ivy.


The final stage of terracing the site is decorating the terrace areas.

Herbaceous plants, shrubs, and fruit trees can be used for decoration. The features of the created structures make it possible to create hedges. To do this, you need to plant climbing plants such as grapes, ivy, and creeping vines next to the retaining walls. The plants used can be both ornamental and fruit crops.

Your own garden on the terraces

When planning terraces for growing plants, you need to keep in mind that the angle of inclination of the site significantly affects illumination, humidity, and soil temperature. So one degree of slope shifts climatic factors by 8-10 km in the direction in which it is directed. That is, on a southern slope with a slope of 1 degree, you need to grow plants that are grown in a climate located 8-10 km to the south.

In addition to flower beds and bushes, terraces are ideal for constructing small waterfalls and groups of ponds on neighboring sites.

Project details

Garden area – 175 sq.m. In this fairly compact space, the designers placed a three-tier terrace and a dining area with a table and chairs. The covered summer kitchen took up another 12 sq.m.

Irrigation and drainage systems

When backfilling the terrace, you should immediately provide for drainage and drainage. If necessary, you can install several drains and trays to drain accumulated storm water.

The first floor in the terrace always performs the function of drainage. It is made of sand and gravel. Afterwards a layer of earth is laid, and fertile soil is placed on top. After a few days, the layer of fertile soil is replenished, as natural shrinkage of the soil occurs. Only after this can you confidently begin landscaping the site.

Design solutions for a site with a slope

Beauty and functionality are what every owner of a country plot needs. Pre-planned zones and having an idea of ​​something specific greatly simplify the task of arranging a comfortable environment.

It is necessary to immediately determine the purpose of the summer cottage - relaxation with family and friends, creating a vegetable garden and growing vegetables and fruits, or all at once. Afterwards, you can choose the style you like by looking at several photo options for arranging a site on a slope.

Almost any design solution can be implemented in relief areas. It could be a small Japanese-style garden, a French park, a country garden, a garden in the Art Nouveau or country style. Use the differences in the terraces to create waterfalls and ponds, not forgetting to reinforce them with concrete blocks, plant climbing plants, wrapping them around gazebos and walls of buildings.

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There are no restrictions here except imagination and desire. It is not at all necessary to hire a landscape designer; the main thing is to invest your soul and all your creative potential, and the result will not disappoint.

Garden path-deck

An interesting detail of the project - the garden path - is made of boards in the form of a deck. It leads from the house to the summer kitchen, expanding into the dining area. The sides of the terrace and the kitchen are lined with the same material as the deck - Douglas fir (pseudo-hemlock).

According to Nicola Spinetto, the boards were deliberately left untreated so that the wood, under the influence of salt-saturated Mediterranean air and the hot sun, would eventually acquire an interesting texture and a characteristic grayish tint.

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