Layout and design of a plot of 5 acres: how to wisely manage a small space

Examples of layouts that are worth adopting

Landscape designers design any area, regardless of size. At the same time, an individual specialist brings his own ideas, developments, and solutions to the project.

The rectangular layout of 5 acres is considered the most common and convenient, since most plots have a standard quadrangular shape. This makes it easy to divide the territory into zones, select the desired design, and plan the supply of communications. There is no need to create complex lines or intricate patterns. There is more open space left.

Example of territory distribution Source

The layout of a plot of 5 acres of diagonal type is used quite often. From corners to corners, paths are laid across the entire territory, dividing it into zones.

Equipped recreation area at the dacha Source

Irregular planning allows for many options for the distribution of zones, which consist of rectangular, curvilinear, and diagonal planning elements. It is important that they fit harmoniously into the overall design concept.

Despite the apparent chaos, the irregular distribution of space has its own rules:

  • A path is laid from the gate to the house, decorated along the edges with flowers or bushes.
  • The entrance area is located at the exit to the street. A parking area is being set up there, which can be imagined either in the form of a garage or a simple canopy.
  • A recreation area with a playground is located behind the house. A garden is being planted there.
  • The utility yard is pushed to the farthest corner. There is a vegetable garden nearby.
  • Outbuildings and a vegetable garden are separated from other areas by fruit or ornamental trees.

Curvilinear or natural planning of a plot of 5 acres is usually carried out taking into account already laid paths and paths. The main principle in it is the smoothness of the lines, without sharp corners, straight lines. This gives the design a special elegance and beauty.

Shrubs and flower beds are planted along these paths. At the same time, it is important to ensure that they do not grow and do not cover the paths.

Arc planning involves the use of arcs and tangents in the design. This is acceptable on any site and is suitable for any stylistic decision. All turns and corners are rounded, which makes moving around them comfortable and enjoyable.

Birch tree planting Source

Circular or radial layouts are increasingly being implemented on rounded and elongated plots. All structures and zones are located along imaginary circular or arcuate lines. Lines extend radially from the center along which various structures and decorative elements are placed. This looks especially beautiful on a square-shaped plot, where the corners remain unused, so they are planted with different types of bushes and trees.

The house is built in the center or directly on the radial line. If it stands closer to the end of the site, then it is surrounded in a circle by different buildings and zones. You can place all design elements along a circular line on the side of the house.

Table with chairs in the backyard Source

Orientation by cardinal directions

Pattern of the movement of the sun by season

In order for the crops to be grown to receive enough lighting, when planning a summer cottage, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • trees and buildings are always placed on the north side so that they do not block the area with the main plantings
  • vegetables and berry crops should be located on the south side, where the soil warms up most intensely
  • It is advisable to place beds for low-growing plants in the direction from north to south, especially in shaded areas and in lowlands
  • in southern and arid regions, where there is plenty of sunlight, the beds are oriented from west to east so that the plants slightly shade each other
  • raised beds are placed from east to west
  • in case of strong dry winds, their location is adjusted so that the beds go across the air masses

Even in a well-lit place, garden crops will not ripen well if they are in a draft (in a wind tunnel). Therefore, try to protect your plantings from the winds with the help of buildings, green hedges and trees.

Planning a summer cottage is a fascinating and very interesting process. However, in order not to create great inconvenience for yourself in the future, try to adhere to generally accepted rules for the placement of certain zones. Landscape engineer V.V. In the next video, Poletaeva gives detailed recommendations on drawing up plans and diagrams. You might also find her advice useful:

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Principles of planning a summer cottage: examples for 5-6, 8-10, 12 and 15 acres, planning of hilly areas, orientation to the cardinal points (75 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

What to pay attention to when planning

Any person who dreams of owning their own home on their own plot, even before purchasing land, has plans in their head about their future homeownership, about where and what to place in order to provide their family with comfortable, beautiful housing. After acquiring the land, even before the start of development, it will be necessary to take into account many factors associated with this site and reflect them in the design documents.

A small plot with all the necessary buildings Source

Landscape design with a lawn Source

It is necessary to resolve legal issues and study the requirements of various norms and standards. Therefore, you will have to prepare documents with local authorities even before the start of registration of the site. Remember about the “good neighborly” rules and regulations for the construction of structures, since their violation can start an ongoing war with neighbors, which often ends in court.

To properly draw up a plan, it is recommended to consider:

  • plot size;
  • its shape;
  • orientation to the cardinal directions;
  • relief;
  • soil type;
  • presence of groundwater and flood waters;
  • level of natural light.

Beautiful lawn behind the house Source

Cozy courtyard with seating area Source
All of these factors, or even one of them, can be decisive when planning. For example, an increased groundwater level will require the construction of a large-scale drainage system and serious drainage measures. Without this, it will be impossible to start building a house. When creating a garden, the level of illumination and soil fertility are of great importance.

Without a detailed development of a plan, carrying out work on an area of ​​5 acres becomes difficult. Various errors are possible that will need to be eliminated as the site is developed. For example, blind corners and dead zones may form that remain unused, making it difficult to find effective use for them.

Courtyard with gazebo and swing Source

Two-story house on a small area Source

It is especially difficult if errors are identified after the construction of buildings and communications. Then it is impossible to make adjustments.

Careful, competent consideration of engineering networks and communications is important. First, they designate the locations of buildings, lay out the most optimal routes for communications, and only after that pay attention to other planning points.

Drainage system around the house Source

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in landscaping work on sites.

Where does site planning begin?

Typical plots of 5 acres are rectangular or square in shape, although there are rounded, elongated, tapering at one edge, and oval ones.

Country house with a balcony Source

Option for placing a large two-story house on a small plot Source

The entire territory is divided into zones. There are usually four of them:

  • Residential, which includes a house with adjacent buildings: a terrace, a garage, a bathhouse.
  • Economic. Includes a barn, fuel storage for the house with an independent heating system. Housekeeping lovers allocate space for a chicken coop and rabbitry.
  • A place to relax.
  • Garden Garden. This zone is optional; the choice is determined by the preferences of the owners.

For each zone, its place is determined, after which their size and the size of the buildings are thought out. You should start by allocating space for large structures, then begin to distribute the remaining area. Sites are allocated for different zones, gardens, vegetable gardens, and all paths connecting all objects are marked.

The main route is determined, usually this is a path from the gate to the porch of the house.

Well on the site Source

The residential area usually occupies no more than 25% of the entire territory - this is about 125 square meters. m. About 15% of the area, that is, about 75 sq. m., is allocated for toilets, bathhouses, and sheds. m. The most space is usually occupied by the garden and vegetable garden, if the owners plan to grow something. This is about 100 sq. m. You can plant shrubs, fruit trees, flowers, build a small pond, gazebo.

If access to the house is difficult, it is built right at the gate. But it is better to place it away from the street and noise, to be closer to trees and flowers. For a children's playground, gazebos allocate space near the house. There is a pond nearby.

Small pond near the house Source

Outbuildings are built closer to the fence, where they are less noticeable and take up less space. Better yet, attach the barn and gazebo to the house, making them corner ones.

The garage is important. It needs to be placed closer to the street, with an area of ​​about 7-8 square meters allocated for it. meters.

Checking into the garage Source

Therefore, the following points are indicated on the paper diagram:

  • entry point to the site;
  • location of the house;
  • garage or parking;
  • territory for a garden, vegetable garden;
  • flower beds;
  • water;
  • barn, toilet, bathhouse;
  • paths;
  • communications.

On the diagram it is necessary to mark the places where plants and trees are planted. It is better to abandon very large plants in advance; they shade the area and require a lot of space. Vegetable beds are placed along the fence or in a specially designated place so as not to disturb the aesthetics.

It is important to think about lighting. All significant objects should be illuminated: gazebo, porch, fountain, pond, paths, especially the main one.

Round lamps for the street Source

Important points in design

It is necessary to place objects not only in accordance with comfort requirements, but also taking into account safety standards. Difficulties in planning a summer cottage plot of 6 acres will lie in zoning. We will have to abandon the placement of massive objects: a large playground, a swimming pool.

In addition to the size of the territory, other points are taken into account:

  • Design is carried out according to the rules established by the state. They are prescribed in the town planning code of the Russian Federation. A project drawn up in accordance with these requirements will protect the owner from litigation with neighbors and fire hazards.
  • The design style is chosen at the early stages of design. And in accordance with it, materials for construction and cladding are selected. The design of individual objects is drawn up.
  • The uniqueness of the plan is a requirement made by the owners. If you need to make an unusual project that will differ from the neighbors, you will have to act independently, without relying on ready-made materials.
  • The site design is drawn up taking into account the cost. The budget influences the choice of materials, quantity and quality of buildings.
  • The tastes and preferences of the owners are the deciding factor. If the dacha is intended for a single elderly couple, then there is no need for a large gazebo or children's area.

These details are taken into account at the initial stage. Designers advise first drawing up requirements for the site. A list of what the owner wants to see in the yard. Voiced preferences will allow you to create an accurate list of objects. Additionally, you can place horizontal bars, make a jogging path around the territory, inside the site.


The Town Planning Code and the set of fire safety rules during the construction of buildings prescribe compliance with basic requirements.

  • The bathhouse should be located 5 m from the house.
  • Trees are planted 4 meters from the border of the neighboring territory. This is a requirement of the town planning code.
  • A residential building should occupy no more than 10% of the total area of ​​the plot of 6 acres. In our case it is 60 squares. The owners can increase the area by adding an attic or second floor.
  • Setbacks for the construction of a residential building: 6 m from the neighbor’s house, 5 m from the street, 3 meters from the neighbors’ territory. If there is a forest nearby, retreat 15 m from it.
  • From the well to the toilet - 20 m.

The layout of a garden plot of 6 acres should include these points. Detailed information is contained in the town planning code. Ignoring it is fraught with troubles with the law.

Location of buildings

Convenience and safety are the main criteria. Based on them, we draw up an approximate location of buildings. There are online programs on the Internet that allow you to correctly plan a site, in compliance with dimensions and standards. The parameters are immediately set there, and you can freely change the places of buildings on the site.

The scheme is drawn up taking into account the location of objects outside the territory. Zoning begins from the place where the gate and gate for vehicle entry will be located. The cardinal directions are immediately applied to the project.

Features of landscape design on 5 acres

Not every design is suitable for a small plot of 5 acres. The rustic style fits organically into 5 acres: winding paths, various fences: wattle fence, picket fence, fence made of poles. To recreate a special atmosphere, you can use old or antique objects: wooden benches, watering cans, cart wheels.

Option for locating the house in the center of the plot Source

A lot of wood is used to construct various structures and supports for climbing plants. This could be a bathhouse, a log gazebo, a bridge, or pergolas.

They plant fruit trees, bushes, pumpkins, sunflowers. The arrangement should be arbitrary, even careless, without a clear pattern.

Country style in landscape design Source

The English style is often called landscape. It is characterized by bright colors, smooth curves, asymmetrical layout without sharp corners and clear lines. Any irregularities and depressions are used. You can make a small pond of irregular shape and plant uneven places with wild flowers. A beautiful gazebo is perfect for this style.

An important element of this design is a large alpine slide, which imitates a real mountain landscape. For this, stones of different shapes and sizes and wild plants are used.

Arranging a clearing in the backyard Source

The oriental style is characterized by maximum functionality, so it is well suited for a plot of 5 acres. Its components are bright flower beds, gazebos with a domed roof, fountains, stones and mosaics.

This style is good because it does not require large material costs, although not a single centimeter of space is left free. For example, you can use any remnants of ceramic tiles for mosaic finishing.

The eastern garden requires planting low-growing trees, including plums and cherries.

Landscape design in Japanese style Source

Japanese style is laconic and does not require much space. It is enough to plant one tree and use many different stones. There must be a small body of water, with a lot of vegetation next to it. A small rock garden, a small pagoda with a fountain or waterfall will look elegant and stylish.

You will need to plant dwarf bonsai trees, as well as decorate the recreation area with screens, lanterns, stone decorations, and trees.

A Chinese garden is arranged according to the rules of Feng Shui, that is, taking into account the harmonious relationship of the elements Yin and Yang. You need to use wicker furniture, mats, interesting architectural elements, and lanterns.

Chinese style garden Source

The design of a summer cottage plot of 5 acres is not always possible to subordinate to certain rules and fit within a strict framework. Therefore, it is allowed to use even the most incredible creative ideas. This is characteristic of the so-called free style, which mainly depends on the tastes and wishes of the owners of the site.

Usually a large tree, vines, flowers are planted, and various items from other styles are used. You can play with the forest or fruit trees available on the site. The flowerbed is sown with any flowers, including wildflowers, a gazebo is built, and the pond is decorated with floating plants.


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The landscape design of a plot of 5 acres has its own characteristics. A territory with such a small area can be viewed from anywhere. Therefore, the main task of the owner is to create a single ensemble from which not a single structure or flowerbed will stand out. To do this, the easiest way is to choose one of the ready-made style solutions.

House on a plot of 5 acres

The relative position of various buildings and the house is the most difficult problem when planning a site. The main element in this case is a residential building. Its location is influenced by many different factors.

Location of the house on a plot of 5 acres Source

Typical house placement options:

  • Central. Most often, the house is located in the center of the site, slightly shifted towards one of the side fences. A so-called backyard is organized behind it, and in front of it is a landscaped courtyard.
  • Front landing at home. It is carried out if it is not possible to make an entrance to a house located in the depths of the site.
  • Rear. Often houses are located in the depths of the garden, and the space in front of it is filled with trees and flower beds. This is especially important if there is a road in front of the site. In this case, it is better to place the building further away from it so that less noise penetrates into the house.

Beautiful house in American style Source

Plot on a hill Source
Quite often, the topography of the site, especially in suburban areas, does not allow building a house where we would like. The site may be uneven, on a slope, triangular, elongated or L-shaped. Therefore, it is important, at the same time as aesthetic ones, to take into account such aspects as the convenience of entering the house from the entrance area.

Arrangement of differences in the area Source

If the site is located on a slope, the highest part is allocated for the house. Then flood waters will not flood the building after the snow melts or rains.

If the garage is adjacent to the house, then it is built from the entrance. Otherwise, you will have to allocate a significant area to organize access to it.

It is recommended to place a small lawn in front of the house. It is also advisable to build a children's playground close to the house so that children are always supervised. It is necessary to make paths from the house to the main buildings.

Small cozy house Source

It is very important to choose the right direction for the front door of the house. This is not only a tribute to tradition, but an opportunity to make the operation of the house more economical and rational:

  • more light will penetrate into the rooms;
  • less heat-insulating materials will be needed for wall decoration;
  • The cost of heating or cooling your home will be reduced.

If you turn the door to the south, this side will be well lit even in winter. There will be less snow applied and it will melt faster, meaning less time and effort will be needed to clear the yard. The south side always warms up faster and is more protected from the wind, so less cold air will penetrate into the house.

The ideal option is to turn the games room and living room to the south. In this case, it is advisable to make a canopy or cornices on this side that will protect the premises from direct sunlight in the summer.

Large house on a small plot Source

On the north side there are rooms that can easily be done without windows: storage rooms, warehouses, a boiler room, a garage. A solid wall retains heat better.

The most favorable side of the world is the east. It is ideal for arranging kitchens, bedrooms, and lounges. During sunrise there will be bright, pleasant light; the rest of the day the room will remain bright and cozy. However, in winter this side of the house cools faster, so you shouldn’t have a lot of windows here.

Beautiful design of the entrance to the house Source

The western side requires constant attention. It is cool and moisture tends to accumulate here. Therefore, it is not recommended to place living rooms and bedrooms in this part of the house.

It is important to take into account the general concept of the buildings and design of neighboring houses, the comfort of living with neighbors, your own well-being and rational use of space.

It is better to entrust the calculation of winds, sunlight intensity, heating and cooling to professionals who will develop an individual house project taking into account the characteristics of the site.

Option for placing a country house Source

Beauty and comfort

There are no trifles in creating beauty and comfort in a small dacha. A small area is easy to maintain, so you can place decorative elements that require more care than usual.

Vertical layout

The vertical layout makes a small area more spacious. It is used in areas with pronounced natural relief.

You can create a small height difference yourself. On flat areas, the vertical layout is limited to creating a slight slope from the house to the perimeter. The highest point of the territory should be the blind area of ​​the house. To remove precipitation, a slope of 1-2 degrees is enough - this means a height difference of 1-2 cm per linear meter.

Decorative elements of vertical layout:

  • artificial artificial hills;
  • terrace;
  • slopes;
  • rockeries;
  • stairs;
  • descents;
  • cliffs;
  • retaining walls,

To create hills, it is easiest to use soil taken from a pit dug under the foundation of a house or a pond. Artificial hills are given natural smooth outlines. In a small area their height should not be higher than 120 cm.


Hanging flower beds

Hanging flower beds help place a large number of flowers in small areas. They are made from any materials, from plastic bottles to leftover metal castings.

Design features of hanging flower beds:

  • these design elements are very noticeable, so they must be combined with the rest of the design of the site;
  • the fastening should be as strong as possible, especially for ceramic flowerpots;
  • the mounts must be rotatable so that the plants can be protected from the sun.


The hanging flower beds “blooming ball” are especially impressive. These structures are made with your own hands from wire, lining the inside of the frame with a waterproof film. Nutrient substrate is poured inside. Plants are planted in small holes made in the film.

Unpretentious flowers with a long flowering period are suitable for hanging flower beds:

  • marigold;
  • petunias;
  • nasturtiums

Ideas for hanging flower beds in the photo:

Plants and flowers for seasonal blooming

Based on their flowering time, garden crops can be classified as long-lasting and seasonally flowering. Seasonal plantings are created from crops whose flowering is limited to one season.

Bulbous and tuberous plants are planted in spring flower beds. Snowdrops are the first to bloom, followed by scylla and crocuses, which give way to hyacinths, muscari, tulips, and daffodils. The last to bloom in the spring flower garden are primroses and lilies of the valley.

Carnations, bells, aquilegia, cornflower, and peonies bloom in early summer flower beds. For late summer and early autumn flower beds, choose asters, gladioli, dahlias, roses and chrysanthemums.

The most difficult thing is to choose plants for the autumn flower bed. The assortment is limited to English asters, Korean chrysanthemums, colchicums, bergenia, rudbeckia and helenium. You can complement the pre-winter splendor with late marigolds, which will go under the snow in bloom.


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How to beat uneven soil

Before building a house and dividing the site into zones, you will need to eliminate all unevenness and differences in soil level. Sometimes a site initially has a flat surface, but even the most ideal surface at first glance has slopes, irregularities, and slopes.

Owners do not always have the opportunity to level the site. This requires a lot of time, money, and effort. You will have to cut off the soil somewhere, then pour it into the lowlands.

All irregularities can be played out and thus beautified the area. With the help of small tricks, disadvantages turn into advantages, and the small area itself visually seems more spacious.

Arrangement of a personal plot with your own hands Source

The advantage of an uneven area is also that when designing it, you can do without additional arrangement of each zone; you will not need trellises, screens, or partitions.

If there are smooth places and uneven spots on the site, then you can come up with an original solution for each of them. The depression can be turned into a pond or a bridge can be built over it. This will be a good place to relax.

A small hill easily turns into an alpine slide. There is no need to transport and pour soil. It is enough to bring stones, gravel, and plant the hill with plants.

Alpine slide Source

If the site is located so that it is completely open to the eyes of curious neighbors or passers-by, then you can use some tricks. This is especially important for the recreation area:

  • Build two adjacent, beautifully decorated walls at right angles. It could even be one wall in the form of a tall beautiful fence. The height of the wall should be much greater than human height. The area is decorated with beautiful plants.
  • Build a beautiful wooden lattice or put a metal mesh, next to which place a huge flowerpot with a climbing plant or plant, for example, grapes.
  • Plant tall coniferous plants densely around the entire perimeter of the recreation area. They not only protect from prying eyes, but also look very elegant.
  • Build an enclosed gazebo or canopy.

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The correct arrangement of rooms promotes positive energy flows. It is better to place the kitchen in the center of the Feng Shui apartment or on the center line. It should be spacious and bright, then the residents of this apartment will be confident, free and financially secure in life.

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How to fit a garden and flower bed on a plot of 5 acres

An important point when arranging a site is its landscaping. You can use a variety of plants, trees and shrubs.

Backyard with green spaces Source

The most common way to decorate a site is the lawn. It not only decorates the site, but also improves the structure of the soil and purifies the air.

There are several types of lawns:

  • Ordinary. It is a uniform coating with a loose structure.
  • Decorative. Designed only for decoration of the site.
  • Mauritanian. Canvas sown with cereals and flowers.
  • Sports. It has a denser structure designed to withstand loads.

Lawns have different shapes and can be located on any terrain. You can place flower beds on it.

Landscape design style for a summer cottage Source

Trees and shrubs are the main inhabitants of the garden. The soil is pre-treated, fertilized and only the selected crops are planted in the field. You should consider the irrigation system and drainage in advance, since most trees do not tolerate stagnant water in the soil.

Deciduous or coniferous plants and fruit trees are used in the garden plot. They are planted in the center or along the perimeter. With their help, you can highlight the boundaries of different zones, and plant berry bushes nearby - currants, raspberries, gooseberries. For decorative purposes, lilacs or roses are planted, as well as boxwood, dwarf fir, and juniper.

In order to cover fences and fences, or to disguise a blank wall of a barn or house, you can plant a hedge of plants such as morning glory, hops, and honeysuckle. You can also use spruce, thuja, juniper, and yew.

A fence in the form of a screen or trellis can protect from wind, dust, sun or highlight a certain area on the site.

Flower bushes: hedge Source

A beautiful flower garden often becomes the central decorative element on a site. It is important to choose and plant the plants correctly. Light-loving plants are planted in open areas, while shade-loving plants can be placed under trees, near fences, and outbuildings. In different places of the site, on the walls, on the fence, you can hang pots with flowers.

DIY flower garden design Source

For planting vegetables, select the most open and illuminated place. There is no need to make a garden that is too large, otherwise there will not be enough space for a recreation area. However, if the main task of the owners is growing vegetables and gardening, then a significant area can be allocated for a vegetable garden.

If desired, you can put a small greenhouse made of film or plastic on a plot of 5 acres. A good solution for a small area would be vertical beds; greens and strawberries grow well in them.

It is necessary to ensure that this place does not flood after rains, and in dry weather it is necessary to ensure regular watering. This means you need to dig a well nearby and use pipes or a hose to supply water.

Useful tips

Here are some helpful tips to help you create a beautiful and harmonious space.

  1. A lawn is the simplest option for landscaping an area. Neatly trimmed soft grass looks harmonious and neat. To keep your lawn in order, it is enough to have a lawn mower and cut the grass at least once a week. For a small area, a simple electric trimmer is great.
  2. If you have beds for growing vegetables, it is best to place them right in the middle of the lawn, separated from it by a spectacular border.
  3. There should be no bare soil on the site, this spoils the whole impression, and even in natural conditions the soil is usually covered with grass or leaves. Therefore, be sure to mulch the soil, anything will do - lawn, straw, nut shells, crushed tree bark, colored crushed stone, etc.
  4. Don't make a plan without accurate calculations. This applies not only to the size of each element of the garden, but also to the plants grown. Do not plant more than you need; it often turns out that there are many more vegetables or fruits than can be used.

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So, even a small garden plot can be tastefully landscaped by placing everything you need on it

To prevent the space from seeming too chaotic and overloaded, it is important to accurately calculate the dimensions of all zones, as well as be able to position them correctly

Do-it-yourself cottage design for 6 acres

Decorating a cottage with your own hands

Ornamental plants
Photophilous Shade-loving
Asters, carnations, crocuses, phlox, calendula, impatiens, hydrangea, jasmine, gladiolus. Marigolds, petunia, pansies, violets, begonia, asparagus, oxalis, ivy, lily of the valley, forget-me-not.

Zoning of a plot of 5 acres

To make the most efficient use of the area of ​​a small plot, it should be properly zoned, that is, allocate zones for various types of activities of the plot owners. If you do this correctly, the area visually appears larger, and all functional areas fit perfectly into a small area. At the same time, the entire space should look like a single whole, each zone should smoothly transition into the neighboring one.

Correct zoning of a site with a children's slide Source

For a plot of 5 acres for individual housing construction, the following zones must be provided:

  • garden;
  • economic;
  • for relax;
  • playground.

If possible, areas for sports activities can be designated. The size of each zone is determined taking into account the interests and preferences of the inhabitants of the house.

If the most important task is to have the opportunity to have a good rest after work, to invite relatives and friends, then the recreation area is equipped with maximum comfort. You can equip a bathhouse, a terrace or a shed with a barbecue, a gazebo with flower beds and a stone garden. They are grouped in one place or placed in different corners of the site.

Arrangement option with a recreation area Source

The rest of the space is filled with flower beds, rock gardens, and trees. Various decorative figures are suitable; you can even make them yourself from scrap materials.

Utility buildings should be the most discreet part of the design. They are located behind the house in the far corner of the garden, near the fence. They are camouflaged with hedges.

Utility room Source

The playground can be placed directly on the lawn. Space is provided for swings, ladders, and slides. An inflatable pool is suitable for hot days.

Several thujas near the house Source

General information

A plot for housing construction (IHC) is a plot of land purchased for personal purposes. Building regulations allow not only recreation and cultivation of crops there, but also construction of residential and commercial buildings.

The status of the main house can be different (this is directly affected by the type of land):

  • Individual house.
  • Garden house (cottage).
  • Country house.

According to the norms for the development of land plots, each of the above varieties falls under the concept of “manor house”. You cannot build them wherever you want: the location of the main and auxiliary facilities is strictly regulated by SNiP.

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