Anafalis planting and care in open ground, watering, reproduction

The perennial herbaceous plant Anaphalis flower belongs to the Asteraceae family and constitutes a separate genus, in which there are more than thirty-five species. Under natural conditions, wild species of shrubs grow on the Asian continent, especially in its southeastern part. There it settles in arid hot climates, as well as in mountainous areas.

Author of the article

Anna Dmitrieva

Gardener with 15 years of experience.

Varieties and types

Anaphalis pearl is a perennial that grows up to 40 cm in height. It is especially popular among gardeners. The stem and leaves are covered with pubescence, from which the whole plant has a solid silver color, and only the flowers stand out a little silvery-pearl with a white tint.

Anaphalis three-veined is a tall shrub (up to 50 cm in height), with white or pearl (with a silvery tint) flowers.

Nepalese anafalis is a perennial, not very tall bush with white or beige flowers.

Anafalis velvety is a subshrub that has the largest flowers of its genus, the diameter of which is 2 cm.


Rosaceae have a taproot or fibrous root system. The stem can be erect or curly, and is often covered with thorns. The leaf is simple or imparipinnate and contains a stipule. Altered vegetative organs are common. These are mustaches, thorns, rhizomes. The flowers are actinomorphic and can be solitary or collected in groups.

The inflorescence of Rosaceae exists in the form of a raceme, spike, or head. Usually these are white, red, pink, yellow shades. Blue Rosaceae are not found in nature.

Fruit shapes:

  • drupe,
  • nut,
  • leaflet,
  • achene,
  • apple,
  • berry,
  • box.

The seeds of most roses do not contain nutritional tissue that supplies the embryo with valuable substances.

Anaphalis pearl planting and care in open ground

The plant is generally quite unpretentious to its conditions. It grows quietly both in sunny areas and with slight shading, it is not afraid of drafts, so it feels comfortable even in open areas.

What may still be required is to provide drainage in the form of fine gravel and loosen the soil around the bushes from time to time.

Since the plant easily tolerates frost, it can be planted in open ground both in early spring and autumn. As for the composition of the soil, there are also no special requirements, since the shrub can survive on poor sandy and loamy soils, and what’s more, even on rocky areas.

But, still, following the recommendations, in order to avoid unpredictable consequences, it is better to plant anafalis on dry, well-drained soils with neutral acidity.

Yarrow is also a representative of the Asteraceae family; it is grown when planted and cared for in open ground, and requires compliance with maintenance rules. In addition, this plant is medicinal and is widely used in folk medicine. You can find all the necessary recommendations for growing and caring, as well as much more, in this article.

Plant care

The illumination of the place for planting anafalis should be good. It is quite acceptable to grow bushes in an area open to the sun. Only a few plant species tolerate shade. Willingly tolerates proximity to other shrubs and flowers that do not shade it.


The plant is quite drought-resistant, so it needs to be watered regularly, but not often. Once every seven days will be enough. And only recently planted bushes need increased watering, especially on hot and dry days. In any case, moisture should not stagnate in the soil, so good drainage or a reduction in the amount of water that anafalis is watered at a time is necessary.


Pruning is needed occasionally. When the growing season begins, protruding and insufficiently branched shoots of the plant are cut off to increase their number and, accordingly, flowering. Even when preparing a shrub for winter, all above-ground parts are removed and the place where it grows is insulated with spruce branches or other suitable materials.

Despite the relative resistance of anafalis to frost, this should be done in places where severe frosts are possible.

To limit the growth of the plant's root, it is fenced with shields made of iron or plastic, burying them to a depth of one meter. Without this measure, it can spread over a long distance.

The soil

Only highly acidified, clayey and dense soil is not allowed. On other soils the plant will take root and develop into a full-fledged bush. The only condition is that you need good drainage.

Watering anafalis

Anafalis can survive drought, so it is better to water it moderately. For example, adult specimens can be watered at intervals of a week. But a young plant needs to be watered more often.

In order not to harm the flower, it is better to wait until the soil dries completely. Otherwise, due to waterlogging, the flower may get sick.

As a small tip, in order to avoid stagnation of water on the surface of the earth and avoid the need for constant loosening of the soil, you can mulch the area around the bush using fine gravel or crushed stone.

As for applying fertilizer, the plant is indifferent to it.

Use in folk medicine

Anaphalis photo

Pearl anafalis has found its use not only among designers and florists, but also among folk healers. Its healing properties have been known for many centuries. Shamans and herbalists use it in dried and fresh form. Use of decoctions and infusions of dried flowers:

  • wound healing agent for cuts, burns, stomatitis;
  • expectorant solution for rinsing during exacerbation of bronchitis;
  • to normalize stool as a laxative;
  • in case of poisoning, to induce vomiting to cleanse the stomach.

In cosmetology, it is used as a tonic or base for a wound-healing mask for acne and allergic rashes.

Anafalis will become an unpretentious decoration of any area, and its abundant flowering will delight the eye throughout the summer and early autumn.

Anaphalis transplant

Replanting is carried out as necessary, since the root system grows greatly in length, which can damage other plants on the site. Therefore, it is advisable to replant at least once every 5-7 years.

In addition, it would not hurt to provide an additional barrier to the growth of the rhizome, in the form of plastic or metal shields. The fact is that in a year the roots grow half a meter in length.

Anaphalis has high winter hardiness, so it does not need shelter.

Description of the plant

The root system of the plant makes up a significant and most powerful part of it. It grows very quickly over considerable distances, both in depth and in breadth. This ability provides the shrub with nutrition in conditions of drought and hot climates, and also prevents it from being crowded out by weeds.

The shoots of some species of anafalis reach up to half a meter in height, although they usually do not exceed thirty-five centimeters. Thin and rather fragile stems grow upright and are densely covered with white silvery hair. This gives the plant an original look.

The foliage of the bush is narrow and long; it is divided into basal and stem. The shape of the leaves looks like small straps or stripes. Those leaves that grow closer to the root have a lighter green color than those located on the stem. The structure of the leaf plates is hard and smooth.

The flowering period of the plant lasts up to eighty days. It begins in the middle zone of our country approximately in July-August. It will end by the end of autumn. White small flowers are combined into spherical inflorescences measuring up to ten centimeters in diameter.

The inflorescences are located in the upper part of the shoots; they, surrounded by contrastingly colored stem leaves, have a very beautiful appearance. This allows them to be used in dried form without losing their decorative properties.

Anaphalis growing from seeds

Anaphalis can be grown either by seed or by vegetative methods (dividing the bush or cuttings).

The first method is the most difficult. Since the seeds are very small, in order not to thicken the planting, it is necessary to mix them with sand, and then place them on the surface of containers with soil, but do not add additional soil on top. Then moisten the surface and cover with glass or film.

Regular ventilation and moisturizing are mandatory procedures. After the emergence of seedlings, they are planted in separate boxes for growing seedlings, and planting in open ground is possible no earlier than September. Some people prefer to wait another year before planting on the site, to ensure that the young growth takes root.


Homeland - North America, a perennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family, has a horizontal, highly branched rhizome with an erect, branched, rigidly pubescent, leafy stem, the height of which is from 60 to 90 cm.

The leaves are oval or ovoid, densely pubescent, the upper ones are sessile, the lower ones are located on a long petiole. The outer reed flowers are large, yellow or brown-red, female. Tubular - of both sexes, small, brown in color, with a purple tint, collected in fairly large inflorescences-baskets. Rudbeckia blooms in June-July.

The fruit is an achene, the seeds are small, dark gray in color, shiny, the germination of which persists for two to three years. Rudbeckia is propagated by seeds and by dividing the bush. This is a light-loving, drought-resistant plant, unpretentious, undemanding to the soil. Grows well in both temperate and hot dry zones, in open sunny areas.

Planted in groups, for long flowering, in bright flower arrays. The most common variety is Rudbeckia Gloriosa Desi and the varieties isolated from this variety are Double Desi and Gold Desi.

Reproduction of anafalis by dividing the bush

It is much easier to propagate anafalis by dividing the bush. The optimal time for this procedure is spring or autumn. To do this, you need to dig up the entire bush with the utmost care so as not to damage the root system (it is better not to touch very old specimens, since their root system has most likely grown very strongly and unpredictably).

Then divide or cut the bush into pieces, so that each part has a sufficient number of roots and shoots (two or three shoots with healthy roots).

The cuttings must be immediately planted in separately prepared holes, avoiding chapping and drying out of the roots, and at a distance of no closer than 30-40 cm from each other. If you haven’t had time to prepare the holes, you can plant the bushes in pots for a while so that the plant does not wither.


Perennials are plants that do not need to be planted annually. Their underground tubers, bulbs and rhizomes can overwinter in the ground and sprout with fresh shoots in the spring. Many of them reproduce by underground parts of the mother plant, and some by self-sowing (using seeds). Unpretentious perennials are highly valued by gardeners for their undeniable advantages:

  • easily reproduce even without human intervention;
  • have a long flowering period;
  • unpretentious in care;
  • frost-resistant;
  • do not require renewal or replanting for up to 10 years;
  • with their help you can create a perennial flower bed that does not require constant replanting;
  • have a large selection, there are an unprecedented variety of perennial varieties.

The disadvantages of perennial plants include diseases of their underground parts, which are more common than in annual plants. In addition, creating a flower bed will require certain investments and several years of waiting. The good thing about perennial flowers is that they don’t need to be planted and replanted every year; they can take care of themselves. The main thing is to initially place them correctly so that you don’t have to replant them.

Perennials are very diverse, some love light, others shade, each has different preferences in soil and moisture. All this should be taken into account before planting the plant. Perennials are of low-growing, tall and mixed types, some grow in wide bushes, others in single inflorescences.

Propagation of anafalis by cuttings

Cuttings are also a simple method, but differ from the previous one in that the bush will be completely young with a new root system. This method is simply irreplaceable if you suddenly need to save a dying bush.

Healthy parts of the shoots are simply cut and placed in a moist substrate for germination and rooting, which happens quite quickly. After which, the cuttings are planted together with a lump of earth in open ground, compacted a little and moistened. Cuttings can be done both in spring and autumn.

Beautiful bouquets

Pearl anafalis is often cut to decorate rooms. It is used in combination with other ornamental plants to create compositions in floristry.

In the bouquet, anaphalis harmonizes well with burnets and phlox

Is the most beautiful dried flower for winter bouquets

Anaphalis shoots are cut and hung in the shade to dry.

Diseases and pests

The plant is quite resistant to pests and diseases. The only thing that can become a problem is rotting - the result of a violation of the rules of care, namely excessive watering.

As a result the leaves wither and the roots rot . Therefore, it is necessary to take care of drainage during planting, and during watering - not to over-moisten the soil. Remember the rule - it is better to dry it out than to overwater it (the rule applies only to this flower).

Planting a garden azalea

Garden rhododendrons are characterized by increased capriciousness. For these shrubs, lighting, soil type, fertility, structure, soil acidity, and the right neighbors are important. To comply with all these subtleties, you need to choose the right place and plant using proven technology. But before that, let’s figure out when to plant the wonderful Asian plant.

Most garden dwellers are planted in early spring, before active sap flow begins. Our exotic is no exception. Although it can be planted at any time, except for flowering, it is better to rely on the natural biorhythms of the bush. In the fall you can buy seedlings at a lower price, so many gardeners purchase planting material towards the end of the season

Autumn planting is possible for regions with a mild climate; it is important to do it before mid-September. This period will allow the bush to have time to take root in a new place and successfully survive the winter.

Choosing a landing site

A shaded area of ​​the garden on the north side is suitable for exotics. Diffused lighting is optimal for garden varieties; they will be comfortable under the canopy of trees. In an area that is too sunny, the bush will lose its decorative effect, the flowering period will be shortened, the buds will form poorly, the foliage will wither, and the bright inflorescences will quickly fall off.

When choosing a site, the level of groundwater is important. An aquifer close to the surface can destroy delicate roots, causing them to rot. The place should be well protected from gusts of wind and drafts. In winter, the maximum amount of snow should fall there. At the same time, in the spring, excess water should not accumulate after melting. Even air humidity is important for the capricious Asian woman; she will grow healthy and strong near an artificial pond and become its beautiful frame.

What soil to plant in

Soil acidity is very important for rosewood. It will certainly get sick and die if you plant it on loam or soil with a high lime content. Acidity in the range of 4.5-5.5 will make the existence of an Asian guest comfortable. To achieve this indicator, gardeners add peat, potassium sulfate and even use solutions of organic acids (acetic, citric).

To get a good substrate for growing shrubs, prepare a mixture of leaf soil, acidic peat and pine litter in a ratio of 3:2:1. Adding sand will help increase looseness. If the soil is too light, this risks freezing of the roots, add a little loam. It is unacceptable to use fertilizers that alkalize the soil - ash, sawdust, fresh manure, humus - as substrate components.

How to land correctly

To plant a luxurious rose tree in your garden, use the following instructions:

  1. For a compact root system of a seedling, it is enough to prepare a hole with a depth of 40-50 cm and a diameter of 60-70 cm.
  2. The step between tall hybrids is 1.6-2.0 m, for medium-sized hybrids 1.2-1.5 m is enough, and for short ones 50-70 cm.
  3. 6 hours before planting, place the seedling in a bucket of warm, settled water. Hold the roots until the release of air bubbles stops.
  4. Place a drainage layer of brick chips in an even layer at the bottom of the hole, 10 cm high.
  5. Place a mound of prepared soil mixture on top of the drainage. Its height should be such that the root collar is 3-4 cm above ground level.
  6. Carefully distribute the roots over the surface of the embankment, add soil mixture, and compact it a little.
  7. After abundant watering, wait until the moisture is completely absorbed and mulch. Use peat chips and pine needles.
  8. If necessary, provide support and frame the ridge with large stones so that the soil does not wash away after heavy watering.

Be sure to straighten the roots during planting, trim them if necessary and partially free them from the earthen clod. If this is not done, the bush will not take root well, because in a tight container the fibrous root system is tightly compressed, which makes further growth difficult.

Transplanting azalea

If necessary, replanting an adult shrub proceeds in the same way as planting. Dig around the bush around the perimeter of half the crown projection. Remove the earthen lump and transfer it to a previously prepared hole. It is not recommended to violate the integrity of the earthen coma. Be sure to make sure that the root collar is at the same level. It is better to replant bushes in early spring.

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