What is a dry toilet for the home and how to use it: types and principle of operation

A dry toilet is a device for the installation of which you do not need to build a cleaning system or lay a pipeline. In addition to independence from the central sewerage system, the list of advantages includes an increased level of comfort, ease of use, hygiene and compactness.

Dry toilets are especially popular among country property owners.

Definition and main features of a dry closet

A successful alternative to a traditional wooden booth, under which there is a cesspool, is a dry closet. It is a compact device for plumbing purposes. It disposes of human waste. It allows you not to give up comfort in various places and conveniently perform your natural needs. It is used in suburban areas with residential buildings, taken on picnics, and installed on construction sites.

In a classic dry closet, the process of waste decomposition is accelerated thanks to the natural ingredients used. The design can also have artificial drying, and even forced ventilation. This device meets modern sanitary requirements.

The installation of a dry toilet complies with sanitary standards Source westcoasthorsemen.com

Waste recycling is carried out through the use of chemical compounds and mixtures of natural origin in sanitary products. They are made based on the following products:

  • microflora is a liquid in which bacteria live that can process waste;
  • fine-grained powder mixtures that absorb liquid substances and activate complete waste recycling;
  • peat, capable of absorbing liquid and mineralizing human waste;
  • compost, which works in the same way as in the pit of the same name;
  • sawdust, used exclusively with peat;
  • bioenzymes - liquid substances based on enzyme proteins that can decompose waste of organic origin.

Liquid for dry closets Source onlinetrade.ru
Manufacturers produce dry closets of various designs. However, each of the models consists of two main parts - a toilet and a tank where waste is collected and processed. The containers are connected using a special lock. A reliable seal between the two chambers is also provided. The device is also equipped with a container for a special liquid or special filler. It depends on its operating principle.

The design of the dry closet is thought out and simplified as much as possible so that anyone can easily use and clean it. Moreover, such a device does not need to be installed above a cesspool, and some models do not even need to be connected to the sewer system. All dry closets are self-contained structures. This allows them to be installed directly in the house or in a utility unit. Products can be moved from place to place.

There are also stationary models. For their installation, separate rooms – toilets – are prepared in advance. This type of plumbing has a cassette container. It collects waste. During cleaning, it is detached, emptied and washed. After that, you just need to install it in its place.

A stationary dry closet is installed in a separate pre-prepared room Source lubosad.ru

Devices for meeting daily needs are selected depending on the preferences of the homeowner and his financial capabilities. The method of waste processing is also taken into account. Therefore, it is necessary to take a closer look at each type of device and find out what a dry closet for the home is, depending on its operating principle.

Which one to choose?

Having considered all types of modern sanitary systems, you can easily decide on the choice of the optimal option. But at the same time, it is imperative to focus not only on the appearance, but also on what characteristics the dry closet should have. One of the cheapest and most environmentally friendly is the peat option. It can be installed both outdoors and indoors.

Typically, such samples are made from durable, temperature-resistant materials. The only thing you need to clarify in advance is whether the package includes spare parts for dry closets, including ventilation pipes. Otherwise you will have to purchase them separately.

Watch the video review on how to choose the right one:

Be sure to take into account the volume of the tank; this determines how often you will empty it. For example, for a family of 3-4 people, perhaps once a month will be enough. When choosing the size of a dry closet, namely the lower container, you should also think about who will take it out. After all, when filled, it weighs quite a lot, which will require some effort.

The height of the toilet seat matters if there are children in the house. You can buy a children's dry toilet or a special seat for them.

What do experts advise?

The first thing we recommend paying attention to is how the dry closet will be installed and in what room. When purchasing it for use in the country, you can choose a composting model

If there is a standard restroom in the house, then pay attention to samples using special mixtures with microorganisms.

Let's watch a video review of the electric version:

Well, for those who love to travel and don’t want to do without the conveniences of a camping trip, the chemical option is ideal. This dry closet is one of the most compact and light, allowing it to be transported over any distance.

A situation is possible when a portable sanitary device is purchased as a stationary dry closet. In this case, additional equipment will be required, namely, sets of ventilation and drainage pipes. They will be needed to remove unpleasant odors and liquid waste.

Which model should you choose?

Having considered all the existing types and their features, all that remains is to decide on a specific model.
After all, how comfortable you will feel in a country house or country house depends on its choice. Of course, the cost of acquisition also plays a significant role in resolving this issue.

Thus, the cheapest are peat dry toilets, and the most expensive are electric ones. There is also a difference in the external design and quality of materials, because they also determine how aesthetic and reliable your restroom will be.

Do not forget that when using a dry toilet, consumables will have to be purchased separately. Based on these criteria, you should choose products from Dutch or Canadian manufacturers. These companies have extensive experience in the development and production of dry closets, and are constantly improving their products.

Liquid dry toilets

Such devices use various solutions to process waste. These compounds are added to water. Liquid models are the easiest to use and have a not very complex design. It consists of two main parts. The lower block is manufactured in various volumes. The dimensions of the device depend on this parameter.

So, the volume of a dry closet can be 10-25 liters. In this case, its dimensions will be 450*450*420 or 320*380*310 mm. These are the most common dimensions for such Bio-plumbing fixtures.

The upper part consists of the following structural elements:

  • seats;
  • covers;
  • tank for clean water;
  • flush pump;
  • holes through which water flows in.

Design of the upper part of the dry closet Source mtdata.ru
The lower part is intended for collecting waste. In this block their splitting is performed. The design of the lower part includes:

  • waste storage container;
  • tank full indicator;
  • a valve that allows pressure to be relieved;
  • drain pipe;
  • dividing valve rod;
  • a recess intended for storing a bottle of liquid;
  • valve for connecting to the top.

Liquid dry toilets are well suited for installation directly inside a residential building. These are hygienic structures that do not emit unpleasant odors due to the liquids used. Their individual blocks are hermetically connected to each other. For this purpose, the design has a rubber seal and two fasteners.

A special information indicator can light up in two colors. If the waste tank is empty, it will be green. When the container is full and needs to be cleaned, the light turns red.

Liquid dry toilet with fill indicator Source g.io.ua

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in the design and installation of sewerage and water supply

Waste is decomposed using various compositions. Manufacturers produce them based on chemicals or microorganisms. They not only decompose waste, but also eliminate unpleasant odors. They are added directly to the water, which is poured into the flush tank of the upper part of the device or into the lower side. In the second option, they begin to work as soon as waste enters the tank.

If special compounds are poured into the lower part, then the drain tank is usually filled with aromatic substances. They not only interact with solutions that dispose of waste, but also facilitate the flushing process and neutralize unpleasant odors.

When operating this plumbing fixture, the following rules must be followed:

  • When using a composition with microorganisms, processed waste can be disposed of by dumping it on the ground. They can be poured anywhere on the site, because they will not harm humans or nature. Typically, safe compounds are marked using green. This prevents them from being confused with chemical solutions.

Composition with microorganisms Source avito.st

  • When aggressive chemical compounds are used, they are drained into a pre-prepared special pit. At the same time, substances from it should not penetrate into the source of drinking water for people and even animals, or get into the beds.
  • It is not recommended to throw regular toilet paper into the dry closet. This can be done if it is intended specifically for such devices. Otherwise, the structure will become clogged, and the waste will not look like a homogeneous liquid. It is necessary to install a separate container for toilet paper directly next to the plumbing fixtures.

The process of operating a dry closet will not present any difficulty for any person. Recycled waste is drained by unfastening the upper part from the lower unit. Then the sewage from the container is poured onto the soil or into a special cesspool. The liquid mass itself is removed directly through the drain pipe in the lower container. There is also a reset button here.

After draining the waste, the emptied tank is washed and filled with clean water. Then processing solutions are added to it. This operation is carried out according to the instructions on the packages.

Operating a portable toilet: pouring processing compounds and draining waste Source onlinetrade.ru

It is also necessary to consider how to choose a dry closet for a private home. When selecting a liquid device, the following criteria are taken into account:

  • Waste tank volume.

If the container holds 10-12 liters, then in most cases the portable toilet will allow 20 to 25 flushes. Because of this design feature, three people can use it without cleaning for 3-4 days.

If you need to drain sewage less often, then it is recommended to choose a more capacious product. Thus, a design with a lower volume of 20 to 25 liters will allow you to perform from 45 to 50 flushes. 3 people can already use such a device without draining waste for about one week.

  • Height of the portable toilet.

The device must be convenient for every family member. If the structure will be used by people with limited mobility, including the disabled and the elderly, then it is recommended to supplement the device with a stand with special handrails, which will make it more convenient to use the product.

Dimensions of a portable toilet, including its height Source stroyudacha.ru

What technical characteristics should you choose?

Construction of a chemical dry toilet

The main thing you should pay attention to when purchasing a device is the volume of the working tank. When choosing a dry closet, you need to think in advance about the number of people living in the house

The tank volume of 12 liters is designed for use by three people for 4 days. A tank with a volume of 20 liters will be filled with the same number of people in 7 days.

In the instructions, manufacturers usually indicate the time for filling the container by one person.

You need to immediately focus on this because for different types of toilets, the filling time for containers of the same volume may differ

Another important nuance, and this must also be taken into account, is who will be responsible for removing the waste tank. A filled container has a significant weight, for example, a 20-liter container weighs 23 kilograms, and a 12-liter container weighs about 14 kilograms. Maintaining a large tank may not always be within the capabilities of an elderly person or a child.

Also, when choosing, you should pay attention to the size and height of the model’s body. Tall people will find it inconvenient to use devices that are 31 cm or less in height, and children will not be able to use a toilet that is more than 42 cm in height.

An important factor is the maximum permissible load on the device, and it largely depends on the quality of the material from which the device is made. So it turns out that buying a chemical toilet is not such a simple matter. This requires some preparation, because we are not purchasing for one day.

Most popular model

The most widespread in our country are Dutch portable dry toilets. The products of this company, distinguished by their unique ergonomic design and affordable price, appealed to Russian consumers. The company produces a large range of chemical toilets, differing in size, having different flushing systems and full indicators, suitable for use in various conditions.

Watch the video, the most popular model:

The Dutch manufacturer pays special attention to the quality and environmental safety of its products. That is why the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation recommends the use of Thetford dry toilets where there is no central sewerage system

The traditional booth in the dacha courtyard is becoming a thing of the past. In cold weather, going to it is not always convenient; besides, the cesspool should be cleaned regularly, paying for the services of a sewer, and this is not cheap at all. The toilet inside a country house is convenient, but its maintenance also costs a pretty penny. In such cases, the ideal option is a chemical toilet for a summer residence; consumer reviews confirm this.

The main thing that is noted is the absence of any difficulties during its operation. It is only necessary to add water and sanitary liquids to the upper tank and periodically empty the lower tank.

All users of chemical toilets note their main advantages:

  1. Light weight
  2. Portability
  3. Hygienic and odorless

The only disadvantages many consider is the need to constantly spend money on purchasing chemicals. But it’s still cheaper than regularly hiring a sewer truck.

Advantages that determine your choice

One of the main factors influencing buyer preference is that a chemical toilet for the home can not only have 100% autonomy, but also, if necessary, be connected to the sewer system.
In this case, there is no longer any need to control its filling. An important role when choosing is played by the compactness of the product and small dimensions, which allows it to be carried and installed in the right places.

The absence of unpleasant odors is also taken into account; in addition, the use of various flavors added to the drain tank allows the device to be used not only in specially designated areas.

It should be remembered that the choice of a dry closet must be made taking into account all the functions that it has, and so that it meets the requirements that are presented to it in each specific case.

Peat dry toilets

Owners of suburban areas definitely need to find out how a bio-toilet for a home works, in which waste is processed using peat. After all, this device is the most popular among all similar products today. It has a simple design.

Conventionally, such a portable toilet consists of a body, a toilet seat with a lid and a separate reservoir for peat. The filler is poured onto the bottom of a specially designed container. This is where the waste ends up.

During operation of the device, the waste is sprinkled with peat. Manufacturers also equip the design with an upper container. It is used to store the filler so that you don’t have to go anywhere for it or install a separate tank for it in the room.

Peat portable toilet with a container for storing filler Source dsports.ru

A portable toilet powered by peat is chosen to suit the size of a specific room. Although most models are compact devices, their dimensions still need to be taken into account. In addition, the room must be equipped with effective ventilation.

A peat toilet can be installed in an extension to the house or placed in a separate building. The reason for this is its operating principle. During operation, such a device is not filled with additional liquids intended to neutralize unpleasant odors.

There are also peat portable toilets that separate liquid and solid waste. They come in different containers. When operating this design, solid waste is accumulated in a reservoir with peat, and the liquid is transferred to a separate sealed compartment. This operating principle of separating dissimilar substances is called separation.

Popular models of chemical toilets

Among the most popular chemical dry toilets are the following models:

  • Thetford Porta Potti Qube 365;
  • Enviro 20;
  • Mr. Little Ideal 24;
  • Ecostyle Ecogr;
  • Bioforce Compact WC 12-20VD.

There are no global design differences between different models. The difference is in the volume of the storage tank and the availability of additional options.

#1: Thetford Porta Potti Qube 365 composting toilet

This portable model is the most popular among chemical toilets. Consumers are attracted by the light weight (4 kg) and compactness (41.4 x 38.3 x 42.7 mm). In this case, the lower tank is designed for 21 liters, and the upper one for 15 liters. The distance from the bottom to the seat is 40.8 cm. According to its parameters, this is the best option when caring for a disabled person.

Flushing with water in this dry closet is carried out using a piston pump. Without emptying, the reservoir will last approximately 50 cycles of use. Three people can use it for about a week

An indicator will indicate the need for maintenance. The lower tank is removable and has handles for carrying.

The negative point is the considerable cost of the drug that breaks down waste.

#2: Enviro 20 chemical toilet

The model is an economical option. It is produced in Canada and can be a good solution for traveling and caring for the disabled. The volume of the upper container is 10 l, the lower one is 20 l. Using latches, the tanks are fixed motionless in relation to each other.

The dry closet is easy to clean using a hand pump. The body is made from frost-resistant material (polystyrene) and is complemented with a corrosion-resistant coating. Drain valve prevents fluid leaks and unpleasant odors.

Structurally, the sanitary system is designed so that the storage tank is easily emptied. Filling the flush tank is also no problem. There is also a filling indicator.

#3: Toilet Mr. Little Ideal 24

"Mr. Little" is designed for a large family - 4 - 7 people. Its dimensions are 42 x 41 x37 cm. The reservoir holds 15 liters of water for flushing. The waste container can be filled up to a volume of 24 liters. There are indicators on the receiving tank and water tank.

A piston pump is built into the flushing system. The sanitary device operates in a temperature range from +1 to + 40 degrees.

“Mr. Little” weighs 4.6 kg. At the same time, it can withstand loads of up to 250 kg on the body and 30 kg on the lid. Withstands external temperatures from – to + 40⁰

A special liquid is poured into the reservoir, which is located below. Waste breakdown continues for 10 days. A special handle on the storage tank, as well as a built-in removable pipe, simplify the disposal process. In addition, there is an air bleed valve on the housing.

Hidden guides and additional fasteners give this model additional stability. The plastic from which the structure is made does not absorb odors.

#4: Model Ecostyle Ecogr

Chemical toilet Ecostyle Ecogr is a UV-resistant polyethylene toilet cabin. The kit includes a front panel - a door and an arch made of a steel frame. The structure is secured with high-strength hinges on steel rivets. Inside there is a latch equipped with a busy indicator and a hook for things.

The roof and side panels of this model have a modern design. The design looks aesthetically pleasing both in a summer cottage and in other areas

This dry closet weighs 80 kg. The receiving tank is spacious - 250 l. In the cabin there is a wooden pallet impregnated with a moisture-repellent substance. Cabin dimensions - 1.1 x 2.2 x 1.1 m.

#5: Portable model Bioforce Compact WC 12-20VD

The design is assembled from two compartments: upper - 12 l and lower - 20 l. The first is filled with the flushing inlet. It is complemented by a pump and a seat with a lid. The lower compartment collects waste.

There is a sliding valve that does not allow odors and liquids to pass through. Excess pressure is released via a release valve. The waste level is monitored by an indicator.

The model is designed for a maximum load of 120 kg. It has dimensions of 370 x 435 x 420 mm. The lower tank is removable

These chemical toilets are produced in Thailand. Their installation does not require additional ventilation or communications.

Video description

The peat portable toilet is described in the following video:

On a note! When cleaning a dry closet, peat along with waste is poured into a compost pit. Here the mixture produces an environmentally friendly fertilizer for garden beds. As a result, site owners are given the opportunity to install a zero-waste structure.

The advantages of peat portable toilets include:

  • no need to use water;
  • the ability to not empty the waste container for a longer period compared to liquid devices;
  • lower price than the cost of liquid-type structures.

However, peat models also have disadvantages that need to be taken into account. This is the inability to completely neutralize the unpleasant odor and the need for a permanent installation. In addition, it is necessary to arrange a place on the site where the mixture of peat and waste will be stored.

Stationary peat dry closet Source promtu.ru

Principle of operation

A portable dry toilet is a fairly simple design. After purchase, it will have to be assembled and prepared for use. Assembly consists of connecting individual parts, commissioning involves filling the tanks with water and liquid for dry closets.

To use it for its intended purpose, you need to choose a place, place it, fill it with water and a special liquid. Through a special hole, a reagent is poured into the lower container, which is responsible for the breakdown of feces.

After which a little water is added there and the top one is placed on it. The upper part is fixed with latches and filled with water for flushing, to which a liquid can also be added, but with aromatizing effect. At this point, the installation is complete and you can use it.

Once in the lower tank, the fecal matter is decomposed by a chemical reagent. This drug deodorizes and breaks down waste into a liquid state. At the same time, the process of gas formation stops and the toilet smells only of aromatized liquid.

After the storage tank is filled, it must be emptied. To do this, you need to disconnect the upper part, and take the lower part by the handle to the disposal site and pour the sewage through a special hole. Then, the tank is rinsed with water, filled and installed in place.

Electric dry closet

This type of equipment has a complex design. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how a dry closet for a home, which needs a constant connection to the electrical network, works.

The electric toilet has a plastic body. It contains two tanks, one of which is designed to receive solid waste, and the other for liquid. Manufacturers produce electric dry closets in different designs. Models are manufactured that must be connected to a sewer or drainage system. This allows fluid to drain away. In other models it completely evaporates.

Solid waste is auscultated after entering a separate tank. As a result, they take on the appearance of a powder. This occurs under the influence of a certain temperature and due to the presence of a built-in compressor in the design of the device, which pumps heated air.

One of the options for an electric dry closet Source kvartirnyj-remont.com

When installing an electric toilet, a ventilation system is installed. Its design depends on the processes occurring inside the device. Regardless of the configuration, it should effectively remove unpleasant odors. The air duct is connected to a special pipe on the housing. It is connected to a silent fan. It is this unit that ensures the removal of unpleasant odors.

Liquid and solid waste enter different receiving chambers due to the presence of a separate bowl in the design, consisting of two parts. The flap between them is activated by pressing a small button or pedal. Opening this partition allows solid waste to fall into the collection container.

This tank contains heating elements. It is thanks to them that waste turns into powder. This happens in about 1.5 hours. The powder is light in weight. Only 200 g of such waste accumulates if a dry toilet is constantly used by one person for 3 months. Therefore, servicing of the device is carried out very rarely. However, experts advise cleaning the tank of waste every week.

Tray for collecting and removing waste in an electric dry closet Source yaroslavl.cms-bx.ru

There are also models whose design provides for the installation of disposable bags. They turn to ash along with solid waste. This process begins to execute as soon as a special button is pressed.

Installation of toilet cabins

Toilet cabin arrangement

In many public places it is not possible to equip ordinary toilets, and in such cases mobile dry toilets come to the rescue. They have already become indispensable for various public events, are widely used in organizing traveling fairs and folk festivals, and are installed in markets and construction sites.

A stationary outdoor dry closet consists of a base to which three walls and a front panel with a hinged door are attached. The structure has a roof on top.

The walls and all components are made of durable plastic that is resistant to mechanical damage and fire. The material used for the manufacture of dry toilets tolerates temperature changes well, is not destroyed by exposure to sunlight and is resistant to aggressive chemicals. It is not afraid of corrosion, it is easy to clean and does not require regular touch-up.

Watch the video, device:

Inside the cabin there is a toilet equipped with a tight-fitting lid. Underneath there is a storage tank into which waste falls. This tank is particularly durable and resistant to active chemical liquids, which break down all impurities in it. Ventilation is provided inside the cabin, allowing unpleasant odors and harmful fumes to escape outside.

An outdoor mobile dry toilet, which is not a problem to buy today, is additionally equipped with a toilet paper holder, hooks for clothes and bags. Some models are equipped with mirrors, washbasins and liquid soap dispensers. Luxury class cabins may have a heating device used in the cold season.

The small dimensions and light weight of dry closets make them easy to transport and install in a new location. To install the booths, a specially prepared site is not required, but free access to them by special vehicles for cleaning containers must be provided.

Video description

See the video for the operating principle of one of the electric dry closet models:
In addition, electric dry closet models are available, equipped with a freezing chamber. These are expensive devices. Their price is 2-3 times more than the cost of a toilet with a combustion chamber.

In such devices, waste is frozen directly in the storage tank. This process occurs in the same way as in freezers. During freezing, no unpleasant odors spread. The proliferation of harmful microorganisms is also excluded.

Russian made


Made of impact-resistant polystyrene, storage container volume 60 l, weight 12 kg, dimensions 76x51x67 cm, height to seat 45 cm. The package includes a drainage hose 1 m long, a separator with fastening to the lower tank, a ventilation pipe made of a flexible corrugated hose 2 m long A model is available with an additional fan.

The average price is 7500 rubles.


Main characteristics:

Model name
Lower tank volumeHousing materialDiameter/length of ventilation pipe, mmPrice, rub
Piteko 20070acrylic75/80012850
Piteko 20170polyethylene75/8008980
Piteko 400acrylic75/80016250
Piteko 50644polypropylene75/20005590
Piteko 905120polypropylene75/18209390
Piteko 905V (with fan)120polypropylene75/182010390

Different models are made of different materials, have a drainage system with filters, and four ventilation pipes with connecting elements. Ventilation pipe made of hard PVC, the ability to connect additional accessories (an umbrella for the ventilation pipe, an additional fan, wheels for transporting a storage tank).


The Rostok-comfort toilet has a spacious lower container with a capacity of 100 liters, and an upper container with a capacity of 30 liters. Dimensions 79x61.5x82 cm, height to seat 50.8 cm, length of drainage hose 3 m. The body is made of frost-resistant polyethylene, equipped with a warm toilet seat. Stainless steel peat spreading mechanism. Operating temperatures from -30 to +60 degrees.

The average price is 8900 rubles.


The Compact Lux dry closet is equipped with a storage tank of 90 liters, has dimensions of 75x52x72 cm and a height to the seat of 45 cm. A very compact model with a weight of 9 kg and a wide range of operating temperatures (from -55 to +60 degrees).

The average price is 5100 rubles.


Briefly about the main thing

A dry toilet is a modern version of a device for disposing of human waste. Manufacturers produce it in mobile and stationary versions. It can work by adding environmentally friendly or chemical products, using peat or electricity.

Models are equipped with receiving containers where waste accumulates. For liquid devices, no additional ventilation is required, since unpleasant odors are neutralized by chemicals. Peat models make it possible to obtain environmentally friendly fertilizer as a result of processing. Electric toilets can burn or freeze solid waste. However, they must be connected to a sewer system to remove liquid.

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Right choice

There are enough designs and manufacturers of such installations for the dacha, but how to choose the right peat toilet for the dacha? You need to pay attention to the necessary comfort of use; to do this, consider the following parameters of the toilet:

  • Dimensions of the structure. The country dry toilet must correspond to the size of the room in which it will be installed.
  • Required storage capacity. But everything is not so simple here, because certain models have a limited shelf life of compost. If it is exceeded, the quality will drop significantly and an unpleasant odor may appear. On the other hand, a tank that is too small will require regular cleaning, which is also not very convenient.

When choosing a dry closet for a peat garden, you need to pay attention to the features of its design:

  • The presence of a signaling device on the tank will eliminate the need to periodically check its fullness.
  • If you have a dispenser, you can scatter the peat more economically.
  • The presence of a distributor increases the efficiency of use.

The composition for filling into a dry toilet in the country is also important. Options with ash, sawdust and other bulk components will not give the same composting effect as peat does. It is considered the most effective consumable in powder closets.

Note! If the mixture is peat-sawdust, this guarantees aeration of the composition.

Brass fittings for HDPE pipes

Brass HDPE pipe fittings are used to assemble water pipes. Available in two types:

  • Brass compression fittings for HDPE pipes. They are characterized by a maximum operating temperature of 40C. If the ambient temperature is higher, it is recommended to use a different coupling.
  • Brass threaded fittings. They are used for pipes of different diameters and in places where it is required to change the direction of flow. There are designs with a transition to an internal thread from an external one.

The design has increased strength.

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