Do-it-yourself dry toilet for a summer residence - step-by-step instructions for creating a peat version

There is no doubt that it is impossible to live without a toilet in the countryside. However, when building such structures far from civilization, difficulties arise. Connection to local treatment facilities is excluded due to their remoteness. Therefore, you have to build a toilet, relying only on your own strength, because not everyone can afford an autonomous sewer system. There are two options left: build a regular closet with a cesspool or buy a dry closet. The second option is much more environmentally friendly and has minimal disadvantages. However, it will cost more. Why not build a dry closet for your dacha with your own hands and save money?

  • 2 Where is the best place to install it?
  • 3 How to build a seat with a container?
  • 4 Rules for using a dry toilet

    4.1 Is drainage required for this design?

  • 4.2 Proper waste disposal
  • 5 Cabin for a homemade dry closet
  • Advantages and disadvantages

    This type of toilet has a number of advantages:

    • He has mobility. Since there is no need to use sewerage or water drainage, such a toilet can be installed in almost any necessary place.
    • Cheap to install and use. Packages of peat for dressing are available for sale. For a small family, one such package can be enough for a year.
    • During operation, no unpleasant odor is formed. This is due to the deodorizing ability of peat.
    • It is possible to use such a toilet not only for a summer residence, but also in many cases where its mobility is important. One example would be a situation where a home is being renovated and the sewer system is temporarily turned off. In this case, a peat toilet may be one way to solve the problem.
    • The consumable material (peat) does not harm the environment.

    Peat is a natural material that can subsequently be used to fertilize the garden. Source
    Processing waste to form compost, which can then be used as fertilizer.

    However, they have some disadvantages:

    1. When using the toilet, it is necessary to ensure ventilation and drainage of liquid.
    2. Problems may arise when operating during the winter. For example, peat can freeze at low temperatures.
    3. A peat toilet is a fairly mobile option, but a portable dry toilet has even more compact dimensions.

    A portable dry toilet is a more mobile option that you can take with you on the road. Source

    Classification of composting toilets

    These convenient devices can be classified depending on the characteristics of the work.

    • Active models differ from passive ones in the presence of equipment for regulating the operating mode - thermostats, fans, heaters, etc. In active products, compost formation usually occurs throughout the year. In passive ones, the duration of the period depends on external factors, primarily on temperature, and can be about two years or more.
    • Self-contained products are closed units, while designs with a remote composting unit can consist of several receptacles with toilet seats and one composting tank located at a certain distance.
    • Bagged composting peat toilets are completely emptied after the chamber is filled. Continuous designs allow the finished compost to be recovered and used while the reservoir continues to be filled and waste converted. This operating principle can only be implemented for stationary models with large-volume storage devices.

    Closets without a cesspool: the main types and their features

    A drainage pit is considered the simplest and most cost-effective way to solve the problem with a toilet in a personal plot. Even so, there are limitations to this type of design. The installation of pit latrines is limited to the following conditions:

    • the soil of the summer cottage consists of limestone or shale soil;
    • groundwater passes too close to the surface;
    • the toilet is expected to be used by a large number of people.

    All these factors do not allow organizing a toilet based on a cesspool on the territory of a suburban area. The way out of this situation will be the construction of latrines of a completely different type, based on a different principle of operation.

    Final conclusions

    In real life, dry toilets without a house are rarely used. It is more comfortable to place it in an equipped booth. A waste disposal system is installed inside the house.

    It’s easy to make a booth yourself; you will need boards with bars and fasteners. In the house you can connect the light and carry out ventilation. The design can also be improved, if desired, by using a homemade seat on a seat cover made at the factory. The process of adding peat admixture can also be automated using dispenser systems.

    Backlash closet

    A backlash closet is a type of toilet connected to a sealed cesspool. The waste tank is located behind the foundation, to which it is connected directly or through an inclined pipe. It is equipped with a hatch through which it is convenient to clear waste. The bottom of the container is tilted towards the lid so that waste accumulates next to it

    Unlike a traditional house with a cesspool, a backlash closet can be installed inside the house. This eliminates the need to additionally insulate the structure. This type of toilet is suitable for permanent use in houses without a sewer connection and is built without the possibility of further movement.

    Operation and Maintenance

    Such a toilet can even be installed inside a residential building, despite the fact that in the described design it looks quite appropriate and neat. A plastic barrel can be coated with enamel or, if you want to imitate a ceramic gloss, opened with a special glossy enamel, having previously prepared the surface with acrylic putty.

    There is no need to use any additional bacterial “powder” in such a toilet, but after each use you need to add about two glasses of crushed peat to the storage tank. In practice, the built-in mechanisms for this are not very convenient; it is better to place a 20-25 kg sealed container on top of the barrel and use a small scoop. If the internal storage capacity is equipped with a handle by default, it is better to remove it and bend a removable one out of wire.

    The toilet needs to be cleaned when the storage tank is 2/3 full. It is also recommended to periodically rinse the sand filter with water to avoid silting, although it can be replaced altogether if desired.

    Auxiliary products for dry toilets

    In addition to the basic liquids, from time to time, cleaning, deodorizing and anti-freezing additives are introduced into the upper and lower chambers of the toilet. A good example of such drugs are the following drugs:

    Deodorizing liquid for composting toilet Biola

    Concentrate based on naturally degradable components. Does not harm the ecology of the site and human health. Removes unpleasant odors in a very short time. Therefore, Biola is used not only by owners of dry closets, but also by owners of country houses with amenities in the yard.

    For a standard dry toilet with a sump volume of up to 50 liters, a one-time injection of 100 grams of the drug is sufficient, which is dissolved in 3 liters of water and poured into the upper tank or directly into the lower container. The procedure is repeated if necessary.

    • Ingredients: surfactant complex, aromatic additive, targeted additives, dye, water
    • Does not contain environmentally harmful substances: phosphates, phenols, acids, alkalis
    • The product is available in liter bottles
    • Price of the drug – from 400 rubles

    Fermentation accelerator for composting toilets

    BIOFORCE BioToilet Comfort

    - a biologically active drug that increases concentration in the lower chamber of the dry closet. Accelerates the process of fermentation and breakdown of solid fractions of organic waste. Essentially, this drug cleans the lower chamber of solid deposits, separating them into liquid and gas. Recommended for use in case of increased load on the dry closet (unexpected arrival of guests, etc.).

    • The packaging of BioToilet Comfort contains 20 sachets, each of which is designed for a volume of up to 20 liters.
    • The bags are dumped into the lower chamber or dissolved in the drain tank
    • The cost of packaging is 2200 rubles.

    Thetford Bathroom Cleaner

    a disinfectant for toilets and septic tanks, which has an antistatic effect and whitens treated surfaces. Helps maintain hygiene in areas where the dry closet is used. Unlike chlorine-containing and acid-based products, Bathroom Cleaner does not harm the seals and polymer body of the dry closet.

    • Available in half-liter bottles with sprayer
    • Cost – from 350 rubles

    Operation and Maintenance

    Such a toilet can even be installed inside a residential building, despite the fact that in the described design it looks quite appropriate and neat. A plastic barrel can be coated with enamel or, if you want to imitate a ceramic gloss, opened with a special glossy enamel, having previously prepared the surface with acrylic putty.

    There is no need to use any additional bacterial “powder” in such a toilet, but after each use you need to add about two glasses of crushed peat to the storage tank. In practice, the built-in mechanisms for this are not very convenient; it is better to place a 20-25 kg sealed container on top of the barrel and use a small scoop. If the internal storage capacity is equipped with a handle by default, it is better to remove it and bend a removable one out of wire.

    The toilet needs to be cleaned when the storage tank is 2/3 full. It is also recommended to periodically rinse the sand filter with water to avoid silting, although it can be replaced altogether if desired.

    Currently, the dacha has become a place of work and recreation for many city residents. They are attracted by a life without fuss, the opportunity to breathe clean air in their favorite corner of nature.

    Therefore, every summer resident faces the problem of creating comfort, as in a city apartment - installing a toilet in the house.

    The days of conveniences in the yard are long gone; now there are composting toilets that can be installed in a living space.

    Which peat toilet to choose for your dacha

    When choosing a composting toilet, pay attention to the following characteristics:

    The dimensions of the product must correspond to the room allocated for installation. Pay special attention to the height of the toilet seat and take into account the needs of all family members. The frequency of cleaning depends on the volume of the storage tank

    It is important to consider the number of people who will use the product, the frequency of use and the desired frequency of cleaning. Models with a fill sensor are especially convenient. This option allows you to accurately determine when the system needs to be cleaned. Seat load. Typically, ready-made models are designed for loads of up to 125 kg, but there are products that can withstand weights of up to 250 kg.

    Let's look at some popular types of ready-made peat devices.


    This is a Finnish peat toilet with a large storage tank. The model uses a mixture of peat and sawdust as a filler. There is also a domestically produced Ecomatic model on sale. It has all the advantages of a Finnish product. In addition, the domestic model is equipped with a thermal seat, which increases the operating comfort of the device in the winter season. The price of an Ecomatic dry closet is in the range of $250-350.


    A Russian-made peat toilet does not need to be connected to a water supply or sewerage network. The compost bin has special doors that make it easier to unload. The model also has a special filtration system. The price of this product ranges from 91.7-116.7 dollars.


    This is another domestically produced model. The device has two chambers (for liquid and solid waste). Features of Biolan dry closets include an improved drainage system. These are quite expensive modifications, the price of which is in the range of $300-325.

    What types of dry toilet designs are there?

    The simplest dry closet consists of two combined containers. The upper one is a reception area and the lower one is for waste collection and disposal. To make the decomposition of human waste products faster, various filler compositions are used.

    In addition to speeding up the recycling process, they destroy odors. Dry toilets are:

    Now let's figure out which one you can build yourself.

    The design of an electric dry closet is very complex, and it also requires power to operate.

    Why do you need extra expenses?

    Liquid composting toilets require a lot of water to use. You will have to think about how to drain excess liquid, and there will be a lot of it. The price of biological products that are used as fillers is also steep.

    Using a liquid dry toilet results in high water consumption.

    In addition, it needs to drain excess fluid

    What do you need for a peat dry closet? The idea of ​​installing such toilets is not new. Previously, something similar was called a powder closet. What was he like? The main part of this design was a container for collecting waste. After the need was relieved, it was necessary to “mask” everything with powder.

    Sawdust, dry earth or ash were used for it.

    Similar technology is still used today. Peat acts only as a powder or filler. Industrially manufactured structures have two combined containers. One is storage for waste, the other is for storing filler.

    For homemade dry closets, two separate containers are often used. In addition to the simplicity of design, the peat dry closet has other advantages:

    • does not pollute the environment;
    • works without water;
    • low price for consumables;
    • obtaining high-quality natural fertilizer.

    So, we decided: we’ll build a peat dry closet ourselves.

    How to make a toilet in the country with your own hands: drawing and step-by-step instructions for creating a peat toilet

    Peat toilets are no less popular among summer residents, as they can offer a lot of advantages to many owners of suburban areas. The method of sprinkling waste with peat substrate is justified by several advantageous advantages:

    1. Peat has good odor absorption capacity. With it you can forget about the unpleasant moments associated with using a restroom on the street.
    2. Due to the high level of hygroscopicity, the substrate absorbs moisture well, due to which the frequency of cleaning the drive can be reduced. In other words, the toilet can be used for a longer period without the need to empty the storage tank.
    3. The processed mixture can be used to fertilize the site, since peat, even in its pure form, contains bacteria that help convert organic waste into nutritious compost for the soil.

    Toilet inside the house

    Bucket toilet

    Plastic bucket toilet

    Perhaps this is the simplest option for a toilet in the country. It differs from a regular children's potty in the presence of a full-fledged seat with a lid.

    It is advisable to place a disposable bag inside, which should then be thrown away. But many people don’t do this and simply wash the bucket-toilet. The package must be durable and not leak.

    This bucket is often used as a night toilet. During the day, an outdoor closet is used, but at night it is too lazy and cold to go outside, so such a bucket is brought into the house. Popular with the older generation of summer residents.

    Biotoilet based on microorganisms

    Dry toilet-bucket

    This is a bucket toilet 2.0 :), that is, a more advanced unit that does not emit an unpleasant odor. Can also be used indoors. Periodically requires backfilling with special biomass with bacteria that process waste. A special removable container allows you to pour already processed waste into the garden as fertilizer.

    Peat dry toilet

    Peat toilet for a summer residence

    One of the types of dry closets, where waste is sprinkled with peat from a special tank. Therefore there is almost no smell. This type of toilet is also called Finnish toilet.

    It is advisable to connect ventilation to the toilet.

    Finnish peat toilets have recently become very popular among summer residents. The most popular models: Ekomatic, Piteco, Biolan.

    Chemical based portable toilet

    Portable toilet

    Another option for a bucket toilet. But in this case, the waste is processed by a special mixture of chemical reagents, which is poured inside. Just like a bio-toilet with bacteria, it does not have a bad smell, but unlike it, in this case you cannot pour processed waste onto the beds, since they are not harmless.

    Electric dry closet

    Electric dry closet

    Outwardly similar to a portable dry closet, but unlike it, it is not mobile and requires connection to engineering systems.

    The operating principle is that solid waste is separated from liquid waste, dried and transferred to a special container.

    The liquid component is drained into the sewer (an underground drainage pit is sufficient without a full-fledged septic tank).

    In addition, a ventilation connection is required to eliminate odor.

    At its core, it is almost an ordinary toilet, but is used in cases where it is not possible to install a full-fledged sewage system.

    How to choose

    When choosing a suitable option, you need to pay attention to various features of the offered models:

    • When choosing, you need to consider the purpose for which you are purchasing a composting toilet for your dacha. If we are talking about a small family that rarely comes there, then a small volume is enough. A 10-15 liter tank may be suitable here. If there are always a lot of people there, it makes sense to buy a model with a large tank, for example, 100-150 liters or more.
    • It is necessary to take into account the maximum weight the toilet seat can be designed for. Since the toilet is mobile, its strength is lower than that of a stationary one. If there are people in the house who have significant weight, the device should be selected in such a way that it can easily support it.
    • If you buy inexpensive models, there is a risk that parts made of cheap plastic will quickly wear out and break. When purchasing such an important item for a long time, it would be wise to be guided, first of all, by high consumer qualities.
    • If you plan to install the toilet in a specific place, then when purchasing you need to take its dimensions into account.

    If there is a need to move the toilet, it is better to choose a more compact and mobile modelSource
    Different models can use different types of ventilation

    For example, stationary models may require a hood. You need to pay attention to the quality of the material from which the toilet seat is made. It is convenient to use plastic that does not cool down immediately even at low temperatures. When choosing, you need to consider where it will be installed: indoors or outdoors

    This affects the characteristics of ventilation and liquid drainage during operation.

    Drainage system design

    The collection barrel must be used with the top lid open (cut off). Place a geotextile bag inside it, and then fill it with a mixture of sand and fine granite crushed stone, vermiculite, expanded clay - any incompressible material with high hygroscopicity. You need to fill it to such a level that the installed storage capacity is 150-200 mm below the neck of the barrel.

    Containers must be prepared in advance. In the lower half of the walls of the external collector we make 10 mm holes every 7-10 mm in a total quantity of 20-25 pieces, and we carry out the same manipulations with the bottom.

    We measure the dimensions of the side at the top of the container and bend a sheet of 1.2 mm galvanized iron along this profile, forming a rectangular casing about 150 mm high. In its lower part, we cut the ribs by 10-15 mm, bend each one inward, forming a side around the perimeter on which the inner container can rest. We fasten the casing with rivets, and use them to fix it to the plastic side of the external storage tank so that the edges of the bent metal do not reduce the gap between the plastic sides.

    We install the container with the casing, leveling the top 2-3 cm below the closed lid of the barrel. We move it closer to the front edge, approximately 50-70 mm from the wall. We sprinkle the receiver on all sides with sand so that the side of the casing protrudes by 30-50 mm, and the layer of sand from the surface to the first holes in the drive is at least 30 cm. Lightly compact and spill the sand with a small amount of water. The second container can be inserted into the first without any effort, and the following can be placed inside:

    • replaceable geotextile bags that will be changed each time the storage tank is emptied;
    • case made of stainless steel mesh with a mesh size of 0.4-0.75, which can be easily washed with water from a hose.

    This element is optional, but it makes waste disposal very easy, especially in an emergency. If you think this is overkill, remember that the inner container with the “basket” is drilled like the outer one - with rare large holes up to the middle of the height. In the absence of a primary filter, these holes are more frequent and have a diameter of no more than 1.5-2 mm.

    Construction of a peat dry closet

    From an aesthetic and visual point of view, a dry toilet is not much different from a regular toilet. Its design allows you to use it with comfort and convenience. A peat dry closet for a summer house or other building has the following design:

    • Upper container. Used to store peat mixture in it. The peculiarity of the structure is that water is not used during operation. When you press the handle on the upper container, the mixture is poured into the lower container. The upper chamber in this case serves as a flushing system.
    • Lower chamber, or storage tank. The average volume of a waste container is approximately 100-150 liters. This volume is sufficient for full use of the toilet by a family of 3-4 people. The lower container is necessary for collecting and accumulating human waste: feces and urine.
    • Seat. Located above the lower chamber. Its main purpose is to create comfort and convenience during the operation of the structure.
    • Ventilation. Like any room where there is a sewerage system, a dry closet must be equipped with a ventilation system. For this, the owners use a special pipe for ventilation. The ventilation kit for each model includes a clamp and a ventilation pipe.

    Containers: how to make and dig

    Any container made of synthetic material can be used as storage: from paint and putty buckets to plastic trash containers. They do not have to be airtight; the conical shape is much more important - so that identical containers can be inserted into one another.

    Perhaps, having familiarized yourself with the design in its entirety, you will prefer a set for the drive that consists of a basket placed in a bucket, preferably with the same plastic lid. The recommended maximum volume is about 25-30 liters, otherwise the container will be difficult to remove and empty.

    The storage tank is installed inside a 100-200 liter plastic barrel, which serves as a liquid collector and simultaneously filters the moisture released from the waste. The barrel is dug in so that the neck extends 400 mm above the floor level in the bathroom. You need to cut a brass “barrel” into the bottom and secure it with a nut from the inside.

    Any press fitting or fitting for a pipe, silicone or rubber hose with a diameter of 32 mm or more is packaged on the outside of the “barrel”. It has a short length and is laid inside a 40 mm protective pipe made of HDPE to the center of the discharge field - a pit 0.5x0.5x1 meter, the lower half of which is covered with large crushed stone, and the upper half with soil. The pipe must be laid below the freezing depth in a trench with a total slope of at least 2 cm per meter, while the protective shell is immersed in a 15 cm bed of sand.

    Construction of a toilet for a summer house: drawing with dimensions for a “birdhouse” type structure

    The design of the Birdhouse consists of wood, which can be covered with any other type of material. Construction of a single or gable roof is allowed. This type of closet is mounted as an above-ground building above the cesspool.

    Typical design of a “Birdhouse” with dimensional parameters:

    Design elementSize, m
    Rear wall (height)2
    Front wall (height)2,3
    Base area1x1

    When installing a wooden toilet structure, mandatory control of the placement of surfaces vertically and horizontally is necessary. For these purposes, it is recommended to use a building level.

    Project of a country toilet and shower under one roof

    A toilet is good, but a toilet with a shower is even better. Both of these buildings create the comfort necessary in a dacha setting. By combining these designs you can save a little on material. Let's consider the project of a country toilet with a shower and its execution.

    The toilet and shower have a common wall: this will help save on building materials

    The proposed diagram shows that the toilet and shower have a common wall. This is the saving of building materials. This project is designed for the installation of a dry closet.

    If a cesspool is used, the design is slightly modified.

    To build such a structure, they first dig a foundation pit and strengthen its walls, and only then begin the construction of the building itself

    Preparing the foundation for construction

    First of all, a square pit with a side of 4 meters and 0.3 cm in depth is dug for the construction and covered with gravel to about 0.2 m.

    After thoroughly compacting the base, formwork from wooden panels is knocked down for a foundation 0.3 m wide and 0.5 m high.

    To make the foundation more durable, it is necessary to reinforce it

    A sand-cement mortar is prepared and poured into the formwork.

    Crushed stone is used as filler. When the concrete has set, remove the boards and cover the defects with mortar.

    After removing the formwork, defective areas are sealed with mortar.

    At the next stage, sewer pipes are installed.

    How to build a peat toilet for a summer house with your own hands?

    DIY peat toilet (diagram)

    Those who decide to build a composting toilet at their dacha must strictly follow the rule, which states that such a device must be placed as far as possible from sources of drinking and industrial water, as well as reservoirs (if there are any nearby). Do not allow toilet drainage to enter the water. The only exception here would be completely sealed toilets that guarantee safety for the environment.

    You can build a peat dry closet yourself if you have a sealed container, which is most often used:

    • Barrels;
    • Buckets;
    • Tanks;
    • Sealed (waterproofed) cesspools.

    The choice of container used depends on the required volume and the number of people using the peat dry closet.

    Scheme of a simple peat toilet

    The homemade device consists of:

    • Containers;
    • Box (most often wooden);
    • Booths (“birdhouse”);
    • Peat box;
    • Seats.

    The simplest homemade dry closet using peat is a wooden toilet seat with a vessel attached to it, which serves as a receiving container. To build this simple dry closet you will need the following materials:

    Compost homemade toilet on a bucket

    • Bucket-shaped container (volume - about 20 liters);
    • Wooden block with a square cross-section (5 by 5);
    • Plywood or chipboard (thickness - one and a half centimeters);
    • Nails (screws).

    The set of tools for construction will consist of:

    • Roulettes;
    • Jigsaw;
    • Hammer;
    • Screwdriver.

    It is better to start constructing a simple device by cutting out parts of the required size:

    Set of tools

    • Legs (four bars 35 centimeters long);
    • Side walls (two plywood rectangles 52 by 30 centimeters);
    • Front and back walls (two plywood rectangles 45 by 30 centimeters);
    • Cover (plywood rectangle 45 by 48 centimeters);
    • Bar for loops (45 by 7 centimeters).

    Next you need to assemble the device:

    • Walls (short sides) are attached to the legs, which should protrude five centimeters on one side; Peat toilet diagram
    • A bar for attaching hinges is screwed to the legs from the rear wall;
    • A lid is attached to the bar using hinges;
    • A round hole is cut out in the lid, corresponding in size to the diameter of a bucket (or a small twenty-liter barrel);
    • The structure is sanded and treated with an antiseptic;
    • A homemade or purchased toilet seat is placed directly above the hole.

    Using the same principle, you can make a peat toilet with other containers. The difference will only be in volume and location. A compact peat dry toilet with a bucket can even be placed in a country house, but for a larger toilet you will most likely need a separate building and equipped drainage.

    Containers: how to make and dig

    Any container made of synthetic material can be used as storage: from paint and putty buckets to plastic trash containers. They do not have to be airtight; the conical shape is much more important - so that identical containers can be inserted into one another.

    Perhaps, having familiarized yourself with the design in its entirety, you will prefer a set for the drive that consists of a basket placed in a bucket, preferably with the same plastic lid. The recommended maximum volume is about 25-30 liters, otherwise the container will be difficult to remove and empty.

    The storage tank is installed inside a 100-200 liter plastic barrel, which serves as a liquid collector and simultaneously filters the moisture released from the waste. The barrel is dug in so that the neck extends 400 mm above the floor level in the bathroom. You need to cut a brass “barrel” into the bottom and secure it with a nut from the inside.

    Any press fitting or fitting for a pipe, silicone or rubber hose with a diameter of 32 mm or more is packaged on the outside of the “barrel”. It has a short length and is laid inside a 40 mm protective pipe made of HDPE to the center of the discharge field - a pit 0.5x0.5x1 meter, the lower half of which is covered with large crushed stone, and the upper half with soil. The pipe must be laid below the freezing depth in a trench with a total slope of at least 2 cm per meter, while the protective shell is immersed in a 15 cm bed of sand.

    Construction of a peat toilet

    Peat toilets made independently are not much different from purchased ones, except in terms of the complexity of the device. To better understand the design installation system, you should carefully study the component parts and elements. So, a peat toilet for a summer house consists of the following parts:

    • The seat is shaped like a box in a homemade device, and the purchased toilet looks like a toilet seat. In a home setting, an old chair can be used, which is upholstered with plywood or other materials, for example, chipboard or fiberboard. You can also create a small box with your own hands in which the container will be placed.
    • A container for sewage, which is installed under the toilet seat. In purchased structures, plastic containers are used, and in private ones, a bucket or basin is used.

    A container with peat for a country toilet

    • A container for peat in a dry closet can be selected from old items, but you need to make sure that the material of the container is durable. You can install a separate bucket with a scoop and pour peat into it, or consider manual sprinkling.
    • Compost pit - installed in outdoor buildings.

    All elements are components of a peat toilet at a summer cottage. First of all, decide on the location of the building, which should be located away from the house. To build a toilet, you can use various materials that are left after the renovation. This will reduce waste on purchasing new ones.

    Cabin for a homemade dry closet

    Of course, if you wish, you can install a dry closet in your home with your own hands. But for this you will need a separate room with ventilation.

    If more than one person uses the toilet, a drainage hose must be installed.

    Those who cannot afford this will have to build a toilet on the street.

    The house for it can be made of brick, wood or any material left over after the construction of the house. Instead of a wooden box for a seat, you can build a whole pedestal with two holes. And at the back or side of the house, attach a small door for removing the container.

    More information on the topic:

    Peat dry closet - operating principle and design

    Dry, finely ground peat is poured into a peat dry closet in the part where a regular toilet contains water. This tank has a device for dispersing the substance, which is operated by a handle. After using the toilet, you need to twist the handle, the peat will scatter over the surface, blocking the waste, which will significantly reduce the smell. Because of this operating feature, a peat dry closet is also called a powder closet. Another name is composting toilets because the waste can be placed in a compost pit. True, another type of dry toilet belongs to this class - electric, which dries excrement.

    The next name is dry dry toilets. Again, the name is associated with the method of waste disposal - dusting with dry peat. As a result of processing, the substance is also dry (or almost dry).

    Peat is poured into the container at the top

    Due to the high absorbency of peat, it absorbs part of the liquid component of the waste, and the rest is drained into a special tray below. From there, the liquid is discharged through a special drain hose. He is usually taken outside into a small pit.

    The solid part of the waste is processed by bacteria contained in peat, which decompose organic matter. After processing, the container contains a mixture that is almost odorless. It can be safely poured onto a compost heap, that is, a peat toilet is an ideal dry closet for a summer residence. But the waste must remain on the heap for at least a year, or better yet, a couple of years.

    The structure of a peat dry closet

    Since complete recycling requires time to eliminate the characteristic smell of waste, a pipe must be attached to the peat dry closet (there is an outlet pipe; in some models, plastic pipes are included). If the draft is natural, the pipe is only straight, without elbows or bends, at least 2 meters high. If desired (if natural draft is not enough), you can install an exhaust fan. Then the requirements for the pipe are not so stringent.


    If you need a dry closet for your dacha, this is one of the best options - just a sea of ​​advantages:

    • The tank fills slowly - if there are 2-3 people living, the tank needs to be taken out once every 2-3 months.
    • Peat consumption is small and it is inexpensive.
    • Easy disposal - the container can be emptied into a compost heap, the contents are a homogeneous brown mass, without a sharp or specific odor. You can level it with a rake, the mass is quite loose, and after a couple of weeks it becomes overgrown with forbs.
    • There is no smell when the ventilation is working normally.
    • You can install it both in a separate toilet house and in the house.
    • Tolerates freezing (if the plastic is frost-resistant).

    Peat dry toilet for a summer residence: this is what a device for spreading peat looks like

    Overall, a very good choice. Usually both the owners and neighbors are satisfied - there is no smell, no problems with processing. But you can’t do without minuses.


    The weak point of peat dry closets is the peat spreading device. Firstly, to ensure that the peat crumbles evenly, first turn the handle in one direction, then in the other. Secondly, it is not a fact that it will be scattered evenly. Often it is necessary to pour peat from the shovel reserve under the “hole”. This is where it gets worst of all, and all the waste is concentrated here. It is necessary to sprinkle them, so you also have to manually fill them.

    Other disadvantages of peat toilets are:

    • The drain hose for draining liquid waste is located quite high. Until the required level of liquid is collected in the pan, a significant period of time passes. And liquid waste also smells. To reduce the smell, you can periodically drain “manually” by tilting the toilet towards the drain.
    • Solid waste accumulates under the hole. In order not to remove the tank ahead of time, the pile has to be moved aside. There is no particular smell, so it is not very uncomfortable.
    • The waste container is heavy. It's difficult to bear it alone. If there are no assistants, you need to choose a model that has wheels. This makes it easier to transport the container. Sometimes it is necessary to add peat manually
    • Need for ventilation. If this is a detached house, then even in the heat there are usually no problems - there are usually enough gaps in the structure for additional ventilation. If you install a peat dry closet in the dacha itself, in the house, you need a fan. In hot weather, it should work all the time to avoid smell.
    • This type of dry closet requires permanent installation. You can carry them if you wish, but this is not a mobile option.

    If we talk about the degree of convenience, this is a good choice, but only if it is possible to place it somewhere permanently. You can move the device, but each time you need to install an exhaust ventilation pipe.

    Ready-made models

    On sale you can find ready-made composting toilets of various sizes and modifications - from portable to large continuous chambers built into the basement. As a rule, the most advanced of them are equipped with control devices and equipment to create an optimal mode.

    Small compact dry closets of this type may have special tanks for dry peat. The composition is automatically scattered evenly over the surface when you turn the handle. Stationary models can be equipped with a membrane built into the bottom and a pipeline to drain the liquid component of the waste.

    The most popular brands of peat composting toilets include Piteco, BioComfort, Compact, Biolan, Ekomatik (Ekomatik).

    A complete sewage system in a summer cottage: mini-septic tanks

    Agree that during the cold season or at night, no one particularly wants to get up and go somewhere outside to go to the toilet. Dry toilets and powder closets won’t help much either: after a while you’ll have to clean them and waste time on it. The most suitable option in such a situation would be to install a mini-septic tank on the site.

    Types of mini-septic tanks

    There are several types of mini-septic tanks, including both autonomous ones and those requiring a constant supply of electricity. Such septic tanks will be more environmentally friendly and safer for groundwater, since the filtration in them is much more thorough. The disadvantage of such a septic tank is the constant supply of electricity, which can lead to exceeding the limits when paying for electricity. Otherwise there are only positives. A mini-septic tank of this type will purify wastewater by 80-90%, which will allow it to be located near wells. You will also be pleased with the absence of an unpleasant odor.

    An autonomous mini-septic tank will require pumping, so it will have to be located near the road so that the sewer truck can reach it with a 15-meter hose. Such a septic tank should not be located next to wells: there is a high probability of groundwater contamination.

    Do-it-yourself autonomous mini-septic tank

    Each summer resident can make an autonomous mini-septic tank with his own hands. To do this, you will need to buy 2-3 large barrels in the store (200-300 liters each, more is possible), as well as medium-diameter pipes. After this, you will need to make holes in the barrels for the barrels, as well as drill small holes in the bottom and in the walls so that the wastewater drains out faster. You can make holes only if there are no water wells nearby, and also if the groundwater lies at a depth of more than 5 meters. Then you should dig a hole for these barrels (tanks), at the bottom of which you will need to pour large pebbles and crushed stone to improve filtration. The next step is connecting the barrels together with pipes and burying them in the ground.

    It is almost impossible to make an electric mini-septic tank yourself without specialized education. Therefore, it is better not to risk yourself and your loved ones - buy an electric mini-septic tank in a specialized store if it suits you better.

    It is worth noting that a mini-septic tank is the most expensive option of all presented. You will also have to spend money on equipping the bathroom inside the house, as well as on bringing the pipes outside.

    Where is the best place to install it?

    Having decided to make a peat dry closet with your own hands, the first step is to find out where it can be built. Since the cesspool is not included in its design, groundwater contamination is excluded. The presence of odor is insignificant. Especially if the toilet is built according to the rules.

    It is also not worth constructing such a structure in plain sight. Of course, if you know how to make a dry closet according to all the rules, you can install it in your home. The main thing is not to forget about ventilation and drainage. So, before choosing a mounting location, you need to take all these points into account.

    An article dedicated to the implementation of the project for a country toilet with a shower is located here:

    Which toilet is better: a backlash closet with a cesspool

    If you still haven’t decided which garden toilet is best for you, then think about the next option in the form of a backlash closet. The backlash closet is a regular village toilet with a cesspool underneath, only it is a modified version of it. The main thing in a backlash closet is the correct ventilation system.

    This type of toilet is built in the same way as old village toilets, so there should be no problems with it. What is its advantage over a regular village toilet? The backlash closet has ventilation directly from the cesspool, so there will be practically no unpleasant smell in the closet.

    The disadvantage of such a closet is the constant need for cleaning, which can only be done manually, despite all the unpleasantness of this process. It will not be possible to pump out this mass with a special machine, because it is too viscous. It is recommended to clean it at least once a year, preferably 2 times, especially if it is constantly used by 3 or more people. When constructing a backlash closet, a ventilation pipe is removed from the cesspool; it must be covered with a lid. This is done so that water from rain and melting snow does not get into the sump.

    Drainage system design

    The collection barrel must be used with the top lid open (cut off). Place a geotextile bag inside it, and then fill it with a mixture of sand and fine granite crushed stone, vermiculite, expanded clay - any incompressible material with high hygroscopicity. You need to fill it to such a level that the installed storage capacity is 150-200 mm below the neck of the barrel.

    Containers must be prepared in advance. In the lower half of the walls of the external collector we make 10 mm holes every 7-10 mm in a total quantity of 20-25 pieces, and we carry out the same manipulations with the bottom.

    We measure the dimensions of the side at the top of the container and bend a sheet of 1.2 mm galvanized iron along this profile, forming a rectangular casing about 150 mm high. In its lower part, we cut the ribs by 10-15 mm, bend each one inward, forming a side around the perimeter on which the inner container can rest. We fasten the casing with rivets, and use them to fix it to the plastic side of the external storage tank so that the edges of the bent metal do not reduce the gap between the plastic sides.

    We install the container with the casing, leveling the top 2-3 cm below the closed lid of the barrel. We move it closer to the front edge, approximately 50-70 mm from the wall. We sprinkle the receiver on all sides with sand so that the side of the casing protrudes by 30-50 mm, and the layer of sand from the surface to the first holes in the drive is at least 30 cm. Lightly compact and spill the sand with a small amount of water. The second container can be inserted into the first without any effort, and the following can be placed inside:

    • replaceable geotextile bags that will be changed each time the storage tank is emptied;
    • case made of stainless steel mesh with a mesh size of 0.4-0.75, which can be easily washed with water from a hose.

    This element is optional, but it makes waste disposal very easy, especially in an emergency. If you think this is overkill, remember that the inner container with the “basket” is drilled like the outer one - with rare large holes up to the middle of the height. In the absence of a primary filter, these holes are more frequent and have a diameter of no more than 1.5-2 mm.


    1. If the storage tank is overfilled, removing it can cause some problems due to the fact that it becomes heavier. This problem is solved by choosing a model whose lower tank is equipped with wheels for transportation.
    2. The need for additional work to organize outlet openings for ventilation and the outlet pipe itself. Although, this problem can be solved by choosing a model with a drainage system.
    3. When sprinkling waste, it is possible that a layer of peat is laid unevenly on it, as a result of which it is necessary to carry out an additional step to level the bedding using a scoop.

    Continuous composting toilets

    A composting toilet is more than just a storage unit. Feces are not processed in a compost heap, but specifically in the toilet unit. Storage tanks have sufficient volume and when one of them is filled, it is replaced with an empty one. The filled compost is put aside to allow the compost to ripen. The principle of operation here is batch , that is, while one container is being filled, the processing processes in the second are already ending.

    There are several mechanisms for how composting toilets work. They are convenient to use in summer. In winter, such trips cause discomfort, so the design was improved, resulting in continuous composting toilets.

    Compared to batch toilets, the new toilets do not need to be emptied - composting is continuous.

    Before you start using it, add ready-made compost or garden soil with soil bacteria to the bottom of the container. All waste first goes into the bunker, after which it is covered with peat or sawdust. Feces do not accumulate, but move slowly down an inclined plane.

    Inside the bunker there are ventilation channels - this is necessary for the life of processing aerobic bacteria. One of the advantages of this installation is that there is no smell. The bunker itself does not have to be installed outside - it can be placed in the basement or on the ground floor. The only difficulty you will have to face is that you need to take out the compost from time to time.

    What is its operating principle based on?

    The concept itself is general; underneath it lies several types of such devices, differing in operating principle and even in design. The simplest and safest, from an environmental point of view, is a self-made composting toilet for a summer residence.

    Its operating principle is based on the disinfecting properties of this natural material, and its ability to accelerate the process of decomposition of waste, which includes not only feces, but also other components. This is possible due to the presence of microorganisms in peat that can process organic elements into compost.

    How to make a dry toilet yourself?

    The construction of this simple device, taking into account its temporary operation, can be divided into two possible construction options:

    There are a lot of recommendations on the Internet regarding the use of this peat disposal device directly inside a residential building. But this approach is unlikely to suit people who are too sensitive to odors.

    True, if you take professionally made models of dry closets by craftsmen, and not with your own hands, it is possible to choose a successful home version. In the summer, at a summer cottage, the optimal place to place a natural peat recycler is open air.

    The option without a house involves making only a toilet seat paired with a box for storing peat fillers. This is the simplest design solution of all possible.

    Such a system is successfully operated, for example, on a summer cottage, the territory of which is reliably closed from prying eyes. The dry closet box is installed somewhere in a secluded place among vegetation and used when necessary.

    Assembling a biologically clean toilet does not present any special difficulties. The process is quite feasible even for those who have never held a carpentry tool in their hands.

    Materials, tools, sizes

    To make a peat dry toilet with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

    Need for working tools:

    The most difficult stage of independent work is cutting out a round hole of large diameter on a pre-prepared sheet of plywood.

    Using a hacksaw, the plywood sheet is cut in such a way as to obtain a panel measuring 500*500 mm (the specific dimensions directly depend on the dimensions of the future user). Then a hole with a diameter of 250-300 mm is cut on the resulting square panel using an electric jigsaw.

    A summer resident who decides to make a compact peat dry closet with his own hands should have something like this:

    After finishing the cutting work, the plywood board is thoroughly cleaned with sandpaper. At the first stage of sanding, use coarse sandpaper, then continue sanding with finer sandpaper. The task is to obtain a flat, smooth surface of the plywood sheet.

    It is enough to sand only one side, which will act as the outer panel of the toilet seat. However, if possible, it is recommended to sand every part of the device.

    The fully finished product is equipped with an additional lid that covers the hole.

    Next you need to prepare a second plywood panel of similar dimensions, but solid (without a hole). It will play the role of a blank lid. Next, you need to cut the boards to size for assembling the main box of the dry closet. The length of the box should be taken equal to approximately two dimensions of the length of the toilet seat (500 * 2 = 1000 mm).

    The height size is selected based on the user’s comfortable position when sitting on the toilet seat. For people with different dimensions, this parameter may differ, but on average it is 350-400 mm. The estimated number of boards is also cut along the small side (width) of the rectangle.

    Assembling the recovery body

    Further continuation of the work on creating a peat dry closet with your own hands is the assembly of a wooden rectangular body from prepared scraps of boards. The overall dimensions of such a box are, respectively, 1000 * 500 * 350 mm (length, width, height).

    The boards are fastened on bars, installing the latter at the inner corners of the structure. Nails, screws or self-tapping screws are used for fastening.

    The wooden body made in this way is divided inside by a partition. The result is two working sections.

    One section is covered with a previously prepared plywood sheet with a hole and then a solid plywood cover. The other section (for peat storage) is covered with a lid made from boards.

    All covers are installed on door hinges, thus ensuring their easy opening/closing. It turns out something similar to this home-made product.

    At the final stage, the entire wooden structure is treated with an antiseptic. This action will prevent the appearance of fungal formations on the surface of the wood.

    Also, antiseptic treatment will protect the structure from various insects. All that remains is to place a container inside one section to collect waste from the dacha owners, and fill the other section with peat. A homemade convenient dry closet is ready for use.

    Toilet accessories and accessories

    To make it easier to remove peat from the adjacent section, it is recommended to make a small spatula. A homemade spatula is made of wood, but if you neglect small expenses, it’s easier to buy a ready-made tool in a store. The plastic spatulas that retail chains sell are lightweight, convenient, but short-lived.

    An ordinary bucket can serve as a container for collecting waste. But it is advisable to choose a more convenient and capacious container for these purposes. It is practical to use two containers of the same type, one of which is stored nearby in case of quick replacement.

    It is also recommended to have toilet cleaning products and antibacterial agents on hand as accessories.


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