Manual roller for compacting lawn: principle of operation, application

The lawn needs aeration. It is impossible to do without this technique - the thicker the grass, the more difficult it is for oxygen to enter the soil, and, at the same time, the more organic matter it contains. It turns out to be a vicious circle - organic matter does not get into the lawn grass because it does not decompose, and does not decompose because oxygen access to it is difficult.

All this leads to the fact that the productivity of the lawn is reduced, and where the soils are especially compacted, grass may even fall out and bald spots may form.

Aeration will help solve the problem of a bad lawn. When we say “aeration,” we usually mean “piercing.”

Piercing - piercing the turf with special devices (forks, rollers, sandals) or mechanisms.

In 1954, Soviet agronomists conducted a study that proved that piercing quickly increased the productivity of the lawn. Holes formed by forks or other tools allow you to increase the level of contact between the turf and air and increase gas exchange. In addition, during rainfall, more water penetrates into the soil under the lawn, and its reserves increase.

How to use?

Improper use of the compactor can damage your lawn soil. For this reason, you should carefully read the rules for using the roller. Before sowing the lawn, the area should be cleared of stumps, large stones, and debris. It is better to level the soil with a rake or shovel, and fill the holes with earth. A smooth lawn will not create difficulties in maintenance, so it will be easy to mow, weed, and irrigate.

It is better to carry out the procedure in a warm time of day without precipitation. On this day, the soil should be moist with dry vegetation. Before using the roller, you must remove small debris from the area, and holes that have formed over the winter should be filled with substrate.

The weight of the roller can be easily adjusted by filling it with water, wet sand or crushed stone. Do not pour cement mixture or similar substances into the device. At the end of the season, the filler must be removed from the rink. After this, the product is wiped dry and the bearings are lubricated with oil.

How to make a homemade roller heavier

To make the instrument heavier, it needs to be filled with some material. There are several options for filling the skating rink cavity:

  • water;
  • sand;
  • sand and gravel mixture;
  • cement.

Each of the fillers has both advantages and disadvantages. So, getting water into the skating rink is the fastest way, but at the same time it is not as heavy as, for example, a mixture of gravel and sand. Yes, and premature corrosion of the seams with this method of weighting is ensured. Another disadvantage is the likelihood of leaving the skating rink with water inside for the winter, which will lead to its deformation.

Sand is more preferable as a filler, since it can be compacted tightly, and pouring the material, if necessary, will not be difficult. But there is no need to compact the ASG at all - after all, the volume of the material is almost 2 times heavier than the same volume of water.

If there is no need to transport the roller, its base can simply be filled with cement. The disadvantage of this solution is the inability to make the structure lighter for loading and transportation.

Roller made from a barrel with PGS backfill and a soft handle

Making a handle for a skating rink

A story about a garden roller made from a balloon

Making it is as easy as making the “lower” part of the device, so there is no point in running to the store and throwing away about 1,500 rubles on a frame for a wheelbarrow. Now we will make it from scrap materials, and in terms of strength and reliability the product will not be inferior to the branded version. Let's look at the step-by-step instructions.

Step 1

We work with pipes.

We take 2 profiled pipes with a diameter of 40 mm, their length should be about 2 meters.

We place one edge on the anvil and hit it with a hammer several times to make it flat, then bend both pipes at an angle of 45 degrees at a distance of 45 centimeters from the edge (which was driven in).

Step 2

We drill holes.

We drill 2 holes for a 12 mm bolt and insert it (it’s better to take the length 10 cm to be sure).

We place 2 supports with the bends inward, screw the nut on the inside of the bolt. We ended up with 2 supports with protruding and well-fastened bolts. We insert them into the holes in the cylinder that we drilled.

Step 3

We boil the structure.

Make sure that the bolts do not come out of the cylinder; weld a metal strip between the main supports (they should go at an angle of 40 degrees, and the distance between the other edges, where the handle will be, is about 50-60 cm) at a height of 30 centimeters from the roller itself. Weld another bar at a height of 120 centimeters. It can be made, like the first one, from a 25 mm angle or any other metal that can withstand a bending force of about 15 kg.

Step 4

Welding the handle.

We measure the distance between the edges of the supports, saw off a pipe of the required size and 25 mm in diameter, then take a 30 mm pipe and insert the first one into it so that it can be easily rotated. After this, we weld a pipe with a diameter of 25 mm to the supports. As a result, we have a turning handle that will not rub your hands and will not “run away” anywhere. This garden roller will be convenient and practical.


Choose a lawn roller according to the following criteria:

  1. drum width . The larger this parameter, the larger the area the tool compacts in one pass and, accordingly, the faster the area will be processed. But the mass also increases with increasing width - in order to maintain the required specific pressure on the ground. So manipulating a wide roller requires a lot of physical strength;
  2. material . Rollers made of polyethylene and other polymers are the cheapest, but they are inferior in durability to more expensive metal ones. The latter must have an anti-corrosion coating if the skating rink is supposed to be filled with water;
  3. drum wall thickness . This parameter also affects durability: the thicker the wall, the longer the tool will last;
  4. fastening the drum axle to the frame . In inexpensive models, the articulation of the drum axis and frame is carried out using bushings. Disadvantage: a lot of effort is required to move the roller, especially if the bushings are clogged with dust.

Expensive rollers use bearings with dust protection.

According to the method of propulsion, garden rollers are divided into three types:

  1. manual _ They usually have a width of 50-60 cm, so it is advisable to use them only in small areas. The advantage of such rollers is their ability to process soil in narrow places. For example, along the future path;
  2. trailed _ Instead of a handle, there is a drawbar for connecting to the towbar of a mini-tractor. Such skating rinks are more massive: their width reaches 90-100 cm;
  3. self- propelled Equipped with its own engine. Professional equipment for large sports lawns is not discussed in this article.

Due to the primitive structure of the garden roller, it is easy to make it yourself.

We use plastic bottles

This option is the simplest and fastest. You don't need to spend a lot of money to create it. The equipment is perfect for a small area. To make it yourself, you need to choose bottles that do not have a handle. They should be perfectly round. After which they need to be combined into one structure. The operating principle is as follows:

You need to take two bottles and place them so that their bottoms touch each other. This will expand the working part canvas. There are two bottles left from which to make cuffs. The neck and bottom are cut off from them, and the plastic itself is cut lengthwise. Now you need to secure 2 solid containers with cuffs, and then tightly wrap the finished structure with stationery tape. It should be tight. The structure is ready, all that remains is to fill it with the selected material. It can be water, sand or cement.

The weight of this structure will be about 100 kg. This is quite good not only for small areas, but also for soils with heavy soil. All that remains is to attach a handle to the roller. Some people make it soft by simply tying a rope or belt to the neck. It will take about 30 minutes or 1 hour to create a garden roller from bottles.

How to choose the best option

You can find a suitable unit in specialized stores that sell garden equipment.

When purchasing a lawn roller, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • size and weight of the product;
  • material from which the body is made;
  • internal filler;
  • coating features;
  • quality of fastenings;
  • manufacturer's reputation;
  • price.

It is necessary to take into account the size of the area to be processed, as well as the quality of the soil. The denser it is, the heavier the roller will be needed. There are units of Russian and foreign production on sale in a wide price range, which allows you to choose an option suitable for every gardener.

Diseases and pests

In most cases, lawn plants are damaged by fungal diseases. In most cases, they are caused by improperly designed lawn cultivation technology. An excess of nitrogenous substances, excessive moisture, dense plantings, and accumulations of garbage most often provoke the development of diseases in the area. The fight against them usually involves the use of appropriate fungicides or folk remedies prepared at home. The most common lawn diseases are:

  • fusarium (snow mold);
  • powdery mildew;
  • rust;
  • red threadlike appearance, etc.

The most dangerous lawn pests are moles, earthworms and ants. Insecticides are used to destroy them, and various repellers are used to remove moles. You can also find other harmful insects on lawn grasses - wireworms, bread mites, Swedish flies - but they are not so harmful. If the turf is healthy, the damage they cause will quickly heal.

Growing a lawn is a complex and time-consuming procedure, but if you have the necessary knowledge and skills, this work is greatly facilitated. The application of time and effort will result in a beautiful, thick and dense lawn that will delight the eyes of summer residents and gardeners.

Review of popular brands of scarifiers

Modern companies offer customers many series of different models that are designed to make human work easier and remove debris from the lawn. The most popular manufacturers are:

  • Champion. The Scarifier Champion is a durable device that is standard in all respects. The domestic company, founded in 2005, offers inexpensive and simple scarifiers for people with different financial capabilities.
  • Scarifier al ko. Scarifier Alko enjoys well-deserved recognition among consumers. This is a powerful, reliable and durable unit that serves its owners for at least 7-10 years. The scarifier is a true masterpiece of German quality. But the price for it is appropriate.
  • Makita. This is a Japanese company that supplies the market with inexpensive devices that are distinguished by quality, lightness and maneuverability. The Makita scarifier is in stable demand among Russian buyers.
  • Bosch. This company has long enjoyed well-deserved respect because it produces inexpensive, but very high-quality household and garden equipment. The Bosch scarifier is guaranteed to last for many years. This is the ideal ratio of low price and high quality.

Scarifiers are indispensable assistants in the household, helping to improve and clean lawns. They should definitely be purchased by those who grow ornamental grass on their property.

General tips for using the roller

  • Carefully follow the rolling technology, otherwise the lawn will be irrevocably damaged.
  • Use a roller to remove only small bumps; for the rest, a shovel or rake will work better.
  • When leveling your lawn in the spring, make sure the soil is moist enough, but the grass is not!
  • Before rolling the finished lawn, make sure once again that no debris or stones have fallen on it.

If you follow all of the above, you will enjoy a fluffy green carpet under your window from early spring until the snow.

When filled with different materials, the weight of the roller is:

  • water: 65 kg;
  • sand: 95 kg;
  • cement: 105 kg.

If the weight of water is sufficient, it is the preferred filler because it is easily removed from the skating rink. When using bulk materials, emptying the roller is much more difficult, especially a large model. A roller filled with water left over the winter will burst when it freezes. Therefore, before sending it for storage in an unheated room, the liquid must be drained.

If, while rolling the base under the lawn, irregularities are found on it, you should not ignore them or try to smooth them out with a roller. Even the smallest remaining unevenness will ruin the lawn and make it dangerous: a person can trip over a bump, which is especially undesirable while running.

There is also a possibility of damage to the lawn mower blades. It is more correct to cut off uneven areas with a shovel or fork and only then roll over the prepared area. The depressions are also eliminated: they are covered with earth and then rolled down.

If a factory-made roller is not at hand and therefore the decision is made to make it yourself, it is recommended to take a finished product as a basis, for example:

  • pipe;
  • barrel;
  • gas cylinder.

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A simple version of a homemade roller is done like this:

  1. a pipe with a diameter of about 20 mm is inserted into a pipe or other product of a circular cross-section with a diameter of 350 mm and a length of 0.5 to 1 m and is fixed exactly in the middle - this is the axis;
  2. the structure is placed vertically on stands and covered from below with a plywood panel (for the axis you need to drill a hole in it);
  3. cement mortar is poured inside;
  4. After the solution has dried, the roller is tilted to a horizontal position, a steel rod is threaded into the inner pipe (axis) and a rope is tied to it on both sides.

When rolling, the tool is pulled by the rope. A more complex version of the roller is made using bearings and a comfortable handle. This will require electric welding.

After filling with cement mortar, the weight of the roller can reach 100 kg or more, therefore all manipulations with it should be done carefully

The best manufacturers


The German company is a manufacturer of reliable power tools for professional and household use, as well as high-quality garden tools. Founded in 1984. Today the company owns branches in Europe and Latin America.


Domestic manufacturer of budget garden equipment. The company produces:

  • garden electrical equipment;
  • high pressure washers;
  • pump equipment;
  • equipment for lawn planting and care;
  • trimmers, scissors, loppers;
  • drip irrigation systems.


German company organized in 1931. The founder is Alois Kober, a former mechanic and successful entrepreneur. The company is known outside Germany as a manufacturer of high-quality garden tools, air conditioners and ventilation units, and auto components. The family company has been successfully operating in the professional and household equipment market for 90 years.


Domestic brand of household tools and garden equipment. The company has production facilities in China. The product is not intended for professional use. It is distinguished by the absence of unnecessary functionality, is quite reliable and is sold at affordable prices.


An American brand specializing in the production of goods for country houses and lawn equipment. On the market since 1936. Today the company offers customers an impressive line of seeders and fertilizer spreaders, rollers, verticutters, scarifiers and aerators, mini tractors with attachments.


The American brand is a world leader in the production of garden equipment. Founded in 1932. Owns factories in Canada, Asia and Europe. Garden equipment from Modern Tool and Die Company pleases customers with reliability, quality, and extensive functionality. Its popular models of tractors and their attachments are in high demand among farmers all over the world.


German manufacturer of motorcycles for gardening and gardening. The company's divisions operate in more than 160 countries around the world. The popularity of Stihl models is explained by the high quality of products, modern materials and innovative technologies used in the development of new models.


One of the world's most famous manufacturers of equipment for various purposes from Sweden. The company produces household appliances, construction tools and weapons. The brand's latest innovations include cordless tools and robotic mowers.

The list of the best manufacturers can be continued for a long time. Which company’s equipment is best to buy is not an easy question. Inexperienced users are better off listening to the advice and recommendations of professionals and sales consultants. It is necessary to collect information about the product: technical characteristics, description, step-by-step user instructions, and find out the price. Only by relying on all the collected material can you understand what to look for when inspecting a product and make the right choice.

Main application features

The drum of the garden roller is hollow. Thanks to this, the tool weighs 10-18 kg and is easy to transport.

Before use, the drum is filled through a special hole with ballast, and the weight of the instrument depends on the choice of the latter:

  • water: the easiest option;
  • sand: medium;
  • cement: the heaviest.

It is better to use water if its weight is sufficient to solve the tasks. In this case, emptying the drum will be easier than pouring sand or cement out of it. In some models, due to the lack of anti-corrosion coating, the use of water as ballast is not allowed. Rollers equipped with such a coating are often called water-filled.

The garden roller is used only to compact the soil. You should not try to smooth out bumps with it, especially if high demands are placed on the quality of leveling (laying out a lawn, a site for a frame pool, etc.). The mounds are first cut off with a shovel and only then a roller is used.

Design and purpose

A lawn roller is a horizontally located drum rotating around a central axis, mounted in a frame with a handle. In factory-made models, the drum is hollow; to make it heavier, it is filled with water, sand, or cement.

The lawn roller does the following:

  1. compaction of the drainage cushion (a layer of crushed stone 10 cm thick over a layer of sand of the same thickness), installed under the lawn in clay areas;
  2. rolling of rolled lawn: ensures a tight fit of its turf to the base (takes root faster) and merging of adjacent rolls;
  3. pressing down the grass after cutting: makes it soft and silky;
  4. destruction of the ice crust that forms on the lawn in winter and early spring: it does not allow the vegetation to breathe;
  5. compaction of gravel and sand paths;
  6. loosening the soil. This operation is performed with a ripper roller with a studded surface;
  7. rolling the sown seeds after pouring humus and mulch on top of them.

Effect of the last operation:

  • weathering and washing out of seeds is prevented;
  • they are in closer contact with the soil and therefore germinate faster;
  • compacted soil retains moisture better and warms up, which is also beneficial for seeds.

The structure of this tool is extremely simple, so even an inexperienced person can assemble it from scrap materials.

Manufacturing procedure

A homemade skating rink is made as follows:

  1. Disks with a diameter equal to the diameter of the workpiece for the drum (gas cylinder, barrel, pipe, etc.) are cut out of a steel sheet. This can be done using a grinder: make many short straight cuts, getting a polygon, and then cut off the corners with a grinding wheel. The second method: drill many small holes along the contour and then cut off or remove the walls between them with pliers. Next, the edges of the disk (now it resembles a bicycle “star”) are polished, giving them the shape of a circle. The center of the circle drawn during marking must be clearly marked - it will be needed later;
  2. a hole with a diameter of up to 50 mm is cut out in one of the disks and then a threaded fitting is welded here. A plug is made for the fitting: an internal thread is cut in a short part of a pipe of the appropriate diameter and then welded on one side with a square plate with ground off corners. A rubber gasket is inserted into the plug to prevent water from spilling out of the skating rink;
  3. a piece of rod with a diameter of 12 mm is ground on one side to a diameter of 10 mm - this is an axis with a seat for a bearing. The end is chamfered on the machined side, then the axle is lubricated and a bearing is pressed onto it. The second axis is manufactured in the same way;
  4. From a pipe of the appropriate diameter, eyes are made for the U-shaped frame into which the bearings will be inserted. Part of the pipe is bored from the inside, then cut into two identical parts;
  5. Having lubricated the eyes, they are pressed onto the bearings;
  6. each axle with a bearing and eye is welded end-to-end to the disk exactly in the center;
  7. Weld the discs to the ends of the drum blank. The tightness of the seams is checked by filling the drum with water;
  8. from any rolled steel, for example, a corner 50x50x4 mm, a U-shaped frame is welded with dimensions such that the drum fits in it;
  9. weld the frame to the lugs;
  10. a T-shaped handle welded from a pipe with a diameter of 20 mm is attached to the frame;
  11. a rubber hose is put on the handle on both sides to make it more convenient to grasp it with your hands;
  12. if necessary, strengthen the frame with reinforcement braces;
  13. if a ripper roller is required, many bolts or dowels for a construction gun are welded to the surface of the drum in the form of spikes.

Simplified version

The previous version of the roller requires parts turned on a lathe; for those who do not have the opportunity to make them, this method of producing a homemade compactor is offered:

  1. the workpiece for the roller (pipe, barrel, cylinder, etc.) is placed vertically on a plywood panel;
  2. A small diameter pipe is placed inside - about 20 mm. Its size is equal to the length of the workpiece. It is important to center the pipe so that its position coincides with the axis of the workpiece;
  3. Cement or concrete mortar is poured inside the skating rink and waited for it to harden;
  4. tilt the roller to a horizontal position and thread a steel rod into the pipe located inside it. The weight of a device filled with cement or concrete exceeds 100 kg, so you should turn it over and perform other manipulations with caution;
  5. weld a U-shaped frame from rolled steel;
  6. weld the frame to the rod threaded into the roller;
  7. equip the structure with a T-shaped handle, and put pieces of rubber hose on it.

The design can be simplified even further - instead of making a U-shaped frame with a handle, hook the rod protruding from the roller with a rope and pull the tool by it.

DIY lawn aerator

You can aerate the lawn, as we have already mentioned, with electric and gas equipment, or with a pitchfork. Regular garden forks are the easiest way to aerate your lawn. It's long and difficult. But it’s inexpensive and there are pitchforks in every home. There are also hollow tine forks that lift a little soil to the surface with each piercing.

Aeration with a pitchfork (video)

In this article I would like to dwell in more detail on how to make a lawn aerator with your own hands

Let's focus our attention on two models: sandal aerators, a roller with spikes, an aerator on wheels

Sandals for lawn aeration

The name itself speaks for itself. We will make shoes for piercing the soil. This is the easiest and most inexpensive way to make your own aerator, because almost all the necessary tools and materials can be found at home. And we need:

  • A piece of plywood or board 3-5 cm thick to make the base of the sandals. A thin metal sheet will also work, but then the shoes will be heavier for aeration. Thick rubber will also do.
  • Self-tapping screws or nails no shorter than 10cm
  • Leg straps. A handle from a bag or backpack will also work
  • Jigsaw, screwdriver, hammer.

Special sole for aeration
Work process:

  • We cut out blanks in the shape of a foot from plywood, boards, metal or rubber. We make the blanks a little larger than our size so that you can put them on your work shoes. To do this, simply outline the shape of the foot with chalk with an allowance of 2 cm on the material that you have chosen for making sandals;
  • Cut out the blanks using a jigsaw;
  • Drive nails into the blanks or screw in self-tapping screws. You will need to attach 10-12 bayonets to each workpiece. If you still choose metal for the blanks, then the nails will need to be welded;
  • On the sides of the blanks, make holes into which belts or straps from unnecessary bags are threaded to secure the legs.

It’s not difficult to guess that such a homemade aerator is not suitable for large areas, unless you absolutely love monotonous physical activity. Therefore, we offer you a second master class on making a do-it-yourself aerator for large areas.

Roller with spikes

A spike roller is a device that, thanks to mechanical rotation, speeds up the work process. Materials and tools for such a task can be found, as in the previous version, in almost every garage:

  • Meter pipe 20 cm in diameter;
  • Nails no shorter than 10 cm (determine the number of nails yourself);
  • Small stones, sand or cement mortar to weigh down the structure;
  • Shaft and bearings;
  • A holder from an unnecessary shovel or other garden tool or a metal tube 2 cm in diameter.

DIY aeration skating rink

Work process:

  • Nails need to be welded to the outside of the pipe;
  • To make the structure heavier, fill the pipe with stones, sand or fill it with cement mortar. Weld the holes on the sides;
  • In order for the structure to rotate easily, it must be mounted on a shaft with bearings;
  • Attach the structure with the shaft to the bracket and weld or screw it to the holder.

An aerator made in this way will save your time for lawn care. By the way, some craftsmen went further and thought of attaching a structure with a shaft and a spiked pipe to a small tractor. Well, you understand how much this simplifies the aeration process.

Aerator on wheels

This design is something between a homemade roller with spikes and a tractor with a welded spiked pipe. The whole process of work is identical to the process of making a homemade roller for aeration, with the only difference being that you need to attach a pipe with spikes parallel to the axis of the inside of the wheels of a wheelbarrow, for example.

Useful tips from professionals about aeration (video)

We are sure that the owner who loves to tinker in the yard will choose for himself a suitable design of a do-it-yourself aerator.

Finally, I just wanted to remind you that nowadays there are a lot of tips on lawn care, many useful tools. And therefore, only the lazy will not be able to find the time and energy to care for the lawn the way it deserves.

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Types of aerators

There are various modifications of these devices, from the simplest to the most complex.


Don't be surprised, but for lack of anything better, this simple garden tool is also suitable as an aerator. It is found in almost every household, and even a schoolchild knows what it is.

This is an economical option - costing an average of 1,200 rubles, but also the most labor-intensive. The efficiency and speed of coating processing will be low. Therefore, this method is only suitable for small areas or hard-to-reach places where it is not possible to work with large equipment.

If you want to entrust the aeration of your lawn to this device, then it is better to purchase a fork with hollow teeth that displaces a little soil when pierced, they are also called: a tubular-type foot aerator. With this loosening technique, the soil on the walls of the holes is not compacted, and therefore the process is more effective.

Rake aerators

The manual type of aerator includes a rake with a special attachment that has stamped crescent-shaped teeth 3.5–4 cm wide made of high-quality steel with galvanic coating.

With their help, you can not only loosen the soil, but also clear the lawn of dry grass and leaves, felt and moss. It is worth considering, however, that the length of the teeth of this tool is only 5–7 cm, so they will not be able to pierce the soil to the depth required for aeration – 15 cm. They rather serve for superficial, light ventilation in small areas. Prices for such instruments range from 1,300 to 2,500 rubles.

Aerator sandals

This device is more pleasant and convenient to use. It consists of metal or plastic shoe overlays with 5 cm long spikes and fixing elastic straps.

To do the hoeing, you just need to put on these so-called sandals with garden boots and walk along the green carpet lengthwise and crosswise. The disadvantage is the same small piercing depth. Approximate cost: 1,000 rubles.

Mechanical aerator

It is a drum-type structure with sharp spikes or hollow tubes evenly placed on the surface of the rotating body and a long handle to push the device in front of you, thereby putting it into action. Some models are equipped with wheels on the sides.

This is an already improved tool that allows you to aerate larger areas. Disadvantages include the need to apply force during operation and clumsiness. This device will not be able to process a lawn with a large number of flower beds, shrubs and other decorative elements.

Electric aerator

In appearance it resembles a lawn mower - the same motorized machine with a handle, but instead of cutting elements it is equipped with piercing spikes for forming punctures in the ground. More expensive modifications are equipped with a grass collector and an additional attachment for combing out dry caked stems and leaves from the grass.

The undeniable advantages of such equipment are its high productivity and at the same time compact size, maneuverability, ease of use, low noise level, and environmental friendliness.

In my opinion, there is only one drawback, but it still exists - limited range due to the power cable. The problem can be solved either by using an extension cord or by choosing a model with a battery. In the second case, another difficulty arises - a small battery reserve, for about 30 minutes of operation.

The cost of electric rippers can be very different - depending on the manufacturer and technical characteristics - on average from 7,000 to 15,000 rubles.

Gasoline aerator

This unit is capable of operating until the fuel runs out and covering vast areas. Its main advantage is power. It is indispensable in agriculture, for large private estates, as well as public facilities, for example: parks, hotel complexes, recreation centers.

The operating principle of a gasoline aerator is the same as an electric one, the only difference is in the engine. Hence the disadvantages of the first type: the need to refill fuel and lubricants and noise. Previously, gasoline cars were bulky and clumsy, but now there are compact versions that can be used even in the country, with the exception of hard-to-reach places.

Not everyone can afford such equipment - the price range starts from 20,000 rubles.

Sometimes soil aerators include mechanisms such as scarifiers and verticutters, but in fact they belong to separate categories of tools and perform slightly different functions, although similar to aeration.

So, the first one is intended mainly for thinning the lawn and clearing it of dry grass, leaves, moss and compacted layers of turf. In parallel with this, it performs the function of surface loosening.

The task of the second is deeper soil ventilation, close to cultivation, as well as cutting the fused roots of cereals in order to activate their further growth.

In appearance, both devices have much in common both with each other and with the electric aerator. Their main difference is in the attachments, which, depending on the functional purpose, have either spikes, hook-shaped teeth, or cutters with long sharp blades.

There are also universal devices that combine an aerator and a scarifier or an aerator and a verticutter. They are very popular because they save money and storage space, and they also cope well with all their responsibilities.

Buy or make it yourself?

Additional Information! Those who are more enterprising buy and rent to their neighbors in the country, this is also a great option.

Three ways to make a lawn roller with your own hands

From a metal pipe

To do this, you will need a piece of steel (possibly asbestos-cement) pipe of large diameter, as well as pipes with a smaller diameter and material for the handle - this can be fittings, any metal rod or wooden stick, use what is at hand. For greater convenience, you will need something else for the handle; a rubber or plastic pipe will do.

Take a pipe about 1 m long and insert another pipe with a smaller diameter into its middle. Along the edges of the first pipe, which will serve as a working surface, as well as a reservoir for water or sand, pieces of metal cut from a sheet along the diameter of the pipe are welded; they will hold the weighting filler inside the pipe, while leaving holes for the handle of the future grass roller.

Important! It is necessary to leave a hole with a screw-off plug; this is necessary to fill it with sand or water, since the skating rink is self-leveling. In this way you can adjust the mass of the roller

Sometimes they are immediately filled with concrete solution. Such lawn rollers are much heavier and can be used for compacting garden paths. Some owners of such heavy models even manage to roll asphalt paths with them.

Make a handle from any material and insert it into the inner tube.

Manual lawn roller made from a metal barrel

The manufacturing method is the same as above. The barrel should be at least 70 cm wide, weigh from 80 to 120 kg, the weight can also be adjusted with sand or water.

Manual lawn roller made from a gas cylinder

You don't need to know anything new about manufacturing. All information is given above. The balloon makes an excellent and heavy roller; a handle is attached to it and filled with sand or water.

Note! When using a gas cylinder, make sure that there is no gas in the cylinder. This is necessary in order to prevent the possibility of an explosion during welding work.

Options from scrap materials

Log as a skating rink

This is the simplest option that does not require any costs and anyone can make one. There is no need for welding work or specialist help. We just find a suitable log, this is the most difficult thing in this manufacturing option.

The log must meet the following criteria:

  • length about 1 m;
  • weight not less than 50 kg;
  • high density wood (oak, ash, acacia);
  • completely smooth and even surface.

Remove excess unevenness from the surface and the skating rink is ready.

Note! The only problem is that such a homemade option will not last long, since the material tends to deteriorate, because it is also used in high soil moisture

Roller made of plastic bottles

Another simple method that does not require special skill. Recently, plastic bottles are so versatile that they are used in almost any area. Our case is no exception.

What you need to make a good lawn roller from bottles:

  1. two 19 liter bottles;
  2. fasten the bottoms to each other;
  3. water is poured inside or sand is poured in and closed;
  4. They tie the necks with a strong rope.

With the help of a roller, you can not only level and compact the ground, but also compact the seeds, after sowing, crush the layer of ice. And also level garden paths.

Note! If the soil has not been leveled well and there are hummocks and holes left, then be sure to level the surface with a rake, shovel or other garden tools before using the roller. The roller can also be used to loosen the soil, for example before sowing grass

You need to attach spikes to the working surface of the roller, which will furrow the soil surface

The roller can also be used to loosen the soil, for example before sowing grass. You need to attach spikes to the working surface of the roller, which will furrow the soil surface.

The article presents many options for making a skating rink. They are very different in complexity and cost. The choice is up to the owner of the lawn.

A few words about the construction of lawns

To understand why garden rollers are needed and how to choose the appropriate option, you should understand what operations are performed when creating grass lawns. First, preparatory work is carried out

  • the area is cleared of debris;
  • weeds are pulled out;
  • the site is treated with herbicides;
  • The fertile layer of soil is removed.

Important! Since this soil will be useful later, you should not remove it too far.

  • drainage is laid (a layer of fine crushed stone) to drain water after heavy rains;
  • the drainage is covered with a layer of sand;
  • The sandy litter is covered with fertile soil.

Each layer: drainage, sand, soil must be compacted and this can only be done with the help of a special tool - a garden roller or roller.

Only after all layers are sufficiently compacted do they begin to sow grass.

On a note! Feathered “guests” will certainly flock to the seeds scattered over the future lawn and eat half of the seed. To avoid this, the scattered seeds must be rolled with the same roller.

Video tips for creating a lawn:

Rolled lawns

Ready-made sods of fertile soil with already sprouted grass. For ease of storage, transportation and installation, they are rolled into rolls. Hence the name. Preparatory work is carried out to the same extent as when installing a seeded lawn. The area compacted by the roller with drainage and a layer of sand is watered abundantly. Then grass rolls are laid on it and rolled out.

Laying is done as a sheet, end-to-end and without gaps. At the end of the work, the rolls are rolled with a roller and watered again. Watering is done abundantly and regularly until the rolls “take root” in the new place.

Important! When watering a freshly laid roll lawn, it is necessary to avoid stagnation of water on the grass cover to avoid rotting of the grass roots.

A properly constructed drainage layer plays a very important role here.

Basic rules for using a lawn roller

Illiterate use of this wonderful tool can harm your lawn. For example, a roller is designed to compact a previously leveled surface. And if there are any bumps, they need to be smoothed out in advance, and not use a roller for this. Otherwise, irregularities in the form of depressions may form near the former mound.

By walking the roller over the surface, you will be able to identify hidden defects in the area, which need to be leveled again with a fork, rake or other tool and again walked on top with the roller until the desired result is obtained.

The soil that has swollen after winter must be rolled in a damp state, while the grass must be dry. First remove all debris and clean the lawn of foreign matter.

Pumps for lawn watering systems

A lawn watering system equipped with a pump minimizes the user's physical effort. Such devices are distinguished by high power, smooth water supply and long service life. This system is a good option for those who need to water their grass frequently.

There are several types of pumps designed for lawn irrigation. Their size and power vary: from a small compact compressor (for a plot of 6 acres) to a miniature pumping station (for watering lawns in city parks).

The following types of pumps are distinguished:

  • Centrifugal - needed when intensive watering with the consumption of large volumes of liquid is necessary;
  • Piston - used when water needs to be saved.

For your information. If you need to pump a small volume of water from one tank to another, it is best to use a rotary compressor.

Functional purpose

I would like to say right away that when arranging a high-quality lawn surface, you cannot do without a skating rink.

The famous English creators of lawns (after all, it was they who came up with the idea of ​​decorating suburban areas with an emerald grass carpet) made something similar to an ice skating rink 200 years ago. Using their invention, they carefully compacted the soil, and then looked at how level the site turned out. If the slightest bumps or holes were found, then with the help of other garden tools the defects were eliminated, and then compacted again. And only when they reached a perfectly flat surface did they begin to sow the area with grass.

You will have to use the skating rink for the first time at the stage of arranging the area for the lawn. First, you will select an area, clear it of weeds and debris, then carefully level it using forks, shovels and rakes. And after that, using a roller, it will be necessary to thoroughly roll the area.

The second time you will need this device is when you sow the seeds of lawn plants and sprinkle them on top with a centimeter layer of mulch or humus. You will need to walk across the entire lawn with a roller and thus press the planted seeds into the ground. Firstly, this will protect the planting material itself from being blown away by the wind, washed away by water and pecked by birds. Secondly, due to this action, the contact of the seeds with the soil will be better. Compacted soil retains moisture well and warms up, so the seeds will germinate more friendly and faster.

You will also need this device if you decide to lay a rolled lawn at your summer cottage. After the rolls of lawn grass have been spread, they must be thoroughly compacted with a roller in order to press the covering as tightly as possible to the soil.

The use of rollers when arranging the lawn guarantees long and high-quality operation of the lawn mower. After all, on a perfectly leveled surface, the lawn mower blades will not cling to bumps and tubercles, and will not break due to contact with uneven places.

A perfectly leveled lawn surface compacted with a roller will be safe for both children and adults to walk on. The absence of holes or bumps guarantees freedom of movement, without fear of twisting your leg or tripping.

It is recommended to walk over the surface with a roller after each mowing of the lawn grass; this will help keep the surface soft and silky.

There are situations when some area of ​​the lawn requires repair. After such work, the repaired area must be treated with a roller to compact it.

The skating rink is also useful for other purposes. For example, with its help it is convenient to destroy the ice crust that covers the lawn surface in winter and creates obstacles to normal oxygen exchange.

This device will also become indispensable if you want to arrange gravel or sand paths at your summer cottage.

What time of year is aeration done?

Aeration should be done after a dense and dense turf is formed. The most convenient time for this processing:

  • esna.
  • Late summer.
  • Autumn.

Aeration is carried out when the grasses are bushiest.

It is recommended to make 200-300 punctures per square meter of lawn. In this case, the results of aeration will be most favorable. Lawn aeration will be even more favorable if you combine it with fertilizing. There are electric and gasoline-powered mechanisms that allow fertilizer to be inserted into the holes: a rotating cylinder with holes is installed on the common frame of the drum with teeth for piercing. Through these holes, fertilizer is poured directly onto the punctures in the ground.

The fact that turf on heavy soil can be improved in a very short time, literally in a couple of weeks, with the help of aeration has been confirmed by numerous tests and examples.

What is a garden skating rink?

Any garden roller, whether factory-made or home-made, is a cylindrical container (usually made of metal), about a meter wide, mounted on an axle attached to a long handle. To add weight, the container is filled from the inside with water or sand. It is not practical to use a log as a roller, since the tree does not have enough mass to compact the earth - about 50-100 kg is required.

The designs of rollers differ slightly from each other - mainly in the manufacturing technology (factory or homemade) or in the type of surface - smooth (for compacting loose soil) and ring-ribbed (for slightly loosening the soil before sowing and mixing the top fertile layer). There are also mechanized rollers designed for processing large areas (for example, golf courses), but we will not consider them here; this is a topic for a separate article.

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Purchasing a garden roller in a store, in our opinion, is not advisable unless you are professionally involved in creating lawns. The cost of such a skating rink in Moscow ranges from four to ten thousand rubles. It is much cheaper to rent a skating rink (the average price per day is about 10 USD) or even make it yourself, since this does not require serious experience in construction.

What is it used for?

First, let's figure out why it is needed at all. This is a universal gardening tool. Some people don't realize how useful it is. It is a simple design that is used for the following purposes:

The roller is ideal for leveling the soil surface. This is necessary before sowing the lawn or for other purposes. Used for site treatment, such as watering, mowing. With a roller, the process will be completed quickly and easily. The tool is simply irreplaceable when you need to sow a lawn. With a skating rink it is easy to maintain the aesthetic appearance of the site.

Often, owners of private plots are faced with the fact that in winter the paths are covered with ice. Using a garden roller is very easy to destroy ice. It will take less effort. A garden roller is needed to regulate the circulation of moisture and oxygen in the soil. It is used to compact areas of the lawn that have been repaired. The roller can be used to form pedestrian paths and paths, especially when it comes to paths made of gravel or sand. They remove bumps and other defects throughout the entire territory. This will guarantee safety for those living in the house.

It is worth noting one more point that concerns the safety of lawn mowing equipment. For example, after treating the soil with a roller, the surface will be smooth, without any bumps or protruding objects. Typically, a lawnmower or hand scythe will become dull when it encounters them. It turns out that the equipment will last longer and be intact.

Operating principle and seal features

The roller has a fairly large mass, which falls on a relatively small area of ​​contact with the ground. At the same time, its shaft itself has a flat surface, so that when it moves, it rolls and leaves a flat surface behind it. The density of the soil is significantly lower than the density of the roller, therefore, under the weight of the device, all irregularities are smoothed out. Loose soil means that there is air between its fractions. It can only be removed under external pressure, which is provided by the roller. To achieve the required result, you need to go over the surface several times.

Compaction depends on the mass of the roller itself. The larger and heavier it is, the more the surface will be compacted under its influence. For construction work, it is necessary to ensure a sufficiently large tamping depth. Without additional devices it is difficult to achieve the desired result. We should not forget about the convenience of work, since with prolonged use a person can simply get tired, therefore, there must be a middle ground in choosing the mass.

Hand roller manufacturing technology

A manual compaction roller is made at home from improvised materials. One of the most effective options is a product made from a metal pipe. To make such a tool you will need the following set of tools:

  • A metal pipe, the diameter of which is in the range of 30-35 cm, and the length is up to 1 meter;
  • Metal sheet up to 5 mm thick;
  • A piece of pipe whose diameter is 2 cm (this is necessary to create bushings);
  • A 5 cm corner or a pipe with a diameter of 1.5 cm (this is used to create the frame of the device);
  • Bearings in the amount of 2 pcs;
  • Shaft for bearings;
  • Reinforcement for creating spacers.

The order of work according to this scheme is as follows. First, circles are cut out of sheet metal, the diameter of which should match the diameter of the largest pipe. Then circles of metal are welded to the ends of this pipe. After this, a hole is made in the circle into which weighting material is poured to give the product greater mass. You can also weld one circle, add a weighting agent, and then weld the second one. After this, a U-shaped frame is welded from a 1.5 cm pipe or corner. Then the bearings should be driven into the shaft and the parts secured by welding. The outer parts of the bearings are welded to the edges of the frame. The shaft is welded to the center of the pipe circumference. Spacers serve to strengthen the frame with. The handle is then attached to the frame. For convenience, it is better to make the handle long and collapsible, as this will make storage easier.

This is far from the only way to create skating rinks yourself. There are even simpler, but less effective options, one of which is the use of a barrel of mastic. In many ways it is similar to the previous version. Something as simple as a barrel of mastic can be transformed into a convenient ice skating rink. Here you need to install a pipe in the center of this barrel so that it acts as an axis. In this case, a fairly strong weighting agent is required, so it is better to fill the entire structure with cement. The axle is attached to the frame using bearings or special rings.

When choosing exactly how to compact the soil, you should determine how much work you will be faced with and what the total area of ​​land is. Sometimes it is advisable to make structures that will be attached to a walk-behind tractor. To do this, you will also have to make an additional structure to attach the handle to the device.

Roller adapted for walk-behind tractor

In general, the ways to create a skating rink yourself are varied. The simplest and cheapest is a log skating rink. It is ground so that the surface is as smooth as possible. It is desirable that the diameter be large enough so that the product acquires the desired mass. But the ease of creation has a downside, since working with such a device is very difficult physically.


The demand for manual rollers and the simplicity of their design leads to the fact that most people prefer to create their own original models for their own needs. When the use is not daily and not for professional purposes, then there is no need to purchase an expensive product. In addition to the fact that there can be many instructions on the Internet for creating skating rinks with your own hands, everyone can come up with their own version or recycle one of the existing ones.

Why do you need a lawn roller?

A beautiful, well-groomed lawn will transform the territory of your property, also improve the microclimate and reduce the dust content in the air space around you. In order for the grass to grow easily and quickly and look well-groomed throughout the season, you will need to put in a lot of effort - a lawn roller will be your best assistant.

  • In order for the lawn mower to last longer and not break due to hitting bumps, and its blades not to become dull so often, you need a flat surface area.
  • The absence of unevenness in the lawn is a very important criterion for those who have small children. They will be able to move safely, and there will be no need to worry about them.
  • The leveled surface gives the lawn an aesthetic appearance.
  • Used when leveling sand and gravel paths.

Lawn watering system: description of how to do it yourself

Now it becomes clear that the main purpose of using it is to create a flat surface. During the leveling process, the soil is also compacted, which is necessary when using a rolled lawn, as well as when sowing grass. Before sowing, level and then compact the seeds.

Note! Lawn rolling will also be necessary after mowing the grass so that it grows soft and beautiful.

When to aerate

As a rule, to maintain the grass cover in good condition, do-it-yourself aeration is carried out in late spring or early autumn. The first option is more preferable. In the spring, you will be able to objectively assess the condition of the “green carpet” and identify overgrown areas or bald spots.

At the end of summer, the grass already has a formed root system, and organizing ventilation will be beneficial. When planning, you need to calculate the time so that by the onset of winter there are no exposed roots.

Spring is the best period for aeration

When thinking about when to aerate your lawn, you should take into account the characteristics of the soil, the condition and type of lawn grass. Nuances of organizing the process:

  1. If the site is planted with bluegrass, bentgrass, fescue or ryegrass, then it is better to carry out the procedure in the fall. When growing pigweed, zoysia or other heat-loving grass, aeration is carried out in late spring.
  2. On clay soil and loam, grass growth slows down, so the area needs double aeration - in spring and autumn.
  3. Sandy soil does not compress as easily as clay soil. It is enough to aerate it once a year.
  4. When there is a high load on the planted grass, unscheduled aeration is permissible. Places with yellowed vegetation or moss need additional ventilation.
  5. It is better not to actively saturate the soil with oxygen in an area with an abundance of weeds. First you need to overcome the weeds, and then start aeration.
  6. Tillage should be avoided on a newly planted lawn. Work should begin after the grass has taken root - a year after sowing.
  7. It is undesirable to carry out aeration during drought. This will accelerate the evaporation of moisture and expose the root system, making it vulnerable to sunlight.

Assessing the condition of the root system

The lack of oxygen is indicated by the condition of the grass roots. If their length is up to 5 cm, then the plants are experiencing oxygen starvation and need aeration.

How to understand that your lawn needs aeration

To assess the grass's need for aeration, it is necessary to check the condition of the rhizomes. To do this, we take a shovel and vertically cut a small piece of turf. If the rhizomes go no further than 5 centimeters deep, the situation is bad - aeration is urgently needed. Even more obvious signs that indicate that the owner of the lawn should have been aerated a long time ago are yellowish spots and bald spots on the lawn. Comment from our expert:

SodmasterFORUMHOUSE Member

Aeration is important, but most of the air is absorbed by the leaves.

Without aeration, the roots do not receive sufficient quantities of not only air, but also water and nutrients.


The design of the vibrating roller is characterized by the presence of a device that generates strong vibration. The principle of operation of the vibrator is simple: a heavy shaft rotates around a knocked down center of gravity, resulting in high-frequency vibrations that can compact the soil.

The frequency with which the work roller can vibrate ranges from 24 to 48 Hz. 1 Hz is equal to one oscillation per second. The vibration amplitude of the drum also plays an important role in soil compaction. This indicator of the roller vibration system can be adjusted by the operator. Most often, two types of modes are used: amplitude from 0.6 mm to 1 mm and amplitude from 1.35 mm to 2.2 mm.

Control systems for modern vibratory rollers allow you to adjust both parameters: the amplitude and frequency of vibration of the drum. This feature allows you to adapt the machine to work with a specific soil, adjusting it to the characteristics of its density, viscosity, flowability, and so on.

Soil compaction with vibratory rollers can be accomplished using different tactics. Compacting the soil in several passes is considered an effective strategy. First, with the maximum amplitude and the lowest frequency of vibration of the drum, and then with a gradual increase in the vibration frequency. Thus, the deep layers of the soil are compacted first, and then the upper ones.

The advantage of the design is its relative lightness. Such a roller copes with the task at a much lower weight than its static prototype. The downside is the quality of the work done. The static mechanism leaves behind a more even soil than the vibrating mechanism, after which light waves on the ground surface are noticeable.

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