Garden according to Feng Shui: proper arrangement of the garden area according to Feng Shui


Every gardener wants his garden plot, orchard, vegetable garden, or dacha to please with its flowering, harvest, and appearance.

Do you know that if you listen to the recommendations of Feng Shui, you can not only decorate your area, but also correct something in your own destiny.

Of course, you shouldn’t think that by planting red flowers in the south side of the garden and white ones in the north, you will radically change your life. And yet, you will undoubtedly provide some help to your fortune. After all, the garden is your miniature world, why not recreate it according to your own goals and objectives?

First of all, let's arm ourselves with a compass - the most ordinary one, as they say, a school one, will do. Stand in the center of the plot, determine the cardinal directions and mentally divide the garden into sectors according to eight parts of the world (south, north, east, west, northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest). However, this can be done on paper on which a plan of your property is plotted - for some it is even easier to develop a planting strategy.

Site planning according to Feng Shui rules

Watching his own garden from the window of a house, its owner feels that the garden has an influence on his inner world. A properly and beautifully landscaped area can give its owners vital energy, which differs and depends on what season it is:

  1. If it's winter outside, the garden can calm you down.
  2. When spring comes, a person becomes energetic.
  3. In the summer, the garden gives joy.
  4. And when autumn comes - prosperity.

According to Feng Shui, the best garden is one that is rectangular or square in shape with a flat surface. According to people who are keen on Feng Shui, the presence of hills, depressions, holes on the site, as well as if the shape of the garden is uneven, this prevents vital energy from moving straight. All unevenness traps energy and isolates it from the owners of the land.

Most often, land plots cannot be called ideal, but every defect or unevenness is corrected by planting plants, using various methods of decoration (small architectural forms, waterfalls, etc.).

The Chinese consider their garden plots to be one organism that is not able to function properly if it does not have all life systems, or the interconnectedness between them. There must be nine zones on the site.

If the plot is divided into zones taking into account the rules of Feng Shui, it should have nine zones of the same size, and be a total area that corresponds to the size of the plot.

Correct design of a summer cottage according to the teachings of Feng Shui.

In order to divide the territory of the site into zones, they stand at the entrance to the garden, which appears before the eyes of the owner.

  1. The first stripes of zones that the owner of the site sees are considered the zones of Reliable Friends, Career and Wisdom.
  2. The second stripe includes the zone of Children, Tai Chi and Family.
  3. The opposite side of the site should be occupied by the zones of Fame, Wealth and Relationships with people.

Each of the existing nine zones must be properly arranged, only in this case its energy will be retained on the site.

Planning to fill each zone with plants, done with a pencil and paper, is easier than other jobs. a sheet of paper is taken from which a figure is cut out, the parameters of which correspond to the site. For example, if the site area is 70 meters long and 50 meters wide, a rectangle is cut out on a scale that you determine for yourself.

Then, theoretically, you divide the area into even parts in the number of nine zones, and in each row you get three zones. After this, the sectors are signed (the name of each zone is taken).

If the area does not have even shapes and has curvatures, then you need two sheets of paper, one of which is used to depict the real shape of the area, and on a transparent sheet of paper or film you need to ideally draw a rectangle into sectors, placing it on the first sheet.

In this way, it will become clear which zones will be filled and for which there is not enough land. Those areas in which there is not enough land are developed first, since their influence will be weakest.

Your dacha and the secrets of Feng Shui

Feng Shui is the art of living in harmony, one of the most interesting Eastern teachings. We told you how to arrange and make your home cozy and prosperous using Feng Shui. But how to arrange your garden and dacha to attract prosperity?

Any home begins with an entrance, and Feng Shui attaches special importance to the main entrance, because it is through it that good luck and positive energy enter the house. Therefore, the entrance should be made as beautiful and noticeable as possible.

In front of the entrance to the house there should under no circumstances be any trees: large, standing or lying on the ground.

Trees and plants create an abundance of vital energy - qi, and greenery symbolizes wealth and abundance. Plants and trees must be healthy.

Drying and rotting plants should be removed immediately, as they create unfavorable energy - sha. This is especially harmful for older people and can also lead to impoverishment.

It is best to uproot the roots, otherwise the roots of evil and misfortune will remain. A large tree in the northwest of the house brings great happiness.

It’s good when the house “looks” to the south. If your home has windows or doors facing south, be sure to make a cornice or canopy over them, otherwise conflicts are possible in the family.

If in front of a house or dacha opposite the entrance there is a bridge, a railway, an abandoned wasteland, a construction site, etc., then it is advisable to build a decorative wall of brick, stone, or simply plant tall trees, thereby protecting the house from the flow of negative energy. However, do not place them very close to the main entrance.

In order to create a source of positive energy in front of a building located at the end of a T-shaped intersection or highway, you can create a small green “island” of trees and shrubs, arrange a small fountain, put up a sculpture or a lantern. The main thing is that the trees are not sick or drying out, the fountain works properly, and the sculpture is not a pointed structure, otherwise these objects will turn from “helpers” into “enemies”, that is, they will become additional sources of negative sha energy.

To ensure that plants feel good in the garden, do not get sick, and do not create causes for concern, it is better to grow vegetables, herbs, trees and shrubs that are characteristic of your climate zone. If you want to grow exotic plants in your garden, be sure to find out where such a plant comes from and what conditions are necessary for its development and fruiting. Local plant species are also good because they do not disturb the harmony of the soul with the surrounding area; their symbolism is clear to you, since it is part of your culture.

When making flower or vegetable arrangements in flower beds and beds according to Feng Shui, you need to take into account the compatibility of plants with each other. The selection criterion will be whether a particular plant belongs to one of the five elements, and this is determined by the color of the leaves or flowers.

All plants belong to the element of Wood, yellow flowers will add Earth to the balance of elements, red flowers will add Fire, blue flowers will add Water, white flowers will add Metal. From the point of view of Feng Shui, the proximity of plants with white and blue flowers will be favorable. It’s a good idea to add yellow ones to red flowers. A yellow-blue flowerbed (a destructive combination of Earth and Water) is best given a round shape (Metal) to neutralize the conflict of elements.

Wisdom Zone, first to the left from the entrance to the site

This zone should be located in the corner of the site. It is the most calm and balanced sector, which is perfect for relaxing in solitude and is usually hidden from the prying eyes of strangers.

The zone of Wisdom, which is more hidden from outsiders, has a more favorable effect on the owners of the garden, helping them to think smart thoughts.

The area is arranged so that everything in it is subject to privacy. It is necessary to make it as beautiful and quiet as possible. This can be achieved by planting a hedge or a row of trees with dense crowns on the side of the adjacent area. A good solution would be to create a kind of “cave” inside the zone. To do this, install a single bench or hang a hammock, surrounding the area on all sides with the help of planted climbing plants or shrubs, creating the appearance of an enclosed space.

It’s not bad if the only exit from this area is the path to the house. The Wisdom Zone should be performed in the colors of the sun (yellow, orange, pink, red). Flowering plants, tiles, rocking chairs, hammocks and other elements should be selected in this color.

Northeast sector-6

There is complete order with positive energy here. To enhance the effect, you can plant cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, eggplants, pumpkin, potatoes, and legumes. By the way, potatoes and legumes, in particular beans, get along well together. This is a good space saver - beans can be sown next to potatoes. In addition, beans have a beneficial effect on the soil. After fruiting, the plants can be buried in the rows; next year the soil here will be loose and fertile.

Career Zone, in the first row of the center of the site

In order to confidently climb the career ladder, this zone is arranged in the form of a kind of oasis, which must be concentrated on a water source. You can create a fountain or stream in which there is a constant movement of water, like the flow of your life.

Make sure that the water in the Career zone flows only towards the house, and its energy should be stored inside the garden without leaving it.

It is not recommended to dig a pond because standing water will stop the quarry from growing. It is better to complement a water feature (stream, waterfall, fountain) with winding paths, flower beds with smooth and uneven shapes, hills and mounds.

Arrangement of ponds in the garden according to Feng Shui.

In this case, it is necessary to select plants with special care so that they have exclusively silver-blue and golden-white tones. Using the sun's gamma can reduce success and career growth.

Your dacha and the secrets of Feng Shui

All flowers, shrubs and trees have some symbolic meaning. So in Feng Shui, cypress is royalty, pine and pear symbolize longevity, willow - favor, plum - beauty, youth, quince - beauty, love and fertility, acacia - perseverance, pomegranate - fertility, tangerine - wealth, bamboo - youth, peach - friendship, jasmine - friendship, scarlet rose - beauty, love, passion, tea rose - wise conversation, narcissus - rejuvenation, tulip - love, devotion, sunflower - constancy in love, geranium - perseverance, endurance and patience, fern - wealth , mint - peace, water lily - mercy, etc.

Feng Shui rules dictate the planting conditions for certain plants. For example, it is advisable to plant a willow in the area in front of the facade of the house, and a peach in the courtyard. Feng Shui strongly recommends placing pine and other coniferous trees behind the house. Only thuja and spruce cannot be planted close to the home. A yew planted behind the house will protect you from various troubles (gossip, envy, hostility) from neighbors and friends. In an ideal garden, only those plants should grow that are compatible with the elements of the owner and his family members.

It is a good idea to place a strong and beautiful tree or fragrant flowers that attract bees and butterflies in the center of the site, from where the positive energy generated by “your” plant will spread throughout the entire plot of land, moving along a winding path to the front door of the house.

Be sure to leave free space in front of the house; start planting at a distance of five or more meters from it. Shrubs and trees should also not be planted close to a fence or fence. In a few years, the trees and shrubs will grow, their crowns will shade most of the area, and then its Feng Shui will worsen.

Zone of Reliable People in the lower right corner of the site

This zone is being developed for friends to communicate on its territory. For this reason, it is necessary to create a platform where noisy groups and trusted friends will have fun spending their free time. A gazebo or patio will perfectly decorate and make this area cozy.

Try to provide for the location of the gate of the site - it is best for it to be in the zone of Reliable Friends - this way you open the way for the energy of friends.

You definitely need to place a round lantern in the corner of the area, capable of attracting friends to visit you with its light. You can place a parking lot for cars in this area, since it is the beginning of the territory of your suburban area, which makes it possible not to drive cars throughout the entire garden. In addition, a parking lot or carport will attract other cars into the house, so you will be hosting good friends in your home more often.

It is not recommended to decorate the area with the colors of fire - all shades of red.

Monastery courtyard

Designers recommend creating such a garden - a vegetable garden according to Feng Shui using plant oases. Here, a riot of color will be combined with the restrained tones of white stone paths and wicker furniture in brown and beige tones.

It is ideal to choose easy-to-care plants that are suitable for your climate for such a garden. In this case, this will always ensure a blooming appearance and lush vegetation.

For decoration, bindweed and low-growing plants in cache-pots, pots and tubs are suitable. They can be brought into the house during the cold season and saved until next summer. Consider which frost-resistant plant species to choose to plant in open ground.

Traditionally, the garden is made rectangular or square, but from the point of view of Feng Shui, there may be another favorable shape.

Family Zone in the left square of the central stripe

The relationship between family members and close relatives depends on how you arrange this area.

The Family Zone needs to be arranged in such a way that it would be pleasant for all family members to gather there, where they could unite and learn everything about each other.

It’s not bad if you spend family holidays in this area (for example, it can become your summer living room). You can put a table and chairs in the area for evening gatherings for the whole family.

It may happen that this zone ends up on the terrace - that’s great. You can make it cozy and pleasant to relax. And if the residential building is located on the other side, you can arrange a terrace or pave the area for installing the necessary furniture on it.

And since the Family zone is located on the side of the plot, the side facing the neighboring plot can be hidden from prying eyes that could disturb the family’s rest with the help of green plantings.

The creation of a small artificial pond or other body of water will greatly enliven the area. Any body of water allows thoughts to flow smoothly, and communication between people is smooth and calm.

Northern sector-8

This sector has a favorable atmosphere for rest and relaxation, so you should not create any garden beds here. It’s better to hang a hammock, install a pool, make a sandbox for the children, put together a table with a bench and relax with the whole family with a glass of homemade apple juice in your hands and a feeling of happiness, complacency and fullness of life.

  • Author: Vasily
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Tai Chi zone in the central part of the site

In the central square of the garden plot there is a zone responsible for your health and vitality. It is capable of accumulating energy that enters the site from the outside and transferring it to the garden owners.

If the area is open and visible from any side of the site, all family members will be healthy. Therefore, it is not recommended to erect any buildings that could interfere with the free movement of energy.

In the central zone of Tai Qi, the vitality and health of the people who own the site accumulate. For this reason, it is necessary to remove any obstacles that could prevent the energy from entering the zone.

The best arrangement option may be a flat lawn and a flowerbed with a spiral shape in its center, as well as a mirror ball on a leg, which greatly enhances the influence of this zone on the garden owners. It is necessary to ensure that garden paths lead from the lawn to each of the other zones, along which life-giving energy flows into the central zone of the site.

Eastern sector -1

This sector is intended for growing greens and root crops. Various types of onions, garlic, radishes, beets, carrots, radishes, turnips, parsley, dill, basil and salads work well here. Beans, beans, peas, wheat, rye - also need to be planted in square 1. The plants will give a rich harvest. Dill goes very well with parsley. An excellent harvest is produced by turnips, radishes and beets planted along the edges of onion and garlic beds. But it is not recommended to sow beets near carrots. It will wither away, while the carrots here will produce an excellent root vegetable. One more tip about radishes. It is extremely susceptible to wireworm attacks. In order for radishes to grow in 2015, it is recommended to sow them not in a separate bed, but point-by-point - between the heads of garlic. For radishes, this location is good because the smell of garlic does not particularly attract the voracious wireworm. For garlic, this proximity is even beneficial; during the radish harvest period, the soil is loosened more deeply, which, as a rule, becomes very compacted in the garlic bed.

Children's zone on the right side of the center row

The most vibrant and fun area in the garden is the Children's area. There should always be a lot of fun, excitement, smiles and laughter on its territory. For small children, you can organize a playground by installing a slide, a sandbox, and a swing.

Constant daily activity, which will be observed in the Children's area, will make the owners of the garden cheerful and energetic.

For children who have grown up and can no longer be called small, the area can be equipped with the help of pets or flower beds, which will be filled with interesting and fragrant flowers, over which butterflies circle and bees fly. The movement of butterflies, bees, pets and their children will bring energy, cheerfulness and enthusiasm into the lives of the owners of the site. The owners themselves will be interested in working with flowers, planting them and caring for them.

Mixed styles

Disorganization in planting should not be allowed. Don't overload with decorative components and neglect the garden. All this negatively affects the overall impression, and in addition, the natural flow of Qi is disrupted, and negative Sha is also attracted.

In the center of a mixed-style garden, you can create a rock garden - an alpine hill, where artificial hills, trickles of water and alpine plants will perfectly combine with each other.

You can also take the path of simplification if there is already a natural hill or slope on the site. If there is none, you will have to create an artificial hill from stones with cracks. It is necessary to provide areas of free land where ornamental plants will subsequently be located.

Be sure to place a flower girl on one of the slopes. It is made from driftwood, logs or tubs. Stony or sandy soil is laid in the spaces between the stones, and then flowers are planted.

You can put just a few different stones, plant a dwarf tree like a maple near them and it will create shade. In addition, you can use several stones around the pond in the country. It’s good if they are shapeless blocks of natural color. Smooth boulders are not the best choice.

The best feng shui for the garden will be obtained if a lawn is laid out near the stones or creeping plants are planted. They create a green carpet that will look absolutely amazing. If we consider low-growing plants, we can pay attention to the alpine bell, cinquefoil, saxifrage or spring gentian.

Avoid excesses in the form of a large number of tall plants. A couple of bushes are enough. In addition, it is desirable that they be perennial. Saddlery or Erica bush would be perfect here. Geranium takes root well in rock gardens. But it requires timely breaking off the top so that there is no excessive growth - the plant will turn out lush and very beautiful. Provide geraniums with a shady place and good drainage.

A Japanese primrose will look great near the foot of the hill. It blooms very beautifully in spring. But at the same time it loves moisture, so it is better to place it near a stream or pond. And between the stones there will be a saxifrage. The leaves will cover the stones, creating an excellent decorative element.

Wealth Zone on the far left

The Wealth Zone should be equipped only with tall elements: columnar trees, tall sculptures, garden lanterns with high legs. These high elements catch the energy of money and leave it on the site.

A good symbol for future wealth is a compost heap with fertilizer ripening in it. The main thing is to decorate it and give the pile an aesthetic appearance, since it, as a symbol of big money and prosperity, must be treated with respect.

The use of water in this zone can attract flows of money, therefore, if there are no streams or fountains on its territory, you need to place various containers and pour water into them.

You can also attract wealth with running water; however, settled water, which can be used for watering garden and vegetable plants, is also suitable for this.

Mediterranean style

The design of the garden is dominated by bright, lush and low roses, carnations, lilies and sunflowers. Plants with dark green leaves (orange trees, laurel trees, lemon trees), as well as green climbing vines or vines, will look great.

The style includes light and white elements of ceramic tiles on paths, terraces and flower vases. The best part is that trees and flowers on patios do not need to be planted in open ground. Baskets, flowerpots and pots are more suitable for this, since they can be controlled: placed as you like.

It is ideal to use natural materials for containers: clay pots, hand-painted ceramic vases. Bindweeds are planted in hanging baskets. All pots and vases are made in the same brown style, which gives balance to the overall appearance of the garden.

In Japan it is a place of reflection and relaxation. Each individual component of the garden operates on a subtle level, creating a wonderful mood and bringing to mind the spiritual side of life. The space is harmonized in such a way that a person feels himself as part of a common whole, and harmony with the Universe is achieved.

We usually think of a Zen garden as consisting of stones, clay and sand. They are the main elements. The colors and shapes of these components allow for unique design solutions. For example, in the stones, as if thoughtlessly scattered, you can see the sea, islands and waves.

There may well be plants in such a garden, but they should not occupy the center of the composition. They should not distract attention from the central composition of stone and sand. Small trees and dwarf shrubs are perfect.

You can add water sources to the landscape in the form of a pond or lake. It would also be great to create a little sound of flowing water. The latter requires an invisible source so that the water is not noticeable, but rather felt. Thus, it is better to disguise all streams and waterfalls with grass and trees, and decorate the banks with stones.

Zone of Relationships with People in the right rear corner of the site

The Area of ​​Relationships with People is a fairly important sector of your garden. If you notice that plants in the area grow poorly or often get sick, this indicates that you often have conflicts with people, you do not get along with your neighbors or acquaintances.

Pergolas, arches and other vertical structures installed in large quantities in this area will make your relationships with people better and kinder.

Since the back entrance to the site is located in the area of ​​​​Relations with people, equip it with pergolas and gazebos so that people will enjoy walking under the arches and through tunnels equipped with climbing plants. Plant grapes that will weave trellises with their vines. It’s a good idea to install a carved bench with a gazebo to communicate with people who come to you.

In order to always have like-minded people, you need to plant identical plants in pairs, put up a couple of lanterns and try to keep other elements in pairs. Thanks to pair symbolism, conflicts are removed and male and female energies are balanced.

After laying the foundations of the Feng Shui garden, it is necessary to engage in a more detailed selection of accessories and plants in order to ennoble each sector.

Western sector-5

The most unfavorable energy reigns in this sector, and onions, garlic and cucumbers will help weaken it. No matter how strange it may seem, it is desirable that these vegetables grow in the fifth sector all year round. In summer, energy is under control, but in autumn and winter, garlic alone, planted at the end of September, will not cope with the energy imbalance, so before winter you also need to plant onions. It will overwinter well in the beds and produce a strong and large harvest next summer. True, we must take into account that not all varieties of onions can be planted before winter. The most resistant to bolting and cold varieties are Ellan, Strigunovsky, Arzamassky, Myagkovsky-300, Bessonovsky, Odintsovets, Stuttgarten Riesen, Danilovsky-301, Chalcedony. The method of planting onions is usual, the only difference is that the planting depth should be at least 7 cm.

Symbolic decor

In addition to dividing the site into zones and properly arranging them, favorable energies can be attracted by various signs. For example, install a weather vane with an image of a dragon, peacock or sailboat on a house or gazebo.

These symbols will help you build a career and a successful business, harmonize family relationships, and attract strength, wisdom and health.

You can break negative energy and protect your home from it with bells called wind chimes. They are placed not only inside the house, but also on the site. The sounds made by the bells under the influence of the wind will scare away both negativity and birds that can cause damage to plantings.

To avoid elemental conflicts, you need to correctly place bells made from different materials. So, clay bells can be placed in the southwestern, central and northeastern parts of the site. Metal bells will be more useful if placed in the western and northwestern parts of the site, glass bells - in the western part. Bells made of bamboo or wood are suitable for the eastern and southeastern parts.

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