Snapdragon flowers - planting and care, growing from seeds

Author: Elena N. Category: Garden plants Published: January 13, 2019Last edits: January 20, 2021
  • Planting snapdragons
      When to plant
  • How to plant
  • Snapdragon Care
      Growing conditions
  • Pests and diseases
  • Care after flowering
  • How and when to collect seeds
  • Types and varieties of snapdragon
  • High
  • Tall or medium tall
  • Low
  • Dwarf
  • Literature
  • useful links
  • Comments
  • The history of snapdragon, or antirrinum, goes back a long way: its origins are poetically described in ancient Greek myths. The decorative qualities of snapdragon are beyond praise. It is presented in varieties of different heights and all kinds of colors: you can grow antirrinum as a border, as a solo plant, and also in mixed plantings, combining it with other garden crops.

    In our article we will tell you about:

    • what varieties and varieties of snapdragon are represented in culture;
    • how to grow antirrinum in the garden;
    • how to care for it;
    • how and when to collect snapdragon seeds.

    Planting and caring for snapdragons

    • Planting: in warm climates, sow seeds in the ground in April or before winter. Seeds are sown for seedlings in mid-March; seedlings are planted in open ground closer to mid-May or early April.
    • Flowering: from mid-summer to late autumn.
    • Lighting: bright sunlight or partial shade.
    • Soil: well-fertilized, breathable, light loamy soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0, cultivated to a depth of 30-40 cm.
    • Watering: only in the mornings during dry seasons, plentiful.
    • Fertilizing: 2-3 times before flowering with complete mineral fertilizer.
    • Reproduction: seeds and cuttings.
    • Pests: aphids, root-knot nematodes, spider mites, cutworms, thrips, slugs.
    • Diseases: late blight, fusarium, verticillium, blackleg, septoria, sclerotinia and downy mildew.

    Read more about growing snapdragons below.

    Snapdragon flowers or antirrhinum, are a genus of herbaceous plants of the Plantain family, covering about 50 species of perennials, including climbing ones, common in the warm zones of the Earth, but mostly in North America. The Russians call this plant “dogs,” the British call it “snapdragon” (biting dragon), the French call it “wolf’s mouth,” and the Ukrainians call it “mouth.” From the Greek, the name “antirrinum” is translated as “nose-like”, “nose-like”.

    An ancient Greek myth tells about the first labor of Hercules, when he defeated the Nemean lion, famous for its ferocity and invulnerability. The goddess Flora presented Hercules with a beautiful flower she created in honor of his victory, which she called “snapdragon.” Since then, it has become a tradition in Greece to give snapdragons to heroes. The snapdragon flower has been in culture for about five hundred years, and breeding work was started by German scientists in the 19th century, and today about 1000 varieties of snapdragon are grown in the gardens of the planet, and the most interesting thing is that the basis for this variety of forms and hybrids was a single species – Antirrhinum majus.

    • Brunner: growing from seeds, types and varieties

    Beneficial features

    Previously (mainly in the East), a decoction of snapdragons was used as an antidote. The mixture with lily oil was supposed, according to people, to keep facial skin in good condition.

    Nowadays, traditional medicine suggests using the plant to treat eye diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, genitourinary system, and even common colds.

    At the moment of flowering of the antirrinum, the racemose inflorescences and upper leaves are collected. The workpieces are dried in a well-ventilated area, in the shade. Subsequently, the raw materials are used to make ointments, decoctions and tinctures.

    Botanical description

    The snapdragon plant is a subshrub or herbaceous plant with straight, branched green, finely grooved stems from 15 cm to one meter in height, forming pyramidal bushes. The upper leaves of the snapdragon are alternate, the lower ones are opposite, their shape is elongated oval or lanceolate, the color is from light green to dark green with red veins.

    How to sow calendula and how to care for it

    The flowers are fragrant, rather large, irregular, two-lipped, depending on the variety, simple or double, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences, and are colored white, yellow, pink, soft fawn, all shades of red, but there are also two-color and even three-color varieties. The fruit is a two-locular multi-seeded capsule, with 5,000 to 8,000 seeds in one gram. Flowering of snapdragon usually begins in June and ends with frost.

    Most often, the perennial snapdragon in nature is grown in gardening as an annual plant, but with good care and favorable conditions, the cold-resistant snapdragon can successfully overwinter in the garden and bloom more beautifully the next year. In garden design, antirrhinum is grown as a border plant, although snapdragons look great both in a flowerbed and planted in groups against a green lawn. Snapdragons are often used to decorate balconies and terraces.

    Of particular interest to gardeners today are ampelous forms of snapdragons, which can be grown in hanging structures to decorate terraces and galleries.

    In the photo: Snapdragon flowering in the garden


    The flower has found wide application not only in the garden, but also in the medicine cabinet and in the kitchen.

    In landscape design

    These flowers were sown in the flowerbeds of our grandmothers; they became a symbol of gardens in a naturalistic style. Due to its decorative value, the plant can be grown in the garden and on the balcony or terrace.

    In landscape design, different varieties are used as follows:

    • dwarf varieties are suitable for flowering carpets, borders, balcony boxes, terrace containers;

    • large antirrinum is used for planting in rural gardens, as well as for designing summer seasonal gardens and flower beds;

    • medium-sized varieties are used for flower beds and flowerbeds of the same type - they create spectacular, multi-colored spots;

    • high varieties are suitable for cut flowers, they remain fresh for a long time - up to 8 days.

    The ampelous snapdragon looks beautiful in pots on the terrace or balcony.

    The plant is suitable for creating colorful carpets. Can be combined with other colors of a similar look. Because its flowers do not fade, gap-filling plants can be paler in color, providing an interesting contrast.

    Combination with other plants:

    • white and yellow varieties look good with gaillardia;
    • A simple and elegant composition can be created by combining antirrhinum with marigold (calendula).

    In folk medicine

    • In Mediterranean countries, antirrinum is considered a medicinal plant and is used to treat ulcers, heartburn, and hemorrhoids.
    • It was previously used to treat scurvy.
    • A tea is made from it and is used to relieve bloating.
    • An infusion of flowers is used for headaches.

    According to scientific research, Antirrhinum seeds have a high fat content (12.3%). They are a source of essential fatty acids, neutral lipids, glycolipids and phospholipids. The high content of linoleic and oleic acids (88% of all fatty acids) makes them very nutritious.

    Seed oil is characterized by a relatively high content of phytosterols. All tocopherol isomers are present in the flowers of this species, of which α-tocopherol constitutes 81% of their total content. Antirrhinum seed oil has also been shown to have higher free radical scavenging activity than olive oil. These properties are important in the pharmaceutical and food industries.

    The flowers of the plant are rich in natural dyes from the group of polyphenols and L-ascorbic acid. They are characterized by a high content of mineral compounds - phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium. Flowers contain iron, manganese, copper, zinc, molybdenum.

    Flowers have anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antispasmodic properties, and soothe a runny nose. In natural medicine they are used as compresses for swelling.

    Growing snapdragons from seeds

    Sowing seedlings

    Snapdragon reproduces by generative and vegetative methods. Snapdragon seeds retain the ability to germinate for several years. If you live in a warm climate, you can grow snapdragons from seeds, sowing them directly into the ground, and they will sprout in two and a half to three weeks, without any problems surviving even a slight cold snap at night, which is common in spring, but in areas where it is warm occurs gradually, it is better to use the seedling method of growing snapdragons. How to grow snapdragons from seeds using seedlings? This process is neither complicated nor labor-intensive.

    So, we sow snapdragons: at the beginning of March, pour coarse sand into bowls with a diameter of at least 10 cm with drainage holes, and on top of the sand - compost soil mixed with sand, compact it, level it, sprinkle it with water from a sprayer and distribute it over its surface in the same way seeds mixed with sand, which we then cover on top with a thin layer of the same substrate, moisten it with a fine spray bottle and cover the sowing bowl with glass.

    Conditions for growing healthy asters

    Every day we remove condensation from the glass, let the crops breathe and, if necessary, moisten the soil with a sprayer. At a temperature of 23 ºC and moderate substrate humidity, sprouts will appear in a couple of weeks. As soon as this happens, move the bowl to a bright, non-sunny place so that they do not stretch out, and as soon as the emergence of seedlings becomes widespread (in 3-4 days), remove the glass.

    In the photo: Growing snapdragon from seeds

    Seedling care

    The seedlings will grow slowly at first, and your task during this period is to ensure proper soil moisture, watering the soil in the morning so that there is enough moisture, but not in excess, as this can lead to seedlings becoming infected with blackleg. “Fallen” sprouts should be removed with tweezers, and the place where they grew should be powdered with crushed coal or sprinkled with a small amount of calcined and cooled river sand. After a pair of true - not cotyledon - leaves appear, the seedlings dive into a container or box, placing them so that they grow freely.

    You can plant seedlings in individual pots or, for example, plant three sprouts in larger pots.

    Place the picked seedlings in a bright place, protecting them from direct sunlight, and begin to gradually accustom them to the environment and temperature in which they will find themselves after transplanting into open ground: open the window slightly during the day for a while, but make sure that the seedlings do not found herself in a draft. The central shoot of each seedling after the development of 4-5 leaves must be pinched to enhance tillering, but if the side shoots are also growing too actively, pinch them too.

    Pictured: Red snapdragon

    Diseases and pests

    Antirrinum does not have excessive requirements, but problems associated with infection by pathogenic microorganisms may arise. The plant can be attacked by diseases - rust, anthracnose.

    In unfavorable agrotechnical conditions (too high temperature, nitrogen overload, poor ventilation in the greenhouse, high air and soil humidity, excessive density), plants are often affected by Phyllosticia or brown spot (pathogen - Phyllosticia antirrhini). Gray-brown spots quickly cover the leaves and shoots, the plants wither and die. The fungus is successfully combated with drugs - Ditan (0.2%), Captan (0.2%).

    Plant diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms - fungi of the genera Verticillium and Fusarium - may also appear. Their occurrence is prevented by decontaminating the greenhouse, sowing boxes and soil, and treating the seeds. These diseases are difficult to control, their spread can be limited with the help of drugs - Benlat (0.2%), Topsin M (0.2%), Funaben (0.2%).

    Rust appears as chocolate brown spots on the leaves where the spores spread. The disease is caused by the pathogen Puccinia anfirrhini. Control the disease with fungicides. Symptoms are characteristic greenish-yellow spots on leaves and shoots, causing the death of leaves and then of entire plants.

    The development of rust is promoted by:

    1. tight fit,
    2. undisinfected soil,
    3. high humidity.

    After observing the first signs of rust, Cincotox (0.3%), Dithane M-45 (0.2%) and Saprol (0.1%) are alternated every 7-10 days.

    Sometimes the plant is affected by powdery mildew (false or true), rot. At the seedling stage, rotting of the neck may be observed - black collar (can cause large losses in the early stages of plant development). At the same time, the neck of the stem darkens and the seedlings break.

    Among the pests you should beware of aphids and spider mites. To combat these pests, it is recommended to use insecticides or acaricides at intervals of 10-14 days, for example, Pirimor (0.1%).

    Planting snapdragons

    When to plant

    At the end of May - beginning of June, grown, strengthened and hardened seedlings are planted in open ground. And don’t be afraid of the last night’s cold snaps: your young “lion cubs” will survive them calmly. The site for growing snapdragons can be either sunny or slightly shaded, but must be well drained and protected from strong winds. The soil needs to be light and nutritious. The best soil for snapdragons is a mixture of sand, compost and peat in approximately equal proportions. The optimal soil pH for snapdragon is pH 6-8.

    • Catalpa: cultivation, propagation, types and varieties

    In the photo: Snapdragon in a flowerbed

    How to plant

    Planting snapdragon flowers is carried out according to the following scheme: tall varieties are planted at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other, medium-sized varieties - at a distance of 30 cm, low-growing varieties - after 20 cm, dwarf varieties - after 15 cm. As soon as the snapdragon takes root, it begins to grow very grow quickly and turn into a lush flowering bush. You should know that snapdragons are planted in well-moistened soil.

    Requirements for soil and planting site

    Planting and care after planting require compliance with certain rules.

    Soil: grows well in any variety, but fertile, humus, constantly moist, but not waterlogged soils are preferred. Well-drained sandy loam soil, preferably calcareous or with a neutral reaction, is better suited.

    This plant requires rather a mineral substrate (excess peat should be avoided) and is sensitive to salinity. Moderate soil moisture should also be maintained.

    Position: The position should be sunny or partially shaded.

    Snapdragon Care

    Growing conditions

    This plant is unpretentious and needs only what any garden flower needs: watering, loosening the soil, removing weeds and fertilizing. You will only have to water the plants in dry times when there is no rain, but not at night. The next day after watering or the same day in the evening, it is advisable to loosen the soil and weed out the weeds. It is advisable to tie tall varieties of snapdragon to a support. It is better to pick off wilted flowers so that the plant does not waste energy on them.

    If you want to get snapdragon to bloom for a long time, do not let it set seeds, remove the flower shoot as soon as the last flowers have withered. You need to cut off the peduncle under the lowest flower, then new arrows and new flowers will appear.

    As soon as the plant takes root in the ground after planting, it needs to be fed with nitrophoska and organic matter, the second feeding is carried out when the snapdragon begins to form buds, and in this case, a urea solution, potassium sulfate and superphosphate are used at the rate of one tablespoon of each ingredient per 10 liters water.

    In the photo: Pink flowers of antirrinum

    Pests and diseases

    Sometimes red rust spots appear on the plant; septoria, black leg, gray or root rot can affect the snapdragon. Diseased specimens should be immediately removed and burned, and the soil in the place where they grew should be treated with an antifungal drug (fungicide).

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    Dangerous insect pests include scale insects, fly larvae, caterpillars and butterflies that lay eggs. It is always easier to take preventive measures than to treat an already existing disease or expel insects that have settled in flowers, so follow the recommendations for caring for the plant, promptly remove diseased or pest-affected specimens, do not allow plants to grow too close to each other, maintain moderation in moistening the area, by watering flowers at the root, and not at the leaves, and the snapdragon will not be afraid of either diseases or insects.

    In the photo: Growing snapdragons

    Care after flowering

    Snapdragons can bloom until autumn frosts, but when autumn sets in, cut the snapdragons, if you grow them as a perennial plant, so short that the rest of the stem rises above the ground 5-8 cm high, and cover the area with peat with sawdust or dry foliage - mulch will help plants survive the winter. If you are growing an annual snapdragon, then to avoid self-seeding during the entire flowering period, pick off the wilted flowers in a timely manner, and when all the flowers on the arrow have faded, cut the peduncle as low as possible. This must be done in order to prevent the seeds from ripening and falling on the ground. When deep autumn arrives, dig up the area and burn the remains of the plants to destroy the pests that have settled in them.

    In the photo: Snapdragon flower

    Preparation of planting material and propagation

    Snapdragon (photos of flowers will help novice growers of the crop to beautifully decorate a garden plot or balcony) requires prepared, loose and light soil before planting.

    Immediately before planting, seeds must be disinfected in a weak manganese solution for 30 minutes. Afterwards, the seed material must be removed and placed on a napkin.

    After drying the seeds, they need to be sown according to the following points:

    1. You need to make small holes at the bottom of the container.
    2. Next you need to place drainage in the form of expanded clay.
    3. A layer of substrate should be laid on top of the drainage.
    4. The seed material must be mixed with sand and placed in an envelope with a cut edge.
    5. Then you need to make small grooves in the soil at a distance of 2 cm from each other.
    6. After sowing, the material will need to be pressed to the ground, soil and sand should be poured on top and sprinkled with water.
    7. The container must be covered with film and sent to a bright room with an air temperature of up to +20 ℃. The film should sometimes be lifted to ventilate the culture.
    8. The top layer must be constantly moistened after drying.
    9. After the sprouts appear, the shelter must be removed. After 3 weeks, when 2 pairs of leaves appear on each sprout, a pick should be made.
    10. Then the plants need to be transplanted into peat cups and irrigated.

    It is permissible to propagate the crop by cuttings:

    1. The crop needs to be dug up in October and placed in a pot. Weak and wilted inflorescences must be pruned. Next, the flower needs to be placed in a cold place with an optimal temperature of +5 ℃.
    2. The culture must be periodically moistened and moved to a warm and well-lit room at the end of January. Next, you will need to trim it, leaving approximately 10 cm and waiting for new shoots. After cuttings that have at least 2 pairs of leaves, you need to cut them by removing the lower leaves and cutting the upper ones in half.
    3. The cut of the cutting should be placed for a short time in Kornevin, then in a light composition based on peat and sand.
    4. When creating a greenhouse, rooting will occur within 2 weeks.
    5. After the growth appears, the flowers must be planted in separate containers. At the beginning of June, the seedlings will need to be planted in the soil layer.

    How and when to collect seeds

    The seeds of most garden plants are collected when they are fully ripe. But snapdragon seeds need to be harvested in the incomplete ripeness phase, so that they can then be ripened in a dry room with good ventilation. Collection is carried out in a long paper bag, as for a baguette. They start collecting seeds when the fruits on the lower part of the peduncle ripen: the upper part of the peduncle, on which the fruits are still green, is cut off and thrown away, and a paper bag is put on the remaining part of the flower shoot, tied with a thread below the fruits and the shoot below the bandage is cut off. The inverted bag is hung in a warm, dry room and waiting for the ripened seeds to pour out of the boxes into the bag. Then they are placed in cardboard boxes and stored at a temperature of +3-5 ºC, protected from possible moisture.

    In the photo: Antirrhinum flower

    Greenhouse care

    The plants in the greenhouse need to be provided with the maximum amount of light, only the seedlings should be shaded. The air temperature should not exceed 15 °C; Frequent ventilation is also necessary.

    In heated plastic tunnels, this plant can be grown as in a greenhouse, while in unheated rooms it is recommended to grow it mainly for collecting flowers in late spring (May-June) and early autumn (September-October). Summer is less favorable for growing this plant in a plastic tunnel due to the persistence of too high temperatures and high humidity. Spring cultivation under film can be a good precursor to autumn cultivation of chrysanthemums.


    • At night, the plant should be kept at a temperature between 8-10 ° C;
    • during the day – from 1 to 15 °C.

    It is necessary to frequently ventilate the greenhouse and provide the plants with the maximum amount of light.

    The plant responds favorably to long days, which accelerates the swelling of flower buds. Tall varieties require support to ensure growth.

    Types and varieties of snapdragon

    Today in professional floriculture there are several classifications of snapdragons, and the most common of them is based on plant height. According to this criterion, varieties are divided into five groups:


    The height is from 90 to 130 cm. The central shoot of plants of this group is much higher than the second-order shoots; there are no third-order shoots. Varieties: Arthur - cherry color, 90-95 cm high, F1 red XL and F1 pink XL, 110 cm high, respectively red and pink.


    From 60 to 90 cm, grown for cutting or as a vertical accent in mixborders or groups. The side shoots are much lower than the central one. When cut, tall snapdragon lasts up to a week or longer; the most fragrant varieties are those with yellow shades. Popular varieties: Anna German - soft pink snapdragon, Canary - a bright yellow variety, a mixture of varieties Madame Butterfly - double snapdragon of different shades and others.

    Pictured: Yellow snapdragon

    Tall or medium tall

    Representatives of the variety reach 40-60 cm in height; they are universal varieties, grown both as flowerbed decorations and for cutting. They are distinguished by strong branching. A characteristic feature of the varieties of this group is also that the central shoot is slightly higher than the side shoots. Varieties: Golden Monarch - yellow, Ruby - bright pink, Lipstick Silver - pinkish-white.


    From 25 to 40 cm in height, grown as flowerbed or border flowers. These varieties have many flowering shoots of the second and third order, but the main shoot is at the same level or slightly lower than the shoots of the first order. Varieties: Hobbit, Tip-top, hanging hybrid Lampion.

    • Red clover: cultivation, properties, varieties

    In the photo: White snapdragon


    15-20 cm in height, flowers for borders, carpet flower beds, rock gardens and ridges. They are also grown as potted plants. These varieties are distinguished by strong branching up to shoots of the third and fourth order, the main shoot is usually lower or at the level of shoots of the second order. Varieties: Sakura Color - a pinkish-white variety with a spot, Candy Showers - an ampelous snapdragon.

    In addition to this classification, there is an equally popular classification by Sanderson and Martin for year-round cut varieties, but it is of interest only to those for whom growing snapdragons is not a pleasure or an aesthetic need, but a means of enrichment.

    Health problems and preparation for winter

    Attentive gardeners who follow the rules of care will not get sick from snapdragons. Otherwise, the following diseases are possible:

    • rust (red spots on the stem and leaves);
    • fuarosis;
    • septirosis;
    • rot.

    If a disease is detected, it is better to eliminate the plant so as not to infect other specimens. After this, the soil at the site of the diseased antirrinums must be treated with an antifungal agent or potassium permanganate. Fungicides should be sprayed on nearby plantings to prevent infection.

    Snapdragons are most susceptible to attack by scale insects, slugs, cutworms, mites and aphids. If their presence is detected, then immediately treat all antirrinums with anti-parasite agents.

    After the onset of cold autumn, perennials are pruned, leaving a stem of 7 cm. Then they are covered with leaves or peat with sawdust - this will help survive the winter. On annuals, you should cut off the faded flowers in time so that the “dog” does not have time to drop seeds for reproduction. After the arrival of cold weather, the area is dug up, the remains of the plants are burned to kill pests.

    To preserve the most beautiful specimens, in October they are dug up and replanted together with the soil in a container or pot. Then they place it away from the windows in the house so as not to freeze.

    Planting seeds in open ground

    The method is less popular than growing beautifully flowering snapdragon seedlings. Seeds are sown directly on a lawn or flowerbed if warm weather sets in in the region already in May, frosts are rare, spring is early, and the soil warms up quickly.

    Suitable timing

    The right time is early May. It is important that there are no night frosts. It is important to select high-quality, large seeds. Some gardeners advise keeping the planting material in a solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection (30 minutes) and then placing the seeds in a growth stimulator for 3 hours.

    Choice of location and lighting

    Snapdragon grows well in open areas, light shade is acceptable. When planting antirrinum under trees, in shaded areas, the flowers are small, the bushes do not stretch out as expected for a certain variety, and the decorative effect is reduced.

    Optimal options: flat terrain, not in a lowland, not in a swampy area, away from trees with a dense crown. In the complete absence of shade, the plants bloom well; it is only important to ensure timely soil moisture. You must follow the landing rules.


    The usual growing practice in midland gardens is one season. With the arrival of frost, the plant is simply pulled out and put into a compost pit. But flowers are frost-resistant plants. If you prepare it for wintering, it will calmly overwinter and next year, already in May, it will begin to delight with its spectacular flowering.

    You can plant flowers in many places; antirrinum will become a decoration anywhere. Planted on ridges, near borders or on alpine hills. In apartments it is placed in pots or cache-pots, placed on window sills or loggias.

    Ampelous varieties are planted in flower pots and grow like vines, creating a multi-colored carpet. Plantings in groups turn out beautiful, especially if multi-colored colors are selected.


    You can grow this beauty by seedlings by sowing seeds. The seeds have excellent germination capacity, which does not disappear over the years. You can plant antirrinum achenes directly into the ground if your living conditions allow.

    Seedlings sprout in twenty days, so when planting in the ground, spring frosts must be excluded. Young sprouts will withstand cold weather. But, antirrinum is usually grown through seedlings. There is no difficulty in the process.

    Seed preparation

    Before planting, the seeds need to be stratified. They are laid out on gauze folded in several layers, tied and placed in water for 12 hours. Then lightly squeeze the gauze with seeds and place it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 12 hours.

    After this, the seeds are leveled in a thin layer on gauze and slightly dried before sowing. Before planting, the dried seeds are distributed in the sand, since they are tiny. Sowed in early March.

    Choosing a pot

    Planting pots must have a drainage hole. Coarse sand or small pebbles are poured as drainage. The soil mixture is collected from leaf humus and sand, it is half as much. Fill the container with prepared soil, press down lightly, and spray with water.

    Spread the seeds with sand in a thin layer on the surface. There is no need to press them into the ground. Sprinkle a thin, up to 2-3 mm layer of prepared soil on top. Spray again with a spray bottle. Next, cover with film or glass, creating a greenhouse effect for quick germination.

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    By removing droplets of moisture from glass or film every day, you simultaneously ventilate the seeds. If the soil begins to dry out, moisten it a little. Pots with seeds should be kept in a warm room (22-23 degrees).

    Under such conditions, sprouts will appear in 15 days. When sprouts appear, remove the film or glass. Transfer the container to a place that is protected from sunlight so that your seedlings do not stretch.


    After germination, seedlings grow very slowly. It is necessary to properly water the sprouts during their growth. Water in the morning. You need to pour enough water so that the sprouts have enough for the whole day. The main thing here is not to overfill!

    Heavily moist soil will be the culprit of such a dangerous disease as blackleg. Then the stem below will turn brown, and then completely turn black. It is no longer possible to save the sprout, just throw it away along with the soil.


    If the soil is not thrown away, it is treated. For this purpose, crushed charcoal or sand calcined in the oven is used. As one option, take activated carbon tablets, crush them and scatter them into the place where the seedling grows.


    They begin to plant sprouts only when two true leaves appear on the seedling, not cotyledons, but real ones.

    Dive the sprouts into boxes or other containers. Single cups or pots have worked well. If the pots are medium-sized, then you can plant two or three.

    Boxes or pots are filled with a soil mixture of leaf compost with a quarter of sand. Carefully replant the sprouts, trying not to damage the small thin roots. It is best to take them together with a soil clod.

    After transplantation, they are placed in a place that is well lit, but there is no direct sunlight. The temperature is maintained at a normal 20 degrees. After a few days you need to start hardening the seedlings. During the day, open a window or balcony, but without drafts.

    So that in the future the antirrinum becomes a spreading bush with lush inflorescences, when 6 true leaves appear, the top is pinched. Then the side shoots begin to grow. And if they also begin to grow well, they are pinched.

    Antirrinums are planted in the ground in mid-May. The plant is not afraid of cold nights, so you don’t have to worry that the sprouts will freeze. The soil should not be heavy, fertilized, and moisture should not stagnate in it. You can make the soil nutritious by scattering peat, leaf humus, and sand around the area.

    Requires digging to a shallow depth.


    The snapdragon is not fussy about lighting. It grows well in sunny and shaded areas. The main thing that needs to be taken into account when choosing a site to avoid strong drafts is protection from penetrating wind.

    How to care after flowering

    Advice! The varieties you like can be transplanted into a pot and kept at a temperature no higher than 15˚. They will bloom all winter.

    When growing perennial snapdragons, the bushes are cut off, leaving a 5-8 cm stump, which is covered with mulch, insulated and left to overwinter.

    When growing annual antirrinum, faded shoots must be cut off to avoid self-seeding. They are burned to destroy pathogens and pests, and the area is dug up. For propagation by self-sowing, several flower stalks are left on which the seeds will ripen and fall into the ground. They will sprout in the spring.

    Lampion F1

    Ampelous annual hybrid. Forms a lush hanging “beard” 50-70 cm long and up to 1 m wide. One of the “basic” ampelous antirrhinums.

    The plant prefers sunny places, is cold-resistant, ideal for container growing. Requires fertilizing.

    Flowering is abundant and long lasting from June to September.

    The flowers are medium sized but numerous and come in a variety of colors (from white and yellow to pink and maroon). The aroma is moderate and pleasant. Not for cutting.

    Wintering the plant

    Despite the fact that snapdragon is characterized as a perennial plant, cultivated varieties do not always tolerate frost well. If the winter is windy, little snow and very cold, then some species freeze out.

    To save plants for next year you will have to work hard:

    • at the end of autumn, while there is no frost, carefully trim the bush so that a stem no more than 10 cm long peeks out of the ground;
    • It is important to build a good shelter: first, they hill up the antirrhinum, then put spruce branches, a layer of fallen leaves, humus or peat on the mound of earth (the thickness of the cover is up to 10 cm);
    • With a careful approach and proper arrangement of the protective layer, the soil does not freeze, and young antirrhinums appear in the spring. You can leave the overwintered bushes in the same place or plant the decorative species in other areas.

    Varieties of Antirrinum

    There are quite a few varieties of antirrinum. They can be classified based on height.

    Photos of seeds of different varieties of snapdragon

    Let us dwell on the main varieties that are in demand among gardeners.

    Tall and medium Snapdragons

    The average height is from 0.4-0.9 meters. They can be used as accents in vertical group compositions. An excellent option for cutting, delighting with a wonderful aroma. Among the popular varietal representatives:

    • Anna Herman - features incredible beautiful pink flowers;
    • "Canary" - has bright, incredibly beautiful yellow buds.
    • “Madame Butterfly” - is a mix of double flowers of variegated shades;
    • "Golden Monarch" also has yellow buds.

    Low growing varieties

    They are distinguished by a height of 0.2 to 0.4 meters. They are actively used as border or flower bed flowers. The most popular flower is the snapdragon flower “Lampion”. Its height can sometimes be a little higher - up to 0.7 meters. Ideal for planting in hanging baskets. It blooms with colorful flowers in the form of clusters.

    The hanging variety “Magic” looks incredibly beautiful. Its height is no more than 0.4 meters. It blooms with large buds that have a spherical shape and a diameter of up to 0.6 meters. When flowering begins, glossy, rich buds form.


    Regardless of the type, all antirrinums have an erect stem on which green, branched shoots are located. The dimensions of this grass or subshrub range from 15-100 cm. Bush-like varieties have a pyramid shape.

    The leaves come in colors ranging from light green to deep dark green. The leaf shape is lanceolate or slightly elongated. The veins on the leaf are reddish in color.

    The root looks like a rod, it branches strongly in the ground. The root system is located in the ground at a depth of 30-35 cm.

    Flowers of irregular shape are located on a spike-shaped inflorescence, with large sizes. Due to the fact that there are more than 1000 species of varieties, you can find a wide variety of colors and a variety of petal shapes.

    The achenes are very tiny, located in a box consisting of two nests. From one gram there are up to 8000 pieces of achenes.

    The beginning of flowering coincides with the second month of summer and continues until the autumn frosts.

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