Selecting the entrance gate. Pros and cons of different types

Swing gates with a wicket are a common trend, designed to make it easier for people on foot to enter and exit. In private properties, the practice of installing swing gates with a built-in wicket is widespread. Installing a gate is fraught with some difficulties: it requires separate posts, fastenings, locking and bolting mechanisms.

Forged version in the country

Installing a gate with a wicket in the structure itself is almost more difficult than installing separate columns and placing the wicket separately. This choice all depends on personal preference.

Types of swing gates

The use of swing gates with a wicket is a common practice for arranging the entrance to a fence made of any type of material, if its height allows for the installation of a truly functional gate.

Photos of swinging metal gates with a wicket can be found on the website of any manufacturer that works with metal or other barriers.

Conventional design

The demand for the design is easily explained if we remember that they can be used in several common variants.

In any private building, country mansion or holiday village you can see many options. And even glossy home improvement magazines always feature glamorous interiors with photos of metal swing gates with a wicket.

Only these structures are certainly massive, forged, equipped with additional devices and decorative elements, when looking at which it is difficult to immediately imagine their price.

At a private house

Budget options

Simpler options, seen on the way home or in a holiday village, may look like this:

  • swing gates for a dacha - a simple and affordable option made of wood, corrugated sheets, metal pipes or even corrugated sheets on a frame and a simple earthen gate;
  • swing garage doors in the private sector or garage cooperative, consisting of two leaves that open 90 degrees (the most common case is a painted metal garage door);
  • Garage doors with a gate usually open onto the courtyard of a residential building. In this case, it is intended for the use of a permanent garage as a pantry or storage space (this ensures the convenience of the inhabitants of the yard, who are not disturbed by the wide open massive doors);
  • street gates with a wicket made of corrugated sheets are often simply an improved version of the old design in which a doorway was made (this is typical when the fence area is small, remaining after the division of the territory of one owner into two independent ones);
  • Fire-resistant swing gates are equipped with additional fire-fighting materials and are often found in houses where the owners have recently changed. Sometimes they prefer to be made to order by a construction company in new buildings and cottage villages;
  • A new fence is usually built from corrugated sheets, which provides separate dimensions for a wicket and gate or a joint structure;
  • in small enterprises and warehouses, the territory of which is limited by a fence, you can also see this type, but in terms of strength and size, industrial swing gates are already installed there;
  • in a wooden picket fence or plank fence you can see structures professionally made with your own hands;
  • The production of swing gates in the village is often made even from wicker doors, where branches or reeds are used as materials for production.

In the village


Swinging garage doors are quite rarely found with a gate, even if they are located in the yard. Sometimes owners prefer to make a separate side entrance and open the gates only when vehicles leave. This design occurs if the garage has a large area and is built of stone.

Swinging metal gates with a wicket inside the structure are quite a rare occurrence.

If the financial situation of the owners allows, they order a design for the entrance of the author’s work.

Installation drawing

Such developers are concerned not so much with the functionality of the gate as with the visual impression it makes.

Here, a gate is not only an additional way to create a unique individual decorative effect, but also a good option for a built-in electronic bell or intercom.

The sizes of swing gates vary depending on the material and height of the fence. These are important indicators. The drawing of swing gates must take them into account.

It shows the frame of swing gates with cuts to correctly install bulky structures. Let's consider one of the drawing options for such a design.

Frame diagram


The concept of lungs can be divided into two semantic categories. The manufacturer considers lightweight designs to be simple designs that do not require special materials and mechanisms. These are double-leaf gates that open manually without fancy locking mechanisms.

The second category includes differentiation by weight. Lightweight structures include gates made of corrugated sheets, metal profiles, polycarbonate, transparent lattice gates made of metal rods or durable polymer.

In the city

To lighten the weight and at the same time reliability, it is envisaged to manufacture combined structures from materials of different types - practical, often equipped with construction ones in a matter of hours.

The concept of metal swing gates with a wicket can also imply a lightweight version, in which metal rods with a wide gap are covered with corrugated sheets or corrugated sheets, opaque or colored polymer.

Installation diagram of pillars and frame

Gates where there are no decorative elements, or they are placed only on the outside and are minimal in nature, can also be called light.


Buying heavy entrance swing gates with a wicket inside is always much easier than making them yourself. The greater the weight of the structure, the stronger the supporting pillars should be and the stiffer the supporting frame should be, ensuring that there is no deformation or distortion during operation.

Forged version

Installation of heavy production facilities made of especially strong metal is often carried out with the help of special lifts or devices, because even several people lift them with great difficulty.

Requirements for fences and sections of entry zones

The fence, including the entrance area (gate), must be as strong and rigid as possible. The territory must be reliably protected from outside penetration, be resistant to burglary and withstand other mechanical impacts.

The gate design must have optimal weight, be heavy enough and, accordingly, resistant to strong gusts of wind. At the same time, it should not be highly bulky. The process of opening and closing the doors must be done manually. The same requirement applies to the use of an automatic drive.

Another requirement is related to the external design of the gate. Since this part of the exterior design of the house is the most noticeable, its appearance must meet aesthetic requirements and the design issue must be carefully considered.

Today, metal swing gates are in increasing demand. What attracts first of all is the strength of the structure, the external design and the automatic control system for the movement of the canvases.

In addition, it is also important that the idea of ​​​​making swing gates with your own hands does not belong to the category of fantasies, but is quite feasible.

Types of gates

They are built into the gate complex or mounted between individual pillars. The variety of finished gates is simply amazing. Existing species can be differentiated according to different characteristics, and this must be taken into account before purchasing. Buying and even making a gate with your own hands is much easier than subsequently exchanging, returning or redoing it.

A simple example for a summer residence


The most common and economical type, allowing the use of inexpensive environmentally friendly material. The only drawback is its fragility and the need for constant care.

The photo shows design options for a summer cottage.

Wooden structures

From corrugated sheet

They can be made as a temporary or permanent option if the fence is constructed from the same material. Often, doors made of corrugated sheets also include combined ones, in which PFL is used as a means to close the gaping gaps between the rods or components.


Durable, decorative, solid or made of twigs, with guaranteed long service life. They are considered especially reliable and at the same time extremely decorative. The disadvantages of forged ones include their rather high cost.

However, if the owner has a welding machine, there are no problems in making it yourself, especially if you choose the right material and draw up a preliminary diagram.

Forged elements

Wickets of any type are differentiated into types according to the following characteristics:

  • according to the material of manufacture: wooden, forged, from metal rods or metal sheets, corrugated sheets, metal profiles and even wood composite and wooden picket fences;
  • by the presence or absence of a threshold or canopy in the supporting frame (if it is built separately or embedded in swing doors with a gate - this point is of no small importance, as well as the intention in arranging the canopy);
  • according to the size of the door (standard - 1x2 m, but sometimes it is 140 cm in height);
  • according to style features (only in metal it is possible to make forged swing doors in about 10 of the most commonly used styles, but real professionals also create options in different styles from profiled sheets);
  • doors can be of different designs: solid, half, made of rods with closed gaps, simple rectangular, with a rounded top, or even in the form of an object or animal;
  • by the type of attachment to the gate or support post, which largely determines the category of the gate (swing and forged, swing insulated, solid metal, made of corrugated sheets, etc.);
  • by type of shutter device, presence of an electronic lock or intercom.

Sketch of forged products

Not every type of gate and wicket can be easily and hassle-free equipped with your own hands. There are a lot of nuances, especially in complex types, which are known only to those who are constantly engaged in the installation and installation of different types of fences and entrances to the territory of the land plot.

Expert advice

Before arranging your entrance to the site, it is necessary to prepare in advance a plan for the location of the wicket and gate.
It is also worth taking into account the fact that built-in gates must have a threshold over which you will need to constantly step, and this is inconvenient. This is interesting: swing gates made of metal profiles.
There is no need to save your money on purchasing additional sensors if you plan to use an automatic system for closing and opening gates. For example, if there is no option for recognizing foreign objects, then the mechanism will not be able to stop, which means the car can be damaged during the drive.

Experts recommend additionally equipping automatic structures with sound and light accompaniment. This will be especially relevant in insufficiently lit areas.

Installation of a built-in gate

Using the example of a wooden model or one made from corrugated sheets, you can see that this process is quite simple, especially for those who have already been involved in installation and construction.

Sketch for making it yourself

It is better to entrust swing insulated structures to specialists, even if they are made of corrugated sheets, but you can do the door yourself:

  • installation can be carried out on a wooden frame or on pipes made of corrugated sheets. The material is selected according to the thickness of the sheet and the strength of the gate on which the structure will be attached;
  • a welded or screwed frame in its simplest form is a rectangle with one cross member in the middle and two oblique ones - in the upper and lower squares formed (a wooden one can simply be placed on self-tapping screws and fastened with metal corners);
  • a canvas of the required size is attached to the mounted frame, in which holes are made for the lock and handle;
  • the finished structure is inserted into a cut-out opening, which already has a pipe for its fastening with metal loops, and is screwed with bolts or welded;
  • if necessary, a bolt (latch and hinges) is attached to the fence and door.

DIY installation diagram

The gate, if it is cut high into the fence, can be equipped with a deck so that those entering do not have to step over the threshold.

The video shows how to weld hinges with your own hands.

This allows you to make the entrance to the yard convenient, especially if there is a small canopy over the structure, under which you can hide in the rain while the lock is being opened.

What else to consider

You definitely need to think about the safety of the finished structure and process it accordingly. A special film with a pattern is produced for corrugated sheeting, which protects it from damage. You need to choose a medium thickness of the sheet: a thin one can easily come off the fastenings, and a thick one will put unnecessary stress on the hinges.

Scheme for manufacturing

Main stages of construction

Installation of support posts for a fence
Preparation for work includes determining the location in the fence, developing a sketch or drawing, and marking the position on the ground.

Basic installation consists of the following processes:

  • installation of poles;
  • welding of gate and wicket frames;
  • filling of canvases, installation of a wicket structure;
  • hanging sashes on racks, installing automation, locks, constipations.

The pillars are dug in at 0.9 - 1.2 m, and the bottom is filled with crushed stone. The gate frame is boiled on the ground, choosing a flat place. The racks are checked with a plumb line, and the right angles in the canvases are checked. At this stage, electricity is supplied for the drive. The lining is fixed with self-tapping screws, and a wicket frame with the canvas is placed in the canvases.

The lower part of the canopy is welded to the racks, the top is attached to the frame, and the location of both parts is checked on the same axis. They hang the gate leaves on hinges or put them on rollers, check the quality of work and the opening of the gate. After this, bolts are welded on and locks are installed.


A swing gate 4 meters wide with a door made of single-sided sheet metal with fittings will cost an average of 13,500 rubles.

Gates and doors made of corrugated sheets 4 meters wide with a hinged strip - their price today starts from 16,300 rubles.

Garage doors with a door made of corrugated sheets 4 meters wide and 2 meters high - their cost starts from 18,500 rubles.

Fence with brick pillars

The price for turnkey installation of wrought-iron garage doors with a door 4 meters wide and 2 meters high – from 32,000 rubles.

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