Proper planting of trees - ideas for proper planting and selection of placement plans in landscape design (80 photos)

Season for planting

The most favorable time for planting is considered to be spring and autumn. At this time, the trees are dormant and replanting will not cause them much harm.

Planting trees in spring. At this time of year, try not to be late in planting trees. You need to have time before the buds on the tree begin to swell and sap flow begins. If the seedling does not take root by this time, the tree may die.

After planting, do not forget to water the tree generously so that it is saturated with water.

Planting trees in autumn. The survival of seedlings will depend on cold and frost. If the winter is very cold and snowy, the seedling will simply freeze. It can also be damaged by animals and rodents.

Where is the best place to buy seedlings?

Experts advise purchasing trees for planting only from nurseries. It is in nurseries that full-fledged seedlings are grown and promptly treated from insects and pests.

But do not forget that when buying a tree, you should carefully examine the root system; it should not be dry. The trunk should be straight with three branches, without visible damage.

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Landing place

Each tree must grow in its place, otherwise it will hurt or bother you.

For planting, choose a well-lit and not shady place. If there are lowlands or depressions on the site where melt water accumulates, it is better to refrain from planting seedlings in these areas.

The type of soil also plays an important role in the development of a tree. The tree will grow well on black soil or loamy soil. It will be much worse on sandy soils. In this case, careful fertilization of the soil will be required.

Fruit trees for different regions

Climatic conditions in different regions of our huge country differ sharply, so it is best to choose fruit tree seedlings for a specific area.

Perhaps the apple tree is rightfully considered one of the most popular types of fruit trees. It is frost-resistant and not picky about the type of soil. Pears, plums, and cherries are also very popular among summer residents in central Russia.

In the southern regions, of course, the choice of fruit trees is much greater. In summer cottages in warm regions, cherries, apricots, and peaches are ubiquitous. You can also find more exotic pomegranate or persimmon.


Any tree likes space. A seedling with small shoots does not need much space, but do not forget that in a few years it will become a tree with a crown.

Therefore, keep in mind that when planting, it needs at least three meters so that nothing interferes with the tree.

When planting trees, maintain the following distances:

  • fruit trees from 3 to 6 meters;
  • stone fruits from 1.5 to 3 meters;
  • shrubs from 1 to 1.5 meters;
  • ornamental shrubs with a narrow crown 1 meter.

Correct planting steps

To ensure proper tree planting with your own hands, follow the following instructions:

The hole should not be deep and wide enough. Make it wider by about three times the diameter of the roots. A large diameter is very important as the roots grow into the surrounding soil and the tree gradually strengthens.

It is important to determine the location of the root collar of the seedling (this is the place where the trunk begins to thicken and turn into roots). After planting, it is important to partially see this place, since deepening the root collar will lead to slower growth.

The tree must be planted at the correct height. All roots develop in the top layer of soil, and if the seedling is planted too deep, the roots will experience oxygen starvation and the tree will slow down its growth.

When filling with soil, try to tug the seedling a little so that all the voids between the roots are filled with soil. Compact gradually layer by layer until the entire hole is filled with soil.

It is recommended to install supports to protect the tree from wind and other factors. Tie the trunk with twine, it is advisable to tie the trunk in a figure eight to avoid the twine cutting into the trunk.

After planting and leveling the seedling, it is necessary to mulch the soil surface. But before this procedure, be sure to water the seedling.

Humus can serve as an excellent mulch; it will preserve the soil from moisture evaporation and provide warmth and nutrition to the tree. It will also serve as protection against weeds.

Care. After planting, it is necessary to provide the seedling with proper care. Water regularly, but do not overwater the tree. In the fall, protect the tree from rodents. Wrap the tree trunk with netting. In spring, whitewashing will help protect from the sun.

If you correctly fulfill all the conditions for planting a seedling in open ground, then replanting large trees with your own hands will not be difficult.

After all the activities carried out, we can safely say that the tree planting was successful. But do not forget that it is tedious to take care of the tree all the time, then it will bear fruit and delight you with a beautiful crown.

Planting the shoots

Avid gardeners never tire of experimenting with planting and breeding new varieties. How can you plant a tree from a shoot? This process will require knowledge and practice.

To grow a tree from a shoot you need to cut a cutting. A favorable month for this is mid-July. You need to cut from above and below, above and before the bud.

Keep the cutting in heteroauxin to form a root system, move it to a greenhouse and wait for the results.

There is nothing difficult about planting trees with your own hands. But if you still have difficulties, you can turn to printed literature or the Internet for help; visual aids and photos will show you how to properly transplant trees. You just need to follow some planting rules, and the tree will delight you with a harvest for a long time!

Selection and purchase of seedlings

Growing trees is, of course, labor-intensive and painstaking work, which always begins with choosing a seedling. And if you want to enjoy a rich harvest and a healthy plant, you must follow certain rules.

The first recommendation relates to the place of purchase of tree and shrub seedlings. It is definitely worth choosing a specialized nursery; specialists will give you qualified recommendations on choosing a variety and caring for it. While buying a plant on the market from strangers, you risk being deceived.

Seedlings are usually bought either in early spring or autumn, this is necessary for adaptation to the winter period.

As you can see in the photo of tree seedlings, the root system can be open or closed, as well as in a container.

The open root system is distinguished by its transportation features. Planting material of this type is transported in moistened peat, wrapped in paper or cloth to prevent the root from drying out. Such seedlings are planted immediately after purchase, starting from October and ending in November.

Seedlings with a closed root system are sold with a ball of earth on the rhizome, wrapped in polyethylene, that is, the roots are not exposed. Such trees should be moved carefully, supporting the lower part of the roots.

Planted in early autumn or April. Storage is allowed for 2-3 weeks; during this period it is necessary to maintain soil moisture on the roots.

Seedlings are usually transplanted into a container immediately before sale, and before that they are rooted in pots.

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