Cooking outdoors can turn a simple family meal into a real feast. Food soaked in the aromatic smell of smoke will delight everyone in the household with its unique taste.
Every owner of even a small plot of land can set up a barbecue area on their own.
The choice is yours
For those who do not plan to make special efforts when arranging a barbecue area, the best option would be to buy a ready-made barbecue. Many barbecue models are presented in stores. Buying them won't be difficult.
Those who have decided to approach the development of this zone thoroughly should turn their attention to specialized construction sites.
A variety of master classes will show a large number of photographs of barbecues with your own hands, and will also provide detailed videos with the step-by-step manufacturing process.
All that remains is to choose the appropriate option and acquire the necessary material.
There are a lot of options for making a barbecue, everything will depend on the presence or absence of any elements in the design. Decide in advance what basic parts and special appliances the stove under construction will be equipped with.
Basically, the design is complemented by:
- built-in spit;
- an enlarged open firebox area, this will create the illusion of a garden fireplace;
- frying rack;
- a niche for installing a cauldron, a barbecue with a cauldron will allow you to prepare a lot of delicious and interesting dishes in the fresh air;
- separate area for barbecue;
- construction for barbecue preparation;
- hob;
- smokehouse, etc.
The most versatile and multifunctional option would be a design that includes all of the above points. You can see what ovens equipped in one way or another look like by studying photos of various barbecues made by yourself, including two or three or all of the above-mentioned additions.
Where to begin
Arranging a barbecue area requires strict adherence to fire safety rules. Before deciding how to make a barbecue oven, you need to think about where it will be located.
The choice of location for installation should be approached with the utmost care. After all, later you can make water and electricity connections to the barbecue area.
Preparation for construction
The first important step in arranging a barbecue will be choosing the place where the stove will be installed. When choosing a site for its placement, you must be guided by the following recommendations:
- The distance from the structure to the house should not be too large, since preparing a dish will require repeated trips to the main kitchen for utensils, food, spices, etc.
- Trees and shrubs should not grow near the fireplace.
- Take into account the prevailing wind direction in the area; smoke from the stove should not go towards residential premises.
Next, you need to decide what the future structure will look like, draw or select an approximate drawing of a barbecue on construction sites or in special magazines, and decide on its dimensions.
When creating a design diagram, be sure to take into account the individual features of the landscape on the site, plan so that the grate or any other main barbecue cooking surface is at a safe and comfortable height for the person cooking.
Before starting the stove manufacturing process, be sure to decide on the design of the future structure; it is best that it is made in the same style as the country house and favorably complements the overall design of the land plot.
In a large free space, you can place a large barbecue that combines various work areas; in a small area, a compact oven with an optimal set of functions will look great.
The best option
The optimal solution would be to build a brick barbecue oven. The qualitative characteristics of this material guarantee the durability of the building, ease of maintenance and ease of use.
In addition, brick buildings fit organically into the interior, giving the atmosphere a unique sophistication and warmth.
Choosing building material
Which brick to choose? Depends on where the stove will be located - outside or in the house. Since we plan to place the building on the street, it is recommended to create it from different types of bricks.
We use fireclay bricks to build the inner part of the firebox, and it is better to lay out the outer part from solid ceramic (M200) or facing bricks. At the owner's request, it is possible to create a decorative brick finish.
Construction of a barbecue
When the foundation has completely hardened, construction of the furnace begins. This is done by following a pre-drawn barbecue drawing, which is necessary for the construction of a high-quality building that meets the stated requirements.
To begin with, roofing material is laid on the surface of the foundation (to protect the structure from moisture). Also, it would not hurt to install additional waterproofing between the first two rows of masonry.
It is best to use a special stove brick, which has all the necessary properties, including increased heat resistance.
As a connecting element, a clay-sand mortar with a slight addition of cement should be used.Video description
In this video, watch a review of the grill with a frying pan:
It is convenient for a portable barbecue grill to have wheels that allow you to move it with ease Source
Or a casket with “jewels”. The lid in such options plays a significant role in preparing the kebab - under it it acquires a slightly smoky taste.
Metal barbecue in the form of a jewelry box with a hinged lid Source
Or a pirate chest with appropriate symbols.
The pirate chest also looks unusual Source
The classic version, but on wheels and with shelves like a serving table.
Classic barbecue on a stand with wheels Source
Also a classic, but without wheels - it’s easy to carry. Decorating elements are made of steel rods and reinforcement - they also serve as additional reinforcement of the structure.
Classic with forged elements and on a stand with shelves on the sides Source
Another classic option. This also has a peculiar beauty, combined with strict functionality.
Here you can cook not only barbecue, but also delicious pilaf over a fire Source
This might be interesting! In the article at the following link, read about what you can give a man for his 45th birthday - designer barbecues and other birthday gifts.
But the fantasies of true masters are not limited to classic solutions - sometimes barbecues take on the most fantastic shapes. The simplest solution: two supports at the ends in different versions.
“Pirates with dynamite” for a brave company Source
The same thing, but with different characters.
Pirate cats may try to steal the shish kebab Source
Metal artists can embody everything in the simplest design of a barbecue, although to a greater extent creativity is aimed at understandable and ordinary things and figures - this is the beauty.
Shish kebab can be cooked “on the plane” Source Or on a boat Source
On the grill in the form of a sailing yacht Source
Barbecue for Cinderella Source
A barbecue in the shape of a train or a deer is no less interesting ideas Source
Shish kebab can be brought by elk Source
And for real connoisseurs, shish kebab is delivered on a gilded stagecoach Source
Photo of a barbecue for a summer residence
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Disposable roasting pans for cooking kebabs
Disposable structures consist of a thin tin tray equipped with stable supports, filled with solid fuel and covered with a permanent grill. This option is suitable for a trip to nature or country gatherings with friends, and is thrown away after the pan is completely burned out.
Disposable Dutch oven
Thanks to its lightness, a disposable roasting pan can be taken with you on a walk, hike, or fishing. A disposable tray is enough for 2-3 hours of burning, during which time you can fry up to three kilograms of meat products. The cost of this device is 150-180 rubles.
A disposable frying pan is enough to prepare a treat for a small company
Generalization on the topic
For several centuries, the process of cooking over an open fire has not changed. Man just constantly comes up with new devices that can help alleviate it. They are improving, becoming more technologically advanced, therefore, today some barbecues and barbecues look like complex space objects. They are easy to use if you choose the right design. The article provides a complete overview of the existing range. It will help you quickly navigate and choose something very suitable for yourself.
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Detailed classification
All proposed models can be divided into three large groups:
- portable;
- stationary;
- collapsible.
Convenient portable round grill Source
See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in the design of small architectural forms.
All models are very convenient to use; the choice of a particular option depends only on a person’s financial capabilities. If guests rarely gather in the house and the equipment described is not used often, there is no point in purchasing expensive stationary installations. In such a situation, it is more rational to buy an inexpensive model and use it from time to time.
Stationary barbecues, grills, barbecues are an integral part of the garden design. They almost always become the center of a recreation area and are actively used for their intended purpose. When choosing this option, you should not save money. It is better to immediately make a complex and install it inside the gazebo or build a foundation for installation, or make a canopy. Then neither rain nor cold will prevent you from having picnics and inviting a large number of guests. How this can be done and organized will be suggested by the published photos and pictures of barbecues for the dacha.
Stationary grill in an open summer kitchen Source
Portable grills and barbecues are made of thin metal. They are often built into a cart and have wheels. They may have cutting tables. Such options are purchased when there is no clear recreation area, when barbecue is prepared either on the open veranda or deep in the garden under the trees.
Collapsible options are good because they are easy to disassemble and assemble. When disassembled, the equipment can be placed in the trunk of a car and transported to any other location. But, as practice shows, such specimens have a very short operational period. They quickly break down and become unusable. A portable barbecue has little functionality; you cannot cook a lot of meat on it. When purchasing such products, you need to pay attention to the relationship between the thickness of the metal and the weight of the product. If the constituent elements of the structure are made of thin steel, the sheets will quickly deform. Metal that is too thick makes the equipment heavy. In such a situation, mobility suffers significantly.
Portable barbecue for large companies Source
Based on the type of fuel, the described products are also divided into three groups. Some can only be cooked with wood or coals. Their design has a simple form: a metal container at the bottom of which solid fuel burns. It gives off heat, it is enough for you to cook the selected products very quickly. During cooking, juice drips from the meat onto the coals or firewood, and smoke appears. It gives that aromatic taste that all barbecue lovers like so much.
The process of cooking over an open fire requires certain skills. You need to be able to light a fire, properly marinate meat, and then, at the level of your inner instinct, exercise control over the frying. It is impossible to use such equipment in the house due to the presence of large amounts of smoke.
Frying meat over an open fire Source
Grill smokehouse
A barbecue with a smokehouse is an excellent choice for the owner of a private home or cottage.
The stove itself is capable of maintaining a temperature of about 150 degrees and at the same time practically does not consume fuel in the form of firewood or coal.
It also has disadvantages. First of all, this relates to the surface area for cooking; it is very small.
It is also not very convenient to add fuel to maintain the combustion process. Due to its design, the stove will take a long time to cool down.
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As you can see, there are quite serious shortcomings, and they should be eliminated. First, it is necessary to increase the cooking surface and change the design of the stove so that it retains heat more effectively.
For use, it is better to use only charcoal. Thanks to its use, consumption will be more economical.
If you add several levels of grate to the stove, it will be easier to add coal and use the stove as both a smokehouse and a grill.
Why is brick better?
Let's look at the heat distribution diagram in a brick grill. In conventional open-type metal grills, the heat from the coals, directed upward, thermally treats only one side of the meat. You have to turn it periodically to ensure even cooking.
The brick structure uses the oven effect: heat, reflected from the internal brick walls, evenly affects the entire prepared product. As a result, the dish becomes tastier, juicier, and more tender.