Gazebo with barbecue: 130 photos of building projects and the best ideas, do-it-yourself construction, placement, planning (schemes + drawings)

Review author: Terrari School of Design

A recreation area at a summer cottage is a popular pastime. It is equipped depending on its purpose: stoves are installed, water and light are provided. A barbecue is an integral part of a holiday.

Food prepared using it has a special taste; the variety of dishes makes it possible to feed guests and household members with the most sophisticated culinary preferences.

During the planning stage

A gazebo is a covered room, the main feature of which is the absence of load-bearing walls. The size and appearance of the structure vary depending on the wishes of the owner. The photo shows a gazebo with a barbecue.

Before you start designing, you need to decide on the location. Factors to consider include:

  • distance from the gazebo to the house, outbuildings and neighboring areas;
  • convenient location of the structure relative to the main entrance. This is especially important when setting the table;
  • the presence of green spaces;
  • initial state of the work area.

At the next stage, materials are selected. Most often, preference is given to wood. Its advantages include light weight, accessibility, and ease of use.

It will take quite a lot of time to create a forged gazebo. The complexity of this building is much higher than in the previous case. For people who are not experienced enough in this field, it is better to turn to professionals.

Brick gazebos are durable. The owner will not have to worry about their safety or spend money on repairs. A suitable option for those who like to grill kebabs during the cold season.

If the owner of the site does not know which one to choose and how to make a gazebo with a barbecue with his own hands, he needs to consult with a specialist.


A gazebo made of timber with a barbecue is a great place to relax with a cheerful company. Before constructing such a building, it is necessary to draw up a drawing in order to decide on building materials, indicate the location of the most significant elements and select a suitable roof structure.

High-quality complete drawing of a hexagonal gazebo

The video in this article will provide you with additional materials. Be careful and you will succeed!

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Step-by-step construction of a wooden structure

To create an open and closed gazebo you will need the following materials:

  • bars;
  • boards;
  • concrete;
  • bitumen mastic;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • metal corners;
  • metal tiles;
  • decorative elements.

Before starting work, you need to think through all the details. Drawing up a drawing and estimate is a mandatory step, ignoring which can lead to unnecessary costs.

Recommendations for building a gazebo

Building a gazebo with your own hands with a barbecue does not require specialized education or experience in the construction field. The work can be performed by a person with minimal technical knowledge. Compliance with a certain sequence of actions will allow the construction of a structure that meets the owner’s requirements in terms of functionality.

Making the foundation

To build a gazebo with a barbecue with your own hands, you will need to arrange the foundation. The type of foundation is selected depending on the material from which the structure will be made.

Light wooden or metal gazebos are installed on a pile-type base. When building a structure made of stone or brick, a strip foundation will be required. In the first case, the load-bearing supports are deepened into the soil and concreted. The production of a strip-type foundation is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Marking
    . The locations of the load-bearing structures of the structure are marked on the soil. Marking is done using wooden or metal pegs and a cord.
  • Digging a pit
    . Along the marked lines, dig a trench with a depth of 0.5 to 1 m.
  • Installation of the reinforcing layer
    . To increase the strength of concrete, it is reinforced with a grid made of metal rods. This protects the foundation from fracture during soil subsidence.
  • Pouring the mixture
    . The pit with the installed reinforcing layer is filled with concrete. To increase the strength of the resulting base, concrete is bayoneted. A metal rod is used for this. To speed up the process, you can use specialized devices designed to compact the concrete mixture.

When making the foundation, you should take into account the type of barbecue that you plan to install. If this is a heavy stationary structure, then an additional concrete base will be required. To avoid rapid destruction of the foundation, its side surfaces are equipped with waterproofing.

Making supports

Installation of load-bearing structures is carried out on a completely hardened foundation or in the ground, followed by concreting. To increase the degree of stability, the supports are connected to each other. If the owner has chosen a closed or semi-closed type of gazebo, then at this stage the construction of walls, installation of windows and doors is carried out.

© Lev Kropotov /

In the manufacture of a metal frame, threaded connections or welding are used. This ensures reliable fastening of the parts to each other. Brick laying is carried out using cement mortar. This allows for a durable structure. During the work process, both decorative and rough masonry can be used with subsequent finishing.

Roof installation

The construction of the gazebo involves the use of a roof made of lightweight materials. This design will reduce the load on the supporting supports.

Metal tiles, plastic slate, cellular polycarbonate, etc. can be used as roofing material.

To build a barbecue in a gazebo with your own hands, you need to build a chimney and most often it is vented through the roof. This must be taken into account when installing the roofing.

Foundation of the building

When laying the foundation, you need to take into account the weight of the future structure. A wooden gazebo with a barbecue is placed on a columnar support.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to use foam concrete blocks and white bricks as materials for posts. This is due to their reaction to high humidity.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Prepare the selected area.
  2. Designs for gazebos with barbecues are selected.
  3. Posts are installed along the perimeter of the walls and in the corners. They are pre-coated with bitumen mastic.
  4. Beams are laid, the length of which is at least 6 m.
  5. Attach the bottom trim, frame posts and floor joists. The size of the bars used at this stage should be 15*15 cm.
  6. Place supports to provide additional support.
  7. The top trim is formed.
  8. The structure is fixed with horizontal jumpers.

Don't rush during installation. Otherwise, the gazebo is unlikely to be reliable and stable.

Gazebo options

The simplest

In the simplest versions of gazebos for summer cottages, an emphasis is placed on minimal costs and maximum use of wood.
By building one of the options proposed below, you will spend 50 thousand rubles. Materials can be easily purchased at your local hardware store. These options (except the first) provide for the use of any portable grill or mobile grill.

Large wooden

If costs are not so important to you, then you can consider more complex designs for summer use in the country. These designs often have a stationary grill with a pipe. The floor can be made not only of wood, but also of other materials (porcelain stoneware, stone). Metal roof. The budget for such projects varies from 50 to 150 thousand rubles. It all depends on the desire to save money.

Capital structures

In the most complex gazebo designs, stone and glass, as well as other materials, are almost always used in addition to wood. Such gazebos can be used both in summer and winter. It will be comfortable in any bad weather. It is worth clarifying that in capital projects a brick grill with a hood or stove is always used. The construction of such a project will cost no less than 200,000 rubles, if only the material is taken into account (without the involvement of a master stove maker). Not everyone at their dacha needs such an expensive building.

Floor and roof

The covering is attached to the logs installed at the previous stage. The boards can be covered with any suitable material. The main thing is to ensure timely drainage of rainwater. A small gap will be enough.

The roof is covered with metal tiles. It is often replaced with plywood treated with moisture-resistant compounds. This part of the gazebo should have a slope that allows snow to melt away. A gable roof is the most successful solution to this problem.

DIY wooden gazebo

Many developers offer ready-made 4x3 gazebos, which are called “turnkey”. But the construction of such a lightweight structure is within the power of a person who has performed any construction work at least once in his life. To build a simple gazebo at your dacha, you don’t need a lot of specialized knowledge.

The first stage of construction is the design of the future structure. Simple drawings of a rectangular building indicating the dimensions and locations of support beams, windows, doors. A ready-made sketch drawing will save you from unnecessary spending on building materials, because it will be possible to calculate the required quantity from it.

Next comes the construction of the foundation. Since the gazebo is a light (in weight) structure, it does not require a permanent foundation. A strip or even block foundation will do. For a block foundation, you will need to prepare 4 base blocks (for greater strength, you can place reinforcement there) and up to 6 additional blocks for supports.

The foundation block is made as follows: the cement composition is poured into a square hole, into which either broken brick or other material was previously poured. If necessary, reinforcement bars are also secured. When the cement hardens, it is necessary to take care of waterproofing.

The foundation is ready. You can proceed to the construction of the frame. First, the floor is constructed: a “box” is formed around the perimeter, transverse beams and joists are installed. Next, supports are erected and “walls” are constructed. The support beams are sheathed either completely or partially, leaving space for windows and doors.

To install the floor, a special board or timber is usually used. They are attached to the base with nails.

When the main frame of the gazebo is assembled, you can move on to the roof. As a rule, the roof is made with a gable roof, but no one forbids making it double, in the oriental style, or getting by with a single-pitch version. One way or another, the technology will be reduced to the fact that the frame of the top is formed, and after that it is either sheathed or covered with roofing material.

The gazebo is ready. All that remains is to clear it of construction debris. You can also add benches, chairs, a table, flowers for decoration, hang curtains or blinds, and provide light (if you are planning evening gatherings).

BBQ area

There are several types of barbecue. Collapsible structures are used by people who do not like to sit still. It will come in handy while relaxing away from home.

A brazier made from thin steel sheets does not hold the desired temperature long enough.

Cast iron grills are popular among gourmets. Thanks to optimally selected dimensions (depth, wall thickness), the meat will not dry out. The only drawback of cast iron construction is its rather high cost.

The tabletop barbecue does not take up much space. The grate is heated by gas. There are no problems with cooking meat and other dishes.

If a large number of guests are planned, such a unit will not be enough. When purchasing a compact barbecue, you should pay attention to its compatibility with gas equipment.

An ideal option for a summerhouse is a stone stove. It can be installed inside or next to a structure. The foundation can be a columnar or strip foundation. The stove holds heat well and lasts a long time. It is small in size and easy to manufacture.

The list can be supplemented with a cast iron fryer and a mini barbecue oven. When installing any of the above barbecues, they are guided by safety standards. Prepared coals and firewood are usually used as fuel.

With a stove complex (barbecue, barbecue and oven in one)

The most impressive, capital and expensive option is a gazebo with a stove complex.

In this case, the oven combines all the options for frying meat and preparing other dishes. You can fry meat on the grill and barbecue. The oven smoothly transforms into a stove, on which you can place a cauldron and cook pilaf.

This entire huge complex must fit somewhere, so the gazebos most often turn out to be impressive.

For example, in the gazebo with the stove complex of Nikolai Tarasov, its dimensions are 4 by 7 meters (photos can be found at the link provided).

Furnace complex of Nikolai Tarasov
In addition to a place for preparing food, there is a table with benches and free space (for example, for dancing). The barbecue oven is implemented in an interesting way - you can put a grate or skewers of any size, since metal tubes allow you to reduce the size of the grilling space.

To build such a gazebo, it is necessary to pour a separate foundation for the stove (the building itself can be located on a columnar foundation).

It is important to think about the roof, because a chimney must be installed through it. Fire safety, the presence of draft, laying bricks - the creation of such a complex requires appropriate preparation, all the above-described points must be taken into account.

Stylish gazebo with a small stove complex

Construction of a barbecue oven

The first point of the plan is to create a drawing. The barbecue area can be built simultaneously with the gazebo or you can start creating it after completing the main stage.

In the latter case, you will have to dismantle the floor in the place where the stove will be located. The minimum distance to decorative elements and furniture is 3 meters.

The owner needs to buy:

  • fireclay brick;
  • metal sheets;
  • copper;
  • sealant resistant to water and heat;
  • refractory clay;
  • cast iron parts;
  • oven glue;
  • fireproof floor covering;
  • materials for external decoration.

A standard size barbecue oven is built as follows:

  1. Pouring the foundation. To prevent the base from subsiding, it is placed above the water level. In this case, they are guided by the maximum values ​​of the last indicator.
  2. Form a drain.
  3. The bricks are laid in full accordance with the order. Bandaging is required, the seam between the blocks is no more than 0.05 cm. Before creating the body, asbestos fabric is placed on the masonry of refractory bricks.
  4. Making a chimney.
  5. Install a barbecue.
  6. The structure is equipped with additional devices (firewood, smokehouse, stove, sink, countertop).

Important! Furnace glue is often replaced with a mortar made from cement, clay and sand.

After completing the construction of a warm gazebo with a stove, the owner will only have to finish it to his liking. As a result, he will receive a multifunctional structure that will look harmonious on his summer cottage.

Construction of a brick gazebo

More and more summer residents, when choosing a gazebo project, give preference to permanent brick structures. The construction of a brick shed begins with the creation of a detailed plan with drawings and dimensions. To install it you need a solid foundation. The lightweight columnar option is not suitable for a heavy brick structure.

The base is made of strip or tile. First, a pit is dug, the depth of which is 1 m. A layer of crushed stone 10 to 15 cm thick is poured onto the bottom. It is well leveled and compacted. Waterproofing is laid on top. Then lay the reinforcement and fill it with a solution consisting of:

  • 5 parts crushed stone;
  • 1 part concrete;
  • 3 parts sand.

Photo of a homemade gazebo with barbecue

Gazebo 3x4: features and types

There are a lot of different options for constructing gazebos: round, octagonal and hexagonal, square and rectangular. Their shape can be different, just as the materials from which the structure is built can be different: wood, metal, polycarbonate, lining, etc. Such wide variability allows you to create an original architectural object even from a standard project. A 4 by 3 gazebo is a very common summer house building in this regard. Its dimensions allow you to accommodate up to 20 people, while it does not occupy such a large area.

The roof can add special chic to the design. It can be decorated in an oriental style, be double, or be flat, single-pitched, built at a certain angle. In addition, even the simplest gable or hipped roof can be accentuated if it is covered, for example, with colored slate or original tiles.


The grill inside the gazebo should be equipped with an exhaust hood or chimney so that the smell of smoke does not spread indoors. If this is not possible, it is recommended to take the grill outside the gazebo and place it nearby. But there must be a canopy over the barbecue, so that during rain you don’t have to urgently come up with ways to avoid drowning the meat in rainwater.

If necessary, they can be pushed under the table, thereby freeing up space for comfortable movement while cooking. The most comfortable option is chairs with armrests. It is desirable that they are made of solid wood, then they will fit perfectly into the open street space. But light wicker chairs also look good. And to make sitting more comfortable, you can use removable covers with soft seats and decorative pillows.

All necessary communications must be carried out into the gazebo. Ideally, this is water, sewerage and electricity. But in many cases, only electricity is sufficient for artificial lighting at night. In addition, additional heat sources will not be superfluous during the cool period. They will protect in early spring or late autumn from cold and dampness. You can install an infrared lamp above the dining table or use an electric gun to quickly warm up the room.

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