Hot smoked smokehouse - types of structures and methods of their manufacture

Hot smoking is usually classified as a mild heat treatment, since the structure of protein and plant tissues changes significantly with this processing method. At the same time, the degree of impact is not too significant, which eliminates the risk of spoilage of valuable food products. The quality of processing largely depends on the experience and skills of the craftsman, but the design of the smokehouse also plays a significant role. Let's consider the features of hot smoking installations, their varieties and specifics of use.

Basic information on smoking products

When smoking, products are treated with smoke, which is obtained from the smoldering of small chips or sawdust. As a rule, meat or fish are processed in this way. However, it is also great for other products, such as:

  • mushrooms;
  • vegetables;
  • cheeses;
  • fruits.

In principle, you can smoke almost anything. There are two types of smoking – cold and hot. In practice, this is expressed in the temperature of the smoke with which the products are processed and the taste of the resulting result. However, the differences go much deeper:

  1. Cooking time . For cold smoking it is about 3 days. Products processed using the hot smoking method can be ready for consumption within a couple of hours.
  2. Shelf life of smoked meats . Cold smoked products can be stored for up to a year, and hot smoked products only for a week. In this case, it is necessary to strictly observe the temperature regime.

Home smokehouse - types and materials of manufacture

A household hot smoked smokehouse can be made in a stationary or mobile version. A stationary solution is usually a brick smokehouse. Its construction will require the construction of a foundation and a corresponding plot of land. Basically, such smokehouses are installed in country houses or country estates.

A portable smokehouse for a summer residence is installed on a grill Source

Mobile smoking systems allow you to process products not only outdoors, but even in a city apartment. These structures are made of metal from which the body of the device is welded. However, you can also use ready-made metal products. For example, a smokehouse can be made from a barrel or even a smokehouse from a refrigerator.

If a homemade smokehouse is designed from scratch, the most optimal material option is stainless steel. In its absence, the most common design is a smokehouse made from a barrel. In field conditions, a fish smokehouse can even be made from a simple galvanized bucket.

Design Features

Even if an exotic smokehouse is made from a refrigerator, the following elements must be installed in it:

  • Smoking container , the role of which in mobile models is performed by the body itself. For stationary solutions, a special chamber made of metal is created.
  • Grid for placing products . Depending on the size of the grille body, several pieces can be installed. If there is sufficient space in the smoking chamber, the smoker for fish or meat is equipped with hooks. Their use simplifies the process of smoking chicken or medium-sized fish.

Physico-chemical nuances when working with AHA

As already noted, in this technique food is smoked quite quickly. For example, 40 minutes is enough to fully cook fish.

In order for the operation to proceed correctly, the bottom of the device is heated to 300 - 350 degrees. This is the only way to ensure slow smoldering of sawdust. At higher rates, the raw material ignites and releases hazardous elements. Soot appears on the products and they become unfit for consumption. Do not allow the fuel used to char.

The product must be smoked under conditions of no more than 120 degrees. If the device is large, this parameter may be slightly higher. The configuration of the device will not allow the fuel to overheat. And the taste of the dish will not deteriorate.

When the process is correct, light smoke is applied. Large volumes of smoke are not allowed here. There should be so much of it that the product is hard to see.

These subtleties are especially important when you are going to build an AGC on your own.

Video description

This video shows how to make a smokehouse from sheet metal

  • The pallet, which is called a reflector . It is designed to collect fat that comes out of food during smoking.
  • A thermometer is not an entirely necessary element, however, it is very desirable. Without the ability to adjust the temperature, it will be quite difficult to control the smoking process.

Principle of operation

The operating principle of the smokehouse is two-factor processing of products. In addition to fumigation with smoke, their qualitative change occurs due to the high temperature, which reaches 100 degrees or more in the smoking chamber. Products acquire their characteristic taste by actively absorbing smoke components.

When smoking, to achieve the best quality result, you must follow several basic rules:

  1. Smoke for smoking should be “light” - with a good oxygen content and free of harmful impurities.
  2. Smoke treatment of products should be uniform.
  3. Air circulation in the smoking chamber must be ensured at a good level.

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in the design and installation of stoves, barbecues and fireplaces - of any complexity and purpose

Criteria for optimal selection

There are quite a lot of manufacturers of kitchen appliances today, and making a choice can be difficult for any owner. Some people choose an installation for the home, others for large friendly gatherings in the country, or for outdoor recreation.

There are many factors that can influence the purchase of a particular smokehouse model.

Which smokehouse is better to choose for your home:

  1. First of all, you should calculate the required volume of internal space. This parameter depends on the number of family members and the frequency of use of the installation.
  2. Operating principle (gas, wood or electric design).
  3. Smokehouse dimensions.
  4. You should also pay attention to the shape of the lid. This need is associated with the formation of condensation, which settles on the inner surface of the lid. From the flat lid, drops of condensation along with grease, soot, and dirt fall down onto the food. Drops of condensation roll off the dome-shaped part into the water lock without getting on the food.
  5. It is also necessary to check the contents of the product. Many smokehouses have an attachment for chicken, replaceable grates for fish or lard. The presence of such devices will greatly facilitate cooking for the future owner. In this case, it is important to pay attention to the shape and design of the nozzle, which should maximize the opening of the bird carcass for smoking.
  6. An important role is played by the presence of a high-quality thermometer that shows the temperature in the chamber.
  7. Modern smokehouses must be equipped with a smoke exhaust so that the smoking process does not cause discomfort in the house. The straight fitting will eventually bend under the pressure of the condensate, and smoke will begin to escape into the room. It is better to choose a smokehouse with an L-shaped chimney, which will last longer.
  8. The package includes a removable handle that will allow you to quickly remove the finished product.

Immediately before purchasing the selected model, you should visually evaluate the presence of all components, the integrity of the case, and the power cord (for electrical installations).

Stationary brick smokehouse

As mentioned above, such a smokehouse requires the presence of a free plot of land, usually located outside the city limits.

Even for a small brick smokehouse, you need to allocate a certain place on the site Source

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this design include:

  • the possibility of including the structure in an additional recreation area;
  • long service life;
  • high quality products obtained under conditions of a full technological cycle.

This smokehouse also has its disadvantages :

  • in most cases, the impossibility of construction within the city limits;
  • high cost of construction;
  • the need for land.

How is construction done?

To construct this object you will need to complete five main steps:

  • At the first stage, the location of future construction is determined . In this case, the main direction of the wind is taken into account in order to minimize smoke pollution in residential buildings during operation. After this, according to the size of the smokehouse, a foundation is built for it. It can be either monolithic or made of concrete blocks or bricks.
  • , construction of the smokehouse body begins . The main walls are made of refractory bricks, and the smoking chamber is lined with fireclay material.
  • Since the smokehouse, after construction, becomes a striking element of landscape design on the site, work is being carried out to finish it . To do this, you can use facing bricks or other materials that meet fire safety requirements.

Luxurious stove complex made of natural stone with a smokehouse Source

  • Before cladding, work is carried out to improve operating efficiency and reduce heat loss. Mineral wool is used as a thermal insulation layer.
  • The final stage of building a brick smokehouse is the installation of a chimney and a locking door . After this, you can take care of beautifying the surrounding area. You can make a canopy, provide lighting and lay out a small area with paving stones. Quite often, a spacious gazebo is built around such smokehouses.

Mobile smokehouse from a barrel

If it is not possible to build a stationary smokehouse, you can use a mobile option. Depending on the expected smoking volume, a suitable container is selected. As an example, consider the process of manufacturing a mobile smokehouse from a metal barrel. It consists of three main stages:

  • The first step is to thoroughly clean the barrel of any rust or paint . The paintwork can be removed either mechanically or chemically. However, the most affordable option is firing. To do this, the barrel is placed in a fire or a fire is lit right inside it. A couple of hours are enough for the paint to burn out completely.

Video description

This video shows how to make a smokehouse from a barrel

  • After cleaning, holes are drilled in the barrel for mounting smoking grates. For the lower part of the smokehouse, a “glass” is made from sheet metal, in which the smoldering of wood chips or sawdust will occur.
  • The last step is making a cover and installing a chimney in it . It is advisable to make the lid from metal, but in its absence, plywood is also allowed as a manufacturing material.

It is worth noting that a smokehouse can even be made from a wooden barrel. The technology of work is similar, with the exception of the need to insert fire-resistant material between the “glass” and the barrel. Sheet asbestos is most suitable for this purpose. Having completed these works, you can load food into the smokehouse and start a fire.

Some tips from users

To make smoking effective and the taste of products exquisite, users recommend:

  1. Prepare wood chips: pre-moisten the sawdust and then dry them. This way you can achieve the desired humidity.
  2. Check the product for readiness. The time indicated in the recipe is not always correct. How long to smoke a product depends on many factors. Therefore, occasionally it is worth opening the smokehouse and checking the products.
  3. Experiment with wood chips and marinades. With the help of spices and herbs, combining different types of wood chips, you can adjust the taste of dishes to your personal preferences.

Products prepared in a smokehouse will decorate any table and bring benefits. The main thing is to know what to cook, how to smoke and how much, then the result will exceed expectations.

Other technical solutions

As alternative options for constructing mobile smokehouses, many metal containers can be considered. If you are lucky enough to find an old autoclave, a square container for boiling syringes, then this is an almost ready-made smokehouse for home use.

Vertical smokehouse made from a wooden barrel Source

Another option would be to make a smokehouse from a small gas cylinder. To do this, the gas is completely vented from it, and the door is cut out using welding or an angle grinder. After this, the container is thoroughly washed.

Next, grates and a tray for collecting fat are installed. For the highest quality smoking, it is advisable to organize the supply of smoke from an external source. For this purpose, a small combustion chamber is welded from sheet metal. The bottom of the cylinder is cut off in half and a finished chamber with a door is welded to it.

A more exotic option is to use an old refrigerator. If all flammable components and the freezer are removed from it, then it can successfully act as a small smokehouse in a summer cottage. Moreover, metal grilles are already included in the kit.


Leonid We got a Khankha smokehouse, so far everything is fine. The presence of three pallets inside: for meat, for fuel and for fatty waste. The set includes one meat tray. But if necessary, you can buy a second such pallet. This will make it easy to organize picnics and similar gatherings. Availability of hooks. They are intended for fish. But you can also hang other products on them. Strong, highly polished welds. There is a water seal. Water is poured into it, and smoke does not come out from under the lid. Availability of a special outlet for excess smoke. It is located on the lid of the device. You can put a silicone hose on it and extend it into the hood. Convenient control over the process temperature - the presence of a thermometer. The wood chips are located on a special pallet. And there is no need to remove ash from the bottom of the unit. There are practically no disadvantages. Except that in some cases the side handles get very hot during the cooking process.

Nikolay I use a domestically produced smokehouse called Dymka. I like the aesthetic appearance and ease of use. This device has a water seal. The smokehouse prevents smoke from spreading throughout the house. Only the aroma of the cooking dish spreads. I am pleased with the presence of comfortable handles and a thermometer. The second element is especially necessary for those who cannot determine the smoking temperature by eye. With this unit, smoking is fast, safe and comfortable.

Egor There is a mixed opinion about the Kasseler smokehouse, but it is quite possible to use it. Pros: good wall density, elegant appearance, decent equipment, presence of a water seal. But there are also disadvantages: the hose is short, so it is difficult to install it through a vent or window, and small streaks appear after several operations.

Smoke sources

The taste of smoked products directly depends on the type of wood from which the wood chips for smoking are made, as well as its proper pre-processing. Coniferous species are absolutely not suitable for these purposes, as they release a large amount of resin when burned. You should also not use birch due to the presence of tar in it.

A high-quality solution for a smokehouse made of two gas cylinders Source

As the best option, experts call alder and juniper. Chips from fruit trees also provide excellent smoking results. Alternatively, beech, oak or grapevine can be used. The type of wood affects not only the taste of the product, but also its color.

When preparing raw materials for burning in a smokehouse, there is no need to put all the plantings on the site under the ax. Even a small garden, with regular spring pruning, can provide a sufficient amount of wood chips. However, pruning twigs and branches is not the only procedure at the material procurement stage. It is necessary to carefully inspect everything and exclude wood affected by diseases, especially mold.

The sorted material is crushed to fractions measuring approximately 2 by 2 centimeters, after which it is soaked in water. The duration of soaking depends on the density of the wood and can range from 4 to 6 hours. The soaked wood is dried without access to direct sunlight and good ventilation. It is then stored and used as needed.

Smokehouse combined with grill Source

During hot smoking, the wood chips placed in the smokehouse are moistened with a spray bottle. This avoids unwanted combustion by-products, mainly soot, during the process. In terms of weight, the consumption of wood chips is quite small; 3 kilograms of food will require only about 60 grams. Sawdust can be used as a replacement. The method for using them is similar and they require less soaking time.

Principles for independently creating an AGC

It is important to know both the operating principles of this technique and the design of a hot smoked smokehouse. It should have two departments: one for placing products, the second for sawdust. Both departments can be combined in one container.

Before starting work, you need to create a drawing. Then do it strictly according to it.

Here the working diagram of the smokehouse is:

The basics for self-construction of an AGK are: barrel, bucket, brick building, refrigerator, and other options.

Base – bucket

This is a version for smoking a modest batch of produce. The base is an iron bucket. Any other similar container with a lid will do. At the very bottom there is a lattice, at the top there are holes for rods with hooks. Products will hang on hooks. The lid also needs holes. These are smoke escape routes. The bottom is covered with sawdust. The bucket is placed on the fire. When it heats up, sawdust smolders. Products are suspended. Powerful fire is not needed. It should be such that it simply maintains the correct temperature parameters.

The smoking operation here takes about 40 minutes

Base – barrel

A barrel made of wood or metal is suitable. How to use? The first option is thoroughly washed and dried before use. Paint is removed from the inner surface of the second. Then such a barrel is placed on the fire for about an hour to warm up well. Then holes are created at the top of the walls for mounting the rods on which the products will be placed. After which a metal pipe is used. A flask is created from it with the following parameters: 50 cm (length), 6 mm (diameter) and 3 mm (maximum wall density). The bottom also has holes. The created flask is inserted into this hole. If the barrel is made of wood, the flask is wrapped with thermal protection - asbestos fabric.

The lid can be a thick plywood sheet. The main condition is its tight fit to the container. For reliability, place something heavy on top. Next comes heating the chimney. It occurs with a gas torch or blowtorch. The duration of the operation is an hour. In this case, you need to monitor the flame and avoid excess smoke.

After the apparatus has completely cooled down, the products are taken out and ventilated. Unburned raw materials are eliminated. Using a smokehouse is not difficult.

This version is good for smoking large quantities of food.

The basis is the refrigerator

An old unnecessary refrigerator is used. It eliminates all plastic and plastic components and the freezer. What remains is the body, all the metal shelves and grilles. If there are holes in the body, they are filled with iron patches. An electric stove is installed below. It turns on for 3 minutes. Turns off. A 3 cm layer of wood chips is poured onto its spiral. The door closes. Smoking is in progress. The fish cooks in about 6 hours. Meat - at least 10. Versions of product arrangement: lattices or rods.

Base – brick building

The principle of operation is the same here. A hot-smoked brick smokehouse looks similar to a Russian stove. The lid here is a wooden door, lined with clay and upholstered with metal (steel or iron sheet).

Smokehouse Recipes

A serious foundation is created for such a structure. Preliminary drawings are made showing all sizes. Then the smoking cabinet is made of ceramic bricks.

The parameters of this cabinet are set based on the volume of the batch of prepared products. The parameters of the cabinet should be almost twice that of the firebox itself. After which the air duct is erected. Its length is one quarter of the entire height of the smokehouse. The butt section is isolated with a special collar. Drainage is installed above the input component, as for a firebox.

In such a building the soil is thoroughly compacted. Brick is used to create the walls. For the lid - boards or metal. For better sealing, burlap is placed under the lid.

When you need to smoke food, the lid is removed, firewood is placed, and it is lit. The cover is put back. It opens a little. This way the air will be freely inside. Smoke will enter the smoking cabinet. With the advent of coal, raw materials from fruit trees are added. This way the food will get an original flavor.

Products are placed in the cupboard. The lid closes very tightly. In an hour the dish is ready

Base – gas cylinder

It's not difficult to make. Such a balloon is also often used as a basis for AHA. All remaining gas is first removed from it. Work with the cylinder takes place somewhere in a vacant lot. Its valve is dismantled. You must make sure that the cylinder is empty. There is a way to do this: apply soapy water to the valve. If it does not bubble, then the container is safe.

After which the interior space is thoroughly washed with water. And a completely cleaned container is considered suitable as a basis for AHA. Its walls are cut, but not completely. After all, to store products you need a large door. Then the hinges for this door are installed.

The walls are cut to the final point. Half of the bottom needs to be cut off. Very dense metal sheets are used to create the firebox. It is welded to the cylinder. Before the culinary process, the cylinder is carefully heated with firewood.

Travel version

This version is always held in high regard by fishermen. Because in cases of a solid catch, they want to immediately smoke part of it. Such a device can be created without any problems.

A small pit is dug in the ground to eliminate smoke. Its required diameter is 35 cm. Depth is about 45 cm. A chimney is also needed here. For this purpose, a small trench is dug. To create a fire, another pit is dug. As a result, depressions are formed, connected by a trench.

Smoke from the first hole follows to the second, which contains food. The trench is covered with earth and insulated with damp branches.

The hole from which smoke is removed should be slightly higher in height than the other hole. Then the smoke will not spread to both sides.

After creating the pipe, all existing holes are filled with earth. You need to start smoking after lighting a flame in a deep pit. It should warm up. Then it closes. After a few minutes, smoke will form. The catch lies at the bottom of its outlet. It takes approximately 40 minutes to cook here.

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