High-tech style in landscape design, design ideas, photos

The high-tech style in landscape design is one of the relatively new ones, characterized by a simple and harmonious appearance, functionality, originality, ease and convenience in general care. Areas of the most varied shapes are suitable for decoration in this style: both large rectangular and small narrow. The complexity of the initial relief is not an obstacle to the future design of this style.

High-tech in landscape design: conceptual features

Novelty and manufacturability are the key parameters of the high-tech style in landscape design. Moreover, they manifest themselves not only in the choice of forms and materials, but also in the design and implementation of engineering and construction ideas. Not afraid of experiments, high-tech is always open to the most advanced developments. The conceptual features of this style are as follows:

  • maximum freedom of space;
  • demonstrative urbanity;
  • the use of optical illusions;
  • distinct geometry of lines and contours;
  • clearly defined paths and steps;
  • rhythm and visual dynamics of the overall landscape;
  • abundance of landscape lighting;
  • lack of strict symmetry;
  • use of perennial plants with a dense crown or low conifers in the design;
  • vertical landscaping to camouflage fences;
  • futuristic figures and stones as decoration.

Modern houses in high-tech style

Planning and zoning

An advantageous feature of the high-tech style in landscape design is its loyalty to the topography of the site. Competently playing with all the irregularities, avoiding obvious internal barriers, he always demonstrates the integrity of the composition and the thematic connection of each element.

The layout, as a rule, is devoid of symmetry, but a clear love of geometry is visible in all components. The lines are smooth, the contours are clear, the angles are straight. Even at the design stage, the site provides for an abundance of light and free space. For this purpose, most of the territory is allocated for lawns, the mirror surface of reservoirs and simply concrete or tiled areas.

Zoning in the high-tech area is predominantly conditional. Dividing elements in the form of gabions or carefully trimmed hedges are intended to emphasize the integrity of the composition rather than to isolate any fragment of it.

Minimalism in landscape design, design options, photos


The “high-tech” style places emphasis on street lighting, which plays not only a decorative, but also a functional role. High-tech lighting design in the garden applies to all objects: buildings, furniture, sculpture, ponds, hedges and paths.

For lighting, choose lamps with warm light and colored LED strips that create an even glow that is not irritating to the eye. Wireless devices powered by solar panels are widely used.

The shape of the lamps is strictly limited by style; Simple balls and columns with a metal body, glass or plastic shades are welcome. A good addition would be ground and wall smart lamps with a slightly futuristic shape.

The future is here Source dessains.com

Materials and colors

High-tech is “high technology,” which means that the materials used to implement design ideas in this direction must be the most modern. Given the minimalist roots of the style, metal, glass and plastic remain the priority. To create special optical effects, you cannot do without mirror elements, and gravel or pebbles are used to fill the free space between thematic fragments.

The following coatings are in demand: concrete, large tiles, polymer wood.

Decorative design involves the use of natural polished stone or a spectacular artificial analogue. Ceramics in the form of original, but extremely laconic containers for plants are also appropriate.

The color palette of the style is quite restrained. The main role is given to neutral tones: light gray, beige and white. The natural greenery of plants and lawns emphasizes the technological nature of the setting, and metallized decorative elements with unusual lighting in purple, burgundy and bluish shades act as accents.

Key elements of landscape design:

  • Modern materials: glass, metal, new composite materials.
  • Wood – well processed, usually revealing its texture.
  • Contrasts.
  • Lighting – any ideas and the most incredible lamps. Almost everything is illuminated - the water in the pond, groups of plants, and areas of decorative paving. Light can be any color.
  • Combination of metal and wood.
  • Gravel sites.
  • Paving of regular geometric shapes.
  • Unusual bodies of water: in the form of canals crossing the site, in breaks in paving, framed in metal and concrete, with islands of unusual shapes.

Layout features:

  • Dynamic forms.
  • The zones in the garden of this style are divided very conventionally, with the help of “border guard” objects; the area resembles a studio in the lap of nature.
  • The paths are most often straight, but are located in a zigzag or diagonally, or looped in a regular circle.
  • Geometric symmetry or asymmetry.

Color solution:

  • Garden hi-tech colors are mostly light. The most commonly used colors are white, silver, all shades of green, blue, and purple. Accents – orange, red, yellow, black.

Paths, lawns, playgrounds

Garden paths and areas in high-tech style are characterized by maximum smoothness of the surface and clearly defined contours. They are usually made of concrete, arboform or porcelain stoneware. When decorating sites, spectacular geometric inserts made of glazed wood or metal are also allowed.

If there is a sports ground, it is decorated with artificial grass or seamless rubber covering.

The lawn on the high-tech site is always green and immaculately trimmed. If desired, the natural carpet can be replaced with gravel, which makes maintaining the area much easier.

Loft style in landscape design, design options, photos


Among the small architectural forms on a high-tech site, the most common are gazebos, pergolas and garden benches. Since the chosen design direction is characterized by an abundance of the latest achievements, all these designs necessarily have a non-standard, original form, making a lasting impression and being an integral part of the decorative design. All structures related to the high-tech style are distinguished by their uniqueness and static dynamism.

Symbolic balls, cubic structures and other futuristic or avant-garde products made of stone, metal, glass or ceramics are widely used as decorative elements. And authentic handmade sculptures by the author are also in demand here.

Formation of style

It is generally accepted that high-tech is one of the youngest and most progressive trends. In fact, the advanced technology style originated in the 60s of the last century. During the period when humanity made its first flight into space. Such a global event affected all aspects of life and, of course, affected architecture.

Early high-tech adopted so much from modernism that it is considered its accord. At this stage, high-tech is characterized by monumentality and sculptural form, hyperbolism, and complex configurations of simple geometric figures.

However, the first buildings built in a new way caused ridicule and indignation. For example, the Pompidou Center (Paris) remained a topic of controversy for two decades. Many believed that the huge glass “box”, hung with elevators, escalators and pipes, “disfigures” the appearance of the capital. In the 90s, the debate died down, and high-tech suddenly gained popularity. The use of innovative methods made it expensive, and therefore an elitist style. Banks, syndicates, corporations moved to offices built in a new, fashionable trend. High-tech has turned into a status attribute and has become part of the image of progressive, business and successful people.

garden furniture

To comply with high-tech concepts, garden furniture must make an impression. Unusuality can be expressed both in the form and in the material from which it is made. Usually these are: glass, plastic, stone, wooden fragments. Devoid of pretentious decoration, such items captivate with their originality and unexpected combination of components.


For all its technology, high-tech is very sensitive to water. A site in this style is simply unthinkable without artificial reservoirs. In accordance with the concepts of the direction, their distinctive features are:

  • correct geometric shape,
  • concrete, glass or metallized frame;
  • presence of backlight;
  • lack of vegetation.

In conditions of limited space, it is possible to use modular reservoirs with sides raised above the ground.

For more spacious areas, water systems covering the entire area are suitable, which are a composition of ponds and pools of different sizes. They can be located separately from each other, or connected by symbolic channels.

A stylish fountain in a high-tech area is a structure in the form of an abstract or clearly geometric figure made of glass, stone or metal.

Landscape elements

High-tech landscape design is characterized by the absence of flashy details, and the main emphasis is on leveling surfaces. The garden elements look like this:

  • Paths. They require an ideal, flat surface and neat boundaries, but the shape can be different. The materials used are smooth concrete tiles, porcelain stoneware, filling with white or colored gravel, garden parquet made of WPC (wood-polymer composite).

Walkway with symmetrical design Source houzz.com

  • Venues. Open areas are covered with concrete, filled with stone tiles, a neat lawn is planted, and backfilled with pebbles. In a concrete coating, there will be inserts of textured wood or metal in place.
  • Sports area. Artificial turf made of polyurethane and high-quality synthetic turf are used.

Relaxation area by the pool Source carlasrosaries.com

  • Fencing. To fence the perimeter of the site, choose mesh, pipes, corrugated sheets, and polycarbonate. A good option is a fence made of decking (terrace boards) with horizontal installation. Within the site, boundaries are distinguished using gabion nets or neat hedges.
  • Decorative ponds and pools. Ponds can be of any size and shape. They are united by the absence of vegetation, polished concrete banks, and often lighting. A popular variety is a modular pool with raised sides made of transparent plastic, glass or metal.

Swimming pool with glass insert Source pinterest.com
See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in the construction of small architectural forms


Lighting is designed to emphasize the futurism and originality of the high-tech style in landscape design. In this case, each lighting device plays its own individual role, being responsible either for the functionality of the lighting or for creating the necessary visual effect. As a rule, each significant element on the site has its own lighting, often colored.

The lamps and lighting systems themselves simply must meet the spirit of the times, being easy to use and original in design. LED lights and solar-powered options are still relevant.

The unusualness of the site in the high-tech style and its involvement in the “space” theme can be emphasized with the help of optical illusions. To achieve the desired effect, it is enough to provide the correct location of mirror fragments and lighting fixtures on the territory.

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Since high-tech in any design strives to show the industrial and futuristic nature of its character, a riot of plants in an area decorated in this style is completely excluded. Green spaces are used in doses and only to the extent necessary.

MORE Landscape,

Landscape styles

Minimalism in landscape design, design options, photos

On symbolic flower beds, lawns and along the perimeter of the space, monochrome plantings predominate, demonstrating the originality of the shape of the crown or foliage of plants. Suitable for landscaping: hostas, ferns, sedums, ornamental cereals. In this case, the flower beds are surrounded by laconic borders made of concrete, stone or plastic.

Among trees, preference is given to representatives with clear outlines of the crown: conifers, maples, and ornamental apple trees.

Despite the obvious asceticism in plant design, dendroplasty turned out to be in great demand in this ultra-modern style, making it possible to create three-dimensional compositions from shrubs planted in a limited space. The density of the surface of the interlocking crowns of plants of different heights allows you to create compositions that give the impression of a three-dimensional object that can be equated to small architectural forms. The following herbal components are used for these purposes:

  • Cossack juniper,
  • spirea,
  • boxwood,
  • vesicular carp,
  • snowberry,
  • white turf.

Landscape design in high-tech style also involves the use of plants in containers. Made of concrete, metal or plastic, planting containers can have different geometric shapes and sizes, corresponding to the general parameters of the site.

Vertical landscaping is sometimes used to camouflage walls, fences and fences at property boundaries. For this purpose, vines are used: virgin grapes, ivy, actinidia.

List of all landscape design styles with photos

Which plants are suitable

High-tech is a well-organized space. Therefore, plants play a background role here. They serve not for decoration, but for zoning the territory. Therefore, varieties are selected that can be given extraordinary shapes.

Basic principles of landscaping:

  • Shrubs and trees of strict form . It is advisable to use evergreen varieties that can be cut. The best options are cypress, spruce, boxwood, and thuja.
  • Flowers are perennials that can be planted in pots and containers. In high-tech landscape design, heather, grasses (feather grass, sedge, elymus), decorative sunflowers and corn, cleomene, delphinium, and large dahlias are often used. Colorful variety should be avoided. Flowers are selected in monochrome colors.
  • Yew, thuja, spirea, and barberry are ideal for hedges . For landscaping facades and fences, ivy, some types of virgin grapes, and arrowroot varieties of climbing plants (kokedama, calathea) are used.

To prevent the garden from looking deserted, it is allowed to plant “romantic” trees - weeping willow, viburnum, rowan - in the far corners or along the perimeter. For high-tech, trees are given unusual shapes so that they evoke thoughts of space and extraterrestrial life.

Fences and railings

Fences and enclosures on a high-tech site are appropriate only along its perimeter to isolate it from the outside world. The optimal solution for such purposes would be a system consisting of alternating sections of gabions with original filling and polycarbonate or metal sheets. No less in demand are fences made from decking boards located both vertically and horizontally.

To camouflage the fence and create the necessary background, tall plants are sometimes planted along the fence or vertical landscaping is used.

Inside the site, a low and carefully trimmed hedge, reminiscent of a border, can serve as a symbolic fence.

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Landscape design in high-tech style - photo

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