Do-it-yourself house for a well: dimensions, drawings, projects and the best options for building various houses for a well (110 photo ideas)

A well on a property is a fairly common way to have water available nowadays. Usually, the construction of a well necessarily includes the construction of a house for it.

What is a well house for, you ask? First of all, such a house serves as protection for water in the well. And, of course, not least important is the function of decorating the well.

Currently, there are a huge number of different shapes and designs for this type of building. The main qualities of the houses are absolutely the same for all models, the only difference is in appearance.

The required well house can now be easily found at various retail outlets. They are sold in various designs, but the cost is so high that many site owners decide to make them themselves. Moreover, it is not difficult enough to do.

Protection of the well is necessary from water contamination by insects, debris, as well as chemicals for treating the area. And also, clean well water is protected from precipitation with the help of a house.

Practical side

A well is a source of the purest drinking water, but if it is not protected from precipitation and other contaminants, it will become tasteless or even hazardous to health.

Simply attaching a door to a log house is clearly not enough - rain and melted snow will penetrate through the rotting boards. To prevent this from happening, it is customary to build a special structure, the so-called house over the well. It protects against precipitation, autumn leaves, floods, foreign objects, insects, etc. And in the northern regions - and from freezing.

The house protects the well from debris

Beauty and benefits

Even if you don’t care at all what your source looks like, you should care how well it works and what quality of water it produces. Any autonomous hydraulic structure, be it a well or a well, needs a house not only for beauty, but also for protection. And you need to protect it from:

  • dirty surface, flood and melt waters;
  • earth, leaves and other debris;
  • insects, birds, small animals that may fall into the mine;
  • winter frosts.

In addition, a protective and decorative structure over a well or borehole caisson, equipped with a reliable lock, will protect children from falling in it and will not allow attackers to damage or steal pumping equipment.

When leaving on business, you can close not only the house, but also the well Source

You can provide such protection in different ways: put a cap or a cut plastic bottle on the casing pipe, or cover the well neck with a sheet of plywood. But these measures are insufficient and do not add aesthetics to the courtyard. Whereas a house for a well in a country house, in addition to absolutely fulfilling all practical functions, also decorates the site.

This is possible, but it’s not very pleasant to look at it every day. Source

Do you need a roof?

Indeed, why this headache? Is it really not enough to simply cover the well frame (or concrete ring) with a door or leave it open altogether?

First, let's remember the scary stories about how someone's baby fell into a well - and that's all, this alone is enough to try to make the structure as safe as possible.

The house will make the well safe

The second unpleasant moment is that, theoretically, small animals and rodents could fall into it. There is no need to talk about the quality of water in this situation. Moreover, for a long, long time no one will want to use it - well, perhaps for watering.

Third, insects inevitably fall into an open well, it is covered with fallen leaves, and covered with dust. As a result, the water turns sour, the bottom silts up, the flow of fresh water slows down, and the well becomes shallow. The bottom will need to be cleaned, and only fairly experienced people can handle such work.

The house will eliminate the need to clean the bottom of the well

A good shelter keeps you cool in hot weather and protects you from freezing in winter. And finally, a well decorated with your own hands, it’s so romantic and beautiful! On small architectural forms it is more convenient to hone your construction skills and not limit yourself to your imagination. Perhaps this is why the designs of houses for wells often turn out to be original and bright.

Types of well houses

What type of house design to make will depend on many factors. For example, depending on the seasonality of the source’s use - if it is used only in the summer and preserved for the winter with the pump dismantled, you don’t have to do insulation.

It is also worthwhile to inspect the building materials remaining after the construction of a house or other capital facility. The house over the well has small dimensions, and any scraps will do for its construction. But when making it yourself, you need to take into account your experience in working with the available material and the availability of suitable tools.

Another point is the appearance of the water source itself, what it is made of.

  • If it is just a pipe sticking out of the ground, it needs a full-fledged house with walls and a roof, pipe and tap outlets, and a door for easy access inside.
  • If it is a caisson made of concrete rings or a similar well, then it is enough to decorate the existing walls with decorative materials and install a roof on them.
  • A simple canopy for a well will be enough if it is made of a wooden frame and equipped with a lid.

Wooden well with a canopy Source
Finally, it is desirable to design a structure that will harmoniously fit into the surrounding space without disturbing its style.

There are many options, which one to choose is up to the owner. In any case, a sketch, drawing and calculation of material requirements are first required.

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in finishing materials and related work


The easiest way is to build a frame house. If desired, it can be insulated, and a variety of materials are suitable for exterior decoration:

  • edged and unedged boards;
  • lining, including imitation timber and blockhouse;
  • sawn along trimming logs;
  • plastic and metal siding;
  • flat slate;
  • cement bonded particle boards;
  • corrugated sheeting, etc.

The frame itself is assembled from wooden blocks or welded from profile pipes or angles.

The dimensions of the well house are selected individually depending on its location on the site and additional purpose. If you make it large enough, you will have additional space for storing garden tools and other needs, without having to build a separate utility unit.

An example of a multifunctional frame house Source

The insulated building is sheathed on both sides, placing insulation (most often polystyrene foam) into the cells of the frame under the sheathing. But insulation is only relevant for all-season wells and low, small houses - large ones will freeze.

A well house can be a smaller copy of a large house if it is faced with the same façade material and a similar roof is made. But you can give free rein to your imagination and turn the well into a rustic wooden well or a mill with a windmill. The simplest design will be in the form of a gable roof installed directly on the base.

Building materials – cheap or expensive?

It is unlikely that, having decided to build a house over a well with his own hands, the owner sets out to use the most expensive materials. If he is not limited in funds, then most likely he will choose durable, expressive, suitable for the style of the estate. We include:

  • calibrated timber;

House for a well made of timber

  • a natural stone;

House for a well made of stone

  • facing brick;

Brick house for a well

  • lining and profile wooden cladding;

Well house covered with clapboard

  • roof tiles

Well house with tiled roof

Oddly enough, many materials that are usually considered prestigious will cost the builder inexpensively. The secret is that you can use building materials left over from the construction of the estate - this, by the way, will help in maintaining a unified style of buildings. On the other hand, a well house is a miniature structure, and if you have to purchase exclusive materials on purpose, small volumes are not so expensive as to deny yourself the idea.

The well house is in harmony with the overall style of the site

The opposite approach is also quite relevant when it is necessary to meet a limited budget. Cheap building materials can look very impressive if they are well matched to a specific project, for example, in the spirit of rustic, Provence, Scandi. Sometimes they cost nothing at all, but require a certain ingenuity, skill, and sense of style from the builder.

House for a well in Provence style

It can be:

  • slats;
  • beam;
  • slate;
  • pebbles;
  • flagstone;
  • scrap metal profiles, etc.

Forging is definitely an expensive decor item. Forged elements are also capable of bearing a force load; they are used to make elegant and durable racks, rafters, and door fittings. Such structures are incredibly beautiful and made to order, although there are just a few crafts that a craftsman obsessed with an interesting idea cannot master.

House for a well from scrap materials

Recommended Material

To make a well house, it is advisable to use coniferous wood. The following sizes are recommended:

  • for supporting rafters, timber with a section of 100x50 mm is used;
  • for additional rafters, timber 50x50 mm;
  • a log 20-25 cm thick is selected for the gate;
  • for the cover board 30x300 mm.

Soft tiles are suitable as a roofing material.

Typical well house designs

Any house on a well can be classified as closed or open. Open type design elements:

  • The above-ground part of the log house.
  • Stands for the lifting mechanism.
  • Roof with rafter system.
  • Lid and door on a log house.

Open wells are traditional for villages; they are especially convenient if they are used by several owners. Certain rules for their design have been established. Craftsmen decorate them with carvings and figured visors.

Open well

The closed type design is fundamentally different from the open type by the presence of external walls and includes:

  • The above-ground part of the log house.
  • Racks with a lifting mechanism (gate).
  • The walls and door are locked.
  • Rafters and roof.

However, outwardly such wells turn out to be very different from each other. In closed structures, the walls can be integral with the log house, or their role is played by the roof slopes, but in any case, such a house on a well best protects it from bad weather, the curiosity of children or animals, and vandalism.

Closed well

Often, instead of a bucket, a pump is used on the lifting mechanism - in this case, a closed house prevents the theft of electrical equipment.

Simple Projects

Below are general algorithms for constructing the simplest structures of well houses.

Over-well house made of wood

A superstructure wooden house is the easiest to make. The configuration of this design looks like this:

  • The base frame is made of timber 100x100 mm.
  • The left and right triangular panels are the sidewalls (similar to the roof gables). The panels are made on a frame from 25 or 32 mm edged boards, and a 100x50 mm beam is nailed perpendicular to the base as a strength element. In the upper part of each beam and shield, a hole is drilled into which a metal bushing for the gate is installed (in a modern version, the bushing can be with a bearing). For ease of installation, the sidewall on the handle side can be made of two parts - the lower (larger) in the form of a trapezoid and the upper in the form of a closing triangle.

  • A quadrangular rear roof slope with a longitudinal arrangement of boards from the ridge to the bottom and two cross members (they also serve as stiffening elements).
  • Quadrangular front roof slope. It differs from the back one by the presence of a door (or opening if the house is semi-closed).
  • A gate made of rounded logs with a handle on one side and an axial rod on the other.
  • A block for the upper connection of the slopes (can be triangular or semicircular).

Note. The specific dimensions depend on the size of the well neck and its elevation above the ground.

Assembly can be carried out on site or on the ground. But in both cases you need an assistant. The sequence of work looks like this:

  1. Install the base frame and level it horizontally. When installed in place, it is fixed to the top ring or well crown.

  2. Place one of the sidewalls on the frame, level it vertically, and nail it.

  3. The second side panel is mounted in the same way.
  4. Install the gate into the bushing holes in the sidewalls.
  5. Check the perpendicularity of the sidewalls to the base and nail the tie bar on top.
  6. The rear slope is nailed to the frame, sidewalls and connection.

  7. The front slope is nailed to the frame, sides and connection. Hang doors if necessary, and mount shelves for buckets inside.

Preparing the base

Before starting to build a house over a well, it is necessary to ensure the outflow of rain and melt water, and to do this, fill the voids around the upper concrete ring, raise the soil area and protect it from erosion and water penetration.

The simplest thing is to concrete the slopes. This is not particularly aesthetically pleasing, but it serves its function - it protects the well from water not filtered through the soil. In addition, the concrete base becomes a reliable foundation for the entire structure.

If the slopes are not formed before the start of construction, then they can be made after its completion, but in this case the entire structure of the house will rest on concrete rings.

Concreting the well base

To improve the area around the log house, it is paved with pebbles, cobblestones, flagstone, concrete or ceramic tiles. Or arrange wooden blind areas and steps. This is done after the construction of the house on the well is completed.

Arrangement of the site near the well

A mowed lawn around a well looks beautiful - in this case, a layer of soil is poured over a concrete base, compacted and sown. It is necessary to provide a non-slip path to the house.

Unusual design examples

In addition to traditional installations, there are original options that will become the accent of the site. For example, a well in an oriental style: it looks like a pagoda - with a characteristic bell roof or a 4-6 pitched canopy.

Another option is a hut. From a distance the structure looks like a small house. A window or door is used as a hatch to collect water.

Another idea is nautical style. Instead of a curved handle, a steering wheel is attached to the thread, the chain is replaced with a cable, and the body itself is made in the form of a ship's bow.

Cladding of the above-ground part of the log house

What we habitually call a well frame has, in fact, been made of concrete rings for a long time. The top ring protrudes from the ground and looks unpresentable. It is especially important to line it when an open type well is being built, since in closed ones the ring is hidden behind the walls of the house. But even in closed structures, successful design of the log house can give the entire structure completeness.

Wooden traditions

To give the house above the well a purely rustic look, a frame is laid around a concrete ring. It is not necessary to adhere to the traditional square shape - the log house is made both hexagonal and octagonal. It is brought above the level of the rings and covered with a wooden flooring, in which a hole is cut with a door for a bucket.

House for a well in the form of a log house

For a Russian-style estate, a log house made of round logs is the most suitable option. If the buildings follow the traditions of Scandinavia, then rectangular timber or clapboard cladding would be acceptable.

Lining the well with clapboard

Stonework - a journey to the land of the elves

The well with stonework carries a European flavor. It will look fabulous on a site with a small wooden house and a garden in the spirit of Provence or next to a brick cottage in the English style.

Covering a concrete ring with stones is not difficult; it requires diligence, cement mortar and the stone itself. You can use large cobblestones, pebbles, flagstone, and flagstone looks especially picturesque if it is laid flat. Along with stone, facing bricks and tiles imitating natural masonry are used.

Stonework in the design of a well

In open wells, it is necessary to line the upper edge of the ring and secure a wooden or metal lid (door) to it.

Metal, but not plastic

There is nothing that prevents the use of non-traditional materials in the design of the upper part of the log house, from metal profiles to plastic. And if plastic could be immediately rejected as a short-lived material that cannot withstand low temperatures, then metal sheets can lead to interesting ideas. Of course, it will be necessary to build a wooden frame under such cladding.

Lining the well with metal

Beautiful ideas for decorating a well

Whatever design you choose, decorations will help you completely blend into the garden:

Flowers. Plant around the structure or make several flower beds near the source. Among the flowers, choose moisture-loving plant species: meadowsweet, calamus, loosestrife, marsh varieties of roses, milkweed.

See also: Catalog of the best perennial flowers

Time. Constant exposure to moisture causes lichens to form on the surfaces of stone and brick - this will allow the well to look as natural as possible.

Painting. If the surface is smooth, it is painted with various patterns, prints, paintings.

Racks and rafters in a house for an open well

In closed wells, the posts are hidden behind the cladding, but in open wells, both posts and rafters play a leading role in the design.

Wooden racks are decorated with sculptural and slotted carvings, or left “as is”, admiring the play of texture. The wood must be treated with anti-rotting compounds and coated with varnish that protects it from the effects of precipitation. If the base of the house on the well is finished “to look like stone,” then next to it stands made of dark, as if aged, wood look organic.

Well stands

The racks must be strong and well secured. They will have to withstand not only the weight of the roof, the gate and buckets of water, but also the load from the jerky rotation of the gate. Therefore, supports made of metal pipes or concrete are an excellent solution, especially for a stone well or a closed house.

Stands for wells made of metal

How to finish a ring with an open version

If you have chosen an open style of well house, that is, a canopy, the well ring remains visible. Agree that gray, bare concrete does not look very attractive.

In this case, decoration of this ring is required. In most cases, stone lining is used for this purpose. Now we will consider this option.

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Lifting mechanisms – gate and wheel

It would seem that nothing can change in the design of the gate, but the interpenetration of cultures can bring surprises here too. One of the discoveries given to us by Provence was the wheel. A wooden (or, less commonly, forged) wheel is attached to the shaft instead of the usual handle-gate.

Types of lifting mechanisms for wells

To be fair, it should be noted that usually the bucket is lifted with a collar, and the wheel is installed on the other side of the shaft - for beauty and a unique entourage. This design looks very picturesque, especially if the above-ground part of the log house is lined with stone.

Well lifting mechanism

Even more often, an electric pump is installed in the well, and everything else is nothing more than a tribute to tradition.

Video description

After watching this video, the essence of making a brick shelter will become clear:

From a concrete ring

A well made of concrete rings or a caisson made of them, rising above the surface of the earth, already has walls on which it is necessary to install a roof. You can make a simple canopy over the well and a cover if you use it only in the summer and live in the country all the time during the season. In other situations, a house would be a better solution.

It is advisable to insulate its concrete walls so that in cold weather the shaft inside does not become overgrown with frost from rising and freezing water vapor. This can be done using polystyrene foam cut into strips and glued in a circle or roll insulation.

The roof is the crown of creation

The mechanical load on a roof with an area of ​​2-4 m2 is insignificant, and therefore nothing limits the imagination of the craftsmen at the final stage of building a well house.

An absolutely fabulous tiled or thatched roof, crowning a house on a well with elements of masonry, will not take much effort during construction, but will turn an ordinary household object into a decoration of the estate.

Well with thatched roof

In order to emphasize the Russian style, the roof of the house over the well can be made of planks. The roof made of wooden tiles looks especially interesting.

Roof for a well with wooden tiles

If the frame is made of metal or concrete, a metal roof would be appropriate. However, this practical material is also used very often on wooden wells.

How to make a well from bars

As an example, we’ll tell you how to make a garden well from bars, as in the photo.

Lumber with a cross section of 60*60 mm is used.

A well made of small cross-section bars

All stages of work in step-by-step instructions:

Steps, photoA comment

Step 1 - first blank for the box

We calculate the required number of blanks according to the drawing of the well, indicating the dimensions and parameters of the lumber used. We start cutting them from the box parts.

Step 2 - use the first blank as a template

In order not to measure out every detail, we use the first block as a template for the rest, marking the length with a pencil.

Step 3 - laying out blanks without fasteners

In one crown of the log house there are two pairs of long bars (50 cm each) and two pairs of short ones (38 cm each). If you add the width of two side bars (6 cm each) to the length of the short parts, you get the same 50 cm.

Step 4 – attaching the crown parts

After making sure that all the parts fit perfectly into the frame, they can be fastened together into frames. To do this, we pre-drill holes at the ends of the bars and then fix them with self-tapping screws.
Step 5 – attaching the upper crown to the lower oneAll frames are sequentially attached to one another. The box is ready.
Step 6 - making the collarNext you need to make a knob.
It consists of two round dies with a diameter of 14 cm, cut from a twenty board, and slats with a cross section of 25 * 10 mm, 30.5 cm long, stuffed between them. 4\ Holes are pre-drilled in the end dies so that you can screw in a long threaded pin .
Step 7 - Drum HandleThe pin is then bent, and a handle made of a 25-25 mm block is put on it.
Step 8 - installing the gateTo install the crank, on the sides of the well box we mount two racks from the same timber that was used to assemble the log house.
First, we install one stand, thread a pin through the hole, and install the drum. Then we install the second post and screw a decorative chain onto the collar.

Step 9 - installation of the sash on the frame

The log house can be closed with an opening or a blind lid made of planks. But many people make a flowerbed out of a decorative well, covering the frame with earth, and plant flowers there.
Step 10 – well roof frameA well can be made without a roof. But then it is better to assemble a more massive log house, from 150*150 cm timber and with a larger perimeter.
But for a small garden well, the roof will be an additional decorative element.

Its frame is quite simple in design: two triangles along the gables, connected at the top by a ridge and at the bottom by two purlins.

Step 11 - roof sheathing

We cover it all on top with beautifully cut planks on the eaves. The semicircle is obtained by using a template of the appropriate shape.

Step 12 - Installing the Ridge

Finally, we install decorations along the ends of the roof.
The edges of the cut boards and the surface of the entire house must be sanded with a block wrapped in sandpaper.

How to fix it in the ground

The well can be portable or stationary. In the first case, you can attach a bottom cut from a thick OSB sheet to it from below.

But so as not to have to remove the structure every time a strong wind arises, it is better to secure it thoroughly.

This is done by digging the side posts into the ground. They will hold up the roof, so they must be of appropriate length.

For embedding, scraps of metal pipes 30-40 cm long, matched in diameter to the cross-section of the bars, are used.

The principle of concreting a column

The metal part of the racks is painted. They are installed in a hole made in advance in the ground and filled with sand concrete. Although, if you coat the stand with liquid bitumen and slightly saturate the soil with it, you can do without a pipe.

You can use store-bought metal ends for wooden posts.

The product consists of a glass in which a block is installed, and a pointed tetrahedral tip, which is immersed in the ground. In this case, the well can be moved to another location if desired.

Stand for vertical fastening of a block into the ground

When vertical bars are buried, the well body is built around them. You can also dig a barrel to a shallow depth by placing the excavated soil inside it.

Above the surface of the earth it is lined with dies, only in this case the well will not be square, but round or hexagonal.

Round well from a barrel with lining

You can also build a round well using hoops (like a wooden barrel), as shown in the picture below.

Round well structure

If the well is massive, made of thick timber, it does not need to be secured to the ground. The racks supporting the roof can be attached to an already assembled box by cutting a groove (example in the photo).

Attaching the stand to the well body

Closed well - functionality and design

Everything mentioned above is also true for closed wells, excluding special requirements for the design of racks and rafters, which are hidden behind the walls in closed houses. Let's talk about the walls in particular.

Actually, the walls of the house are designed to perform a specific function - to protect water from contamination as much as possible, protect equipment, including pumping equipment, from theft, and prevent the well from freezing in harsh winters.

Closed well house

As a rule, when building a closed house with your own hands, the walls are made of wooden slats, lining, facing wooden profile - using a prepared frame. Moreover, this is true for wells with wooden and stone frames. By the way, a special design of the log house is not necessary in this case; it can be hidden behind the walls.

Well house with metal tiles

Standing apart is the minimalist “hut” design, in which the role of two walls is played by the roof, usually made of profiled metal sheet, and the other two are made of log material. It is difficult to call such structures an architectural masterpiece, but they perform their service regularly.

Standard well house design

On the well in the wall of the house they make a fairly large door that closes with a lock - a bucket full of water should fit freely into it.

Types of finishing of a well in the country

A variety of materials can be used to finish a well. It is worth taking a closer look at the characteristics of some of them.


Brick is often used to finish a well. Any brick can be used. A simple silicate with a red color is perfect. The red brick cladding gives these products an unusual look and makes them a striking object in a summer cottage. Ceramic bricks are also often used. Brick with a ceramic structure is a universal material with which you can veneer a ready-made concrete shaft head or build a completely brick shaft head.

Advantages of ceramic bricks:

  • high strength;
  • dense structure;
  • high resistance to various mechanical damages;
  • presentable appearance;
  • buildings made from a brick base can last a long time;
  • The use of different colored materials will create a unique design for the product.

However, this material absorbs moisture, so in order for it to last for a long time, it is better to treat the entire surface with special hydrophobic varnishes after laying. If this is not done, then after a while the ceramic material will begin to crack, and eventually it will simply collapse. The brick cladding method is simple; for greater clarity, you can see a photo with the complete laying procedure.

Features of brick wells:

  • To work with your own hands, you need to purchase a brick with a solid structure. Then it can be placed lying down or on the edge;
  • Typically, do-it-yourself facing brick laying is done in a round shape. This cladding method allows you to save the amount of consumables;
  • usually the thickness of brick walls does not exceed 25 cm;
  • to improve properties, the surface must be plastered;
  • It is advisable to iron the cladding; this will increase the service life of the cladding. To do this, cement is rubbed into the not completely dry plaster.


Wood is a traditional material used for finishing mines. Using this material you can make a variety of decorative finishes. Even in ancient times, a well pillar and head were made from it. And with the help of carvings they made various patterns and drawings that decorated the support post and the roof.

Do-it-yourself wood finishing has some important features:

  • Wood cladding is often done with your own hands due to the fact that this material is quite easy to work with;
  • as a result, you can get beautiful designs that will stand out against the general background of the entire summer cottage. But at the same time, their design will harmoniously fit into the style of the dacha;
  • If a structure made from a wooden base is made with your own hands, then it is worth remembering that wood is quite difficult to withstand the effects of dampness. Therefore, before starting finishing, the wood must be treated with a special product that contains antibacterial components;
  • in order to create a unique design, the structure is made of wood elements in the form of a log house. Additionally, you can make carved elements;
  • Sometimes wooden wells are additionally covered with siding or clapboard sheathing. But this method is quite expensive and labor-intensive.

Many professional builders recommend additionally constructing protective houses with full roofs over shafts made of wooden cladding.

These roofs will serve as excellent protection and will give the entire structure a unique design and style. You can see what wooden wells look like in the photo. There you can also see their design in the form of houses.


The use of stone for finishing wells in the country is the most popular basis for cladding. The result is a beautiful, stylish structure that has good wear resistance.

Features of the stone finishing of the well:

  • Various types of stone are used for cladding - natural or artificial. Regardless of this, a mine with a stone base always looks very unusual;
  • for their cladding, you can use small pebbles, as well as larger cobblestones;
  • It turns out beautifully when the stones are all selected according to shape and color. It is enough to lay them out around the shaft. It is better to fasten with a special glue for tiles or bricks;
  • if the stones chosen for finishing the shaft at the dacha have different color characteristics that have visible differences, then some kind of design or ornament can be made from them. In this case, you can show your imagination and create your own unique design;
  • In addition to the well, you can lay out a path of stones. This design will give the dacha style and shades of antiquity;
  • a roof can be built over the shaft. It is mounted on supports from the side. The roof can be pitched or gable. Additionally, the top can be covered with metal tiles.

How to make a beautiful well from stone lining? Look at the photos with design options, they will help you decorate this element in your dacha in a stylish, original way.


In addition to finishing, the well can be additionally decorated with other decorative elements. Various flowers are especially often used for decoration. It looks beautiful when the mine is buried in flowers of different colors. This decoration can be created with your own hands.

Features of decorating with flowers:

  • usually the roof of the mine, as well as the foot and nearby area are used for decoration;
  • additionally bright, colorful flowers can be placed in hanging flowerpots;
  • in order for the well to seem to be buried in a flower garden, pots with lush flowers of different colors can be placed at the base;
  • Additionally, you can make small protrusions on the sides of the cladding and place flower pots on them;
  • For planting, you can use varieties that bloom one after another. As a result, the first beautiful flowers will bloom, they will create a beautiful view of the mine, and will highlight it against the general background of the entire summer cottage. After the first flowers fade, others will bloom next. As a result, colorful flowers will delight the eye almost the entire season;
  • It is convenient to use weaving flowers. As they grow, they will completely entwine the well in a circle, and the beautiful flowers will create a bright design.

Wood, stone, and cement can be used as lining for flower wells. Additionally, you can use soil, sand, and pebbles to create a multi-level platform or alpine slide.

Plastering and painting

After the well is finished, the final stage must be completed - plastering and painting. Plaster is especially often used when laying bricks. The walls between the lower and intermediate frame of the shaft are plastered. Cement mortar is used for plastering.

The features of the plaster are as follows:

  • For plastering, you should prepare a mixture of cement. It should have a consistency similar to sour cream;
  • the solution is applied at a time. You need to apply from top to bottom, leveling with a trowel and smoothing with a trowel;
  • to obtain a smooth, even surface, beacons made of wooden slats are installed on the sides; their thickness should be 50-60 mm;
  • after the first strip is plastered, it is necessary to rearrange the beacons, fill the second strip in a circle with the solution again, and so on;
  • if the shaft is made of wood, then plaster is usually not done. If the need suddenly arises, a mesh made of a metal base is installed on the surface. It will be the basis for containing the solution;
  • then lowers the structure. During the lowering process, it is imperative to control the entire process. It is imperative to lay the grip of all rings and plaster them;
  • at the end the bottom is cleared of dirt. A gravel-sand mixture is poured. This is done in cases where water comes from below.

In addition to plastering, the front part is sometimes painted. Typically painting is done for wood cladding. The wood can be varnished. Additionally, you can use different colors of paint to create drawings and patterns. Do-it-yourself mines with painted elements of different colors look beautiful. You can also use paint for stone structures; special coloring mixtures should be used for them.

Photo gallery - well house

Construction of a well on a summer cottage using a closed method

Experts call this method “in the ring.” It is advisable to use it on loose soils (crushed stone, sand), since the walls of the shaft will shift and crumble during operation. How to dig a well yourself? The sequence of work is simple.

The top layer of earth is removed according to the diameter of the reinforced concrete ring. Next, you need to dig a hole to a depth of 15 cm to 2 meters (as far as the soil allows). The ring is carefully placed into the formed recess. Subsequent lowerings into the ground are made inside the rings (which will begin to lower under the influence of their own weight). When the aquifer is reached, the last concrete element is installed, which is not completely buried. The boundaries of adjacent rings are treated in the same way as in the open method - insulation and sealing.

Brick well at the dacha

Advantages: there is no possibility of soil collapse - the rings are lowered into the ground under the influence of their own weight and the integrity of the soil walls is maintained.

Disadvantages: it is more difficult to work inside the space of a reinforced concrete pipe. If you come across a stone of considerable size, then there is a high probability that it will be difficult to remove and this problem cannot be resolved.

Flowerbed from a well on the site

Do-it-yourself lining of a well with wood

The basis of a decorative well can be a concrete ring. This option is preferable if the structure helps to hide the well. It is more convenient to place equipment inside the concrete ring; in addition, it is not destroyed by frequent contact with moisture. However, from the outside this design is unattractive. The ring will be made decorative by covering it with boards or clapboards.

To cover a well with wood with your own hands, a timber frame is knocked together around a concrete ring. The roof structure is immediately provided. For such a well, it is optimal to equip a full-fledged gable structure with gables. To service the well, a wide door is installed on one slope.

The boards are attached to the frame vertically or horizontally. It all depends on personal preference. The exception is the block house. The lining is placed horizontally to simulate a log house.

For the door, they knock together a shield from boards with their own hands. The element is attached to the roof slope frame with hinges. A handle is placed on the outside of the door. You can install hinges for a padlock to prevent unauthorized people from getting to the well.

How to determine which is better: a well or a borehole

Having your own source of water on your property is a natural desire of any summer resident. Modern technological methods offer two options for fulfilling your dream: a well or a borehole. Only by weighing the pros and cons can you get a rough idea of ​​these designs and decide what to choose.

Decorative well made of tires

A well is dug to obtain water from the upper layers of the soil (overwater). Advantages: simple installation of a well in the country, easy maintenance, affordable cost. Disadvantages: labor costs, dependence of the water level on the season, foreign objects getting into the water, the need to build additional structures that must be integrated into the landscape of the site (house for a well).

Decorative well made of branches

The well is drilled to the level of the aquifer. The first water carrier is up to 30 m, and the second - up to 60 m. Advantages of the well: more purified water, no foreign bodies, debris (midges), compact design, preservation of the landscape, does not dry out and provides high water yield, quick installation (drilling in 2- 3 days). Disadvantages: high cost.

Japanese style well

The choice of a natural water source model for a garden plot is influenced by many factors: the level of groundwater, the composition of the mail, the financial capabilities of the owners, the need for water, and so on. If it is difficult to decide (a well in the country or a borehole), then it is advisable to seek the help of specialists. Professionals will competently take into account the wishes of summer residents, the capabilities of the site and tell you how to build a well at the dacha or where to place the well.

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