Outdoor shower: pros and cons, types of designs, choice of location, installation stages

Pros and cons of a summer shower

Today, summer showers of various designs are used to furnish summer cottages and houses. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. This is worth considering when choosing a design. Popular options include:

  • Film shower. The structure consists of metal and wooden elements that are covered with film. The disadvantage of such a shower is its fragility. As for the advantages, we can highlight ease of installation and mobility. If desired, it can be easily moved from one place to another. Metal corners are often used for construction.
  • Frame construction. The shower is a stable and monolithic product that has a long service life. The design is well ventilated, and the water heats up quickly. It is easy to serve and comes off just as quickly. As for the disadvantages, it is worth highlighting the vulnerability to negative environmental factors. During operation, the structure loses its attractive appearance.

One of the most durable solutions is a summer shower made of polycarbonate Source demidovo52.ru
So, having analyzed all this, we can note several main advantages of a summer shower:

  • efficiency;
  • ease of installation;
  • practicality.

As for the disadvantages, among them we can highlight the limitation of use. The fact is that in such structures, water heating is most often carried out from solar energy. Therefore, they cannot be used in the cold season or in bad weather.

Shower stall - traditional style

One of the traditional options for arranging a summer shower is the installation of a shower stall. Such a structure can be made of wood (in natural color or painted), polystyrene panels (most often using a metal frame) or other available means. Moreover, you can purchase a ready-made cabin, order an individual production, or build a fence for a summer shower yourself (if you have basic skills).

A shower cabin made of wood in its natural form is not only a practical structure, but also a beautiful element of landscape design. The natural grain of wood goes well with almost any façade finishing material. Not to mention the fact that the natural color fits perfectly into the surrounding landscape, echoing the perennial plants and other buildings on the site and in the courtyard of a private house. But the wood of the shower stall will need to be protected from constant exposure to moisture. There is a wide selection of antiseptics and special varnishes on sale that can protect natural materials from rotting and not affect the color of the wood.

For everyone who does not want to rack their brains over coatings for a wooden cabin, there is a universal option - painting. Depending on the color schemes adopted for the design of the building’s facade, it is fashionable to choose a harmonious option for an enclosed structure for outdoor water treatments. The first option is to match the color palette of the architectural ensemble, combinatorics, both with the main building and with additional buildings on the site (terrace, gazebo or garage). The second option is for the shower stall to act as a color accent. This method of creating a color spot is rarely used, because an outdoor shower is a seasonal building, used in our country only in the summer.

Types of summer shower

Various materials and technologies are used to make a modern shower. When choosing, you should rely on financial capabilities and other equally important factors.

Wooden shower

A wooden cabin is a popular and common option. This is due to the fact that it is very simple to implement. For construction, environmentally friendly material is used, which has many advantages. The only drawback is low resistance to moisture and insects. Therefore, wooden elements are treated with antiseptics. Timber and boards are used for construction. The best option would be coniferous wood, as it is highly resistant to humid environments.

Combination options are often offered - shower plus toilet Source seattlehelpers.org

A wooden shower in the country is performed in the following sequence:

  • The shower is a frame structure, which consists of racks of a certain section. When choosing timber, it is worth considering the load that will be created by the storage tank.
  • Holes are dug under the posts, the depth of which is 80 cm. A cushion of crushed stone and sand, 10 cm thick, is made at the bottom.
  • To protect the timber from rotting in the ground, it is coated with bitumen and wrapped with roofing felt. After this, they are installed in the hole and leveled. Additional racks are installed in the places where the doors are mounted.
  • The racks are connected at the bottom and top by horizontal bars. Bolts or angles are used to fasten them together.
  • The sides of the cabin are finished with sanded boards. After this, all elements, including doors, are treated with paints and varnishes.

During construction, it is worth considering a method for draining waste water. As for its supply, storage tanks are installed on the roof, which have different shapes and volumes.

You can order the construction of a full-fledged open-air bathroom Source emupauto.ru

Polycarbonate construction

This design is somewhat simpler to construct. To perform the work you will need a welding machine. This is necessary for the construction of a metal frame. A profile with a cross-section of 40x60mm is used as racks. Smaller products are used for strapping.

Installation of the frame is carried out in the same way. The racks are concreted in pits. Jumpers are attached between them, which will add rigidity to the structure and will also be used to fasten the polycarbonate. A durable frame is welded on top on which the water tank will be installed. After this, the entire structure is covered with waterproof paint.

For finishing, opaque polycarbonate sheets are used, the thickness of which ranges from 6 to 10 mm. A circular saw is used to cut the material.

A polycarbonate shower warms up like a greenhouse Source prosamodelki.ru

Corrugated shower

As a summer shower, you can also use a structure made of corrugated sheets. This material is lightweight and distinguished by its durability. To construct the frame, wooden blocks and a metal profile of a certain cross-section are used.

The construction of the shower follows a similar pattern. The racks are connected by a transverse profile, which will add rigidity to the structure. To fix the finishing material, galvanized self-tapping screws equipped with sealing washers are used. The doors are made of a profile frame, which is sheathed with corrugated board. To cut the material, use metal scissors or a grinder with a toothed disc.

Neat booths made of corrugated sheets Source tltext.ru

See also: Contacts of construction companies that offer metal structures installation services.

Brick shower

To build a shower stall from brick, you need to make a shallow foundation. To do this, dig a trench 20 cm wide and 40 cm deep along the perimeter. To save on the construction of the foundation, broken brick or stone is thrown into the concrete solution.

When the concrete has hardened, laying is done with cement mortar. At the same time, a doorway of the required dimensions is arranged. The door can be made of wood or a metal frame covered with corrugated board. Bars are laid on top of the masonry, which will serve as the basis for the roof and the installation of a water tank.

Brick is a permanent building Source ydachadacha.ru

What to choose from?

Let's consider what types of summer showers there can be:

  • “capital” stationary;
  • ready-made shower cabin made of plastic or other materials;
  • assembled from scrap materials;
  • portable.

Each of them has its own advantages.

A portable one can be useful both as an initial opportunity to wash yourself and in the presence of a more serious building. The operating principle of such a device is simple to the point of genius:

  • container with water (bucket, bottle, tank);
  • foot pump in the form of a mat (footrest);
  • two hoses. One is lowered into the water, the second, with a watering can, is attached to a support or you can simply hold it in your hands.

The principle of operation is to “trample” your feet on the pump mat, teaching the flow of water. This method of washing can be a fun activity, especially for children.

Choosing a location on the site and installing a base for a summer shower

When building a summer shower at the dacha, special attention is paid to the choice of location. It is worth considering some factors:

  • The water should warm up well. Therefore, the structure is mounted in a sunny place. Trees and buildings will cast shadows on the cabin, which will negatively affect solar heating.
  • When choosing a place, you should consider your preferences. So, the structure can be placed near the house, in the garden or near the pool, if there is one on the site.
  • It is better to install the shower stall on a flat area, near which there is a place for water discharge. Otherwise, you will have to do complex wiring.
  • The structure should be located near the house.

To make the right choice, you need to carefully inspect your site. It is also worth considering the features of constructing a shower. First of all, this concerns the need to build a foundation for the cabin.

It makes sense to install an outdoor shower only in an open, sunny place Source domadachi.ucoz.ru

Where to begin?

If you have thought about building a summer shower at your dacha, then you already have a rough idea of ​​what it will look like and what you need to purchase. In addition to the design itself, very important parameters are:

  • Choosing a location;
  • Shower size;
  • Water tank volume;
  • The nature of the construction is temporary or permanent.

Many people try to choose the most secluded corner behind the house or in the shade of trees in order to hide such an intimate structure from prying eyes. This is precisely the main mistake! By building a shower among the trees, you will be subject to constant attacks from insects that love moisture and coolness, and will deprive yourself of the possibility of natural heating of the water in the tank. Therefore, the site for the future structure should be in an open, well-lit area and under no circumstances be in a hole or lowland. Even if you plan to use a heated tank, it is more rational to refuse to use electricity in order to save money on hot days. The building itself should not be located at a short distance from the house. When taking a shower late in the evening, you need to get home as quickly as possible so as not to get sick.

As for the size of the future building and the volume of the water tank. The recommended height of future walls is 200-300 cm. It is necessary to build on the height of the tallest family member, who should not rest his head on the shower head. The width and length of the shower space is calculated depending on whether the building will have a dry changing room or be limited to only a wet area. The option with a changing room is, of course, more convenient; your clothes will be protected from getting wet, and you will have the opportunity to change clothes comfortably. This way, your shower will consist of two sections separated by a partition. An area of ​​220x120 cm is quite enough for these two zones, even taking into account the cladding.

When choosing a water tank, you need to consider the number of people who will use the shower and the intensity of its use. If you come to your dacha only on weekends and use the shower after a hard day at work, then a container that will hold the amount of water at the rate of 40 liters per person is quite sufficient. This will allow each user to continuously pour water for approximately 10 minutes. If many more people take water procedures in a row, you should think about a larger tank. But keep in mind that temporary buildings will not support containers with a volume of more than 200 liters. You can use iron or plastic barrels as the tank itself, or purchase ready-made country models with a built-in watering can. A little advice - if you paint the surface of the tank with black paint, the water in it will heat up much faster due to the ability of black color to attract heat.

So, let's highlight the main points:

  • Location: in an open, elevated, bright area, at a maximum distance of 2-4 meters from the main building;
  • Room size - the height is selected taking into account the height of the tallest family member, the minimum comfortable perimeter is 100x100 cm;
  • The size of the water tank capacity is 40 liters for each user, multiplied by the number of people who will consistently take water procedures.

The nature of the future construction - temporary or permanent - must be chosen based on the following parameters:

  • Intensity of shower use. If during the planting season you move to your dacha, using it as a full-fledged home, then you should think about a permanent building made of brick or at least wooden elements. The walls should provide good protection from the wind.
  • The budget you plan to allocate for the construction of the structure.
  • Materials and tools you have. For example, at your dacha you have bricks left from dismantling an old outbuilding. In this case, it will be much more economical to use them than to purchase new materials for the frame. Or you have a lot of wooden blocks or old corrugated sheets, tin sheets or wooden lining. Use the resources you already have. Regarding tools - if you have old iron pipes that you would like to use as a frame, but do not have a welding machine and tools for cutting them, then purchasing these tools will cost a lot of money. Even if you borrow them from friends during construction, without any experience in using them, you may be wasting your time. Therefore, you should sensibly evaluate your skills, the tools that you have, and, in order to save money, use available materials. Under such conditions, construction will not take much effort and money.

Installation of a shower cabin

A shower cabin in a country house can be made locally or purchased in a store. Today the market offers a wide range of ready-made structures. When choosing them, it is worth considering the following factors:

  • Size. The shower stall should be easy to use for all family members. Therefore, it is worth relying on the largest user.
  • Material. The cabin should fit optimally into the landscape design. The material must also be highly resistant to negative environmental influences.
  • Storage tank size. On average, one person consumes 35 liters of water while taking a shower. Therefore, when choosing a tank, you should rely on the number of family members. The container should have a small reserve reserve.
  • Price. There are designs on the market in a wide price range. So, you can purchase a product for 5 thousand rubles or 15 thousand rubles.

Even the most economical option will be quite functional Source seattlehelpers.org

Frame building

This is a solid monolithic structure that will last a long time. It has good ventilation and fast water heating. The downside is the environmental impact.

After several years of operation of such a structure, the appearance will not be very attractive.

Insulating a summer shower

Why insulate a simple summer shower if it is used in the warm season? The fact is that carrying out thermal insulation work will significantly extend the life of this structure. The main thing is to properly insulate the perimeter. For this use:

  • Mineral wool. This is an environmentally friendly material that is very easy to install. The mats are laid into the frame, after which it is sheathed from the inside. To prevent moisture from entering the material, it is covered with an impermeable film.

Shower frame prepared for installation of insulation Source seattlehelpers.org

  • Glass wool. If desired, it can be used to insulate the shower at the dacha. Of course, you need to be careful when working with it and carefully follow the installation instructions.
  • Waterproof foam. It is a modern material that is optimally suited for insulating outdoor showers. To do this, it is enough to use slabs 5 cm thick. They are laid in a frame, on top of which the interior walls are finished.

The insulation of the structure allows it to be used even in bad weather. Of course, it is worth understanding that thermal insulation is only relevant in the case of closed shower stalls.

Finishing and lighting

Moisture-resistant materials are used for the interior walls of shower cabins. Plastic panels, thick oilcloth not based on fabric or paper, or linoleum can be used.

All wooden parts are impregnated with hot drying oil. Wooden grates are placed on top of a stone or concrete floor and covered with a rubber mat.

Wooden floor grating made from edged boards

By insulating the walls and roof with polystyrene foam, covered with PVC film on top, it is possible to use the shower in the spring and autumn.

Advice! If a locker room is provided next to the shower room, then the floor in it is made higher, which will not allow moisture to stagnate. Wall shelves are complemented with hooks that allow you to hang towels and clothing.

Comfortable and well-organized shower space

Shower lighting will be necessary if work on a summer cottage is carried out in the evening, and water procedures are carried out in the dark.

To conduct electricity into the booth, they turn to specialists for help. This is important because reliable insulation of the wires is required. They must be laid in such a way as not to interfere with movement. Lamps are mounted in moisture-proof shades. Switches with a high degree of protection against high humidity are also selected.

The white color of the walls will help visually enlarge the space, and good lighting will allow you to shower comfortably even after sunset

Lamps for summer showers must be sealed and the wires must be double insulated

Ideas for a summer shower in the country (photo)

Often in local areas they do without specially constructed premises, arranging a summer shower in the dacha with their own hands in a variety of lightweight ways.

Makeshift bucket shower

The simplest option, which does not require work on the construction of a separate cabin, is an ordinary bucket with small holes punched. It is hung at a convenient height, warm water is poured in and the impromptu shower is ready. You can install posts around which the fabric is stretched to limit the view.

Options for organizing a summer shower from a bucket

Arrangement of a shower near the house

Another type of simple design for a summer shower is to build it near the blank wall of a gazebo or house. Pre-tile it to protect it from moisture. A wooden pallet is placed on the compacted earth. You can make a concreted platform on which a rubber mat is placed.

Four supports are dug in and surrounded by boards or metal. A container with a shower head into which water will be poured is fixed directly to the wall. Also, hooks for washcloths and shelves are nailed to the wall to organize detergents, and hooks for towels are attached to the outside.

Cozy and simple summer shower attached to the house

Cabin with removable walls

A summer shower stall can be quickly built if you stretch a moisture-proof fabric over an installed metal profile frame or attach plastic polycarbonate sheets. This material can be easily removed for the winter and will not cause any difficulties for re-installation the following year.

Shower cabin made of polycarbonate for seasonal use in the country

Construction made of sticks and bamboo

Some gardeners use unusual materials, for example, making a stylish frame from thin branches, bamboo sticks or reeds. This type of fencing looks aesthetically pleasing. You can decorate the outside with hanging pots with flowering plants.

It is important that the summer shower in the courtyard of the house fits harmoniously into the overall design of the garden

An unexpected solution in the design of a country shower

Sheet metal fencing

You can do without a frame if you install the metal profile sheet in a semicircle. But in this option it is impossible to install a tank. More often, such a fence is made if it is possible to connect to a water supply or if a blank wall of the building is used to secure the tank.

Shower panel

The role of the panel for fixing the shower head can be played by a wooden, stone, or brick partition. Its construction does not require much time and you can get by with a minimum of material. This creates a separate zone that allows you to quickly cool off under running water.

An important advantage is the ability to design the panel in any style using tiles, mosaic panels, shells and even plastic bottle caps. Such a decorative element becomes the highlight of the entire landscape.

A lightweight and modern version of a summer shower

Unusual use of a surfboard as a shower panel

A shower with one wall is a convenient model for those who love simplicity and restraint.

The use of non-standard plumbing accessories adds an original touch. With their help, it is possible to create an imitation of a miniature waterfall, tropical rain or light refreshing drizzle. However, this option has a serious drawback, which is the lack of wind protection and external visibility.

Room in a house with a separate entrance

There will be no need for installation work on the construction of buildings if you allocate a small room for an outdoor shower in your dacha, equipping it with a door opening directly onto the street.

Shower pump

A convenient and cost-effective shower model is one that operates on the principle of a foot-operated car pump. The hose is lowered into a container with water warmed in the sun. It is served by performing pumping movements with the legs.

Your hands are free, which makes it easy to hold the second hose with shower head. This design is easily portable and can be used anywhere in a summer cottage. To enhance convenience, purchase a model with an electric pump.

A shower with a pump is an excellent alternative for those who like to quickly freshen up in summer

Shower on the terrace

If it is possible to install a water supply, install a shower stand directly on the terrace attached to the house. In such a situation, it is necessary to provide for unimpeded drainage of water from the floor and good waterproofing of the walls.

An outdoor shower in this layout is a real gift for those who value comfort and order.

Summer shower in classic Finnish style

Shower stand

A simplified version such as a stand on which a shower head is mounted is also used in the country. It is installed in places where there are water supply lines that provide water supply and drainage of used liquid.

You can equip the stand with a tank in which water will be heated by the sun's rays. A rational solution is when the stand itself directly serves as a water reservoir.

The ease of use of such a shower design is undeniable.

Shower in front of the fence

If your summer cottage is surrounded by a high enough solid fence, you can freshen up by installing a shower counter directly in front of it. Reliable protection from prying eyes will be provided and there will be no need to build a separate room for water procedures.

Polished metal in tandem with natural stone always looks brutal and quite modern

The shower near the fence is not only functional, but also very convenient

Shower connected to the house

A successful example of a solution for arranging a summer shower is the practical use of a house wall. You can mount a pipe into the wall and hang a shower head, ensuring the supply of cold and hot water from the water supply.

The owner of the house who is a little familiar with the basics of plumbing should have no problems with arranging such a structure

Successful application and use of a narrow passage near the house

A shower in the wall of a house looks great in any design

Installing a shower tank, water supply and heating

You should approach the choice of tank very carefully. It is worth considering some recommendations from professionals:

  • Metal containers heat up faster in the sun. Plastic containers are distinguished by their durability due to their resistance to corrosive processes. They are also lightweight, which will reduce the load on the frame.
  • The water container should be painted a dark color, which will speed up heating. This is achieved through better heat absorption.

Most often the shower tank is dark in color Source eem.ru.net

  • The tank must have a sealed design to prevent dust and dirt from entering the water.
  • Before installation, holes are made in the tank for the tap and water supply.

Today in the store you can find ready-made designs that include a watering can, pipe, tap and fittings. A sensor for monitoring the water level and its temperature would also be useful. The container is installed and secured to the prepared frame.

To supply water to the shower, water pipes are used:

  • A trench is dug at the site where the pipeline is laid. Its depth should be greater than the freezing level of the soil. This will protect the system from frost.
  • The pipeline is being assembled. Particular attention is paid to the pipe joints. They must be sealed and reliable. A water tap is installed at the end of the pipeline, with the help of which water will be supplied to the pipeline.
  • The pipeline is insulated with mineral wool and laid in a trench. If it is necessary to supply electricity, the electric cable is buried in the same trench with the pipe. This will make your work easier.

At the final stage, the pipeline is connected to the water source and to the storage tank. In the latter case, polyethylene pipes or a garden hose can be used.

Water tanks can be installed separately - in this case, the volume of heated water can be increased Source fishing-caravan.ru

If necessary, the garden shower can have independent water heating. A common option is to install heating elements. Heating is also carried out using a boiler or a low-power gas boiler. When installing these heating elements, it is worth considering safety requirements.

Solar panels are also used for heating. This is a glass box with a coil installed inside. With its help, a greenhouse effect is created, which leads to heating of water.

DIY portable country shower

A portable shower for a summer residence is a convenient design that can be moved to different places from time to time. For example, if the place of the previous installation is already quite damp, and there is no hole to collect moisture. To organize a quick wash after working on the site, you just need to move the structure to the desired place and start bathing.

Such devices sometimes include a frame and a screen. But they also cost more PHOTO: zacaz.ru

For such a shower, a special foot pump is usually purchased, which is driven by the muscular power of the legs. At the same time, it pumps moisture from a nearby container through a special pipe. The device is quite mobile; the main thing is to think in advance how the screen will be arranged.

Organization of water drainage in a summer shower

There are several ways to arrange a drain in a summer shower. Thus, water can be discharged into a filtration well or into a filtration field. In the latter option, channels are installed between the beds. This will allow you to irrigate the area at the same time without any special costs.

Diversions are carried out in open and closed ways. In the first option, ditches are made at a slight slope from the collection site. This option is often used on moisture-resistant soils. The closed method involves laying pipes in the ground.

We need to decide where the used water will flow, given that it will be soapy. Source pol-exp.com

Tips for finishing

For interior decoration, choose facing materials that have increased moisture resistance: PVC film, linoleum, plastic. When choosing wooden cladding, the surface must be treated with drying oil and painted.

To make hygiene procedures more convenient and safe, a grid made of wooden boards is installed on the floor, on top of which a rubber mat is laid.

The grid is assembled from wooden slats measuring 30-50 mm. Wood preparation is the same. If you want to increase its resistance to shoe wear, treat the material with an acrylic compound used for repairing bathtubs.

It is advisable to separate the dressing room and the bathing compartment with a curtain made of waterproof textile fabric or polyvinyl chloride film

If desired, both the internal and external walls of the facing material can be painted and decorated with designs. The original design will allow you to turn the shower not only into a place for taking water procedures, but also into a decorative element of a suburban area.

Additional interesting options for arranging a garden shower are offered in these articles:

  1. Do-it-yourself summer polycarbonate shower: step-by-step design instructions
  2. Country toilet project with shower: choice of design + construction instructions

About water drainage

If the water from the independent shower does not flow to the prepared place, then a “swamp” constantly collects around the cabin.

The method of drainage is laid at the stage of foundation equipment. Used shower water is disposed of in different ways.

  1. Centralized sewerage.

Few dachas have the opportunity to use centralized sewerage. This method is not widely used.

  1. Drainage pit.

A cheap and reliable way to collect shower drains. The receiver is installed under the shower stall. To do this, dig a hole up to 0.8 m deep and lay the bottom with coarse gravel.

A tray made of metal, plastic or wood is placed on top of the pit.

Alternatively: drainage from old car tires

  1. Sewage pit.

Such a receiver collects wastewater from the entire summer cottage. The water is discharged into a cesspool or septic tank. To prevent wastewater from stagnating, when installing pipes it is necessary to maintain a level difference between the pit and the shower stall.

About water supply

Water is supplied to the shower storage tank from various sources located at a distance. Such sources are:

  1. Centralized water supply.

In rare cases, summer cottages are connected to a centralized water supply, so this source is rarely used.

  1. Water well.

For reliable water supply to a summer cottage, a well is installed.

When water is used only in summer, then one submersible pump with a capacity of 1 m3 of water per hour is sufficient. For year-round use of the well, the arrangement includes the installation of a deep-well pump and a hydraulic accumulator, which ensures constant pressure in the network.

Using 20 mm metal-plastic or polypropylene pipes, the water supply source is connected to the shower storage tank. Such pipes have advantages: durability, lack of corrosion, easy installation, and the ability to put away for the winter.

About the storage tank

For summer showers, various storage tanks are used. They differ in three respects.

  1. Case material.
  • Metal tank.

Without painting, the structure quickly rusts, so the water turns yellow. It’s easy to paint the container black on the outside, but you won’t be able to get to the inside through the neck.

  • Galvanized tank.

The protective zinc coating lasts up to 30 years. The water in the tank is always clean. Due to their low cost, such tanks are in great demand.

  • Stainless steel tank.

This container never rusts. It is durable, and most importantly, it looks aesthetically pleasing. The high price limits the use of structures made of such material in dachas.

Stainless steel tank with heating element

  • Plastic tank.
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