How to lay artificial grass with your own hands: instructions, methods of attachment

The lawn near a private home, office or public building requires constant care. It needs to be grown, watered, fertilized, and trimmed.

A large area, such as a football or golf course, needs serious maintenance and plant care. If there is no time for this or natural conditions do not allow, laying artificial turf will be the solution. It is an elastic fabric on the surface of which artificial grass stems made of propylene or polyethylene are attached.

What is necessary?

Artificial lawns are now being made really well; they look like grass that grows in a natural environment. Most often, such a base for decorating areas is sold in rolls, which makes its installation much easier in the future.

The basis of artificial grass is an elastic material with a latex coating. This makes it protected from any deformation.

A special fiber is applied to this coating during its creation. It can have different thicknesses and densities. It all depends entirely on the purpose of the lawn. Most often, the pile can be from 6 millimeters to 10 centimeters in height. In addition, you can choose any shade of grass for yourself, since the color scheme is quite diverse.

All artificial lawns can be divided according to the principle of installation.


This type of lawn looks attractive and quite natural; it will be difficult for an inexperienced person to distinguish it from real grass. Such coatings are most often used to decorate areas where no one walks.

In this case, it is better to fence the territory, because if people still walk on it, then the artificial grass will not “live” for long.


Such lawns are intended for the design of various children's and playgrounds, as well as sports fields. The base is made of very soft polyethylene fiber, which significantly softens all impacts when falling. When purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the strength of the material. All spaces between the fibers must be filled with quartz sand.


Such lawns are also used to decorate football fields. In addition to sand, for installation you will also need rubber granulate, which perfectly protects a person from bruises in case of any falls.

All artificial lawns have many advantages, among which the following are worth noting:

  • the beautiful and aesthetic appearance of the cover lasts for a long time;
  • they can be used all year round in both indoor and outdoor areas;
  • the lawn is highly resistant to various natural factors;
  • such a covering protects any area from the growth of weeds;
  • the coating is not afraid of moisture;
  • artificial turf is quite easy to maintain;
  • Unlike ordinary grass, this covering does not require regular watering or fertilization.

Among the disadvantages, one can note the very high cost of the material. If the price is low, most often the material may be of poor quality. Another unpleasant fact is that if the temperature outside is high, the lawn may also overheat. Well, the last important point is that if the old artificial lawn gets boring, you will have to spend a lot of time replacing it.

To lay such artificial lawns you will need the following materials:

  • seam tape;
  • the artificial turf itself;
  • two-component polyurethane adhesive;
  • sand;
  • substrate;
  • putty knife;
  • a special brush designed to remove glue residues;
  • special knife.

Artificial turf can be laid on different substrates. It can be concrete, brick, or earth.

Backfill coating technology

The structure of the infill lawn

This option is designed for the most severe operating conditions - golf courses or football fields. Artificial grass is made from tougher polypropylene that is resistant to external influences.

The backfill is made with a mixture of quartz sand and rubber granules, which increases the strength and rigidity of the material, making it suitable for use as a covering for areas with high surface loads. In addition, rubber grains reduce the coefficient of friction, softening the impact of falls and reducing the risk of injury when sliding.

Installation instructions on a concrete base

Most often, the design of a concrete base is carried out only in certain areas. They do this in the country on open terraces, on the playground or even on the balcony. In order to glue the artificial lawn, you will definitely need a substrate . This will help the cover last a little longer.

You can buy rubber coating or geotextiles in stores.

Before starting work, it is necessary to clear the surface of all debris. After this, you need to lay out the substrate, and then the lawn grass in rolls so that there is an air cushion between them. It will be better if the base is made of polyester. It is necessary to ensure that the layers overlap each other by at least 15 millimeters.

Then everything should be left for some time until it is completely straightened. Then you need to glue the materials together using connecting tape and glue. If lawn grass is laid in a fill or semi-fill method, additional backfill in the form of quartz sand will be required. All edges need to be decorated with small borders.

How to choose a coating

The choice of a natural green lawn for landscaping your yard should be taken with full responsibility. Here attention is drawn to the following parameters:

  • pile height and density;
  • the thickness of the blades of grass;
  • coating color;
  • laying method (bulk, non-bulk).

When choosing artificial turf, first of all, it is worth considering its scope.

Choosing grass for the garden

For landscaping a dacha and a personal plot, preference is given to aesthetic material. Since such a lawn will not be walked on much, such a criterion as wear resistance is not important here. The main thing is that the material is of high quality, copes well with negative environmental factors, and has an attractive and elegant appearance.

When choosing a decorative lawn for landscaping, it is worth considering that this grass has a two-level pile, as close as possible to natural grass. The main pile has a bright green color, but the backing is made a couple of tones lighter or darker to give the fabric maximum naturalness. For landscaping the area, preference is given to pile with a height of 2 to 4 cm.

Attention: the denser the structure of the coating, the less additional sealants in the form of sand will need to be used.

Choosing a lawn for a children's playground

When choosing a green lawn to decorate a children's play area, attention is paid to its quality, environmental friendliness and safety. Thus, the child will be less likely to knock his knees out during outdoor games, and will also practically not get dirty while playing in the yard.

Mounting to the ground with your own hands

Installing lawn grass at the dacha is quite a painstaking job that requires a lot of effort and patience from a person. First you need to start preparing the land, and then counting the number of rolls that will be required in further work. Preparation of the base consists of completely clearing the ground of various debris, as well as weeds.

After this, it needs to be leveled, if possible.

In addition, the soil must be absolutely dry. If there is sand on your summer cottage, then you should not lay grass on it, because there is a possibility that it will quickly deform. It is imperative to make several outlets for water under the artificial carpet so that it does not accumulate there. This will save the coating base from rotting. In addition, you need to lay a layer of drainage, for example, made of crushed stone or fine gravel.

Let's talk about the advantages

All the advantages that will be discussed further are based on the opinion of those who have managed to evaluate the rolled lawn. Thus, the list of advantages includes the following:

  • Ideal appearance regardless of seasonal conditions;
  • Does not require special care rules;
  • Artificial grass is not afraid of insects and ultraviolet radiation;
  • Long service life;
  • You can lay it with your own hands on absolutely any base, from crushed stone to asphalt.

Such properties make the coating invaluable for those who value comfort and aesthetic appearance.

How to lay on wooden flooring?

The technology for laying artificial turf on wooden flooring depends entirely on the type of material chosen. Fastening can be done using safety brackets, adhesive tapes or special glue. There are cases when artificial grass is even mounted on a wall. If it is made of wood, it must be thoroughly cleaned and treated with a special primer.

After this, the base must be well lubricated with special glue and pre-unwound rolls of lawn grass must be glued. They need to be placed with a slight overlap (up to 1.5 centimeters).

Next, they need to be cut and glued with seaming tape to create a perfectly even coating. To make the fastening more reliable, you can additionally use staples at the seams. This must be done as carefully as possible so that they do not stand out against the general background of the lawn. Additionally, a border made of suitable materials can be installed around the entire perimeter.

You can use natural or artificial stone, wood, and even concrete curbs, the main thing is that they fit completely into the overall picture.

A little about the technology for making artificial turf

A synthetic grass surface is produced from polymers and plastics. The production process takes place in specially equipped premises. At the first stage, grass stems are extruded from extruders, which are then mounted on a flexible latex-coated base. The manufacturer offers products in a variety of colors, and yet, more often than not, the usual green color prevails in the garden.

IN THE PHOTO: An artificial lawn for children (under a swing or around a sandbox) in “grass” tones looks fresh and bright.

But artificial football turf or golf course coverage can be designed in white, blue or other shades. It is also practiced to lay artificial turf in two colors, with which you can delimit zones in a spacious area.

IN THE PHOTO: Using artificial turf of different colors, you can create an entire sports ground.

Lawn parameters that guide your selection:

  • pile density and height;
  • thickness of individual blades of grass;
  • coating shade;
  • laying method (in rolls or tiles).

How to care?

Before laying artificial grass, you should definitely familiarize yourself with some rules for caring for it. This will not be particularly difficult; it is enough to comply with a few basic conditions. Thanks to this, the service life of such lawns can be significantly increased.

It is best to use special glue for the seams, which will help connect the strips tightly enough. It is not recommended to use any cheap alternatives.

The finished coating must be washed after a certain time, removing all dirt. This is especially true for those lawns that are used on children's playgrounds. Experts also recommend disinfecting such lawns with special means intended specifically for this purpose. Once every 6 months it is necessary to update the granules and quartz sand.

The rolls can be removed for the winter, because in the cold season they are simply not needed. If the lawn is used too often, then it needs to be updated more often. Once every 7 days you need to slightly moisten this type of lawn, especially if the weather outside is too hot.

Once every half month it is necessary to make punctures in the artificial lawn. With their help you can protect the base from rotting.

To summarize, we can say that artificial turf will be an excellent decoration for any chosen area. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a small corner in the country, a beautifully designed children’s playground, or even a small home football field. The main thing is that all the rules for laying the lawn, as well as caring for it, are followed.

The following video will tell you about the secrets of laying rolled lawn.

Advantages and disadvantages of artificial turf

Any modern product has its strengths and weaknesses, so it is not surprising that when evaluating artificial turf, one can highlight its pros and cons.

  • The first group usually includes the following characteristics of quality material:
  • high resistance to frost, trampling and elevated temperatures;
  • minimal physical costs for care and maintenance;
  • good water permeability, which usually prevents the formation of puddles;
  • the ability to choose different color schemes, allowing you to bring to life even the most daring design landscape solutions when arranging the local area;
  • possibility of multi-purpose use: for example, at sub-zero temperatures, a football field can easily turn into a good skating rink, you just need to fill the surface with water and wait for it to completely harden;
  • quick and easy decoration of the site using artificial turf, which is especially valuable if you need to quickly decorate the territory;
  • preserving the color of the grass at any time of the year.

  • As for the disadvantages of using artificial turf, in comparison with natural grass, the main ones include:
  • high heating rate of the coating (often up to +60°C), which often causes discomfort when standing on it;
  • an increased likelihood of the proliferation of bacteria and other harmful microorganisms, which may well enter the human body when the skin is damaged as a result of injury;
  • the release of toxic substances after heating the surface of the grass (usually the artificial turf contains components such as latex or plasticizers, which are very difficult to call useful for people and animals);
  • limited service life of artificial turf (despite the fact that high-quality materials can be used for up to 10 years, after this period they can no longer be restored, which means the lawn will have to be replaced);
  • the high cost of quality products (strong, durable products cost a lot, so not all owners of private estates are willing to spend money on artificial turf for their local area);
  • unnaturalness of the coating (such grass will never feel as pleasant to the touch as real grass);
  • the need for periodic cleaning, sometimes using a vacuum cleaner, brush and even special detergents.

By comparing all the pros and cons of purchasing an artificial lawn, it is much easier to make a final decision regarding its appropriateness in a particular area. So, if you need to equip a practical playing field or do not want to devote a lot of time to watering a natural lawn, then you should definitely consider this option for covering the court, having figured out in advance how exactly to lay the material. Purchasing a quality product and complying with all requirements for its installation gives every reason to believe that such a carpet will become a real decoration of any area.

Laying artificial grass

We can talk about the benefits, beauty and effectiveness of artificial turf for a very long time. Now it has become a convenient way to decorate the area before a conference, to make the surface around the pool, on the playground, football field, and so on more comfortable and pleasant.

Some gardeners are faced with the problem of lack of conditions for the natural growth of ordinary ornamental plants, and then laying artificial grass becomes a salvation. After all, with the help of simple technology, even the most hopeless land can come to life.

You can carry out the coating either with your own hands or order the service from craftsmen who, as quickly as possible, are able to prepare, lay, glue and generally perform all the necessary work.

Laying a non-fill lawn

The technology for laying a non-fill lawn is extremely simple and consists of the following:

  1. Clearing the area of ​​large debris (glass, stones, branches) and leveling the soil.
  2. Compacting the soil with a special roller or a suitable means at hand (a heavy pipe of suitable diameter, a barrel, etc.)
  3. If necessary, if there is a possibility of seasonal flooding of the site, it is necessary to make drainage or create a slight slope of the ground for water drainage. The role of drainage can be performed by a ditch dug along the perimeter of the lawn and filled with crushed stone.
  4. Cut the rolled material to the size you require.
  5. Laying artificial grass on the ground.
  6. If necessary, gluing parts of the artificial lawn together (more details about this process will be discussed below).

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Structure and types of artificial lawn grass

Cover grass is available in rolls, which helps make installation even easier. To build it, the same principle as the natural prototype was taken. That is, the material is specially designed to maintain elasticity and not deform under the influence of weather conditions.

Laying artificial grass

Extruders made of polyethylene and polypropylene extrude fibers that eventually become like stems. Then this pile fiber is attached to the base. Moreover, it can be of different thickness, length, thickness, and so on.

They usually produce grass in sizes from 6 mm to 10 cm. At first glance, many manufacturers have the same coating, but each brand has its own device.

Attention! Modern production technologies provide such a natural look to artificial turf that it is almost impossible to distinguish it from natural grass.

The general classification of artificial lawns is based on the principle of installation.

Unfilled lawns

Aesthetically, this type of artificial grass is considered the most beautiful and closest to the natural prototype.

They try not to move on such a coating so as not to spoil the appearance, and use it for decorative purposes.

Distinctive advantages over other types - it does not require pouring quartz sand.

Half-fill lawns

They are the ones that can be seen most often on sports fields, playgrounds and cottages, since they represent the best option for such conditions.

Its soft polyethylene fiber can soften a bruise in the event of a fall. If you are laying such a lawn, it is important to consider one point: for the strength and reliability of a semi-fill lawn, you need quartz sand. It is this that is poured into the gaps among the fibers.

Infill lawns

This is a separate special type that is ideal for laying on football fields.

It combines rubber granulate with quartz sand and thanks to this it has excellent springiness. Such a coating has saved more than one athlete from serious injury.

Semi-fill lawns

Semi-fill lawn on quartz sand

The best option for children's playgrounds. Between the polyethylene fibers of artificial grass, repeating the stems of natural greenery, a filler - quartz sand - is poured. This procedure requires some labor, but the result is a significant increase in the stability of the pile, its strength and stability. In order for the properties of the coating to remain unchanged, the backfill must be renewed periodically (once every six months).

How to lay artificial turf on a football field

For football, as a rule, they use infill turf, the pile of which is from 2 to 5 cm.

Attention! If you choose a quality manufacturer and lay the coating in the right way, it can last 10 years.

Instructions on how to lay such a lawn:

  1. Correct installation begins from the moment the material is unloaded, because the better the materials are preserved during operation, the longer the field will last. Rolls of synthetic turf must be unloaded as carefully as possible. Many people, if possible, use a forklift for this with a pin with a diameter of 10 cm and a length of 3 m.
  2. Artificial grass can be laid on either a hard base or sand and gravel. The main thing here is that there is any elastic and durable substrate, at least 0.8-1 cm in thickness. If you take some thinner material, you won’t be able to lay the coating evenly, and you won’t be able to avoid bends either. After preparing the substrate, the process of rolling out the rolls begins. The process must take place in strict accordance with the field diagram. When the rolling is completed, the grass is left to lie for at least 10 hours so that the lawn is completely straightened and the tension from the previous form in which the material was stored is removed.
  3. The fleecy covering sheets are laid with a 15 mm overlap, after which they are trimmed so that the rolls fit millimeter to millimeter.
  4. Only after you have achieved an even and precise fit at the joints of the rolls can you proceed to gluing the different parts. To do this, it is important not to forget to trim the edges. Then unscrew the edges on each sheet and lay down the connecting tape (the joint of the sheets should be in the middle of the tape). Then you need to apply two-component glue with a spatula. After this procedure, the edges of the canvases are carefully lowered. Until the glue completely hardens, you will have to lift up all the fibers that have accidentally bent inside. Each seam is rolled using a roller.
  5. In some cases, marking lines are not sewn into all fields, and then it needs to be sewn in, but only after the grass cover is completely glued. Sewing requires strips and a special tool with a double blade. This tool is necessary to make a place for markings, apply glue, and then carefully insert the tapes.
  6. Another step is filling the lawn with sand. Calcined quartz sand is used (most used with a fraction of 0.3-0.6 mm). They are filled with them in dry weather. You can do it yourself, using ordinary tools. In accordance with the consumption rate per 1 sq. m. sand is distributed equally over the entire lawn, and then it is combed and given time to settle.
  7. The last step when laying artificial turf on a football field is to add additional rubber granules and then re-comb the turf. It is better that the rubber or caoutchouc granules have a fraction of 1-3 mm. After about 4-6 months of using the field, you will have to repeat the filling with granules.

Important! Permissible temperature at which it is allowed to play on a rubber surface: from -30ºС to +50ºС. Such a lawn must be constantly cleared of debris, not forgetting to rake it several times a year.

Backfilling of the coating

Work on filling the lawn with quartz sand and rubber crumbs should be done in dry weather. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

1. Dry sand, with a fraction of no more than 0.6 mm, is applied manually or with specially equipped machines to the surface of the lawn and evenly distributed, “combed” with rakes or brooms so that it ends up “at the bottom” of the covering.

2. The lawn is covered with rubber granules ranging in size from 1 to 2.5 mm, which, just like in the case of sand, are evenly distributed over the surface. Rubber crumbs come not only black, but also colored. It costs more.

3. At the end of the installation process, it is recommended to water the lawn.

How to lay artificial grass on concrete

Laying on concrete is most practiced in individual areas for the purpose of landscaping, on open terraces and even balconies. With such a covering, you also cannot do without a backing so that the grass cover does not quickly rub off on the base.

Stores offer a variety of thin coatings made from porous rubber or special geotextiles.

How to lay artificial turf on a football field

The artificial turf is attached to concrete using the following technology, similar to the mechanism for covering a football field:

  1. Initially, the surface is cleared of all kinds of debris.
  2. The artificial grass surface is carefully rolled out with a 15 mm overlap and left for a while to straighten out.
  3. The sheets used to cover are cut evenly at the joint line, so that the edges fit tightly together.
  4. Then they are glued together using tape and glue. The procedure is the same as in the previous case - the tape is positioned so that there is a joint in the middle, and glue is applied on top.

Attention! In some cases, the most rigid fixation is required, and then the seams can be additionally secured with staples.

Artificial lawn and its care

Before laying artificial turf, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for caring for it. There is nothing complicated about it. It is enough to comply with certain conditions of use, thanks to which the artificial grass will increase its service life while maintaining its presentable appearance for a long time.

The coating must be periodically washed, dirt removed, and in some cases even disinfected with special means.

  • Layers of sand and granulate require updating. It is enough to do this once every six months. More frequent procedures may be due to increased lawn use.
  • Once a week, the lawn should be slightly moistened if the weather is dry - this improves adhesion to the base.
  • Once every two weeks, do not forget to make small punctures in the lawn. This will improve aeration, help avoid rotting of the base from condensation and prevent the accumulation of water.

How to lay artificial grass in your garden

In summer cottages, laying a lawn is a particularly painstaking process. This is due to preliminary soil preparation. Also, under such conditions, it becomes more difficult to calculate the required shape and number of rolls.

It all happens as follows:

  1. The base is being prepared. That is, the earth is cleared of all weeds and debris. If there is such a possibility, then it should be leveled, however, this does not always happen. In addition, it is important to keep the soil dry and clean. If there is sand in the yard, then it is better not to lay a lawn on it, since there is a high risk of deformation.
  2. To prevent water from accumulating under the artificial carpet, it is necessary to additionally drain the liquid from the surface. Manufacturers usually take this into account when making a lawn, but in a summer cottage it is impossible to do without an additional drainage layer. It is made from fine-grained screenings or crushed stone.
  3. After the surface and drainage layer are prepared, they begin to roll out the rolls and lay the carpets end to end. When they are rolled out, they must be left for at least a day to straighten and take on a new shape. Uneven edges of rolls must be trimmed.
  4. Lying grass carpets are fixed with fastening materials.
  5. Unlike previous lawn laying technologies, it is strongly recommended to secure the edges with a mounting stapler.

Important! Under no circumstances should ice freeze on artificial surfaces by scraping it off with a shovel. This can cause irreparable damage to your home lawn.

Choosing a false lawn

When planning to purchase a lawn covering, it makes sense to adhere to a number of rules.

  • Elastic and soft pile is less susceptible to mechanical stress;
  • Matte finishes are more durable than shiny ones;
  • The closer the color of the grass is to natural, the better the quality of the artificial turf;
  • The greater the number of pile tufts per square meter, the greater the chance that the coating will hide all surface irregularities.

By following the recommendations of experts and taking into account the feedback from those who have already had the opportunity to try out the lawn, you can choose a truly high-quality product that matches the conditions of the territory.

Installation and laying of artificial grass

  • Field measurements
  • Rolling out rolls along the plane of the prepared base
  • Trimming the edging of rolls along their entire length in order to create evenness for future seams
  • Tapping rolled rolls butt to butt (the width of the seam should be equal to the distance between the ties)
  • Gluing cut and padded rolls using glue and seam tape
  • Inset markings
  • Backfilling with sand and rubber granulate

From 1000 m2 – 140 RUR2

  • Field measurements
  • Rolling out rolls along the plane of the prepared base
  • Trimming the edging of rolls along their entire length in order to create evenness for future seams
  • Tapping rolled rolls butt to butt (the width of the seam should be equal to the distance between the ties)
  • Gluing cut and padded rolls using glue and seam tape

From 100 to 200 m2 - 250 rubles2

From 200 m2 – 200 RUR2

  • Surveyor's work
  • Excavation of soil by 50-60 cm
  • Backfilling of inert materials crushed stone with a fraction of 40-70 mm (with compaction with a vibrating roller)
  • Backfilling of inert materials crushed stone with a fraction of 20-40 mm (with compaction with a vibrating roller)
  • Backfilling of inert materials with crushed stone of a fraction of 5-20 mm (with compaction with a vibrating roller)
  • Backfilling with granite screenings with a base slope from the center of the field to the perimeter (according to the project), the angle of inclination depends on the terrain.
  • Installation of linear drainage around the perimeter to drain rain and melt water
Before purchasing an artificial lawn, any person has a question: how is artificial grass installed?

Today we will tell you how to do this.

Laying any area with artificial turf begins with arranging the base for it. A high-quality base is 50% of successful coating installation.

The most optimal, in terms of price/quality ratio, is a crushed stone base.

To equip this foundation, excavation of 50-60 cm of soil around the perimeter of the site is required.

Next, the empty space is filled first with crushed stone of a coarse fraction of 20-40 mm, then with a smaller fraction of 5-10 mm. All layers must be well compacted. The final phase is backfilling the screenings, compacting them with a vibrating roller and leveling them according to geodetic calculations.

The site is leveled in such a way that the angle of inclination from the center of the field to its perimeter allows moisture to be removed. The angle of inclination is determined on site depending on the terrain.

Along the perimeter of the field it is necessary to install a linear drainage system to drain rain and melt water. The role of drainage can be performed by special trays made of high-strength polymer with special lids, which will serve as the edge of the field.

After preparing the base, you can carry out work on laying the field.

There are a number of conditions that must be met when laying artificial turf:

  • The base of the field must be dry and warm.
  • Laying of the coating should be done in dry and warm weather. The permissible average daily temperature must be at least 10 degrees Celsius.
  • The site must be completely cleared of construction and household waste.
  • To avoid weed germination, we recommend using regular geotextiles, spreading them around the entire perimeter of the field with a margin of approximately 30 cm at the edge.

So, when all of the above conditions are met, you can begin laying the field, which is divided into several stages.

Artificial turf base

To achieve a high-quality result, it is necessary that the soil is dry during preparation of the base. The air temperature should be about 10 degrees Celsius or higher. The required weather for work is without precipitation.

The choice of the optimal method of preparing the base from the possible options depends on the following factors:

a) the purpose for which the future lawn is intended;

b) the intensity of the upcoming load on the coating;

c) the type of soil that is supposed to be used as a foundation;

d) your financial and technological capabilities;

In the event that you need to lay artificial grass for a medium-intensity use of the future artificial lawn, you can handle the preparation of the base yourself, without the involvement of professionals and special equipment.

After clearing the area of ​​large debris and leveling the area, it is necessary to make more reliable drainage from crushed stone than in the case of an unfilled lawn.

To do this, you need to excavate the soil to a depth of about 50 cm and lay a geotextile backing. Its task is to prevent soil from mixing with artificial grass and increase the service life of the surface.

Rolls of substrate should be laid overlapping and secured with staples. Along the perimeter, the canvas should extend beyond the base by 15 - 20 cm.

After this, a layer of sand is laid, followed by coarse crushed stone, then fine crushed stone. All layers are carefully compacted.

If there is a possibility of flooding the site due to too intense precipitation, or due to a high groundwater level, it is necessary to lay drainage pipes at a depth of 50 cm along the bottom of the excavation.

The type of soil is one of the important factors influencing the process of preparing the base for artificial turf. Therefore, those who take on this work for the first time may have a question: how to lay a coating on sand?

As a rule, manufacturers do not recommend doing this at all, because sandy soil is unstable. It is necessary to remove the surface layer of sand, thoroughly compact the soil, and only then begin further work on installing the coating.

If you use concrete as a base, you need to make a slight slope for water drainage and before laying artificial grass, lay a special 1 cm thick asphalt backing or foam rubber mats. This will reduce the abrasion of the lawn and extend its service life. In addition, the substrate will act as a shock absorber. Before pouring concrete, it is also necessary to prepare drainage layers of sand and crushed stone.

As for the preparation of the base for laying infill lawns used as football fields in stadiums, in this case the laying of complex drainage systems with pipelines and trays for collecting water is required.

Stage two:

The edges of the rolls are bent in order to place a special seaming tape between them. A special 2-component glue is applied to the tape at a distance of 5 cm from its edges. Glue consumption is on average from 600 to 1000 g/m2. After applying the glue, the edges of the rolls are immediately pressed against the tape and rolled with a heavy roller.

At this point, decorative installation work can be completed. You can also install decorative artificial grass on vertical surfaces. To do this, you need to attach it to the wall using special screws or dowels.

Laying sports grass involves two more stages:


If the artificial turf will be used as a sports ground, then markings will be necessary. This can be done in two ways:

— painting;

- “inset”;

The first option is more economical and easier to implement, but less durable. Such markings, applied with polyurethane paint, will last from 3 to 5 years.

The second option is more labor-intensive, but the service life of such markings is equal to the service life of the site itself. It involves inserting markings made of the same artificial grass, only white.

To install the ribbon, strips of the required thickness are cut from white blades of grass on a green field. Then a connecting tape is placed under the resulting edges of the lawn, polyurethane glue is applied to it, and the edges of the lawn and the white marking insert are carefully placed, avoiding the glue getting on the fibers. Everything is pressed carefully.

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