Summer shower - drawings, projects and stages of construction with your own hands (135 photos)

How to make a summer shower quickly and cheaply? There is nothing simpler, in this article we will look at a master class on how to build a summer shower with your own hands from scrap materials and in the shortest possible time.

In addition, drawings of a summer shower with dimensions and, of course, step-by-step photos will be provided.

If you have become the happy owner of a summer cottage, then you will certainly be interested in the question of how to make a summer shower yourself, because when working on the plot in the summer heat, you just want to cool off under the warm water from the shower.

Materials for a summer shower

Depending on your budget and needs, almost any building material intended for outdoor use can be chosen to build a shower. It can be a frame, block structure or a building made of wood, brick, or stone.

To assemble the frame, a metal profile or pipes are most often used. You can assemble the booth yourself using a grinder and a welding machine, using PVC film, tarpaulin, profiled sheets and plastic panels for cladding.

In my ideal scenario, make a three-story house, the last floor would be an attic. At the same time, the house would not be small and wide enough to accommodate enough technical and utility rooms, as well as bedrooms and recreation areas, including a workshop and a winter garden. And in the future, the garage itself in the house should be large, for two cars + space for various things. Agree, such a house can be placed on 6 standard acres, but it will be a house, but without a garden and a cozy local area.

Watch the video: Do-it-yourself summer shower at the dacha

Showers made from these materials can also be purchased ready-made. As a rule, they are equipped with tanks with a capacity of 200 liters; there are models of summer showers with heated water and a changing room. The price range (in the Russian market - 15-30 thousand rubles) is determined primarily by the cladding materials.

The advantage of buying a ready-made summer shower: professionally verified dimensions of the structure, adequate selection of fasteners and moisture resistance of the cladding.

Another factory-made option is plastic showers with non-dismountable closed cabins, with a built-in sink, combined dressing room and electric water heater.

Advantages and disadvantages

To summarize, it is worth highlighting the positive aspects inherent in a DIY summer shower:

  • Economical (water is heated naturally).
  • Attractive appearance, an original version of garden plot decoration.
  • Relieves fatigue and has health benefits.
  • Hardening the body.
  • Opportunity to show creativity.
  • Low cost of construction.
  • Wide selection of materials.

Unfortunately, this solution has not only advantages, but also obvious disadvantages:

  • Wooden elements require constant treatment with antiseptics and water-repellent impregnations.
  • Metal must be painted to protect it from corrosion.
  • A stationary shower requires a high-quality foundation, which significantly increases the cost of work.
  • Not all designs can please visually.
  • To create a summer shower you need to have basic construction skills.

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Examples of designs for self-assembly

Given the initial dimensions of the shower stall with an area of ​​1 sq.m and a height of 2 meters or so, you need to calculate the required number of blanks for the frame: steel corners 5x5 cm, or 2mm profile pipe with a cross-section of 4x2 cm. The length of the blank for the racks should take into account an additional 20-30 cm for concreting.

At the next stage, standard welding of the structure is done, then a concrete floor screed into which the vertical posts are buried. After that - welding the frame and installing the hinged door. All that remains is to line the cabin with construction sheets, film or other waterproof material.

To drain water, you can use a tray with an outlet pipe, or provide a sewer outlet at the stage of screeding with concrete. When selected to the appropriate size, a flat plastic water tank will also serve as a roof for the building.

It will be easy to equip such a homemade shower stall with a dressing room, doubling the area of ​​the structure and separating the compartment with a curtain. Instead of a concrete floor, you can make a wooden floor, leaving gaps for water to drain into the pan.

Wooden blocks and boards are another available material for building a summer shower. In this case, you can abandon the concrete screed, strengthening the strength of the wooden frame with metal fasteners or additional corner braces.

As cladding, you can use boards, logs, or make a wicker from twigs. As you can see by looking at the photos of summer showers, wooden structures made professionally and from high-quality materials can easily fit into a well-kept landscape.

Using wooden boards or profiles, you can, with record speed, build unpretentious-looking collapsible options for a summer shower with a small tank, the walls of which can be curtained with an awning.

Briefly about the main thing

A shower made from a profile pipe is a device for land plots, with which you can wash in the warm season and cool down in the hot season.

Choosing a profile pipe as a frame will make the structure stronger and more durable, and will also reduce the cost of funds compared to a brick shower.

You should carefully choose the material for cladding, since each of them has its own positive and negative qualities. A good choice would be corrugated sheeting. It has a service life similar to pipes, so it does not have to be replaced, like wood or film.

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Tricks from the experts

You may have already guessed that the water will heat up much faster if you choose a tank for an outdoor shower in dark shades. After all, we all know that the sun's rays are ideally attracted to black or brown colors.

You can use one side of the house to add a shower stall to it

It is important to treat the wall with a special moisture-resistant product. Photos of such a shower inside and outside can be viewed on the Internet to easily realize your ideas.

If you have an old tree on your summer cottage that you have been wanting to cut down for a long time, don’t rush to do it! With the help of such a natural element you can play with an interesting idea. For example, place a shower hose on a branch of a suitable height and secure it.

You can specially plant climbing plants (vines, clematis and others). With this solution you will cover the external walls of the cabin and fill your yard with additional comfort and aesthetics.

Where to start, where to turn?

You should start by searching for a suitable property, and once it is found, you can begin to obtain numerous permits.

Situations with the refusal of any participant in the procedure may arise, so there is a possibility of litigation arising on this basis, which will further complicate the process.

Where to go? Apart from the indicated persons and bodies who must give consent to the transaction, there is no need to apply anywhere. The contract is drawn up in simple written form and certified by the landlord.

In order to receive it, you must contact the governing body of the municipality that owns the property being exchanged.

Useful tips

You can even install a corner in your bedroom. The main thing is to carefully think through all the arrangements.

If you cannot decide on a suitable design for a plumbing cabin, you can use ready-made design solutions found on the Internet.

Although corner structures are small in size, independent installation is quite labor-intensive.

If you plan to create a pallet from brick, then you should not save on it. It is better to buy a new one that is moisture resistant than to use a used one. Over time, the old material may crack, and installation will have to be done again.

At the end of all of the above, we can draw conclusions.

  • You don't have to spend money on professional plumbing installation. Installation of a shower, if the instructions are followed, is possible even for an inexperienced person in such matters. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations, and there will be no problems with installation.
  • When choosing a shower cabin model, you should focus not only on personal preferences, but also take into account the area of ​​the space where installation is planned.

Before installing plumbing, it is imperative to connect the house to the water supply and sewerage system

If the walls and ceiling are wooden, it is necessary to treat them with special antiseptics, acrylic varnish, or finish them with cladding boards. It is worth paying attention to the ventilation of the room for water procedures, since there is high humidity there. It is recommended to install a system with forced air circulation.

  • It is also necessary to take into account the functionality of the equipment, its nominal pressure and what material the parts are made of. Don't forget that additional options increase the cost.
  • When creating a pallet with your own hands from bricks, it is better to use a new one. This way the niche will last longer. You can decorate with ceramic tiles, mosaics or marble.

To learn how to assemble a shower stall, see the following video.

Caring for a wooden shower

It is necessary to properly treat all wooden parts of the cabin with special solutions and impregnations.
It is important to do this before assembling the structure, since many negative factors are easier to prevent than to get rid of them later. First of all, protection from rotting is required, which invariably accompanies places of large accumulation of water.

Such solutions contain substances that prevent the development of fungi.

It is also necessary to take care of protection from insects that can damage the structure. Special solutions contain insecticides; they repel insects and prevent them from damaging the wood by penetrating inside. It is better to choose water-based products; they absorb quickly and are easy to work with. They dry in about three hours.

clean it is important not to forget

In order for the shower to last long enough, it is necessary to provide high-quality ventilation of the cabin. This will help subsequently prevent the development of dampness and mold. It is best to leave the door to the cubicle open outside the period of operation. Windows for ventilation also play an important role; they must be large enough. The location of the shower is of great importance. It is better for it to be on a hill and be exposed to natural drying under the sun's rays. In this way, you can prevent rapid damage to the building and enjoy your self-built, comfortable and practical country shower for many years.

Thus, it becomes clear that building a country shower out of wood with your own hands is not at all difficult, you just need to set aside a couple of days for this, go by car to the construction market, buy the necessary materials, set yourself in a positive mood and begin to make your dream come true. And then the whole family, during so many short but such joyful summer months, will be happy to engage in water procedures.

We are drawing up a project

A country or construction shower is so simple that it does not require drawing up a detailed project. As a rule, the standard dimensions of a shower cabin are observed: 100x100x220 cm. An outdoor shower cannot be built lower, since a certain part of its height is taken up by a wooden pallet, plus there is a watering can above the head. But it is best to select the depth and width of the building individually to suit the physique of the dacha owner. For example, an obese person will feel cramped in a small country shower, so the size will need to be increased.

If you want to decorate a shower stall for your dacha, build a locker room with a dressing room, install a table and benches here, then in this case a project will already be needed. Draw what you decide to design and indicate all the dimensions.

When drawing up a detailed drawing, consider the following points:

  • You need to take care of the ventilation hatches. For a small shower stall, one hatch in the side wall will be enough.
  • As a rule, showers in the country are used late in the evening and during the day, so it is necessary to provide round-the-clock lighting. For natural light, you can make a window in the side wall or the top of the door. You can choose corrugated transparent glass for the window. If the garden shower is used only in the summer, then you can make it without a roof. On top there will be only a tank on jumpers. The absence of a roof will create an influx of fresh air and improve natural lighting. For night time, you can use an electric flashlight. But do not forget that it is necessary to install a lighting device with a degree of protection against high humidity.
  • Consider the arrangement of shelves for bath accessories. They should be within reach and not interfere with washing.
  • The locker room can be equipped in several ways. The first is to build a dressing room. To do this, it is enough to dig several racks opposite the cabin doors and line them with any material. You will have a fence without a roof in the form of a changing room on the beach. The second option is to increase the size of the cabin itself. In this case, you can separate the space for things with plastic wrap.
  • In order to be able to use the garden shower in cool times, organize heating. To do this, consider constructing a tank with an electric heater. As one option, you can attach the cabin to the house and supply hot water to it from the boiler. If you have enough space, then, as a last resort, equip a warm shower in the house itself. Then you can rinse off in any weather.
  • If there are always a lot of people at the dacha, then a fairly significant amount of water will be used in the shower. Include the location of the drainage well and drain into the project.

Selecting a location

Before starting the construction of any building on a personal plot, it is necessary to choose the right place for it. This must be an area that is not suitable for planting a garden, vegetable garden or flower beds. Also, the following requirements apply to choosing a place to build a shower:

  • It is better to place the structure on a hill. This will improve the drainage process. If there is no such place, you will need to dig a drain hole;
  • the structure is placed in the sun. If you place the cabin in the shade, the water in the tank will not heat up well;
  • if there is a well on the site, a distance of at least 8 m is maintained between it and the shower. Also, such a building should not be installed next to the foundation of the house.
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