Oxalis (oxalis): features of caring for a butterfly flower at home

Oxalis, Oxalis, oxalis, "lucky clover" are annuals and perennials, some of which form tubers. The genus includes about 800 species of herbaceous perennials and shrubs, distributed throughout the globe. All oxalis are low plants, 8-10 cm high, densely covered with small trifoliate or pinnately compound leaves. The peculiarity of sorrel is its “exploding” fruits, which shoot out small seeds when ripe.
  • Wild species of wood sorrel Common wood sorrel, hare cabbage and sour clover, cuckoo clover / Oxalis acetosella
  • Types and varieties of oxalis suitable for growing in the garden
      Carob sorrel, horned sorrel or yellow sorrel, northern sorrel / Oxalis corniculata, syn. Xanthoxalis corniculata
  • Oxalis adenophylla
  • White sorrel / Oxalis lactaea
  • Oxalis poor / Oxalis inops
  • Depp's Oxalis / Oxalis deppei
  • Rose sorrel / Oxalis rosea
  • Oxalis enneaphylla / Oxalis enneaphylla
  • Caring for oxalis in the garden
  • Types and varieties of oxalis suitable for growing indoors
      Oxalis triangularis, Oxalis regnellii Purple trefoil or False Trefoil / Oxalis triangularis, Oxalis regnellii
  • Oxalis bowiei
  • Purple sour / Oxalis purpurea, Oxalis variabilis
  • Red sorrel / Oxalis rubra
  • Oxalis ortgiasii
  • Oxalis Obtusa
  • Volcanic sour / Oxalis vulcanicola
  • Caring for oxalis indoors
  • Edible species of sorrel
      Oxalis tuberosa / Oxalis tuberosa
  • Reproduction of wood oxalis
  • Interesting facts about oxalis
  • More interesting rare species and varieties of wood sorrel
  • Etymology of the name OHALIS

    The genus name reflects the sour taste of the plant (oxys translates as “spicy”). Common sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) is commonly known as hare cabbage or sorrel, in Germany this plant is known as “sour clover”.

    What does oxalis look like and where does it come from?

    Oxalis (Oxalis) got its name because of the peculiar sour taste of the leaves, which contain a large amount of oxalic acid. "Oxys" literally means "sour" in Latin. The plant's homeland is America, South Africa and Central Europe, although one of the species, common sorrel, is often found in Russian forests. Many varieties of this numerous genus (there are about 800 in total) are grown in gardens, as well as indoors, offices and greenhouses.

    In our country, people dubbed oxalis “hare cabbage” and “sour cabbage”. In America, the flower is called "sheep's sorrel" and "Indian lemonade", and in Europe - "sour clover".

    Oxalis leaves resemble clover leaves

    Oxalis (Oxalis) is a rhizomatous and tuberous plant. They are both annual and perennial. The pinnately compound or trifoliate leaf blades of oxalis are located on long and thin petioles. They are painted in different shades from light green to purple.

    The flowers are small and consist of five petals. A notable feature of sorrel is its expressive veins on the petals and “exploding” fruits-capsules of an elongated shape, which can, as it were, “shoot” small seeds if you lightly touch them. Because of this feature, the propagation of some types of oxalis, for example, carob oxalis, is very difficult to stop, and the plant can become a weed when grown in the garden.

    Oxalis can decorate both the flower garden and the interior of the room

    Another characteristic feature of the plant is that under any unfavorable conditions, be it too bright light, darkness or mechanical irritation, oxalis flowers slowly close, and the leaves fold and droop.

    Oxalis, which grows indoors, does not require special conditions; the plant is not capricious and can tolerate some flaws in agricultural technology. But still, to obtain a lush bush with bright leaves, “rabbit cabbage” needs to create suitable conditions and good care.

    Kislitsa – photo

    Oxalis is very beautiful and good in any conditions. We invite you to take a closer look at what its fancy leaves are worth in our photo gallery!

    Photo: domashniecvety.ru

    Photo: domashniecvety.ru

    Photo: domashniecvety.ru

    Photo: domashniecvety.ru

    Photo: domashniecvety.ru

    Photo: domashniecvety.ru

    Photo: domashniecvety.ru

    Photo: domashniecvety.ru

    Photo: domashniecvety.ru

    Photo: domashniecvety.ru

    Photo: domashniecvety.ru

    Photo: domashniecvety.ru

    Photo: domashniecvety.ru

    Photo: domashniecvety.ru

    Photo: domashniecvety.ru

    Photo: domashniecvety.ru

    Photo: domashniecvety.ru

    Photo: domashniecvety.ru

    Photo: domashniecvety.ru

    Photo: domashniecvety.ru

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    Types of indoor oxalis

    Several types of sorrel are grown indoors. Among them are the following:

    • Ordinary. A small bush that spreads through rhizomes. Trifoliate leaves of a light green hue on long petioles appear on the creeping shoots. In spring, small single flowers bloom on the plant, located on thin peduncles, the length of which is 5–10 cm. The petals are snow-white with purple veins. There is a form with pink flowers. Common oxalis can be grown in containers and also in gardens as a ground cover.
    • Rozhkova. The species is distinguished by leaves with a beautiful cherry-brown tint of foliage and small flowers painted yellow. The plant is frost-resistant and can be grown not only indoors, but also in a flower garden. However, there it quickly grows and becomes a weed.
    • Triangular. The homeland of the species is sunny Brazil. The plant has purple, pink or white flowers and dark purple leaf blades. Thanks to this, the flower looks incredibly attractive.
    • Deppa (four-leaf). The species is native to Panama and Mexico. This is one of the most famous wood sours, the leaves of which consist of four parts with a base painted with strokes of burgundy or dark purple. The leaves have a small notch at the top. The flowers, collected in an umbrella-shaped inflorescence, have a crimson-red hue. The plant is a corm, and the roots of Depp's sorrel are edible. One of the most popular varieties of four-leaf sorrel is Iron Cross.
    • Ferruginous. The flower is one of the common garden oxalis species, but it can also be grown indoors. Oxalis ferruginosa forms a small compact bush with a diameter of about 15 cm and a height of approximately 8 cm. The leaves consist of several lobes, of which there are from 9 to 22 pieces. They are painted gray-green. Ferruginaceae blooms with large silvery flowers, decorated with pink strokes and veins.
    • Bowie. Oxalis is a rather heat-loving species, so it is grown mainly at home. The leathery leaves are colored light green and are located on shoots 20–25 cm high. Flowering occurs in late spring, during which time Oxalis Bowie blooms dark pink buds.
    • Ragnella (triangular, butterfly). A very spectacular plant, whose homeland is considered to be Brazil. Oxalis Ragnella has incredibly attractive light green leaf blades consisting of three lobes. It blooms for a long time, constantly producing small white buds. Ragnella is a relatively winter-hardy species, and it can even be grown in flower beds in areas with mild winters.
    • Red. Compared to other plants of the genus, the bushes of this species are quite tall. Red sorrel reaches 40 cm in height. The leaves consist of three lobes, the distinctive feature of which is slight hairiness at the base. It blooms profusely in summer with red or pink flowers.
    • Versicolor (variegated, caramel flower). A characteristic feature of the plant is that its snow-white petals have a red edge, and the unopened buds look like a lollipop. “In captivity,” Versicolor wood sorrel can bloom almost all year round.
    • Obtusa. This type of oxalis is a miniature bulbous plant, the height of which is only 10 cm. Its leaf blades are slightly pubescent. Used as a ground cover plant in combination with other larger plants grown in a greenhouse. In summer, Oxalis Obtusa can be planted in the garden.
    • Poor thing (squeezed). A species of hardy and frost-resistant oxalis native to South Africa. Trifoliate leaves on thin and long petioles grow from small nodules. The flowers are relatively large, dark pink with a yellow center. Blooms from August to October. Mostly poor oxalis is cultivated in open ground, but it can also be grown indoors.

    Oxalis Ragnella, Deppa, glandular and other types of wood sorrel in the photo

    Poor sorrel blooms for almost six months with pretty pink flowers.

    Carob oxalis has showy burgundy leaves and yellow flowers.

    Oxalis obtusa is a miniature bulbous plant

    The glandular sorrel blooms with large silvery flowers with pink spots and veins.

    Bowie's oxalis is mainly cultivated indoors.

    Depp's Oxalis has characteristic dark spots at the base of the leaves.

    Triangular sorrel leaves look like butterflies settled in a flower pot

    Oxalis Versicolor buds resemble candies

    Common oxalis can be grown in containers and also in gardens as a ground cover.

    general information

    Oxalis got its name from the characteristic sour taste of its leaves. By nature, it is a flowering grass from South America, which is also called false clover. There are perennials and annuals, but they are very similar in appearance.

    Oxalis has a creeping superficial rhizome, which gradually becomes overgrown with growths similar to small tubers. The height of ornamental grass is up to 30 cm, and usually even less. At the same time, the length of the palmate leaves on long petioles easily reaches 15 cm. Interestingly, depending on the weather and time of day, the leaves can droop and rise.

    At the end of spring, the wood sorrel blooms and continues to bloom for another month. Each peduncle bears one or several tubular buds that open into beautiful curved funnels. The most common shades are white, yellow and pink.

    Photo: oir.mobi

    The most comfortable conditions for plants in the house - table

    Spring SummerSoft and diffused light, since direct rays of the sun can leave burns on the delicate foliage of the flower. Light partial shade is suitable. You can place it on the windowsill of an eastern or western oriented window or grow it on a balcony or loggia, shaded from direct sunlight. +20–25 оСSpraying in the morning and evening hours.
    Autumn winterPenumbra. There is no need to add additional light to the plant. +14–18 оСTolerates dry indoor air well; no additional spraying is required.

    Reproduction of wood oxalis

    Propagated by daughter bulbs (Oxalis deppei), or by dividing the bush and cuttings. It all depends directly on the type of sorrel itself.

    Plants are usually transplanted and divided after 2-4 years. The distance between plants in the garden is usually 20-30 cm when planting.

    Some species grow weeds and it is quite difficult to stop their uncontrolled reproduction.

    How and when to replant

    Oxalis grows very quickly, so the flower requires annual replanting, which should be done in the spring with the beginning of active growing season. During the same period, it is possible to propagate sorrel. If you do not plan to get new specimens, then take a pot 2 cm larger than the previous one. If you divide the plant into several parts, then leave the same container.

    Place drainage at the bottom of the vessel to help drain excess water. It can be made from gravel or expanded clay, pouring stones in a layer of about 2-3 cm. Then add a layer of soil consisting of:

    • 1 part of turf land;
    • 1 part leaf humus;
    • 1 part peat;
    • 1 part sand.

    The substrate for planting oxalis should be loose and rich in potassium. In poor soil the leaves will not be brightly colored. If it is not possible to make a soil mixture yourself, you can purchase a universal soil for indoor plants with neutral acidity.

    The soil in which sorrel will be grown must be loose

    The transplantation process then consists of the following steps:

    1. Remove the plant from the old pot and wash the roots.
    2. Cut off the dry and rotten parts and dry them a little.
    3. Moisten the substrate in a new container and place the plant on it.
    4. Cover the roots with soil and tamp it down lightly with your palm.
    5. Water a little again and place the sorrel in a place with diffused light.

      After transplanting, place the sorrel in a place with diffused light

    To make the oxalis bush lush, several seedlings can be planted in one pot. Crowding does not interfere with the development of the plant; on the contrary, it will grow a lush leaf mass and turn into a dense clump.

    Oxalis triangularis

    Oxalis began to be grown as an indoor crop only in the last century. Flower growers were attracted by the opportunity to decorate a windowsill with a spectacular plant from distant countries with virtually no hassle. A striking example of this is the purple or triangular sorrel, once exported from Brazil.

    The name of the species is due to the structure of the leaves and their color. Most small triangular sorrel plants are striking with a thick purple hue, and on the leaf blades, in addition, spots or streaks of a different color are clearly visible.

    But unpretentious indoor culture is not only purple. Green triangular sorrel is no less elegant and decorative. Against the background of large three-lobed foliage, small white flowers stand out, readily opening buds all year round.

    Features of caring for oxalis: abundant watering and regular feeding

    Caring for oxalis grown in captivity should include regular and abundant moisture and fertilizing in spring and summer.

    How to water a flower

    With the onset of warm days, oxalis needs frequent and abundant watering. You need to moisten the flower as needed. On hot summer days, the procedure can be performed daily in the morning and evening. During the same period, it is worth additionally spraying oxalis. During the day, experienced gardeners do not recommend doing this, since droplets of water falling on the delicate leaves can lead to burns.

    In October, the flower begins a dormant period; at this time, watering should be reduced and spraying should be stopped altogether.

    Does oxalis need feeding?

    Fertilizers will help maintain the decorative appearance of the plant; thanks to a sufficient amount of nutrients, the foliage will have a juicy and bright color, and the petioles will not stretch, thereby preventing the bush from falling apart. It is recommended to fertilize twice a month from April to August.

    To carry out the procedure, a complex preparation for decorative foliage indoor plants is suitable. You can use drugs in liquid form, for example, Kemira Lux or Fertika.

    In order for the plant to grow abundantly foliage and bloom beautifully, regular feeding is necessary.

    Flowering period

    Under favorable conditions, oxalis usually begins to bloom in April and this process lasts until September. The buds replace each other and the impression of continuous flowering is created. Faded inflorescences do not need to be removed; they do not interfere with the development of oxalis. However, such plants do not look very neat, so the flower stalks can be cut off at the base.

    Sometimes oxalis does not want to bloom. This happens especially often in very dark rooms. Solving the problem is very simple; to do this, just move the flower to a bright place, or even better, take the pot out onto the loggia or balcony. Outdoors, wood sorrel blooms profusely and for a long time.

    Outdoors, oxalis blooms profusely and for a long time.

    Formation of a bush

    As they grow, the oxalis bushes begin to stretch out and fall apart. To prevent this from happening, the plant requires regular pruning. About once a month it is necessary to thin out the sorrel, cutting off excess leaves. This procedure will stimulate the appearance of new leaves and the bush will always be neat and fluffy.

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    Rest period. Bulb storage

    Oxalis requires a period of rest in winter. Some species (bulbous plants) themselves inform their owners about the need for rest; their aboveground part dies off in the fall. In October, the vegetative mass is cut off and watering of the flower is stopped. The bulbs are left in the ground and the pot is placed in a cool and dark room with a temperature of +12–14°C. The soil should not be too dry; if necessary, it should be slightly moistened. In the spring, as soon as the sprouts appear, the sorrel is placed in a sunny place and the substrate begins to be moistened abundantly. the flower very quickly increases its vegetative mass and begins to bloom within 1–1.5 months.

    Species whose vegetative mass does not die off in the fall also require relative dormancy in winter. In December, they are transferred to a cool but bright room (or placed closer to the glass, separated from the warm room by a screen. The temperature for oxalis at this time should be +16–18 °C. Watering is reduced, the flower is watered after 2–3 days with cool water.

    How care errors manifest themselves and how to correct the situation (table)

    ProblemCauseCorrective measures
    Leaves change colorNot enough sun raysMove the plant pot to a sunnier location.
    The leaves are witheringOvermoisteningWhen transplanting oxalis, ensure good drainage in the pot to remove excess moisture. Adjust the watering mode. Moisten generously, but after the soil in the container has dried.
    Spots appeared on the leavesSunburnProtect the plant from direct sunlight.
    Tips of leaf blades dry outSunburn, high temperature and low humidity.Periodically spray the plant with warm water in spring and summer.
    Oxalis stretched outLack of sunlightTrim the elongated leaves and place the flower in a sunny place on a windowsill facing east or west.
    Leaves dry out and dieNatural processCut off the entire above-ground part and send the sorrel to a cool and dark room to rest. In spring the plant will begin to grow.

    Video: features of caring for oxalis (oxalis)

    Sour original shamrock – lucky clover

    Oxalis or oxalis is not even the last place in the Kislichnye family. Eight hundred varieties of various oxalis are united in this herbaceous genus, both annuals and perennials.

    The southern part of the African continent, Central and South America can be considered the native territories for oxalis; Central Europe has also become the homeland for some varieties of oxalis.

    In the scientific field, the name of wood sorrel is oxalis, which is directly related to the Greek word “oxis”. It can be translated - sour. In fact, the leaves of the flower have a sour taste. Even the use of leaves in food will not cause any harm to health. The plant contains oxalic acid.

    Europeans call the oxalis flower “lucky clover” or false clover for the similarity of the leaf blades to clover leaves, and in the CIS countries the oxalis plant has its own name - “hare cabbage”. There are many other popular names for oxalis - false clover, “Madame Butterfly”, butterfly flower, flower of happiness, flower of day and night.

    The oxalis flower was cultivated in the seventeenth century. Where does sorrel grow? It is often found and decorates both gardens and rooms. High decorative qualities and modest requirements for cultivation have made the oxalis flower generally recognized among flower growers.

    What does sorrel look like? She has a cool look. Oxalis has unique, beautiful trifoliate or palmately compound, petiolate leaves with a complex bend. In the morning, the leaf plates are evenly straightened, and in the evening they are folded in half. Oxalis has the unique property of reacting to bright lighting and mechanical stimuli.

    The color palette of the leaves is varied from green, purple to burgundy. Oxalis flowers are small, their configuration is correct, they please the eye with white, pink, yellow or lilac shades. In the evenings or before rain, like leaves, the flowers acquire a closed position. After flowering, the seeds ripen in the shells, which fly out sharply with a slight touch.

    Oxalis photo can be viewed and you can learn more about each type of flower in the next section of the article.

    The most common diseases and pests of wood sorrel, their signs, prevention and treatment measures (table)

    Pest/diseaseSignsReason for appearanceTreatment
    Spider mite
    • Leaves curl;
    • a thin cobweb is visible on the reverse side.
    Dry indoor air
    1. Treat the flower with Actellik, diluting it in water according to the instructions for the insecticide.
    2. Repeat the treatment after 7–10 days.
    • Leaves curl;
    • on the reverse side there is a noticeable accumulation of greenish insects.
    1. Add liquid soap (1 tbsp) to 1 glass of water and place.
    2. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and rinse all affected parts of the plant.
    • The leaves wither;
    • a coating appears at the base of the stems.
    Too much moisture and stagnation of water in the pot
    1. Remove the flower from the pot and wash the roots.
    2. Trim the parts damaged by rot to healthy tissue.
    3. Treat the plant with a solution of the drug Fundazol.
    4. Plant it in a new substrate, while making drainage at the bottom of the container.

    Pests and diseases of oxalis (photo)

    Fusarium appears as a result of excessive moisture

    Aphids accumulate on the back of the leaf

    Spider mites appear on the plant when kept in a room with too dry air

    More interesting rare species and varieties of wood sorrel with photos

    Oxalis Imbricata

    Oxalis corymbosa

    Oxalis latifolia Maroon Leaf

    Oxalis melanosticta

    Goat sorrel / Oxalis pes-caprae is a perennial herb native to South Africa. It is now a noxious weed in the United States (particularly coastal California), Europe and Australia. Used as a source of oxalic acid, as food and in folk medicine.

    How does oxalis reproduce?

    Oxalis (oxalis) can reproduce in one of the following ways:

    • bulbs;
    • nodules;
    • cuttings;
    • seeds.

    Propagation of oxalis by bulbs is the easiest way

    Reproduction by bulbs or nodules is carried out when replanting a plant in the spring

    Bulbous species of oxalis are very easily propagated by bulbs. Usually they grow a lot over the course of a season, then they are stored in the winter in the same pot in which the sorrel grew, and in the spring, during transplantation, the flower can be propagated.

    They do it like this:

    1. The roots are taken out of the pot and washed in warm water.
    2. The bulbs are separated from each other.
    3. Dip them for 15 minutes in a solution of a growth stimulator, for example, in Kornevin.
    4. Then they plant several pieces in a small pot and place them in a warm place.
    5. When sprouts appear, the pots are moved to a bright windowsill.

    The same applies when propagating oxalis species whose roots are in the form of nodules.


    Another method involves propagating this indoor flower by taking cuttings from an adult plant. The stages are as follows:

    1. Cut off a stem with several leaves at the base.
    2. Excess leaf blades are cut off, leaving 1-2 on the cutting.
    3. The cutting is placed in water.
    4. After about 2-3 weeks, roots and new shoots will appear.
    5. When the sprouts grow to 1.5 cm, the rooted cuttings are planted in a loose substrate.

    Cuttings are an effective way to propagate oxalis

    The seed method has not taken root among flower growers. Indoor oxalis species reproduce well vegetatively, so there is no need to propagate them using this method. And garden forms, for example, carob oxalis, reproduce well by self-sowing.

    Reproduction and planting of sorrel

    Garden sorrel is planted with seeds directly into the ground by mid-spring. After just 2 weeks, the seedlings hatch, but throughout the first year the plant grows roots and rosettes. Already on the second day, the bushes acquire their decorative properties and bloom. In the garden, young plants are planted to a depth of about 3.5 cm and in increments of 10-12 cm.

    At home, wood sorrel is most often propagated by cuttings, and any part of the plant is suitable. Even individual leaf segments take root well. But it is better to root them immediately in loose soil with sand and humus. In the warmth and sun, after 3 weeks they will take root safely.

    Photo: koffkindom.ru

    Common sorrel (Oxalis acetosella)

    The native European species can be seen in coniferous and deciduous forests, as well as in gardens, where the common wood sorrel delights with white or lilac-pink flowers and light green three-lobed foliage. This perennial, unpretentious species blooms in spring and early summer.

    The peculiarity of the plant is the presence of ordinary oxalis flowers, shown in the photo, which open above the surface of the ground, and cleistogamous ones, hidden from view under fallen pine needles and foliage. If ordinary corollas attract insects, then very small, 3 mm in diameter, closed flowers are self-pollinating.

    Popular beliefs

    According to signs and superstitions, oxalis is a real keeper of the hearth . He helps family members solve all problems calmly and together, without quarrels and abuse, and creates an atmosphere of peace and friendliness in the house.

    Superstitions by plant type and photo


    • Helps strengthen relationships in the family, helps establish contact between parents and children, helps spouses overcome differences, and restore the intensity of feelings.
    • Gifted for the New Year, it will bring happiness and good luck to the new owner.
    • Purple oxalis, presented to a lonely person, will attract love into his life.


    • Has the ability to heal the sick. If there is a sick person in the house, the plant is placed in his room. Sometimes it happens that the patient recovers, but the flower dies - which means that he has taken upon himself a serious illness or other misfortune. Dead oxalis cannot be thrown away; it must be buried in the ground in a quiet and deserted place.
    • It relieves apathy and depressive mood, and helps active and energetic people to quickly restore strength.

    Why does it bloom?

    Blooming sorrel heralds good luck and joyful events for all household members . For lonely people, a flowering plant promises a quick meeting with their soulmate.

    Why do you dream?

    In most cases, dreams in which you saw oxalis have a favorable meaning:

    • A healthy, flowering plant symbolizes good luck in upcoming affairs and the recovery of the patient.
    • Most of all, you remember the flowers of oxalis - expect happy changes in your personal life, meet a new love, or a period full of romance will begin in your relationship with your current partner.
    • Young shoots of oxalis are a welcome addition to the family.
    • A dried out plant or with fading leaves means illness or failure.

    Oxalis versicolor

    This plant cannot be confused with other representatives of the numerous code Oxalis. Thanks to its spectacularly curled white petals with a bright red border, the multicolored sorrel is called “Christmas candy” in a number of countries. Indeed, the buds are very reminiscent of traditional licorice candies and amazingly decorate a very small plant.

    Variegated sorrel stands out not only for its bright flowering, but also for its very small, almost needle-like foliage. Today, the species indigenous to southern Africa is actively grown both as a houseplant and greenhouse plant, and in gardens in warm regions.

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