Bright colors of hybrid Verbena, a herbaceous plant for open ground

Verbena is a rhizomatous plant that can be a perennial (for example, Tuscani) or annual (for example, Rumba) shrub or subshrub. Its stems are erect, pubescent, dark green, rough or smooth. The inflorescences of this flower are thyroid or paniculate, in the form of a brush or spikes, where there are 30-50 miniature, bright flowers. The size of the flowers may depend on the variety and range from 1.5 cm to 2.5 cm in diameter. The variety of colors can also be very different: cream, white, salmon, red, blue, light blue, cream and even colors with a white eye.

After flowering, a nut consisting of four parts is formed on the branches. Flowering begins in June and lasts until the end of November. Plant the flower in a container and in open ground. For example, if verbena is grown from seeds, then hanging flowerpots are used for planting seedlings, and they also decorate balconies and terraces. Since the plant does not tolerate frost, it is used as an annual.

Characteristics of hybrid verbena

The size of the bushes can vary from 10 cm for dwarf varieties to 60-70 for tall ones. The stems are often erect, but creeping ones are also found. The shoots are tetrahedral, covered with short hairs.

The root system is quite branched, growing 15-25 cm in depth. The leaves are grouped below, at the base of the stem, their shape can be oblong, rounded at the end, triangular and heart-shaped. The color of the ground part has a deep emerald hue. Inflorescences - umbrellas consist of many small flowers of a wide variety of colors. It includes colors such as blue, purple, red, white, pink, cyan and peach. After flowering, a fruit is formed in the form of a nut or capsule.

Popular varieties of verbena

Plants from the genus Verbenaceae have more than 250 species, which usually grow in the tropics and subtropics. Most of the varieties of this flower are hybrid varieties of South American origin, for example, the perennial verbena Delight, which are widely used in gardening and landscape design. Most often, annual plants with a wide variety of colors are used for planting. We know about 40 species of verbena, where both simple and hybrid varieties are found. Look at the article: Lobelia: growing the most famous varieties from seedlings.

Verbena Ideal

A beautiful, bright flower that attracts with a pleasant aroma on a warm evening. The plant is about 30 cm in height and comes in a variety of colors: cherry, pink, blue, red, white, purple. At the top of the head, the low-growing Verbena Ideal has a mass of spherical inflorescences, which are no more than 5 cm in diameter. Flowering begins in June and lasts until October. Verbena hybrid Ideal is often used to decorate garden beds, flower beds or for cutting.

Since the variety is cold-resistant, low-growing verbena is grown from seeds in sunny places where the soil is loose and there is no stagnant water. Planting seeds for seedlings occurs in February or early March, the most optimal temperature for germination is about +2 degrees. After 10 days, the first shoots appear. When the young seedlings grow up, they are transplanted to a permanent place, keeping a distance of 30 cm between them.

Verbena Peaches and Cream

An excellent hybrid variety that appeared several years ago. Its flowers are numerous and expressed in pastel, soothing tones that stand out against the bright green foliage. To get larger verbena flowers: Growing from seeds must be done correctly. 12 weeks after planting the seeds in the ground, the first flowering begins, which resembles a real carpet.

However, in order for the cultivation of Peaches and Cream verbena to give good results, the seeds are stored in the refrigerator and then planted in boxes covered with film. The temperature should be at least +24 degrees. The first shoots usually appear after 10-15 days, after which the air temperature should be reduced to +16 degrees. Seedlings are transplanted into the ground when there is no threat of frost. The flower loves fertile, loose soil and well-lit areas. Watering should be regular but even. To make the bush more branched, it is pinched, and it is also necessary to remove faded flowers in a timely manner.

Verbena Bonarskaya

A fairly large, branching plant that can reach a height of up to 120 cm. Its long, strong peduncles hold powerful umbrella-shaped inflorescences, which consist of a mass of small, purple flowers.

Since the variety does not withstand frost, Bonarskaya verbena is grown from seeds using the seedling method, that is, the flower grows as an annual.

As an adult, it can withstand light frosts and requires shelter. Thanks to this, verbena can be planted in early spring or left in the ground until the first frost. When decorating flower beds, the plant is planted in dense bushes that cover the entire space, filling it with bright colors. This hybrid variety goes well with other contrasting plants, emphasizing their beauty and color.

The cultivation of hybrid verbena by seedling method begins in March or April. To speed up the germination of seeds, they are soaked in warm water for 2 hours and then laid out on a damp cloth. After this, they are placed in the refrigerator for several days, that is, the stratification process is performed. Next, the swollen seeds are sown in the ground and after 2-3 weeks the first shoots should appear. When the first leaves appear on the sprout, they are planted in peat pots.

Young seedlings are pinched and planted in the soil only after hardening. Plants are placed at a distance of 25 cm from each other. For planting, it is advisable to choose loose, fertile soil and a well-lit place; waterlogging is not acceptable. During cultivation, watering should be moderate. The tops of the seedlings need to be pinched, it is also very important to remove faded flowers, and complex mineral fertilizers must be applied to the soil every 4 weeks. The first flowering begins at the end of June and ends just before frost.

Verbena Cotton Candy

This is a hybrid variety of verbena, which is an annual and is used for planting in flower beds, borders, borders, balcony boxes or containers. In appearance, Cotton Candy verbena has the appearance of a compact plant with thin, branched stems. At its tops there are umbrella-shaped, lush inflorescences, which consist of many snow-white flowers. They look great in hanging flowerpots, where they can be combined with other hanging plants.

Regarding how and when to plant verbena, you need to take into account that the plant tolerates temperature changes well and is resistant to bad weather conditions, that is, wind, rain, hail. All summer it pleases its owners with abundant flowering. They begin sowing its seeds in March, and after three weeks the first shoots will appear. Since seedlings can get sick due to excess moisture, it is advisable to spray them after the soil dries. Young bushes emerge after the first two leaves appear, and seedlings are planted in open ground in May, the distance between them should be about 30 cm.

Verbena Lucifer

An unpretentious, cold-resistant plant that is grown as an annual. Finely dissected verbena is about 25 cm in height, has many branches and is distinguished by abundant flowering. Its flowers are bright scarlet, have a regular shape and are collected in large, corymbose inflorescences, which reach 6 cm in diameter. The flower is used as a potted plant and for decorating flower beds; it is grown in boxes and on balconies. Bushes look especially beautiful in a group with other flowers. Verbena can withstand adverse weather conditions and tolerate temperature changes.

The cultivation of Lucifer verbena from seeds to seedlings begins in March or April. When the first two leaves appear, the seedlings are transplanted into separate peat pots, and in mid-May they are planted in open ground. The distance between the bushes is about 25 cm. The flower loves loose, fertile soil and an open, sunny place; waterlogging of the soil is prohibited. Pinching the tops is necessary, which will make the bush more lush and flowering abundant. It is also important to remove faded inflorescences and periodically feed the flower with complex mineral fertilizer. The first flowering begins at the end of June and lasts until the first frost.

Verbena Lady Dream

The Lady Dream variety is the best solution for decorating a flower bed. The plant has compact dimensions and many branches, the bush is no more than 30 cm in height. It is covered with bright, pink flowers, from which a delicate, pleasant smell emanates. When compared with other varieties in terms of flowering duration, Lady Dream verbena has no equal, because it blooms from the beginning of June until the very frost, without losing its beauty. It is ideal for decorating flower beds, flower beds, balconies or loggias.

Regarding the peculiarities of growing verbena of this variety, everything is done according to the standard scheme. Sowing of seeds begins in March or April, but they are pre-soaked in a damp cloth. After two hours, they are sown in boxes and covered with glass. When the first few leaves appear, the seedlings dive into peat pots. In mid-May, young bushes are planted in open ground.

Verbena Quartz

An early-flowering, low-growing, hybrid variety that blooms a week earlier than other varieties and delights with its large inflorescences. Grandiflora verbena is no more than 35 cm in height; its flowers are bright, clove-shaped, large, and have a pleasant aroma. Verbena Quartz blooms from the first days of June until the first frost. Since the bush has many side shoots, it blooms abundantly.

Regarding the conditions of detention, hybrid pink verbena is a light-loving, drought-resistant, cold-resistant plant. It is used for planting in pots, as a potted crop, or for decorating flower beds in the garden. Grows well in greenhouses and winter gardens.

Verbena Blue Night

A beautiful, low-growing plant with bright, abundant flowering and green, openwork foliage. The flower is no more than 30 cm in height and is distinguished by a mass of lush branches. Its inflorescences are blue-violet, no more than 5 cm in diameter and are collected in dense inflorescences. This variety is characterized by long, early flowering, which begins at the end of May. Blue Night verbena is not demanding in terms of care; it tolerates light frosts and drought, so it is often used for planting on balconies, borders or in gardens.

There are some secrets to growing verbena of this variety. For example, you need to plant seedlings in sunny, open areas where there is no wind or draft. It is not advisable to water the first seedlings, but only lightly spray the soil, since this particular variety tolerates waterlogging of the soil the worst.

When the seedling has several leaves, it can be transplanted into open ground, the distance between plants is about 30 cm.

Verbena Bright Sparks

Beautiful annual verbena, which is distinguished by the presence of a mass of branches and long, abundant flowering. This variety is resistant to powdery mildew, unfavorable conditions and unpretentious to the soil. It is often used to decorate flower beds, flower beds, boxes and ridges. Seeds for flower seedlings are planted in March or April, but they are moistened in advance so that they swell. Only after this are they planted in boxes and covered with film or glass. With the appearance of the first leaves, the seedlings are ready for planting in the ground; planting of seedlings usually begins in mid-May.

When compared with other species, Verbena Bright Sparks is more capricious, as it loves fertile, calcareous, loose soil, moderate watering and well-lit areas. In addition, it needs pinching and regular removal of dry flowers, and it also needs fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. Its flowering begins in June and lasts until frost.

Verbena Garnet Star

A cold-resistant, drought-resistant variety that is distinguished by long-term flowering, decorative appearance and unpretentiousness to the soil. Many gardeners choose to grow verbena seedlings from the seeds of this variety in order to decorate flower beds and add new, bright colors to existing flowers. Quite often, Pomegranate Star verbena is used as a container crop, as it is able to adapt to growth in a limited space. The only condition for its abundant flowering is feeding and regular watering. Very often, flower stems are used for cutting and making bouquets.

Seeds of this variety are planted in March for seedlings, and after three weeks they germinate. Moisturize the seeds only by spraying, otherwise they will quickly rot. The seedlings germinate after the formation of several leaves, and are planted in open ground in May, the distance between the bushes is at least 30 cm.

Verbena Tango

A fairly compact plant, which is only 20 cm in height, its inflorescences are quite large and are about 8 cm. This annual plant is readily used to decorate borders, flower beds, borders, and for planting in boxes or containers. At the top of the head, Tango verbena has lush, bright inflorescences, which consist of a mass of bright pink flowers. They look great in hanging pots and complement any hanging plants. Regarding propagation, the technology for growing Tango verbena is the same as that of other varieties. We advise you to look at the article: Begonia: species for growing in open ground and apartments.

Photo of a hybrid variety

Next you will see a photo of a herbaceous plant for open ground, hybrid verbena:

Why is seed propagation the best way?

Successful propagation of a flower using seeds is only possible if the seeds are of high quality. Then almost 100% germination is guaranteed.

There are several brands of high-quality seeds on the Russian market:

  • Aelita;
  • Gavrish;
  • SeDek;
  • Search;
  • Russian vegetable garden.

If the plant is planted in open ground, it reproduces by self-seeding.

After flowering, verbena produces seeds that can be carefully collected and planted next year. Flower germination in this case lasts up to 5 years.


Produced at the end of spring, when warm weather sets in. At this time, verbena seedlings are planted in a permanent plot. The place should be well lit throughout the day so that the light-loving beauty feels comfortable. You cannot plant a hybrid species in lowlands where moisture flows after rain or in wetlands. The plant is a drought-resistant species that does not tolerate constant dampness.

Read more about planting perennial verbena and growing the plant here.

Land preparation

The flower does not have any special requirements for the composition and reaction of the soil, but feels better on fertile loamy soil with a loose structure.

Heavy dense soil is mixed with sand and peat, and drainage from any stones is laid at the bottom of the planting hole. This will protect the roots from stagnation of water and rotting.

The soil must be mixed with humus and mineral fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus. Bushes are planted in this nutrient mixture and the soil around is lightly compacted.

Sowing: step-by-step instructions

Properly grown seedlings will produce high-quality flowers that will decorate any garden or home. After purchasing seeds, you need to prepare the soil and pot. It is good to plant verbena in a ready-made peat-based mixture. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself.

To prepare the soil you will need:

  • 4/7 peat;
  • 2/7 garden or vegetable land;
  • 1/7 river sand.

After preparing the mixture, it needs to be disinfected: the earth is steamed in a double boiler or heated in the oven for an hour.

For seedlings, small pots with drainage holes are suitable, which can then be covered with film.

Since the seeds germinate unevenly, before planting they are treated with a growth stimulant and stratified. The stratification procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Spread the seeds on damp gauze.
  2. Pack in film.
  3. Place in the refrigerator for 5 days.

Step-by-step instructions for planting seeds:

  1. Moisten the prepared soil.
  2. Place the seeds in rows at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other if planting is carried out in a common pot. If the seedlings are in different pots, then plant 3-4 seeds in each.
  3. Sprinkle the seeds with soil (a very thin layer).
  4. Spray with a spray bottle.
  5. Cover with film or a lid to create a greenhouse effect with a temperature of +20...25°C.

Then the seedlings remain in place until the first shoots.


It does not present any particular difficulties, since hybrid verbena is not a capricious plant at all.


Moderation and regularity are the basic principles of the event. Watering is carried out at the root during dry periods with an interval of at least 5 days. From mid-July the procedure can be further shortened.

Air humidity

The tropical guest tolerates dry air well for a long period, so there is no need to artificially increase the humidity. You should not spray during flowering, so as not to get unsightly brown specks on the delicate petals.

Top dressing

Organic matter must be added once, during planting. If verbena receives a lot of nitrogen compounds, it will begin to increase the green mass of leaves and stems. Having spent all the energy on this, it will no longer be able to bloom.

To stimulate active abundant flowering, it is necessary to periodically feed the plant with complexes of microelements.

Thermal mode

Hybrid verbena tolerates any heat well, but does not like cold weather.

Even a drop to 0° will be disastrous for her.

In hot weather, it is recommended to loosen the soil after watering to provide the roots with normal ventilation and avoid severe drying out and, as a result, compaction.

Application in landscape design

The use of hybrid verbena in landscape design is so widespread that many flower growers and professional gardeners prefer this crop for most areas of area design. Thanks to its unpretentiousness, exceptional decorative properties of rich greenery and a wide range of shades, verbena is used on various objects:

  • on clubs and beds to design areas that bloom throughout the summer;
  • in mixborders (middle or background for tall varieties);
  • in rock gardens to create bright color accents;
  • on lawns as dominant elements;
  • for designing dense borders (low-growing species);
  • hanging flowerpots;
  • containers;
  • outdoor pots and flowerpots.

With proper care, hybrid verbena can decorate any area of ​​the local area with its lush blooms all summer long.

Growing from seeds

To get a flowering plant in summer, seeds are sown for seedlings no later than February. To do this, use small containers filled with loose substrate. You can buy ready-made universal soil or mix sand with peat and garden soil. The seeds are evenly placed on the surface and are not covered with soil on top. Instead, the boxes are covered with glass or plastic film. Sprouts appear within 13-15 days.

When the first pair of true leaves appears, the seedlings can be planted in separate cups or bowls.

Preparing and sowing verbena seeds

Verbena can reproduce by self-sowing. Its seeds can be collected and used, but the qualities of the mother plant may not be preserved. It is best to buy verbena seeds from manufacturers, especially since every year breeders delight us with more and more new specimens that meet a variety of needs.

The packaging usually tells you how to properly grow a particular variety. Do not miss this important information, as some varieties do not require embedding in the ground, but, on the contrary, germinate well when exposed to light.

Verbena seeds are very small, so there is no point in sowing each one separately. For sowing, you need to prepare as many containers as there are varieties of this flower purchased, and sow each variety in a separate container. During the growing process, seedlings will need picking. That’s when a separate container for each plant will come in handy. Cups with a capacity of 150 - 200 ml will be quite enough.

Growing from cuttings

An easy and affordable way to obtain planting material yourself. Cuttings are harvested in the fall, during the harvesting of faded plants. They need to be dug up along with a lump of soil and placed in a suitable container. For wintering, the bushes are sent to a fairly cool room with a temperature no higher than 7-9° . This could be a glazed balcony, cellar or basement.

For subsequent planting outside, the bushes are taken out in March. Their healthy apical shoots containing 5-6 axillary buds are cut off. Sections are disinfected with activated carbon powder or wood ash.

The finished cuttings are placed in a substrate of sand, peat and vermiculite, buried to the bottom leaf bud. To speed up root formation, containers are placed in a greenhouse or covered with plastic bottles. Roots begin to appear already in the second or third week.

Read more about growing verbena from seeds and propagating the flower by cuttings at home here.

What plants does it go with?

Ampelous verbena is valued for its variety of varieties and external characteristics, and ease of care. This is an unpretentious plant that can be combined with other crops. Falling shoots are used to create hanging compositions and vertical gardening.

Verbena can be planted as a ground cover in flower beds and rock gardens. The flower is placed under trees and bushes, along paths. When planted, the plant is combined with the following crops:

  • petunias;
  • camellias;
  • asters;
  • marigold.

Important! It is advisable to place the bushes tightly for maximum decorative effect.


Hybrid verbena, like other varieties, is little susceptible to disease. But it can also be attacked by fungi and insects.

Powdery mildew

The fungus sets in high humidity amid warm weather. White blotches appear on the leaves, similar to spilled flour. Severe infestation causes their color to change to purple. Then the leaves fall off and the plant dies. The disease is treated with fungicides containing copper (Oxychom, Abiga-Pik, copper sulfate) and new combined systemic drugs (Vitaros, Ridomil Gold, Previkur).


Verbena bushes can be attacked by almost any fungal rot. Among them are stem, black leg, root, gray. By cutting off all the affected parts in time and treating healthy tissues with fungicidal agents, you can save your flowers from the disease.

There are different types of verbena: finely cut, ampelous, medicinal, Buenos Aires. You can read about them on our website. We have also prepared information about the beneficial properties, uses and contraindications of medicinal verbena.

Features of reproduction

Several methods are used to propagate hybrid verbena:

  • cuttings - used for hybrids that do not form seeds;
  • dividing a bush of an adult plant;
  • seed, with germination of seedlings from hybrid seeds.

To grow hybrid verbena seedlings, you should choose selected plant seeds from trusted producers

Growing perennial verbena

All botanical species of verbena discussed in the article are perennial plants, but only vervain is resistant to cold. The crop is primarily grown by seeds. Caring for seedlings is similar to the technology described for garden hybrids. The difference in cultivation lies only in the method of preparation for winter. Before the onset of frost, the shoots are removed and the rhizome is insulated with spruce branches. This material will protect the flower from frost and rodent attacks.

Brief description of cultivation

  1. Landing . Stratified seed material is sown for seedlings in March–April. Planting of seedlings in the garden is carried out from mid to late May or in early June.
  2. Bloom . Starts in June and ends in October.
  3. Illumination . Grows well both in shade and in bright or diffuse sunlight.
  4. Soil . It can grow in any soil, but nutritious loam is best suited.
  5. Watering . Until mid-July, water systematically and moderately. Starting in August, a gradual reduction in watering is carried out.
  6. Fertilizer . Throughout the season, 3 or 4 feedings are required; for this, a mineral complex with a low nitrogen content is used.
  7. Reproduction . Most often by seed, more rarely by cuttings.
  8. Pests . Aphids, spider mites and nematodes.
  9. Diseases . Blackleg, gray mold, powdery mildew, root rot and spotting.
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