Secrets of creating a beautiful dacha: 24 ideas for comfort and harmony

A dacha and a garden plot are huge opportunities for creativity, a blank slate on which you can create your own unique masterpieces, creating comfort for yourself and your loved ones. Using available, at first glance, unnecessary means and using your imagination and skill, you can give the house and area an original and harmonious look. experts conducted research and collected a huge number of photo ideas on how to make a beautiful summer house with your own hands.

First of all, look at the topography of your site: you won’t have any problems with a flat area, but if the dacha is located on slopes, special techniques may be required. They will be used not only to strengthen the slope, but will also serve as decoration for the relief. For example, decorative retaining walls, they can be made of stone, wood and even hedges. To help: How to level a garden plot.

An equally interesting solution would be a fence; it is not difficult to make, because in the old days every owner knew how to create a “do-it-yourself fence.” With its help, you can fence an area, zone it, or emphasize the beauty of a terrace or flower bed, or you can use the fence as a frame for a children's playground.

To create a fence, branches of willow, hazel or willow are used, however, other garden trees can be used. There are several types of weaving, the basis is vertical stakes that are driven into the ground, they are braided with bundles of thin rods. It is advisable to treat the finished structure with resin or fungicide for wooden surfaces - you will increase the service life of the fence. You can also reinforce wooden posts with plastic or metal rods painted to match the color of the wood. It is advisable to raise the lower part and make drainage out of sand. Sanded rods are painted with natural dyes - stain, hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate.

Photo of a beautiful fence in the country

You can decorate the fence with climbing flowers, artificial compositions, clay pots, and original figurines.

You can make these original baskets from branches with your own hands without much difficulty.

Even from empty bottles you can build an interesting composition that will become a worthy decoration for your garden plot.

Interesting idea - a beautiful flower bed made of bottles

But this palm tree made from plastic bottles can be placed inside the house - it will perfectly decorate your dacha. The cut bottles are glued together with hot glue and placed on a round base stand.

You can place this funny family of penguins in your garden plot, also made from unnecessary plastic bottles. A couple of elegant fabric elements, “hats” made from old socks - and the family will delight you and your loved ones.

Such beauty can be placed on the shelves of your home by decorating empty plastic bottles using decoupage techniques or artistic painting. Elegant vases and glasses have never bothered anyone - look at the photo.

By the way, plastic bottles can also serve as pots. Cut the bottle lengthwise, plant, say, cacti in it, make eyes and a nose - and funny hedgehogs are ready for your dacha.

Why decorating a site is interesting

Working together at the dacha greatly unites and unites family members. Moreover, children can be involved in this process. They will be happy to help implement various design ideas in the local area. The formation of landscape design is also useful, this is due to several factors:

  • Old and unnecessary things take on a new look and live again.
  • The summer cottage becomes cozy and modern.
  • The desire to create with the whole family develops.
  • There is an opportunity to win the competition in the “best yard of the year” category.

When you design your summer cottage in an unusual way, you will find like-minded interlocutors, and perhaps you will implement something together.

Country yard with a pond and small flower beds Source

Beautiful paths at the dacha made of flagstone Source

What can you do at the dacha?

When thinking about how to improve a summer cottage, you should not turn to architects and designers, because all you need to do is look at photos of finished garden areas on the Internet. There is no doubt that a person’s rich imagination will surprise, thanks to which everyone will choose for themselves what they like. The main objects for a summer residence: garden lighting and artificial ponds, flower beds and gazebos, children's playgrounds and a barbecue area.

The simplest and most inexpensive option for creating a beautiful summer cottage is to create beautiful flower beds, complemented by living fences and benches. It is worth noting that for this you do not need to have construction skills, which means you can create a beautiful summer cottage with your own hands. Connoisseurs of works of art can complement the site with sculptures or fountains, but lovers of a relaxing holiday will not be able to do without a gazebo with a barbecue.

Original paths and paths in the yard

To make it possible to move comfortably between the flower beds, vegetable garden and yard, you should create the most unusual path designs. You don’t even have to buy building materials for this. We offer 4 design options.

concrete leaves

You will need large plant leaves; burdock and grape leaves look good. All you need to do is prepare a cement solution, distribute it evenly over the sheets and wait until it hardens completely. Then simply remove the sheet and lay out the concrete sheets in the form of a path on top of the lawn. In this case, the surface on which the design is printed serves as the front part.

Concrete leaves for decorating a path in a summer cottage Source Pinterest

Flat flagstone

Remnants of decorative stone for a porch or fence, as well as regular flagstone, are perfect for forming paths across the entire lawn. You can even think of unusual shapes and figures that will make up the paths. This decor is not only convenient, but also practical. If there is such a path, the lawn will not be trampled under frequent passages through it.

Flagstones of different colors for organizing paths in the countryside Source

Framing paths

As a rule, in summer cottages there are a lot of paths between flower beds and areas where vegetables grow. At night it is very difficult to navigate these places. What if you paint large stones with fluorescent paint and place them on both sides of the paths. They will highlight the boundaries, so it will be difficult to get lost between fragments of the site.

Fluorescent track with luminous stone for night visibility Source

Using large pebbles

You can create an interesting path from large fragments of sea pebbles by first preparing a drawing diagram. The parts that will make up the decor can be painted a different color. Paths made of pebbles, laid edge-to-edge across the entire area of ​​the path, will look original. In this case, monograms or geometric patterns can serve as a design.

Using pebbles for decoration in a summer cottage Source

Another way to add variety to your trail is to create a pile of rocks before you start, and put pebbles on top decorated to look like M&Ms. Such a decoration will add new colors to your garden plot.

Multi-colored pebbles for decorating paths on the site Source

Fences and hedges, children's playground

Another simple and inexpensive method for creating a beautiful dacha plot is to design the area using hedges and fences. Thanks to them, you can not only improve the area, but also divide the territory into several functional zones, which will add coziness and comfort.

A bolder and more original option is to decorate the gazebo with plants. With the help of weaving vines, you can make a living gazebo that attracts with its beauty. Inside such a structure it will be cozy and comfortable, because wild grapes or Chinese lemongrass will create a shady space, hidden from noise, dust and prying eyes.

In addition, special attention should be paid to the organization of the playground. Children are the flowers of life, but it is better that they are under constant supervision and do not do anything. To do this, the playground must be located in an area of ​​the site that is clearly visible from all sides. To organize a playground, you can make a sandbox, a couple of magic houses and swings, and labyrinths. You can complement the children's playground with sculptures in the form of fairy-tale characters.

Useful decor

In addition to functional things, landscape design should also have a place for decoration. To do this, you can use various options for materials. The following list of ideas will highlight the tastes of the home owners.

Decorative feeder made of logs on a summer cottage made of logs Source

Installing houses in a flowerbed in the form of an imitation of a village Source

Pool made of hay bales in the courtyard of a summer cottage Source

General rules for arrangement

It is impossible to list all the inexpensive, but at the same time bold and interesting ideas for decorating a summer cottage, since human imagination has no limits. However, there are several general rules for arrangement that must be followed. First of all, you need to remember about safety precautions, buying only environmentally friendly materials that cannot cause harm.

When installing lighting, it is important to remember electrical safety, using lamps that are resistant to external factors (moisture, dust and mechanical stress). The playground should not contain stone or steel structures, as well as sharp edges that a child could hit. When planting plants, it is important that household members are not allergic to any of them.

Useful tricks that you previously considered bad taste

We recommend using a few tips from this section. They will make the exterior design of your summer cottage attractive, pleasant and colorful. Read below for some tips for a beautiful cottage:

  • give bright colors. Choose an object that looks nondescript, make it a contrast against the background of the overall landscape;
  • use climbing plants. If there are utility rooms on the site, then on their window sills outside you can arrange a flower bed with climbing ornamental crops;
  • make rest corners. It's better if there are several of them. Decorate with surroundings, use stylish, antique furniture, make decorations from plants in these places;
  • decoration of the steps. The main flight of stairs can be left concrete, metal or wood, but it is better to decorate the first step with various pebbles or glass;
  • ponds and bridges. It is better to arrange such decorations if space allows. The design can serve as decor and be functional;
  • flower beds in selected fences. That is, if there is a concrete fence along the path, then at its top it is advisable to create flower beds with flowering plants.

Flowerbeds for planting plants in bags attached to a fence Source

Unusual house for storing country equipment and tools Source

Country furniture made of wood for recreation and leisure areas Source

Garden in a flowerpot

If you don’t have the opportunity to create a real flower garden, but you really want to, then think about a garden in tubs. It is mobile, and you can even grow heat-loving plants in it that do not survive the Russian winter well.

The most important factor to consider when composing a composition is the amount of light. In shady or semi-shady corners, feel free to use New Guinea balsam, tuberous begonia, coleus, ornamental cabbage, helichrysum petiolate, morning glory sweet potato, rusty spotted sedge, and dwarf varieties of ferns.

Plants such as hybrid petunia, tuberous and ever-flowering begonias, salvia, seaside cineraria, tagetes (marigolds), lobelia, diascia are good for sunny places. African millet, verbena and other plants that love the sun.⠀

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Posted by Landscape | Garden | Dacha (@landscape_gardens)

When choosing a composition, do not neglect perennial plants with textured foliage. For example, for shady tubs you can safely use Darmera thyroid or dwarf varieties of ferns.

Include hanging plants in the composition - they always add charm to the composition. Use grains - they will add “air” and charm, and try not to be too colorful with pots. Any design looks impressive if you take one series of pots, but of different sizes.

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