Features of landscape design of a plot of 30 acres

A plot of land of 30 acres is a large enough area to accommodate everything necessary for a family’s living and leisure activities. There is no need to crowd here, save space, gain space. The estate freely accommodates all the necessary buildings, including a bathhouse, a workshop, a winter garden, and all functional areas. And to turn it into a beautiful and convenient park, you need to develop landscape design of a plot of 30 acres and bring it to life.

Landscaping such a large area as a plot of 25 acres or 30 acres will require time and effort. We recommend contacting a landscape design studio for qualified assistance. Specialists will analyze the land, listen to your requirements, and create the ideal garden according to all the rules of modern landscape art.

1. Where does site design begin 2. How to plan landscape design 3. Dendroplan for the design of a site of 30 acres

Landscape design studio STROY-LAWN invites you to create a design project for your site, as well as professionally carry out planting and landscaping work. 8 (916) 999-99-20

General planting plan

You have thought through the zoning of the site, determined the place of each object in the garden, and indicated everything on the plan. You can take the next step - develop a planting plan. A planting plan gives you an idea of ​​what the area will look like when you breathe life into it by planting plants.

A general planting plan is developed for the site as a whole. It includes large trees and shrubs, a lawn and flower beds, as well as arches and pergolas covered with vines.

General planting plan

Once again, re-read the list of plants you have compiled that you would like to see in your dacha. But first, make sure that the climatic conditions and soil quality are suitable for these plants. If you doubt some, cross them off the list.

How to correctly plan a plot of 12 acres

Arranging your own summer cottage or estate begins with planning. First, all dreams and wishes must be displayed on paper. A site diagram is drawn up and dimensions are plotted.

The plan includes all the nuances: you can experiment, try different design options. Photos of existing projects will help determine the location.

Planning a plot of 12 acres is the first step towards making your dream come true.

What is important when planning

The initial stage involves marking on paper, taking into account the location of the cardinal points. The diagram shows neighboring buildings, roads or natural objects near the site. Then they make a list: in addition to the construction of a residential building, a bathhouse, a gazebo, and a swimming pool are located on the territory. If necessary, other objects that are important to the owner are added and their sizes are indicated.


The layout of a 12-acre dacha plot takes into account many nuances:

  • distance from the house to the fence;
  • shady, sunny sides;
  • distances between buildings on the territory;
  • their comfortable position relative to each other;
  • the location of the cardinal directions relative to buildings, taking into account the sunrise and its movement during the day;
  • illumination of the rooms of a residential building;
  • safety of the children's area location;
  • site design, paths, decorative items.

On paper, the placement of buildings is easy to change, but finished buildings cannot be moved. Therefore, it is so important to correctly distribute space on the territory.

Shape of the plot

More often, plots of 12 acres are rectangular in shape: 40 by 30 meters. This makes it more convenient to locate objects; the area allows you to make long paths. The square plot also has advantages: everything is nearby, the yard is clearly visible.

Rules and regulations for the location of objects

According to existing standards, the plan primarily takes into account the safe distance between buildings.

  • According to fire safety rules, there should be 8-10 meters between neighboring buildings. If one of the buildings is wooden - 15 m.
  • The distance from the road to the first building should be 5 m.
  • The distance from the residential building to the fence is at least 3 m.
  • The distance from the garage to neighboring buildings is 6 m.
  • Premises for keeping birds and animals on the site are located at least 4 m from the neighbor’s fence.
  • Tall trees are located throughout the 12-acre plot. There should be a separation distance of 4 m from neighboring buildings.
  • An outdoor toilet is being built 20 m from a residential building.

These rules will help avoid conflict situations with neighbors and protect buildings from fire. The rules seem strict, but they meet the requirements of comfort and safety of residents.

Territory zoning

Planning the position of the main objects on paper is the most interesting task. There is a list of buildings, and a plan that takes into account the dimensions. You can take a photo of an existing 12-acre plot as a basis and make adjustments. But planning on a separate territory must take into account the position of the cardinal points.

  • What will be visible from the window of a residential building: sunrise or sunset?
  • What will be the illumination in the rooms taking into account the movement of the sun?
  • Where will flowers and trees grow on the site? Plants love the sun.

The layout of a plot of 12 acres should be drawn up by people who understand the types of soil. Not every soil is suitable for building a swimming pool or multi-story building. This should be agreed upon with professionals before planning.

Zoning will determine how objects can be located. Professional designers will show the picture in 3D. You can download a planning program yourself, or use the old fashioned way with pen and paper.

The location of objects on the territory, based on practical considerations, should be convenient for the owners. The pool is built next to the house so that you don’t have to walk long to get home in a wet swimsuit. The children's area is located at a safe distance from the bathhouse and pool. The territory should not have “blind spots”. It is important that the area is clearly visible; this is a safety requirement.

Living sector

The first thing that is put on the plan of a country house is the place for the car to enter and the gate. The location of the road and neighboring buildings should be taken into account. Next, a residential building is drawn onto the diagram. They take into account its size, shape, location relative to the north and south. In Russia, houses are built with the blind side facing north. The climate assumes all 4 seasons, cold snowy winters.

The layout of the living area includes details:

  • location of the building on a plot of 12 acres;
  • distribution of rooms inside;
  • position of windows and doors, comparing them with the requirements for safety and comfort in operation;
  • view from the windows.

Design is important: the shape of the roof and other elements should be taken into account;

How to fit a garden and flower bed on a plot of 5 acres

An important point when arranging a site is its landscaping. You can use a variety of plants, trees and shrubs.

Backyard with green spacesSource akfengroup.ru

The most common way to decorate a site is the lawn. It not only decorates the site, but also improves the structure of the soil and purifies the air.

There are several types of lawns:

  • Ordinary. It is a uniform coating with a loose structure.
  • Decorative. Designed only for decoration of the site.
  • Mauritanian. Canvas sown with cereals and flowers.
  • Sports. It has a denser structure designed to withstand loads.

Lawns have different shapes and can be located on any terrain. You can place flower beds on it.

Landscape design style for a summer cottage Source www.pinterest.com

Trees and shrubs are the main inhabitants of the garden. The soil is pre-treated, fertilized and only the selected crops are planted in the field. You should consider the irrigation system and drainage in advance, since most trees do not tolerate stagnant water in the soil.

Deciduous or coniferous plants and fruit trees are used in the garden plot. They are planted in the center or along the perimeter. With their help, you can highlight the boundaries of different zones, and plant berry bushes nearby - currants, raspberries, gooseberries. For decorative purposes, lilacs or roses are planted, as well as boxwood, dwarf fir, and juniper.

In order to cover fences and fences, or to disguise a blank wall of a barn or house, you can plant a hedge of plants such as morning glory, hops, and honeysuckle. You can also use spruce, thuja, juniper, and yew.

A fence in the form of a screen or trellis can protect from wind, dust, sun or highlight a certain area on the site.

Flower bushes: hedge Source kuzmich24.ru

A beautiful flower garden often becomes the central decorative element on a site

It is important to choose and plant the plants correctly. Light-loving plants are planted in open areas, while shade-loving plants can be placed under trees, near fences, and outbuildings.

In different places of the site, on the walls, on the fence, you can hang pots with flowers.

DIY flower garden designSource www.xn--seniorhlsa-w5a.se/

For planting vegetables, select the most open and illuminated place. There is no need to make a garden that is too large, otherwise there will not be enough space for a recreation area. However, if the main task of the owners is growing vegetables and gardening, then a significant area can be allocated for a vegetable garden.

If desired, you can put a small greenhouse made of film or plastic on a plot of 5 acres. A good solution for a small area would be vertical beds; greens and strawberries grow well in them.

It is necessary to ensure that this place does not flood after rains, and in dry weather it is necessary to ensure regular watering. This means you need to dig a well nearby and use pipes or a hose to supply water.

Irrigation system

An important factor when creating the design of a plot of 30 acres is to equip it with a good irrigation system. The beauty of green spaces and, accordingly, the entire territory depends on the correctness of the installed equipment. To prevent watering numerous flower beds, bush trees, and lawns from being exhausting, especially on hot days, it is better to install a stationary watering system.

All related accessories (hoses) must be placed along the paths so that they are inconspicuous or buried.

On hot days, you can use foggers in the gazebo area. They will give you coolness.


When starting to develop a plot of 20 acres, it is important to decide on a design style and follow the chosen style even in the smallest details. The fact is that it is difficult to cover a large territory with a glance, and the arrangement of the territory itself takes a lot of time

In such conditions, it’s easy to lose your way and start “wandering” through styles, mixing several directions.

This may not be noticeable during operation, but in the end result such an oversight will be very noticeable.

For landscape design of a large area, the following design styles are most suitable:

Classic design

This style looks good on areas of any size. However, a large area makes it possible not to save space by making buildings of a smaller area. In this style direction, design and structural elements have predominantly geometric shapes and outlines. The layout of the zones implies orderliness. In this style, chaos is excluded. The forms are restrained and quite strict.

Landscape landscape

Landscape style, in contrast to the classical one described above, is, on the contrary, filled with free, natural forms. In this direction of site design, natural beauty comes first. This involves a lot of green spaces, natural shades and soft forms of decorative elements. A shady park, alley, pond or lake with abundant landscaping around it fits well into this style. The soil is sown with green meadow.

Exotic decoration

It involves planting unusual and rare plant species on the site. Bright color scheme for buildings. This style requires significant financial costs, since caring for exotic plants is quite complicated. The best option, especially at first, is to hire a gardener who specializes in the types of rare plants and trees you have chosen.

High-tech style solution

This style has recently become very popular. Free and bold design, unusual and bright ideas can be embodied in this style direction. It is characterized by chaotic shapes and bright colors. High-tech moves away from orderliness and restraint in landscape design.

French harmony

This style puts first place a cozy atmosphere and peaceful harmony in the design. Preference is given to natural materials and extensive landscaping. Wooden benches or benches are installed under the spreading crowns of trees. Be sure to place a French-style gazebo on your property.

Baroque style

The characteristic features of this style are exquisite luxury and pretentiousness. Design and decor elements should have a chic and rich look. This style design is also very expensive and requires a lot of money, since it involves the use of high-quality and expensive materials.

Alpine landscape

If the terrain of the site contains slopes, they can be beautifully enhanced by using the alpine style. The slopes are densely sown with green grass of small height. Decorative flowers with small inflorescences of various chaotic colors are also used. This style may include a small artificial lake. Parts made from non-natural materials should be kept to a minimum.

Park or forest direction

If there is a forest next to the site, you can use a park style to smoothly transition the plantings on the site into a natural forest. Tall tree species are selected for planting. Alleys look good in this style.

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Ecological style

Involves maximum preservation of the natural area. The plantings on the site are identical to the plant species growing in this natural area. The design uses a minimum of artificial elements. The style is convenient for areas with a large area, as it does not require a lot of costs, and the plantings are not difficult to care for, since they are well adapted to growing in these climatic natural conditions.

As you can see, a large plot can be designed and arranged so that it pleases you and your loved ones with a beautiful landscape and aesthetically pleasing exterior design.

If you are not confident in your abilities and knowledge, you can always turn to specialists who will provide you with a consultation and help you draw up a landscape design project for a plot of any size.

Watch a detailed overview of landscape design of a personal plot in the following video.

Site design

The choice of a general style and zoning are important stages in the improvement of a land plot, but the territory acquires a complete look and harmony mainly thanks to the details - landscaping elements, garden paths, small architectural forms. It is in them, to paraphrase a well-known saying, that the soul of the site lies.


When choosing plants for landscaping, it is important to take several factors into account. Sometimes some of them contradict each other, in which case the task of a talented landscape designer is to find an optimal and balanced solution.

Did you know? In the Daloushan Mountains (Chinese territory) there grows an amazing relict tree, Ginkgo biloba, which is sometimes called a living fossil. Not only are some specimens of this plant over three thousand years old, but the tree is practically not subject to aging and, as recent scientific research shows, is theoretically immortal.

So, for example, the best option for planting are zoned plants , that is, those species that are most suitable for a given climatic zone (it is based on this consideration, by the way, that a good specialist tries not to remove trees already present on the site). On the other hand, the “set of vegetation” is one of the main canons of a particular style in the landscape, and sometimes it is by this criterion that the general direction of the project is determined. For example, the Moorish style cannot be realized without a large number of exotics, many of which simply do not take root in the harsh climate.

In such a situation, several solutions are possible: to abandon a style that is obviously unsuitable for the given weather conditions or terrain, replacing it with one that is similar in spirit, or to select among the zoned plant forms those that look as bright as possible and combine them into bold, varied compositions, even more increasing the color explosion effect. You can add the missing exoticism to the overall picture with the help of palm trees or other types of tropical vegetation planted in tubs. For the winter, it will be enough to put them in a warm place, and the problem of low frost resistance will be solved.

Important! When including tall trees in the plan, it is imperative to take into account their size at maturity. First of all, this concerns not so much the height as the width of the crown, as well as the volume of the root system, which, if there is not enough space, can stop developing or, conversely, strangle weaker neighbors or even destroy the foundation of the house.

Group plant compositions should be placed so that ground covers are in the foreground, then low herbaceous species, then bushes and, finally, trees, i.e. from the center to the periphery the height of the group should increase. In this case, the plants will not compete with each other due to lack of lighting, and the planting will become harmonious.

Vegetable beds and greenhouses are usually located in the most illuminated places, away from residential buildings and recreation areas . At the same time, berry bushes can be included in decoration; they also make excellent hedges that organically separate different zones or disguise unsightly objects. Trees with a narrow pyramidal crown, for example, thujas, cypresses and some other conifers, also serve well as a natural fence, but they are traditionally planted along the outer boundaries of the plot. This option, by the way, looks much more stylish and rich than the usual high, blank fences in some elite villages, sometimes even “decorated” with barbed wire.

As for fruit trees, they can be placed in the front part of the site. During the period of flowering and fruiting, the orchard looks very impressive and creates a unique mood of well-being, peace and tranquility.

Another mandatory element of landscaping any large plot of land is a lawn. For some landscapes, according to the canon, it is necessary that the area covered only with neatly trimmed grass should be at least a third of the entire territory.

Did you know? In the United States, a well-maintained lawn can increase the sale price of a home by 20%.

It is necessary, however, to understand that a seemingly unpretentious lawn that grows on its own, in order to maintain its decorative effect, actually requires not only regular watering, but also a number of other unpleasant procedures - cutting, fertilizing, aeration, loosening, scarification, sowing, etc. In order to make lawn care at least a little easier, there are several techniques. In particular, when choosing grass seeds for planting, you should try to give preference to species that meet the following characteristics:

  • territorial adaptability;
  • good germination and survival rate;
  • slow growth (grass will need cutting less often);
  • low sizes;
  • highly developed root system;
  • high speed of shoot formation (reduces the risk of bald spots);
  • frost resistance;
  • shade tolerance;
  • resistance to mechanical damage (trampling);
  • strong immunity to diseases and pests.

Arrangement of paths

Garden paths are not only a way to connect different points of the site into one network, but also a decorative element . Landscape designers know well that only through the correctly chosen configuration of paths and paths can they mask problem areas of the plot (for example, a border in the form of an acute angle), visually expand or narrow the space and even create a certain mood - add dynamics or, conversely, introduce a touch of peace .

It must be said that for a spacious area these subtleties are no less important than for a narrow and cramped one . Thus, straight and symmetrical alleys are appropriate according to the canons of a regular style, but if you adhere to this principle over the entire area of ​​30 acres, the site may take on a monotonous, rough and boring appearance. Zigzags, smooth curves and unexpected turns, especially in the far corners of the garden and in the recreation area, on the contrary, always look romantic, interesting and impressive.

Requirements for modern country cottages on 6 acres:

  1. Accommodation of a sufficient number of rooms: kitchen, bedroom, living room, terrace.
  2. Electricity needs to be installed into the building.
  3. The ability to receive guests at any time of the year (i.e. the presence of a heating system, fireplace, etc.).
  4. Compact, should take up little space, while being functional and roomy.

Cheap country house built with your own hands, photo and description:

Increasingly, people decide to build a country house with their own hands; photos and project drawings are available now more than ever before; there is no need to hire architects, designers and other workers. In this way, a significant part of the budget is saved, money can be redirected towards the improvement of the cottage, and the purchase of more expensive finishing materials. Now there are three main types of affordable suburban housing projects:

  1. Primitive buildings, temporary huts with no amenities, heating or electricity.
  2. A country house where you can stay for a while, with amenities and heating.
  3. Full-fledged, two- or one-story cottages with all amenities, where you can live both temporarily and permanently.

The first type of building, most often not capital, they do not have a developed design, and they are built without drawings. They solve local problems such as storing equipment, short rest, and shelter from precipitation. As a rule, a serious foundation for this type of estate is not laid; the foundation is made of boards or plywood sheets. But if you show imagination and use good finishing materials, it will look quite decent.

The second type of structures is the most common. The owners of the plots strive to make the premises as comfortable as possible, because this is where they often spend all their free time in the summer. Therefore, most often they equip all the necessary rooms such as: bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, living room.

This capital building needs a strong foundation, as well as at least minimal thermal insulation, even if you do not plan to spend much time here in winter, it is better to avoid heat loss. If you have taken up a small space, you can arrange a blooming garden with beautiful flowers for the garden and a small pond on the site.

Country house project 6 by 6

If you have a large family and you like to spend time together outside the city on your estate, but you don’t want to take up all the space with one building. You need to make it compact. The best solution would be to build a second floor or veranda. Of course, this must be included in the plans and drawings. Only after the calculations begin work.

What materials are best to use:

Just 15 years ago the main material was wood. But now, the tree has grown significantly in price and has become less in demand, but it has not completely disappeared from the sight of designers. And for good reason, it has a number of advantages: environmental friendliness, ease of construction, stylish design, and so on.

Log house projects, photos

Lightweight concrete blocks are the trend of the new millennium. They are quite cheap, but have excellent reliability and thermal insulation characteristics. They also look quite impressive. The construction process is fleeting, installation of blocks is not very troublesome. If you insulate it well, you can stay in such a home even in winter. Sandwich panels are often used for construction.

What material to use is up to you personally; prices may vary in each region. It all depends on the availability of the material, as well as on the availability of manufacturing companies nearby. Sometimes a more expensive material with delivery is cheaper than a cheaper one, but with expensive delivery from a neighboring region. Therefore, be sure to look through catalogs and reference books, in this way you can significantly cut down on your costly part of the budget

It is also very important to take into account the climatic conditions of your locality. If you are building a building from timber or assembling a frame living space, then it is better to make the foundation columnar or screw

The roof is made from different materials, the main criteria when choosing will be: reliability, a suitable design for the rest of the country house, and whether the material fits into your budget or not.

Arrangement of paths

The territory of the site should not only be beautiful, but also functional. To move comfortably along it, you need paths. They can be made from old trees, pebbles, and tiles. It all depends on your imagination and financial capabilities.

The paths should be winding, scattered throughout the site, but have common intersections. Then the landscape will sparkle with unusual colors.

You can choose a variety of materials for the paths:

  • concrete (inexpensive and durable material that does not require maintenance);
  • brick (red brick looks very nice);
  • concrete brick

  • wood (the cheapest, but short-lived coating);
  • elimination (the main disadvantage is weeds).
  • tree screening

    The first stage of planning is conditional zoning of the site

    To create a harmonious space when designing a plot of 4 acres, it is necessary to adhere to the correct proportions of land allocation: 10% is allocated for outbuildings, 15% is a recreation area, including flower beds, and 75% is allocated for plantings. It is better to place the house near the road, closer to the entrance to the site. If there is a need for a garage, build it in the same group as the house; this will save your budget on building materials and several meters of land.

    Rectangular plot plan

    Square plot plan

    Narrow site plan

    The optimal solution for zoning would be to minimize buildings and alternate them with open areas of beds or flower beds, then all plants will have enough sunlight for proper and healthy development.

    It is best to separate zones from each other using a hedge

    Main factors to consider when zoning:

    • Relief. On flat terrain it is easier to build buildings and plan beds, and trees feel better on the plain.
    • Form. On a square and rectangular site, more options for the harmonious arrangement of buildings and plantings are created than on complex trapezoidal and triangular shapes.
    • Soil type. Sandy and rocky soils create a lot of trouble when laying foundations for buildings and are not very good for plants; they will have to be enriched.
    • Orientation. If your neighbors have a two-story mansion on the sunny side, your plot is unlikely to get much sun; such a plot will have to be planned based on the features of the house on the neighboring plot.

    Popular articles Description and features of hydrangea variety Little Frize

    If you follow planning proportions and minimize negative factors when purchasing a plot, you can even create a cozy natural corner on four acres.

    An arch with vines, through which a winding path passes, can delimit an elongated area and distract attention from the inconvenient layout.

    A small rock garden will help diversify the landscape and make the area more attractive.

    Features of the layout of a plot of 10 acres

    It is 10 acres that most often land plots on large farms can boast of, so the owners have to solve the issue of drainage on their own. If the territory is located at an angle to a roadside ditch, then it is equipped with drainage ditches, with the help of which water is removed from the garden and yard. To do this, most often they create a simple system of canals, one is dug parallel to the street behind the house to collect water from the garden, while the other is perpendicular to it, heading straight to the road ditch. Drainage ditches should have a depth of 1 meter and a width of about 50-60 cm; they are covered with crushed stone, broken bricks, bunches of branches or other material that allows water to pass through well; the ditch can be covered with small crushed stone or wood chips on top.

    When planning an allotment of 10 acres (here it is described how to choose a site plan), you should carefully consider the need for outbuildings, and if possible, they should be combined. It is recommended to locate the house three meters from the edges of the plot, asymmetrically with respect to the longitudinal axis of the plot. It is also important to take into account that the southern and southeastern sides will be the most well-lit, and the northern side will keep the rooms cool in summer; taking this data into account, houses are placed according to the cardinal directions.

    Lighting also affects the location of plantings, recreation areas, and carports. It is recommended to monitor the shadow's progress for several days in order to properly plan these elements. For example, it is recommended to place heat-loving plants and greenhouses near the southern walls of a country house.

    An example of a plan for such a site is shown in the photo.

    It is better to place the main outbuildings on 10 acres in the depths of the site, at the maximum distance from the road, and it is worth considering the possibility of combining premises. When planning a house, you also need to use the space most efficiently, for example, combine the kitchen with the living room or move it out onto the veranda. To save space, the cesspool and well can be shared with neighbors. If you want to plan only a garden plot, then here you can see the features of the garden plot layout.

    List of required objects

    The landscape design of the site is created on the basis of a project, which is drawn up taking into account what objects the owners intend to place on their territory. In addition to the house, on the site you can place:

    • recreation area;
    • children's playground;
    • garden;
    • garden;
    • well;
    • septic tank;
    • bath;
    • garage;
    • other buildings for utility purposes.

    Homeowners decide what exactly to include in the list of objects. The number of square meters allocated for a particular zone also depends on their decision. Some residents of country houses prefer to have a spacious recreation area on their property and refuse to have a vegetable garden. Others leave maximum space for a vegetable garden. For others, it is more interesting to fill all the free space with garden trees. The layout of a plot of 8 acres, a diagram of a variant of which is presented below, includes the most common set of objects.

    Option for planning a plot of 8 acresSource pinterest.ie

    Layout of a plot of 10 acres with a bath house and a garage - theory and practice of norms according to SNiPs

    19 Jun Posted on: 6-19-2016

    The day has come when you finally made an important decision - you purchased a building plot or a summer cottage and you were faced with the question of its layout. This issue is very important, since even small miscalculations can negatively affect the entire construction and improvement process, and the further operation of the home.

    In the examples below, I will introduce you to layout options with a house, a bathhouse and a garage. Ideas for placing a garden, vegetable garden and outbuildings will also be given. In short, the entire set of buildings that should be on a plot of 25 by 40 meters.

    In this material I will try to present the boring tedious text from SNiPs in human language. Of course, the original rules also need to be studied, or at least printed out, take the information from SP 42.13330.2011 “Planning and development of urban and rural settlements.”

    Where do we start?

    I propose to consider the layout of a plot of 10 acres as an example of the rational distribution of land for all necessary needs: building a house, outbuildings, farming or landscape beauty and other needs of the homeowner.

    Dividing a site into various functional zones is a question that requires some knowledge and at least a little theoretical training. The solutions I offer should not be taken as a one-size-fits-all recipe, but they will serve as a guide for you in finding a customized solution to your needs.

    So, I bring to your attention one of the options for planning a plot of 10 acres - measuring 25 by 40 meters. It is desirable that the site area has some slope towards the road.

    First, a little theory on site zoning

    It is necessary to plan the territory taking into account three functional zones:

    Living sector

    The residential area will include:

    • first of all - home
    • approach or approach to it
    • flower beds and lawns
    • recreation area (patio) with a canopy, gazebo, barbecue, etc.
    • children's or sports ground
    • decorative pond or pool
    • pet area (dog kennel, etc.)

    Agricultural zone

    • garden trees, shrubs
    • area for growing vegetables, herbs, berries,
    • greenhouse or greenhouse

    Economic zone

    • car parking or garage
    • temporary shed, barn, workshop
    • bathroom and shower (if they are not in the house)
    • bath, sauna, etc.
    • garbage bin, compost heap or pit
    • livestock area (chickens, ducks, rabbits, etc.)

    We analyze in detail the layout of the site

    With proper planning, you need to know in which part of the site to place this or that zone relative to the cardinal directions, so that, for example, a compost heap and toilet do not end up in the most advantageous area, and a patio and flower garden do not end up in the most unfavorable area.

    An example of the layout of plots of 6 and 10 acres

    In these two projects we see examples of classic country house plans that have been developed over the years. Maybe it’s a little simple, but it’s also quite inexpensive in terms of labor investment. Everything is clearly laid out; for starters, maybe this layout option would be appropriate.

    Another option for planning a summer cottage in color and perspective

    A more visual plan is a diagram made in color and perspective. Also a classic layout of the site, but I know that many people don’t need any frills. Therefore, classics are always in demand, and besides, you can improvise a little, for example, make the paths somewhat winding. There will always be a field for creativity, the main thing is to have a plot!

    Schematic division of the site into zones

    Here is another good example of organizing a layout, this one has a more modern design approach. The path is winding, a lot of space is allocated for a lawn, a children's play area is allocated, there is a bathhouse, a barbecue area and an area for household needs. An interesting option, in my opinion. Note!

    Interesting layout of the plot with a house in the back of the garden

    A very stylish and behind-the-scenes option for planning a plot with a house in the depths of the garden, oriented along the cardinal points, and not along the axis of the plot. An interesting solution for those who love solitude and privacy. From the roadway to the house there is a gravel car path and a separate pedestrian path paved with natural stone.

    The best arrangement is if your plot is rectangular in shape and has the short side facing the road. In this case, you can make a fence only for this small area (on the side of the road), and along the other three borders you can make a simpler and cheaper fence, or simply plant shrubs in the form of a hedge.

    A residential building is usually placed a little deeper into the site - it is recommended to step back from the road at least five meters (for noise and dust insulation). It is advisable to retreat at least three meters from the border of the neighboring plot.

    The best distance between houses is 15 meters or more, but if it is not possible to meet these requirements, then it is recommended to build a house no closer than ten meters from neighboring housing. When placing a house on a narrow site, preference should be given to the side where the shadow falls.

    When planning a house, it is advisable to take into account the possibility of two entrances - one, the main one, from the side of the road, and the other, the secondary one, directed towards the garden and the large area of ​​​​the site. It will be convenient if you can directly get into the utility area from the internal entrance.

    The garage can be placed directly facing the road, but more often it is placed next to the house or even as part of the house. If you want to have a permanent garage, then it is most convenient to place it in the basement or first floor of the house.


    In the agricultural part of the site (in the garden and vegetable garden), it is important to conveniently arrange the paths. It would be logical to lay a watering system along them (stationary pipes or the summer option - flexible hoses).

    It is important to correctly divide the garden part into beds; I have already written how to make comfortable wooden beds that will increase productivity and will look very aesthetically pleasing on the site (and are also practical to use).

    It is important to place the beds parallel from north to south, this will promote uniform lighting and heating by the sun. When landscaping the site and arranging paths, it is necessary to take into account that in the spring, when the snow melts or after rainstorms, puddles do not stagnate on them.

    One of the options for arranging paths is to construct them using ready-made forms. I have little experience in this, it is ambiguous, I have already written about it. I advise you to read it.

    In general, paths in the garden are a great field for applying creative energy, and I will separately consider the most interesting options for their design.

    Porch and terracing

    The construction of an entrance to the garage requires preliminary preparation; one of the options is gravel backfill, possibly with pouring concrete. Another option is ready-made floor slabs laid with a slope of 4-5 degrees.

    If the area is sloping, then it should be terraced. This will not only create additional convenience during landscaping, but will also give it a more aesthetically attractive appearance. If the slope is 10-15 degrees or more, garden stairs should be installed.

    Sometimes 3-4 steps make climbing such a section much easier. If you approach the design of terraces and stairs correctly, they can become independent elements of the garden landscape design.

    Finished with stone, illuminated in the dark, garden stairs will play the role of small architectural forms in your garden along with a gazebo, fountain, pergola and similar beautiful elements.

    Gazebos and pergolas

    By the way, about pergolas. These are lightweight wooden structures that consist of wooden posts with a section of 5 x 10 cm or 10 x 10 cm, covered with beams on top. In dry climates, pergolas are not covered with anything, but in our climate of the Middle Zone, you can make a weightless polycarbonate covering to protect from rain. The pergola will provide light shade, and you can grow climbing plants along it - grapes, clematis.

    A gazebo is one of the necessary elements of a garden. Gazebos may differ, but most often they are made in the form of a rectangle with dimensions of at least 2 x 2 m. Hexagonal gazebos look very attractive. The ceiling heights are usually no higher than 220 cm from the floor level. The gazebo can be made with removable glazing and removable doors - then you will be comfortable in it in cool rainy weather.

    All outdoor wooden buildings must be treated with an antiseptic, and only then covered with wood varnish or painted with enamel.

    One of the most attractive decorations of a site is a garden pond: it can be an artificial stream, a waterfall, a pond, or a swimming pool.

    You can carefully examine the plot plan of 25 by 40 meters (10 acres)

    The entrance to the house and the main facade are located 7 meters from the road. In front of the house there is a large front garden with landscape design elements.

    These can be flower beds successfully integrated into the lawn, large boulders, an artificial pond, a fountain, small architectural forms - garden sculptures, etc. The entire front garden can be decorated with lighting, which will give it additional charm in the evening. In front of the fence is a hedge of low bushes.

    On both sides of the porch of the house there are small flower beds with benches sunk into them. In this case, the facade of the house is symmetrical, which determines the symmetry of the landscape design in front of it and the symmetrical placement of benches.

    Along the left border of the site is the entrance to the garage, which is attached to the house. The driveway is made of laid reinforced concrete slabs. The width of the entrance to the garage is at least 2.3 m; for the entrance in this case, reinforced concrete floor slabs of 6 x 1.2 m are used, laid in two rows across the width on a sand bed.

    A blind area 80 cm wide is made along the contour of the house to drain atmospheric moisture.

    A veranda is attached to the house from the garden side. In front of it is a recreation area, including a small patio with a pergola, and on the left there is a children's and sports grounds for active recreation.

    In the depths of the garden, near the left border, there is a utility area. Households are located there. block with toilet and shower, bathhouse, greenhouse. A beautiful path made of artificial stone leads to them, not laid tightly, but with the possibility of sowing the seams between the stones with lawn grass.

    On the right side of the plot there is a garden and a vegetable garden. Very little space is allocated for vegetable crops. But if you need a larger garden area, then you can allocate a wider area for it by moving outbuildings and a sports ground (you may not need it). The orchard consists of apple, pear, plum and cherry trees.

    Removing moisture from the site (drainage system)

    One of the serious tasks in wet and swampy areas is the removal of excess ground moisture. The drainage system can be open (drainage ditches) or closed (underground drainage).

    If the groundwater level is high, closed drainage should be done - then the channels are installed underground using asbestos-cement pipes and drain the water towards the road. To do this, you should arrange one central channel with a slope of 1 cm per 2 meters of pipe and make branches from the pipes to the sides, the diameter of the pipes is at least 10 cm.

    Holes are drilled in the walls of the branch pipes to collect moisture - 2 cm in diameter, to prevent clogging of the drainage system with soil; before laying in the ground, the pipes are wrapped in durable, water-permeable material with a fine mesh.

    Instead of pipes, you can make wooden or brick boxes. The drainage system must be filled with crushed stone, covered with brushwood, and only topped with soil on which you can build a vegetable garden or landscape design.

    Video on site planning

    In conclusion, I want to share with you a video on site planning, says specialist, designer Elena Korchevskaya

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    When the design of the site is ready, the location of objects is known, the types of plants and places for their planting have been selected, you can begin to select decorations for the garden: these could be hedgehogs settled against the backdrop of juniper trees and fir trees, a heron standing near a pond, or frogs. Specialty stores offer a wide range of similar products.

    Decorative figures are quite expensive, so you can try making your own decorations. A wattle fence with old clay pots against the backdrop of tall sunflowers will look original. Alpine slides, flower beds in unusual flowerpots - all this will add brightness and uniqueness to the site.

    What zones should be highlighted?

    The layout of a summer cottage plot of 10 acres or any other area necessarily includes the following zones:

    • Living sector. A terraced house and attached garage may be located in this area.
    • Rest zone. A place for a recreation area is often allocated in the depths of the site, away from prying eyes.
    • Vegetable garden area. A well-designed site layout will allow compact placement of beds for growing vegetables, fruit trees and berry bushes so that each crop has enough space.
    • Economic zone. The area for the utility zone, where buildings for keeping pets are located, is allocated in the opposite direction from the recreation area.

    A vegetable garden can also be beautiful and original; read about territory planning and design techniques:

    A recreation area is equipped with a gazebo, a children's or sports ground, and a barbecue area. This place is often decorated with an artificial pond, original flower beds and other landscape design elements.

    Regardless of the size of the allocated territory, the choice of site layout is based on the actual characteristics and wishes of the owner, for example:

    Rest zone

    Next, the location for the recreation area is determined. It is usually located in the middle of the front or back yard, depending on the type of planting of the house. But sometimes owners prefer to install recreation area objects near a high fence.

    Cozy sitting area in the corner of the yardSource houzz.com

    The recreation area may include the following objects:

    • gazebo (or terrace),
    • barbecue area;
    • pool;
    • playground;
    • elements of landscape decor.

    As a decoration, you can use a large flower bed, a sculptural composition or, for example, an alpine slide. However, such elements take up a lot of space on the site. Therefore, it is better to design the landscape design of 8 acres using smaller parts. For example, original street lamps, small garden figures, stylish paths, etc.

    Original recreation area on the siteSource diynetwork.com

    A gazebo can become a multifunctional facility, accommodating a summer kitchen and a compact banquet hall for receiving guests.

    Gazebo with summer kitchenSource baneproject.com

    For barbecue enthusiasts, there are many options for specialty garden equipment. All this can be installed simply on the ground, on a paved area or a free-standing terrace.

    Barbecue area in the country houseSource houzz.com

    A swimming pool not only increases the level of comfort of spending time in a household, but also serves as a real decoration of the site.

    Swimming pool in the landscape design of a country houseSource heimdeco.club

    The design of the playground is carried out using all kinds of sandboxes, slides, houses, benches, etc. It must be placed so that children playing on the playground can be observed from the windows of the house or from a recreation area intended for adults. The design of an 8-acre plot with a house will perfectly complement a compact children's complex consisting of several elements.

    Children's playground in the landscape of the siteSource masterdom35.ru

    Preparatory work

    The final result of landscape design depends on the thoroughness of the preparatory manipulations. First of all, it is necessary to examine the terrain, topography, soil quality, understand the climate and position of the site relative to the cardinal points. It happens that drainage and technical documentation are required for these purposes. After all information about the territory has been collected, the creation of a plan begins.

    The central object should be the house. The remaining structures are grouped around it, depending on their purpose. The gazebo and barbecue area will be in close proximity to the residential building, the garden area will be next to the utility room, where a clothes dryer and trash cans will be installed. The area for sports and children's games should be installed in a shaded place, berries and fruit trees - in the southern part of the site.

    The length of each zone depends on the wishes of the owner. If you consider a plot of 30 acres as a country house or a vacation spot, then you will not need a large vegetable garden. If you are an amateur gardener, then some buildings (for example, a swimming pool) can be eliminated, devoting more space to flowers and fruit crops.

    Basic Design Elements


    Photo of fantasy design made from tires

    If you are not a fan of the vegetable garden, experts recommend decorating most of the area with flowers and ornamental plantings. The design in this case can be organized in many ways. Here are some simple examples.

    Type of decoration Instructions Modular flower beds

    For planting, select bright annual seedlings. Low-growing flowers (marigolds, pansies, violets, etc.) will look best. Select suitable base modules. The simplest options: old buckets, flowerpots, large bowls, watering cans. Multi-arm chandeliers, a bicycle, unnecessary equipment, and furniture will look more original. Decorate the modules: paint, apply drawings or inscriptions, etc. Place flowers in them and place them in the chosen location.

    Flowerbeds in tires

    Wash old car tires thoroughly and let them dry. Choose a place to install them and dig them into the ground about 5-10 cm for stability. Fill the hole with drainage and the necessary soil. Plant your chosen plants.


    Mark the area along which you want to plant hedge plants. Prepare the soil, make holes and plant the seedlings. Ornamental coniferous trees and berry bushes are best suited for creating a hedge.

    Please note: they must be planted at intervals of 20-40 cm (depending on growth).

    Modular flower beds in various containers

    Decoration of the local area

    The house is the heart of any site. Therefore, the area around it should be designed with special care. After all, you will spend a lot of time here.

    The local area can be divided into two parts:

    • near the entrance;
    • view from the window.

    Climbing plants at the entrance

    Experienced designers recommend using bright, beautiful flower beds near the entrance. Another win-win option is climbing plants. Moreover, they cannot always be floral: wild cucumbers, maiden grapes, decorative ivy, etc. will help perfectly camouflage the wall.

    Pay attention to the area where the first floor windows face. If possible, create a rock garden or a beautiful flower garden in this area (if there is a shortage of space, choose bush flowers: roses, hydrangeas, etc.)

    If there are already beds there, take care of their beautiful design. For example, make floral mixborders around the edges.

    If there is no living space on your site yet, but you want to relax in comfort, pay attention to country houses made from block containers. They are very convenient, compact and do not take up much space.

    These buildings can play the role of both temporary and permanent housing, around which you can create a nice flower garden or plot.

    Decorate with colorful pebbles and unpretentious succulents

    About the layout of a plot of 12 acres - landscape design options

    Landscape design of 12 acres presupposes the presence of a relatively large space for the implementation of many ideas. But I want to do it right: so that there is a garage and a bathhouse, as well as a gazebo. All this should be conveniently located so that movement between objects is optimized according to the habits and wishes of the owners.

    A plot of 12 acres cannot be called large, but it is quite possible to place everything you need here

    General site planning rules

    The basic principles of planning a modern site are:

  • competent preparation;
  • availability of a general plan and a detailed one;
  • using current techniques and techniques for a spectacular appearance that is not inferior in practicality.
  • When planning the development of a site, it is necessary to take into account its shape, lighting, condition of the ground and groundwater

    This applies not only to the arrangement of the landscape around the cottage, but also to the dacha area of ​​twelve hundred square meters. After all, the comfort of use depends on the layout of a plot of 12 acres, and its durability and overall impression depend on the correct approach.

    Some points must be taken into account in advance. This applies, among other things, if it is necessary to pre-level the surface, or change the top layer of soil for a vegetable garden, garden area, or lawn.

    Site forms

    A territory measuring 10 acres can have various shapes, including T- and L-shaped. Designing elongated and narrow areas is considered the most problematic. They are inconvenient and non-functional. The layout should include special architectural techniques to make people’s stay at the dacha comfortable.

    Popular articles How and when to replant a hydrangea to a new location


    It is advisable to divide the project of a 10-acre rectangular plot in half with flower beds or a hedge. Benches or gazebos are arranged in the shade for relaxation in the summer. Such a space will be decorated with zones with regular geometric shapes. For example, round beds, oval paths and a square playground.

    The example below shows a long narrow plot of less than 10 acres in size. Its layout includes a house, a garage, a fountain with benches, a swimming pool, two outbuildings, a greenhouse and a children's playground. The project designates a place for a septic tank and beds.


    The attractive appearance of the round area is made by the landscape design style without sharp corners. The outlines of paths, architectural elements, fences and fences should have natural forms that imitate nature. Planning a circular plot of 10 acres can be divided into 3 stages:

    1. Organization of the entrance area - garage, parking, place for turning a car.
    2. Conducting walking alleys to the main buildings.
    3. Concealing the location of outbuildings with hedges or garden screens.

    To separate zones in the layout, vertical gardening, tall shrubs, and trees are used. Paths will lead from the entrance to the house and further to the garden and gazebo.


    The layout of a garden plot of 10 acres with equal width and length can include a variety of styles and techniques. The figure shows the arrangement of a dacha with a square territory. The parking space is located in front of the residential building. The children's playground is visible from the kitchen windows. The shed is hidden in the corner. The opposite side is occupied by a garden and vegetable garden. The gazebo offers views of the entire area.

    You can plan a plot of 10 acres in landscape style. Then the buildings are located in the corners of the territory, and the garden is in the center.


    Paths on the land of 10 acres of triangular shape can be located parallel to the borders. Curved alleys in a landscape design style will also look organic. The choice of layout options depends on the wishes of the owner. There may be a house in the center, with additional buildings occupying the corners.

    Huge potential

    Today, a plot of 30 acres is a large plot on which you can build all the necessary structures for everyday life, beautifully decorate the estate, lay out a garden and vegetable garden, organize convenient access roads, and arrange a space for relaxation. To implement all this, you need to develop a clear plan. It will allow you to clearly see and understand where and what zone will be located.

    Everyone has their own ideas about this. Some people need a spacious private workshop or a playground for children, others like to grow flowers. On a plot of 30 acres, it is not difficult to find a place to plant a beautiful spruce to create a family alley. It can accommodate a full-fledged tennis court and barbecue area. Therefore, it is so important at the first stage to sit down and make a list of objects that you would like to see on your site. And then examine the area, study the relief, soil composition, features of the local climate, and understand what is needed to implement your own project.

    Project plan for a plot of 30 acres

    Location of site objects

    Zoning a site: step-by-step instructions.

    • First you need to place a residential building on the project. It takes into account how the shadows will fall where the blank wall is located.
    • Afterwards outbuildings are placed.
    • The location for the vegetable garden on the project is chosen so that shadows from other buildings do not fall on it.
    • The bathhouse is not built close to a residential building or garden.
    • The garage is located conveniently close to the gate, taking into account the entrance to the house.

    Options for the location of the house on the project may vary

    It is important to set aside 3 m from the fence on the street side, and 5 m from the neighbor’s property.

    Choosing a site for a house

    The nuances of the location of the main residential building.

    • Construction of the house begins after the design is completed. First, the space for each object is carefully measured.
    • The correct location of the cottage is with a blank load-bearing wall to the north, if there are no natural objects on that side.
    • The planned area of ​​the house should not exceed 10% of the total. On 8 acres, a house can occupy 80 square meters. If you need a larger area, you should think about an attic, or second floor.
    • The project takes into account neighboring buildings and proximity to the highway.

    You will also have to think through other nuances: the convenience of connecting communications, the relationship with other buildings.


    It is possible to make a standard bathhouse even in a small area. The layout of the bathhouse begins after approval of the size and position of the living area. It should be located close to the house, but no closer than 8 m. Five meters are set back from the fence and the neighbor’s border. This is a fire safety rule, take it into account when planning. Trees are not planted nearby, since the bathhouse is a heated facility. Regardless of whether it is heated with wood or gas, a fire hazard is possible. To prevent the fire from spreading to neighboring buildings, indentations are made.


    The location depends on the side of the entrance. It is irrational to build a garage so that you have to go around the entire perimeter of the territory.

    Features of allocating a plot for a garage.

    • It is located near the house, but not right under the windows, so that the noise of the engine does not wake up the household.
    • It’s good if the building is visible from the window. If criminals break in, you can see it without leaving and call the police.
    • The garage is being built further from the garden. Exhaust gases do not contribute to the healthy growth of berries, vegetables and fruits.
    • There should be a distance of 5 m from the neighbor's border.

    Just four rules will help you successfully place a garage on your site.

    Rest zone

    Planning a country house is impossible without a recreation area.

    Taking into account the area of ​​the project, we place:

    • gazebo with barbecue area;
    • children's sandbox;
    • slide;
    • small pool.

    Safety rules: the playground should be clearly visible from the windows of the house, the pool is built at a distance. An example of the location of a recreation area on a plot of 8 acres can be found in the photo on the Internet. Projects are in the public domain.

    If the children are adults, a small playground is planned for the project. A pair of horizontal bars will help your household stay in shape. And the playground for small children must be covered with sand. This is safe if the child falls off the swing or falls down the slide.

    The gazebo should accommodate 10 people. This is necessary in case of a celebration or unexpected guests. The plot is small, you can compensate for this by allocating a separate room in the house for special events. It should be with good sound insulation. You can arrange karaoke and listen to music all night without disturbing your neighbors. It is better to place a recreation area inside the house on the ground floor, close to the exit, pool and restroom.


    The main rule for the location of the garden is the absence of shadows from other buildings. It is better to design a plot of 8 acres using a special program. This can be done via the Internet. It's easy to add dimensions and move objects, choosing the best layout.

    • Trees and shrubs are planted 4 meters from the neighboring territory.
    • The distance from other structures should be sufficient so that they do not block sunlight. Most plants will not do well in the shade.
    • Due to the limited area, it is worth placing 4-6 small beds for the most necessary vegetables and fruits.
    • The landscaping of the site is planned taking into account the owner's preferences. Coniferous trees are planted far from the neighbor's border. Tall plants cast large shadows.
    • If owners want to block sunlight, ivy is planted under the windows. It looks very nice. This is a vintage style look.
    • A small garden will be decorated with a path made of gravel or large stones.

    It is easy to draw decorative details over a wide area. It is more difficult to plan a plot of 8 acres. But this is also quite possible.

    Evaluation of criteria

    In order to plan future buildings and green spaces, it is necessary to evaluate the area in advance according to important criteria. This is a very important design step and if missed can seriously undermine the work.

    Soil type

    This data can be found using special soil maps, which should be stored in the cadastral department of the city hall or village council. If there are none, then it is quite possible to determine the soil type experimentally. To do this, you need to take a handful of earth, moisten it a little with water and make a ball, a “sausage” and a ring out of it. You can roll a ball out of sand, but when you try to make an oblong stick, the earth will begin to crack and crumble, the “sausage” is made from sandy loam type soil, the ring is made from loam, but you can make anything from clay.

    Determining the type of soil will help you know what plants can be planted and what measures will have to be taken when constructing a building. For example, on sand it is necessary to build a stronger foundation so that rains do not wash it away, and for clay soils a pile type of base is required, since in this type of soil in winter ice lenses often form, which melt and sag with the arrival of heat, which can cause the house to tilt .

    Soil acidity

    Soil acidity greatly affects the ability to grow different types of plants. To independently determine the acidity level, litmus paper is used. To do this, mix a tablespoon of soil in a glass of boiled water and leave it for a couple of hours, then this suspension is checked for acidity by dipping a piece of litmus into it. After this, the color of the strip is compared with the control sheet and conclusions are drawn about the need to add lime or other substances to the soil that affect its acidity.

    How to make a plan correctly

    Groundwater level

    The level of groundwater affects the type of drainage system and the possibility of planting certain plants. The data should also be stored in local authorities, and it is possible to independently determine this parameter. To do this, during dry summers, holes are dug in the desired area and monitored at what level the water rises there. If the level is closer than a meter from the surface, then high-quality drainage is simply necessary.

    Illumination and placement according to the sides of the horizon

    The house and all outbuildings must be correctly oriented according to the cardinal directions, the same applies to plantings. You should carefully consider the lighting plan so that in the future you do not have to add to or, conversely, remove light objects. It is important to take into account all the nuances when planning lighting.


    A perfectly flat terrain is most convenient for development, but this is very rare in life. In principle, even an area with ravines and slopes can be effectively used, the main thing is to plan everything correctly. An ideal option would be to create terraces and spectacular alpine slides as a design.

    Drawing up a plan taking into account the size of the site


    This is one of the most important criteria in land planning. It is believed that to create a country complex with all the generally accepted set of outbuildings, at least 10-15 acres are needed. On an area of ​​6-8 acres, with proper planning, it is possible to place a house, a bathhouse and a room for gardening equipment. And 3-4 acres are useful only for running a small farm. A plot of 15-30 acres can accommodate all kinds of structures.

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