People install wells on the territory of country farmsteads. Previously, these were simple structures for extracting water; no one paid much attention to their appearance.
In modern design, the aesthetic design of the well is of particular importance. This design fits harmoniously into the overall interior and complements the ensemble of courtyard architecture.
The need for a house
In thematic magazines you can see many photos of a well house. Despite their wide variety, they all simultaneously solve several problems:
- protect the water in it from pollution, prevent the ingress of leaves, dust, insects and precipitation;
- prevent the penetration of sunlight into the mine, thereby protecting the water from the development of bacteria and microorganisms in it;
- prevent water from freezing at sub-zero ambient temperatures;
- provide safety precautions and prevent easy access for children and pets.
With the right design, such a structure emphasizes its uniqueness and becomes a decoration of the site.
Types of wells for summer cottages
A well is a shaft whose depth reaches the groundwater level.
All wells are divided into two types, depending on the level of aquifers:
- Surface. The owner of a country house or dacha can be the happy owner of a key with the purest clear water. An excellent option that does not require large material costs.
- Shakhtny. It will require drilling a well and building a mine. The depth of the shaft can be about 15 m.
There is another type of well - Abyssinian. It is a well into which a steel pipe is driven. Water is pumped using a pump. It can be quite deep, about 30 m.
Design features
If you wish, you can easily make a house for a well with your own hands. It might look like this:
A simple shield with a visor. This design will protect the water shaft from possible contamination, but the bucket and top of the lid will collect dust. In winter, water may freeze here.
Hanging house. It is fixed to the upper edge of the last ring, protecting the water shaft and bucket from possible contamination. In winter, the lower part of the upper ring may freeze.A house that protects the entire outer part of the well. It is the most effective design, completely protects the well shaft and water-lifting mechanism from possible contamination.
Each person decides independently which option he needs.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
Those who would be interested in listening to expert advice in a slightly expanded and different version can watch the following video:
Work on arranging a well shaft is not as complicated as it is labor-intensive. And it is not always necessary to dig the earth's surface, going tens of meters into it.
Much more often the aquifer occurs at a depth of 4 to 7 meters. Taking turns, it is quite possible for two strong guys to dig such a mine in two days. The main thing is desire and tools!
Tell us about how you dug and equipped a well on your summer cottage with your own hands. Share technological subtleties that site visitors can use. Leave comments, post photos and ask questions in the block below.
Main components
The dimensions of the well house depend on the diameter of the upper ring. They are selected in such a way that the distance from the outer edge of the ring on any side is approximately 10 cm. This is necessary for installing heat-insulating material. In terms of height, the size is selected that is most convenient for a person.
The structure of the house consists of the following elements:
- the structure frame can be made of wooden beams or metal profiles;
- installation of gates for manual lifting of water;
- fastening the door of the house, it is advisable to equip it with a padlock;
- placement of insulation material and finishing.
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Metal parts are coated with an anti-corrosion coating. The roof is made gable using roofing material.
Structure protection
Water can only enter the well from below, for this it is necessary to carry out waterproofing. Therefore, it is necessary to fasten the rings. You can do this in several ways:
- Drill the rings and fasten them by installing metal staples.
- Secure the rings to each other using thick wire.
Linen rope coated with a solution containing sand, cement and liquid glass should be laid at the joints of the rings. The outer side of the rings must be waterproofed with bitumen. A foam layer must be laid near the upper rings as thermal insulation. The pit near the well must be filled with clay.
Step-by-step instruction
Making a high-quality house structure requires a careful approach. To do this you need:
- make a drawing of the house for the well with exact dimensions;
- choose the right material that will fully meet the desired characteristics;
- select a working tool according to the selected materials;
- carry out preparatory work, manufacture all the parts and assemble them into a single structure.
Perform antifungal and anti-corrosion treatment.
Types of wells
There are 3 types of wells:
- Imperfect type. Such a well is designed in such a way that the shaft does not crash into solid rock. The structure should descend approximately 70% into the aquifer. Water intake occurs through the walls of the structure or through the bottom.
- Perfect type. The structure is in contact with solid rock. Water intake occurs through the walls.
- Perfect looking with a sump for collecting aquifers. It is installed in the bottom layer, and water seeps through the walls.
Recommended Material
To make a well house, it is advisable to use coniferous wood. The following sizes are recommended:
- for supporting rafters, timber with a section of 100x50 mm is used;
- for additional rafters, timber 50x50 mm;
- a log 20-25 cm thick is selected for the gate;
- for the cover board 30x300 mm.
Soft tiles are suitable as a roofing material.
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Wooden log house
This method was used by our ancestors in ancient times, but it remains relevant today. The method of securing the walls is as follows:
- A shallow well is dug, corresponding to the height of the logs.
- The finished log house is placed in it.
- The ground under the log house is dug up to make room for the next crown, then a second, third log house is installed until the structure reaches the aquifers.
- The crowns must be firmly secured with vertical boards.
Design selection
Before you make a house for a well, you need to decide on its design compliance. There are several options:
- in appearance and finishing material used, it can copy the main building;
- may have a separate, eye-catching exterior;
- There are a huge number of varieties of such solutions, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.
All that remains is to choose the right decor for the well, which will become a real decoration of the entire yard. This will rationalize the area of the yard and give it an improved aesthetic appearance.Each person makes a decision independently, everything depends on his imagination and achievement of his goal.
Dowsing method
There is a myth that aquifers can lie absolutely anywhere. Often, owners of summer cottages dig a mine in vain, having no idea that there is water a meter from the dug hole.
- To find aquifers, the dowsing method is used. Previously, the location of water could be determined using viburnum or willow branches.
- Nowadays, instead of them, thick copper or aluminum wire is used, bent at an angle of 90 degrees. When groundwater is detected, the wires are crossed.
- Also, the presence of aquifers can be indicated by the amount and color of greenery. It is brightest near water.
- Willow, nettle, coltsfoot, cinquefoil, maple, willow, and birch often grow near groundwater.
You should not look for water near apple and plum trees. There are no anthills near the water, but a huge number of mosquitoes accumulate and fog swirls in the morning.
After identifying the probable location of groundwater, drilling is carried out. You can use a simple garden auger. The well should be approximately 7-10 m. After passing a given depth, moisture should appear, which indicates that the location of groundwater has been correctly calculated.
Those who are afraid to use old methods of determining water are better off contacting a geological exploration company. They have a large number of special instruments that are able to recognize the location of groundwater.
Photo of a well house
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How to choose the right installation location
A well log house in the yard is not only a source of clean water, but also an important decorative element that immediately attracts attention. Therefore, you need to think carefully when choosing a place to place it.
It is recommended to pay attention to the following tips:
- The erected log house should not create obstacles to the care of other elements of landscape design.
- The site for placing the structure should be chosen on a hill so that rainwater does not get inside.
- The distance to the cesspool must be at least 15 m, provided that the well is used for its intended purpose.
- The distance from the living space must be at least 8 m so that the foundation is not washed away by a source suitable for the structure.
Did you know? In search of a place to build a well, in ancient times they used folk remedies, for example, vine twigs, with which they walked along the perimeter of the area where the vine was inclined to the ground - they dug a well.
Installation process
All work performed during the installation of natural stone is carried out using a specific set of materials. To begin installation, you should use the following kit:
- Adhesive composition for ceramics, used for exterior decoration.
- A level that ensures even installation of each part.
- A tile cutter that cuts artificial stone quickly and conveniently.
- A spatula that allows you to apply the solution to the surface.
The principles of installing artificial stone on a well house are very similar to installing natural agglomerate.