Review author: Terrari School of Design
The wise saying “My home is my castle” allows us to realize the value and understand the role of comfort that surrounds a person in his personal living space. Only by staying at home is it possible to fully take a break from a busy day and regain strength. Especially when it comes to modern rhythm, innovative technologies and incredible stress.
Types of windows for a wooden house. Peculiarities
Currently, there are the following types of windows suitable for installation in a wooden house:
- plastic;
- metal-plastic;
- wooden;
- aluminum;
- combined.
It is impossible in principle to answer the question of which of these types is definitely better. It is important to consider your own preferences and design considerations.
Wooden windows should be considered the most expensive option. This is the most environmentally friendly option and the undoubted advantage is the use of natural material.
Plastic and metal-plastic double-glazed windows have a number of undoubted advantages, which include their low price, practicality, absolute tightness and a wide range of color shades. Among other things, they are durable and require little maintenance.
The main drawback is the materials used in the window construction itself; how they will fully affect human health is still unknown.
Aluminum and combined windows also have their own advantages, due to the materials used in the construction, such advantages include durability, structural strength, tightness and convenience.
When choosing one type or another, look at photos of windows for a wooden house in advertising brochures, try to imagine how the window will look, how the structure will fit into the overall design and, based on your financial capabilities and subjective perception, make the final decision.
Eurowindows made of laminated veneer lumber - advantages
When choosing which windows are best to install in an apartment or country house, many hesitate between EuroWindows and “joinery”. It would seem that both here and there are wood, and “carpentry” costs less. As one famous advertisement said: “If there is no difference, why pay more?” But there is a difference! EuroWindows made of laminated veneer lumber have a number of advantages:
● Glued laminated timber has increased rigidity. The versatile orientation of the fibers in the layers of the timber makes it resistant to loads and prevents cracking and distortion of frames.
● Additional drying of the lamellas ensures that the timber will keep its shape and will not crack. The slats fit tightly to each other and there are no gaps between them.
● The design of double-glazed windows allows you not to worry about annual insulation of windows for winter. The production technology provides several sealing contours that guarantee good thermal insulation.
● Finally, windows made of laminated veneer lumber look beautiful and presentable even without additional finishing.
Window installation
During construction, it is important to take into account that the installation of windows has some features, neglect of which can lead to undesirable consequences.
We are talking about the peculiarity of the construction of wooden buildings: as you know, wood shrinks to some extent, and therefore, over time, the geometric dimensions change downwards, which can lead to the appearance of gaps, curvature of the window structure, deformation of the double-glazed window, etc.
To avoid these troubles, take into account the following recommendations:
- in log houses, window openings must be installed after the main shrinkage of the log house, which requires waiting about a year and a half. The installation should not be carried out immediately - it is impossible to unambiguously calculate the degree of shrinkage, it depends on the moisture content of the wood, environmental conditions, etc.;
- if you choose a project using laminated veneer lumber, you can install window structures right away - the shrinkage of such a structure will not exceed 2%;
- When installing window structures, use only sliding joints;
- directly above the window frame, provide a shrinkage gap of 6-7 cm.
Another important point in the design of a wooden house, and in the context under consideration - in the calculations when installing window frames, is that a wooden building is constantly in some movement. This movement is explained by the properties of the tree, the characteristics and quality of the foundation, as well as other external factors.
This feature must be taken into account at the design stage and directly during the construction process. To solve these problems, the window frame is installed in a special design - a frame. In view of the importance of this element, we will consider its features in more detail.
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Let's talk about window beams - what is it?
After we have decided on the choice between plastic and wood, we will tell you about window beams. It is a solid wood, solid or glued. Solid timber is made from one piece of wood, while laminated timber is glued together from lamella boards. The slats are obtained from tree species common in Russia (pine, larch, oak), dried and glued together with non-toxic water-repellent glue. The finished timber is laminated, where each layer has a different fiber direction - due to this, the material acquires greater strength. Additionally, laminated veneer lumber is treated with antiseptic and fire-fighting compounds.
Features of the pigtail
The frame, as a special structural element, is necessary for any type of window being installed, be it a wooden structure or PVC window. It provides:
- the impossibility of vertical displacement of log logs in the opening without interfering with the shrinkage of the walls themselves;
- increases the structural strength of the window opening;
- the lower part of the pigtail serves as a window sill;
- ensures subsequent convenience when installing cash;
- an additional element is created in the insulation system of the entire window opening.
The pigtail can be implemented using two different schemes:
- On the end part of the logs, after cutting out the window opening, a special groove is selected. A specially prepared timber is mounted into it. This option is suitable for installing wooden windows;
- The second method involves creating a special tenon at the ends of the window opening, on which the so-called window “carriage” is installed - a special block with a groove.
When creating a frame, you must remember: the vertical height of the installed bars must be less than the height of the window opening by the calculated amount of shrinkage, otherwise you risk lifting the upper crowns of the frame with the appearance of a gap.
Materials, sizes and window shapes
When deciding on the choice of window structures for a wooden house, you should consider in detail the features of the window profile. The material must have good heat and sound insulation, provide the windows with sufficient tightness, and it is also important that the windows are safe and protect against entry into the house from the outside. Therefore, windows with a wide profile are most often chosen - protective fittings are easiest to install on a wide profile. In country wooden houses, window structures are installed in one of three types - wooden, plastic or metal. Wooden window frames are usually made from pine, larch or oak.
Pine has good moisture resistance, but is less durable due to the high softness of the wood. Larch has the highest strength characteristics, so its price may be an order of magnitude higher. Windows with oak window profiles weigh more and provide less thermal insulation, but they are quite strong, durable and look aesthetically pleasing. Wooden frames in the windows of wooden buildings look harmonious and help create a special coziness.
For the manufacture of window structures made of plastic or aluminum, moisture-resistant material is always chosen. Among metal-plastic structures you can find profiles of various configurations and colors. For window profiles, it is necessary to select high-quality fittings. Having chosen the profile material, you should determine the size of the windows. It is most convenient to take structures of standard sizes - then there will be no problems with selecting fittings and purchasing the required number of profiles. However, for individual projects you can always use custom-sized windows. There are several basic rules that you can follow to choose the size of window openings. The living room and children's room should have as much natural light as possible, which is why large windows are installed there. In the construction of modern country cottages, panoramic glazing is often used - such a design can occupy up to 70% of the wall area. The material used is tempered glass. The shape of the window can be very different. The most common are rectangular window designs. Depending on the opening pattern, sliding, rotating, tilting and tilt-and-turn profiles are selected. Round, triangular and trapezoidal windows are considered more original in shape. The window can also be fitted into an arched opening.
Features of installation of plastic double-glazed windows
Plastic windows are very popular and widely used, and therefore we will present some features of their installation in a wooden house.
Installation must be carried out at an ambient temperature of at least minus 10 degrees Celsius. Under no circumstances should you install a plastic double-glazed window without a frame.
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The gap for foaming of the structure must be within the following limits:
- 4-5 cm at the top;
- 3-4 cm at the bottom;
- on the sides - about 2-3 cm.
Use special fasteners during installation. Fixing it through the frame using self-tapping screws results in the window losing its airtightness.
How to choose the right finishing element
To choose the right finish, it is important that it meets the following criteria:
- matched the style of the window and the interior of the house;
- was durable and moisture resistant;
- served for a long time, at least the window service life: 15-20 years;
- It was installed easily and simply so that any beginner could cope with its installation.
Slopes made of painted metal - in the case of finishing the facade of a house with metal cladding
The effect of "crying" windows
In order to avoid suddenly finding excessive sweat or heavily frozen glass on your windows on winter days, which subsequently begin to thaw and “cry,” certain conditions must be met, namely:
- Install windows carefully. Think through all the points, carefully consider the installation process;
- use energy-saving glass;
- do not forget about ventilating the room;
These are, of course, only the most general tips, but even they will help you avoid unpleasant surprises in the future.
Man is designed in such a way that without the presence of light flowing freely through the window opening, and without the first star near the moon, timidly peering into the luminous window, “the crown of nature - man” goes out like a candle flame swaying in the cold wind. Windows in a house are the eyes through which a person looks at this world! And this means that these eyes must be light enough, transparent and as reliable as possible in order to preserve not only the beauty of the world, but also the warmth and comfort inside the house where a person lives.
Metal-plastic windows produced using modern technologies, or, more simply put, plastic ones, would be ideal for these purposes.
Photo of windows in a wooden house
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