Design of the entrance to a private house. 18 options for what the design of the area in front of the house could look like.

We will suggest some interesting ideas that will help turn the entrance to the site into an independent element of garden design. After all, the gate is the face of any home. And let it be unique!

Gone are the days when a gate was needed only to lock a private area. Now it is one of the main elements of the entire landscape composition, an architectural detail from which the perception of the entire site begins. And we must try to make it memorable and bright.

Vegetable garden design

As a rule, all summer cottages have either a garden or a vegetable garden. It occupies 1/3 of the entire site and is located in the depths next to the water source. Designing a summer cottage with your own hands is not a difficult matter.

You can decorate your plot by dividing the garden area from the recreation area with a decorative or wicker fence. You can plant a green fence. Thus, the fence will not attract attention with a bulky appearance, but will also perform its function well.

  • A good design move in the garden would be to have paths between the cells. Also, for the convenience of watering, you can run pipes to each bed, having previously dug a hole in the ground for them, so they will not attract attention to themselves while underground.
  • It is important for a vegetable garden to have a lot of light; you should not plant plants next to large trees. If necessary, you can use raised beds.
  • Their shape can be different, both regular and non-standard, making the site more interesting.

You can make flower beds of various shapes on the site that harmoniously combine with each other, plant them with different crops and fence them with a border. This will make your site more interesting.

For DIY landscaping, use spiral beds and plant them with crops that do not interfere with each other. Also use decorative plants and vegetables for design.

Decorate the edges of the paths with decorative vegetables, this will add aesthetics to your site. Flowers are also ideal for decorating the area. You can plant them among vegetables, adding color to the landscape.

Plants used

  1. Western thuja – Thuja occidentalis “Sunkist”;
  2. Wild strawberry – Fragaria vesca “Pink Panda”;
  3. Spring crocus (varieties) – Crocus vernus;
  4. Phlox subulata “GF Wilson”;
  5. Scaly juniper – Juniperus sguamata “Blue Carpet”.

The basis of this composition is the symmetrical planting of pyramidal junipers and rounded bushes of evergreen variegated euonymus. Decorative flowering perennials complement the composition with bright colors throughout the warm season.

Laying garden paths

The technology for laying garden paths is quite simple and therefore any dacha owner will not have any problems with it. To carry out this work, we can offer the most affordable option: first you will need to dig holes 5 cm deep and place stones along the edge of the path.
This alone will make your paths stand out and arouse the interest of others. There is another method for creating paths in a summer cottage. You can create a cover using pebbles. To do this, you will have to dig the base of the future path, maintaining a ditch depth of about 10 cm, after which you need to put a geotextile fabric there and secure the edges with a decorative fence or special tape. After this, you can begin to fill the base with coating material, which can be gravel or pebbles. This completes the work. If you were able to cope with previous work related to landscaping, then this task of laying a garden path will be within your power.

You can first make a depression 10-15 cm deep , then fill the base with sand and compact it thoroughly. Next, you can move on to pouring the sidewalk or laying special tiles.

Zone planning

When drawing up the design of the project, the illumination of the site, the strength and direction of the wind are taken into account. The house on the site is located so that the windows do not face the north side. To protect the site from the wind, as a rule, large and strong trees are planted on the most leeward side. The light saturation of vegetable garden areas is also taken into account.

The most advantageous location of green hedges and trees is considered to be on the leeward side of the garden; they will protect the plantings from strong wind currents.

  • Placing green fences next to greenhouses will significantly complicate the process of caring for plants and will disrupt the flow of light into the greenhouse.
  • Design ideas for a summer cottage should originate from the hobbies and preferences of the owners. Then a sketch is created taking into account functionality and convenience, as well as the combination of parts of the site with each other.
  • When creating a site design, an image of natural nature is often created. The site is not filled with massive structures. Naturalness is maintained through combinations of glass, stone and wood.

Each zone should have a certain functionality, plantings should be located in well-lit areas. Depending on the theme, gazebos, benches, and bridges can be used as an additional design. Nowadays, hanging plants are often used as a design.

Garden design

The garden on the site should not be large; it may have a couple of raspberry and currant bushes, a cherry tree and an apple tree. If desired, you can beautifully decorate currant and raspberry bushes with wooden boards.

  • You can also choose the appropriate strawberry variety for your garden.
  • When choosing crops for the garden, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the crops.
  • Some may like dark areas, while others, on the contrary, like a lot of light.
  • The garden can also combine a recreation area; it can contain a gazebo and various decorative elements.
  • A small pond may not be out of place in the garden, but it requires an area significantly lower than the main zone.

The choice of landscape design is based on the chosen style. Decoration in the garden can be things that are familiar to us, it could be an old tree stump or even an umbrella. In the right hands, these things can fit harmoniously into the overall picture.

Do not forget that the basis of any landscape design is naturalness.

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