Ways to drill a well with your own hands manually and what you need for this

Drilling a water well is a rather labor-intensive process that requires certain knowledge and skills. The article provides information that will not make you a professional driller, but will fill some knowledge gaps and help you drill a well yourself.

If you are going to drill on your own, without using special drilling equipment, then you will have access to a maximum drilling depth of about 40 meters. It will be quite difficult to drill deeper. Therefore, you have the choice of drilling a regular deep well or an Abyssinian one. It is impossible to drill an artesian well manually, since such wells are approximately 100 m deep or more.

Types of wells

Before you begin, you need to select the appropriate type of well. Depending on how deep the water layer lies, there are three main types of penetrations :

  • Abyssinian well.
  • Filter well.
  • Artesian well.

Now let’s look at the features of each development. The Abyssinian well is a simplified version of drilling that can be drilled almost anywhere. A significant disadvantage of such a well is the relatively low quality of water. More often it is used for watering or other similar needs. This water is not suitable for human consumption or can only be used after multi-level purification. This is due to the fact that waters lying at shallow depths are fed by sediments and contain harmful impurities.

Regardless of the type of well, the presence of a pump is mandatory Source Abyssinianwell.rf

To prepare an Abyssinian well, which is often called a needle well, driving technology is more often used, which cannot be used for work on other types of penetrations. If you have the necessary equipment and assistants, the work on making such a well can be completed within one day.

Before drilling a well with your own hands, it is recommended to calculate in advance exactly how much water is needed. For example, if you need to provide a house, a bathhouse, or other outbuildings, it is better to opt for a filter well - its flow rate is sufficient, and drilling such a hole is relatively simple. The depth of the water layers in this case is from 20 to 30 meters.

Artesian springs are called the best option - they do not silt, since the water is contained in rock cracks, does not contain harmful impurities, does not require filtration and is completely drinkable. Its only drawback is the depth of the water, which can range from 30 to 100 meters or more. Probably, almost everyone is now thinking about how to drill a well under water with their own hands, given such a significant depth. Unfortunately, no way, this type of well is given here only as an example; it is impossible to get to artesian waters using artisanal methods.

Artesian well Source stroybur33.rf

Homemade methods

For drilling, specialists use specialized drilling rigs that allow them to reach waters located at significant depths in just a few hours. However, even in the absence of special practical skills and expensive equipment, it is quite possible to provide your home and farmstead with sufficiently clean drinking water.

Of course, this is possible if you approach the issue with sense, feeling, and alignment. So, how to drill a water well with your own hands - let’s try to consider the issue in detail. There are several basic handicraft methods, which can be dealt with if you have the skills. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

You should choose the most suitable method Source solnstroy.ru

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in engineering systems.

Shock-rope method

To drill using the percussion-rope method, you should prepare in advance the tool required in this case - a bailer, which is a piece of pipe with a sharp edge and a valve. Creating a tunnel using this method takes a lot of time, but with its help it is quite possible to make a shaft 30 meters deep or more. The following provides detailed instructions on how to make a water well with your own hands using the above method :

  • To simplify the work, it is first recommended to make a small hole using a regular household drill.
  • A tripod equipped with a block is placed above the hole prepared in the above-mentioned manner.
  • Using a block, a cable is installed, additionally equipped with a bailer.
  • A bailer is dropped into the one prepared using a garden drill, having previously set it to a height of at least 1.5 meters. The process of drilling a well in this case is based on the following principle: the pointed edge of the bailer loosens the soil, which is captured using a valve.
  • Before the device is pulled out of the shaft, it is necessary to make several strong blows; this measure will help to capture as much soil as possible and somewhat speed up the work process.
  • As the depth of the mine increases, it is necessary to lower the casing into it, which will prevent possible destruction of the walls of the well.

Drilling with a bailer Source stroy-podskazka.ru
Before you make a 10-meter water well with your own hands using a bailer, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with a number of useful tips. One of the most important: in the process of making a penetration, it is necessary to go through the first layer and go deeper to obtain water from the second aquifer. Despite the fact that the overall operating life will be significantly increased, this measure will provide much cleaner water.

The percussion drilling method also allows the use of a device similar to a bailer, namely a driving glass. Unlike the first option, this device is not equipped with a valve. This is due to the fact that the glass is used primarily for drilling a well on viscous soils, for example, when passing through loamy soils, which are naturally held in the container without the need for a valve device.

Before drilling a water well yourself, it is recommended to prepare the two devices presented above. Their integrated use will significantly speed up the process of passing the mine, regardless of the type of soil.

Necessary tools, including a driving glass Source studfiles.net

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in the design and construction of small forms.

Rotary method

The rotary method should not be considered as a makeshift method, since its use involves the use of specialized equipment. However, before drilling a well, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with this technique.

The rotary method is more often used by professional drillers when work is planned on rocks. To use it in practice, you need a drilling rig equipped with a rotor. It is almost impossible to produce such equipment in artisanal conditions.

The process of passing through the shaft is carried out by means of a drill, the rotation of which occurs as a result of the operation of the motor. In this case, the rotor itself acts as a driving moment, rotating a tool located in the deep layers of the mine. In addition to the drilling rig itself, the method requires the use of additional tools for flushing the penetration.

Rotary method Source mircyber.ru

Video description

For a clear overview of rotary well drilling, watch the video:

Drilling a needle hole

If the question is how to drill a well for water, which is supposed to be used for drinking, but after cleaning, it is better to choose an Abyssinian well. If layers of water are located in close proximity to the surface, you can make such a well using simple available tools in just a few hours.

The drilling process is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • First of all, it is necessary to drill a hole in the soil layers, the diameter of which should not exceed 8 cm. Drilling must be carried out until the quicksand passes. For this, narrow screws are used, which need to be expanded as needed.
  • Next, a labor is installed in the finished shaft, additionally equipped with a pointed tip.
  • Using a pipe, the soil is driven in until it reaches the aquifer.

Needle well - a simplified method of water extraction Source vodaklep.ru

Break through the ground or drill

The most common method is to drill a well using a pipe with a filter. to which a cone-shaped tip is welded.

Such designs are sold in specialized stores. The filter-needle is placed in a shallow starting hole made with a hand drill, and they begin to drive it into the ground, hitting it with a sledgehammer, a suspended cast-iron “woman” or other heavy object. When this structure almost completely goes into the ground, an extension pipe is connected to it using a coupling, and the next one is connected to it, and the excavation continues until the aquifer is reached.

Tips and tricks

For those who are serious about creating a well on their own, the following tips and recommendations will be useful::

  • To ensure that the water is always clean and fresh, it is recommended to equip the well in such a way as to ensure air circulation.
  • Before using water from a well for daily needs, it is recommended that it be analyzed. As a rule, when the water quality is low, it is necessary to select a suitable filter.
  • And finally, you should take water for analysis of composition and domestic needs no earlier than a few days after completion of work, otherwise the results may be unreliable.

Before using a well, it is important to equip it with a filter Source tagbur.ru

Necessary equipment

The organization of an autonomous water source involves the development of a mine and the installation of special technical units:

  1. The caisson is a sealed tank that protects the water intake area from external contamination (additional equipment for the device can be selected upon request). The equipment can be made from metals, aluminum alloy or polymers. When independently arranging an autonomous water supply, you need to use containers with a diameter of 100 centimeters and a height of 200 centimeters.
  2. A submersible pump must be selected carefully before constructing a water well after drilling. The main criteria important when choosing are jet pressure and performance. For constant water supply, the pressure in the system must be 1.4-3 atmospheres with a water intake column height of 33 meters.
  3. A hydraulic accumulator is required for the purpose of constant monitoring and changes in operating water pressure. At the same time, a small supply of water is retained here and safety from water hammer is ensured. For a dacha, a capacity of 15–55 liters is sufficient, but for a large house or hotel it is rational to choose a device with a capacity of 100–950 liters.
  4. Protective head with holes for pipelines and power cables. Helps protect the well from atmospheric phenomena and destruction.
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