Crafts from plastic bottles: 135 photos of options for using plastic in garden decoration

A worthy alternative

Most people take used plastic bottles to the trash. Considering that the decomposition period of plastic is 500 years, such garbage does not contribute to maintaining the environment.

However, giving plastic a second life can achieve several goals at once. Firstly, there is the opportunity to acquire an exciting hobby. Second, get functional decorative items. And this is proven by photos of crafts made from plastic bottles.

Advantages and disadvantages of crafts

Many advantages of plastic products are related to the properties of the material.
It is able to keep its shape and can be washed. And thanks to its lightness, the volumetric structure can be easily moved to another place. The service life of the product is calculated in years or decades. And a damaged element is easy to replace.

It is worth remembering that DIY crafts made from plastic bottles do not always have a presentable appearance. Especially in the initial stages. This deficiency is corrected as skill increases.

Video description

The video shows how a master makes the simplest figure of an unusual animal from wooden slats:
Wood is a natural material, very warm and practical. If necessary, you can always find original works that will allow you to create an exclusive landscape design. This option has one drawback - manual work is always expensive. In terms of price, such products are inferior to those made of natural stone, but are much more expensive than their analogues made of gypsum and concrete.

Wooden bench in the shape of a dachshund Source

Animal figurines for the garden made of metal

Garden decor made of bronze or copper will definitely diversify the area. It will add a touch of exclusivity to landscape design, will stand and last for a very long time, subject to proper maintenance. Such figures, even if they fall, will not break, nor will they be blown away by a strong wind. Blacksmiths are able to offer different options for making garden decor; on sale you can find one-piece unique metal sculptures, light openwork products with graceful lines.

Despite their beauty and uniqueness, introducing them into a landscape design space can be difficult. And all because such products are not suitable for every style. Metal products are not cheap and require constant care. Otherwise, they will quickly become covered with rust and become unusable.

An original combination of metal and natural stone Source

Ceramic animal figurines

Such products are a good compromise that will suit many both in terms of price and workmanship. With careful use, ceramics will last in the open air for a long time. It is not afraid of difficult weather conditions; hardened clay does not absorb moisture. In the markets you can pick up any figurine of an animal, made quite realistically and very beautifully. Some samples are striking in their plausibility.

Animals have emotions on their faces, they laugh and are sad, happy and indignant. Manufacturers offer different designs. There are products covered with glossy glaze, and there are samples made of matte clay. Both options fit well into different stylistic concepts and combine well with other types of materials traditionally used in landscape design (natural stone, wood, brick). The described garden decor and greenery look organic with each other.

Cat figurine made of matte ceramics Source

Crafts from lids

Not only the base of a plastic bottle is used as a material for decoration. From multi-colored lids glued to the base, a semblance of a mosaic is created, which can perform the function of:

  • garden path;
  • flower beds;
  • decoration of a fence or facade of a house;
  • cork painting;
  • massage mat.

If you fasten the corks with wire, you can create original decorative curtains. When gluing the elements together, a hot stand is obtained.

Where can I put a garden figurine?

Finding a suitable place for the described decorative element is not difficult. When it comes to animals, Feng Shui philosophy is used quite often. It is believed that each animal symbolizes a certain area of ​​human life. The correct arrangement can strengthen the energy potential of a family union, attract material wealth to the home, improve your career or make your personal life more interesting. There are special maps that designers often use to arrange decorative elements. They indicate the main points.

So, for example, if you want to bring happiness into your home and improve family life, you need to place a pair of storks with their wings outstretched right in front of the entrance to the house, right on the garden path. They symbolize joy; these birds are considered to be the guardians of the hearth. Therefore, the best place for them is at the front entrance.

Storks spreading their wings, a symbol of family happiness Source

Dog figurines symbolize loyalty and devotion; their main function is to protect the home and peace of their owners. If you place a couple of cute shaggy ones in the garden, they will attract the energy of inner peace.

Women who want to maintain their attractiveness and sexuality should buy metal cat figures for the garden and place them in the most hidden corners. It doesn’t matter what size they are, what color they are, the main thing is that there are a lot of seals.

If you want to move up your career ladder, achieve recognition from others and great success, experts recommend purchasing polystone garden figures in the form of a rearing horse. Its upward movement is a symbol of great opportunities and existing aspirations to achieve something. A horse can run forward or make any other movement; such a figure can attract good luck and help strengthen its reputation if it stands in the most prominent place.

The horse is a symbol of career advancement Source

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in landscape design of sites.

At the entrance to the garden you need to plant a lion, beautiful and roaring. He will scare away the evil and envious, those who will enter with bad intentions. Such decor will help many people become more confident in themselves and get rid of old fears and complexes.

To maintain strength and self-confidence, men can be advised to buy a figurine of a deer. This animal always fights back and is ready at any moment to rush forward towards success. Such a talisman will be valuable for those who love and can stand up for themselves.

The design of the area with the donkey figurine will also change greatly. She is the embodiment of patience, humility, moderation and strength of character, stubbornness and incredible perseverance. If you want to emphasize the presence of such characteristics in yourself, the donkey should also be in the most visible place.

Concrete donkey in the form of a flower bed Source

If you don’t want to look for some hidden meaning in such decor, you can approach the choice of place for arranging the figures more practically. Such elements look good next to ground lighting or as a composition formed using natural stones (alpine slides, stone supports). You can use a figurine to cover some unsightly object (a pipe valve, a bald spot on the lawn), you can place it on an old stump and not waste effort on uprooting it. A technique that works well is when animal figures peek out from under some bushes or thickets. It will also look very interesting.

Animals at watering places near the stream Source

Rules for working with lids

To make crafts made from plastic bottle caps last longer, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. The elements need to be fastened so that the bottom is at the top. This will prevent rapid clogging and loss of color. The only exception is the massage mat.
  2. Glue can be used as fasteners. However, when using a wooden base, long and thin nails will be the best fixation.

To make the craft look neat, you first need to draw a drawing diagram. This will allow you to accurately determine the color and amount of material.

Crafts for children

It is convenient to use the lids to make toys aimed at different ages. So, you can create an educational panel for kids.

The basis will be a drawing attached to a plastic cover. And the missing elements of the pattern will be asked to be filled in with lids of the corresponding color.

Such material often serves as a budget alternative to construction materials. They allow you to use your child's imagination in assembling a robot, snake or other figure.

The main thing is not to leave the child unattended if glue or an awl is used in the work. If you are doing the craft yourself, it is better to make holes in the lids in advance and provide fishing line or wire for fastening.

Semantic implications

Realistic animal figurines are most relevant for the garden. Bears carved from wood, a plaster dog or deer made from grass will fit into the composition of any site.

The situation is more complicated with elegant classic images. They are not suitable everywhere. It is also recommended to proceed with caution with funny, colorful elements.

How to make a storage container

Bottles of different shapes and sizes are suitable for this purpose. Plastic becomes the base, which is decorated:

  • scrapbooking;
  • threads;
  • ribbons;
  • cloth.

Using various combinations, you can create open containers. Or lockable products.

Use of gypsum, cement

From the plastic mass you can form simple but interesting products. The result can be left natural or colored.

If you lack modeling skills, it is better to use molds. The mass is poured in and the composition is allowed to harden. The finished figurine is taken out and modified if necessary.

Decor made from plastic bottles

Today, decorative flowers are popular. A master class on creating a masterpiece includes the following steps:

  • cutting out elements;
  • melting of the edges, which allows you to smooth out sharp cuts and add volume;
  • connecting elements with glue for plastic.

You can make decorative compositions based on flowers. Among the functional products, chandeliers are distinguished. However, when assembling the lamps, you need to make sure that the plastic elements do not melt due to close contact with the hot bulb.

Varieties of garden figures

Getting to know the use of imagination in a summer cottage, which is widely represented in the photo of garden figurines, helps you choose the material and direction of work. But the main meaning, style, color design and size of things can differ significantly and bear a trace of the author’s individuality.

  • Unusual decorative forms made of metal, wood, concrete, plaster, plastic and any materials that the artistic vision chooses to realize the idea can combine the function of decoration with benefit.
  • Even a stick for supporting clotheslines can be made in the shape of a dragon’s head, not to mention lanterns, the stand of which can be a sculpture of a gnome or fairy.
  • You can design side holders for benches or children's swings in a fabulous and unusual way. And when making a birdhouse, flowerpot or weather vane, everyone can have plenty of practice in making figurines for the garden with their own hands.

Curtain option

Plastic curtains are considered the best option in hot weather. The material is able to accumulate heat, which will gradually be transferred into the room when it gets colder. At the same time, reliable protection from the gaze of passers-by is formed.

For curtains, you will need to collect the required number of bottoms from bottles, which are fastened with rings or paper clips.

The design can be supplemented with plastic leaves. Interesting options are obtained by combining bottoms of different colors and sizes.

Plaster variations

The most common are plaster figurines for the garden. They can be purchased in a variety of themes and shapes in the store.

But this approach is not interesting for those who want to stand out and make their site unique. To make your creative task easier, you can purchase special forms.

The mixture is poured into them and after some time the finished sculpture is obtained. However, this option also does not fall into the category of exclusivity.

If you have a good imagination, then you can build a variety of animal figurines without any purchased templates. Kitties, dogs, foxes, hedgehogs and our other little brothers will settle in the garden or near the house.

Furniture items

Plastic sofas, chairs or tables can become necessary crafts for the garden. Their use in a country house is optimal due to the ease of assembly and movement. In addition to bottles, to make furniture you will need cardboard, foam rubber, fabric and tape.

The bottles are lined up horizontally in rows and secured with tape. Cardboard is laid between the rows. The seat is decorated with foam rubber and then decorated with fabric

Such furniture should not be used near heating appliances. Otherwise, the plastic will lose its shape, release toxic gases, or can scald a person.

Gabions and green sculptures

To make fashionable garden sculptures you will need a frame. The base is made of strong wire. Beginners are recommended to start mastering the skill with simple forms. Elementary designs are ball and cube. It is better to move on to performing complex figures after gaining experience.

The frame is covered with stones. The base mesh should prevent the composition from being destroyed. In the case of green sculptures, the frame is filled with earth. Plants are planted in the ground.

As the greenery grows, it is cut to the shape of the frame. The details of the sculpture can be highlighted by using different types of plants.

Method of making shelves

From bottles you can create the optimal place for storing things in your country house or garage. To do this you will need to create a wooden frame.

And for large plastic water bottles, carefully cut off one of the walls. The edges need to be melted. All that remains is to insert the drawers into the prepared grooves.

Plastic jewelry

Plastic decorations are made in the same way as flowers. To do this, you need to cut out the elements of the desired shape and melt them. Then you can make them from:

  • beads;
  • earrings;
  • bracelets.

Fishing line or wire are required as fasteners. The product is complemented with beads or rhinestones. The finishing touch is the clasp.

Variety of styles

Most garden figurines are made in a rustic or farcical style. These are fairy-tale characters, animals, houses. Antique style sculptures can be used.

Such products are often installed near ponds and gazebos. Romantic natures will not refuse angels, swans, fairytale castles, and forged bicycles.

Garden decorations

Instructions on how to make crafts from plastic bottles for the garden vary depending on the design. They are often used to decorate flower beds. With the right approach, it is possible to achieve fusion with the environment.

You can also make functional devices for your garden out of bottles. An example is greenhouses or gazebos. The main thing is to ensure the walls are strong. Sand or other composition can be used as a fastening material.


A garden figurine does not have to be single. You can create a whole composition. For example, a mother bear with her cubs, a cow and her calf, Snow White and the 7 dwarves. When creating compositions, you need to carefully calculate the size of the figures. Large objects can overwhelm the design.

Miniature compositions look especially cute. For example, a magic castle in a flower pot, a lantern house, an imitation pond with a bridge and ducks. The miniature will be a wonderful garden decoration without requiring any other additions.

Irrigation devices

Some gardeners use bottles to increase watering efficiency. To do this, the container is pierced in several places and then dug vertically into the ground. Inside the plastic, the water does not dry out, but gradually seeps into the bud, nourishing the roots of the plants for several days.

A bottle can make a good sprinkler. To do this, a container with many small holes is connected to the hose. Under pressure, the water is divided into small streams, covering a large space.

Some recommendations

So, before you decide to start creating your dream statue, it is important to decide on the general concept of the entire exterior. Products must be of optimal sizes.

By the way, this step is important to follow first. Avoid large items in small areas, as well as small figures in vast spaces.

Be sure to consider the style of the home. For example, if you put the “heroes” of fairy tales, you will get a magical corner. Agree, people of any age want to be in a fairy tale.

The place where the decoration will stand must also be chosen carefully. If you can’t understand how the idea will look, then make mock-ups and place them where you see fit.

This will allow you to clearly see whether the product will look good here or not. Also immediately decide on the quantity. It’s not worth loading the garden even with beautiful figures.

Having decided on the material, found the desired example for manufacturing, and prepared all the tools, you can begin to implement your idea.

Once the creative process is completed and the figurines you created are installed in their places, you can relax and enjoy your talent.

Crafts for children

Handmade products are often required in kindergartens and schools. Therefore, the ability to make an attractive miniature from scrap materials will save time for sleeping. So, it’s convenient to make from plastic bottles:

  • flowerpots;
  • miniature figures.

And by completing tasks with the child, parents have the opportunity to spend quality time together.

What materials are used to make animal figurines?

Before buying garden decor, it is important to study all the pros and cons of the materials from which it can be made. Manufacturers offer a wide range.

Figurines made of plaster

It is the most common raw material used by manufacturers in the production of the products described. The manufacturing technology is extremely simple: the powder mixture is diluted with water, a thick slurry is mixed and poured into ready-made molds. Then the workpiece is allowed to completely fill, after which the finished base is sanded, some craftsmen use a special tool to work out and draw small details. At the final stage, the figures are painted. The cost of such a product is very low, so manufacturers manage to make good profits. The final price of the product is quite affordable for everyone. This explains why plaster garden figurines are very popular among consumers.

Garden plaster animal Source

Devices for outdoor games

Not many people know that a bottle can make a ball basket or a toy on a stick.

Used containers are also convenient to use for home bowling as pins. Making such crafts does not require great skill, but will distract the child with play for a long time.

Therefore, to give a second life to used bottles of water, shampoo or household chemicals, you do not need to have any special talent.

This material can be used to create decorative elements, furniture or jewelry. And children's crafts made from plastic bottles will help develop creative skills, as well as spend quality time with your child.

Main functions of garden decor

When the landscape design is almost completed and the finished object can be accepted, sometimes the future owners develop a feeling of incompleteness of the composition proposed to them. It seems that everything is there: a lawn, a beautiful gazebo, a luxurious fountain, but still, something is missing. Garden figures of cats, dogs, birds, various gnomes or any other fairy-tale characters help fill this void. They make any garden more comfortable, homely, and fill it with positive energy. Such decorative elements are guaranteed to bring smiles, children really like them, and guests, admiring them, experience a surge of positive emotions.

Today, figures of cats for the garden, or any other animals, have long been objects of decoration; they are part of culture. In Europe, for example, there is a whole movement called “gnomming”. Its members steal artificial animals and gnomes from the garden in order to release them into the wild. They leave the figures away from the owners' gates or send them by mail to different countries to fictitious addresses. It's simple fun, but it shows how ordinary people react to funny trinkets.

Landscape decor for a good mood Source

Photos of crafts made from plastic bottles


Category: Crafts for the garden

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