Making garden and construction wheelbarrows with your own hands

Preparing to make a wheelbarrow

Before starting to manufacture a garden cart, they create drawings with their own hands based on a well-thought-out model. The main purpose of the device is first determined, what exactly is planned to be transported and over what distances. Depending on the purpose, the optimal dimensions of the body and wheels, as well as materials, are chosen.

DIY garden wheelbarrow

Having drawn an exact diagram of the planned structure, you need to determine how much materials will be needed. After conducting an inspection in your household, you can say with confidence which components are available and what needs to be purchased. In this case, you can immediately calculate financial costs, determining the profitability of your actions.

Which wheels to choose

If you have unnecessary children's bicycles, scooters, or strollers, the issue of finding wheels can be resolved very easily and quickly. Without any monetary costs, a homemade wheelbarrow for a summer residence will be provided with wheels. Depending on the design design, you can use a different number of wheels - from one to four.

If there is nothing suitable on the farm, then there is a need to purchase new wheels. They can be of different prices, but you don’t need to save too much on them by buying the cheapest ones. It should be taken into account that the wheels will bear quite a large load, so it is worth taking care of high-quality and durable parts.

Important! When buying new wheels for a cart, you should pay special attention to their size. Small wheels can significantly complicate the movement of the structure on uneven ground; considerable physical effort will be required to move the wheelbarrow. Therefore, it is worth giving preference to medium-sized inflatable wheels with a metal rim, which will make it possible to move heavy loads in the cart even on loose and uneven soil

Therefore, it is worth giving preference to medium-sized inflatable wheels with a metal rim, which will make it possible to move heavy loads in the cart even on loose and uneven soil.

Optimal body material

Depending on the purpose of a homemade garden wheelbarrow, the size of the body, shape and material for its manufacture are determined. Most often, metals are used for these purposes: aluminum or steel.

Aluminum is a more expensive material, but it has a number of advantages:

  • significantly reduces the weight of the finished structure, which facilitates its operation;
  • The body is absolutely not subject to corrosion and does not require constant painting.

Steel is stronger than aluminum. If you have a welding unit, you can perform any operations with it, giving it the desired shape. A trolley with a steel body is heavy, which may require additional effort from the worker. At the same time, the increased strength of the body allows you to move even very heavy loads without fear of damage.

Durable body

If you have wood on your farm, you can make a cart body from wood. Old baby bathtubs or troughs can easily work. Even from unnecessary metal or plastic barrels, craftsmen make a body for a wheelbarrow. To do this, the container is cut in half vertically, and the cargo bowl is ready for mounting on the frame.

Note! The body made of a plastic barrel makes the structure quite light and mobile, however, moving very heavy bulky cargo can lead to its breakage and cracks.

What and how to make handles from

A DIY garden cart is usually made with one transverse or two longitudinal handles. The advantage of making household appliances yourself is that you can design the structure, taking into account individual characteristics of use and body type (height). Some gardeners note the particular convenience of a cart with one transverse handle, because it is comfortable to carry both in front of you and behind your back. You can move such a structure behind you, holding it with one hand, while walking along an uneven road, while it would be extremely inconvenient to carry a wheelbarrow with two handles in this way.

Handles are attached to the frame with the body, for the manufacture of which different materials can be used:

  • metal,
  • tree.

Most often, preference is given to metal because of its greater strength. If there are metal pipes of small diameter in the household, they can be used in the construction of both frames and handles.

Additional Information! Metal parts are best joined together by welding rather than mechanical fastening. For convenience, the part of the metal handles that you hold with your hands can be wrapped in rubberized film.

Choosing a body

To understand what an ideal body should look like, you need to look at the photo of a garden wheelbarrow. Considering that the wheelbarrow is used only for work in the garden, it is not at all necessary to adhere to a number of criteria that are usually important for builders. You only need to pay attention to the body that is made in the shape of a trapezoid - this way the load is distributed much better.

It is advisable to choose a flat and level bottom, since sometimes it may be necessary to transport even materials. Also, the flat bottom allows you to make maximum use of the available space.

It is better to buy a car with a body at least 1 mm thick, so it will be much more reliable and will last longer. It’s better to rotate the wheelbarrow from side to side, try it, is it convenient?

DIY options

If at this stage you have not yet changed your mind about making a wheelbarrow yourself, then let's start studying this topic.

First, let's look at what frame and body designs can be.

One of the options for the frame is to weld it from a square rod with a cross section of 25 mm. You need to put two wheels on the axle. In turn, the axle is a pin mounted on nuts.

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The body itself will consist of galvanized sheets. They need to be cut to the required sizes and screwed to the frame. As a result, we get a household item.

In this picture, we see that the master did not try too hard to make the wheelbarrow aesthetically beautiful. He needed to make a tool for transporting earth, so that it would take a minimum of time and money.

In the picture we see the fruit of the craftsman’s labor

  • An unnecessary container was taken for mixing the solution, which later became the body
  • A frame was made from metal plumbing pipes. They were bent into an arc and welded together.
  • The axle for the wheel was also attached by welding. And the body was tightened with wire so that it would not fall out when turned over.

This is not the most ideal car option, but it will cope with its functions.

In this picture we most likely see the result of the work of a perfectionist. Since the creator of this cart did not have a tool for bending pipes, a combination grinder was used to score the cart handles. The support legs were installed ready-made. The body is completely welded from scratch from a 3 mm thick sheet of iron.

If you look closely, you can notice something:

The edges on the body are cut very evenly, it feels like it’s not even an angle grinder. Along the entire length of the body we see very high-quality welds. Pay attention to what color paint was chosen. This is an indicator that the wheelbarrow was not made to carry earth or bricks in it, but for very clean work... Here the owner did not try to make a wheelbarrow like at the factory: the bends are not of such high quality, the quality of the seams is also not very neat

Although all this will not affect the performance of its functions

Here the owner did not try to make a car like at the factory: the bends are not as high quality, the quality of the seams is also not very neat. Although all this will not affect the performance of its functions.

Master class on making a wheelbarrow (video)

But what if you don’t have a welding machine at hand, or have never used one? In this case, there is a lot of information on the Internet on how to make a garden wheelbarrow with your own hands, with only boards, screws, an axle and devices to attach it to the cart itself.

During assembly, it is preferable to use self-tapping screws made of galvanized material. Before you start tightening the screws, make holes in the boards, but make them smaller than the screws. This is done so that the board does not split when assembled with self-tapping screws.

In this picture, we see another version of the car. A board bottom is not as practical as a galvanized sheet bottom. In this option, all that remains is to make the sides and put two wheels on the axle.

Another option for a garden wheelbarrow is to make it from a barrel. Moreover, the material of the barrel is unimportant. It can be plastic, metal, or even wood, although you will probably have to struggle with it. The barrel is cut into two parts vertically, which means that two wheelbarrows can be made from it. The procedure for performing a “barrel” cart:

  1. Mode purchased barrel into two parts.
  2. We assemble the frame, the options for which you read above.
  3. We make the sides or ribs on which the barrel will rest.
  4. We install the wheels.

As you can see, old things can sometimes come in handy, so think twice when you want to clean up your garage. Then you can wrap the holders with electrical tape to make it more comfortable for your hands. We can say that the car is ready. You can start making the “sister car”.

If you have an old bed, then we have another option for you. For this you will need: the bed itself and wheels. The wheels must be powerful. Wheels from an ancient Cossack are one of the options. The design of the trolley can be either on two wheels or on four. Assembly order:

  • Removing the bed net
  • We attach the wheels using welding or fasteners.
  • We fasten the bottom and sides from a thick steel layer.
  • We mount the handle - to your taste, but it is better to make it with the letter “p”, because it will be more ergonomic.

That's it, the creation is ready. It turns out to be a good homemade garden wheelbarrow for transporting goods. This is an indispensable tool for transporting hay, building materials, firewood and so on.

Going through the handles

The handle is the basis for comfort in using the trolley. You will have to literally “sort through” the pens to find the right ones. This is the only way to make sure that in the end we will get something that we will always want to use.

It is important that they are long - the longer the handles, the higher the maneuverability when operating the unit.

Do not forget that the handles must be made of high-quality rubber and not slippery. This is the only way to work with them for several hours without your hands sweating or becoming numb.

Important - the handles must be widely spaced so that the user can easily fit between them.

We talked about all the most important criteria for choosing an important unit for the garden, using them you can also understand how to make a wheelbarrow with your own hands. Before assembling your own driving unit, we recommend that you familiarize yourself in detail with the photos of homemade wheelbarrows.


Making a trailer with your own hands

After studying all the design options, when making a homemade trailer for a walk-behind tractor, the simplest options are most often used. A dumping device is certainly more difficult to make, but its functionality is an order of magnitude higher.

Work on creating a tow hitch for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands begins with a drawing. Thanks to this, you can determine the amount of materials needed and select complex components that require the development of more accurate diagrams.

Frame assembly

The reliability of the frame is determined by the durability and strength that the towbar will have. This should be taken into account when creating a project for a future trailer hitch. Thus, the following materials can be used in the manufacture of a trailer frame:

  • Angle and rectangular pipe.
  • The front and rear crossbars can be made from a corner measuring 25x25 mm.
  • For spars, a 60x30 mm pipe would be an excellent choice.
  • To connect all the elements, it is necessary to make five additional crossbars forming a lattice frame.
  • Four vertical posts are attached to the longitudinal pipes of this lattice in the corners.

Making a one-piece trailer is quite simple. Some homestead owners decide to make more complex devices. In such a situation, all subsequent actions depend on the choice of a specific type of trailer:

  • On a dump trailer, the tailgate must be hinged.
  • If you plan to manufacture a trailer with folding sides, then all three sides, except the front one, must have such a design.
  • The frames of the folding elements should be made separately from the general frame. For simple models they can be its common elements.

Frame covering

This is one of the easiest steps in creating a tow hitch. However, some nuances are present and must be taken into account. To carry out work on framing the frame, it is worth choosing those materials that cannot increase the cost of the tow hitch:

  • Wood is the most affordable material, but not the most practical due to its low resistance to moisture. In order for the boards to last as long as possible, it is imperative to treat them with special compounds and constantly monitor the integrity of the coating.
  • Plastic lacks the main drawback of wood, but at the same time has poor resistance to mechanical damage.
  • Metal sheets must first be treated with anti-corrosion compounds and are the most durable, but also quite expensive material.


This design element can be taken from an old vehicle, such as a garden wheelbarrow. An additional pipe is required to attach it. The hub can be pressed, and its rear part can be bored and strengthened on the axle

At the same time, it is extremely important to ensure that there are no distortions

For mounting wheels, pins are the best option. They will provide a fairly reliable and long-lasting connection. To strengthen structures, bolted connections can be used. The final stage of work on the manufacture of the chassis will be the fastening of the caps.

After creating the towbar, all that remains is to make the hitch. This is a separate element, which is also very responsible. The simplest way to connect a walk-behind tractor to a trailer is a “pipe-in-pipe” assembly. A short piece of pipe is attached to one end of the pre-bent pipe in a vertical position.

At the opposite end of the main element (curved pipe), a second section is welded, and a king pin must be attached to it, which will act as a connecting element. This robust design is easy to manufacture and highly reliable.

Material selection

When making it yourself, available materials are often used, and there is no question of choice. However, in case of purchasing the necessary components, the following options are available:

  1. Wood - allows you to get by with a minimum number of tools. The cutting is done with a hacksaw, the fastening is done with bolts and angles. However, the tree is not resistant to adverse weather conditions, and after a few seasons the joints will become loose, begin to rot and break.

Ferrous metal - a garden cart made with your own hands from this material will be durable and inexpensive. Although the work will require more tools, in particular, a welding machine and an angle grinder.

Stainless steel or galvanized steel is the most durable material that is not exposed to moisture. Such a cart will cost more than others and will require tools similar to the previous version, but it will last for many years and may even be inherited by children or grandchildren.

The choice of manufacturing material depends on financial capabilities, but it is highly not recommended to give preference to wood, due to its fragility.

Which model to choose

Before you start making a garden wheelbarrow yourself, you need to accurately determine its preferred design and dimensions. Garden devices for moving loads usually have from 1 to 4 wheels. One-wheeled wheelbarrows are distinguished by their mobility; they can be easily moved along narrow paths between beds without damaging the plants. However, transporting very heavy loads on them is still not very convenient. Although, if you don’t plan to frequently move heavy building materials, sand, crushed stone or brick around your garden plot, then a one-wheeled wheelbarrow is an ideal option.

Two-wheeled carts are more stable than single-wheeled designs, but require a wider path to move them. A three-wheeled or four-wheeled homemade wheelbarrow for a summer residence is a very stable device; it does not tip over and does not require special effort or skill when moving large loads. However, she is not very mobile, especially in cramped circumstances.

Four wheel

Knowing the main features of each type of garden wheelbarrow, you can choose the optimal model for working on your garden plot.

Making a one-wheeled car from different materials

If you do not plan to move very heavy loads, then wood may be suitable for making a one-wheeled wheelbarrow. Strictly according to the dimensions defined in the drawing, you need to make a frame from two wooden blocks 3–5 cm thick, 120–140 cm long. The bars need to be connected in such a way that a structure similar to the letter “A” is formed. The distance between the spaced ends of the bars should be equal to the width of the person’s shoulders, since these will be the handles by which the cart will be rolled.

Algorithm of actions for making a wooden one-wheeled wheelbarrow:

  • Use the boards to form a box into which the transported cargo will be placed.
  • Securely fasten the box on top of the frame, and from below, at the junction of the bars, insert the axle on which the wheel is attached.
  • To ensure that the wheelbarrow has stability when installed for loading and unloading operations, supports are attached to the bottom of the frame at the level of the edge of the box closest to the handles. The size of the supports is determined so that the body of the installed structure is parallel to the ground surface.

Note! To give the structure durability, hard wood species such as oak, elm, and maple should be used. It is better to avoid coniferous trees

To move heavier loads, you can make a one-wheeled wheelbarrow from metal using the same principle as from wood. A frame in the shape of the letter “A” is welded from a metal pipe, and the body is attached to it on top. It can be made from a metal sheet or by cutting an iron barrel. For a metal wheelbarrow, it is better to choose a powerful wheel with a larger diameter. 2 supports are welded along the frame frame opposite the wheel, on which the structure rests during loading and unloading.

Note! When making a metal structure, all connections must be made by welding

Cars with two wheels or more

A metal homemade product on two wheels will help you move massive loads without much effort; it is better to avoid wood in such structures. Weld a rectangular frame of the required size from metal pipes. On one side, in the lower part of the supporting structure, place an axle on which 2 wheels are placed, and on the other side, a metal stand. Weld handles to the edge of the rectangular frame where the wheels are located, and place the body on top of the frame.

If desired, instead of a metal stand at the bottom of the frame opposite the handles, you can make an axle on which the wheel will be mounted, then you will get a three-wheeled structure. If you install 2 wheels on this axle, you will get a four-wheel model.

Note! For convenience, it is worth putting pieces of a thick rubber hose of a suitable diameter on the metal handles. For easy installation, the hose pieces should be preheated

For gardening work in the country or on a personal plot, a do-it-yourself wheelbarrow can be an ideal option if you don’t want to spend money on a ready-made device and have free time and a desire to show your design abilities.


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Number of wheels

Next, you will need to decide on the number of wheels in the structure. One-wheeled cars are incredibly maneuverable; they can easily navigate a narrow path two bricks wide. At the same time, garden crops growing around the edges will not be caught. At the same time, one wheel will not allow moving large loads due to insufficient stability.

Two-wheeled carts are the best option, suitable for transporting both autumn foliage and bags of cement. Less effort is spent on driving such cars.

There are three and four wheeled models, but they are less popular due to their low maneuverability. Although they are much easier to transport heavy loads. It is ideal to have two options for wheelbarrows on the site for different tasks.

Main design elements

In general terms, the design of various models of trolleys does not differ significantly and consists of the following main parts:

  1. Frame - a corner, square or round profile is used for it. The last two options can withstand more significant loads. You don’t have to weld the frame; in this case, the wheels and handle are attached directly to the body.

Body - in the factory version, this is a stamped element on which there are no welds. When you decide to make a cart with your own hands, you will need to cut pieces of sheet metal and weld them together. To improve the joining, a metal corner is applied to the ends.

Wheels – the most convenient to use are chambered varieties. They allow you to move the wheelbarrow around the site with maximum ease. Wheels from a bicycle, moped or even a motorcycle will do. You can also purchase ready-made copies created specifically for wheelbarrows.

Handle – the most common options are in the shape of the letter “P”, “T” or “H”. A good grip is provided by the handle with the letters “P” and “H”.

Household equipment for business

Practice shows that rural estate construction cannot be done without a wheelbarrow. The earth from the dug foundation should be stored at the edge of the site, rather than carried there in buckets.

Sand, gravel, cement in bags - all this needs to be transported from the car closer to the construction site. Driving a wheelbarrow is also not very easy, but it is much more convenient than carrying 50-kilogram bags on your shoulders.

A one-wheeled car for sale is not a big problem. But rural residents are accustomed to building many things that are useful on the farm. And often from scrap materials. So a DIY car will cost no more than a quarter of the factory cost.

And it will be more convenient, because the owner makes it for himself, and not for the average man. For such skilled peasants, below are our tips on what to use to build a wheelbarrow with your own hands.

Step-by-step production of a trolley

To make a garden cart at home, you need to prepare the following parts and tools:

  • The main material is plastic, wood, sheet iron.
  • Fastening mechanisms.
  • Wheel pairs.
  • Wheel mounting axles.
  • Auxiliary accessories: handle, guide structures, stop.

You should also stock up on ready-made drawings, but the design of the device will depend on the chosen model. The entire construction process can be divided into several stages:

  1. Selecting dimensions and creating a drawing.
  2. Arrangement of frame installation.
  3. Chassis installation.
  4. Handle attachment.
  5. Arrangement of the main building.

Each stage is performed sequentially, and with reference to the instruction diagram. As a master class, it is worth considering the instructions for creating a wooden cart for gardening.

Dimensions and drawing for trolley

Its stability in further operation depends on the size and shape of the trolley. The wheelbarrow has standard dimensions with the following parameters:

  • The diameter should not exceed 60 cm.
  • The maximum length of the frame installation is 100-110 cm.
  • The height of the body is in the range of 55-60 cm.

Arrangement of frame installation

Previously, wooden blanks are subjected to special treatment: impregnated with antipyretic, antiseptic and antifungal solutions. This step will significantly extend the life of the structure, increase resistance to moisture, and protect against pests. The surfaces can also be further sanded using sandpaper. To fasten the frame, the bars are connected at the joints, using screws and metal corners to further strengthen the installation.

If it is planned to make a frame from metal pipes, you should use a grinder to cut parts and welding to connect the frame. Before further assembly, it is best to coat the product with water-based paint to prevent possible corrosion.

Chassis installation

Rails for bearings are mounted on the lower surface of the future trolley. The rack for one wheel is located along the vertical axis, centering the weight.

For 2 or 4 wheels, parallel wooden strips are used on which the fittings are attached. You can also use a ready-made axle from an old cart. At the same stage, the wheels are attached and the wheelbarrow is tested for troubleshooting.

Handle installation

According to the advice of experts, the handle should be made of a strong iron rod. Experts advise using a bicycle handlebar or a mount from an old scooter. In the technology of the fastening mechanism, the choice remains with the master: to make the handle fixed or foldable on hinges.

Arrangement of the main building

The body is made of durable material that is sufficiently resistant to moisture and mechanical damage. This material is most often a metal sheet. To work, you will need to prepare sheet iron, welding and a grinder.

According to preliminary calculations, metal blanks are cut out, the sharp edges are scalded or ground off. The housing is secured using screws and metal rivets. It is desirable that the case be as sealed as possible, especially if bulk cargo is intended to be transported.

What types of carts are there?

A wheelbarrow is distinguished from a cart by the number of wheels. A design with one wheel is called a wheelbarrow; if there are more than one wheels, we are dealing with a cart.

One-wheeled “equipment” is indispensable for the garden. Vehicle maneuverability is good for narrow stitches.

It is reasonable to have both types on the farm; the wheelbarrow is not stable, one wheel requires tension when moving. It is more convenient to carry loads on two or four-wheeled structures.

Advice: a wheelbarrow is made for certain purposes, those jobs that require the presence of such wheeled vehicles. For example, for applying fertilizers.

Another reason to get both a wheelbarrow and a cart is to use it for different purposes. If manure is first removed from the livestock farm, then it cannot be used to transport crops from the garden or vegetable garden. Therefore, making yourself an assistant is the right decision.

Metal and wood are the main materials used in the manufacture of carts, as they have the necessary strength characteristics.

Carts differ from each other in the number of wheels and dimensions. You can make it yourself:

  • one-wheeled cart;
  • two-wheeled cart;
  • a trolley in the form of a platform on four wheels;
  • folding cart.

Make it yourself or buy it

The very first question that should be asked in our situation is whether it is worth “reinventing the wheel”? Is it better to buy a ready-made tool?

First, go to the first online construction store that will give you a Google search and look at the prices. Of course, buying at retail is more expensive than making it yourself, but not so much as to completely discard this option.

After comparing prices and assessing your own efforts that will be spent on making your own cart, you can come to a certain conclusion - your own cart will come out inexpensively if you don’t need to buy material for manufacturing, and you have everything on your farm, and you are asking the only question how to assemble it from what is there. Otherwise, the work will be unprofitable.

In the same store, the price of wheels ranges from 400 to 5000 rubles.

However, if you are a crafter at heart and get satisfaction from this kind of manual activity, then why not give it a try.

Assembling a durable assistant

If you plan to use a wheelbarrow to transport various heavy loads, building materials, large items, it should be made with 4 wheels. This design is usually made of metal elements. To compile it, the contractor must have a welding machine and tools for a mechanic. The trolley frame is made up of pipes and pieces. They are welded together onto one platform.

The handle and wheels are welded to the frame. Experts recommend equipping it with tires, which increases the load capacity and simplifies the movement process. Each wheel is welded to the frame separately. The container is mounted on the platform. Various cargoes are loaded into it for transportation. For these purposes, use an old or new pallet. The device for loading and transporting materials is preferably fixed on the platform.

The operation is performed by welding or fastening. The first option is suitable for carts that are not planned to be disassembled soon. The bolted connection allows you to change the container if necessary for transportation.

Originally posted 2018-03-28 15:13:01.

Features and purpose

The main purpose of a garden wheelbarrow, or cart, as it is often called, is to transport various loads. As a rule, bulk, medium-sized and bulk. This device is distinguished by its small size. Often it has one or two wheels. Weight is about 9-10 kilograms, although you can find models weighing 13-15 kilograms. If the wheelbarrow is a garden wheelbarrow, then it is usually used to perform the following tasks:

  • transportation of various bulk materials - earth, peat, and so on;
  • transportation of planting materials;
  • removal of various garbage, as well as sawdust, leaves, waste;
  • transportation of fruits and vegetables from the place of collection to the place of storage;
  • transportation of small garden tools.

One of its features is the presence of a body in the shape of a cube or trapezoid. In the case of a trapezoid, it is more convenient to unload the contents. Simply lift the trolley handles up. If the body is cubic, then placing the load in the cart will be quite convenient. The choice of cart material is quite important, since it will come into contact with various chemicals - the same fertilizers, be influenced by natural factors, and so on.

To prevent it from quickly becoming rusty, it is better to choose models made either from galvanized steel or from another material, but which is treated with powder-based paint.

A pretty good solution would be wheelbarrows where the body is made of high-quality and fairly strong plastic. But such a solution will not work if you need to transport too much sand, earth and stones. And even then the wheelbarrow should be protected from the effects of various natural factors - low temperatures, rain, hail and ultraviolet radiation.

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